Just to make it absolutely clear: The US government, specifically the nsa, cia, and possibly other agencies/sub-contractors, spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars ruining my little life, instead of helping to stop the MESS which the nation is currently wallowing.

5  2017-05-31 by [deleted]



And who are you exactly?

Why don't you just ask him to put up his address and social security number?

Yeah because it's totally unreasonable to ask who someone is on a thread devoted to talking about them specifically.

What sort of meaningful discussion is supposed to happen if we don't even know why said individual would be the "target"?

A nobody... that fucking morons decided was worth spending shit loads of time and money fucking up.

Oh, and I reversed engineered some of the tech and gave it to the mother fucking Russians FOR FREE, including the frequency ranges... though... the Russians did seem to already know about some of it.

I also gave them the addresses of some of the CIA agents, and facilities.

While an enemy of my enemy is not my friend, it's still helps to put a mother fucking smile on my face.

Why should we believe you?

Doesn't matter.

Then why post in a public forum? What's the purpose?

Is it a prerequisite that one should try to convince others when communicating? When did this absurd requirement get memo'd to the universe?

Not what I said at all. I asked what the point of posting this is since OP apparently doesn't have any interest in providing even basic explanations for what is "going on" that he felt the need to post about.

Basic questions were asked, no answer was provided.

Then why post in a public forum? What's the purpose?

Those were your words. The implication being that OP has no purpose in posting. Thanks for putting a criteria on when and how people should express themselves. I'm sure it's appreciated.

Asking what his purpose is does not imply anything other than his purpose is not clear.

Asking what his purpose is does not imply anything other than his purpose is not clear.

Well your intent would be ambiguous if that was all you wrote. But you also wrote "Why should we believe you?", before that. This colours your statements with a validity smell and an expectation that OP needs to fulfill your questions, and that otherwise there's no reason OP should be posting. That's how it reads anyway. I'm sure you can try to spin your intent some other way, so please carry on trying.

Presumably someone doesn't make a statement without the intent for the information to be received. If the information is not believed it will not be received. It only stands to reason that someone who took the time to post in a public forum would be invested in at least creating the appearance that their statement is true.

You put a lot of burden on the self-expressed victim to meet your own personal thresholds of truth. Surely all victims are perfectly heroic that they can meet this, lol. I also enjoy that you're no longer implying that you weren't doing this to begin with. Funny how that can change in a couple of posts, eh?

You're too much. I asked OP why we should believe this (and by extension care) and then when he expressed he didn't care if we believed, I asked what the point of posting at all was.

It's a natural progression and I thinking words speak for them self. I've explained my reasoning clearly, I don't feel the need to defend myself to you.

I don't feel the need to defend myself to you.

but you expect it of others.

Explaining isn't the same as defending.

I never asked anyone to conform to any standards, only to clarify where understanding was lacking.

I never asked anyone to conform to any standards,


Why should we believe you?

Carry on..

Asking for an explanation is not asking someone to conform to your standards.

Asking for an explanation is not asking someone to conform to your standards.

You chose the term "conform" (implying an order), not I. So you're strawmanning here, injecting terms that the other party didn't use and then accusing them of using those terms. Hahahaha. Hilarious.

It's clear you asked for further explanation that, if absent, would necessitate you not caring about the subject. So, applying your rationale to your own comments - why should we care whether about your standards were met? What's the point of posting about your standards in a public forum, absent further explanation?

The best part of this exchange is the demonstration that you're incapable of seeing your own hypocrisy.

We're done here. You obviously are going to see whatever you want to see regardless of what is said.

We're done here. You obviously are going to see whatever you want to see regardless of what is said.

I presume you're using the royal We, your "excellency".

A+ topic

Any pictures to share of the devices? Might as well put it all out there right?

I highly doubt the US intelligence apparatus gives two shits about you. Let me guess. They've been gang stalking you?

Way to be real compassionate there buddy. Gang stalking is real so I don't know if you were trying to imply that it's not with your smarmy ass comment.

I think it's undeniable that many instances of gang stalking can actually be attributed to severe paranoia.

I ain't got the time to mop the floor with your naivety hopefully someone else can lay into you.

Lol ok buddy. I'll just take your word for it.

100% paranoid schizophrenia doesn't exist, people never delude themselves into believing things are happening that aren't, and it's a widespread practice for people to invest massive amounts of time and money just to harass random people on the internet for "reasons".

No one is denying the possibility of orchestrated harassment, but not every person who claims they are being "gang stalked" is actually experiencing this sort of harassment. It's much more likely there is another explanation.

That's nice. Go actually do some research instead of all those little antidotes and talk to me then.

I have, hence the reason I know the Earth is a globe.

Lol I already told you I don't have the time or energy today for you to drag me down an endless shill black hole! 😀

Right, you just have time to talk about how "right" you are, not prove it. Very convenient.

Anecdotes. I believe the word you were looking for is anecdotes.

Yes yes it was! Lol

Agreed. A lot of unmedicated people out there, but it does happen:


Sure, I believe it happens, just not necessarily to the extent some people claim.

Right. Youtube has tons of people filming mailmen and confronting them for being in on a conspiracy against them. It's sad, but sometimes I come across legit cases. Ted Gunderson was gangstalked but he was an extreme FBI whistleblower.

this was my first thought...

Don't forget the IRS. I got audited in 2010. Was self-employed, not making bank just getting by and the just had to fuck with me. I'm sure my support of and donations to Dr. Paul during both campaigns had nothing to do with it.

in b4 OP deletes his account incriminating himself for treason.

I was very open about it, and still am.

I did it with a smile on my face too. I'm even grinning ear to ear thinking about it right-fucking-now, fuck-face. ;-)

It's probably the most American thing I could have done/can do, other than what's coming here in a few weeks.

Are you the same guy a few weeks ago who said he had knifes and guns and waiting for them to show up at your door? You also accused me of being CIA

Oh look...another nutjob attention whore.

This sub always delivers.

What kind of tech?

Are you planning to be on the news? If so why?

Most likely manipulation of the Earth's magnetosphere for communication and harassment... probably other abilities too.

Yep, it's the god damn Twilight Zone, but the writers are morons.

What about your dog tho - hows he doin


I was very open about it, and still am.

I did it with a smile on my face too. I'm even grinning ear to ear thinking about it right-fucking-now, fuck-face. ;-)

It's probably the most American thing I could have done/can do, other than what's coming here in a few weeks.

Most likely manipulation of the Earth's magnetosphere for communication and harassment... probably other abilities too.

Yep, it's the god damn Twilight Zone, but the writers are morons.