Almost all school shooters in America were on prescription medication. Why isn't this a discussion?

209  2017-05-28 by [deleted]



Anti psychotic seem to have an adverse effect.

Depends on the formulation. They're all different.

its a discussion for days following every shooting. OP, if you want to discuss it more, youll have to wait until a bunch of children die tragically.

That's assuming you don't get right into "crisis actors" instead.

Don't assume that's a false argument..

Yes, it certainly is not a false argument. More than a few of those "tragedies" are staged.

You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time...but some people are just going to figure it out.

Up voted for best user name.

Too bad most mass school shootings in the US are psyops.

It isn't focused on as much as the violent video games and media narrative. And the little that it is discussed the "days following every shooting" nothing comes from it.

In the mainstream there is no discussion about rolling back on the amount or types of prescription medication that is available for children, rather the opposite with hormones, opiates and amphetamine becoming more available for people younger and younger.

There hasn't been any shootings lately. Maybe the drugs are starting to work.

Why is it not possible that it's the mental illness not the medication?

What if it is mental illness, and instead of the prescription medication neutralizing it, it enhances it and makes it worse.

It's possible that in some cases the medicine does have adverse effects, the way these kinds of medications work is delicate and requires follow up and communication with trained professionals.

For people who don't have access to effective/consistent treatment, abuse their medication, or try to stop taking it all together abruptly there is a high probability of worsening symptoms.

But that's not the medication causing it in the sense of the medicine being at fault, it's the medicine not being utilized correctly.

More often then not violent/psychotic outbursts are caused when patients go off of their medications because they feel like they don't need them anymore when they are actually serving as an important stabilizer for their extreme tendencies.

We get it, you've got a life long addiction to a raft of psycho-pharmaceuticals.

Someone should compare to see how many school shootings were committed by mentally ill people not on psychotropic drugs.

It's been shown that many anti-depressants actually increase suicidal thoughts. It's difficult to isolate which is the larger contributing factor, but I think it's safe to say that both play a role.

Increasing suicidal tendencies is possible, but it's also a sign the medication is not working correctly. Those are the exact kinds of symptoms that should be immediately reported to either your PCP or Psychiatrist.

Properly working medications will not cause that response. It's often a matter of working with your health are provider to find the type of medication and dose that works effectively for an individual.

It's not so much about the medication working or not. It's that any user who has been on the drug for long enough will suffer bad withdrawal when they stop dosing. I know more than a couple people who've said getting off anti-depressants/psychotics is a horrible experience.

That is the issue linking the shooters, They go on rampages when in a state of withdrawal from the medication.

If you ease off medication (as any doctor will tell you to) the effects will be minimal. The problem comes from people who don't properly take their medication.

Or the problem is over prescribing medicine just because someone got depressed one time. Depression is normal, and most people don't need a pill to deal with it. Plus there are plenty of stories of people still tapering off antidepressants and still having bad withdrawals.

Nothing will save you.

Not sure what you're getting at.

This... Isn't quite accurate. If you're suicidal, but also don't have enough energy to follow through, the medication sometimes "cures" the energy more quickly than the "suicidal thoughts" symptoms. In that period you may be more likely to have enough energy to go through with killing yourself, which is why *good* doctors watch patients very closely during this period

In general, it is assumed that antidepressants are beneficial for all symptoms of depression, including suicidality. However, some evidence suggests that Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors [SSRIs] may cause worsening of suicidal ideas in vulnerable patients.

My youngest is a mess, ended up moving to Stratera and Zoloft-plus a few others.

First hand experience, he went bat-shit violent crazy within 72 hours. Suicidal and severe anger issues. He told the psychiatrist he was being pushed to hurt people. Who? Everyone.

Within 3 months we had to find a facility have to him locked down and get cleaned up from the meds. Now imagine that happening to an adult with access to weapons? Mental health issues are a major problem in this country.

I've always wondered about the meds.

Why put a kid on these medicine to begin with? We know that drugs (recreational) are bad for kids developing brains, but ssri's and the likes are all of a sudden ok? It just never made sense to have all these chemicals affecting a growing brain.

Drs are so quick to over prescribe and guilt their parents into using the medicine if they want to considered a good parent. Zoloft has some horrible withdrawals and I'm sure other antidepressants does as well.

The rate of suicides after starting anti depressants and the rate of suicides after starting therapy are comparable, so you can't blame the suicides on anti depressants

It's more an issue of people suffering from depression waiting to long to seek help that the help isnt effectjve

I linked some research further down that explains it. There's evidence that SSRIs can increase suicidal thoughts

Or because of the mental illness they neglected to take their medication and spiraled out of control.

That a big factor.

I could be wrong but I am sure I read this in a majority of cases where mental health relates to crime or suicide. Stopping abruptly can be much worse than not taking any in the first place.

From personal experience with family, this is very true.

Because we'd then have to expand the scope of our discussion to include the material conditions facing millions of working and poor people which also contributes to these tragedies. Violence -- deranged, confused, individual violence -- has existed since long before the pharmaceutical industry, though, so if we do have this discussion, we do have to move beyond simple finger-pointing. The issues dealt with herein are of a structural, not conjunctural, nature.

Yea there's alot of factors that go into that type of research. Can't just jump to conclusions and say the medicine cause then to shoot people up.

Ya it's just a coincidence they were all on or withdrawing from serious psycho-pharmaceutical when they committed the atrocities. Sheesh why do you fags always jump to conclusions.

Yeah but they all had access to guns so case solved. Guns. Bans em.

Look up the statistics of people in America taking anti-psychotic. You can't just say the medicine is the main cause of it because then there would be a bunch of school shooting or shooting in general. It definitely can be a contributing factor but there is alot of variables that go into seeing if it is the main cause.

Nope, I've only watched them destroy dozens people or turn them into zombies. I don't do drugs, from the streets or from lab coats.

Congratulations. Pharmaceutical drugs are definitely bad and have some bad effects to them. Still I wouldn't just say there the main cause for school shootings.

How do u have fun?

Banging my wife, traveling, driving my tesla, playing with my dogs, etc. It's not bad.

who brags about banging their wife? youre suppose to bro

You asked what I do for fun?

The person answered an honest question honestly. Fin.

This article suggests that the claim of almost all school shooters being on anti-depressants is overstated.

It does list sources but I haven't had th chance to check them all yet.

There's no one answer to this issue. It starts with handling mental illness. Unfortunately we just started dismantling the mental health safety net further including programs for substance abuse at a time when they're very much needed. No worry, though. There will be plenty of space in our for profit prisons.

Doesnt fit the agenda

Pharmaceutical companies pushing products don't want the public to know they don't help.

So true. Even at an early age, going to the Dr I always questioned why the Dr kept giving me and my siblings free trail medicine, when he said that we were all healthy kids? This was 20+ years ago and I'm sure it is much worse.

Because we are not allowed to have open discussions in the U S of A. And that might hurt peoples feelings and cause triggers. Unless this discussion happens in a safe space with emotional support animals, your just being a bully and not allowing free thought.

Between 6 out of 10 Americans, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, or almost 7 out of 10 Americans, according to the Mayo Clinic, take prescription medication.

So yes, it's very likely that the majority of shooters would be on medication, too. The majority of Americans are, period.

And no, I'm not arguing that's a good thing or not an issue. It is an issue.

I was on psych meds when i was in high school for few months, and when i quit cold turkey my brain felt like it was on fire. I have never felt so dissociated, psychopathic, and unstable before in my life. It felt like i'd been doing some dirty speed and not sleeping for a few days, my brain just was burning and going 100mph, became very unhinged and on edge I can definitely see the correlation of kids quitting their psych meds cold turkey and doing violent acts. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for a few shootings. Even when i experimented one time with a larger dose of my SSRI's, i had to be sent home from school, because i felt like i was out of my body. I can't stress how odd it was quitting cold turkey, and i even have another friend who did the same thing and he also related to me his experience of going batshit crazy from quitting, having a similar brain on fire experience.

I would say mental illness is the foundation for these incidents, but psych meds can definitely act as a catalyst for one to become even more psychotic in some cases. The way these psych meds are prescribed so easily is evil in my opinion, and is silently ruining a lot of peoples lives.

The first few weeks on any medication can be a roller coaster of weird thoughts and feelings. I'd say it's played a part in more then a few crimes, if your not used to your thoughts being your own and not drug fuelled then I can see people doing a lot of out of character stuff.

Forums where people discuss coming off of benzos, or ones discussing coming off SSRIs are very interesting. Most morons would dismiss them all outright as ''just a bunch of non professionals posting random whatever''.
They seem like the only places discussing such things.
No mass media outlet has ever discussed benzo withdrawals.
I bet that most people in the US have literally no idea that withdrawal symptoms exist with stopping the use of benzos.

Ah..........WT actual F?

Given how liberal the US medical system is with its prescribing and dispensing of opiates, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants and anxiolytics (benzodiazepines) this is startling.

Benzos have been reported to be far harder to quit than opiates, alcohol, methamphetamine and tobacco and reach addiction potential at a mere 6 weeks.....

For a drug that is dispensed so freely in such a medicated society the level of unawareness re its addictive potential is incredibly inept in that the "health authorities" should be educating people about the associated risks of prolonged use. Actually this is r/consp. of course they wouldn't.

I mean look at how weed is considered there both by normies and the "health authorities" generally.

Strange tension/cog. diss. between the actual reality of the two re effects and long term outcomes.....

I was thinking about this recently. If we know to some extent how different chemicals can affect the brain in regards to depression/anxiety/paranoia/etc. Would it be safe to assume that a pill could be engineered to actually increase these symptoms instead of reduce them? And if so, how hard would it be to get those pills into the hands of someone that is already seeking treatment for such issues? Especially if they looked identical to legitimate medications. Couple that with how easy it is to target individuals with very specific advertising, (introducing different types of media to a person that might influence their beliefs) and It would seem not too far fetched that an organization with adequate resources could increase the number of shootings quite effectively. I believe that there are several people/organizations that could potentially benefit from the aftermath of these shootings. Both anti-gun advocates as well as the arms manufactures that profit from increased sales every time people begin to panic that their 2nd ammendment rights will soon be taken away.

We pretty much know absolutely nothing at all about the brain. we have some evidence that certain chemicals in certain people may be related to certain illnesses. We have some broad range medications which are almost no longer prescribed ( xanax, and vallium come to mind. ) which simply work on completely unrelated areas.

but even if you ask the most up to date expert in neuro-chemistry or any related field as to why a SSRI works ( or why it dosnt work in some people. ) you will always get a vague answer.

It's hard to blame your own country isn't it? Especially USA

I don't find that hard to do at all, but then again, I was in the military.

Did you ever wonder why cancer drugs cost thousands but Prozac is $4 a month?

Who would want to keep millions of people docile?

Because so many people in America are on prescription medication that it isn't seen as a red flag.

We (U.S.) take the vast majority of RX dope.

Watch the boob tube at your own risk. Drugs, drugs, drugs.

Exactly. Almost all school shooters probably watched television, drove cars, and brushed their teeth, too.

Good point. I know from my own experience that medication can have personality altering effects. A few years ago I took Adderal for ADD (not ADHD, no hyperactivity). I'm in my 40s. I am normally a very nice person (look through my posts). But while I was taking Adderal, I became a very angry person. I actually picked verbal fights with people! (And if you know me in real life, you would know this is not me at all!) I eventually put 2+ 2 together and realized it was the medication. I stopped taking it immediately. After a few days, I was back to normal.

I have definitely noticed this among friends. ADD meds cause psychopathic tendencies in many people and also increased narcissism, sometimes to an extreme of both.

Well, it was only Adderal that had that effect on me. I took Vyvanse after that (for about 2 years) and I was fine.

But medication is different with each person.

A much larger discussion on prescription meds needs to be had in this country. No fucking bullshit. It doesn't matter if there are links to violence. There are links to all kinds of things, and we don't know what those links mean at this point.

Only a country of fucking idiots continues on the path because a corporation doesn't want to have the discussion about their drugs.

The USA is a failed state at this point. Totally useless and controlled by the merchants that run the show.

cause pharma industry

Because instead of institutionalizing the insane, we give them chemicals to try to change them

You wanna pay for involuntarily institutionalizing every person who suffers from depression, anxiety, or personality disorders?

Because school shootings are key to advancing the disarmament agenda.

And most of them were black shooters. Only the media gives coverage to the few white people who use guns in school. Another marxist conspiracy.

Because then you have to realize parents are shitty.

So then you realize some people shouldn't be allowed to have children

So then you go back to sterelizatoo of those deemed not worthy

What about all the kids who didnt shoot up a school because the meds?........

If you want to blame the meds for the bad then you must also give credit for the good.

Im not suggesting drugs do or dont play a factor in school shootings. Im just suggesting the logic in the OP is somewhat gaslighting

Pharmaceutical companies don't give a damn.

Cover up after cover up... Poison = Death.

Were they benzodiazepines? I hear those fuck up peoples minds after extended use and they are prescribed for practically anything given the nature of the drug.

Even the ones from the 60s, 50s, 40s etc?

Western medicine is flawless, if it kills half a million people it's not the drugs and procedures it's that people are weak.

Hmm mentally ill individuals tend to be prescribed medications.

Wait... I thought we've already established that the vast majority of these MSM sensationalized school shootings were staged?

Does this take into account the school shootings by black teenagers? I doubt it. Because they label it as gang violence and don't cover it. Most school shooters are not white kids on dope. Sorry

Black teenagers ate 13 times more likely to suffer from gun violence during primary years.

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Do you really need an answer to this question?

Why isn't this a discussion?

Because the agenda of the left isn't to look into the failing mental health of many people in America. It's to try and take away and limit the right to exercise your 2nd amendment rights as an American citizen.

Meanwhile, millions of other people take the same drugs and manage not to stage mass shootings

Same reason we are burning, nuking and butchering the planet.


how many mass shooters complained the Government was using v2k on them to torture them to get them to go postal?

This is why medications need to constantly be monitored and not prescribed so easily. I've been on several medications all my life for my disorders ever since I was a young child, and from my experience I can say that my medications have never been monitored enough as they should of. Medication is vital for people with illnesses regardless, but the direction pharmacies in America are taking it is only about money.

IIRC on SSRIs big swings in medication (stopping, starting, etc.) is associated with violence, especially in adolescents. In fact there is some evidence that less violent people are more affected. Supposedly using tapering (in- or decreasing dosage slowly) should prevent this from occurring. (Only have a Dutch source.)

Depends on the formulation. They're all different.

We pretty much know absolutely nothing at all about the brain. we have some evidence that certain chemicals in certain people may be related to certain illnesses. We have some broad range medications which are almost no longer prescribed ( xanax, and vallium come to mind. ) which simply work on completely unrelated areas.

but even if you ask the most up to date expert in neuro-chemistry or any related field as to why a SSRI works ( or why it dosnt work in some people. ) you will always get a vague answer.