Fuck off, Russians

0  2017-05-26 by hoofglormuss



Fuck off T_D posters

You ruined this sub.

America ruined this sub btw

Fuck off jews, you ruined this sub.


Sorry, Ivan, I dont speak dog talk or jew.

Lol I feel so bad for your ignorance. Pushkin is a beautiful poet and reading his works in the original language is very moving.

Also, if you think "Jews" are the problem, that's like thinking Democrats or Republicans are the problem...they're the distraction. It's a small fraction of people, some of whom happen to be Jewish, but others who are not, who believe in Zionism and wish to restore the holy land. Blanket statements like "the Jews" hurts credibility, because the majority of Jewish people are not overly devout practioners of the faith, just like most Christians.

Time to face facts: 14 million jews world wide. Thats about 0.5% of the planets population. WHO CARES IF SOME OF YOU ARENT CUNTS, THERES NOT ENOUGH NON CUNTY JEWS TO MATTER. look up the term 'collateral damage'.

So much hate, I'll keep you in my thoughts

You would be better off thinking of a good hiding spot.

sends atheist prayers

sends atheist prayers

Are you 12 years old?

Removed. Rule 1, 4. Final warning.

Problem is the banking cartel

Removed. Rule 1, 10.

Fuck off shitposters! You rubbed my sub!

Fuck off, people that tell people to fuck off.

Oh. Wait.

Blyat suka

Fuck OP

Dvink some good Russian vodka and velax, comrades.

Fuck off Lizards

You ruined this sub

Actually it was us bird people all along. Muahahahahaha!

Fucking bird people! You weren't trying to stop the plague, it was you guys who started it!

Removed, rules 10, 12 and probably others.

Only warning.

Sorry comrade

Banned Rule 10

Everyone eat a dick.

Ёб твой мать

Huh... And people say shareblue doesnt shill here. If you are not shareblue, OP, then I pity you and hope you can wake up out of the torpor of delusion.

The Russian narrative is being used as a political tool to stifle dissent. If you question their motives, they question your patriotism. The bastards are subversive and know how to corrupt good things. They are good at their job. Now though we are starting to see through them and their wicked lies. You globalist fuckers can join Putin in a lake of hot fire.

Sorry comrade