Any news or updates about the future time traveller John TITOR?

28  2017-05-28 by [deleted]




He claimed to be from the future. His predictions have since turned out to be false.

are u sure? john titor got officially debunked even by conspiracy peoples?

Are you fn kidding?

Define "officially"...

He never predicted anything to happen here. Diverging timelines and stuff. He just stated how things turned out where he was from.

Some of the images were badly faked and/or mislabelled (light bending by gravity, e.g.).

His technical knowledge of that specific computer he was after seemed to be detailed and correct...

Soo... *shrugs*
I think it was a higher effort LARP then most 4chan anons nowadays, and I really enjoyed reading it.
Did anyone ever prove he was lying? AFAIK not.

god bless you but this is why I'm really skeptical about most conspiracies. they don't want to stick their neck out too far with specifics then they wiggle around about "oh i mean this", "this event really means that."

He was correct about general trends, and said things like "why did y2k not happen?" Suggesting time travellers warned us about it.

His predictions were off by about 2 % per year or something. Russia did "nuke" the US political system with Donald Trump in 2015

Nah pretty sure at this point it was some smart guys playing fan fiction. Or CIA psyop.

I don't know about the smart part but it definitely read like a troll doing fan fiction.

It is my firm belief that his interaction here, in this timeline, alerted TPTB that their plans would fall apart if they attempted to sieze control when they originally intended.

So, they gave it more time, passed more laws enabling government but restricting us further, and greatly expanded the surveillance infrastructure.

They'll be far more prepared in this timeline when they decide to pull the plug, due to them knowing he was legit and acting upon the information he passed on accordingly.

Link to said original prophecies?

Read it all here:


haven't been there in a long while now, that one was new to me:

Looks like a Larp but overall has no validity real or fake

Upvote because last sentence made me laugh! Thanks

Many claim to believe or have debunked the John Titor story but few actually have the facts.

I told this on the GodLikeProductions forum and I'll tell it again differently on Reddit.

So the John Titor legend started with Art Bell on his Coast 2 Coast paranormal conspiracy radio show.

Art wanted people to call into the show with convincing time travel stories.

One guy was Mad Man Mike Marcum who was building a time machine. This is the first time Oliver Williams called in as "Rick from Mississippi" where he advised Mike to send a message to himself from the future to the past.

Oliver called in again twice as "Mike from 2037". You see, Mike was in tribute to Mad Man Mike Marcum. Basically, in this story, Oliver "Mike" was a time travel pilot who was in the California desert and he had to call Art Bell because "Mike" heard himself on an old recording of Art Bell and had to call in to fulfill the past so that the future would happen as he experienced it. He had also tried the HDR(hyper dimensional resonator black box time machine) which didn't work very well. Think Napoleon Dynamite hooking an HDR up to his balls and shocking himself here.

Oliver had really put a lot of work into his story and he called Art Bell again. This interview is in 7 parts on YouTube. This time Oliver is John "Single Seven" from 2063. I admit that this story is really good. It's good because Oliver is an engineer who knows a lot about current events. He correctly guessed many things that we have right now just based on historical trends. He knew Russia was going to be powerful again. He knew we were going to have Star Trek technology like VR holodecks. He knew people were going to stream their own television shows just as "Wayne's World" also knew. If anybody bothers to listen to this "Single Seven" interview, you'll find that Oliver was right on most technology that we are starting to have now. He's also right about political and social trends.

This interview was popular enough at the time to attract the attention of Larry Haber and his brothers who with the help of EyesViewMedia and Disney's Future Town Florida agreed to help Oliver Williams develop his story. This is where I believe David Brin our Futurologist time travel author started to develop the John Titor legend with his "Postman" style apocalyptic future. David was interviewed where he said John Titor was the inspiration for this movie. I've also seen some of the writing style of Karen Haber, our best Star Trek time travel writer in this legend. Larry, working with Disney would be able to work with such famous authors on this story.

Larry's brother, though not a good speaker, was a fairly good writer with the time to add all the IBM goodness and other interesting details to the John Titor story. He is nearly responsible for all the online forum posts.

But Joseph Matheny and his live action roleplaying friends as well as his spiritual friends at the Camelot Project did play a part in working with the John Titor story.

But alas, the John Titor movie project fell through and either Oliver(who owns JohnTitor and JohnTitorFoundation) probably had to stop using Haber legal services, or the Habers just had to cut their losses and drop Oliver. The movie was just dead in the water.

Then you have John "Dana Stern" Titor II who was so lazy that he didn't even research the John Titor story before impersonating him on the Heather Wade Art Bell Show. He wrote a book about his conspiracy, time travel and alien fantasies which he would like to believe is real. But ultimately he was exposed as a fraud. And he signed his name as a ranking U.S. officer which he isn't. That's a crime.

Finally we get to my part in this impersonation of John Titor. Actually, I'm the real time traveler who is just using this entire story to cover my tracks.

I came to this time-line to customize it to my liking.

1.) I wanted you all to remember author Ralph Ellis. He wrote "King Jesus". He is one of the few actual biblical and Egyptian historians that actually knows what he is talking about. He may not be formally trained, but he is legit. People who have tried to debunk him have been exposed as frauds. Richard Carrier. A guy named Tom who was expelled from his school. Bart Eherman who later started to write books just like Ralph's.

Here is a list of authors worth reading. This proves I'm a time traveler because we will all know in the near future that these authors were right.

Ralph Ellis(Jesus was Priest King Azizus Monobaz)

John Hudson(Shakespeare was Amelia Bassano)

Ken Humphreys(shows that Plato, Plutarch, Philo, Josephus, Azizus, Titus were the main sources of the New Testament)

Daniel Unterbrink(shows that Judas the Galilean was an early draft of Josephus who created the Jesus character based on Azizus Monobaz)

Joseph Atwill(yes he says a lot of weird stuff outside his books)(but nobody can debunk that the New Testament is based on the attack of Titus on Jerusalem)

All time travelers know that Acts 24:24 tells the name of the historical Jesus when cross referenced with the same passage in Josephus Antiquities 20.7.1 137-144.

All the characters are named. Felix, Paul, Drusilla, and Jesus. Josephus says Felix, Pallas, Drusilla and Azizus.

You read more on Pallas and Azizus and you find the whole historical basis for the Bible.

2.) I wanted Trump to be President. You see Mad Madam Hillary really destroyed us as a nation. I want the U.S. to work closely with Russia before we are all destroyed by terrorists.

3.) I wanted to warn you of the coming floods.

4.) I wanted to warn you of underemployment and the coming economic crash because nobody seems to accept the reality that A.I. and robots are already poised to replace most jobs that are not face to face. But that robots break and can be hacked. So people need to babysit them. No robot should be allowed to drive near people without some solid barriers between them.

Read it all here: