Need explanation: Why would Saudi Arabia fund ISIS?

26  2017-06-04 by sesameseed88

Can someone please provide a few links or in their own words explain it to me? I know this is gonna be a rabbit hole.


Why would Saudi Arabia fund ISIS?

Simple. Because Israel refuses to pay for it.

elaborate? Assume I'm 5 and I'm completely new to this, which I am haha.

The Saudis and Israel hate Iran. Israel helped create ISIS, and Saudi Arabia funds ISIS. The Saudis can afford it. It's nice to see Saudi Arabia and Israel getting along...wouldn't you agree?

Saying they hate Iran doesn't explain anything. The same thing is hapening in Syria.

A source would be appreciated


ISIS is owned by our Talmudism rulers which include America, UK, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. They say they are Arab but they are simply talmudists.

And this!

What does Saudi gain by funding ISIS? I don't get the connection :/

ISIS kills Shia and Christians. They even kill Sunnis who don't strictly observe their strict codes. ISIS fights Assad, who is friends with Iran and he supposedly is also friends with Hezbollah. ISIS will kill all of Israel's and Saudi Arabia's enemies. Iran will be turned into a parking lot one day.

Isis is used to create endless war so that Saudi and many other talmudists can get even richer and more powerful.

There is no evidence that the Saudi government or royal family is funding ISIS.

Other super rich saudi citizens are the ones who have been tied to ISIS funding.

House of Saud is literally Jewish.

Wow. Good stuff man thanks.

It's not the official state of Saudi that fund it, no one from the main family or the government. Just some random rich people in Saudi.

I thought every comment would be a load of nonsense, thank you.

OP read up on Wahhabism and tensions with the House of Saud.


A common theory I've seen around here is that Syria is the battleground they're fighting over, because it provides the best avenue for either the western countries (incl. Israel and S.A.) or the BRIC countries to funnel gas/oil to Europe. So they're fighting over who gets the cheapest avenue of export. ISIS was created by the western governments, S.A., and Israel, as their mercenary proxy army to fight the war, while keeping their hands clean.

I'm not sure that I buy that it's only about a pipeline route, but S.A. and Israel have plenty of other reasons for wanting to destroy their neighbors, and wipe out any economic rivals in the region.

There is also a SHIT TON of oil under the Golan Heights (which Israel has occupied but is still technically Syrian territory). The rights (issued by the Israeli government, not the Syrian government) to drill this oil belong to Genie Energy.

Go look up the who's who of Genie Energy, and you'll find another reason we are trying to destabilize Syria so that Israel can annex the Golan Heights permanently.

They're created by the British. ISIS was created by the US, Israel, and the UK.

Look into why Saudis and Israelis get along so well. Might blow your mind if you've never looked into it.

I'm an Iraqi, so I will tell you my point of view.

Saudi didn't just started funding terrorists. Over the last 100 years, the political struggle in the middle east has been of two varieties. On one side, you have secular, nationalist, or pan-nationalists factions like like the Baathists that used to rule in Syria and Iraq. They provided a counterweight to the Pan-Islamist, often Takfiri (Wahhabist) side, if you want to know what this means, read this. They are essentially a regressive cult that believes they have the right to classify people as muslim or not, and to deny them their right to exist by killing them and taking their property.

The Saudis use the wahabis as a political tool. The Saudi family itself is not religious, but recognizes the stupidity of those willing to sacrifice themselves for their religious goals, which happen to coincide with the vision of the Saudi family, namely as their prince has said, "turning Iraq into a sea of fire" by bombing civilians.

Saudi Arabia used to try and fund extremist groups even back in Saddam's day, sending wahabis over the border, the difference was that he had an extensive intelligence network that sniffed them out and sent them back beat up in duffle bags.

Unfortunately, today, the policy of the US-ISIS alliance is to divide up the secular or politically aware people in the middle east to deny the possibility of Arab people ever uniting against Israel or Turkey. To destroy any possibility of an alliance of moderate forces. The Arab states were, before the 2003 invasion, similar to the fractured German "states" before re-unification. It was composed of a people united by a common tongue yet ruled by rulers that wanted to keep them divided. This posed a threat to Israel and NATO as they don't want to create an Iran-dominated Arab/Muslim entity (composed of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon) in the Middle East that might actually have the capability to stand up to their bullying.

I hope that cleared some things up.

Why would the Arabs unite against Turkey?

Is that a serious or a theological question? Because Arabs people can't unite against Israel so I don't expect them to do any better against any of their other enemies like the Turks.

My question is why do the Arabs see the Turks as their enemies in the present day? I thought the past was behind them.

Mainly because Turks still see Arabs as assets to divide and control, and not as partners.

Thank you - this was great! Definitely helped provide context to all the confusion I had in my head.

Saudi Arabia is near insolvency.

So they might act as proxy for money from USrael or they do it to get control over more resources as collateral.

Why would the Arabs unite against Turkey?

Thank you - this was great! Definitely helped provide context to all the confusion I had in my head.