Are there any "positive" conspiracies?
11 2017-06-01 by SantiagoGT
Do you think there are the opposite of the regular conspiracies we get to see almost everyday? You know... The opposite of bad guys trying to control the world or evil corporations trying to rob us of freedom?
Do you think such thing could be a thing?
n/a GoddessWins 2017-06-01
Remember conspiracies are secret or hidden, but you could count some of the secret and successful rescues of hostages that happens now and then as positive conspiracies.
n/a HibikiSS 2017-06-01
A conspiracy is, by definition almost always something harmful being planned in secret.
n/a armchairCueB 2017-06-01
No it's not, it's two or more people planning something in secret.
n/a GoddessWins 2017-06-01
I agree with you.
n/a NarwhalStreet 2017-06-01
That's not necessarily true. The underground railroad, for example, would have been an altruistic, unlawful, conspiracy.
n/a SantiagoGT 2017-06-01
How would you call something positive being planned in secret?
Or... how would you name the undermining of said harmful plans?
n/a HibikiSS 2017-06-01
A project? a plan? this can be both good or bad.
But yeah I do think a conspiracy is always something bad.
n/a qwertyqyle 2017-06-01
Something bad to one party involved.
So of the canspiracy was against the bad guys, it could be viewed as bad by them, but good by the majority viewpoint.
n/a FreeDennisReynolds 2017-06-01
What if me and some people conspired to help others?
n/a SantiagoGT 2017-06-01
You are collaborating?
n/a soonerchad 2017-06-01
Well theres this:
con·spir·a·cy kənˈspirəsē/Submit noun a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
So no.
n/a Dude_wtf_seriously 2017-06-01
Then what's the term for something lawful or helpful then?
The conspire to do something good seems feasible. So if conspire isn't the word, what is it? Inspire maybe?
n/a possibri 2017-06-01
Collaborate, maybe?
n/a Dude_wtf_seriously 2017-06-01
n/a aevans395 2017-06-01
The entire human experience and consciousness
n/a recono85 2017-06-01
Omnicious, omnipresent, omnipotent. We are beings of light, shackled to the physical temporarily.
n/a armchairCueB 2017-06-01
I consider the surprise birthday party I plan on attending this Saturday as a good thing.
n/a stillwaitinginvain 2017-06-01
Hare Krsnas are from another planet and are trying to take over the world.
n/a LKMKLK 2017-06-01
Sure there a few, if we really think there are some. Susan G Komen- yes yes I know, but she is bringing awareness to Brest cancer and getting people to exercise. Global warming- not a conspiracy at all, just time to take better care of the planet. That's all i got.
I went through several others, aliens, RFID, 9:11, false flags in general GWOT WOD, JFK and more. IDK there has to be more right?
n/a SantiagoGT 2017-06-01
Agreed! I mean... we're all here because we believe there is more than meets the eye, that there are secrets to be found, that there is evil in the world and that we know about it
We must not be alone, there are millions of people out there that may know so much and may be itching to share but afraid of death, but there may be others that actually do more for all of us wanting to share the truth
n/a Reality_is_a_scam 2017-06-01
There is supposedly a group of good guys that have embedded themselves in the masons or possibly a certain branch of masonry that is aprently working behind the scenes against TPTB. That might give you some hope wether or not they are real or effective is left to be seen. Or maybe they have already helped out who knows??
n/a SantiagoGT 2017-06-01
Maybe they motivate whistleblowers and all those who go against the grain? Not full anti-shills or good mkultra stuff, maybe just fighting back a bit
n/a depdepdepdepdepdepdp 2017-06-01
I got one: The sleeper children.
I think there's a section of the population that was "primed" in childhood to behave in certain ways for the rest of their lives and that they feel a need to do "good' things even if/when they gain power.
n/a SantiagoGT 2017-06-01
But if you do good stuff, if you hold your morals and values, you're shying away from most 'evil' positions, I think it would take someone that actually regained consciousness or so to speak
n/a depdepdepdepdepdepdp 2017-06-01
Think of it more as an ankle weight. These are the people who would already become powerful, but they were "hobbled" by the introduction of altruism.
n/a hojo1021 2017-06-01
Yes, the 3 Nephites. It's a Mormon thing. Supposedly Jesus changed 3 men to "never taste death." Apparently these men do good things and people have reported possibly seeing them.
n/a SantiagoGT 2017-06-01
So basically immortal but they should be the ones tipping the balance for a greater good ... right?
n/a FreeDennisReynolds 2017-06-01
Not as many people really died on 9/11 as they say. They inflated the numbers, reused victim's photos, or used ones of people long-deceased. Yay, not as many people murdered
n/a wanab3 2017-06-01
The truly positive things don't need to be hidden.
Lots of people try to do better than bad, but not good things, in secret for their personal safety though. There is a reason there isn't an overt world emperor.
Turncoats of truth are why. Whistle blowers basically. Definitely some famous ones, and a whole lot of intentionally not so famous ones.
Absolutely such a thing. Otherwise things would be way worse.
n/a babaroga73 2017-06-01
That there's not as nearly as much murders and famine in the world as they want us to believe.
That PTPB don't know what the hell they're doing, so they invented Masonic, Satanic, and Illuminati thing just to keep us scared.
n/a SantiagoGT 2017-06-01
So basically immortal but they should be the ones tipping the balance for a greater good ... right?
n/a HibikiSS 2017-06-01
A project? a plan? this can be both good or bad.
But yeah I do think a conspiracy is always something bad.