This movie is a MUST watch if only for one reason: Hollywood, and the volume of subliminal messages contained in much of the ‘innocuous’ content spewed out by the world’s entertainment factory.

32  2017-06-01 by rabbits_dig_deep

Sorry, meant to put the link down here!


Bit heavy on the doom music, but interesting nonetheless.

I thought this was well done and really shows you the true side of the movie industry. I didn't know that so many early Jewish leaders of the film industry were literally PUT IN JAIL because they were charged with pushing communism! That's just insane.

I skimmed through this video to see if it was worth watching and it didn't take long to stumble onto a problem:

It makes Bernie Sanders into a bad guy by using the S word. Calling him a Socialist, and also calling him a Communist. For many decades Americans have been propagandized into having a gut level emotional response to these words such that they automatically hate anything labeled as such without even considering the context.

Capitalism has its merits of course, but left unchecked it leads to monopolies and total control of the government by wealthy interests.

The truth is -- to get what's good out of capitalism the players have to be kept in check with various rules enforced by government.

Sanders was never any kind of extremist - he has only pushed to restrain capitalism such that it doesn't grow like cancer and devour our entire system and the American worker with it...

This video's unfair propagandistic portrayal of him is disappointing, to say the least... and makes it clear the rest of the video isn't worth watching.

All communist and capitalist societies are just secret fascists. There's no value among either.

(((Bernie Sanders)))