You have been banned for participating in /r/conspiracy

8  2017-05-30 by [deleted]



What exactly is a "reactionary" sub?

I don't even know. My other account was banned there for the same reason so I started posting there via this account because I like the subreddit. I had been posting there for months and everything was fine until today. I guess a mod didn't like me stating the difference between communism and socialism and checked out what subreddits I am subscribed to and got rid of me that way.

Freedom of speech on Reddit is dying an agonizing death.

Freedom of speech in general is dying

Funny... Socialism is a reactionary construct of capitalism. The followers of Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky were all branded reactionaries... Now you are branded one too!

I understand socialism vs capitalism, but I'm not sure how this makes sense on Reddit.

Lenin was a reactionary to subvert the real communists, like Rosa Luxemburg. Lenin was a plant by the bankers.

But you weren't banned from r/conspiracy.

Not today......

So why is that your title? Each sub is run by it's own set of rules. What happens in one is not really indicative of what will happen in another.

Can you not read?

He was banned from latestagecapitalism for participating in this sub and the_donald

I'll drop a hint for you: There's a difference between the for and from.

I misread it, you don't have to be an ass.

So you misread the title, ask a dumb question and then call me an ass? 😂🤣

How about you delete your comments and take yourself elsewhere.

No thanks bud.

I don't delete my comments. I'm not afraid to own up to my mistakes.

Yes, by calling people asses because you made a mistake.

This is my thread. If I wanted to be called an ass for another person making a mistake I'll post in someone else's thread.

I called you an ass because you were being an ass.

You can't help yourself, can you? My bad, this thread is about you and your mistake and you getting your panties in a waddle because I corrected you and you didn't like feeling stupid so you called me an ass and now you are making this thread about you because of your pride and ego.

How about you be what's called an adult and do like an adult would have done in the initial comment and admitted they read it wrong and moved on?

But no, please respond to this so we can get into an argument about your mistake and how petty you can be.

r/LateStageCapitalism bans anybody who has posted in r/conspiracy. They are a paranoid bunch.

They need to control the r/all conspiracy narrative

LateStageCapitalism has great posts, too. Sucks I can't comment on them.

My very thoughts. I actually believe socialism is the future but I can't also like conspiracies?

Willingness to create a post like this is exactly why you were banned.

No need to create a post like this if the ban was for a logical, good reason.

Sorry, I don't take partisan censorship and lack of free speech sitting down.

I agree that it's unfair, but if it's in their rules then it doesn't constitta conspiracy as they seem pretty open about the policy

If it's in their rules how come it took 4 months to enforce it?

That's a totally fair question. Like I said, I don't disagree that it's wrong, just don't think it constitutes a conspiracy persei

Are you the arbiter of what can and cannot be posted on this subreddit? No. So what's your point?

Not this sub, but one with similar expressed goals. Your issue, while real, isn't a conspiracy, and should be taken up with the mods of both that sub and the Reddit mods. If myself or anyone else can help in any way, you name it.

Yeah, they are open about their policy just like T_D, and liberals always say that place should be shut down.

I can't stand the place because I reject idolatry as a general rule of thumb, but I don't see the need to get up in arms about it.

You can blame the T_D brigade for your ban. Other subs are starting to group /r/conspiracy with T_D because of how T_D has taken over this sub.

Agreed. But ungodly censorship is still ungodly censorship.

How is me merely being subscribed to subreddits they don't like a bannable offense? I'm not even subscribed to the_donald or post there.

Agreed. But ungodly censorship is still ungodly censorship.

I agree, I think it's dumb to ban someone purely due to other subs they post on.

You can't help yourself, can you? My bad, this thread is about you and your mistake and you getting your panties in a waddle because I corrected you and you didn't like feeling stupid so you called me an ass and now you are making this thread about you because of your pride and ego.

How about you be what's called an adult and do like an adult would have done in the initial comment and admitted they read it wrong and moved on?

But no, please respond to this so we can get into an argument about your mistake and how petty you can be.