since when being the daughter and son-in-law of the POTUS gives you the right to access national security info?

28  2017-05-28 by Edogawa1983

is there prior examples of family members of POTUS getting appointed positions and access to national security?


As long as you are pro-Is rael, and j ewish, you can do literally no wrong and no one is to question it.

There are really only 2 examples of nepotism.
1. JFK appointing RFK to the position of Attorney General.
2. Hillary Clinton working on health care reform for Bill Clinton (not really a national security post and it could be argued that as FLOTUS she had the right to work on a given initiative that didn't just involve children and women's type work but oh how Washington crowed.

Do you think that the Bush babies earned all of their positions with their talent, intelligence, and vision...?

I know it's not precisely the same as what you're talking about, but they were every bit as "appointed" as Trump's kids, and to much higher positions. They just had to spend millions more to make it look like an election.

Just like Amy Schumer.

What about non family like Valerie Jarrett?