OK so i said i would provide a picture of the Archons at the feet of the Sun

45  2017-05-28 by [deleted]

Here they are depicted in ancient classical knowledge:


here is the only known picture in existence of them:



:o Kinda like those jail guard in Harry Potter!

Harry Potter is full of allegories that are based on real world happenings. Wizards are people who have achieved consciousness, Voldemort and the death eaters are the dark occultists.

JK Rowling has even been mistaken for a witch or dark occultist, even though she is a true Christian.

I find it particularly hilarious that true Christians like Rowling and JRR Tolkien who were trying to expose the dark occult are accused of supporting it.

I was under the impression that she does support it. Just because the story has a happy ending with good triumphing doesn't mean she is nice. She's rolling in fame and fortune and her stooge Emma Watson is well and truly into the occult.

Rowling is a light occultist, a revealer of hidden knowledge. "Fantastic Beasts" hints at MK Ultra. The boy is "abused" by his mother, and his evil "magical powers" come out.

"The blood of a unicorn will keep you alive, even if you are an inch from death, but at a terrible price. You have slain something pure and defenceless to save yourself, and you will have but a half-life, a cursed life, from the moment the blood touches your lips."

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So just curious why did you link wow?

pearls before swine!

you don't realize what it is you are being shown

i actually have one more picture of them

why do i continue to try to pry the eyes open of the blind?

ahh, Jesus duality

I love this stuff. Personally..I think there's a hidden language in the glyphs...embedded by the masons that did the actual stone work.

The top image is similar to the deity in Zoroastrianism

I am fascinated with the whole reptilian thing. I laughed about it at first when I heard that people actually believed that there are shape-shifters walking among us. I don't laugh anymore. There is too much info out there that cannot be ignored. I haven't read much about the Archons, but I found this:


I have seen lots of evidence that demons exist, and I have seen lots of evidence that people talking about reptilians are actually referring to dark occultists. I have not seen evidence of aliens.

Boggles my mind that you can believe it occult horse shit but life on another planet (overwhelmingly likely in comparison) is unrealistic.

You can go read thousands of accounts of people interacting with demons. It's been medicalized into "Sleep Paralysis" just as possession has been explained away as "schizophrenia" and "multiple personality," which are completely different.

No, the reverse is the case.

Quite possibly, but the similarities of such experiences across cultures and ages should give you pause and make you wonder if there's a common connection of the subconscious mind, and therefore a shared space for common psychological archetypes to exist.

Carl G. Jung has written extensively about that connection.

There is a lot we are yet to explain about the unconscious mind and group psychology. Many spiritual phenomena seem to relate to these unexplained aspects of psychology and appear almost supernatural due to a out lack of understanding. That doesn't mean the spiritual explanation is invalid.

Sleep paralysis is REM in an awake state. It is measurable and physical steps can be taken to prevent it. It is not mystical by any stretch of the imagination.

I'm all for the collective unconscious and am a huge Jung fan, and also believe that dreams can unlock parts of ourselves. The "I thought of it in a dream" trope is actually quite real, but there's no hint of Philemon.

Sleep paralysis is REM in an awake state. It is measurable and physical steps can be taken to prevent it. It is not mystical by any stretch of the imagination.

You're simply describing the phenomenon, not proving its source. Just because you know, on a physical level, what happens, does not prove that it's not demons.

Experiences of God are probably related to DMT and other chemicals, that doesn't make them fake, or purely physical. It just means you know how it works.

You're the one making the extraordinary claim buddy, better have some extraordinary evidence if you want to push your spiritual perception.

Prove it. Why do people see, and even get attacked by demons?

Why do people hallucinate? They don't get attacked my demons lmfao. I think you'll find aside from being a bit frightened, as they would be from a nightmare, they're perfectly fine.

They don't get attacked by demons lmfao.

Here's your problem. You presumed what you set out to prove. You think it's laughable, therefore all the evidence is hilariously easy to sift through for you.

It is laughable. You are projecting fantasy and then acting indignant when someone points it out that it's fantasy and you have no evidence besides wishful thinking.

Jung didn't advocate being baseless.

What's laughable is your arrogance in spite of lacking a basic knowledge of logic. All too common with atheists; all pride, no critical thinking.

Who says I'm an atheist?

You're awfully defensive of an opinion you refuse to corroborate.

You did. You scoff at all supernatural propositions, and you can't follow an argument because you think the only reason anyone disagrees with you is because they are beneath your intellectual prowess. Both are dead giveaways.

I scoff at this particular one because you are unable to corroborate it. Instead you merely demand that I believe you out of some sort of superior understanding or perception you think you hold.

If you don't give me a source after this, I'll assume you don't have one.

Instead you merely demand that I believe you out of some sort of superior understanding or perception you think you hold.


You presume that this is the argument any non-atheist always makes, therefore you feel no need to read, or respond in a rational fashion.

You hold a non-falsifiable position by blind faith, based on your own ego, and further discussion is pointless because you're too smart to argue with an idiot like me.

So you have nothing but your own suppositions. Gotcha.

You are entirely unconscious. Dark occultists refer to people like you as "The Dead" because you'll believe anything you're told, and attack the person telling you the truth.

Nice personal attack.

You have it backwards mate, those used to he believed to be superstitious events. Medicine and modern science has explained them in more rational terms.

Because they have nice lab coats and say "we understand this now, it's not demons when you see demons." Sort of like how they whitewash history and claim it's all figured out, which is completely false.

You can't claim "science" is false and let that be some agreed upon assumption, at least try to make a coherent argument. I'm not saying 100% of mainstream science is correct but these specific examples (demands vs sleep paralysis), I believe, are better explained by psychologists than priests.

If someone is paralyzed by an evil force in the room, feels an evil force in the room, hears an evil force in the room, and sees an evil force in the room... I think the scientific evidence indicates "that's a demon."

Show it to me on video, shouldn't be hard. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and to me, something paranormal like that would be extraordinary. You can hook someone up to medical equipment, monitor their brain activity, and watch as they undergo an episode like you're describing. It is a tangible phenomena that we understand now - not entirely - but definitely more fully.

Something like 10% of the population experiences this.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

Stop thinking in memes. Occultists tell you things like that so you won't read the Bible and understand how they rule the world through symbols.

You can hook someone up to medical equipment, monitor their brain activity, and watch as they undergo an episode like you're describing.

How does understanding the body's response disprove the source? Our brains probably experience God through DMT, that doesn't mean he doesn't exist. It just means that we now understand that when he appears to people it causes a response in our brains.

Okay, I don't think any argument will change your view. Have a good day dude.

No, you don't have an argument and you know it. Either deal with reality, or accept being a mind-controlled zombie of the elites.

That's so dismissive and such obvious projection man. Maybe I'm just a zombie but I doubt it.

If you don't think for yourself, and you don't investigate facts to decide what is true, you are, by default, a mind-controlled zombie.

The dark occultists refer to normal people as "The Dead" and they make zombie movies to laugh at us.

they make zombie movies to laugh at us.

They sure do...



I think quite the opposite. You cannot fathom angles, demons, and occult "horse shit" - yet your quite open minded to the icke shape shifting space lizard aliens?



Geometry was never really my forte.

Not the person you responded to, but the idea of aliens, not specifically shape shifting lizard people, is much more plausible than goblins and ghouls. Humans are naturally superstitious and are just beginning to understand the intricacies of the human mind. Demonic possessions are easily explainable and whatever other supernatural phenomenon happen can be chalked up to misunderstandings and superstition.

I somehow have yet to encounter a demon, or "angle" yet everyone who buys into that always seems to have a convenient story that ignores logic and instead places full faith into feelings/emotions.


Apologies, that old dyslexia again

Wow is that what I actually said?


Your version was even more shitty

Many minds are easily boggled.

Who made that comparison or correlation?

Did you literally not even read the comment I was replying to? That one.

Dude, Jay Weidner!! Your comment is truly a sign to me. I have been trying to find this video where he was a guest on this super low budget public access show called "Shifting Dimensions". It was an amazing talk, but it seems to have literally been scrubbed from the internet.

It's time to ask him directly for it again if he has a copy. (I asked him once before and he never responded).

very interesting. whats the context of the bottom photo? date / location etc

very interesting

My favorite of all the conspiracy theories becaise unlike most, the existence of Archons promotes positivity and truly knowing yourself.

How so?

Archons feed off of negative human energy. Only defeated by our understanding and passion for positivity and creativity. From what i understand

Perfect Love casteth out all fear.

Yes! Love conquers all

Ehh. Idt love wants to conquer anything

Conquer is a terrible word, but if it eliminates fear in a given realm it has effectively taken it over.

It works, but carries unfitting connotations of warfare.

Gotcha holmes

I think all that is also another inception style level of deceivery.

How was this picture taken?


Top image could also be seen as demons bowing down to the true God. Also looks similar to depictions of the Zoroastrian deity.

If the bottom image is real, that definitely looks like a dark spirit being, not some sort of advanced craft. There is a lot of evidence of demons, very little evidence for extraterrestrials.

Atheist reddit circle-jerkers who say demons are fake should listen to this interview with exorcist Malachi Martin. You've never seen demons because they're just as happy with you worshiping them as thinking they don't exist at all.

im listening to Malachi martin interview on art bells coast to coast. shame that hes not alive today, would be interesting to hears his input on all the things that has happen since 911

I love Malachi Martin because he was once a member of a dark occultist group, the Jesuits, and worked for Vatican Intelligence when it was wrapped up in Operation Gladio. But then he leaves, and spends his life fighting to expose Satanism in the church, and free people from the influence of demons.

This one is good too:


And Hostage to the Devil, On Netflix

Whats the source for that second pic, and why is it so heavily edited and washed out?

The Archons are not 'evil' and they don't keep you here against your will. They are friendly to those who choose to relate to them with affection. That is all.


Having bound themselves through aeons of negative action to The Game, they wish for other players to accompany them so they can continue their quest for domination and subjugation.

Any attempt to quit enrages them.

Enslaving oneself for the sake of providing them company is not recommended.

Some believe that they are not doing evil because they can recruit people to help them do it.


Nothing fascinating to me, just a left brained psychopath that thinks they are above someone else or have the authority to rule them

Interesting, I stand corrected on my lack of knowledge, guess another rabbit hole i need to dive down

be careful, IT can swallow you up in madness. You must only love your neighbour and the Heavenly Father. Once evil discovers you are on the path to being enlightened, IT will show you all manner of evil things, through your friends (they are unaware), but this is the darkness that resides in you actually. Every mind is a self contained Universe, with your fellow man being part of it as a Multiverse. If you detect fear, dont let it grip you. Close your eyes, breath, calm down. Be loving to others and the fear flees. However some have gone into evil too far and are reprobate, like the Walking Dead, from those just walk the other way.

I appreciate the warnings. I'd say too late in a humorous context.

Im fairly familiar with As Above So Below.

I just havent dabbed into the angels and demons stuff yet.

its not too late for many

This is such a brilliant way of wording it. Hanging out with friends and hearing inappropriate child jokes and whatnot strikes an uneasiness that i calm myself through.

Seeing a scantily clad woman in our hyper-sex inflated society causes a rise that I calm myself through, all the while resulting in a pull that gets me undesired attention.

You are onto something. It's a metaphysical balance that rewards your energy by being lifted and things attract. It's hard to prove but it's a constant battle and the "demons" or mind manipulations come from every angle including friends and family and self.

Objectively viewing things from multiple perspectives and seeing true evil despite the corny subjective interpretations we've brushed off is important in realizing the imbalance and struggle our society has created.

I'm not saying go full Jesus but the awareness is blissful and that has to mean something.

Jesus spoke the Truth, it was just distorted and slandered and mocked. His 2 commandments were Truth simplified for us sleepy sheep. Be born again (awakening and resolve) Walk in faith knowing the Father wants all good things for you, amd cast out fear with Love, and dont overthink it.

how about some context and story on the pics bro?

the top picture depicts flight. serpents in many cultures depict those with the power of flight, as a serpent. the Sumerians ,Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans all had feathered serpent depictions. Quetzalcoatl was said to have arrived in a vehicle that could swim and fly. these depictions are everywhere. your second photo came from a chinese news blog that featured a picture of a "skydragon" not sure where you are coming up with all this archon nonsense. read the nahgmahadi. you will understand the archons. the reverence for the serpent or dragons especially in china was actually a reference to knowledge, and were not exactly worshiping . they were honoring the gift of knowledge, as in the aztec and mayan cultures. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4jhSCMy3Ow

It's nag hammadi

yes. corrected. my right arm is in a sling i go back and look at my typo's and lmao sometimes.


Your version was even more shitty