We are allowed to see Tiger Wood's breathalyzer video, but we aren't allowed to see the surveillance footage from the scene of Seth Rich's death or the body camera footage of the responding officers

3859  2017-06-03 by [deleted]



We only get to see videos of cops shooting black people.

I plead da FiF

Yeah, you're the reason people think shareblue exists lol.

Well that and the front page articles on /politics and its actual existence.


you are denying the existance of Shareblue?

i mean it isn't a secret they exist.

I don't understand. Are you talking about the ShareBlue run by David Brock, a Republican mole who is trying to destroy the Democratic Party.

especially poor ones because their families can't afford the lawyers to prevent it.

If those people were well off enough to afford a good lawyer they're probably not the type to raise their children up to assault people/police aka Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin. Just saying.

Well you see that this was a gigantic twelve year old who was too scary to be approached. The cops only option was to pull up and shoot on sight. Another great day protecting the public by our glorious boys in blue.

Rich people commit more violent crime than poor people.

TIL having a lawyer protects you from getting shot by cops

No, being white does

pretty sure if tiger didn't already plead guilty it's probably still an 'open investigation' no?

Well he blew a zero. He's guilty of sleeping in his car.

It could still be a dui if other drugs were in his system i think. He submitted a blood test as well.

While highdy high on pain pills

I honestly don't know whether it's illegal to drive on certain prescription medication. I guess it would make sense after seeing what Percocet, Opana, etc. has done to multiple people I've known.

It is illegal.. the charge is Driving Under the Influence. That includes drugs and alcohol. If you are on prescription drugs that impair your motor skills and judgment and you drive you can get a DUI for that.

That's good to know. I don't touch the stuff.

He was totally wasted. He told the cops he was on his way back from LA playing golf. And when asked to say alphabet backwards he said he understood and tried to sing the national anthem backwards.

This isn't a Tiger Woods thread

You're not a tiger woods thread.

Lol thanks for the laugh

Typical deflection. We wanna know why he was singing the national anthem, not the ABCs.. or does the answer not fit into your ruskie narrative?


I don't know how I managed to misread your comment the first time but it's actually great. You deserved a new response.

Anything that says don't operate heavy machinery should not be taken if you're planning on driving. Or take it and not drive.

It's not a matter of you full on passing out necessarily, it's a matter of dulled reaction speed which could cause a fatal accident.

For example: I know for me, something like Ativan would make me just feel more or less normal, but if I try to play some game like CSGO which requires reaction speeds, I'll be shit because my thought process is slowed.

not the point

Yeah it's not my point. I just made my point clear in another comment if you want to weigh in there.

The open government laws in Florida are the most expansive among the United States, which is why you see so many crazy "Florida man" news stories.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_information_legislation_(Florida)

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 75551

I didn't think too much into it.

I just find the idea that public surveillance footage in our nation's capital isn't available but we get to see Tiger Woods blow a zero after he got arrested for sleeping in his car...a bit ridiculous.

A more apt comparison would be dashcam or police videos of murder scenes released in FL but not released in DC.

I understand...I guess I'm being too meta for you.

My apologies.

Probably too meta for yourself, even.

I didn't think too much into it.

Biggest problem in America, right here.

Feel free to read through my comment history.

What does your comment history have to do with that observation? Just curious where you were going with that.

I understand this person claims they weren't aiming their comment at me. People also say passive aggressive shit all the time on this website so excuse me if I don't fully take their word for it

So my related thought...people are allowed to remark on account ages and post history to attack the credibility of others ( but I can't invoke own history to try to increase my credibility?

And yes I want people to read my posts. That is why I post them. I don't care if they upvote or downvote, I just like knowing that someone is reading them... Don't we all like that?

Valuable logic downvoted. What an assume website.


His comment history doesnt prove/disprove anything related to this?

How is it valuable logic?

Because it's the truth.

Doesnt have anything to do with this post.

Even though another poster did just that, making it part of the post.

Don't really care if you don't like it and want to complain about it.

As it stands, more people now use reddit to complain instead of creating solution.

He was the person that brought it up..

Did you just assume my gender.

Their comment history shows that the username is perfect. But they delete a lot of posts and comments so you'd need to check Google's cache.

There's plenty of services that show deleted reddit comments too, but it's against Reddit's TOS so DON'T google anything like, "how to undelete comments reddit."

Huh you just as bad as him for generalizing Americans.

I didn't think too much into it.

Should be the motto around here.

It wasn't a murder scene when the police showed up, Seth Rich was still able to talk.

Once he died, it became a murder scene.

Also his assertion that the wounds were non-lethal contradicts the chain of events where Seth Rich apparently died from them.

They became fatal because he wasn't treated

Glad there's not just shills in this thread.

Are you calling me a shill?

I don't appreciate being called a fucking shill, just because I don't buy into narratives without any critical thought.

Did you reply to the right person?

Yes. Me, and the person I responded to, contradicted their statement. The person who they're replying to supported them. The "not just shills in this thread" refers to the person agreeing with them, implying that all the people disagreeing were shills.

I see. Have a good one!

Yawn, another idiot arguing semantics instead of researching first

It wasnt semantics, you were writing off any arguement used against you by calling anyone who disagrees with you a shill.

Shut up shill bill.

I love how "you're the shill", but all you did was post a question, and meanwhile this self post with zero content is above 1000 with all top comment threads discussing how empty it is.

You know that gunshots aren't instakills like in the movies and Call of Duty, right? You're as likely to die from complications from them as you are from the initial shot unless it's an intentional lethal shot.

Right but he said the wounds were non-lethal. Complications from wounds that lead to death would still mean that the wounds were lethal.

You can't necessarily tell where the damage is on the surface. Wounds that appear to be non-lethal with a quick external once-over may not be so non-lethal when you start looking at internal damage. A gunshot that damages the liver may appear non-lethal externally, but is very bad once you start assessing the real damage.

Conspiracy nuts like to take everything at 100% face value.

So like if Seth got shot and cops say "Wounds appeared non-leathal" your taking that to me "Seth is fine"

But what the cops don't know is whats going INSIDE OF SETH BODY.

Conspiracy therosits want to live in a "perfect simple world"

Well folks, thats not how shit works.

Seth was killed in a robbery gone wrong, its that simple.

How can you say that? Why didn't the robber loot him? How can you know for certain what happened in an unsolved case?

Got spooked? Robbers get spooked too.

I was watching a guy rob a gas station, he walked into the gas station put a $20 bill on the table and pulled out a gun and said give me all your money

So he did

The guy ran away with like $15~ in cash

but guess what

he forgot the $20 bill at the crime scene.

Pretty sure this is a scene from a movie I saw once.

It was on some TV show about stupid criminals.

Because he's in an area with gunshot detectors, gunshots are extremely loud, and the robber probably didn't intend to kill his victim. If you go to rob a guy, get in a kerfuffle, and you shoot him in a way (in an area that you probably know has gunshot detectors and in a way that's not immediately lethal, nonetheless), you're probably not going to spend your time rooting around in his pockets for valuables. You're going to book it before you get arrested.

If you were the government assassinating a target, why would not taking anything be evidence for anything? They'd probably take something to make it look like a robbery anyway.

I'd also expect an assassin hired by the government to be a lot better at killing people, not leaving Seth with non lethal wounds and and apparently a sloppy cover up.

It's almost like he was killed by a nervous mugger.

Why didn't the robber loot him?

As others have speculated, it could have been a mugging gone badly. Seth had defensive wounds so there was some kind of struggle and the criminal could have shot and then panicked. Instead of calmly trying to take Seth's stuff, he panicked and fled.

I mean, if it were a professional hit, it would have made more sense to ensure that this looked like a robbery by taking something. In doing so they would avoid the massive shit show that this has become. Botched robberies have happened before and surely you've thought about this before, no?

How can you know for certain what happened in an unsolved case?

I would disagree about the person's certainty, however, it seems likely. The only possible evidence that we have now that Seth was murdered for political reasons were the hints from Assange about him being a possible leaker. As far as I know, that's literally the only bit of "evidence" that this was a politically motivated assassination.

Do you have a theory as to why the dnc didn't use him as a posterboy for the need for increased gun control?

Clinton did mention his death two days after it happened in a speech regarding gun violence.

“From Sandy Hook to Orlando to Dallas, and so many other places, these tragedies tear at our soul,” Clinton said in Portsmouth, N.H. “And so do the incidents that don’t even dominate the headlines. Just this past Sunday, a young man, Seth Rich, who worked for the Democratic National Committee to expand voting rights, was shot and killed in his neighborhood in Washington. He was just 27 years old.”


One mention? Why wasn't it more?

How many mentions would be adequate for you?

She was criticised for it and people thought she was using his death for her political purposes. If she had pushed further the same people now asking why Hillary didn't draw attention to it would be saying that she's evil for using his death for gun control.

It's almost like the people who criticize her for mentioning it and then accuse her of having him killed have some agenda to push.

Clinton did talk about it.

Becuase DC already has strict gun laws and massive gun violence problems. Bot exactly something the "gun laws work" crowd wants to put on full blast.

Becuase DC already has pretty strict gun control laws and still has a serious gun violence issues.

Not exactly something the "gun control laws reduce gun crime" crowd wants to put on full blast, is it?

Do you have a theory as to why the dnc didn't use him as a posterboy for the need for increased gun control?

But they did, a simple google search would prove that.

Why didn't the robber loot him?

see my main issue with this line of criticism is that it implies a paid hitman is more likely to forget to take something than a street criminal whose robbery didn't go according to plan and unexpectedly shot the guy

i mean, it was a botched robbery, after all

Easily, he had bruises on his wrist, hand and face, as well as torn wrist strap on his watch. From those facts alone it is obviously an attempted robbery, add in the fact that two other robberies occurred on the exact same street corner in the twoo weeks prior.

It is a no-brainer. He was surrounded by three guys all pointing handguns at him and who demanded he disable his phone and hand over his wallet.

When they tried to take his watch from him he struggled (hence the torn strap on his watch as well as bruises on his wrist), one of the other robbers who was behind him panicked and shot him.

Once he went down the robbers had to flee because they did not want to be caught as they knew the police had a device that could instantly detect a gun being fired in the area.

Three people with guns and nobody actually stole anything? Are you serious? That's a conspiracy theory lol. You have nothing to support that

You have nothing to support that

You are so full of shit it is not funny. He had bruises on his wrist and hands, and a torn watch strap. That is clear and indisputable evidence that there was a struggle when they tried to take his watch.

There is also the fact that a handgun was used in the shooting, the same type of gun(s) that was used in every other robbery in the area.

Only an idiot would imply that there was no attempted robbery simply because nothing was taken, despite the fact that it was a botched robbery (because duh they panicked), and they knew that police had the ability to immediately respond to the sound of gunfire because they had a fucking device that could pick up the sound and identify where it came from, so naturally they fled immediately because they did not want to be caught, especially not with any of the victim's belongings.

Did it take practice for you to ignore reality or does it just come naturally to you?

Thanks for being dumb. I'm talking about your claim of 3 robbers

Sigh. Can you be any more dense?

There were at least 8 robberies in the prior 6 weeks where there was a gang of 3 robbers that enacted the robbery in the exact same way everytime. Two of those robberies occurred on the exact same corner of the street that Seth Rich was killed on.

First they would surround their victim, then they would demand their victim disable their phone and hand over their wallet. In the Seth Rich case, they tried to take his watch but he fought back, hence the torn strap and the bruises on his wrist and hands.

The robber who was behind Seth shot him in the back, then the robbers fled, knowing the police would be there quickly.

It is not difficult to understand. There is evidence that it was an attempted robbery, while there is absolutely zero evidence of a conspiracy to commit murder by the DNC.

Except for maybe the fact Podesta was willing to make an example out of a suspected leaker

Except for the fact that Seth Rich did not leak any emails, nor did he have any contact with Wikileaks. Like I said zero evidence of a conspiracy.

LOL! How could you possibly know that?


  • The DNC were hacked by a phishing scam which gained access to all their emails and documents, which were then "leaked" to Wikileaks.

  • They were hacked by the same group that hacked Macron's emails (APT/28 / Fancy Bear)

  • That hackers used Russian programming language as their source code

  • Seth Rich was not a computer hacker

  • The family of Seth Rich have stated unequivocally that he had no contact with Wikileaks

  • The FBI/CIA have all clearly stated that Seth Rich had zero contact with Wikileaks, and that the DNC were hacked by Russia

The DNC never gave the FBI access to their computers. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Lmao you're such an idiot. Do research and stop believing everything the DNC tells you.

I'm a conspiracy theorist and I'm the one whose criticism you're building on.

Conspiracy nuts like to take everything at 100% face value. gratuitous generalisation yeah !

Conspiracy therosits want to live in a "perfect simple world" Seth was killed in a robbery gone wrong, its that simple. its that simple.



He ended him

Need a little, Quick Revive!

If he didn't die there, it wasn't a murder scene. He was murdered from lack of treatment.


The location where the incident happened that caused the death is the murder scene regardless of where and when the person actually died you dumb mother fucker.

the hospital is the murder scene, based on evidence. this was a total coverup.

Which evidence exactly?

Omg, you've just broken it. According to statistics A VAST MAJORITY of people have died in hospitals. Just what exactly is going on in these places?!

is there a more perfect place to kill someone?

Sure I'm familiar with how these theories are born. Find a result, pick a narrative, find all evidence that supports that narrative, ignore all evidence that counters it

Totally unrelated, but hospitals are actually extremely dangerous places to be. If you can ever reasonably avoid being there, do so. Hospitals (wrong drugs or treatments, antibiotic resistant infections, etc) are one of the leading cause if death not including people who die for the reason they are there. On mobile and no time to cite, but look it up if you're interested.

they're not 'extremely dangerous places' though, lol. what's your opinion of a dark alley in a bad neighborhood, the side of the freeway, or a county prison if hospitals fall in the "extremely dangerous" category? would those be ultra-super-duper-elite-dangerous?

Sure, they are dangerous places?

Medical errors alone are among the top five killers in the US, of all causes.


Maybe #3, not #5. That being said, I bet it's because we've gotten so good at treating diseases and injuries in general, that human error tops the list.

Medical errors != hospitals. It doesn't mean hospitals are "extremely dangerous". For example, working in a hospital isn't "extremely dangerous".

Sure, technically you are correct. If any robots out there with no understanding of natural human language happen upon my post they might mistake my meaning.

Yeah it's fairly straight forward - hospitals aren't "extremely dangerous". Medical procedures have varying levels of risk associated, and indeed medical problems are a leading cause of death, but to say "hospitals are extremely dangerous" is just silly.

It's sampling bias.
Hospitals would naturally come out as more dangerous than your average place.

Even just looking at medical error alone, it's like cancer level numbers.

I like to measure the death rate of medical errors against the survival rate of doing nothing.

Why would you like to do that? That would be a ridiculous thing to do with way too many factors. All I said is don't go to the hospital if you can reasonably avoid it. Don't be a hypochondriac, etc.

What's the opposite of a hypochondriac?
I don't want to be that either.

A corpse, probably.

Not necessarily. Very well could have been murdered at the hospital.


could you point me in the direction of some info backing this claim up? Not just speculation.

Unless there's foul play at the hospital....

Source that isn't a 4chan screencap?

Fine, the scene of the shooting. Still apples and oranges with a traffic stop.

Also, the investigation was finished and the alleged perp was arrested by the time we got the footage.

Another example of this effect: -lots of footage showing the columbine shooters and their scary rifles, zero from sandy hook after the school had just installed an upgraded security system.

Releasing those images from Columbine had unforeseen consequences. Things have changed with school shootings coverage since. Nobody wants Adam Lanza or any other perpetrators idolized the way Dylan and Kevin were/are.

Some argue that the names of perpetrators shouldn't be released at all because it gives them the notoriety they wanted and inspires others. Same reasons that reporting on suicides is done the way it is, same reason live streaming suicides and crimes is such an attractive option to some.

Like out of respect for the lives lost in a tragic situation? Like what happened with the news anchor chick who blew her brains out in front of the camera.

No, copycat crimes can be a real problem. Sometimes in towns/high schools especially a kid will commit suicide, it draws a lot of attention, and suddenly inspires a string of suicides. There have been copycats for a lot of notorious criminals or crimes. Dylan and Eric, those images, the event itself, they all captivated the entire nation because it was such a cold blooded, horrible event. They become idolized by some, studied, copied.

am not sure what you are referring to.

Eric not kevin

Ah thank you! I'll edit now.

not really they deleted most of the columbine videos from inside the school :/

Don't try to report this one chiguy! It's already been tagged with "ignorereports" as well. https://snew.github.io/r/conspiracy/about/log

Imgur link: http://imgur.com/a/hvdah

If his argument is retarded for assuming he wasn't treated, prove him wrong? You act like he has some nerve posting how he feels because you feel his opinion is wrong. This is why when people actually can prove something right no one believes them because people like you make everyone sound insane for believe opposite of the media.

If his argument is retarded for assuming he wasn't treated, prove him wrong?

If he's going to make a claim (Rich wasn't treated) then it's on him to provide evidence of that claim. The more extraordinary the claim, the more extraordinary the evidence required.

You act like he has some nerve posting how he feels because you feel his opinion is wrong.

Let's be real here for a change, this has nothing to do with an opinion and everything to do with pushing a completely baseless conspiracy for purely partisan purposes.

If you are calling bullshit on him, prove why he is wrong. Do you not know how this works? Were you in the ER? I would love to see some evidence since clearly you are a master of debunking this theory and know the truth.

He didn't prove anything. How can I prove that wrong?

That's not how this works though. The person making the allegation(s) have to provide proof/evidence, which OP gave nothing.

Attempted CONFEFE

The only redeeming quality of this subreddit, is the willingness of the people to point out how much bullshit is upvoted in this subreddit

Think the reason you see so many "crazy Florida man" stories is that it's Florida.

Republicans don't hide the truth! They don't kill their citizens! Democrats are fucking Terrorist and should be treated as such

you forgot the /s at the end.

But what if

Google "Sunshine laws" in Florida.

This is a ridiculous comparison.

Cool edit bro.

Cool critical thinking skills...

Oh yeah... I'm the one being extremely narrow while you are doing the critical thinking.


You are being provided with correct information and the ability to learn from your mistakes yet you seem to be actively either dismissing it or of the people providing it to you and pointing out your mistakes.

For example, refusing to accept that you were incorrect/misleading/misunderstanding or even acknowledge any one of those as the case is a prime example of "being extremely narrow," and not an example of critical thinking.

I'm glad we're all in agreement

I thought this was THE UNITED STATES /s

I thought this was America - Stan's Dad

Perhaps not American enough to have even basic knowledge of the law?

He claims to be an american.

Well I'm the King of the Moon

How can you be the King of the Moon if I'm the Emperor of the Moon? I call malarkey.

My title is really more of a ceremonial one

It's awesome to meet you, your majesty.

Go back to Europe u communist

Never actually been anywhere in Europe before, unfortunately

Do you know if they still sell the mugshots of everyone arrested that weak at the gas station?

Yup. Sure do.

Well Democrats have passed to cover shut up. Republicans have laws to reveal. That's a fucking conspiracy Ain't it? Fucking cucks


The parent mentioned Sunshine Laws. Many people, including non-native speakers, may be unfamiliar with this word. Here is the definition:(In beta, be kind)

A term for various state statutes that allow the media and the general public to be present during the deliberations of legislative bodies. [View More]

Note: The parent poster (SouthernJeb or Gaslightin) can delete this post | FAQ

That makes perfect sense though. They are still invistigating the murder so they might need to keep some things out of the public as they investigate further. Have you ever seen a crime show? Tiger video is not an open murder investigation and therefore doesn't matter.

I don't think it makes sense that we aren't allowed to see public surveillance footage just because it shows someone getting murdered.

If it shows something bad you can't see it but yeah feel free to request any footage that doesn't show anything.

So I ask you - who is investigating? What is taking so long?

That's definitely possible.

Why are government officials, massive media corporations, and huge businesses making definitive statements and attacking people's character over expressing objectively reasonable concerns about an ongoing investigation with extremely limited evidence released to the public?

Why are folks in T_D, /pol/ & r/conspiracy making definitive statements and attacking people's character who express objectively reasonable concerns about an ongoing internet "investigation" with extremely limited actual evidence and mostly conjecture?

Haha that was predictable.

Can you explain how your comment isn't textbook deflection?

Sure, once you explain how your comment I responded to isn't textbook deflection. You asked what is taking so long. I point to 200+ unsolved murders in DC over 2.5 years. You answer by agreeing it's possible then going into a tangent about "muh MSM."

I didn't deflect. I accepted your logic and asked you the next question in the obvious train of thought. Rather than answering my question you deflected with a reference to r/The_Donald and comparing the credibility of online forums to government officials, the mainstream media, and huge businesses.

Why do all these parties even have an opinion on a "random" murder investigation? Oh I know...

March 2012 — Seth joins Greenberg Quinlan Rosner as Research Data Associate

December 2013 — Seth Rich (/u/MeGrimlock4) asks Reddit for DC volunteer opportunities and mentions “things starting” in January. Prefers to volunteer at soup kitchens over working with kids. —This is from the recently discovered and confirmed Reddit account of Seth Rich.

May 2014 — Seth Rich leaves Greenberg Quinlan Rosner

June 2014 — Seth Rich joins the DNC as the Voter Expansion Data Director

February 21–22, 2015 — John Podesta (email 36082) and Robbie Mook discuss leaks apparent in an article by the Washington Post and discuss making an example of the leaker. (The article in question)

Note: John Podesta now works for the Washington Post.

March 2015–Paul Cobetta, a Platte River Networks employee working for Hillary Clinton, permanently and irreversibly deletes the email archive of Hillary Clinton using software called BleachBit likely under orders from Cheryl Mills, an attorney for the Clinton Foundation. Cobetta received advice on Reddit under the user name “stonetear” on how to delete e-mails for a “VIP”. The evidence under congressional subpoena is completely destroyed, including e-mails sent between Hillary Clinton and former President Obama.

For more info: Wikileaks Proves FBI Covered Up Hillary Clinton’s Private E-mail Server To Protect President Obama

September 2015 — Josh Uretsky joins Bernie campaign as national data director, an associate of Seth Rich.

October 2015 — Clinton Email Testimony.

December 2015 —Paul Cobetta is given the project of creating weekly reports of emails being sent or received over a certain size; again goes to Reddit.

December 16, 2015 — NGP VAN applies new patch to DNC servers. According to email 15792, due to a “glitch in the code” the normal system barriers were lowered for four hours and users could access other users data. This data could still only be accessed by other DNC user accounts (including members of the Bernie Sanders campaign), which enabled four unique users to run and download the results of 25 unique searches which they saved to private hard drives.

*** December 17, 2015 — DNC officials discover the person who accessed information was connected to the Bernie team and demand discipline of the individual. ***

*** December 18, 2015 — Bernie campaign fires Josh Uretsky, his campaign’s national data director ***

*** December 19, 2015 (Saturday evening at 10pm) Amy Dacey, CEO of the DNC, reports the previous incident to Podesta (via Mary Fisher for some reason — 15792) ***

*** Jan 2016 — Sanders claims (in May 17 interview) that his Nevada HQ had shots fired and nearby employee apartments ransacked (likely in retaliation from the Clinton campaign or DNC searching for the stolen data) ***

February 2016 — Paul Combetta (/u/stonetear) meets with FBI and denies deleting any emails.

February 2016 —Paul Combetta asks Reddit about overcoming firewalls and VPNs in a series of posts.

May 2016 — Paul Combetta gives Reddit Hillary Clinton’s IP address and domain while struggling to install a VPN.

May 2016 — Paul Combetta and Bryan Pagliano are offered immunity deals by the Department of Justice. Paul Combetta finally admits to deleting Hillary Clinton’s emails.

May 3, 2016 — Bernie pulls off surprise primary victory in Indiana Primary.

*** May 14–15, 2016 — Enraged Bernie supporters shut down Dem HQ in Nevada after a weekend of violence, vandalism ***

May 17, 2016 — Bernie wins Oregon primary (final Democrat primaries, including California were still upcoming in June).

May 21, 2016 — WikiLeaks Director Gavin MacFadyen reportedly receives DNC email transfer from Seth Rich according to anonymous sources who relayed the information to a private investigator (who has now recanted after supposedly being threatened by former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile).

Note: Brazile was the same DNC employee who gave Hillary Clinton debate questions from the CNN debates against Bernie Sanders.

May 25, 2016 — Date of the last email in the DNC Email Archive released by Wikileaks.

June 12, 2016 — Bernie Sanders endorsed Clinton in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

June 14, 2016 — DNC hires Crowdstrike to find the “Russian hackers” who have been hacking the DNC for over a year. Claims that the past week has included purges to staff to weed out hackers.

July 2016 — After 6 years and over 30,000 posts, /u/MeGrimlock4 Seth Rich’s Reddit falls silent. Final comment is about the awesomeness of food trucks: https://archive.is/3nvVm

July 2016 — FBI recommends not charging Hillary Clinton or aides for mishandling classified information.

July 2016 — DNC is served with a class action lawsuit for rigging the primaries before Wikileaks even publishes anything.

July 5, 2016 — Seth Rich is invited to Hillary Clinton’s campaign team according to Joel Rich in an August 16 interview (Source).

July 9, 2016 — Seth Rich posts “gun-control” FB post:

July 10, 2016 — Seth Rich Murdered.

July 22, 2016 — Wikileaks publishes 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from the DNC, including emails from seven key DNC Staff members. The leaked DNC emails have a date range of January 2015 to May 25, 2016.

August 2, 2016 — Amy Dacey, CEO of the DNC and Seth Rich’s boss, resigns amidst controversy.

August 16, 2016 — The Chief of DC police conveniently exits stage left after only a month of the Seth Rich murder to some cushy position with the NFL as “head of security”.

Note: John Podesta’s ex-Sister in law is on the board of directors of the DC Police department (link, archive).

September 18, 2016 — Paul Combetta’s /u/stonetear account on Reddit purges all posts after being discovered by Internet investigators.

October 2016 — Wikileaks publishes Podesta emails.

October 2016 — WikiLeaks Director Gavin MacFadyen dies of Lung Cancer.

May 15, 2017—Fox5 in Washington D.C. revives the publics interest in the Seth Rich investigation with new evidence from a private investigator, Rod Wheeler, claiming Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks. Wheeler, claims the police and FBI have stonewalled his investigation, and believes Seth Rich’s laptop has clues but no one knows where it is, and police were told to stand down.

May 16, 2017—Fox News takes this story national confirming more details from the private investigator. The story has since been recanted.

May 16-Present, 2017–Mainstream media sources including the Washington Post label the Seth Rich investigation as a “mystery”, “fake news” and “debunked.”

Seth Rich’s family has refuted the claims of Wheeler, and Wheeler has redacted some of his statements after being threatened by Donna Brazile. ABCNews claims the FBI is not involved in the case (note: ABCNews was implicated in the DNC Wikileaks).

May 23, 2017—Kim Dotcom releases a statement confirming Seth Rich was in contact with him, and Wikileaks. Kim claims Seth Rich was opposed to government corruption.

the next question in the obvious train of thought.

Obvious to who? I thought the question was "why is it taking so long," which I attempted to answer.

Yes, thank you for providing the copypasta showing exactly what I was explaining. No real evidence.

No actual evidence.

Obvious to me...

Textbook Gish Gallop



TLDR: put as much bullshit as you can out and hope no one notices that its false.

Can you link to the bullshit.

No I am not the person that called what you out on Gish Gallop. I am just the one explaining what it means.

Thanks =)

Wait, are you telling me a member of a large organization dying of lung cancer isn't clear evidence of a nefarious conspiracy? Couldn't be

Seth and Josh Utretsky worked separately, how do you know they are "associates"?

The May 21st anonymous sources story about Wikileaks is made up.

Basically all that shit you posted is vaguely connected by virtue of the DNC but otherwise unrelated and littered with false hoods and misrepresentations.

As expected /u/Gaslightin, as expected.

Link/paste the gaslighting, you clown

I meant that you didn't reply. Because you posted a bunch of meaningless stuff mixed with lies.

Link/paste the gaslighting, you clown

I highlighted some already, have a read back friend!


I love how even after his parents asked for people to stop using his death as Trump supporting conspiracy propaganda people still use it as Trump supporting conspiracy propaganda.

Even if you deduct Trump, you're still disrespecting a dead child's parents, and their wishes.

CIA propaganda rag

I've never laughed so hard at something on Reddit, even all the mounds of cat gifs! You sir have achieved a milestone with me!

That's dramatic

mic drop ROFL

Are you trying to prove yourself right with this list or just puting a copy past wall of text to make it seem like all these are connected to seth rich when almost all of them are not?

I was being facetious.

How many of those murders were affluent white guys working with the government? Better yet, how many of those victims were white? This is no attempt to be racist, just a statement that statistics can often be misconstrued. I am having a VERY hard time finding ANY similar murders in DC to the Seth Rich situation.

I am not sure your point. Is it that his case should have priority over hundreds of others? Or that it's odd that a white person's murder is unsolved but hundreds of murdered black folks' murders are also unsolved?

It's that the VAST majority of gun violence and victims in DC is in black on black crime. If you want to try to say Seth Rich's murder is normal for DC, I think you are missing that pretty glaring statistic. When the race of the criminal and victim is factored, Seth Rich's murder isn't so common. I wish the world wasn't like this, but it is, and If you are going to argue based on these statistics, I think it is misleading to not include these facts. In no way am I saying a white victim's case should have priority.



is this what you think conspiracy users do? come into seth rich threads to accuse op of conflating.... .....something you cant do even when the problems you might think you have might just rely on the murder of one little dead guy. HAHAHAHA

Thanks fam.


Why isn't he listed in there? And why are ALL of them black dudes with the exception of one or two latinos? What the fuck America? I didn't see a single white man in 2016 or 2017, and only one woman that looked slightly caucasian/white/mixed? What the hell is going on in your nation?!

What is taking so long?

Yea, why can't police instantly solve all murder cases? Hard evidence is always siting in the open and easy to procure.

I don't think it makes sense that we aren't allowed to see public surveillance footage just because it shows someone getting murdered.

Because sharing footage of an open investigation is a terrible idea. Remember when Reddit went on a witchhunt for the Boston Bomber, accused the wrong person, belittled and attacked him, and made his life a living hell for no reason? Or are you too young to have been on reddit for that?

That's the type of thing they want to avoid.

Okay so how long do you suggest concerned citizens wait before they are "allowed" to speak up?

What do you mean concerned citizens being 'allowed to speak up'? You can speak up all you want. That doesn't change the fact that releasing a video of a murder while the investigation is still underway is a bad idea. I have already explained why.

They won't release the video until they have completed their investigation and come to their conclusions. I have no idea how long that would take. Some murder investigations take weeks, some might take a year and a half.

Why was the chief of police canned and given a job with the NFL instead

chief of police canned

Source on that? She retired. I imagine because being DC chief of police is a stressful, challenging job, and being head of NFL security is an easy, much higher paying job, and she felt she had served her duty to the city of DC and deserved to retire into a cushy job.


What does that even mean? Are you conceding that I am right? Or admitting that you have zero evidence for your claims and believing them anyway...

... Mental gymnastics. You can't see what's right in front of you or your purpose on this Earth is to obfuscate. Shame on you.

So because I'm not believing something that you have presented zero evidence for, my 'purpose is to obfuscate'... way to live up to your username there kiddo

You are making yourself more and more obvious by refusing to address all of the facts I've already shared.

I was talking about the whole police chief thing. You seem to think she was 'forced out' and made to take a job at the NFL? She resigned, she wasn't forced out. That makes no sense, and you have presented no evidence for that, or anything else, you just keep asking why they can't release the video tapes.

"Canned" translates to "resigned" translates to "given a hush hush job" translates to "rewarded nicely for her silence" translates to "helping cover up a political assassination"

If by 'translates' you mean 'making massive jumps with no evidence to support it', then yes it does. That's like saying 'died of cancer' translates to 'died of drowning' translates to 'mauled by a tiger'. Show me a shred of evidence for those hoops your jumping through.

You want to buy my username?

Since when is asking for evidence the same as gaslighting. If you had evidence, you would just provide it

Have you ever seen the news where they post the picture and video of a murder asking the community if they have seen the suspect. The same could and should be done for Seth Rich but they won't.

How could it be done? Is there anything to suggest that that police cameras would have caught a picture of the perpetrator?

To be clear...I am not arguing against Florida State laws...

This thread is a shitshow. All these people are perfectly happy that we have all this big brother surveillance, and completely unsurprised that a murder like this goes unsolved despite that.

Nothing fishy at the fish market.

I was secretly hoping for a shit show.

Break out the RES!

Most of this thread is old hat, but yep!

(I actually use RES) LOL. I just think it's a fun thing to say and some people will definitely benefit from knowing it exists.

I'm usually on mobile. But my pc is fully annotated.

Yeah I tried it on PC but I'm barely ever on Reddit except mobile.

I can remember a good amount of usernames but if they had RES for mobile I would definitely download.

It would probably have to be its own app.

that a murder like this goes unsolved despite that.

There are at least 200 unsolved murders in DC alone in the past 2.5 years. Nearly a thousand if you go back to 2007. You're perfectly surprised that 1 out of hundreds goes unsolved.

No, I'm not surprised this one went unsolved at all, or that dozens of people defend that fact whenever it comes up.

If this fact didn't convince you what will? At a certain point there is no point telling you to stop believing in this "theory". Hannity renounced it and the family of Seth Rich even want this to end.

We got more MSM fans here folks. Super convincing.

I asked you what would convince you at this point? You seem very set in your ways regardless of facts.

Yeah, aint it a bitch?

Oh okay you don't want to actually have a discussion here, atleast you made it clear with me.

Yeah, I'm done discussing this. It is a massive waste of time every time I try. But enjoy your Saturday, because that is what I'm going to go do.

Except you never attempted a serious discussion.

That's one of your new mods there folks. Have a great day! Don't ask too many questions!

Seriously! What kind of mod are you when this is your form of discussion.

How many other body cam videos of unsolved murders get released in DC?

There were something like 46 7 unsolved homicide in DC last year


People aren't unsurprised the murder is unsolved because it's a fact of life, unfortunately.


Still waiting on the video from the San Bernardino husband and wife shooters anywhere at the crime scene shooting guns.....

Still waiting on any credible video footage from inside Sandy Hook linking Lanza to the scene....

Still waiting on any video footage from one of the thousands cameras on the outside of the Pentagon showing flight 77 actually hitting the building........

Still waiting on the footage showing the lobbies of the WTC blowing up before the planes hit..........

This guy gets it.

Damn this guy lol. So you believe ALL of those conspiracies?? The sandy hook one really baffles me.

If you think the moon landing was a hoax, then Sandy Hook seems reasonable.

Kid no one has seen in years kills a whole school of kids and no video or photos linking him to the scene. Seems like a reasonable request.

"but but, gross. We don't need to see dead kids bodies....ewwww".

Don't need to see any graphic pics, but at least one picture showing him in a hallway or something. If you are gonna take all that at face value, then they could have said Bin Laden did it if they don't need to show proof.

Did the school have cameras in every hallway, or any of them?

Well, it's a school and like 99% of schools have cameras in them pretty much everywhere. If they said it had zero cameras in there, then even more fishy.

Got a source on that?

I'm still waiting on evidence the earth isn't flat. I've walked very far and never fallen off.

Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them.

The eye by long use comes to see even in the darkest cavern: and there is no subject so obscure but we may discern some glimpse of truth by long poring on it.

  • Richard Simmons

Well i've read the whole thread and just realized that schools out for summer. Prepare yourselves.

The funny part is this is going to be upvoted by both sides of the argument.

Hell yea my top comment so far. Somebody hook me up with some of that gold that the nazis took to Antarctica.

It's how they built the new Eldorado in the hollow centre of the earth, BRO.

So you're tellinge George Dubbya was in fact the king of the lizard people? Old news, you gotta check out "Loose change", its on youtube. Talk about BLOWN MIND

Come on dude! Use your head!! Obviously there are giant reverse mountains on the bottom of the flat earth that could easily contain Nazi El Dorado! Don't be such an amateur!

I know an Alex Jones when I see one, and you sir...well you unfortunately chose the wrong username today. Next youll tell me dogs arent color blind and Bin Laden wasnt behind 9/11. You cant fool me

Hahaha its a reference to the video game: Dark Souls!

With comments like that, you could be paid by both sides!

Haha true 😅😅

OP dropped out of school in the fifth grade, so we don't have summer to blame for the post, but maybe the comments.

I really want to doxx myself right now. Must...resist...REEEEEE

Dont do it Bryan, its not worth it to these dudes...

Thanks Cletus you're right

The hateforce is strong with you. You mustve pissed some people off LOL


Could be the case. His comments remind me of my 15 year old self. For fucks sake, he didnt know different states had different laws.

Can anyone explain why this post has been tagged with "ignorereports" in the modmail?

Source: https://snew.github.io/r/conspiracy/about/log

It's the last action at the time of this writing. Here's an imgur link for once it gets pushed off the frontpage of the public mod log: http://imgur.com/a/hvdah

Lmao fuck yes.

So this is what all users of /r/conspiracy should come to expect from /r/conspiracy from now on?

Users that delight in knowing their narrative can't be reported by the community?

It gets annoying for the mods

To deal with reports from their user communities? Then they shouldn't be mods of those communities. THAT IS THEIR JOB.

I don't want to break Rule 2, so I won't be relaying my specific feelings on this post in a public setting:

No accusations of rules violations in comments. Please report violations.

But suffice it say, I question what the conspiracy is here? That we can see Tiger's DUI video but not Seth Rich's bodycam footage?

Multiple users have explained in the comments why that is. There literally is NO conspiracy here, so therefore, if users want to report this as being against the rules, they should be allowed to do so, without worrying about the fact that they reports are being ignored, wouldn't you think?

If most of the reports were people complaining about shills, I would ignore them too

Do we know that though? I suspect most of the reports on this post would be something like 11 or 12, not 10 (the shill one)

You think I'm a shill? Thank you!

Your account is a month old and you've only posted in this sub. You are the definition of an account whose sole purpose is to push an agenda, and this post is clearly supported by a botnet upvoting it (over 1800 now). It's almost like you're posting like your job depended on it.

I made this account because Reddit is 2spooky. My main account is two years old. I would tell you but then I would have to delete my history.

I never personally said that, no. I specifically said that if other users were reporting this thread, I would expect it to be because of breaking rules 11, or 12, not 10 (which is the one where people accuse others of being shills)

Ahhhh fuck. I can't read.

You're right we don't know that. I was speaking more generally about the sub than this one post, since the shill accusation is in like every thread

I have a question. I opened that link in Baconreader (reddit app for android) and it randomly had a [removed] text in my native language despite all the dozens of other removed stuff being in the default english setting. Is that some kind of a known glitch or what? Just found it a bit creepy to scroll down a random page on an app's internal browser, not logged in and all of a sudden there's just one [removed] in my very insignificant language between a ton of removed posts/comments.

How did that page have one singular random moderation log half in my language, the rest of the comment box thingy was in english like the others? Why was one [removed] in a language that is only spoken by a few million people that happened to be mine, when I used an app's internal browser and wasn't logged in or anything? If it used my IP, why do it for just one moderation and why was the rest of that box in english?

I shouldn't browse this sub when tired.

Because the people calling everyone shills are actually shills and they run this sub now.

Psssst... your /politics is showing

You know what they say - people in glass houses, sink ships, r/T_D poster.

Your politics ARE showing. FTFY.

People who browse reddit do it all year long. Not sure how being in school will prevent people from making stupid comments, certainly doesn't stop me from doing it.

That's why we call it "infinite summer" now. It used to be calculable differences in traffic for some web forums of old, but now that we all carry the internet in our pocket.. it's truly endless.

If only the real summer could last so long.

Let loose the hogs of war.


dude, the orange menace dont go to no school

care to summarize so others don't have to read the whole thread? is there a good reason why DC police won't release video?

Pretty much OP doesnt know how laws work. Florida laws and DC laws differ, just as every other state. The whole thread turned into a side show. I got some comment points but no gold :( Also, just a guess of course, but they wouldnt release the cctv footage of an open investigation. It rarely does unless its release means itll take some heat off of whoever was behind it/can pull some strings.

Florida criminal records are public.


It's not a woosh if there was no real point to be seen ;)

You're still here?

Sorry, forgot you can only come to a thread once

Go back to your safe space you cuck


Want to know how I know you're a the_dumpster poster? Take your own advice.

Wow, keep insulting the office of the president of the united States! See what happens. #wehavetheguns

Wow, keep making threats over the internet! See what happens. #keyboardwarrior

This isn't a safe space you communist

Ok? Then I'll continue sharing my opinions. Since it's not a safe space there's nothing you can do about that

Lol. That's how you treat the office of the president of the united States? You should be stripped of your citizenship and hung for being the traitorous coward you really are. Trump won! Deal with it!

Free speech, too bad if it triggers you snowflake. Dumbass in Chief deserves to be ridiculed

When we did it to Obama u cried racist. Fucking cucks

Did getting called a racist hurt your poor little snowflake feelings? :(


Want to know how I know you're a the_dumpster poster? Take your own advice.


Want to know how I know you're a the_dumpster poster? Take your own advice.

Removed. Rule 4.

One is a death and the other is a DUI. How is that a conspiracy.

There are several posts explaining.

It's like this video, but instead of saying 9/11 it's saying "Seth Rich" on /r/conspiracy

Also, doesn't Florida have different laws regarding how the press can get info from police?

Surely an American would have basic knowledge of the law system?

I do, but I don't live in Florida, I'm not sure how they deal with the media.

America is fucking huge and state laws vary widely in some cases.

Exactly. An American should know this, and not try to compare two different crimes from 2 different parts of the country

If only there was some sort of magic text box where anyone could type a query and get instant information.

Nobody is forced to watch it.

Between this and the pizzagate nonsense, I'm wondering when this sub was first overrun with T_D narratives

Probably around the second time they threatened to leave Reddit.

T_D was started by people from /r/conspiracy. They were here before T_D even got started. Don't believe the lie that T_D was just a joke and meme factory that got out of control.

Or the pentagon 911 tapes or the bin Ladin tapes

Because DUI and murder are equivalent crimes, and their investigations should be treated with the exact same levels of care... I think you need to work on your critical thinking skills there kid

Yea, but forget about Seth Rich and all of that. Haven't you heard? Man hits ball in hole with stick, also drinks beer.

Conspiracy threads 101. Massively upvoted. The top 20 comments are sensible disagreements with the fundamentals of the post, proving it to be bullshit.

You sound really mad.

You seem mad, the person above you doesn't.

I am mad. Never said I wasn't. I can justify my anger.

Is it because your feelings are fragile?

Good post.

We are getting some great discussion

The new users we've gotten since Dear Leader have incredibly thin skin.

I'm not the one getting their feelings hurt.

Somewhat like a flake of, oh I don't know, frozen water or something?


I asked for words, but if pictures are all you can handle that's fine :)



It's actually become quite fun to see the russian / right wing "fountain of falsehoods" crushed everytime one of these posts makes the frontpage.

Talk about falsehoods SHOW ME ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE ON THE RUSSIA NARRATIVE. Good god even the most liberal representatives even have to admit that. But yeah the right wing clings to false narratives, like those poll numbers.

What a willingly ignorant bot shill. How DARE you disagree with somebody online?!

I take it you didn't read any of that. So I'll go with willfully ignorant.

Dont sweat it man, they have none. They are just a bunch of shills. Just be patient and wait for Susan Rice to go to prison, then rub this shit in their faces until the end of time.

Are you just gonna ignore the evidence the other comment provides? You know the one posted 6 hours before you?

Murder scenes are not made available to the public for obvious reasons... you want to investigate the Seth Rich murder? go to law school, pass the bar and as a lawyer you can get involved by suing the police department and government.

These fucking conspiracy theorists. We must bring them to heel.

Yes that is the only way to investigate things idiot cuck

go back to voat bitch

Um no and I'd fucking strangle you if I was near you fuck you

So brave

I am banning you for this comment. Normally I would remove it. But I want people to know why.

Why wont everyone indulge my seth rich fetish?

The shills are attacking this thread hard.


he's thinking freely SHUT IT DOWN

"Anyone who doesn't gobble up my retarded bullshit is obviously a shill"

Do you actually research conspiracies? Are you a "headline" reader? Do you have anything to add to the conversation?

Being concerned about Political Assassination is retarded bullshit?

The whole point of my comment was that you can't convince people who don't believe your "theories" by calling anyone who doesn't believe you by calling people shills. There are people on both sides of every arguement.

Being concerned about political assassination isn't retarded bullshit, but dismissing people on the other side of an arguement by calling them shills is retarded bullshit.

so true.....can peak in on anybodies shit fuck their privacy right? but any second we want to see raw footage of government shit. NUN UH

A public sidewalk?

Someone should offer a $5,000 - $10,000 reward for the video.

Seth Rich was killed by Papa John's and Benjamin Ghazi to keep him from exposing the truth about Killary Sandy Hook fluoride vaccine autism

Use the promo code DEADRICH at checkout to get 50% off your next papa johns orders.

Also works on the DNC web store

You do realize no murders are ever open like that, right? Regardless of whether its Seth Rich or not.

I want to see Bin Laden's body.

Want my opinion? He died in Dec. 2001

Why are you getting down voted? Do people really believe that laughable story we were fed of the shoot out followed by the burial at sea?

Good question. I would answer with my honest opinion but I don't like to violate Rule 10

See just below my comment. This dudes friend said it was Bin Laden so there's your proof. And he told me to fuck off so there's that too

Lmao talk about LARPing.

I have several friends who were on the Carl Vinson-one of which was an ABH who worked on the flight deck/was on the flight deck when his body arrived via helicopter, or tiltrotor if you wanna be more specific since it was an Osprey. Ask basically anyone who was deployed on the Vinson at the time and you'll hear the story. Word gets around quick on a boat. Shit like that would've spread like wildfire. It happened. Dude's dead. Even the Taliban acknowledged OBL's death. Fuck outta here with your bullshit misinformation.

So for sure it was Bin Laden..ok.

Yet you refuse to accept the fact that even the Taliban acknowledged his death. K, bud.

So the fact I don't believe the propaganda about the surprise raid killing Bin Laden, that means I don't think he is dead? Well if the Taliban said so then case closed.

When both sides say the same thing and you still believe otherwise, the only idiot is yourself.

Zat wuz an impostuh

It's almost as if a murder scene in an open investigation has stricter rules on what can be revealed to the public then a fucking DUI.

Almost like Trump supporters are all idiots

To be fairthose are completely different crimes

That's an astute observation Kevin.

Did you have the astute observation yet that, by extension, your post conflating the two events is 100% horseshit?

Vomit on ya sweaty already, word spaghetti

Sorry I don't speak at Trump's level for you

Good covfefe

Seems you weren't aware, but that's not actually a word in the English language. Not surprising really, your lack of knowledge about US law suggests you may not be from the US at all

Его звали Сет Рич

Hey never said anything about Russia, but thanks for clearing that question up


Oh don't worry, not wasting any of my time. Not gonna bother translating what you're saying anyways. Don't really care where you're from - if you are an American then I am ashamed of our country on your behalf. A middle school class would have cleared up how any "point" you were trying to make with this shitpost is Grade-A BS. I suspect where you are from, if you do live in America, does not put much emphasis on education

It's says "I'm Putin's cock holster"

Thanks for being honest about it!

savage af

You took too many idiot pills


There are at least a half-dozen reasons why the DNC should be making a full-court press to solve Seth Rich's murder, and no reason why they shouldn't.

If they didn't have anything to do with it, of course.

The "we're taking the high road" excuse doesn't wash, because WikiLeaks proved they don't have a high road to take.

One of their own was murdered, yet they seem all "whatevs!" about it. No tip line set up. No reward offered. No pleas for justice or public pressure applied to law enforcement.

Just a plaque on a bike rack, and a "move along; nothing to see here".

The world knows they rigged the primary for Hillary while stabbing Bernie in the back.

The Awan brothers scandal is a tinderbox soaked in gasoline.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people believe that Alefantis and the Podesta brothers are pedos.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people believe that the DNC had Seth Rich killed.

The DNC really, really needs a win, and at this pitiful juncture in their timeline, it being proven that they weren't involved in murdering one of their own would be a major victory for them.

Unlike pizzagate, where it can't be proven that John "fish 14 hands" Podesta and his creepy-looking brother with the even creepier "art" collection aren't pedos, it can be proven that the DNC didn't have anything to do with Seth Rich's murder.

This is a fastball with no movement on it, in their wheelhouse (friends and family members of high-ranking Dems are all over this scene), they're down by 5 runs, yet they're not swinging.

Why the fuck not?


And trump should release his tax returns and open the investigation to prove he has nothing to do with Russia right?

Go where the evidence leads, comrade.


Nice deflection guy.

says the guy who brought up Trump's taxes on a Seth Rich thread

TIL they're not sending their best on the weekends.

Nice strawman there bud.

Just highlighting the bias of this ridiculous claim. Trump supporter demand 1st person accounts with video footage and a form signed by trump himself stating it's true... meanwhile people like you eat this shit up without hesitation. Good lord.

I didn't "eat" anything. I didn't go anywhere near OP's point in my post, and I don't agree with it.

You're a weirdo, grinding a weird axe.

My point is: I think it's highly likely the DNC was involved in Seth Rich's murder for the same reason most people knew Scott Peterson killed his wife; wildly improper/incongruent behavior/reactions.

I just had my upvote reset on this post. I only noticed because I put it from 1336 to 1337 but after I looked at another post, my upvote was back to neutral and it was back to 1336.


that's because he was caught sleeping at the wheel, he wasn't drunk driving.

To be fair though, even if he was impaired accidentally by legally prescribed medications, it is still DUI.

If you are calling bullshit on him, prove why he is wrong. Do you not know how this works? You cant can you? Were you in the ER? I would love to see some evidence since clearly you are a master of debunking this theory and know the truth.

Keep being free murica, dont listen to them... you dont need to see anything to keep believing you are free :P

When I can see all the footage from Sandra Blands arrest to the time of her death then we can talk about Seth Rich


In January 2015, Bland began posting videos about many subjects, including police brutality against blacks. In one post she wrote, "In the news that we've seen as of late, you could stand there, surrender to the cops, and still be killed." She has been described as a civil rights activist in Chicago, and a part of the Black Lives Matter movement. Bland had at least ten previous encounters with police in Illinois and Texas, and owed $7,579 in fines.

I fail to see the point of how or why she ended up dead from a legal justification...

Haha you're right. I was fucking with you. I have never heard of her until now. I just started reading her Wikipedia page and when I got to that I copied it. That comment is actually the first one I completely agree I should be downvoted for.

What a craptacular job Trump's shills are doing.

OP, you do realize Trump has a history of not paying people who do not deliver the results he wants, right??

[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

Both sides want justice for Seth Rich. The man was clearly murdered. Why does this have to be some partisan issue? If anything, the left cares more about finding out who murdered him, since he was a Bernie supporter, and was a Voter Expansion Data director at the DNC.

Seth was said to be the leaker behind Wikileaks' DNC leak in the primaries, which has shown DNC's complicity with Hillary's campaign to rig the primaries for Bernie Sanders.

So whilst you don't like Trump and his voters (or his "shills"; What's Trump's astroturfing Super-PAC, his version of "Shareblue"? ), I wouldn't necessarily jump to the conclusion that OP likes Trump.

But think about the CHILDREN!!!! ....or wait is it national security this time? It's one of those things. But yes THINK OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY!!!!

Fucking nationalists!!!!!

Ah man epic thread. Good times everyone. No hard feelings okay?

I'm simply remarking on the state of our society.

No, you're just whining.

Are you seriously comparing a DUI featuring one of the most popular athletes in the entire planet to someone you think was unjustly murdered? If Seth was murdered, why on Earth would they reveal any footage of an ongoing investigation? C'mon now.

Are you seriously comparing a DUI featuring one of the most popular athletes in the entire planet to someone you think was unjustly murdered?

So you think he was justly murdered? I mean there are two bullets in the guy. Do you know him on a personal level or something? Or maybe you don't think he was murdered? He shot himself in the back twice? Can you please clarify?

No, I don't think he was justly murdered. I meant, if people really think there's more to the murder than meets the eye, then expecting the cops to fully turn over all video evidence they have is absolutely idiotic.

I might have misspoke on the "unjustly" bit, but I understand the OP wants the murder to be solved (though I don't know if his intentions are to actually find justice or to just finally be able to pin a giant, cover up murder on some political party), but comparing that to a DUI video of Tiger Woods is ridiculous.

In most cases, maybe it would be considered ridiculous. I'm not an expert in the law or in detective cases, but when it's political I don't think it's an easy call. It's different if it's foreign affairs, or military-related, but this guy was basically a poll worker.

Even if it wasn't political, he was tied to the election, so I think it should warrant an investigation. Sure, what's done is done, but it is more about upholding a better standard for our presidential elections in the future.

I'm not saying there shouldn't be an investigation. If there's evidence to point to the fact that this is deep state, huge cover up, then by all means you need to investigate and get to the bottom of it. However, that would also mean not releasing information that could be key to solving it, including bodycam footage and other stuff.

Clearly you have no proof, so when you tell someone they are wrong and you are right please have some evidence so you don't look like a moron. The only thing you are going on is you don't have to give anything to prove you are right because you aren't the OP. Got it.

I read your comment out loud to myself.

imagine, a world where it's easier to pry into the DUI record of celebrities than into the murders of random civilians

So random

the comparison between Woods' and Rich's respective cases? I agree

Huehuehue oh you..

murders of random civilians

So random /s

you can change that phrase to just "murder" if you want, doesn't weaken the comment

Op is 12, don't expect him to be rational. Just look at the way he feels the need to reply to every comment, he's got his 15 mins of attention.

I don't reply the robots will win!! 🤖

Just look at the way he feels the need to reply to every comment, he's got his 15 mins of attention.

to be fair i do this a lot too lol. lately i've just been letting my messages pile up though

still, 12 doesn't seem far off. was this the guy who calls everybody 8 years old?


w e a k

So a traffic stop for a suspected celebrity DUI is the same in your mind as a homicide investigation? Lol

I was alluding to something more abstract than that

You aren't alluding to anything you nincompoop


Actually he has a good point. Under the eyes of the law, the footage from Tiger Woods Breathalyzer should have been held as private as the footage from a murder investigation as both are under the purview of an active investigation.

Reminds me of columbine and sandy hook. In 1999 a schools surveillance system recorded the killers and was evidence of an attack. Fast forward 13 years later and we are told the schools surveillance system "didn't record". Smells fishy doesn't it?

Also no footage of the Sandy Hook school shooter either. Even though the school had a camera system.

Well yeah, one is a traffic stop, and the other is the body of a dead man. It only makes sense that they wouldn't release the Seth rich video.

I can't believe none of you called me on my mistake in the title.

It's supposed to say Woods'sestd've

Nor are we allowed to see Donald's tax returns.

I would rather examine tax returns of someone like Dennis Hastert, personally.

r/conspiracy where r/The_Donald hangs out and chills....

Bernie Bros should have a more vested interest in Seth Rich's murder investigation than Trump supporters.

Or are you going to mental gymnastics routine your way around that fact too?

Moved on mate.... Why can't Trump supporters do that? You've won, still getting triggered by crowd sizes and the truth....

When new facts come we'll be there listening and react accordingly... But Trumpettes seems to care more about creating alternative facts, just like their dear leader... HEIL TRUMP!!!!!


Well, there's this...Not sure if it even matters but it was 11-25-2016. WaPo article "Democracy Dies in Darkness". Not sure if that's a webpage on their site or the title of this "Bodycam" footage, but someone could have been recording at least. Maybe different force, but who knows. Just saying it's a possibility. https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/dc-police-release-body-camera-footage-of-fatal-shooting/2017/01/04/ad33eda6-d2ca-11e6-9651-54a0154cf5b3_video.html

They probably can't release the Seth Rich footage because the cameras were all off. Like the Pentagon Missile

Yeah, probably. I remember seeing that footage recently. Must have been what...10 years later or more? Ridiculous and most would still say it's not a missile and that it's a bird or something stupid like that. I guess ignorance is bliss.


Just putting this here for the haters.

Watching that used to make me feel sick but I've been successfully desensitized.

How about the Pentagon videos of 9/11. There's no good video of the plane impact.


too bad majority of people can't make such seemingly simple connections between timelines and subjects.

Wow conspiracy is now run by people who mock conspiracists.

Nah it's just a bunch of trolls who think upvotes make words mean something that they don't.

Controlled opposition

A murder is totally the same as a dui

You don't see the bigger message? I'm ridiculing society. Gov officials, mainstream media, and even businesses have all made blatant attempts to cover up the investigation and keep as many people in the dark as possible.

I can't help you if you've examined the sequence of events leading up to and occurring after Seth Rich's death and don't think there is something extremely corrupt going on.

It's Vince Foster all over agin.

So what are you going to do about it. I hope you realize just posting on internet forums and doing nothing is what they want.

What would you suggest?

Anything that isn't hiding behind an internet forum. Maybe let Americans known what is happening instead of only talking about it online.

How would you suggest he do that

get off his fucking ass and stop posting shit on reddit. Why does this community act like it knows who much but does fucking nothing?

Start with a "Freedom of Information" request. We need to start by exploiting the legal system for all its worth.

Already been denied

That gives you standing for a follow-up lawsuit. Don't stop fighting.

One distracts you from the truth, the other is the truth

Which truth? That pharmaceuticals are extremely powerful compounds, and should be taken with extreme caution. Or, there exists a class of citizens who are above the law and live in total impunity, whilst the rest of the working class remains a slave to the almighty dollar.

We are someone's sheeps.


Who's Tiger Wood?

Has-been golf "star" who was hailed as a hero because his skin was slightly darker than the average golf player.

I think his fame may have been a result of his early prominence in the sport, and posing a serious threat to Jack Nicklaus' current record of 18 Major PGA Tour Victories.


He deserved some notoriety within the sport but nothing near the media lovemaking he got from people who normally didn't care about golf. Big name in golf at the time? Sure. Big name in sports in general? No. He never deserved that. Most his fame and money came from political correctness and white liberal guilt in the mainstream news.

I can't believe none of you called me on my mistake in the title.

It's supposed to say Woods'sestd've

We aren't allowed to see the pizza parlors harboring child molesters either


FLORIDA /= WASHINGTON and that stuff

Good job

So stupid. First off how do you rationalize a breathalyzing video is on the same level as murder evidence? Secondly, the video is available, you can file an FOIA request to get it. It's just going to take a long ass time to process.

The FOIA request has been denied. Thanks for your reply.

Try filing AFTER the investigation is concluded.

Thank you..I definitely didn't think of that.

And I'll just let you pass on discussing any other aspect of the Seth Rich situation...

But just for your reading pleasure:

March 2012 — Seth joins Greenberg Quinlan Rosner as Research Data Associate

December 2013 — Seth Rich (/u/MeGrimlock4) asks Reddit for DC volunteer opportunities and mentions “things starting” in January. Prefers to volunteer at soup kitchens over working with kids. —This is from the recently discovered and confirmed Reddit account of Seth Rich.

May 2014 — Seth Rich leaves Greenberg Quinlan Rosner

June 2014 — Seth Rich joins the DNC as the Voter Expansion Data Director

February 21–22, 2015 — John Podesta (email 36082) and Robbie Mook discuss leaks apparent in an article by the Washington Post and discuss making an example of the leaker. (The article in question)

Note: John Podesta now works for the Washington Post.

March 2015–Paul Cobetta, a Platte River Networks employee working for Hillary Clinton, permanently and irreversibly deletes the email archive of Hillary Clinton using software called BleachBit likely under orders from Cheryl Mills, an attorney for the Clinton Foundation. Cobetta received advice on Reddit under the user name “stonetear” on how to delete e-mails for a “VIP”. The evidence under congressional subpoena is completely destroyed, including e-mails sent between Hillary Clinton and former President Obama.

For more info: Wikileaks Proves FBI Covered Up Hillary Clinton’s Private E-mail Server To Protect President Obama

September 2015 — Josh Uretsky joins Bernie campaign as national data director, an associate of Seth Rich.

October 2015 — Clinton Email Testimony.

December 2015 —Paul Cobetta is given the project of creating weekly reports of emails being sent or received over a certain size; again goes to Reddit.

December 16, 2015 — NGP VAN applies new patch to DNC servers. According to email 15792, due to a “glitch in the code” the normal system barriers were lowered for four hours and users could access other users data. This data could still only be accessed by other DNC user accounts (including members of the Bernie Sanders campaign), which enabled four unique users to run and download the results of 25 unique searches which they saved to private hard drives.

*** December 17, 2015 — DNC officials discover the person who accessed information was connected to the Bernie team and demand discipline of the individual. ***

*** December 18, 2015 — Bernie campaign fires Josh Uretsky, his campaign’s national data director ***

*** December 19, 2015 (Saturday evening at 10pm) Amy Dacey, CEO of the DNC, reports the previous incident to Podesta (via Mary Fisher for some reason — 15792) ***

*** Jan 2016 — Sanders claims (in May 17 interview) that his Nevada HQ had shots fired and nearby employee apartments ransacked (likely in retaliation from the Clinton campaign or DNC searching for the stolen data) ***

February 2016 — Paul Combetta (/u/stonetear) meets with FBI and denies deleting any emails.

February 2016 —Paul Combetta asks Reddit about overcoming firewalls and VPNs in a series of posts.

May 2016 — Paul Combetta gives Reddit Hillary Clinton’s IP address and domain while struggling to install a VPN.

May 2016 — Paul Combetta and Bryan Pagliano are offered immunity deals by the Department of Justice. Paul Combetta finally admits to deleting Hillary Clinton’s emails.

May 3, 2016 — Bernie pulls off surprise primary victory in Indiana Primary.

*** May 14–15, 2016 — Enraged Bernie supporters shut down Dem HQ in Nevada after a weekend of violence, vandalism ***

May 17, 2016 — Bernie wins Oregon primary (final Democrat primaries, including California were still upcoming in June).

May 21, 2016 — WikiLeaks Director Gavin MacFadyen reportedly receives DNC email transfer from Seth Rich according to anonymous sources who relayed the information to a private investigator (who has now recanted after supposedly being threatened by former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile).

Note: Brazile was the same DNC employee who gave Hillary Clinton debate questions from the CNN debates against Bernie Sanders.

May 25, 2016 — Date of the last email in the DNC Email Archive released by Wikileaks.

June 12, 2016 — Bernie Sanders endorsed Clinton in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

June 14, 2016 — DNC hires Crowdstrike to find the “Russian hackers” who have been hacking the DNC for over a year. Claims that the past week has included purges to staff to weed out hackers.

July 2016 — After 6 years and over 30,000 posts, /u/MeGrimlock4 Seth Rich’s Reddit falls silent. Final comment is about the awesomeness of food trucks: https://archive.is/3nvVm

July 2016 — FBI recommends not charging Hillary Clinton or aides for mishandling classified information.

July 2016 — DNC is served with a class action lawsuit for rigging the primaries before Wikileaks even publishes anything.

July 5, 2016 — Seth Rich is invited to Hillary Clinton’s campaign team according to Joel Rich in an August 16 interview (Source).

July 9, 2016 — Seth Rich posts “gun-control” FB post:

July 10, 2016 — Seth Rich Murdered.

July 22, 2016 — Wikileaks publishes 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from the DNC, including emails from seven key DNC Staff members. The leaked DNC emails have a date range of January 2015 to May 25, 2016.

August 2, 2016 — Amy Dacey, CEO of the DNC and Seth Rich’s boss, resigns amidst controversy.

August 16, 2016 — The Chief of DC police conveniently exits stage left after only a month of the Seth Rich murder to some cushy position with the NFL as “head of security”.

Note: John Podesta’s ex-Sister in law is on the board of directors of the DC Police department (link, archive).

September 18, 2016 — Paul Combetta’s /u/stonetear account on Reddit purges all posts after being discovered by Internet investigators.

October 2016 — Wikileaks publishes Podesta emails.

October 2016 — WikiLeaks Director Gavin MacFadyen dies of Lung Cancer.

May 15, 2017—Fox5 in Washington D.C. revives the publics interest in the Seth Rich investigation with new evidence from a private investigator, Rod Wheeler, claiming Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks. Wheeler, claims the police and FBI have stonewalled his investigation, and believes Seth Rich’s laptop has clues but no one knows where it is, and police were told to stand down.

May 16, 2017—Fox News takes this story national confirming more details from the private investigator. The story has since been recanted.

May 16-Present, 2017–Mainstream media sources including the Washington Post label the Seth Rich investigation as a “mystery”, “fake news” and “debunked.”

Seth Rich’s family has refuted the claims of Wheeler, and Wheeler has redacted some of his statements after being threatened by Donna Brazile. ABCNews claims the FBI is not involved in the case (note: ABCNews was implicated in the DNC Wikileaks).

May 23, 2017—Kim Dotcom releases a statement confirming Seth Rich was in contact with him, and Wikileaks. Kim claims Seth Rich was opposed to government corruption.

A more apt comparison would be dashcam or police videos of murder scenes released in FL but not released in DC.

I didn't think too much into it.

Biggest problem in America, right here.


I didn't think too much into it.

Should be the motto around here.

Did you reply to the right person?

You sound really mad.

Yawn, another idiot arguing semantics instead of researching first

Shut up shill bill.

I love how "you're the shill", but all you did was post a question, and meanwhile this self post with zero content is above 1000 with all top comment threads discussing how empty it is.

Psssst... your /politics is showing


It's actually become quite fun to see the russian / right wing "fountain of falsehoods" crushed everytime one of these posts makes the frontpage.

Did you just assume my gender.

You know what they say - people in glass houses, sink ships, r/T_D poster.

How could it be done? Is there anything to suggest that that police cameras would have caught a picture of the perpetrator?

I was alluding to something more abstract than that

Your politics ARE showing. FTFY.

Um no and I'd fucking strangle you if I was near you fuck you

Ok? Then I'll continue sharing my opinions. Since it's not a safe space there's nothing you can do about that

What's the opposite of a hypochondriac?
I don't want to be that either.

I'd also expect an assassin hired by the government to be a lot better at killing people, not leaving Seth with non lethal wounds and and apparently a sloppy cover up.

It's almost like he was killed by a nervous mugger.

The eye by long use comes to see even in the darkest cavern: and there is no subject so obscure but we may discern some glimpse of truth by long poring on it.

Did the school have cameras in every hallway, or any of them?