You can see a Russia conspiracy to influence the outcome of the election with no real evidence support & you think pizzagate is a fake conspiracy without explaining why someone at the highest levels of govt is talking about pizza related hankercheifs in his emails. K.

94  2017-06-04 by NO_DREAMS_2_SPEAK_OF


It's definitely strange.

You're just connecting silly dots. So what if he has art depicting children being sexualised, suffering and terrified. So what if he associates, and keeps in touch with, convicted child rapists. So what if he talks in strange lingo that is perfectly inline with paedophile language, as documented by the FBI handbook. So what if he is identified by name and pseudonym in a video of a child being tortured, and sounds exactly like the guy torturing the child. So what if people send him emails asking him if he wants to come watch a "chicken" be sacrificed to moloch, the god of child sacrifice. So what if he's into all of that spirit cooking weird shit. These are all just isolated points that don't connect.


Skippy. Such a sad little man.

how does God judge the MKUltra'd?

Nothing to see here, just keep moving sheep.

And look, in spite of all this evidence, nothing is done.

Yet pizzagate investigators are still using the same tactics, hoping that if they tie in more names and evidence, they'll finally get the perverts.

Acting like private investigators has been suggested many times, and almost no follow up has occurred.

What else can be done when the people who are supposed to protect us are controlled by the people they should be investigating? If there was a Pizzagate investigation, it would dredge up the filth that infests every part of government, hollywood, business and law. There's far too much at stake for TPTB to allow for a proper investigation, that's why they get their MSM/celebrity mouthpieces to put out propaganda piece after propaganda piece ridiculing it. It's all they can do, because they know they would be completely and utterly fucked if there was a proper investigation.

Right, let's get a private investigator to go up against the corrupt behemoth that has unlimited power and money. That'll show 'em. More likely they'll end up with the classic two shots to the back of the head suicide than having them brought to justice. Surely you don't actually believe they could pull it off when the system you would go through is the system full of corrupt paedophiles. They're all in cohorts with each other.

Don't get a private investigator. Be a private investigator.

More likely they'll end up with the classic two shots to the back of the head suicide than having them brought to justice.

I'm sure you can cite all that stuff you said. Or at least link me to a video to see for myself.

Those are two sketches of the same person

Do you believe anything that someone slaps onto a shitty graphic? Those are two sketches of the same person

Some people gave you some pretty good links. Did you have enough energy to click on the links? Did you spend more than 10 seconds reading each before you closed them? If you can't do that, well why don't you just fuck off.

Fuck your buddy.

If you can't click links, why are you still here? Oh, I forgot you are working the late shift at the DNC defense league.

I clicked all the links thank you very much. But acting like a dick to people who are genuinely curious is not. Good way to help your cause.

Glad to hear you read the links. I can't harass you now.

You are misunderstanding their cause.

They do not post these gish gallops of links and theories about pizzagate while insulting you because they want you to agree with them or they want to have any rational discourse with you.

They want to "redpill" you and make you feel angry. That is their only cause here.

I've made this mistake before but I believe the pedo keywords are common on message boards but not actually on the FBI database. The FBI has the symbols, not the keywords. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just want to make sure everybody's Pedogate evidence is spot on because any discrepancy can be used by someone to easily deny all the rest of the evidence that Podesta is a pedo.

If someone got off their ass and investigated these people in person, you'd have more than circumstantial cases and infographics.

Normal people won't follow a complicated circumstantial case, they've been poisoned with the "conspiracy theory meme."

Go out into the real world. First time I ever did it, I caught a powerful person immediately.

A Russia conspiracy to influence the outcome of the election with no real evidence support

So what do you call this? Why did Sessions, Manafort, and Flynn all lie? Why did Kushner seek secret communications channel in the Russian frigg'n embassy?

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I think it's easier for people to pretend this information doesn't exist and then continually say there's no evidence afterwards.

Its also easier to pretendthr Clinton Foundation didnt help broker a uranium deal with Russia. Its also easier to pretend Podesta didnt own russian stock. Its also easier to pretend Hillary hasnt tried to influence the outcome of elections in other countries. Talking with Russia isnt evidence of a conspiracy.

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Yes. Nothing there proves that any of that shit effected the outcome of the election. Which is the claim. The biggest impact if any which your link totally ignores is Comey announcing the week before the election that the email investigation was back open. Did Russia talk to Trump admin prior? Yes. But barry O just called macron right before the French election as well. Not only that there is no proof any info from Wikileaks came from the Russians & even if it did... The content is real. Maybe these people shouldnt meddle with elections elsewhere but they did. Trump didnt spend his whole career trying to overthrow established governments. Hillary spent a large portion of hers involved in that shit. But at the end of the day there is no proof Russia did anything that actually influenced the election... I dont even care if they did as long as the content released was real. Democrats did fuck with their own primaries though. Donna Brazille did send Hillary debate questions in advance. Bernie got railroaded which disenfranchised a large portion of their own base. Did Russia & Trump make them do that? You link is absurd & only proves Russia & Trump talked but you can read the art of the deal to know that. He didnt hide that shit. He even said during a fucking debate that they should release more if in fact they were doing it. It doesnt change the corruption that was exposed. Do you think russians forced Hillary to violate state dept regulations & put an email server in her basement then have /u/stonetear ask reddit how to make that shit unrecoverable with bleachbit? She is the dumbest fucking candidate that has ever run for office in the history of the country...

No. The claim is that Trump's campaign colluded with Russia behind closed door in exchange for sanctions to be removed and laundering money through real estate and secret deals.

The US government has done worse things than that over the last 24 years & the democrats pushed a candidate that was in the middle of all of it. Trump didnt need Russian money to finance his campaign. Sanctions being lifted? They knew the relationship would continue being strained as it was with Obama/Bush if Hillary won. We get along with Russia now... How is that bad? Podesta owned Russian stock while working for the Obama admin. The claim is weak. Our government deserved a swift kick in the nutz & it came from the voters. Not the russians.

Can you tell me your opinion of why Kushner wanted a secret back channel using Russian FSB assets, and why he didn't disclose that on his security clearance application?

Can you tell me your opinion of why Kushner wanted a secret back channel using Russian FSB assets, and why he didn't disclose that on his security clearance application?

Dude his deflectors are on max, there is no going back.

I noticed :/

Or the same reason a hungarian jew billionaire that pretended not to be jewish & worked with Nazi's gave Hillary $25 million for her campaign....

Can we please stay on topic so we can have a civil discussion?

I started this post & you are only addressing one side of it. Pizzagate vs. Russia conspiracy is the topic. You clearly can see the Russia conspiracy so you are someone i was referring to. It's clear you are a democrat. I have no political allegiances. I like wikileaks. I like edward snowden. I like chelsea manning. You like Hillary. I like people that tell the truth. This Trump/Russia shit is being peddled by politicians & media that have a rich history of lying. What is a hankercheif that seems to be pizza related? Why did it seem to be pizza related? If it was a hankercheif w/ pizza slices on it why was it hard to tell it was a pizza related hankercheif & not one that seems to be pizza related? What the fuck does that mean? Why is a high level politically connected person sending weird emails & not providing explanations to the public after we have seen them? When you want to stay on topic let me know.

Thanks anyway.

why do you like democrats?

Don't bother. That account is a 100% waste of time.

deflection, deflection, deflection!

Thank you for this, but I would like for us to stay on topic.

Then lets discuss both sides of the topic i posted... Why does Podesta keep labeling pizzagate a conspiracy without explaing without showing us his hankercheif that seems to be pizza related? Could clear all this up rather quickly if he did.

I don't know and could care less about Podesta. It's not a conspiracy theory I'm interested in.

Me and you were discussing Trump's campaign ties to Russia and the amount of circumstantial evidence surrounding it.

Circumstancial evidence sums the Russia conspiracy up. Pizzagate has confirmed emails that have yet to be provided rational explanations. The evidence for pizzagate is much stronger & you focus on a conspiracy being pushed by democrats & liberal media.

Here's what I do. I listen to what the MSM says or what is said by the FBI or intelligence comittees and hearings, and then compare that to the White House response to those statements, and then come up with my own judgement.

Listen to MSM/Intelligence agencies... Huge mistake. MSM develops relationships with politicians that lie... See Cheney peddling yellowcake uranium to invade Iraq. Then obama selling hope & change to MSM then expanding Cheney's war into Syria then expanding Cheney's mass surveillance programs. With the intelligence agencies there is no way to confirm if they are telling the truth. Especially when they create programs like MKUltra. They intentionally mislead the public. Watching peoples actions & words is the only way to formulate an opinion. There are few politicians i trust & Tusli Gabbard & Ron Paul are two. Trump is TBD for me. But the fact that establishment dems & repubs seem so concerned about him makes me give him a chance. There was nothing Hillary has done to make me think she gives a shit. I gave obama a chance as well & he shit all over that. How people think he is liberal is beyond me.

Here's what I do. MSM says "Jared Kushner was trying to secretly to talk to FSB and the Russian government"

I then wait for the official response such as "Kushner did have this conversation, but it was to talk about solutions for the Syrian conflict, and he just forgot to include it on his security clearance application"

Pizzagate has confirmed emails that have yet to be provided rational explanations. The evidence for pizzagate

The problem is it only has emails. Those emails have nothing damning unless you have a sick, pervert mind and you beleive that all Democrats don't eat pizza, they only rape little boys and children. Seriously, there is not a shred of real evidence unless you live in this fantasy world where people with a (D) after their name are all child molesters.

Why is nobody talking about JuleEnergy and Uranium One? Or Bill Clinton's $500k speach in Moscow? Oh that's right, because the Russian collusion was with the Clinton foundation.

The only real "evidence" of anything is the report from the now discredited cyber security firm whose CEO is an anti-Putin Russian living abroad.

The good old Clinton deflection.

Not a deflection if it's true. We still have yet to see even one solid piece of evidence that proves Russia had anything to do with our election.

Your party lost. Your candidate lost. The election is over. Get over it. Do actually believe it even matters who the president is?


What was the big deal about Uranium One?

Clintons helped facilitate a uranium deal with Russia & now want us to believe they are a threat.

Why aren't you going after every single agency and person that signed off on that deal if sale of a uranium mine is a big deal?

Also, when was the sale and what was the relationship between Russia and the U.S. at the time?

Because i'm not concerned that Russia will nuke us or that we will nuke them. I'm not afraid of North Korea doing that shit either. Most dictators want to remain in power & enjoy their lifestyle. The only country that has ever used a nuke is my own country. Russia is not a threat. My own government is a threat to the rest of the world. Trump is the first president that i have seen that has actually said we arent out there to police the world anymore. He said it during his inaguration speech & again mentioned it in Saudi Arabia a few weeks ago. He is staying is syria currently trying to make sure ISIS agents are not able to leave the country. He does intend to take oil when he goes... He said that as well. Whether he is actually sincere is yet to be determined. If he does some dumb shit i look forward to reading the wikileaks which is currently the only organization that scares politicians.

He's not sincere. He's never been sincere, at least not in any sense that matters. He'll change his mind after tal

No, the only country that has used a nuke in warfare is the US. Other countries have used them, but only as tests(unless I'm missing a juicy conspiracy). Those first two nukes were basically a show of force of the weapon, and there is a very good reason why they don't get deployed in combat zones these days.

As for Trump, he's as sincere as his handlers and ego will allow. He'll do what he's told because he knows it will make him more rich, along with all of his new friends that have/will latch on to him because he's easily manipulated.

I suppose that is why both establishment dems/repubs/the media hate his ass but you could be right. If you are the elite really changed their playbook when they couldve just sent Hillary in.

What part of billionaire con man that bribes politicians makes you not think Trump is part of that elite circle? He's rubbed elbows with all of them and traded favors. They didn't change the playbook, they just changed the quarterback.

Because this is damage control and manipulation. Keep eyes on one thing so people ignore everything else. And the best part for them is that they don't have to actually tell the truth, just keep repeating something over and over again until people just start accepting it without asking about it.

I think you don't understand what he's saying there. He's saying TPTB use the Russia-Trump scandal to distract us. He's not saying it's not real.

If Pizzagate was pushed by CNN then they would believe it. They only believe in conspiracies pushed by the mainstream

Didn't stop them the whole week, Fox News was pushing Seth Rich theory. After it came out their evidence was coming from a Fox News correspondent fed to a "PI" who was really just a paid actor, of course nothing changed.

Where is the evidence to support your claim that he was both fed the information from Fox and that he's a paid actor?

"When reached for comment by CNN, Wheeler said he personally had no evidence suggesting Rich had been in touch with Wikileaks before his death. "I only got that [information] from the reporter at Fox News," Wheeler told CNN." link

CNN was involved in a conspiracy to influencethe outcome of the democratic primaries when one of their correspondents fed debate questions to the Clinton camp.

And you only know that because Putin supported Trump and had his hackers release DNC's emails. If Putin supported Hilary, we'd know what questions Trump was fed by his News correspondents.

And honestly, that's no bigger than this scandal. Trump was basically paying for press coverage.

"Tucker failed to disclose his financial benefit from Trump’s campaign to FOX News viewers even as he commented on the presidential election, interviewed Trump and accused other news outlets of bias," CMD executive director Lisa Graves said in a statement.

CNN was involved in a conspiracy to influencethe outcome of the democratic primaries when one of their correspondents fed debate questions to the Clinton camp.

And you only know that because Putin supported Trump and had his hackers release DNC's emails. If Putin supported Hilary, we'd know what questions Trump was fed by his News correspondents.

And honestly, that's no bigger than this scandal. Trump was basically paying for press coverage.

"Tucker failed to disclose his financial benefit from Trump’s campaign to FOX News viewers even as he commented on the presidential election, interviewed Trump and accused other news outlets of bias," CMD executive director Lisa Graves said in a statement.

Hillary's campaign chariman now works for the Washington Post. Politics/Media has an incestous relationship. This isnt new. Our government hired Bin Laden the Bill tried but failed to kill his ass.

Come on pizzagate debunkers explain this email.

Hi John,

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it.

I think it probably means he left a handkerchief with a pizza map on it. Why would you believe it means anything else?

What's a pizza map?

And you think that this is what was so important too podesta ?

From: John Podesta [] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 9:29 PM To: Sandler, Susan Subject: Re: Did you leave a handkerchief

It's mine, but not worth worrying about.

Doesn't seem like it was very important to him? He left it somewhere and then didn't see a need to get it back. My presumption is that it's a novelty item - maybe a gift from someone aware of Podesta's interests in both NYC culture and food? - and nothing more.

That explanation seems way more reasonable than some of the other explanations I've seen as to what a pizza map is. And why it would be printed on a handkerchief.

Redditor since: 05/21/2017 (14 days)

A batch of 14-16 day old accounts spamming this subreddit with the same propaganda.

I create a new account every few weeks. I dont care about collecting karma or that every time i make a new acct i have to wait 2 days for my posts to appear. I do it because one time someone tried to doxx me on an account i had for several years just because they didnt like something i said. Fuck that. There are crazy people on this wensite. I dont have the time to invest to attack random people i disagree with. My solution to enjoying this site has been to create a new acct every 3-4 weeks. I wish i was a russian agent or getting paid for this. Mabye i could quit my job then.

Don't blame ya. The Reddit Left doesn't fck around with their hurt feelings.

Keep up the good fight brother.

You seem to exhibit plenty of hurt feelings everytime a post critical of Trump hits r/all. Maybe you're the snowflake here buddy

Why can't someone believe in both or neither? Seems like a very narrow view point to have.

That is certainly an option as well.

The best way to redpill is to point out how this relates to savile, dutroux, franklin boys school, Johnny Gosch...

show people this keeps happening and the playbook is always the same

Dont forget Hastert. He's a republican that Podesta still talks to & that other guy thought it was time to go to an undisclosed island in Japan.

These threads are out of control. Pay no attention to the vote counts. Read the words separate from the supposed number of alleged human people voting on them.

I read the Podesta emails. I've reviewed the Russia conspiracy. One bothers me more & i aint worried about Russia.

I am on your side.

Us vs. them.

It's still sad that your biggest piece of evidence is a weird description of a hankerchief.

Its not. Its caris james taped to the table @ a pizza place that was posted to instagram by someone claiming to be her godfather. Shit is normal. But podesta says the pizza is good on twitter a month or so ago.

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Yes. Nothing there proves that any of that shit effected the outcome of the election. Which is the claim. The biggest impact if any which your link totally ignores is Comey announcing the week before the election that the email investigation was back open. Did Russia talk to Trump admin prior? Yes. But barry O just called macron right before the French election as well. Not only that there is no proof any info from Wikileaks came from the Russians & even if it did... The content is real. Maybe these people shouldnt meddle with elections elsewhere but they did. Trump didnt spend his whole career trying to overthrow established governments. Hillary spent a large portion of hers involved in that shit. But at the end of the day there is no proof Russia did anything that actually influenced the election... I dont even care if they did as long as the content released was real. Democrats did fuck with their own primaries though. Donna Brazille did send Hillary debate questions in advance. Bernie got railroaded which disenfranchised a large portion of their own base. Did Russia & Trump make them do that? You link is absurd & only proves Russia & Trump talked but you can read the art of the deal to know that. He didnt hide that shit. He even said during a fucking debate that they should release more if in fact they were doing it. It doesnt change the corruption that was exposed. Do you think russians forced Hillary to violate state dept regulations & put an email server in her basement then have /u/stonetear ask reddit how to make that shit unrecoverable with bleachbit? She is the dumbest fucking candidate that has ever run for office in the history of the country...

And you only know that because Putin supported Trump and had his hackers release DNC's emails. If Putin supported Hilary, we'd know what questions Trump was fed by his News correspondents.

And honestly, that's no bigger than this scandal. Trump was basically paying for press coverage.

"Tucker failed to disclose his financial benefit from Trump’s campaign to FOX News viewers even as he commented on the presidential election, interviewed Trump and accused other news outlets of bias," CMD executive director Lisa Graves said in a statement.

You seem to exhibit plenty of hurt feelings everytime a post critical of Trump hits r/all. Maybe you're the snowflake here buddy