(Discussion) Why is marijuana illegal in the land of the free?

76  2017-05-29 by [deleted]



Cause back in the day hemp was threatening the timber business so they banned it so loggers and such still make money.

Thanks, Dupont

Donald drunpf

Dan dringel here

Don Bimplz gets three scoopz

I'm a doctor too ya know

the logging industry and the cotton growers. hemp was the primary source for clothe trousers and work clothing. boots, hats all of it. the cotton growers over a good period of time started placing elected officials sympathetic to the then struggling industry. it required cheap labor to produce, (slaves) in order to be profitable at all. at the right time several bills across the country went to Washington to eliminate hemp. its one of the first big cases of industry buying favoritism in the market. they cited in some cases how the natives would smoke it during ceremony and would make them crazy. so hemp(wich has very little thc) was removed legally from the market for industrial uses. marijauna followed in the 1920"s thats when all the propaganda started popping up, "refer madnes" it was all perpetrated bye the liquor industry.

Paper and Mexicans fucking white women

the logging industry and the cotton growers. hemp was the primary source for clothe trousers and work clothing. boots, hats all of it. the cotton growers over a good period of time started placing elected officials sympathetic to the then struggling industry. it required cheap labor to produce, (slaves) in order to be profitable at all. at the right time several bills across the country went to Washington to eliminate hemp. its one of the first big cases of industry buying favoritism in the market. they cited in some cases how the natives would smoke it during ceremony and would make them crazy. so hemp(wich has very little thc) was removed legally from the market for industrial uses. marijauna followed in the 1920"s thats when all the propaganda started popping up, "refer madnes" it was all perpetrated bye the liquor industry.

There's a different strain of thought that suggests that the War on Drugs was pushed as an easy way to target minorities in the late 1930s and expanded to target liberal hippies and minorities in the 60s and 70s, then expanded again to give the CIA a large source of black money while completely destroying the black community in the 80s.


it was. cocaine in the twenty's and thirty's was popular every where. it was coke's secret ingredient. but it was curly mae(cocaine) and mary jane, (pot) in the black community's where it was coming from. much of the time. in the mid seventy's free basing cocaine was popular in the black communities, and was showing to particularily addictive to blacks. so someone got to work on a ready to use version, (crack) that was burnable directly. without having to slowly vaporize it as you do with free basing. crack literally exploded over night in the black community's and led to what we have now. hopeless addicts, gangs, crime , you name it. including an entire generation of crack baby's. they are scary. they never quit crying. and now we have a generation of early addicted psychopaths running the streets, its exactly like fetal alcohol syndrome. these kids will never be normal. and it was no accident.

To go off of this, today marijuana could be used as a replacement for many pharmaceutical drugs at a lower cost, so it would also mean people wouldn't get addicted to prescription pills. But Big Pharma doesn't want this so they lobby congress to keep it illegal

Add to this the incredible amount of energy required to grow cotton. Hemp is superior in every aspect.

I've never thought about how the alcohol industry would take a hit (har har) if weed became legal. Interesting.

it would, but its big and resilient. also not everybody wants to do THC.

Because it's a stranglehold on the lower class and minorities, who tend to use it more, and continue to be fined and incarcerated because of it

Good point . Have you ever been to or heard of The People's Republic of Boulder? If not you should check it out and they would argue against that point with switchblades ,baseball bats and bike chains if they heard you say that.

Because it's a stranglehold on the lower class and minorities, who tend to use it more

Just an FYI, this is not accurate. Studies have shown either a lower, or about the same, rate of use by minorities as whites. The incidents of arrests, however, are completely improportional compared to those usage rates.

Because you are not free. Your people are imprisoned are a higher rate than almost anywhere else.

America , come for vacation end up on probation

its not going to change until private for profit prisons and jails are eliminated. and you know which politicians are in the pockets of these prison corps, they are always calling for stricter laws, longer sentences etc. its big business and pot heads have been one of the easiest to prey upon, as are most drug offenders.

But they account for less then 10% of our total prisons. Probably it's the prison guards unions that are influencing politics.

its way more than that. the prison its self may be operated bye the state or county, however services, workhouses, kitchens. laundry, THE GUARDS are all supplied bye private industry. incarceration is big business.http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-prison-industry-in-the-united-states-big-business-or-a-new-form-of-slavery/8289

lol... "Land of the free".... I really hope you were trying to be funny because no one really thinks that the US is the "Land of the Free"!

Aside from that, the reasons have expanded over the years. Started with protectionism of preferred industries, racism, ideology, religion, police and prisons wanting more money, pharma industry, and one of the big reasons is to control the mind (look into Graham Hancock's work).

Because you vote for people like Trump.

So Trump made marijuana illegal ? Got it thanks for your well thought out reply.

Exactly this right here.These people are dumb as duck and should be rounded up and locked up somewhere just for the sake of our future society.

You want to get rid of tyranny by being tyrannical?

I feel like viewing the idea of getting rid of an evil tyrant who constantly shits on basic human rights is tyrannical is a good example of what is wrong with the left and why it always loses.You have to fight fire with fire sometimes.I think you people would start to get this since Trump got elected but the way things are going with this kind of mentality on the left he will probably get re-elected.

They are all puppets, bud. This political environment in the USA is just a show to keep you distracted and entertained. Looks like they are doing their job. Reminder yet again that ultrahip president we recently had did nothing in regards to the legalization of cannabis, either. Have a good one.

Sorry pal you lost me at "puppets".I used to sound like you and I've even shit on obama and his administration for not doing anything about legalization but let's not joke ourselves that this administration is going to legalize it hell it will be like going back in time.With all these dumb ass conservatives in charge shit is going to hit the fan badly not that the democrats are the good guys or anything but this whole both parties are equally as bad is why we get the shit show in the first place and it doesn't help that the other "third" parties are just as fucked (libertarian party for example).

Looks like you've figured it all out. In light of that, have a good one.

obama had 8 years to do something and he wouldn't

The only politician that would have helped was rand paul, or gary johnson but he was a goof.

I think it has a historical cause. George Washington grew and smoked it. Hemp was, at one point, widely used. So it went from acceptable to unacceptable. This happened, imo, somewhere around the turn of the century. It went hand in hand with the temperance movement (a feminist social control play), which ironically put control of alcohol in a smaller set of hands (the mob, the people that trafficked it like the Seagrams). This went hand in hand with industrialization and the ethic of "hard work". Weed keeps you on the couch, amusing yourself with silly ideas some of which might be dangerous to the status quo. Because you're amotivated, you're also far less likely to go commit crimes or act against any of the traditional duality traps the establishment has created to maintain control. So they have to make it illegal. Can't have slackers slacking off on their anti-estab efforts. Every Hero System needs villains - which is also the cause for a lot of divide and conquer and racial policy.

Post-industry which is now, people widely know it has many benefits as well as being enjoyable. This was great for the migration of the "work ethic" to the "distraction ethic" model of social control currently being implemented (and failing ever more, every day). Which is why we've seen it become more acceptable.

Finally, keeping it illegal, or giving a small set of actors the freedom to arbitrarily persecute people has always been a stalwart of the american prison industry. How else does this power stay around but by finding new people to villainize?

Well thought out and executed reply , I appreciate your efforts here

Eh it's because a significant amount of decision makers had little or no familiarity with it, so..

yeah, but they do have familiarity with make money out of it

more like Land of the Freedom to PROFIT!!!

freedom = free doom

Thanks to that waste of life that deserves to be thrown in a hole and buried alive and not be the A.G. Jeff Sessions this is just going to get worse.

It expands your cognitive function, and they're really trying to dumb us down.


Because Nixon supported tobacco companies. He commissioned a study on marijuana and when the results were only positive, he had it classified following a hissy fit. Since then tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceutical companies have lobbied to maintain the prohibition.


America is the farthest thing there is from free. America is an oligarchic policr state.

How so?

It was a brilliant scheme to get the inmates to pay for the prison, and guard themselves. You gotta admit that?

Yeah, evil, but clever.


Law enforcement and prison budgets benefit. Alcohol industry avoids competition. Now even the drug industry has an interest in monopolizing it.

"land of the free? Ya right, whoever told you that is your enemy."

It'd be really great for weed to be legal but also totally shit. Dealers would be out of a job and would struggle to get a "proper" one if they've ever been charged for a drug offence (yes I think this matters because I can think of hundreds of jobs more unethical!). It would be taxed and they could easily mess around with strains if they wanted to. Decriminalise weed and you get less crime, less people in prison, less people with drug offenses and less shitty paper work for the police. I think the same applies for other stupid criminal acts like the TV license shit, illegally downloading stuff, prostitution ... If crimes like these weren't such serious crimes we wouldn't have such serious criminals everywhere.

Also weed opens your mind, they don't want that

free the power of the people in uniform.

Marihuana, Mushrooms, LSD, Cocaine, Opium, Prostitution, ever eroding gun rights, draconian penalties such as becoming a felon for harmless crimes, etc.

We haven't been the land of the free for quite some time. The Northern European countries are more free than we are and the average person has a better quality of life.

This country is a fucking joke.

One big reason is Big Pharma money.

Because it would make us self sufficient and not needing the services of a corrupt cabal of corporate cretins.

I like that-"corrupt cabal of corporate cretins"

Because making one drug legal while the rest aren't creates The opioid epidemic we're seeing? Especially here in Colorado 🤔

$$$$$ a big root in the tree of evil

Cause we're not free.. only free to do what our government allows us to

To keep blacks and mexicans locked up way back when, now just to lock up people and profit

From what I heard its because some American dood in charge of prohibition was worried about his job when that finished and decided marijuana was super bad and made people kill other people so his huge government department didnt get disbanded. The rest of us just went along with it by all accounts.

Not sure how true it is but it sounds plausible.

I feel like viewing the idea of getting rid of an evil tyrant who constantly shits on basic human rights is tyrannical is a good example of what is wrong with the left and why it always loses.You have to fight fire with fire sometimes.I think you people would start to get this since Trump got elected but the way things are going with this kind of mentality on the left he will probably get re-elected.

freedom = free doom

yeah, but they do have familiarity with make money out of it

Sorry pal you lost me at "puppets".I used to sound like you and I've even shit on obama and his administration for not doing anything about legalization but let's not joke ourselves that this administration is going to legalize it hell it will be like going back in time.With all these dumb ass conservatives in charge shit is going to hit the fan badly not that the democrats are the good guys or anything but this whole both parties are equally as bad is why we get the shit show in the first place and it doesn't help that the other "third" parties are just as fucked (libertarian party for example).

But they account for less then 10% of our total prisons. Probably it's the prison guards unions that are influencing politics.