So is anything happening with the clinton foundation, or is that old news?

15  2017-05-28 by [deleted]



Still under investigation

I would love to see evidence on this

You never will. It's an A+ charity donating 90% of proceeds to charity with only 10% administrative costs.

Like Chelsea's wedding.

Legitimate source with an audited record?

oh thank goodness, i can go to sleep now. goodnight neverland.

I keep seeing you here. Stop wasting everyone's time. Hit your shill quotas elsewhere. How do you know their P&L? Do you have a source? And don't give me Charity Navigator who participated in the CGI in the past. Despite this, they are still on the Charity Navigator watch list as warning potential donors that the model may be fraudulent. The Sunlight Foundation simply came out and said it was most likely "a slush fund for the Clintons." Less than 20% of Clinton Foundation money goes to direct aid per their IRS docs. Or how about in 2013 when that number drops to 7.5%. If they're so good, why are they shutting down? Hillary didn't win the election so you'd think they would have more time for altruism. Why are people, countries, and companies pulling funds? Norway reduces it's investment by over 90%, why would this be the case if the foundation does such great work. Not to mention all the money they took from countries with horrific human rights records.

It was pay to play and much worse. Idiot.

Well Haiti's a starting point with the Clinton foundation... then Saudi Arabia... I could be wrong but if you want proof as far as I'm concerned there it is.

They undergo a regular independent audit annually. I'd love to see a source with said record indicating wrongdoing.

Defending Chelsea Clinton's $3 million dollar dress on /r/conspiracy; bold move Cotton.

So you have no source or evidence of any wrongdoing whatsoever. Got it.

lol. $3 million dress. You guys aren't even trying to be a little bit factual anymore. Did you forget that Google exists?

But points out that it’s not clear exactly what “investigation” Band was referring to, or what, if anything, it concluded about foundation “resources” supporting Chelsea’s wedding.

Sorry, you're right. I had forgot she got that money working hard at legitimate professions like the rest of us.

I'm sorry you're envious of people who have money.

Wow, straight to the ad hominem. Speaks straight to projection.

I live a block over from McCabe for what it's worth; real shithole.

I believe you.

No irony from earning money. I had an abusive childhood and moved out at 17.

I've been working since I was 11 and will until I die.

No, the irony of you doing the ad hominem on Chelsea then whining when I did it.

Ad hominem on the person you're responding to is different than pointing out something obvious about the spawn of lizard people.

lol. wish I had known you were joking around.

the joke that keeps on giving!

Yup, more on that audit can be found below. It takes time to build a case. But I'm gonna assume that your Shar3blue money runs out well before the indictments roll in...

Brett Baier stood by that statement..he retracted the indictment statement...but nobody has claimed there is not an ongoing investigation.

After bowing to the Saudi King and being gushed over in Israel, I think it's safe to say the corruption talks about that charity are going to die down.

Donald's Foundation.

Hillary gets 240 mil from Saudi, Obama agrees to weapons deal. Ivanka gets 100 mil, Trump doubles the weapons deal. Fuck em all profiting off American soldiers deaths. These weapons will end up being used by ISIS on American soldiers.

the CF distractions and fake news could only last too long before people got tired.

I seen this post at +3 and then when i hit reply it was at -1.....thats pretty odd.

Upvoted to keep pressure on cf.

Reddit does that so bots can't tell if they're up/downvotes register, I don't know much about it but I'm sure someone else can clarify

No, people have an attention span of a couple of days, things older than that don't exist in their decision making horizon.

Pay for play

No, the irony of you doing the ad hominem on Chelsea then whining when I did it.