So this is what it's come down to. Driving cars into people and stabbing people with knives.

80  2017-06-04 by [deleted]



This is probably down to Theresa May, she has no chance in winning the election so she's probably gone and done this. Capitalist scum... RIP to those effected

Fuck off.

this is my immediate suspicion. manchester happened right when labour really started surging in the polls too.

watch them try to post pone the election or something...

I've noticed this too, labour was doing really well and then all of a sudden a terrorist attack takes place. Corbyn has been humiliating May these last few weeks so I'm not even surprised she'd do something like this

amazing how desperate TPTB are to keep a corbyn out of power

How desperate they appear to be.

Labor can be bought. Lol.

See: Tony Blair.

Why would a terrorist attack benefit her? What's her policy on immigration?

I love that this was instantly downvoted. Funny thing about votes is that you can't out-vote real people.

At least not yet.

I was thinking about the french attacks that happened just before their election when I heard about what happened tonight.

Thank the Queen. She literally isn't even human.

What is she then?

Probabaly Draco reptilian.

Based on what?

That's not good enough evidence for me. Some random person saying something doesn't make it true.

Agreed. Entertaining thought though.

Conspiracy theory

ISIS puts out a magazine that suggests these types of operations. They actually suggest much worse...

ISIS puts out a magazine

That's so much more weird than any terrorist attack I can imagine.

That's one of the reasons why they have been so effective. They invest a lot of money and energy into propaganda.

Yes, they want people to acquire training and knowledge without traveling to one of their training camps.

We can thank Bush Jr. for creating this mess. He's a dipshit.

We can thank all of our past presidents for this shit

Yes, you are right... But I have a special place in Hell for Bush Jr.

Whose money?

Whose money?

ISIS's money

Yes, it is bizarre. I do not want to link to it here, but it is out there.

And we know that ISIS is a CIA/Mossad construct. So basically, the CIA and Mossad puts out a magazine that suggests these types of operations.

Then they tak away our freedoms to defend against such attacks.

The zionists hate corbyn and prefer may. Simple.

ISIS is a death cult that wants to piss off everyone to the point where they invade Syria, and start the prophecy of their equivalent to revelations.

Mossad. Mo' sad!

Op, that's the reaction they want. They won't get to the point. it's to keep you in fear,hate,anger. They want revenge, a pound of flesh. I don't know who 'they' are but a sacrifice on Saturn day. Typical.

All you're doing is killing random humans for literally no reason.

This accurately describes the United States government since the end of World War II.

I don't think the wars the US has waged are 'random'. There's generally a specific reason for them (even if you don't agree with the reasoning).

yeah greed and the hate of brown people.

As if race has had anything to do with it. Jesus Christ.

Seems to

The US and allies have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians throughout Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya and many other nations in the Middle East via illegal, unjust wars and attacks.

We've killed and are killing people's parents, siblings, children, cousins, uncles and friends; in the process we're destroying their homes and their way of life. (But since they are mostly brown and different, for some inexplicable reason most westerners don't give a care about those lives...)

When you don't know when, how or why the next air or ground strike will occur; isn't that random?

After 9/11 most Americans (including myself regrettably) wanted revenge for what they did to us. Much like other westerners who experienced terror attacks probably felt in the aftermath of those tragedies. Do you think that for some reason think that this desire for revenge is unique to westerners?

If the media showcased the lives of ALL innocent civilians senselessly killed equally (and not just the lily white one's) then maybe we would wake the fuck up and be, rightly, outraged for the life of every innocent civilian killed.

When we killed 300 innocent civilians (including precious babies and children) in an airstrike on Mosul on March 17 the masses didn't change their Twitter avatars and hashtag to pray for those victims.

This accurately describes Islam since Mohammed went to Medina 1400 years ago.

The conservatives had to knock off Jo Cox to try and prevent Brexit, what is 7 or so people matter to make sure they all keep their jobs?

You know how this sub calls for the elites to be lynched every week, how people suggest someone go shoot up the bilderberg meeting? Well it turns out the first world countries are all elites relative to war-torn countries. Their reason for doing this is because they were indoctrinated into extremism, the catalyst for the indoctrination is the sustained presence the US and US allies in the middle east. There have hundreds of civilian casualties and thousands injured by drone strikes alone.

Well guess what? Every time you associate the actions of extremist with an entire race/religion to say maybe these people aren't worth "preserving", you drive more people into extremism. Because suddenly these people feel like they are surrounded by hostile people. When a whole population of people feel cornered, it's inevitable that a few lash out violently.

Islam and instability in the Middle East cannot be attributed to the US. While we certainly haven't helped stabilize the region, the Middle East is culturally and demographically plagued and has been for hundreds of years. And the actual analyst for these issues? Islam.

No disrespect OP, but anyone that views terrorism in this way is misguided. Islam is not the motivation in the grand scheme of things, it's just a tool that makes individuals easier to manipulate. The ones doing the dirty work are only useful idiots; the ones pulling the strings know they aren't attacking Christians or children or Americans or whatever. They're attacking the Western ideologies of capitalism and interventionist foreign policies which, they feel, preserves the white Western first world at the expense of everyone else. When their own governments and country elites sell them out for oil money, what else choice do they have but to take drastic action?

Every damn attack is met with the same naive response: prayers, condolences, condemn the terrorist, then back to normal till the next one happens. These terrorists aren't trying to sway Europeans to Islam by murdering them until they convert, and they aren't radicalized by the Qu'ran alone. They're little kids making a scene because they want attention - not on Islam, but on the shit lives they live in their homelands due in large part to the West.

Now obviously I don't defend their actions but eventually, people have to start wondering what terrorists are actually motivated by, especially since these attacks do more harm to Islam than good. We've become so normalized to the idea of the stereotypical radical jihadist that we don't even bother to ask questions anymore.

Sad that they don't realize they feed into our justifications for military intervention.

I thought terrorism was just a thing we all agreed to pretend we don't understand?

They want Western military intervention in the Middle East. That is how they intend to destroy us. Not so much militarily as morally and economically first. Think for a moment, and consider how well it is working.

naah, first of all we already fucked up going into middle east and jacking their shit, these jihadists were little children when war was going full motion in their neighbourhoods, they are scared for life, praying for their lifes making realigion their survival tool, then it is tool for revenge, its not hard to push someone like that to commit terrorism especially when their families afterwards are probably well paid off (if you didnt know). !! And most important till we have this problem , we are distracted from whats going on in our government, we see enemy in tunnel vision, we see problem in tunnel vision, christians vs muslims, no thinking about raising up against our own fuckedup elitists which give us more harm on daily basis !!

Terrorism is because we are mean and it's not entirely the religion? fuck yourself.

Great point.

Suppose they believe they have a just cause because British, American, French, German, and Western forces are killing Muslims in the Middle East.

OK. Then why are we bringing them into this country as refugees or immigrants?

Either make peace with them overseas and at home, or treat them as potential belligerents.

Remember Barack Obama, who wanted to do everything he could to bring peace to the world? He won the Peace Prize. Remember he called ISIS the JV team. Ultimately, he found it impossible to NOT go to war with ISIS.

The same with the Brits and Europeans.

And we all STILL import Muslims as "refugees" and immigrants.

We STILL tolerate their Sharia law in our countries, their gang rapes, their grooming of underage girls, their demands for special rights and accomodation.

What side are you on? What is the logic behind what you are saying?

How many more London bridge-type attacks is it going to take? Are you going to have to see a dead loved one before you get the message?


Removed. Rule 10. Final warning.

I'm sorry, but if I thought my region of the world was being meddled with by other countries, I wouldn't orchestrate a series of random acts of violence against innocent citizens of those countries at retaliation.

"We've been screwing with them" doesn't justify this bullshit.

"hgururhgelughrlgugh refugees"

Fuck off.

Remember Barack Obama, who wanted to do everything he could to bring peace to the world? He won the Peace Prize.

nominated before inauguration or right after.

its was seen as satire by the Nobel committee.

It keeps the working class' eyes off the pocketbooks of the world's uber rich & takes more of their rights away.


Why make a post if you're if you're just gonna be a dick and not discuss. I'm sure you could have tweeted this and get the "hell yeah" you were looking poking for.

I don't understand why you posted this in 'Conspiracy' at all? You haven't posted a conspiracy, you've just ranted about terrorists exactly as the narrative has already been spun (with the exception of a slight tangential - and deeply flawed - hypothesis towards the end).

Was the event real though? I have seen some people say it was 100% real.

It's a false flag set up by Theresa May lol

lol fuck off

This is what is called blowback.

The western world has for the better part of 50+ years fucked with these people. We have armed various factions to fight one another. We have taken over their governments and we're taking their resources. We have killed their fathers, mothers, daughters and sons. We have taken their homes, their hope for at least 15 years.

We're the bully and sometimes the bullied fights back.

This is their way of doing that and frankly its very cheap and effective. You never know when someone is going to run you over as you walk down the street. This is to cause fear, fear from going outside, fear of ones safety and that is very destructive.

Naturally westerners won't see it like that, but these crazy muslims attacking them and it's their fault. In reality, it's ours. We started it, we continued that path and we will lose.

The next phase will naturally be to attack their religion following that a complete ban of these people. Following that, all out war in the middle east. Thats when we lose, you see they have little to lose now but we have everything to lose. We're a weak society, low moral, fat, unfit and stupid and we have built our cities in compact clusters. Easy targets that is very expensive to fix.

Imagine if the countries in the middle east did everything we're doing to them to you. Well you will one day want to stop them and fight back. Is it your fault for wanting to do that? No. Is it their fault for starting it and continuing it? Yes. They will make you out to be a crazy person etc. At the end of it you just want it to stop, you want them to feel what they have brought on you.

Sorry, but if "blowback" is randomy driving cars into innocent people, you're still the bigger asshole. So fuck you.

Dude, how is this self righteous puffery working for you? Making you any safer?

Nah. Randomly dropping bombs from the sky onto innocent people day after day for 16 years and counting with impunity definitely takes the cake.

We're fucked. All I see now are messages saying how we should pray and unite. We should fight back. And I don't mean dropping more bombs on their already ruined countries.

We should fight back at the corrupted, the politicians, the weapon industry lobbyist and all these psychopaths ruling us who decided that they could steal the resources from the world and kill their people. And what for ? Money ? These people are not smart, they don't think bigger than themselves.

Anyway we don't see an inch of that money but we pay the consequence of their madness. Pray for the dead if you feel like it, then think about how to get rid of these mad rulers before they take our society to a non-return point.

A few men, no matter how good they were at start should not be allowed to rule shit. This is the result. We reach a point where life's too complex for a group of men, we need collective intelligence to rule the people by the people.

Bomb countries for years Let people from said countries immigrate to your country What could go wrong?

They know what they are doing, watch as it plays out just how they wanted. probably something to do with brexit. a year later and were still not out.

I couldn't believe out of the 100's - 1000's people there that everyone ran and hid according to most testimonies??? The amount of attackers wasn't many and if the people involved could have banded together and beaten the living shit out of the terrorist/government agents (either or), they'd think twice next time! We have to stop being scared as we've been conditioned to via political correctness, tolerance etc. and fight back, go all or nothing! This world is just a stage, play the part of a hero!

Don't forget there's an election coming up, need to keep up the fear factor. Also just had that Rochdale program on the tele which painted the police in a very poor light and was a hot topic before the first attack.

I'm going to guess the latest "terrorists" have been known to the police for a while and they had their passports or I'd on them for easy identification.

I'm actually surprised they didn't think of it before. Any vehicle can be used as a weapon.

The government done fucked up. This shit was staged. A week before the election as well.

The media says that people are claiming the attackers shouted 'This is for Allah' while stabbing victims. What kind of bullshit is that?

I don't believe it one second.

During the holy month of Ramadan, three Muslims decide to attack random people. Makes sense.

It means when something really serious goes off everyone is already a little used to the stress and drama. They'll then be more ready and willing to get involved in wars and fighting.