I've come to conclusion that the only purpose of snapchat news stories is to dumb down the population at an exponential rate.

75  2017-05-27 by herpidyderping



They are pretty terrible.

It's really bad. I'm in no way a racist or a bigot, mind you, but it's really ridiculous that they have a Ramadan story. I've never seen another story related to a religion. Maybe I missed another religion they promoted. So I could be wrong... I don't obsess over snapchat stories but every time I look they are the most absurd things. And being that EVERYONE has a snapchat it's the perfect device for a good brainwashing.

Are they trying to defend being a Muslim and promote that it's a peaceful religion? which I know that it is; in a none radical form. I have had Muslim friends.

Or are they just subliminally mind fucking us trying to convince us that every Muslim is peaceful and doesn't want to destroy America and everything that it stands for?

I hadn't actually seem those, although I don't look that often and I'm a long way away from the US. There is a definite agenda of pushing idolization of entertainers.

Perhaps it's an attempt to brainwash people as to what America stands for!

Brought to you by the RAND corporation:


However, as this field of research expands, opportunities multiply to use this understanding to forge powerful new techniques to shape the behavior and beliefs of people globally. These techniques can be tested and refined through the data-rich online spaces of platforms like Twitter, Facebook and, looking to the social multimedia future, Snapchat.

Read this paper here:


Yep that's exactly what's happening. I realized it without even having seen any of that. Why can't people stop being fucking stupid?

It is psychologically uncomfortable to consider that the government-industry nexus is systematically manipulating everything, when they are just supposed to provide us with tools for honest deliberation.

Whats RAND corp? On the surface its known as a 'right wing think tank' isn't it? From what I recall they've been publishing stuff like this for a long time. The paper you shared makes me wonder just how deep this rabbit hole goes...

It's for basic humans who have no idea what happens in the world around them. Living in their echo chambers.

It's appalling. Disgusting even. People need to get off their phones and wake the fuck up.

It's a dim generation, taught that what's on their FB news feed is more important than what is really happening around the world. They are taught to be dumb and they're taught to have the same stupid opinions. I'm 17 so I notice the most with people around my age. And you're right, it is disgusting.

I'm glad someone in your age group has some sense. It's encouraging, but we're not out of the water. In fact, we're still sinking. I can't even imagine how brainwashed the next generation of children will be, as they will probably get an iPhone right out of the womb.

My brother is now 7, he has an iPad, SkyQTV and a PS4... The gap between generations is getting smaller but all these influential kids will have their heads buried in technology from such an early age watching whatever the powers that be want them to watch. It's like programming a human over a long period of time. Shame really.

Damn man, you need to talk to your parents. Or just sit your brother down and tell him what the deal is.

Meh, greed explains it better.

Snapchat knows their target demographic and has marketed to external companies who wish to target that demographic. It just so happens that companies that spew clickbait and idiotic bullshit happen to love Snapchat's demographic.

The CEO is an unapologetic douche: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Spiegel

He's a frat boy who got lucky with an app. I don't see it as evil, but just greed.


until your app gains enough traction, somebody at CIA notices it, sends the CEO a patriot act subpoena or whatever it's called in lawyer terms, fast forward a little and this is exactly what happens. your content is being manipulated for whatever reason.

Actually, the exponential dumbing down has already occured over the last 20 years. Otherwise, nobody would be getting their news from Snapchat.

Don't forget about the SUPER FUN face filters that scan your face for super funny and silly pictures and animations that definitely aren't being fed to a facial recognition database.

It's appalling. Disgusting even. People need to get off their phones and wake the fuck up.