Here's something this administration is doing while the MSM and T_D bots distract us with topical spam.

59  2017-06-01 by [deleted]



Good post!

even just the temporary feeling of physical pain.

Fuck. They already run around with their pistols out screaming about how they feel threatened. Imagine how they'll abuse this.

Fuck. They already run around with their pistols out screaming about how they feel threatened. Imagine how they'll abuse this.

"Blue Feels Matter!" ???

/Heavily armed snowflakes...

I'll take armed police over armed Leftist Political activists any day. The nasty police are the least of our problems imo. Cute narrative though, brilliant actually...

Team Police State has been in the works for years, takes a guy like fucking Sessions to push it over the top. The solution to police violence? Giving them more authority, less oversight. Thanks Jeff.

10/10 chance he owns massive amounts of stock in private prisons.

..and for sure gets lots of donations from the Prison Industrial Complex lobby.

You guys sure seem to know a lot of Sessions and his intentions.. Must be nice to read minds

Don't forget Big Alcohol and Big Tobacco.

Thanks for outing this.

Seems like there isnt any good news from this administration since they canceled that TPP deal. Donald, do ONE thing that isnt stupid (bringing back coal) or evil (this, etc) please. Win me over.

so great again... smh.

Why you attacking T_D bots? Throw T_D under the bus ofc. Why not mention DNC bots?

Because Seth Rich posts are most of the fucking front page. I hope this isnt a serious question.

Why not mention DNC bots? Ctr? Shareblue?

These are major issues too.. But I guess just T_D bad.

Because comparitively it's a nonissue. Look at the number of Seth Rich posts at any given time, also see the top sticky on clear T_D botting. It's not even close to the same severity. T_D bots are the worst thing on this sub right now.

Real people want to know what happened to Seth Rich. It's just that simple. It is a conspiracy crime and it needs to be brought to light, and that is why it makes it to the top. Even liberal persons want to know what happened there.

Because they obviously arnt an issue here? Or have you not been paying attention to the blatantly botting of this sub for months.

Why not mention DNC bots? Shareblue? Ctr?