The victoryofthelight twitter account posted a tweet saying "covfefe" meant apocalypse in ancient Aramaic. A few hours before that, I found the same claim by a user at the Godlike Productions forum.

25  2017-06-01 by [deleted]



The guy is a legend in his own mind.

Highly likely he is taking decent info with crap and discrediting the lot.


He's not a legend, and never will be, he is a massive fucking LARPer that enjoy's making his crappy tabletop worlds like it's fucking D&D.

He's constantly pressed here, because he's an annoying /b/ tier dickhead, and people on the sub-reddit are quick to hope due to their lack of faith.

Apparently there's a so called "habbeing!!! XDD" going on tomorrow. No there isn't, and even if it is, it's Project Blue Beam, and if VOTL isn't a LARPer, he's as I've stated several times: a deciever shilling for the establishment/illuminati/whatever, then five year's later he's the fucking Anti-Christ.

On the other hand I'll let you guys on a little secret:

Have faith, and trust in the words I say Christ exists, but the Christian version of him, is inspired by the truth, in fact all religion is inspired by the truth, but in majority Paganism and Christianity is actually one, and the creator is "a woman", I would go a lot deeper but, well, If I give too much, many of you will dismiss me, I've given you a few shavings and you will dismiss me. Within the next five years, the truth will be revealed, whether you choose to believe what I said, is up to faith and trust.

He's constantly pressed here, because he's an annoying /b/ tier dickhead

Can't agree more. I've watched for a while now, and it must amuse he and his friends to no end. Well, it should end after today... but it won't.

I agree he is a LARP, but then after you claim hr is you started LARPing yourself... So many backwards fucks on this sub. Critical thinking and discussing conspiracy should go hand and hand because truth is important yet shit like this is posted?!

would go a lot deeper but, well, If I give too much, many of you will dismiss me

Yes, he is a LARP and YOU'RE the one with the real secret knowledge right? Fuck off.

That sounds like something VOL would say lol but you've intrigued me. What reconciles Christianity and paganism? Catholicism?

Orthodox, 7th Day, Protestants, and Jehovah's Witness is the only really pure form of Christianity, but even then they've still got a bit to go.

Not much reconciles, the closest you'll get too is Mary, the clothing of the priests, but Christianity is a spin-off of Judaism, mixed with Roman Pagan elements (Saturnalia = Christmas, although JC was born around Sept. 25-Decem.25)

Christianity has essentially divided itself, but that had a purpose, Christians that have faith and trust in JC are "god's" people, the Jews fell out of favor long ago, but it's likely they are waiting for JC to set foot on earth again, hence the "true messiah"

What constitutes "pure" Christianity? What do you make of the mancheans or gnostics or the Dead Sea verses?

What Jesus Christ taught: Tolerance, respect, all that jazz about helping etc

Hate the sin, but love the sinner

Possibly a LARP?

Are you sure it was the Godlike Productions forum that tipped you off, and not the baby with a skin disease that was being passed off as an alien? Or maybe it was the statement that Jimmy Kimmel and Jon Stewart were the ones that turned them on to politics.

Account is a shit show, in my opinion, that plays off of people's fears and hopes.

It's embarrassing really. Diatribes about his family, pretending he and others are about to overthrow the government...

We are not amused.

Regarding the skin disease, how would we know where certain diseases came from and what causes it? Genetics.

How could you not think it's a LARP? Like, yeah, the world governments are going to be A-OK with a Twitter account leaking all their secrets. Yeah, right, sure.

It was posted on r/conspiracy a few hours before too.

To be honest, I wasn't completely sure how I felt about the account until today. The fact that he's trying to pass off a typo as a secret code related to aliens just confirms that it's a LARP for me. He's just openly taking the piss now.

It is very obvious he is a LARP, or at the most, a Double Agent masking as a "agent of good" when he is in reality either the Anti-Christ, he's here to makeor simply here to do the good old "divide and conqueror" to prevent a true uprising.

Covfefe on the otherhand is simply Trump misspelling coverage, it's fairly obvious, but VOTL is either deceiving, larping, or being a total tard.

Also he keeps talking about those fucking UFOs called "TR-3Bs" when the reality is that the so called "patent" is a fucking fake made by some fucking whackjob in 2012 for internet credit. Mind everyone else the Belgian UFO wave Spacecraft (Triangles with three yellow lights) were alien, but the TR3B is a completely unrelated vehicle that never had a "patent" made, but was nevertheless still in development.

In other words: Don't trust VOTL, sources are slightly more reliable, but they are still fucking sandwiches made of shit meat instead of shit.

It is very obvious he is a LARP, or at the most, a Double Agent masking as a "agent of good" when he is in reality either the Anti-Christ, he's here to makeor simply here to do the good old "divide and conqueror" to prevent a true uprising.


I've seen the patent, what are you talking about?

The guy that patented this shit has made up like a million of these things, and has been regarded as insane.

Who regards him as insane? I can't find anything substantial about him.

You've got to hand it to them. I say them because it's got to be a handful of people with multiple fawning accounts. It's pretty disturbing that it's allowed to be plastered everywhere on this sub. One poster in particular shits it out, as often as they can.

but, what if it does translate from ancient Aramaic? (Just playing the other side of the coin here)

People don't want to think like that. They want to discredit him (I wonder why.) Something I've noticed, the more of an uproar and discrediting seems to mean that they are close to the truth.

People aren't going out of their way to discredit him,he's doing it himself. Just because people find fault in something doesn't mean that it's close to the truth, it just means there's something wrong with the info.

That's the most annoying thing about this sub. Every time there's a problem with a conspiracy and people start speaking out about it there's always a group of people that think it's only getting called out because "they don't want us talking about it, therefore we must be getting close to the truth," when in reality the more rational people just see it for what it is and know it's a waste of time to dwell on it.

Noone wants to talk about flat earth, and the flat earthers think it's a giant coverup. When in reality it's just not being discussed because anyone who can do somewhat simple math can discredit it, but you're not going to get those who can't to believe it by showing them what they think are random numbers.

You can't call it rationality when its literally people accusing some guy of larping without any evidence.

You can't call it rationality when its literally people accusing some guy of larping without any evidence.

Exactly. Debate around it, try and understand different viewpoints, thought processes, don't throw out un reasoned opinions. Debate properly people! Stop dragging personal issues into these discussions, it only benefits the people who could potentially "get away" with whatever we are discussing and ultimately just hurts the community. (Understandably, shills aren't going to go with this.. but then won't it be 100 times easier to realise who is a bot/shill/troll?)

We are supposed to question everything. But a big point around that is QUESTION everything, questioning things turns up facts, or discuss possibilities which can lead to facts. Who cares if a wild thought is wrong?! If someone thinks of a potential idea, then the likelyhood of someone else thinking of it and acting upon that is pretty high in this day and age.

The twitter account has brought a lot of truth out. If he's LARPing then he's pretty dam good and has a shit done of different material handy. Was the original account owner not in the White House under Obama? I may have that wrong (but it could be a stolen / hacked account.) I find the information interesting and people claiming it's fake due to a baby with a 'skin disease' (where did this disease come from? It's certainly genetic, like most illnesses.) And the photoshopped AA missile (what picture is the real photoshop?) I do question everything but I do like what the account is trying to do (mass meditation and calling out discrepancies while maintaining that ET's have been here for thousands of years.)

It's good you question everything, but for some reason people who question everything on here don't know how to use a search engine.

Worth mentioning that he's pushing forward a lot of trendy conspiracy stuff and then removes the tweets when they get debunked.

There's so many accounts using the word LARP within one hour lol

Why do you people have so much faith or interest in a random conspiracy theorist on twitter? If I make a twitter and talk about random bullshit I find online will I become famous? God damn this is stupid. He's just another New Ager.


Everything he/she "released" can be found on the internet before he/she ever posted it.

So what exactly do his/her followers think was released for truth? Cause we all talk about evidence and the one post here that showed was lying and instantly people started buzzing like they wanted to input but not discuss what was just presented showing he/she is false. . .

Agreed. All I can do is look at this and smh. This is so fucking stupid. All the talk of religion Jesus, antichrist and Christianity peppered in here make it sound even more fucking stupid.

Some random moron on twitter is playing make believe and somehow this is a viable topic on this sub bc only now you're finding out he lied about it all lol? People are really, really, really fucking dumb nowadays. Talk about something worth talking about. Think critically for fucks sake. Bc this is just some time wasting bullshit.

Why do you people have so much faith or interest in a random conspiracy theorist on twitter?

I think he gained notoriety when Obama started following him. That's second hand info though, so don't quote me on that. Regardless, LARPS gonna LARP.

He posted a YouTube video link to Twitter about this

But if you know how to use Google, you'll see the title was changed:

Having trouble archiving the Google search, but if you can, you type in inurl:_lS8pptX9pg and you'll find it before they update the caches

Someone with an anonymous Twitter account should reply to him.

Covfefe means trumps fat ass fell asleep while tweeting.

Maybe he was so sleep deprived he started twattering and at the very end before his brain blanked out he was thinkin of coffee and coverage at the same time and just.. brainfarted so damn hard he developed acute amnesia and just wandered away from the twatter.

the man IS in his 70's.

Live Action Role Play?

Godlike Productions is a Department of Defense operation.

Come on... all you had to do was take ONE look at his blog (specifically the INSANE comments section) and know which way this was gonna go.

People aren't going out of their way to discredit him,he's doing it himself. Just because people find fault in something doesn't mean that it's close to the truth, it just means there's something wrong with the info.

That's the most annoying thing about this sub. Every time there's a problem with a conspiracy and people start speaking out about it there's always a group of people that think it's only getting called out because "they don't want us talking about it, therefore we must be getting close to the truth," when in reality the more rational people just see it for what it is and know it's a waste of time to dwell on it.

Noone wants to talk about flat earth, and the flat earthers think it's a giant coverup. When in reality it's just not being discussed because anyone who can do somewhat simple math can discredit it, but you're not going to get those who can't to believe it by showing them what they think are random numbers.

The guy that patented this shit has made up like a million of these things, and has been regarded as insane.

What Jesus Christ taught: Tolerance, respect, all that jazz about helping etc

Hate the sin, but love the sinner