U/one_two_combo is trolling

11  2017-06-02 by ichoosejif




Apparently, mods are sleeping...

Apparently, for a quite a while now...

Ah greed. We need an alt.

Isn't this a rule 2 violation in this twisted "free speech" zone?


Exactly, I can't believe that I'm being slandered for holding a different opinion.

You must be doing something right, keep it up.

lol, I just want to be able to voice my opinion, without having to worry about backlash for saying something that wasn't politically correct.

you should report this post BTW

I'm going to report it now, because this is super unfair, I'm kinda losing my appetite for reddit now.


u/amiibohunter87 is this same user. They are a troll. Got banned for harassing me.

Nah he's just some dude who doesn't like gays


His entire thread about homosexual acts being as degenerate as necrosexual acts?


I concede. He is in fact a troll

How am I a troll?

When did I ever say that I didn't like gays? I've only advocated against homosexuality, I didn't say I dislike homosexuals. Homosexuality is an act, homosexual is a person. Come on people, we have to understand that people are going to have different opinions and beliefs. Nonetheless I still love people even though I disagree with them.

Let's be real. Love the sinner hate the sin is utter bullshit. There's nothing wrong with hating gays, a good chunk of the world agrees with you.

How am I a troll? I'm here to defend myself, so provide proof that I am a troll. I am innocent until proven guilty.

I know it's easy for me to say, but I wouldn't worry at all about this. This happens when someone (usually paranoid) can't argue with facts and debate like an adult, it's an easy way to try and negate everything you've ever said or will say by casting doubt on your account.

For what it's worth, your account name doesn't matter, what you bring to the comments / threads will, you're doing just fine.

What's wrong, maybe we shouldn't talk about things that offend people, because snowflakes are going to start crying frozen tears.

I looked at your posts and they're mediocre, at least I'm talking about stuff that people are passionate about.

Do you hate me?

Looks like a disinfo account to me.

1700 karma in 7days (posts only here wow) . Posts multiple times about same topic.

Almost all of his posts are outright fake/low quality

Wild accusations being claimed and my name is being thrown under the bus. Maybe we should start judging everybody's account for that matter. Let's be fair.

Maybe we should start judging everybody's account for that matter.

We should obviously.

Self-monitoring better than anything a mod can do :)

Let he without sin cast the first stone. Just because I have a lot of post karma in a few days doesn't mean I'm a troll. I can't believe how judgemental and intolerant people are here. At least I'm trying to make content, rather than sitting around just make echo chamber comments. Why waste my time on reddit, if people hate dissenting opinions, I feel like we're in North Korea, this sub-reddit may as well be on a private lan.

Agreed. Banning is of no use.

That isn't the problem people have had with this account of yours or your others.

Yes he is. I got his last account banned.

Removed. Rule 10, 12. Final warning.

Apparently, mods are sleeping...

Apparently, for a quite a while now...

How am I a troll?