Banned Showerthought: In the UK if you call one person 'monkey' on social media and get reported to the police-you get arrested and charged for hate speech. If youre a known advocate of Islamic terrorism and 5+ people report you to the police-nothing happens.

37  2017-05-26 by [deleted]



I have no wish to be arrested just because I may share some conspiracy theory.

Don't you fucking advocate thought crime. Not on this sub.

He was given a fine not 5 years in prison according to the story...

Also this bomber guy was more than likely an asset gone rouge or allowed to slip the net.

Who's the person reported 5+ times that you're referring to in the title?

Of the alleged 5+ reports how many concerned actual criminal offences?

Calling people monkeys on social media is a great American past time and if that right ever comes under fire I will rise up and take to arms.

Just wait until being white is a hatecrime.

What if you call someone a Monkey, but don't mean it as an insult. Suppose someone can climb trees really fast, and you call them a monkey. I've called Michael Phelps a fish before because he can swim so fast! Would that be against the law?

The whole PC stuff is getting out of control!

My wife routinely calls me monkey. My step daughter calls me Curious George. Which now that I think about it doesn't sound right haha.

If youre a known advocate of Islamic terrorism and 5+ people report you to the police-nothing happens.

Nothing happens because something is supposed to happen.

The people of the UK are too complacent to do something about it.
Protest it on Social Media by having groups of friends turn each other in for [speechcrime] en masse.
Give them a million reports to assess, every day.
If they can't keep up, they can't enforce.
There are many ways to 'neuter' an unjust law.

They'll just get together and start singing Oasis songs in unity. All the positive vibes will fix everything until the MPAA cracks down on them for royalties.

Just for you, OP.

That is because the government has ZERO care for your physical well being...they never have, see how they spend you like water in war, murder you and kill you, poison you and torture you. What they care about and it is THE ONLY THING THEY CARE ABOUT IS CONTROLLING YOUR MIND...your body, they already 'own' is your mind that is your last free space...the window in the prison...the last refuge of the human being.

My wife routinely calls me monkey. My step daughter calls me Curious George. Which now that I think about it doesn't sound right haha.