Transgender Agenda: What are the objectives?

0  2017-05-29 by Mrexreturns

You won't do anything without a benefit. Therefore, what is the benefit of the transgender agenda and the act by the elite to force us to worship Transgenders as gods?

I believe it is one or more of the following:

  • To weaken society into the form of a mush and thus making it easier to control, similar to a spider or centipede consuming its prey. A society needs some morals and discipline to stay strong. Once those are done for, it's subceptible to anything and everything.
  • To divide society so the people cannot come together against the elite, since you produce this transgender agenda and people will oppose or support it.
    • Use it to unleash multiple Banana Dictatorship style university campus policies and funky never before seen laws and it is enough to cause everyone to go against each other while the real problems like collapsing economy and infrastructure are totally ignored.
  • It contributes to depopulation since most people who became transgender end up to suicide and/or cannot breed, and thus allowing the depopulation that the elite did so far much easier.

Mostly, to normalize it so Michelle Obama can come out.

  1. Destroy the family unit.
  2. Oh look no more secure wholesome generational families to protect the now lost individual who is so confused with gender, partisan issues and SOCIAL JUSTICE LEAGUE that waking up pants at the ankles, bent over a park bench / bed rental plank wondering who just fucked them so bad.


All true and also there is the spiritual component. The attempt is being made to move people so far from their true selves that they feel they can never be redeemed.

Dumb as hell.

You don't like it, don't worry about it. Society isn't just made up of people just like you - get over it.

You lost because people like you are bigots and think only those just like you are good/important/etc. We are not all the same -deal with it.

Uhhh huuuh....

Oh stop it. I can't speak for the others but I was fine with supporting transgender people before doctors were handing out hormone treatments like candy. This is clearly a different beast.

Same here! I was a proponent of theirs when it seemed like a very rare thing, and before the govt and Hollywood were shoving it down our throats to accept them as normal. I still support the individual, it's not their fault they're like that, but they need help other than to transform into the opposite sex, that's not how you help someone with a mental disorder, which it still currently is in the DSM 5. TPTB are feminizing our men and trying to make it cool, gone are the days of our strong, rugged, ready to fight, men. They want us to be weak, lazy, and apathetic so as to not want to fight back when they really start to implement their agenda. That's how I'm seeing things these days.

The goal is to separate human beings from the divine energetic blueprint, and the make the physical form more artificial and less natural, which leads to more control by negative entities like Archons.

The goal is to separate human beings from the divine energetic blueprint, and the make the physical form more artificial and less natural, which leads to more control by negative entities like Archons.

From the TGs I know, I'm pretty sure their agenda is to go work, enjoy their free time and find someone to love and grow old with.

They are unknowingly collateral damage in a much larger war for our souls

This soul you speak of, where does it come from? Are new ones generated with each birth? Where do they come from?

You ask alot of questions.


Shhhh, no one's supposed to reveal the "gay agenda"!

In the micro sense, you are mostly right. In the macro sense, you are totally wrong.

To what categories do you belong? Do any of them have macro agendas? If so, what part do you have in defining those agendas?

Consider that a macro agenda may not actually exist as a thing unto itself, but rather may be a reflection of your own understanding of a group that you see as "other".

Former Theology major, continuing student (not-practicing) of the occult. Androgyny and the blending of genders quite big in certain influential segments of the dark occult arts. Baphomet the most obvious example, but there are many others.

The Macro-agenda certainly exists, propelled by the majority of media and portions of the political process. The whole absurd attention paid to Caitlyn Jenner, from (failed) TV series to magazine covers to (disgraceful) ESPN award for courage is just one of many examples. Jazz Jennings, on TLC, is another. It's interesting how many pedophiles and enablers have popped up in the television "programming" of Discovery Channel and its affiliated networks like TLC, particularly from what we know now of the "Conspiracy of Silence" shut-down 20 years ago.

But back tot he subject at hand. If you're born a man and think you are a woman, or vice-versa, it is a tragedy, mental illness and deserving of empathy and pity, not hatred. But not glorification.

You left out the answer to one question - what is your role in the macro-agendas of your groups?

Your final comment is simply incorrect. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness but being born transgender is different and not an illness in the most current understanding of psychology and biology (which is growing rapidly).

Not sure what "group" I would be put in. Christian? Caucasian? Semi-retired? Divorced? Straight? "Cis"?

As for your final comment, my guess is it's "growing rapidly" because those are the scientists and shrinks getting funding and cultural approval from the amoral/immoral groups that are most wealthy and control most of the levers of industry and media.

I'm not going to presume to choose your identifiers for you. Let's say all of the above. What are the macro agendas for Christians? Straights? Caucasians?

Most importantly, what is your role in defining and executing those agendas?

I can only speak for myself, and I don't think my macro agenda matches theirs. But, in brief:

1- Christian: Do my best to live as Jesus Christ told us. Be a light unto the world, treat my neighbor as I would like her/him to treat me, let people know He's my savior when it's an organic and natural part of the conversation and not be a pushy asshole about it.

2- Straight: Reproduce. Have children. Raise them well.

3- Caucasian: I've personally got no agenda here. And considering how splintered the Caucasian caucus is, I don't think they've got much of a unified macro agenda, either.

It's all so Orwellian. Similar to 2+2=5, except if you say 4 you're a racist/bigot/homophobe/transphobe.

To divide people not only on religion, race, economic values, income level, gender roles, sexuality, and every other inane topic that they can play up to have heroes/enemies emerge from to create division, but now on what genital you were born with.

I think a better question to at least add

Why the war on "toxic/s" masculinity??

The only "conspiracy" about trans folks (who have existed forEVER and some tribes did worship as having "two spirits") is that the world governments are not speaking on the rise of hormone-disrupting chemicals in our groundwater and foods and more children are being born with multiple genitalia or hormone receptors. That's not about making kids that will transition, that's about making people BORN INFERTILE.

Ever heard of Baphomet?

Identity politics is taking individual rights, which in fact, do need protections, to extremes in a way that is divisive and distracts the population from the predators in control whose agenda then gets adopted without scrutiny.

I think I'm getting what you're laying down. Do you think that our current societies are pushing these people to the center of the bell and that's what's causing an issue these days? I realize that humans have always had differences within the species, but its having a govt and other controlling entities that push things on a society that make them reject what they might have once accepted as a normal, abnormal, part of society. It's like when you do something on your own compared with when someone tells you to do it, you suddenly want to say no, and ask them why they're telling you to do so.

Not pushing into the middle of the Bell Curve, but flattening it. No norms no commonality. Social, moral, cultural relativism. Any one thought, action, person is the same as the next. Creates a vacuum for easy control.

Exactly. Damn, I hate that the masses are so easily manipulated and controlled. And you try and impart any little hint at a different narrative than the one given by TPTB and they shit themselves defending them and their spoon-fed bullshit. Those of us who are awake and aware need to come together in real life and stand against all of this oppression, subjugation, manipulation, and enslavement, not to mention what evils TPTB are involved in, we all know. We must actually do something, like the native people are doing for the protection of their water in the Dakotas, they actually went and stood against those who wish to do evil.

The reactionary right and the radical left both shut down dialogue and dissent, violently, and these kinds of dictatorships arise when there is a backlog of adaptation that has been postponed. In Russia, the czarist serfdom lasted too long. In Amerika USSA today, the rich elites have destroyed the working class and productivity is difficult to achieve in many corrupt industries, or maybe its the technology shift that makes low skill workers more and more redundant. Either way, people are getting nutty, decadent, depraved, confused, drowning in pain killers or other drugs, and some groups do not want babies and families, or also do not want to work. Demotivated. But that is 1/20th of the world. There are other places on this planet with more of a hunger. Or other places where the middle class is growing, I should say, where there are millions who have recently had improvements to their standards of living. Transgenderism is complicated. Some of it may be due to environmental pollution. Some of it may be due to the stress between the sexes that make family life a hassle. Some of it may be due to confusion of identity in mass culture. Or novelty and attention, the snowflake phenomenon. Or parents may be over labelling and fucking with their own kids, reaching silly conclusions based on fads, and adding to the turning their own lives into sensationalism and reality culture. So Hollywood and the media can be trendy and have fun with that. Either way, we are self obsessed, which is ideal for anyone who wants to exploit you.

Word. Fucking sucks to live right now, eh, did it ever not suck unless you were rich in any time or culture? The people who live in nature are the only truly happy people, I'm determined to find my own little piece of that where I am and just live as naturally as possible.

I am more at the end of the line than you are, age wise, probably.

I still idealize nature and all, have a dog, do the walk in the woods thing, own some land in the country, yup. When I was working my ass off 20 or 30 years ago, that's what I wanted, and I kind of got it. But now, instead of doing that 100%, here I am on a keyboard, looking for meaning, looking for like minded people, and fighting some kind of fight, a certain percentage of the time.

Or put it another way, this is the best time in history, compared to any other time, to have a tooth ache. We can handle that pretty well a lot of the time.

Or to put it another way, as Joseph Campbell related a story from Dante, society descends into a pit, a trap, and the only way through is to jump on the devils back and keep going until we come out the other side. There is no going back. Opposable thumb, spoken language, and all. For me, there were certain zen charactgers, not the religious ones but the strident ornery ones, who made enough fun of all this shit that it was put into some kind of perspective. Of course, we have modern comedians too. Ever watch Rich Hall?

Interesting, no I haven't, I'll check it out.

One more thing, some of the rural "country" areas I visit are more devastated than the urban areas since 2008. Not an uplifting thought, but the economics of living off the land have only gotten harder in a global world. The nature of the hunter gatherers doesn't seem to exist any more. Society would have to place a value on nature that it doesn't right now. Until then, I don't see a back to nature revival except by a wealthy fringe. Activities in the rural areas are ever more industrialized.

It's rather odd that everything is an agenda, tbh it kinda just feels like people are scared because they know their comfort zones are about to implode. Also it transgender = men then you've already drank the Kool aid. The issue is political correctness not transgendered. Honestly my biggest issue is the wet napkins mentality and the mental gymnastics involved of the ol I was born this way /crywolf.

Many theories to follow.

  1. Women run the planet. Just a few points of evidence that align with this. Men are 5 times less likely to pass their genes on - in historical times it was 15 times. There's mitochondrial DNA evidence supporting this. Men are a social underclass pretty much across the board (too many data points to cover this in its entirety, but here are a few: poverty, quality of life, homelessness, life expectancy, gov policy, legal policy, gov spending, health care spending, disposable income). Witness the uncovering of the South Korean witches. This imbalance has bred a XX entitlement behaviour in the human genome and this needs to be reversed.

The TG agenda is a response to rebalance things, providing alternate avenues for males to find companionship. It also exposes the systemic sexist hypocrisy that half the population tacitly perpetuates because they get advantage from it.

  1. A Saturnian duality play. To find true balance along the lines of Hermes/Thoth, the qualities of both genders must be in balance. Ergo the term hermaphroditic. Baphomet is just a bull-headed version of the Hermetic Ideal. To understand truth one must be able to see things from all perspectives.

  2. A natural consequence to the environmental destruction and saturation of estrogens in our water and food supply.

  3. All of the above.

Could be the planned introduction of a GE'd hermaphroditic gender. The SS Overman/Ubermensch that Nietsche spoke of.

Yeah. totes.

If any of you paid attention you'd know that the transgender cult and agenda is being fueled almost exclusively by men who have a sexual fetish about appearing as a woman. The objective is to have everyone think it's normal for fetishists to parade in public while the media calls them brave.

This soul you speak of, where does it come from? Are new ones generated with each birth? Where do they come from?

You ask alot of questions.
