I'm watching the live One Love Manchester benefit concert and the black eyed peas are performing. They are singing "where is the love", but decided to not call the CIA terrorists today...

81  2017-06-04 by [deleted]



Lyrics went as follows:

Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism But we still got terrorists here livin' In the USA, the big CIA The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK

May be nothing but I thought it was weird..

What is weird is some other dude just made an almost identical self post about this extremely mundane subject within minutes of yours.

It was really noticeable.

I guess I don't know enough about Black Eyed Peas to care... Did you notice they also censored the lyrics to "Let's get Retarded"?

I don't either, I honestly don't know why I'm watching in the first place. I didn't notice that but I'd say the whole show is censored I just can't understand why..

I was just curious how thick security was today.

"Let's Get it Started" was an officially released and more PC version of the song in 2004.


Removing a line about the CIA being terrorists at a benefit concert for an act of terrorism is certainly interesting, but not at all surprising either.

Wonder if they made the decision themselves, or if they were "asked" to.

"Asked" or paid? I thought the same thing.

They have a set list they follow amd one of the producers will go through it, and the lyrics, and say, "yeah, yeah, yeah, this one is fine, but you can't talk about the terrorism and CIA, horrible for PR."

It's probably unrelated but Brother Nathanel lighted on that song by them to call them out for being state run. Just a weird connection.

A benefit concert for a fake attack... Damn... People really are dumb... Next we should have one for sandy hoax.. Or the Boston smoke bombing..

You are a fucking idiot

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDgk_vdAjlU lmao and you are asleep. all these fake shootings and attacks week after week and you still fall for it. what a dummy. i like the cop who changes into a crisis actor/victim. makes me laugh

What else do you think is a hoax?

It wouldn't matter anyways. you aren't capable of understanding. go watch sports or reality TV.

It wouldn't

So did you have a nice experience posting all your shit in this thread? Going through your comment history really made me sad. Get help dude.

I did. Thanks for asking.

You think a dude with no full-time job living in his parents' basement is a really credible source for something like this?

so a video showing a cop changing clothes, then laying on the ground like a victim doesn't strike you as odd. are you serious or are you just a bit slow.

this is the shit I'm talking about, it's like you choose to be asleep. so sad

Did you vote for Trump?

Or are you still in middle school with no life?

its obvious you are a troll. the concept of republican or democrat, trump or clinton, blah blah it all just shows how much control the system has over your mind. it's sad because all that you are has derived from the TV set. I'm sad that I have to breath the same air as you simpleton sheep. You clearly enjoy being oblivious and I guess I commend you for that. ignorance is bliss. i wish i could go back to sleep like you

I'm sad that I have to breath the same air as you simpleton sheep.

You're obviously not man, your on a whole different world

i wish i could go back to sleep like you

I've always been woke man

it's sad because all that you are has been derived from the TV set.

It's sad that all of you has been derived from this sub

yet you are here shilling on this sub. what does that say about you. now go away

I was on a safari looking for retards like you

You know there is a whole sub for angry and ignorant trolls @ r/conspiratard. No need to thank me, bro.

Liam Gallagher was absolute crap :/

The very idea of that concert is so sickeningly maddening I can't believe it, corporate bullshit and greed is the reason for these attacks in the first place!

Can't help but wonder whether the millions raised for the victims is in fact hush money.

Well, think about it this way. The "charity" that was getting the donations was the British Red Cross. The same Red Cross that has admitted "saving" and transferring illegal, economic immigrants to England in the hundreds of thousands. Even going so far as to work with the smugglers. Breaking some extremely serious laws in Britain without seemingly any actions being taken against them.

And what happened when they were caught in the act? They stared back and stated proudly (not sure how) "Yeah, we know that less than 3% of these people that are in these boats are true refugees, but we don't care. We are going to continue anyways, not matter whatever you say."

On top of that, up to 90k of those "refugees" they have "saved" disappeared right after they touched land in Britain.

Do you want that kind of organization to be holding the funding of a charity intended to support those that experienced terrorist attacks. Attacks that may very well have escalated directly due to the British Red Cross's inexcusable actions?

And yes, I know what I say isn't a conspiracy but a fact, but still... this is why I found the One Love concerts utterly reviling and wayyyy too soon. It smells of political agenda and appeasement to the public so it doesn't begin to ask the more troubling questions about what the government is doing about this stuff.

It's fishy choice for a song to sing at the concert, but at the same time, don't you think it's obvious that they'd make this edit for the concert?
There's no reason for them to want to stir up controversy that tons of people will argue about. The show-runners would want to keep the concert press positive. It's all "We singers care about you people, and care about peace and happiness." They're not gonna sing or mention anything actually about terrorism, because they don't want to trigger anyone, and they don't want people picking apart the "loving" atmosphere.

I just think it would be a better decision to sing a different song if you're going to have to remove part of the lyrics. What they did just brings more attention to the lyrics hey left out.