YouTube is MUCH worse than I thought...

502  2017-06-01 by [deleted]



This shit is getting more fucked by the week, i thought ethan bradberries spiderman humping and shit was pushing it.

It's got me fucked up, there needs to be an investigation into these channels. It actuall gets much worse than the video in the OP, I'm on mobile right now but tomorrow I'm going to send a bunch of links to Ethan from H3H3 and Phillip Defranco so hopefully they can expose this shit to a wider audience and put some pressure on YouTube to get their shit together.

This is unacceptable.

Let's shut down the fucking internet.

Let's just go find these dudes and do some creepy shit to them while taping it.

I'm in.

I'll bring the rope.

I'll fire up the wundewaffe

Duct tape. I'll bring

I'll bring the pitchfork.


I'll bring the shovel.

I'll bring the blowtorch.

And my axe.


Yk I'm serious.

See all the pedo apologists? Subs can't even fux w r/conspiracy anymore bc ...pedo apologists.... Some spineless shit.

Do it. Let's coordinate.

Fuck google, fuck Facebook, the deep state needs to be purged.

They're too busy banning people with conservative views, they don't have time to remove the child porn, jihadists, and live gang rapes from their websites.

Force is crime not edgy political views.

We thought it was a psyopl. The problem is, it is so massive and intricate. This would have taken years to create and would have been created years ago.

It gets way worse. There are some nude children videos(no sexual acts ..yet..) on some of the commenters accounts. These people are communicating via ceasar cipher. This whole thing is super complex and the amount of data that needs to be looked at is insane.

I hate reddit because of the botters and paid shills, but I hope you normal users can help look into it. Here is some info for you guys to check out. I'll leave it up for a few minutes. Hope this helps

Original thread from /x/

First vid

One of many children vids.

Decoded Ciphers

This spans over multiple countries and languages

Last post from anon before latest bread was removed an hour ago


Speaking of fucking various sites I once trusted, I just learned that the owner of Wikipedia started out in porn sites, professes neutrality, and yet edits some stuff in favor of his own interests. Plus he's suuuper connected to Israel. Here's an article

I personally don't trust anything bigger than my local mom and pop shop. You simply can not get so large and influential as Wikipedia without the government wanting a piece of the action.

Report more!

Are you guys also against child actors in Hollywood films, or just youtube videos?

Ye man people fighting child predators are the real nazis holy shit man what a great point.

Listen to what some people like Elijah wood have to say about child actors in Hollywood

Both are questionable if the context is as sick as these videos.

Send it to Dotcom maybe?

All of these videos should be reported to the FBI.

Dude, I just saw that last night for the first time. Ethan from H3H3 covered that video and broke it down. What the hell? I'm 34 so I'm not actively stumbling aross this crap to even watch it.


Great video, found it last night too.

How the fuck youtube hasnt removed shit like this blows my mind. and 7mln views?!?!?

I'm confused about all of these videos. Why would "they" post these videos, and who is "they".

I think at least some of this weird stuff is ARG like op mentioned:

The one op linked to seems a little more extreme than the weird shit I've seen before. This one actually has a child being physically restrained on camera. Very fucking weird.

What's ARG stand for?

Alternate Reality Game



I'm at work so I could only read a little about ARG as I've never heard about it, but wouldn't ARG imply that the person playing (the toddler in this scenario/OP video) is complicit?
I haven't watched OP video so I don't know if the toddler is compliant but my guess is no.

She appears to be complicit. Here's the thing with children, though -- you can get them to let you do nearly anything, especially if they trust you. At the age of the girl in the video, she'd be extremely to manipulate.

She might believe she's playing a game. She might even think it's "fun". That has little bearing on the possibility of this being abuse, or this being used for some sick pervs to get off to.

Yeah I decided to watch it just so I wasn't spouting bullshit blind, just didn't bother to edit. She does look complicit, but I don't think she fully grasps what is going on or the implications... and reading the rest of your post you pretty much said this.

Or teaching kids who stubble upon the video to be complicit themselves in similar situations. Remember that children learn by example.

You just described grooming.

Yes, I did.

I didn't spell it out because I'm not trying to jump to conclusions ;)

Dude, toddlers don't understand the implications nor can they give consent, on any level. Do you have children, or at least know any? I'm raising three (boys), and I can tell you for certain that toddlers don't have the mental capacity to comprehend anything like this. It doesn't matter what the child thought, this will leave a lasting negative impression on the child.

Case in point, when my youngest was about the age of the one in the video, he had an abnormal fear of shaving cream. While I, and my wife, thought it was hilarious at 12 years old he still remembers the day I put a smidge on the tip of his nose. Kids are like sponges.

Dude, toddlers don't understand the implications nor can they give consent, on any level. Do you have children, or at least know any? I'm raising three (boys), and I can tell you for certain that toddlers don't have the mental capacity to comprehend anything like this. It doesn't matter what the child thought, this will leave a lasting negative impression on the child.

Case in point, when my youngest was about the age of the one in the video, he had an abnormal fear of shaving cream. While I, and my wife, thought it was hilarious at 12 years old he still remembers the day I put a smidge on the tip of his nose. Kids are like sponges.

Yes I understand, and no I don't need children to know that.

The part that bugs me isn't the physical restraint part, it's that that part is followed by a bunch of scenes of her smiling and playing. This is almost definitely meant for people to get off to and it's fucking sickening.

An ARG with pedo imagery? Seems like a strange choice of theme...

ARG: Actually Really Grooming

I think its about trying to normalize pedophelia

That's disturbing but entirely possible.

I remember reading somewhere that these videos are advertisements for dark net pedophila websites

As my toddler sleeps peacefully with her bears and turtles and dolls, and will surely wake up to mom and dad and cuddles, your description makes me want to cry. I can't imagine anyone doing that to her, even as a joke. To a baby, that isn't a joke, that's real life and so messed up.

I mean it's obvious in the video that the girl is in on it and knows they're making a video, but she doesn't know that this video is clearly being made for pedophiles to get their rocks off...

like, I feel fucking bad for having skimmed through it long enough to just report the fucking thing as child abuse.

it's fucking fucked. I saw the first 5 seconds and was like "this is for pedophiles" like... wtf.

wish I could honestly completely erase the fact that I even clicked on it in the first place.

Dunno about this pedo thing. It reminds me of equally idiotic and violent Disney animations I used to watch (and like) as a kid except that this time it's with actors. I can totally imagine this being made targeting some 5-10 year olds and not pedos.

Mister Rogers.
And the maker
I personally love the idea of people subverting all TV programming into the pile of shit it really is. Maybe these people are nothing but comedians, like MAD magazine or National Lampoon magazine. If parents let their kids search for videos online at this point, they are just plain stupid. If they don't find programming videos, they will find XXX prono level videos of all of their favorite TV stars.

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Don't be mean to the automod you jerks he's just doing his job

It's kinda funny though that whenever automod comments it gets downvoted.

Unfortunately if you follow the suggested videos from the one I linked in the OP they're much worse than the creepy Spider-Man/Elsa ones most people are concerned about. Way worse.

Oh good fucking God that's terribly troubling

Kind of funny how paranoid everyone is about pedophiles out in the real world to the point where we teach our kids to hate men on the basis of their gender. Meanwhile the real pedophiles are getting direct access to your kids on youtube. The next generation is probably going to be the freakiest one yet.

Oh god, I know.. I feel so bad for them. Like how many kids have a favorite stick these days? That's an important skill, learning how to put your own fun into things. They're going to be takers almost exclusively, used to judging things good or bad, looking for things to do things to them instead of looking for stuff they could do to things. I wonder what their music will sound like.

This is horrible! Cruel world we live in. Too much crap like this to moderate, even for a google owned company.

No they can. The software that exists to keep cp off can work for anything. They just don't care.

Evidence? I don't doubt you, just curious

I think its a bit of both to be honest. No software is full proof.

Bullshit they allow it because its a white girl.

Don't think its about race. Race doesn't chage the despicability. Reports don't mean action. I'm sure they could take it down given the views. Wouldn't surprise me if they decided not to because of the number of views. Yuck.

If we could stop liking these videos it would be great. We will soon be the weirdos. Good way to get this sub banned.

It's on YouTube, I gave as much warning as I could, but this shit needs to be brought to light so that it can be stopped. These videos are only a few clicks away from normal children's videos with graphic thumbnails and even more disturbing content!

Yeah well some of us grown ups don't like children's videos or our children watching them.

Also, this isn't proving any conspiracy. Yeah they're fucked up videos. But now r/conspiracy is pushing these videos and trying to find pedophiles in pizza shops. Maybe I just don't want to see this place go the way of other subreddits recently.

Man, you're the only one who brought up pizzagate. These videos are seriously disturbing and they're right on YouTube with a bright colored thumbnail showing up in the related links of children's videos. This needs to be addressed.

Needs to be addressed not promoted. That's exactly what I asked...

I don't appreciate the insinuation that I'm promoting this.

Okay cool. I didn't insinuate anything though. You're the one promoting it. I have never seen or heard of these videos. I don't let my children on youtube. Now, because of you and your "this needs to be exposed", more people know about this creepy shit.

I'm condemning this not promoting it. These videos have millions of views, the few they get from me posting this is worth it if we can report them and pressure YouTube to shut this shit dow.

You're helping them get more views!!! You're bring it here and promoting it! Just because you say bad doesn't mean you're not helping them spread the video.

Dude just....,stop...

Stop what? Open your eyes to what is happening to this sub reddit. This is a coordinated event.

No I see the brigade. But there is suspicious youtube pedophile activity that needs to be exposed. This post seems (hopefully) to come from the heart from a serious member.

I am in no way saying there isn't. But we exposed the twitter pedes and nothing came of it. Just gave them publicity. We need to be careful when just promoting these links. I get that the user say the word promoting and took it as me saying he was pro pedo. He's just giving them a platform. Even if unknowingly.

If continue to post these videos to this subreddit something bad is going to happen. I never said we shouldn't expose or discuss. But putting these links everywhere gives it more views.

So hiding it is the best way to deal with this?

Sweeping it under the carpet?

Where did I say that?

I came across this shit as a result of those other threads, but those are focused on some MK-Ultra ARG that's probably not be real - but this shit is real and I think it deserves its own thread. I'm not a fucking paid shill hired to attack YouTube.

No need for that last sentence as I never implied you were. Also, everyone knows their truth to be real while everyone else is fake. All I am saying is you're giving those fucking creeps an even bigger platform. You don't see it that way which is fine.

You directly implied that I was involved in a "coordinated event". Just out of curiosity, is English your first language?

Is it yours? I do think this thread is part of a coordinated event as you probably read the other threads and made yours (as you said)... So it's a part of it as the whole.

What is your agenda here? Are you trying to make people stop posting these to r/conspiracy because you're afraid they will get shut down? It seems like you're trying to protect these channels.

Read my post about. Not trying to protect anyone. Think they should rot. But we're not stopping them by posting them here.

By posting them here it gets the topic more exposure; yes, more people are going to see it, but that also means that more people can work on contacting their local authorities if needed (I didn't watch), or just investigate to find out WTF is going on. If we all see something horrible and never say anything about it for fear that someone else may be exposed then you could say goodbye to the news, discussions, trial by jury, pretty much everything and unfortunately we can't live in Bikini Bottom so we have to talk about what is wrong in the world to try to solve it, even if it is unpleasant. Also I see (frequently) people complaining about the topics posted in Conspiracy but they're conspiracies...upvote threads more to your liking and give them a chance to be at the top.

this shit is r/activism more than r/conspiracy.

That's kind of like saying I don't go outside so climat change isn't real... to me. Why did you expose me to facts? Whah whah :(

...kind of

I dunno, you hang out in subs like /cumtown and /legionofskanks and /publicfreakout so maybe this shit is par for the course for you :)

Two comedy podcasts and a great subreddit, what's your point?

It was a joke, hence the ":)"

I question the validity of Pizzagate regularly. The idea that a conspiracy of that size exists seems impossible to me. All of this shit about hidden symbols and secret world government child rapists just seems silly.

That all said doesn't this creep you out? It seems insanely dodgy but its being packaged in a way that allows it to sneak under the censors. It may not be conspiracy but its strange and hard to explain.

Found the shill

Yeah that's it! I don't like what he is saying he's a shill! Mind you I never denied any of this as being true. But carry on.

If someone is ignorant enough to judge me as equally subhuman as the creators of a video, for simply watching the video, then I don't give a shit what that someone thinks of me.

Fair enough!

this is fucked up.

I can't click on it.

I used to mock those who said shit like "trigger warning," but since going down the p-gate hole it's messed with me in such a way that I'm far oversensitive to material like what you're describing. I wasn't like that before. I now completely understand that triggers are a real thing. I don't think we should radically shape society around such things, but I have a lot more empathy.

It auto played on my browser. Yeah I don't recommend clicking it.

It's not that bad. I skipped through it and it is all being acted out by both the girl and the guy involved. He's not actually hurting her. It's the implication that's disturbing. The fact that there are people out there getting off on by pretending it's real is pretty fucked.

Did you see the rest of the video thumbnails, all the kids tied up and gagged, seriously?

Yeah, desensitized to everything. Could see people dead, and that's fine, getting killed, idc, but kids, kids getting raped.... It's too much.

Wow get this shit to the top

Sweet merciful Jesus.

I watched some of it because I thought OP was just exaggerating or something.

The stealing of the toys was weird... I was laughing at the dragging part... but the taping is when I closed it.

Frightening stuff, regardless of what the intentions of the video are supposed to be, the content is far too disturbing that any sane person could actually create it ...



What if a part of this is to make us feel like there are millions, so that when we go out in public, we'll start to think that like every man is 50/50 a pedo.

Like a divisive tactic.

This is fucked...

Let's kill em all. Tonight

So weird. I fanned through and it was weird.. him speaking the toys, she finding them missing, him taping her town, him carrying her away taped to a chair, her closing with a cheery goodbye and I presume a request to subscribe.

Any Russian readers able to translate the comments? I am curious if it mostly people freaked out, proving the video is just for views and ad revenue? Or are people enjoying it?

Fuck YouTube and google. They obsess about pizzagate and conspiracy videos and let our kids get exposed to this shit???

We need an mpa rating system for YouTube like the movies.

Enough is enough!!

We need an mpa rating system for YouTube like the movies.

I wonder if that's not the goal. You would eliminate all user-created content, overnight. "I'm sorry, but to prevent pedophilia, you have to submit your video to our team of raters, which we offer for the low rate of $99 per hour of video. No refunds if content is deemed unsuitable for all audiences", then they censor with it. Like say you're George Webb, they could just say "I'm sorry but your video is unsuitable for a larger audience", and then that would be that. Sure, you could still talk about anything online, but that would separate the internet into politically correct and fringe.

What the fuck is this shit?

Everybody needs to report this as offensive content until Youtube removes it. Somehow this is allowed and pizzagate/pedogate videos are demonetized? WTF?

Jesus wtf!!! -_- this video is sick.

H3H3 has been talking about these fucked up videos for a while.

Are we shifting into a hell dimension or something wth

It's the Kali Yuga.

It's a shadow of intention.

Anyone speak russian ?

We could do with a translation of some of these videos.

My god WTF...

After flicking through a few of these videos i kept seeing this badge/emblem.

Anybody seen it before? This frame is from one of the creepy spiderman/elsa videos. The emblem is sown onto the palm of spiderman's suit and crops up in a few other places.

Nope but I can't help but think the black bars are placed in such a specific way they have to mean something

Definitely. Logos mean something, they are very rarely random, even if the design itself is.

I ching? IDK reminds me of that TV show lost

I thought the same thing. Not cuz of lost but cuz of Nassim Haramein.

My first thought was some sort of binary code, but I can't make anything out of it.

Yup. Binary code or morse perhaps?

Or it could just people taking trolling to another level.

Here's a conspiracy theory: if there are real networks of pedophiles maybe they are creating these fake networks as a form of disinformation.

its a multiformat 3d bar code.

That lightning bolt in the middle of the patch matches with neo nazi patches you can find around. This could very well be something related

Any examples of that? I can't seem to find any, and that was the first place I looked lol. Then again, I'm not really up on my "neo-nazi" hang out spots, outside of Stormfront, so I really have no idea what I'm doing :P

I think its reference to the nazi 'SS' twin bolt insignia. The neo-nazi groups have used it for years. Its not the same though.

Yeah correct. Just thought it was striking resemblance of something that would be neo nazi or white supremacy

First thing I tried. Thought it may have had something to do with the clothing, or spiderman or the marvel universe.. nothing.

I rebuilt the image, but no reverse image search I tried can find anything.

Nice just rebuilding it. It's certainly there for a reason. Emblems like that are rarely by chance.

You'd think if it had something to do with marvel (since it was seen on spiderman) Google would have found a match or someone would have recognized it.

Thanks for that.

It reminds me of the black sun but it could represent a black star of sorts.

My only complaint, OP, is that you didn't say in the title what the link was about. I clicked it from the topic list, without clicking through to this thread, and even though it only played for second until I closed it, you probably put me on some pedo list. :P

My only complaint

Now...thats what you call not helping!

The Chanel is "Kids Daisy Best". Jesus Christ. With Long Horn Restaurant commercials.

And guys, that might be the key here. Perhaps, we bring this to the attention of businesses who are unknowingly Advertizing in these videos. If these videos get big businesses in there, screen shot it, report it to these businesses who will demand to not be involved in such shit, and demand better standards from YouTube?

Just an idea.

For sure this would produce some change. The big companies like that usually have direct lines to Google marketing reps.

This right here. Want to grab people's attention? Make it about money. Just get the video up, screen shot whatever advert is playing before it, then send the video directly to the company providing the ad.

While your idea is pretty solid, I think your gonna have a hard time finding people willing to make the clicks on these videos to see if a big business ad pops up on each one.

No kidding, including myself. I don't want to click that shit. I'm hoping someone who is set up for better privacy will be willing to.

I received an email thread today that originated from this idea.

wtf this needs a NSFL tag.

Agreed and Done!

Is there a way you can block this content for your kids? Filters?

Better keep your kids out of Russia?

Where are the youtube heroes when you need them. /s

Oh shuuuure, let Uncle Pavel tie you up and play a bit of the frickle freckle eh eh eh

You guys are seriously overreacting to this shit. Watch the other videos on the channel, there is nothing 'bad' going on here. Just a family who is having fun on youtube.

The only problem here is you don't know how the cultural differences work and think this is serious. She cries in other videos as well. And in the video you link it's obvious she is acting and doing this for fun. Her acting isn't even that good really.

It's western culture that is so obsessed with sexuality that makes you think this is in any way strange, and also the fact you didn't bother to watch the other videos on the channel.

You probably think this is homoerotic:

That is probably because you are the hypersexualized ones who watch porn every day.

Russia is one of the biggest producers of CP, but these come from orphan children in some unknown town. They don't make youtube videos that is for sure.

The only problem here is you don't know how the cultural differences work and think this is serious. She cries in other videos as well. And in the video you link it's obvious she is acting and doing this for fun. Her acting isn't even that good really.

Isn't this the same exact excuse used by that family that just got "busted" for making "pretend" videos of them beating their son, being mean to him, making him stay home while they went on vacation, etc? (I forget the channels name now).

Thank god somebody was smart enough to say "maybe this isn't playing" and actually look into it, else nobody would have known that their children actually were being abused.

Those kids were not acting. And if they were, they are the best actors in the world.

At no point in any of the videos is this little girl being distressed or sad.

Also the difference between west and the rest of the world is really exemplified when you look at how they treat children.

I never said they were or they weren't. I never said she was or she wasn't. I merely stated the defense of that family was it was all an act, and the little boy wanted to be an actor and was really good.

I then said thank god nobody listened to that defense. Hopefully somebody doesn't listen here, as well. Why even risk it? And why even let this shit exist when it's marketed towards children and can be gotten to through related videos on children videos?

Why defend that?

I do not want my children watching a video of other children being kidnapped, crying, etc. That "acting" is not something they're going to understand.

Because you have already abused your children by not exposing them to the real world.

You probably won't let your kids play with sticks and beat each other up I'm guessing too right?

Because you have already abused your children by not exposing them to the real world.

Ah, yes.. I'm the abuser because I don't want to let my children watch other children being abused, acting or not. I'm even worse because I don't let them watch porn, either.

Man, to think how well adjusted by 6 year olds would be if I just let them watch other children getting kidnapped.

Fine. You think the kids that got sent to labour camps, who homes were bombed, entire villages killed during WW2 all grew up to be defective violent criminals?

You seriously under estimate children and are turning them into pussies.

People like you create societies that are fucked beyond repair.

The world is fucked these days with SJWs and leftists because of fucks like you.

Holy shit, literally the first time anyone called me a SJW or a "leftist". That's fucking rich.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't have any children. There's a huge difference between telling my children they're not special, and they don't get a trophy for losing, and letting them watch shit that their brain can't fully comprehend yet.

They can comprehend it unless they are sheltered. I accidentally watch porn when I was 4 or 5 and didn't understand what it was(like literally, it was like looking at something you can't even recognize). I didn't do shit to me. I've been playing rated M games since 5 or 6 years old and I'm not a defective human.

You are also a retard, I didn't say you are the leftist, your children will become leftists because you shelter them. You don't allow them to develop emotional control. They makes them think feelings and emotions are the most important things in the world and allows them to be manipulated by pictures of refugees and war zones in Syria.

They can comprehend it unless they are sheltered.

This is actually incorrect. Children cannot even fully comprehend length of time, let alone the concept of something scary being "acting". It's something my 6 year old has just started to understanding (acting).

That doesn't mean they couldn't be able to cope with it. Of course they would. It won't kill them. Children are pretty resilient.

It's still not something that's appropriate for children to watch. Just like it wouldn't be appropriate for my children to sit down and watch ISIS beheading videos. It being inappropriate has little to do with their emotional maturity.


I've been watching movies with Arnold in it since I was like 3 and knew he was acting since as far as I could remember.

I would recommend to get your kids an IQ test. They might be a couple standard deviations below the norm.

I'm not a defective human

Yeah your ranting nonsensical post history says otherwise


/>No post history

Go play with yourself

You're an idiot.

You probably think this is homoerotic:

That doesn't strike me as being homoerotic in the slightest. Its a group of dudes working out. That's obvious.

This video honestly seems like an abduction fantasy to me. Even if its not that crying didn't seem like acting to me. Whether or not its sexual that child is being mistreated. This video has made more uncomfortable in a way nothing else on this sub has before.

User name doesn't check out.

I watched 5 seconds. All I could handle. What in the actual fuck is this shit? Are there really 7million views??

We need to send this to big YouTubers and expose this. H3H3?

Philip DeFranco.

"Guys it's totally normal to tape a little girl up like this. I do it all the time to my goddaughter,she loves coming over to my place for bit of pizza and a game of ping pong then we play tape little Carris to the table.Relax,you are just misinterpreting hipster art you uncultured fucks."

James Alenfantis.

the "russians" again eh? Seems to me this is some bullshit distraction to lead us away from the criminals in America. Come on conspiracy people this is a psy op to make us look like idiots and also to give them cover if suddenly evidence is found on some Washington bigwig. The Russians the russians! give me a break.


Reported ^

I think your misunderstanding. I reported the video on you tube.

Ive seeb worse than this. You need to go alot deeper into the void pf youtube to see the real problem. This rampant uploading of videos is exactly what is going to get the free and open internet taken from us. I bet this is a psyop to do away with with net neutrality.

Bingo. And you get down voted to oblivion for stating the obvious. Classic.

When I see that it's called Daisy I have to wonder..

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The kid is clearly laughing the whole time. She is a terrible actor.

I also find it weird that this video has like 8 different ads on it

This is a 4chan LARP.

If you haven't heard of DaddyOfive his channel was the first child abuse channel to really get attention. They finally shut it down and took Cody from his custody.

this video is long but goes into depth of how fucked the channel was and how long it existed

The description of the video is written solely for SEO purpose.

"Hi all. You are on Deisy channel Best. I'm Margarita and I love to shoot video. On my children's channel you will find many interesting videos. You can watch video decompression, where a lot of beautiful toys. Also on our channel you can see my walks through the parks, playgrounds, amusements., journey to the sea. You can watch online stories, fun, interesting and even scary stories of preprints and disney princesses Elsa and Anna of frozen , about a witch and a monster,a fairy, about a mother and a little Baby born and Reborn.Another children's channel many videos about the doctor. Playing doctor with the injections. Margaret likes to watch TV Miss Katy, Lady Dana and Diana, happy family, I'm Alice,Nikol CrazyFamily , Tiki taki kids,Tiki taki cook, Little miss Sofia, Diana Show, Mr. Max, Roma show Like Nastya. Wiki Show Videobloger. Little girl. The children's channel. A girl with a dad shoots video. The girl and her mother.Videos for kids. Challenge."

Why is anyone trying to attract children to this channel?

I've been looking through these videos to make any sort of sense to them after seeing that other thread on the Elsa and Spiderman videos; they're fucking weird. Like, they're really fucking creepy weird.

I think it's a bit much to call them pedophiles without knowing the truth though, it honestly just looks like some Russians / Eastern Europeans have found a new 'reply girl' thing, but for children. Children will watch the ads and will watch random shit of their favorite superhero / cartoon character even if it's retarded shit.

The ones with the children are really fucking creepy, but I still think it's just them trying to target other children for views and ad-money.

Maybe I am giving them too much credit, but I feel that if this was a pedo thing they wouldn't be quite so open / exposed with millions of views and SEO shit.

Still, people who use their children to make youtube money are fucked up.

I think it's a bit much to call them pedophiles without knowing the truth though

I agree, though (as you can see in my comments here) I don't rule out that possibility at all.

My question was actually a legitimate one -- why try and attract children to these videos? Most kids aren't going to want to watch the video linked, and many others like it. Yet they are purposefully advertising it as "for children".

Why? One conclusion could be that they are targeting adults. Another could be far more sinister. Another could be totally harmless fun.

I am not so sure that children wouldn't want to watch it to be honest.

Kids will consume anything that resembles their idols from the big screen movies. Fuck, I mean Star Wars Oranges were a thing at one point among other weird merchandised things, but hey they still sold because of the association with Star Wars.

Though I did just go have a look at the full channel because I assumed there might be some sort of backstory, like this being some series or something, and most of the popular uploads are the child bound with a knife / gun to their face... Pretty fucking weird.

I am just gonna' go back to eyebleach.

I'd imagine most kids would click on it because it has their favorite toys in the thumbnail. I don't think they'd want to click on it if they knew what was inside, though.

kids see something unusual like elsa getting hurt or spiderman pooping and they are curious. when i caught my kid watching this crap it was clear from the internet history that she's just looked at each video briefly to see what it was and then moved on. that's what they want, more views, it doesn't matter if kids don't watch the whole video. you have to watch your kids constantly if they are on youtube. people have taken advantage of kids' curiosity and created "clickbate for kids" with these videos.

Exactly right. After seeing these posts I went through my YouTube history and found a few of these videos including one with spiderman showing how to use a needle. Had to tell my 4 year old no more YouTube. Luckily he didn't seem to care. This shit makes me sick to my stomach though, k owing he's seen some of these.

Can you elaborate on how they managed to watch a video like that? Like, if I just browse around on the Youtube Kids section long enough, I'm going to find super creepy videos like that?

Basically I pull up YouTube for him and find a video of Ninja turtles or something. YouTube has that feature where it plays the next video automatically so sometimes that will lead him in a certain direction, but from the times I was with him, he will sometimes watch about half of a video and see a video of spiderman or a superhero on the side bar and click on it. Obviously he can't read so he's just going off of pictures. I think it's a combination of the auto play and him clicking on random videos that had led him to some of these videos. We've only seen him get to videos that I would classify as inappropriate a couple times so it may be that he's only seen a couple or he's seen more.

So to answer your last question, I imagine they if you just went through a bunch of kids videos and sort of let YouTube take you asking the way as a child would, you would eventually run into some of these.

And YouTube doesn't let you block channels from showing up in the sidebar so once they accidentally click on one bad video they get more and more bad recommendations from the same channel. I wish parents could get together to boycott YouTube until they create a "block channel" feature.

That's just it - you can get kids to click on videos without them being super creepy, and certainly without the sexual innuendo that will go right over their heads. This shit is aimed at adults.

Most kids aren't going to want to watch the video linked, and many others like it.

My 3 year old would disagree. And I doubt kids that young are going to have YouTube accounts, so it's plausible a lot of the activity coming from adult accounts are actually the kids using their parent's accounts to watch YouTube (like my kid does).

I try my hardest to steer him away from content like this, but if I'm at work, there's not much I can do. Tried talking to my wife about it to get her on the same page, but it's always "there you go with the conspiracy theories again..."

I don't know if my 3 year old son would wanna watch this. We monitor him on YouTube pretty closely given his age.

My 6 year old, however, would not want to watch this. She WOULD watch it. She's probably watch most of it. Not because she enjoys this type of content, but because it's new and kids are sponges.

Exactly. I just talked to my girlfriend about it and she said she saw him watching one with spiderman and Elsa having sex. I could tell she stopped listening when I started talking about MKultra though. But at least we're on the same page about being done with youtube

What the holy fuck. Goddamnit now this is in my browser history. What the fuck is wrong with some people

Wtf, thats some freedom of speech shit, people can do whatever they want?!?!? AND POST IT ON YOUTUBE?? IS THIS AMERICA??

what the fuck?

Have you guys seen the creepy pedo vids which have millions of views and pedos in the comments and are young girls doing pretty sexual things? Absolutely disgusting and im surprised no one has talked about it, those videos are just as prevalent as these.

The ones that were all generic names like ds293838@8lr or something of that sort with girls doing splits? Yeah, those were obviously uploaded and shared by pedos

yes, but there are also channels owned by the girls themselves which have multiple videos which makes it even creepier. this means either a) these girls are uploading these videos with 0 knowledge of the creeps that are watching them and making them do these things b) their parents are forcing them to make these sick videos for money or c) they are making these videos against their will and this is a new form of child pornography/sex trafficking.

Could be all three but I'm thinking a lot of the time these creeps steal videos to upload or create playlists with videos that you mentioned in a)

Governments probably hate YouTube...making it a place full of pedo freaks is a good way of killing discussion.

I never came to this subreddit before, but I spent 10 minutws going through these videos and I found: spiderman injecting a pregnant Elsa to kill her baby, some toddler getting multicolour injections in their ass, a bunch of spiderman. Holding a knife to pregnant Elsa vids/thumbnails...sick stuff.

Please upvote this thread. We gotta get r/all in on this.

Pushing for censorship right now is a bad idea. A citizen investigation should come first (as the authorities clearly can't be trusted), while there are links and artifacts to investigate.

What the... How the f*ck does a rather innocent video gets taken down easily 'Against community guidelines' And shit like this is up and running for ages with 8 million views

i love how all the videos are "russian" and they are posted in the last two months ;)

/Pol/ - Humanity needs you now more than ever.

They are doing this to further push pedophilia as a normal thing. When its not. Its fucking disgusting. They are enabling it because YouTube is owned by the same evil scumbags running pedo rings all over the world.

There is a sub culture of people who take pleassure in terrifying and torturing kids online. Even when pizzagate was first revealed I somehow did not understand that it is a subculture of the online community. Much like furries are a subculture. A simple google search of duct taped children will reveal so many people who post photos of their own children duct taped and tortured. These parents have been arrested. The photos are actually similar to the famous comet ping pong photo of the little girl taped to a table. These videos are that subculture that enjoys terrorizing children.

You must have had a pretty naive view of youtube.

You do realize that you can post almost anything on youtube as long as there are no titties or genitalia?

Looking at the video, perhaps we as humans just find taping someone abusive but they have a bunch of videos with the same girl and family on the channel.

I dont find the dragging on the floor thing a big deal, my brother used to hold me upside down just to play around with me.

So looks like a kids channel but Im sure pedos probably are into watching kids shows

1) there is a lot of shit going on on youtube with fake cartoons depicting extreme violence and targeted to children (ie unlike "Happy Tree Friends" variety)

2) this video IS NOT the same shit. This is obvious some sort of homemade "movie", the girl tries hard to be an actress (coming off as cute more than anything else), and while the tape was unnecessary and might have hurt a bit when they took it off, it is nothing more than acting.

TL;DR Youtube is being flooded with violent cartoons targeted at children. The video linked is just some stupid youtube homemade video, and much better than our shitty "child beauty pageant" (now that shit is scary, thank you TLC)

There was a thread the other day with one of these channels (freaky toys I think it was called.) But the guy kept talking about Easter Eggs in the video. People were trying to figure out if the eggs symobilized something.

It seems to me this is a more likely explanation:

Basically, what I think he was referring to was hidden sexual messages.

Call your local news about this. The big channels may not pick it up, but smaller ones will eat that shit up.

That kid is a terrible actor, she could at least try to not smile while she's being "attacked".

This is a war

And it's taken down.

Video is down, so I'm assuming enough people complained before I could watch it. Good job everyone!

TLDR, bug my mission after reading that Spiderman n Elsa stuff was to get this shut down. If YT dies it dies. Anyway thus us what I posted on guys channel, "4chan and Reddit have united to take down this gross pedophile ring on YouTube. Cyphers have been decoded. Anonymous will win this war. Upvote if you have kids and are concerned about what they watch or just for Internet safety." Post something similar l. I have 2 daughters 5 and 8. They have access, but luckily don't watch this shit. I want Pol to get names. I'm only 30, but I'll kill anyone who directly targets my daughter and let the court of opinion decide if it's OK or not. Let tax payers provide for pedos or just kill them? Our system is fucked.

Thank God that video is removed. Tried to watch because I can't believe something like that is allowed and it was already gone.

So how does this get by youtube guidelines???

Let's just go find these dudes and do some creepy shit to them while taping it.

No I see the brigade. But there is suspicious youtube pedophile activity that needs to be exposed. This post seems (hopefully) to come from the heart from a serious member.

I am in no way saying there isn't. But we exposed the twitter pedes and nothing came of it. Just gave them publicity. We need to be careful when just promoting these links. I get that the user say the word promoting and took it as me saying he was pro pedo. He's just giving them a platform. Even if unknowingly.

If continue to post these videos to this subreddit something bad is going to happen. I never said we shouldn't expose or discuss. But putting these links everywhere gives it more views.

I came across this shit as a result of those other threads, but those are focused on some MK-Ultra ARG that's probably not be real - but this shit is real and I think it deserves its own thread. I'm not a fucking paid shill hired to attack YouTube.

By posting them here it gets the topic more exposure; yes, more people are going to see it, but that also means that more people can work on contacting their local authorities if needed (I didn't watch), or just investigate to find out WTF is going on. If we all see something horrible and never say anything about it for fear that someone else may be exposed then you could say goodbye to the news, discussions, trial by jury, pretty much everything and unfortunately we can't live in Bikini Bottom so we have to talk about what is wrong in the world to try to solve it, even if it is unpleasant. Also I see (frequently) people complaining about the topics posted in Conspiracy but they're conspiracies...upvote threads more to your liking and give them a chance to be at the top.

Duct tape. I'll bring

Any examples of that? I can't seem to find any, and that was the first place I looked lol. Then again, I'm not really up on my "neo-nazi" hang out spots, outside of Stormfront, so I really have no idea what I'm doing :P


I'll bring the shovel.

I'll bring the blowtorch.

Oh god, I know.. I feel so bad for them. Like how many kids have a favorite stick these days? That's an important skill, learning how to put your own fun into things. They're going to be takers almost exclusively, used to judging things good or bad, looking for things to do things to them instead of looking for stuff they could do to things. I wonder what their music will sound like.

Yes I understand, and no I don't need children to know that.

And my axe.

Could be all three but I'm thinking a lot of the time these creeps steal videos to upload or create playlists with videos that you mentioned in a)

It's the Kali Yuga.

It's a shadow of intention.

its a multiformat 3d bar code.