The anti Trump and "Russia did it" subverters aka shills are back. Now they brought bot upvotes too.

8  2017-05-31 by [deleted]



for sure it seems there is as much propaganda here as the mainstream news

I think you mean the exact opposite. The bots from the_donald are here manipulating the sub.

Hey OP, thank you for making a post about this! I'm glad to see more users talking about it, Incase anyone is wondering I believe the OP saw one of my comments in another post, I began looking for duplicates after seeing this post and found these in the matter of an hour or two….. the hardest part was finding duplicate post but once I did they all had duplicate comments……

Here’s what I have found:

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here

4.) T_D Vs. here

5.) T_D Vs. here

6.) T_D Vs. here

7.) T_D Vs. here

Another post:

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.) T_D Vs. here

2.1?) T_D Vs. here

2.2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here

Another Post:

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here

4.) T_D Vs. here

5.) T_D Vs. here

6.) T_D Vs. here

Another Post:

1.) T_D Vs. here <-These “different” user's were also the OP’s of their respective post

2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here<-This one was neat, it was multiple copied comments responding to each other and they were nearly called out by another user here (they mentioned the Down votes before they should have been able to see them)

4.) T_D Vs. here

5.) T_D Vs. here <-This comment was already being being called out

Another Post:

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.1) T_D Vs. here <- this & 2.2 is another pre-emptive concern trolling comment and it’s 2nd time I have seen this

2.2) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here

Another Post

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here <-entire exchanged is bots

4.) T_D Vs. here


6.) T_D Vs. here

7.) T_D Vs. here

You got it right except for its exactly the opposite. The bots here are from the_donald and they are trying to manipulate the sub.

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here

4.) T_D Vs. here

5.) T_D Vs. here

6.) T_D Vs. here

7.) T_D Vs. here

Another post:

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.) T_D Vs. here

2.1?) T_D Vs. here

2.2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here

Another Post:

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here

4.) T_D Vs. here

5.) T_D Vs. here

6.) T_D Vs. here

Another Post:

1.) T_D Vs. here <-These “different” user's were also the OP’s of their respective post

2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here<-This one was neat, it was multiple copied comments responding to each other and they were nearly called out by another user here (they mentioned the Down votes before they should have been able to see them)

4.) T_D Vs. here

5.) T_D Vs. here <-This comment was already being being called out

Another Post:

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.1) T_D Vs. here <- this & 2.2 is another pre-emptive concern trolling comment and it’s 2nd time I have seen this

2.2) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here

Another Post

1.) T_D Vs. here

2.) T_D Vs. here

3.) T_D Vs. here <-entire exchanged is bots

4.) T_D Vs. here


6.) T_D Vs. here

7.) T_D Vs. here

Very good compilation. Both factions from TD and the anti-Trump subverters are here. Otherr posts have submitted evidence (not proof) that bother sides are run by the same cabal. More political polarization is the goal, we are close to staged impeachment.

Dis gun bee gud

we are close to staged impeachment.

Staged for what purpose?

Trump was always the patsy to bring about civil war. My personal musing believe he is the tool to polarize the nation so hard that we are literally at each others throats. I mean if you think about it both sides are basically feeding into a fight over who's conspiracy is more true and which side is the evil side. When in fact it is both sides that are evil. They could really kick start things if they just assassinated him, but I believe there are still a few good folks out there who are hip to all of this and are trying to stop it.

However that is just my personal angle on it. Trump could very well be so full of narcissism that he may truly want to be remembered as a hero, best president ever, et cetera. But I feel that is a pretty long shot and less likely than him being complicit at some level. Then again he is a liar. Who is to say he isn't pulling a long con on the establishment waiting for his moment to strike and truly be the one in power? Hard to say, wish I had more data to make more informed guesses. But again, a staged impeachment would be to create more division and put an even bigger neocon in the position to write executive orders.

I totally agree this trump things ends in major civil unrest in the country. We will be lucky if the country stays intact to put another neocon in power...

To the first part: Yes

Second part: could also be possible that Trump goes rogue on the deep state, he has a portrait of President Andrew Jackson on the wall in the oval office, could be that Trump pulls a JFK and goes after the FED.

I believe that Trump sabotages himself. I think his family will push him to resign due to health issues down the road.

Thanks for this 🙏

And here you are accusing people of calling out the current US government "Shills".

Let me guess. You believe all things from the government.

Why are you on a conspiracy sub then?

And here you are accusing people of calling out the current US government "Shills".

I did not claim that.

Are you sure you understand my post ?

Oh, I sure did.

I recieved a warning about supposed rule 10 violations. I have not called out names. I just stated that we should ignore certain posters with a clear agenda.

What is one persons conspiracy is another persons agenda. I don't think we should attack users at all.

These are not shills, normal people are against Trump for the most OBVIOUS REASONS

Because they like high taxes, illegals, terrorist "rapeugees", and a shitty economy?

You're​ clearly a product of a republican school system.

Yup. Oldest boys boarding school in the country.

Sounds kinda dreadful.

That's not normal people, that is a phony, extreme characterization created by the right wing echo machine to keep tin foil hat wearers like you amused while they fuck you in the ass

So what are the leftists for exactly?

Single Payer healthcare, affordable education, clean environment, clean energy, protecting minorities from discrimination, embracing science, embracing the technologies of the future to make a better world. The biggest difference is the desire to use scientific data to inform policy. Seek out models that are empirically proven to yield better results in education, infrastructure, energy, healthcare, etc. Whereas the right is ideologically driven and in full blown denial of science.

I have great health insurance. My kids and I had a great education. I think we're all set. Thanks.

You must be white and privileged good for you

You have to actually work hard to have good stuff. I grew up in a house without floors, walls, or ceilings.

Listen guy you're just you're dumb. It's okay no one is going to hold that against you it's not your fault you were probably just born that way. Just stop voting, the rest of us will make sound decisions to keep the ship of State on a good course you can just relax and watch Duck Dynasty.

I'll bet you wear a mask and live in your mother's basement. If you come at me with pepper spray on the street bro I'll take the top of your head off with a roscoe. I'll be dumb, but you'll be dead.

Lol I love anonymous internet tough guys. Turn down the Ted Nugent, you're getting worked up.

Trump ordered Russian dressing. Impeach him! HURRRR! DURRRR!

Hilary Hilary Hilary Hilary no matter what the fuck is happening in the world we're all obsessed with Hillary. No I'm just kidding you're right Trump is awesome he's the best ever, true leadership right there you guys are amazing you guys were right all along Trump is the best you guys aren't stupid or anything

What do you mean?