top 4 out of 5 post are all made by 25 days account that posts exclusively in conspiracy

341  2017-05-30 by Edogawa1983


Man wtf is with these 25 day accounts? I wanted to post about this myself BUT I got a final warning the other day for saying someone had 22 day account.

Just confirmed this myself. Wtf.....

What they are doing is quite counterproductive to their apparent purpose. Root for them to do it harder ;)

Do you know the names of the people in the photos? For some reason they're hard to find in the thread ...

Or so you think.

A lot of the threads are just stupid and the top comments prove them wrong. I don't see the point if everyone is going to hate "Trump supporters" for spamming obviously wrong posts. Could be black propaganda I guess. That's what's I would do if I ran the organization.

Why actual Trump supporters would post tone-deaf transparently pro-Trump propaganda on /r/conspiracy is beyond me. Seems like a very convenient narrative tool for shills to use to condemn those evil /r/the_donald hooligans and excuse for they themselves to be increasingly partisan.

The goal of any shill is to divide and conquer - first one must divide. The way they are going about it in this sub is to manufacture a political fight - pro-Trump vs. anti-Trump - that consumes every single thread and stifles productive discussion.

The aim is to give the mods the excuse they need to crack down on the userbase of the sub (such as Rule 10.) Ultimately, mods will be "forced" to "respond" to the shill problem by shutting down everyone who tries to bring attention to it in the first place. When that happens, you'll have another dead subreddit.

The problem from a shill's perspective with /r/conspiracy is that the userbase is politically independent and largely doesn't actually care very much if a story hurts Trump/helps Trump or hurts the DNC/helps the DNC. That cannot happen on reddit anymore, or at least, isn't supposed to. This website is supposed to be about propaganda now, God knows they paid to have it that way and God knows they'll make sure it turns out that way.


So the shills pretend to be Donald supporters, like Alex Jones. Then they pretend to be the people discrediting Donald supporters?

That's a fair assessment. Sometimes I just wonder if what I'm thinking is by my own logical design, or something convoluted among well-orchestrated info and disinfo. I think its important that I keep reminding myself of this possibility.


  • story is organic, response is organic: no foul.

  • story is organic, response is astroturf: they piss off more people than they deceive by at least an order of magnitude.

  • story is astroturf, response is organic: they unite the sub against them.

  • story is astroturf, response is astroturf: they piss off more people than they deceive by at least an order of magnitude AND unite the sub against them.

In the case of the one story I looked into (r/conspiracy/comments/6e1c5e/all_3_investigating_or_exposing_dnc_voter_fraud/), it would be astroturf/astroturf if it were anything. I'm not reading that from the thread, I'm reading it from our reaction to the thread.

This happens to be a particularly dumb play even for astroturfers.

  • The claim is immaterial. Confirming that Seth Rich leaked the DNC e-mails is beyond sufficient to flip the table. Complicating the story with weak claims is no worse than a distraction that we will grind through because it's fun. (Look, I'm doing it now!)

  • Setting up strawmen then instantly knocking them down burns both the source and the posters.

It doesn't really matter who's fucking up or why they're fucking up. What matters is the identity of Seth Rich's murderer. Eyes on the prize.

27 day account here...whew...I'm two over, I guess I'm in the clear from this McCarthyism.

It was too obvious when every /arr/politics user was flooding this sub for shilling purposes.

They had to create new accounts.

Prepare to move on from this site folks...

You realize all those accounts were created two days before the Macron thing and that's all they were pushing, right?

Those warnings are so stupid, the sub is being over run and the people trying to point it out are being punished. Something is very wrong there.

I said that same thing months ago. It was a subtle creep at first and now it's a full blown attack. You either let it go and one day it's fully over grown your garden you you spray it to death when it starts.

Mods need to do something about this

Mods are in on it.

They really are.

This is correct, 4 of them are pretty staunch Trump supporters at this point IIRC.

Mods are fervent trump supporters and everyone's over here scratching their head 'why do the mods not mind this place being manipulated in favor of alt right talking points?'

It gets manipulated by both sides just as much as each other.

You take a look at the front page of /r/conspiracy and tell me you can honestly claim that.

I honestly say that, and i honestly don't think you are in a position to judge.

Looking at your post history, you have a clear bias to one side. For your own sake, look beyond left v right. It's a prison for your mind.

I have never once pretended I don't have a bias.

Anyone who says they don't is outright lying. Everyone has a bias in one thing or another.

Well I am sorry for you. Look beyond major parties and ideologies. You won't find any answers there.

You are assuming that because I have a bias that I don't keep an open mind?

That's a pretty bold assertion with pretty minimal information.

You trying to drag this out into some weird arguement suggests so

I thought this was a conversation with a back and forth. My mistake.

Shit I misread, apologies.

Where I am coming from is a non-American, with a strong distain for my own two major parties (that are almost identical in ideologies and action), seeing this board filled with US politics either skewed in favor of Dems or Republicans. I feel it is equal, could be wrong.

I feel that left v right is pointless. Ultimately this is exactly why parties were put there in the first place. An illusion of choice while the elite broaden the gap between us and them further. I think we all recognise the deep state and the concerted efforts to disrupt demorcracy, dominate wealth, control resources and essentially own the world. When it comes to that, left and right major parties don't mean shit. Both sides bow down.

So back to bias, I think it is silly, left v right is and old ideology that should have died long ago, but is a useful tool that separates people. I wish this sub would move on, or at least had dedicated discussions per talking point. But whenever anything happens from both sides we get 50 threads about it clogging up the sub. And it is either shills, or people with their own bias thoughts to push.

Idk. Wish we could all get along and fight TPTB.

It certainly is a useful tool when it's abused and when reactionaries take control of the narrative.

However the "left vs right" divide is really about a disagreement on the fundamental social contract of society and how to advance forward. It doesn't need to be a dangerous division as long as we don't let it become one.

It's easy for Republicans and Democrats to get along. Hell, MSNBC's Morning Joe has their two anchors, a Democrat and an actual Republican politician, are getting married. Never mind that they've been working together for years.

In the days when the US government was functional, making compromise and deals was fundamental to governing. Not like today where you have people pushing "party loyalty" over country.

I don't think you understand what I mean when I say meaningless. The two party system itself should be obsolete. These two parties have always been corrupt, always propagated war and always sided with the rich against the poor. Any compromise or deal has been on their terms and knowingly broadened the inequality gap.

In regards to left v right the social idea, it is obsolete and a trap. Life is more complex than that. It is a trap because right wing people get stuck on their way of thinking when it comes to every issue and left wing people do the same. Team picking.

Those weremall created 2 days before the fake Macon leaks.

They all started spamming the fake Macron leaks story at precisely the same time.

I called it out back then. Was called a shill.

I called it out back then. Was called a shill.

That's because you posted in like 9 different Syria gas story topics like it was your day job. Shills can call shills shills to make themselves seem legit. Shills don't all work together, some work for say Israel and oppose LePen because she is an "antisemite".

Are you calling me a shill?

They probably just think you're cute.

I'm obsessed with calling out bullshit.

Not very zen of you zen master zen

Isn't it though? I just got a pm from another user "He baited me into calling him a shill on my main account to get me banned."

Notice how I avoid that though by never taking the obvious bait?

You again. Are you calling me a shill?

Why are you obsessed with me?

See he's trying to get me both with rule 10. and the rule against stalking.

I'm with you. Plus, I don't care if someone has been a redditor for 4 years, if he's only made comments since May 4 of this year, then it's a bit hinky.

/u/TwoDayOldAccount got a great name out of it though.

What part of them was fake?

The offshore accounts stuff.

Can you provide some legitimate evidence of this?

Why should I? Those who claim they are real haven't provided any evidence that they are.

Since there is no evidence that they are real, I can dismiss the claim without further reason.

I see you have downvoted my original comment, but i will give you an upvote for the sake of discussion.

That is a retarded approach my friend, why would you partake in such childish bullshit?

There weren't thousands of emails about the offshore accounts. There was one 4chan post with badly photoshopped shit about it.

This post has ~3000 upvotes, zero evidence. It's just a picture of 3 people. The top discussion on it is pointing this out, yet it's the 6th top post for the past week (4th is the same story, same top comments pointing out how it's unrelated to voter fraud).

r/conspiracy mods need to decide if they're happy with propaganda being manipulated to the top on this sub. So far it seems like they're fine with it.

So far it seems like they're fine with it.

When I reported this a month ago, they mocked me and then muted me from sending messages to the mods.

Some might call that ironic.

Don't feel so bad. I have just recently been openly called a shill and the mods actually reinstated the post after originally deleting it. My post arguing that it was a blatant rule 10 violation was obviously ignored.

Have you considered the possibility that shit posts like this one are artificially elevated to the FP here, in order to discredit the quality of the content provided here, and to have all the top comments easily debunk it or call it out as being partisan?

As someone who doesn't subscribe to a left or right ideology, it seems to me like this kind of thing has been going on a lot more recently. Blatantly shit posts, that typically wouldn't make it out of /New, are sitting atop the FP for way longer than they should, with all the top comments calling bullshit, and blaming T_D trolls for vote manipulation.

You've gotta ask yourself... who benefits?

I think accusing people of shilling is step one of any good shills defensive system.

I disagree. It really lowers the level of discourse because people inevitable overuse accusations of shilling. During the 2016 primaries, anything pro-Hillary that I wrote in /r/politics was immediately hit with shill accusations. No attempt at discussion. The same happened when I politely called out a few WikiLeaks excerpts that were clearly being taken out of context in /r/WikiLeaks. It just lets accusers derail and stifle meaningful debate.

That's what I mean to some degree. I think calling people out as shills is a tactic most effectively used by the shills themselves rather than the people trying to call them out.

I think ironically that banning shill accusations is probably the best way to take some of the advantage away from shills.

Ah, I didn't infer the missing apostrophe. I thought you mean a defensive system against shills, not a "shill's defensive system".

Rule 10 is an abomination, and some mods abuse it wholesale.

Not being allowed to say the word "shill" on Reddit is itself a conspiracy, and the r/conspiracy mods are complicit

Yes, interesting that.

Uh, you're allowed to say shill on Reddit; not sure what you're seeing that says otherwise. In this sub, you're just not allowed to use it as an insult (which, let's be honest, this sub is prone to do).

You're not allowed to point out shilling anywhere on Reddit

You're allowed to talk about it, but publicly calling out a specific account isn't allowed because that's how you get witch hunts.

We need a witch hunt

I agree, Inquisitions as Social Imperatives.

As imposed to an inquisition by authority, right?

The first rule of not mentioning shilling is not mentioning shilling.

That's because Reddit is complicit in the shilling

/u/Colouratura u/BOND_0007 /u/TwoDayOldAccount u/Wang_Peng_88

WTF is going on. Also most of the top posts have a suspiciously high upvote to comment ratio. Some of the posts like this one, nearly every comment says the posts is fake / garbage. Seems like bots upvote and real people are commenting.

Ive never noticed the first one but yes the other 3 for sure!

It's shocking that you can get a warning for that. Especially in this sub.

The mods don't want you noticing thing.

Also, since when are hardcore neoliberals/neocons/party defenders/bootlickers/partisans suddenly so seemingly interested in conspiracy and non-mainstream media? Never before this election did I see tons of folks in here who had the attitude of "the establishment is wonderful and centrism is the answer!!!".

the establishment is wonderful and centrism is the answer!!!

lol. where are you seeing those? I literally have not seen any of those comments in the past several months.

All you have ever done here is defend the powerful.

Most of my comments are offering the truth about the fake news that is spammed here like the fake FBI document, fake timelines, wrong twitter handles, etc.

I am not sorry you are mad about the truth.

not mad.


Lmao u/edogawa1983

Yup. Just looked at a bunch of top posts - most are 25 days old, but also a 24 day old and a 26 day old. Hmmmmmm...

Isn't that when the Seth rich story re-emerged?

No, that is when the Macron leaks story emerged. The accounts became active 5ish days ago, when the Seth Rich story emerged.

theres a lot of shit going on in here and the_donald since the seth story re-emerged

That's the biggest sign we're close to the nest. The hornets are swarming now.

Except for the fact that these posts you guys are talking about are all pro-Seth rich conspiracy. So it's not like these fresh accounts are trying to do anything but push the narrative that the DNC killed him.

They're all shitty posts without sources and questionable material. Any posts directly discrediting the conspiracy are too out of place at this point, they'd stick out like a sore thumb and theres far too many coincidences. SO now they're posting badly sourced stuff that can be easily debunked so everyone can say "see this is shit, nothing to see here". All the while the other half are in the comments saying "OH SURE LETS DISRESPECT HIS PARENTS STOP LOOKING INTO THIS.

So let me get this straight. These accounts all keep pushing the Seth Rich conspiracy hoping that people will go into the comments and read people debunking sources and that's supposed to make them not believe the conspiracy any more?

Is that a fuckin joke?

People see surface stuff getting debunked and it may convince them that there is no need to look deeper. Open your mind a little. Thanks for the downvote.

Out of all the front page posts about Seth, there is one top comment questioning the source.

So this hilarious theory of yours is pretty dumb. Makes 10000x more sense that the shill accounts pushing a narrative are the ones you agree with. Maybe you should open your mind a little too.

Most people only read the headline, fewer people read the comments, and few even click on the link. The first argument people see is the most effective one, fewer will see that the first argument is a lie, and even others will refuse to believe that first argument is a lie after being presented proof.

I had this thought too. I wouldn't rule it out as a tactic. The counter argument makes sense. I doubt that many people read much past the headline, but the more bullshit headlines, the more people turn it off. Anyway, thanks for taking the bullets on this.

yeah its a pretty well known tactic called muddying the waters.

Why not just use these shill accounts to push the opposite narrative instead? That's seems to me like that would be 100× more effective then pushing a muddy narrative from the other side.

i assure you they are using every trick in the book.

Except they aren't using every trick because absolutely none of the posts on the front page are ever about how the Seth Rich conspiracy is bullshit. So you're really reaching here.

That's how it is with you guys. When ever the conspiracy doesn't work out for you guys, you just take the conspiracy one step deeper.

Whenever something you believe is debunked, your new conspiracy is that this was the plan all along. To make you guys look bad by believing in bullshit. It's fuckin hilarious man.

none of the posts on the front page are ever about how the Seth Rich conspiracy is bullshit.

the entirety of reddit is pretty much dedicated to this...

There are clearly multiple competing factions in this sub.

I've seen many top comments saying it is bullshit or that its disrespectful to look into it or that there is no evidence so people should just give up.

Why not both? Shareblue for example has a budget of at least $40,000,000. They can afford to experiment with disinformation tactics.

Clearly he's playing 5D table tennis

yeah thats not how disinfo works. It works on the most surface level. hell, the threads could just be headlines with no content and 90% of the damage would be done to people who consume news via headlines (the majority, esp on facebook)

this shit again

The only hornets swarming are from T_D and /pol/, my guy. The unsourced damaged control after that """""""FBI""""""""" document the other day has been insane.

People wanna talk about botnets and don't even bother to look at the most upvoted posts in the sub.

The very fact that we see more comments and up votes from Donald Trump supporters complaining about shills tells us with absolute certainty whose shills are filling the sub. :)

Everything else is spin and subterfuge.

The reason they're so quick to call "shill" is because they're not used to opposing views. In their safe space, dissent is deleted and banned. When this many people disagree with them, then there must be something shady going on!

Right. Just to make one little correction to my comment:

whose shills are filling the sub

This was a bit harsh. I don't know that these people are shills. Most of them are probably just ideologues.

I think the scientific term is 'useful idiot'

The unsourced damaged control after that """""""FBI""""""""" document the other day has been insane.

"B-b-but it's not our fault! It was probably faked by Shareblue to throw us off the scent and to make people think we're gullible!"

Well, they are posting pro-trump and anti-hillary/dnc shit so it is all ok.

Afterall, the_donald is welcome here. But holy shit, a post about trump gets to the front page here? Flaired.

You want evidence of a conspiracy in a conspiracy sub? It is all right there on the front page.

Not to mention the frequent banning of people who talk about the Trump-Russia conspiracy on the whims of certain moderators for things like "trolling."

What are the names of those people?

I will not be naming names.

Suspect 1: Account Age: 25 Days. Narratives Pushed:

Recent comment: Attacking McCain. Recent action by McCain: (Attacking Putin)[ Had no action against McCain until today.

Seth Rich Story, uses easily debunked claims, see the comments of the threads.

Claims of fake voting location for Sanders supporters. Provides no evidence.

Account woke up 4 days ago, first new action attacking Pelosi Origin action: Posts easily dunked claim about suppression of MacroLeaks.

Suspect 2: Account Age: 25 Days. Narratives Pushed:

Seth Rich, Attacking Germany, attacking the EU.

Account woke back up 5 days ago:

Origin Action:MacronLeaks subject.

Suspect 3. Account Age: 24.

Narratives Pushed: Attacking the Press,(with the exception of RT), Attacking Sanders, Seth Rich Account woke up 3 days ago.

Origin Action: Donald Trump tweet, false equivalency.

Suspect 4: Account Age 23 days.

Narratives Pushed:

Fake suppression of Macro leaks, Seth Rich, Attacking McCain, had no previous attacks on McCain until today.

Account woke up 4 days ago.

Origin Action:Corrine Erhel's death<-> Macron narrative.

Now isn't this more fun than just calling people shills?

Good stuff right there! I know the accounts started right before the French election. I remember during the French election we all noticed the 2 or 3 day old accounts then. Also at that same time people were saying it was 4 Chan guys.

You do realize Macron & Trump are both in on the same agenda right? They must be 4chan kid accounts.

Oh please fill me in. What agenda is both Trump and Macron together in? Thanks in advance.


I love it. It's the perfect answer to any question.

Wut. How did you come to that conclusion? Did someone else tell you?

um you mean trump and lepen?

Wait, are you saying that there's someone trying to manipulate this sub to push alt-right narratives with little to no evidence behind them? Wouldn't that be a... conspiracy?

Yes it would be a conspiracy to manipulate /r/conspiracy. I counted a total of 18 accounts, that had the same pattern. A Pro-Russian, Pro-Trump, fuck everybody else narrative, doesn't appeared to be linked directly to the alt-right. Creation around the May 5, when Macron's emails were leaked.

On April 24 Macron was hacked, evidence suggests it was APT 28/Fancy Bear/Pawn Storm.

On May 23 the accounts start waking up again.

Oh, I get it. I've been trying to explain this for weeks (months probably, honestly), but it's either ignored or downvoted when I say this sub is being manipulated. Seems that only one side's conspiracies are worth paying attention to for a lot of this sub.

give me a list

I knew there had to be someone else out there seeing this bullshit.

To test if these are real people or Russian shills you should ask them what they think of Putin. Any red-blooded American hates that fucker. I've tried asking a few of them and they don't respond.

Shareblue is neoliberal, not alt-right

Yes, but the accounts that this person is talking about are only pushing alt-right talking points (and quite transparently).

Seth Rich is a topic of interests for progressives too

There's nothing that's stopping progressives from being interested (though I don't know if that's the word I'd use, just seems morbid) in Seth Rich, but generally it's a story pushed almost exclusively in alt-right circles.

That is patently false. The story was bubbling in progressive outlets waay before conservatives got ahold of it. Neoliberals are the only ones seeming not interested.

It was in progressive (fringe) outlets when animosity was still high. The far left was still on the kick of vilifying Clinton before settling down. And it's not like we don't know that the right was trying to sneak in and keep that pot boiling so people wouldn't vote.

Exactly! This thread has been so refreshing.

Trump and his Russian ties, thats the progressive focus. Please don't kid yourself

Progressives don't care about this Russia nonsense and consider it a distraction from real issues

You don't speak for the majority of progressives

Do you speak for neoliberals?

neoliberal =/= progressive
at all

You're right. Right wing NEOliberals and NEOconservatives are basically on the same team. Neither are left wing or even close to centrist. (Bernie was a little left of center but he's a rare politician. FDR was somewhat centrist.)

Clinton/CNN are very right wing and ALWAYS have been. What the corporate right wing media calls "liberal" is NEOliberal which is literally just very right wing sprinkled with "LGBT rights" and all that easy stuff. But workers' rights? Hahahaha, the establishment don't give a damn about us. Two party system = (NEO)conservative (which is even worse than normal conservativism) VS NEOliberalism which is nowhere near left wing.

The NWO has never been a left wing (or even "communist") conspiracy. It's always been a fascist conspiracy. Hence this place has the Roman fasces symbol (fascism)

Fascist Rome is not dead, it looks like it just evolved. It makes me believe the Vatican really does own the world along with elite bankers and maybe royalty.

Do you really think that there is no ShareBlue equivalent that pushed pro-Trump points?

Google Project Alamo and Cambridge Analytica and see for yourself.

"Project Alamo": Lessons From Inside Trump's SA-Based Digital Nerve Cente:

"Powered by Project Alamo and data supplied by the RNC and Cambridge Analytica, his team is spending $70 million a month, much of it to cultivate a universe of millions of fervent Trump supporters, many of them reached through Facebook."

$70 million a month. ShareBlue got how much? $7 million over the whole general election?

Still far from the $70 million a month that Project Alamo spends for pro-Trump content.

Yes, but then again it doesn't make the $40m not negligible.

From my understanding, Cambridge Analytica doesn't pay people to comment online. If they're spending that much on shilling, then where are they?

From my understanding, Cambridge Analytica doesn't pay people to comment online.

Project Alamo does. Read the article above.

If they're spending that much on shilling, then where are they?

Facebook is far more important.

it's funny that a 10d old account who mainly posts in r/conspiracy would come into a thread about accts like that and refuse to believe partisan shills work for both sides.

i had no idea that account was only 11 days old. I already recognize the username as one that always deflects to CTR/shareblue despite all evidence to the contrary. I think hes also the one that says t_d brigading and duplicate posts are a framejob by ctr. IS there anything ctr cant do?!

check the front page of this sub


This is the most analytical post we've had in weeks. And it's about the sub. But, no. We'll be resuming low-value Seth Rich garbage around the clock. Appreciate your efforts man.

I posted this comment to you in the thread u/DavidBernheart posted a few days ago regarding evidence of the polling station issue and it got deleted but here it is again in case you missed it. With the part where i violated rule 10 removed ....

And shadowmind, most people who can think for themselves can see through all this bullshit and can see the blatant news narrative manipulation thats currently going on. I don't have any more evidence of my claim than you or anyone else has of Trump colluding with Russia, but that hasn't stopped every media outlet from peddling that narrative. I encourage everyone reading this to look at both sides of every political argument, do their own research and form their own opinions.

Here are some sources which led me to my claim about Sanders voters being sent to fake or faulty polling stations:

r/sandersforpresident post from April 14, '16

LA Times article from June 7, '16

SRG thread from 4chan

Rigged it - compilation of evidence uncovered on reddit and 4chan

Or just google search in r/SandersForPresident with the date range set from like 4/1/16 to 7/1/16 and you can find plenty more sources to support my claim.

Again, I have no concrete proof. But i have a brain and can read between the lines and draw my own conclusion without needing an 'authority' figure, be it a politician, tv news analyst, or heavily upvoted reddit comment or post telling me what happened and what I should think happened.

No I can't verify Seth Rich's entire timeline and all of the other details and connections posted on reddit/4chan. But I can see the absurd response to people trying to investigate an unsolved murder, and the suppression of any information related to his case or the DNC lawsuit (one in the same if you ask me).

These are real fucking Russian dipshits invading our sub. Guess what Russian scum, Americas going to fuck you raw in the ass for this once all is said and over with.

Guess what Russian scum, Americas going to fuck you raw in the ass for this once all is said and over with.

Well, that's a powerful analysis.

it dont really need shills ... was it not a story how some romanian teenagers did made like 20-30 fake news websites and posted shitty trump memes all over the social media and made with this housands of dollars? they did it just to generate clicks.

just think about - it dont need a lot people. just 1-2 guys abusing this sub because people will click on any shit they post.

I get that we can't since it would be censorship/a conspiracy itself, but I wish that one day a week pro or anti Trump/DNC stuff wasn't allowed to be posted. Let there be more about other conspiracies going on in the world today

Almost every post is by an account less than a year old

This is how they divide and conquer. Can't trust anyone. Make the opposing narrative rot from the inside. Constructive discussion/investigation becomes infinitely questionable.

Well, the best we can do is stay focused. Call people out. And be careful.

Whoever is shilling, and it's mainly the Russians, they are pushing a partisan attack.

I find it interesting that the Russian strategy to get the USA to destroy itself, is to get a Republican elected. That's hilarious in itself, and an incitement on that whole NWO/OWO party called The Republicans.

What we are absolutely sure of, is that the World Order does not want the Democrats in charge. We get it.

To be fair, it was specifically Trump. There's no evidence they supported the other front runners.

bullshit - it dont need russians to make usa destroy themself ... americans are retarted enough to just do it by themself as we saw last election till now.

Saw that John McCain post and I was like this is a terrible post, a picture with a really terrible question posed and then not a single response or comment by OP.

There also seems to be a ton of people citing to tweets that turn out to be sourceless or that misrepresent the actual source. What's the end game here? Dilute the sub so media can't touch it/can easily discredit it?

So does this mean they're getting bot help? T_D help?

Seems likely. Not necessarily T_D, but someone who seems to really enjoy the exact same stories that they do.

I can't take anyone seriously whose account is younger than one year and only posts in one sub. Fuck these people, they're being paid to mislead us. Don't believe them.

You can still look for yourself right now. He's right.

On the top page alone, the mode of users with the most posts are 25-27 day accounts, with lots of variation that is much beyond that fixed date range. You're onto something here! It looks like they post the more innocuous 'obvious' stuff, so that less material will hit the front page.

Astroturfers/shills use deliberately aged accounts when they want to be convincing.

Don't be shitty to new posters just because people make this thread once a week to remind us to SHUN NEWCOMERS.

man.. my two favorite subs are being flooded with fucking shills atm..

we need to do something about this guys.. we need to get a movement going to get laws passed to make this type of stuff illegal. where people need to identify themselves as paid promoters and if they don't the companies they work for and the shill will face fines.

you know what would be beautiful? if we crowd sourced money and then paid shills to astroturf this campaign.. ahaha a man can dream



Pretty solid but creepy list. Please post some of these links to r/conspiracyII or even gasp r/conspiracy! I'd not heard many of these.

As I was skimming through this post, wondering where my friends where at I realized "of course. The very bottom of the page. Dammit."

Paranoid people do constantly make new accounts

no - there is no other reason for making a new account than knowing allready you wanna post bullshit

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Now I know that I'm probably going to get downvoted or that people aren't going to believe me but that's okay because this is the truth. I fully believe that some of these 25-day old accounts are shill accounts but some of us have been working on this sub for over a year or more and have felt very uncomfortable with posting anything. I think with the rising tensions and the closer that people are getting to what they perceive to be the truth, the more likely they are to want to interact. That's what I did. I created this account solely to be on the conspiracy sub so I could for once voice my opinion. I was scared that people who would figure out who I really am from my other account and due to the nature of this sub, I just don't want to be put on any more lists than I have to be. I hope that makes sense. We aren't all bought accounts.

Could this be Cambridge Analytica data mining subs to distill fear and propaganda to the vulnerable that just want answers.

We need a witch hunt

The first rule of not mentioning shilling is not mentioning shilling.

That's because Reddit is complicit in the shilling

You don't speak for the majority of progressives

Shit I misread, apologies.

Where I am coming from is a non-American, with a strong distain for my own two major parties (that are almost identical in ideologies and action), seeing this board filled with US politics either skewed in favor of Dems or Republicans. I feel it is equal, could be wrong.

I feel that left v right is pointless. Ultimately this is exactly why parties were put there in the first place. An illusion of choice while the elite broaden the gap between us and them further. I think we all recognise the deep state and the concerted efforts to disrupt demorcracy, dominate wealth, control resources and essentially own the world. When it comes to that, left and right major parties don't mean shit. Both sides bow down.

So back to bias, I think it is silly, left v right is and old ideology that should have died long ago, but is a useful tool that separates people. I wish this sub would move on, or at least had dedicated discussions per talking point. But whenever anything happens from both sides we get 50 threads about it clogging up the sub. And it is either shills, or people with their own bias thoughts to push.

Idk. Wish we could all get along and fight TPTB.