My theory on everything regarding Trump and Russia

31  2017-06-06 by ArchonFall4All

Preface: I'm tired of all of the political bickering surrounding this subject, so this is my attempt to contribute something of substance. With that being said, I ask that any comments be on topic and civil.

Questions to address: I've been mulling these ideas for awhile, trying to make as much sense as possible of everything that is unfolding around us. Before I state my theory, I want to include which questions it attempts to answer:

  1. What is with the supposed connections between members of Trump's team and certain Russians? Moreover, why have people resigned over this controversy? (You can also add Kushner's backchannels to this list)

  2. Why does Trump seem conciliatory to the Russians, such as offering to end sanctions?

  3. Why is the media so biased in their reporting of these topics?

  4. Why isn't Trump more proactive in dismissing the claims levied against him? He seems to be more on the defensive, rather than the offensive.

  5. What is behind the firing of Comey and the apparent wavering of certain politicians regarding Trump's collusion?

  6. What's with the new leak by Reality Winner?

  7. And perhaps most importantly, why does the intelligence community seem so certain of Russian interference/collusion, while simultaneously being so reluctant to release the evidence?

My theory: Trump did collude with the Russians, but not for nefarious reasons. Rather, the Russians helped white hats from America prevent the election from being stolen by Hillary's team and the deep state.

I recommend watching this video by Steve Pieczenik from just before the election. He details how the Clintons usurped power through corruption and co-optation, and a group of white hats in the intelligence community started working together to launch a "counter-coup" against Hillary. He claims their group was behind the leaks to Wikileaks in an effort to expose their corruption.

However, it would be nearly impossible for white hats to launch this effort by utilizing the resources of the CIA or FBI who had been co-opted. Thus, they had to turn to Russia for help. It was a win-win for both sides. The white hats could clean up the government, and the Russians could have the sanctions lifted (not to mention avoiding more hostile policies of the deep state and a possible third world war).

I believe one of the things these white hats were most worried about was the manipulation of votes in some way to favor Clinton. That's why Trump made these comments during the presidential debate (as a sort of veiled threat), and awareness was raised regarding George Soros' history of meddling in countries' affairs along with his connection to the Smartmatic voting machines used in various states.

This also ties in to what was revealed in the leak by Reality Winner. Russia was probing an election software company, but the NSA was unable to find anything malicious beyond that. My theory is that the Russians were looking for evidence of computer code that could be used maliciously during the election. This information would be used to either prevent such actions or to use it as leverage against Clinton's camp.

So with this as the backdrop, let's fast-forward to what's occurring now. The media is trying to sabotage Trump in their reporting (aided by elements of the deep state), and they're trying to convince the American public that Russia has subverted our democracy. However, they're reluctant to probe too deeply because they're fearful of letting the whole cat out of the bag. They know the white hats could expose a lot more corruption if pushed to do so. On the flip side, Trump's team doesn't want to admit to working with the Russians unless he's completely backed into a corner. As Steve Pieczenik stated in the above video, they wanted to make sure the transition of power was as smooth as possible. Thus, they want to avoid completely sending the American public into a frenzy. We are witnessing a sort of detente between two competing elements of government.

So anyway, this is my theory. If it's not clear how this theory answers any of the questions I listed at the beginning, let me know and I'll try to clarify.


Lol, nice fictional write up

Thanks. I really enjoyed reading your intelligent contributions to this thread

Trump did collude with the Russians, but not for nefarious reasons.

Still a crime.

Rather, the Russians helped white hats from America prevent the election from being stolen by Hillary's team and the deep state.


It's gone from "Putin blew up an apartment full of Russian citizens in order to gain power"

to "the election wasn't hacked"

to "OK maybe the election was hacked but it didn't matter"

to "OK maybe it mattered but it wasn't Russia"

to "OK maybe it was Russia but Trump didn't collude with them"

to "OK maybe Trump colluded with Russia to hack the election but it's totally fine because Putin is a great person and Russia are the good guys!"

Solid rebuttal

Trump is a dirty Zionist. Russia isn't the country to be worried about.

What is with the supposed connections between members of Trump's team and certain Russians? Moreover, why have people resigned over this controversy? (You can also add Kushner's backchannels to this list) - Most of his team worked for campaigns or for the government in a variety of positions. For them NOT to have Russian connections would be odd. Flynn resigned because he lied. Carter Page and Paul Manafort resigned because a false dossier painted a story. Keep in mind Manafort had worked with previous campaigns and administrations. Page was US Navy Intelligence and was on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Yes he had favored Russia at times that most Americans agreed with as well.

Why does Trump seem conciliatory to the Russians, such as offering to end sanctions? When Obama took office he favored leaders of other countries that Bush was against. All presidents come in and evaluate existing relationships.

Why is the media so biased in their reporting of these topics? Great question - why are they so biased against anything conservative?

Why isn't Trump more proactive in dismissing the claims levied against him? I've seen him dismissive in his tweets and interviews. I watched several press briefings - reporters are so literal with everything said and extremely upset with Trumps Twitter behavior. I think Trump has a big ego and takes offense to many things. He does come off as defensive but his offensive can be misunderstood. He is known to lead people down the wrong path.

What is behind the firing of Comey and the apparent wavering of certain politicians regarding Trump's collusion? Comey should have been fired a long time ago. He was not qualified and I felt he was not wanting to be in his position.

What's with the new leak by Reality Winner? Russians tried to phish the managers of election teams in Georgia totally contradicting what Obama had stated towards the end of the year. Seems it was not a big deal then under Obama and I'm not sure what it means today.

And perhaps most importantly, why does the intelligence community seem so certain of Russian interference/collusion, while simultaneously being so reluctant to release the evidence? I don't see them as the IC anymore but more like the shadow government (deep state). If they had real evidence they could leak it. They cannot share the evidence because it would be a violation. Knowing they were snooping on Trump is just like what Nixon did. Also it would crush Obama.

Finally a real response. Thank you. As you mentioned in the first part, a lot of these people had ties to the intelligence community, which still ties in with my overall theory. They are white hats trying to battle the corruption of the deep state. I agree that there's nothing wrong with talking to Russia, which is why I'm trying to dig deeper on why Flynn lied in the first place.

I also want to clarify that Trump probably wasn't directly involved in any of these communications because he wanted plausible deniability (which also explains why the gov't and media admit that Trump himself isn't being investigated).

What's your take on the Steve Pieczenik video?

Steve Pieczenik video

You're welcome. I was trying to breakdown the variety of claims coming out regarding Trump Russia today and your post was timely.

Which video are you referring to? I've seen several.

Probably his most well known video. I included a link in the OP, but here it is again:

If he can be trusted, then it definitely appears that there's some sort of battle between white hats and the corrupt elements of the deep state. And I'll reemphasize my point from the OP. If these people really were trying to battle the deep state, they likely wouldn't be able to use the tools of the CIA or other agencies without being discovered. That's why working with Russia, Wikileaks, etc. would make sense

Did he just say they are the source of the leaked emails?

Yep, and don't forget the testimony of former ambassador Craig Murray. It appears he was working with these white hats as well

Where have I been? The video was released in November.

I'm aware of the testimony of former ambassador but I'm totally caught off guard with that video.

I multitask while on Reddit. Usually on calls so I don't always click links in the OP.

All of it makes sense. If you have a corruption so deep in your government you most certainly would go to a foreign country for help. Trump wouldn't have known - it would have been white hats all along. Very interesting. You're my new favorite to follow. I feel like an idiot because I really felt like I was up to speed on this stuff.

Unfortunately my OP has already been buried, so I don't know if many other people will see it. I'd like to get more opinions on it, though

I've noticed it is the time of day. Everyone is putting Russia Trump to the side until the Comey hearing. Maybe changing the title to White Hats Theory and don't share Trump Russia until 3 paragraphs into your brief.

I don't feel like creating a new OP, so maybe I'll just reach out to some of the people I have tagged as legitimate users

Do people collaborate much on this sub? If so, you might want to co-post with a small team.

Here is my question about all of this.

They keep saying Russia influenced our election. Like its a criminal act.

My first question is - how did they measure influence? We have major news outlets giving some candidates free PR. They twist truth to favor their candidate and agenda. They proudly announce who they are backing and donate to them personally. That is influence that in my opinion should be stopped.

Second. If they are upset that it is foreign influence then Mexico should be held accountable for influencing our election. The NYT's who was at the front of pushing this scandal and shared "leaked classified information" is owned by a Mexican billionaire.

If Russia hacked and leaked - that is a different story. However the sources to the NYT could have been Iranian hackers or North Korea Hackers. We don't know. We also don't have proof Russia did in fact hack the DNC.

What about foreign donations through non-profits like Media Matters, Correct the Record, RedState, Media Research Center? That gets overlooked.

It doesn't make sense to me why they are upset with Russian influence if all other type of foreign influence was occurring.

I think the IC had an agenda - they wanted to take Russia out of some foreign project that would create a lot of money for the rich. Like a pipeline of oil in the middle east. When Trump took office the press, congress, senate were all focused on Russia. Trump wasn't. Clinton blamed Russia for her loss. Now we have 2 groups pushing this narrative. Dems because they don't want admit loss. IC because they have a vested interest in taking down Russia. The press is owned by the Elites which support the IC and Democrats.

All of it is really bizarre

I agree with all of your points. Hillary's collusion with the media should be questioned as interfering in the election. The same should go for countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia interfering in our democratic processes (or any of the other examples you listed). The hypocrisy is apparent.

Personally, I don't think Russia was behind the DNC leaks, and anybody could've hacked Podesta given his lack of security. I'm just speculating that Russia helped neutralize any attempts to flip votes in favor of Hillary (which the recent leak by Reality Winner could possibly support).

I've shared that theory with you. I've also thought Seth Rich had voter fraud scheme intel and was murdered before he could leak it. I think there is a bigger story here than most people are aware of.

I really hope you are right, but I honestly believe that Seth Rich was complicit in PG, had a come to Jesus moment and was going to flip. It makes me squirm to speak ill of the dead, but try as I might, it's the only thing that makes sense. If it was simply voter fraud, they easily could've made him the scapegoat. Having him murdered (by the FBI, in my opinion,) is so extreme and obviously extremely messy. Trump and Putin know this and that is why the entire world has been demonizing them. They've been working the long con for twenty years, and they are about to let the evil does unmask themselves. This is why HC hasn't been imprisoned. If Trump had her investigated, TPTB would just have her assassinated and martyred. It's going to be a painful reality when it all comes out, economies will collapse, there will no longer be confidence in government, religion or science by the normies, and people will come together as a whole.

Thanks for the generously sized write up. :)

I picked out a little section and here's my response:

The media is trying to sabotage Trump in their reporting (aided by elements of the deep state),

Not really. The media was FOR TRUMP before the election. YES, IT WAS THEN but now that we are not in an election year NOT SO MUCH.

they're trying to convince the American public that Russia has subverted our democracy.

Yes, the media and Democrats are doing that, Republicans are in full denial., The TRUE STORY is that Russians weren't the biggest players in election cheating.

However, they're reluctant to probe too deeply because they're fearful of letting the whole cat out of the bag.

It's all just Hegelian dialectic.

They know the white hats could expose a lot more corruption if pushed to do so.

The idea that Donald Trump is some sort of altruistic outsider should be fully dismissed by now. He has 100 percent supported the Koch business agenda, has escalated wars and promoted a new one, and has turned his back on promises that go against the Koch agenda. There are no white hats. All sides are dirty -- Republicans, Democrats, Russians, and Trumpians.

What is your take on the Steve Pieczenik video?

I can't watch it until later. I'm listening to other things. :(

He doesn't SAY ANYTHING!

All right I listened. That video came out just before the election. I'm surprised I had not seen that before. He talks about a COUNTER-COUP, appears to implicate Julian Assange, and puts out very general statements.

That was pure Republican propaganda.

In fact, what happens if there is a COUNTER COUP but there is no COUP?


He is admitting that Republicans tried to steal the election.

We should look carefully at who these people are. From the Wikipedia page:

Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker.[2] His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare.[6] He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.[7]

Now, the idea that this guy is doing something for the people becomes utterly absurd. This video was nothing but black propaganda to get Republican Donald Trump into office and to CONTINUE the "Reagan Revolution."

Y'all can down vote now. The Truth is painful as hell. :P

I've researched the guy quite a bit, and I do have questions about him. However, he has other videos where he calls out the Bushes, 9/11, etc. I wouldn't dismiss him so quickly, but it's still good to approach him cautiously

Donald Trump called out Jeb Bush. I was cheering. Then I realized something. Donald Trump was pretending to be an outsider -- JUST LIKE THE TEA PARTY DID merely six years earlier.

When Donald Trump "won" the election, the stock market told us in no uncertain terms that they LOVED Donald Trump. That should have been a wake up call.

I don't dismiss him. He should be ordered to testify on his "counter coup."

Yes, Steve P looks good in his vids but when they first came out and some of us were digging into his past, he didn't seem that clean. But it seems with so many groups with so many interests, and so many enemy of my enemy is my friend bullshit agreements - it is hard to tell who is on what side, or even what shade of gray.

And about Julian, well, he has sounded and acted off since October. Hard to know what level of resistance to corruption he maintains. Until he starts releasing rock the boat documents, I think some would agree he feels corrupted and at a minimum only releasing the least damaging docs.

Regarding the stock market loving Trump, don't forget he promised to kill that trade agreement Obama was hard pushing - and succeeded. He also promised to look into renegotiating NAFTA, so at a minimum stock market likely had a hardon for Mr Business taking charge, atleast in the beginning.

he has sounded and acted off since October.

I don't like the way Julian has decided to promote one side over the other. I know Democrats hate him now. That's too bad. He has kind of pushed himself to the Republican side -- who will probably burn him in short order. I think he blew it. I'm still hoping for salvation. He's done way too much good work to write him off at this point.

Somehow I missed this guy in the video even though he has millions of views on that video. I only had to see his Wikipedia page to throw him the hell out. OMFG. This guy is scum. Sorry. :(

Check the Wikipedia talk page out. Someone wanted to delete the page, but many turned out to oppose it. A rare moment when the Wikipedians get it right. LOL

promised to kill that trade agreement

TPP was already dead.

  1. The allegations against Kushner are from what a Russian diplomat said. The possibility that he knew he was being listened to never gets brought up. Easy psyop pays off big dividends if true. The Israeli faction does not want Russian influence in middle east. It's slowing down their plan.

  2. Take the NSA leak with a grain of salt. She was working in Georgia. major cyber attack on their election database and voter roll machine stolen in March and April. A month after she started working there.

It's possible she was part of a plan by the NSA to create another Russian hack scenario. They didn't report the voter machine missing for two days.

The report she leaked has astounding similarities to the March cyber attack on KSU and also mentions getting voter rollcall info off a machine.

It's very probable the company she worked for was part of the investigations of these two events.

Which means it's possible she took those reports..did a little adding Russia to it. Then leaked it.

I don't see anything wrong with the theory. It makes sense. But we're being kept in the dark on a lot of things to purposefully keep us guessing. Sometimes Trump makes himself look guilty of Russia collusion and I think he may be tempting the media/Intel agencies into revealing that they've got nothing. Sometimes Trump looks like he's Israel's best friend and other times it looks like he's straight up subverting Zionism and going against Israel's intentions.

Living through this is fascinating and I'd like to believe that if there is any Russia collusion, its Trump working with Russia to combat Zionism. Because it really looks like that sometimes.

I wish, but I doubt it. Unless you are using "Zionism" as a synonym for globalism. Then, maybe.

Sometimes they're interchangeable depending on whom you're speaking to. "Zionism" will typically get you labeled a racist and "Globalism" will get you labeled a conspiracy theorist.

I'm pretty sure either of those can get you either of those haha.

Ill comment with some random thoughts that might help put more pieces together. I have thought for awhile that the Clinton team thought they had the election in the bag. Because they thought they had the votes manipulated. I would think they did so possibly with cooperation from loyalists in the DHS. That's why there were stories like this from multiple states.

An interesting fact about that money Michael Flynn got from RT and why he's hated by the Obama administration, he admitted the U.S. was intentionally arming terrorists: " Jazeera notes that Lieutenant General Michael Flynn became “the highest ranking intelligence official to go on record,” saying the US and other states, notably Turkey and the Gulf Arab states, were sponsoring Al-Qaeda-led rebels in Syria with political support and weapons in an attempt to overthrow President Bashar Assad."

Then there's these comments from Nines. About how the democrats aren't taking the investigation seriously. Perhaps they don't want anyone to actually dig too deep into actual vote tampering? Very strange behavior from people who are pushing this so hard publicly.

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Wednesday Democrats have prevented a panel investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election from conducting a single witness interview."

"But he said the panel has not conducted any interviews in part because Democrats aren't cooperating"

Those are just a few thoughts that came to mind while reading your thread..

Excellent links and write-up. Thank you! There are so many dots that need to be connected

Another piece I'm mulling over as well is this recent leak. It did a lot of implying about hacking attempts of software, but wasn't really conclusive about anything. It was basically a bunch of nothing new. Why did this leaker give up everything to leak this, and so blatantly? And the leaker was caught within a day, with (unintentional?) Cooperation from the intercept, who is known for write ups that are anti Russian hacking narrative. Was this an intentional leak by the Trump team? Is this going to be further basis to push for an analysis of the votes, or any tampering with them? Will it be used to push for voting regulations as well to prevent anymore "interference?"

Very good questions. It does seem odd that she would risk everything in order to leak classified information that isn't very damaging. I just assumed she thought it was more explosive than it really was, but I like where your head is at. I'll have to think on it further

I think that The Intercept was wary at first because the whole "Russia did it" narrative seemed suspect after a year of reporting heavily on the Clinton team's spin.

I think that their close relationship with Wikileaks, and Wikileaks' apparent closeness with Russia almost implicates The Intercept as being more friendly with Russia than they might want to be.

It should also be noticed that Assange is trumpeting for us to support Winner and her release.

Personally I think Winner went with The Intercept because she saw herself as the next Snowden.

You just put words to what I had bouncing around in the back of my head. This totally explains why she picked the Intercept.

There is also the possibility the CIA is behind Snowden, the Intercept, post October Assange, and Winner. So we are seeing them utilizing the apparatus they built for limited hangouts.

But I think it's much easier to believe this kid thought they were the next Snowden, and was trying to emulate him.

About how the democrats aren't taking the investigation seriously. Perhaps they don't want anyone to actually dig too deep into actual vote tampering?

I have been wondering why they are really putting this thing in a box.

You would think that they would be wanting to shed light on any imperfections in the election in order to remove the entire Trump administration, but they seem fine with getting Trump out and leaving Pence -by investigating improprieties that happened around the election, by not election day itself.

Nice write up.

I had considered a similar possibility. The only thing I question is the collusion of Trump. I think he reached out to the Russians, but just like every other politician does. Many president elect candidates and even congressional or senatorial candidates communicate with foreign powers to outline their ideas about foreign policy. The only thing abnormal about that is the conniption four the media is throwing. Teddy Kennedy reached out to the Soviets to try and fight Reagan. Pelosi met with Assad to discuss Syria. It is not uncommon.

Honestly, it seems that both sides of the aisle are attacking Trump because in one way or another he is an obstacle to some objective paid for by lobbyists.

I believe the theory about the white hats is possible, and have even heard other sources mention it, but I doubt they were in collusion with the Trump campaign. It is just not in the hacker's mind set to to their hand to the uninitiated.

Thank you. When I say white hats, I don't mean hackers. I'm referring to white hats in the intelligence community. In the Steve Pieczenik video, he claims he was working with these people to stop Hillary's corruption. I probably should've clarified it better in my OP, but I'm proposing that it was these white hats who reached out to Russia, and not Trump directly communicating with Russia

not Trump directly communicating with Russia

Except in maybe from any of his legitimate business ventures in Russia/with Russians. Which should surprise no one for an international real estate mogul, there's nothing inherently wrong with conducting business with them. It's only the Cold War era Russian spy propaganda being brandished to the masses every hour of the day that's responsible for everyone assuming that if Russians are involved, it's nefarious.

I very much agree with the white hats theory. The one curveball in all of the theories I've contemplated is the non-stop and brutal slaughtering that the MSM continues exhibit at an astonishing rate. That immediately ruled out any theory that involves Trump being a plant of TPTB (unless they let him win in order to give them a good pretext to collapsing the country).

Intelligence communities may have helped get Podestas emails, but Seth Rich is the most likely source of the DNC links. A lot of people forget that those were two separate leaks.

Alright I'll start by analyzing your theory first and tell you my thoughts first, then I'll answer the questions with my theory or my vision of what's going on at the moment, from what I can deduce from research and keeping with the flow of data.

Trump did collude with the Russians, but not for nefarious reasons. Rather, the Russians helped white hats from America prevent the election from being stolen by Hillary's team and the deep state.

I'd say it's entirely possible Russians helped the white hats, I've got nothing confirming or denying but I agree it's likely, but like you said, for good reasons obviously.

However, it would be nearly impossible for white hats to launch this effort by utilizing the resources of the CIA or FBI who had been co-opted. Thus, they had to turn to Russia for help. It was a win-win for both sides. The white hats could clean up the government, and the Russians could have the sanctions lifted (not to mention avoiding more hostile policies of the deep state and a possible third world war).

I'd say white hats in the states probably had hackers and such, I don't remember who but apparently Bitcoin would stem from NRA white hats, so they can be anywhere lol. That being said, maybe they didn't have all the tools needed and might have needed them for sure. As for the sanctions, they could snatch up a deal while being at it but then again, I think they have much greater plans (more later on that)

I believe one of the things these white hats were most worried about was the manipulation of votes in some way to favor Clinton. That's why Trump made these comments during the presidential debate (as a sort of veiled threat), and awareness was raised regarding George Soros' history of meddling in countries' affairs along with his connection to the Smartmatic voting machines used in various states.

On point I believe.

This also ties in to what was revealed in the leak by Reality Winner. Russia was probing an election software company, but the NSA was unable to find anything malicious beyond that. My theory is that the Russians were looking for evidence of computer code that could be used maliciously during the election. This information would be used to either prevent such actions or to use it as leverage against Clinton's camp.

I think the leaker news is too recent to fit it in yet, the details are fuzzy as hell. She worked for CNN up until nov 15 2016, now she's cia contractor turned leaker? Right.... You see what I mean :P?

So with this as the backdrop, let's fast-forward to what's occurring now. The media is trying to sabotage Trump in their reporting (aided by elements of the deep state), and they're trying to convince the American public that Russia has subverted our democracy.

Absolutely correct

However, they're reluctant to probe too deeply because they're fearful of letting the whole cat out of the bag. They know the white hats could expose a lot more corruption if pushed to do so.

Indeed, and I think we're gonna see some soon, the media seems to have abandoned the Clintons last 2 days. Saudi Arabia cutting ties with Qatar tells me there's some shit happening there... Depending on the talks Trump had, I could see SA maybe saying, fuck this sinking ship on fire, I'm out. We'll see what their moves are and why and how the others react... It's still too fresh to tell.

On the flip side, Trump's team doesn't want to admit to working with the Russians unless he's completely backed into a corner. As Steve Pieczenik stated in the above video, they wanted to make sure the transition of power was as smooth as possible. Thus, they want to avoid completely sending the American public into a frenzy. We are witnessing a sort of detente between two competing elements of government.

I think you're spot on, on that too. But who are those 2 competing elements? And are they of government? OR is it more like teams maybe. Let's split people into 2 teams for now, Team Dark, Team Light, and a no team category (just in case, not sure how far I'm going with this)

Ok now I'll answer the questions and we'll see how far I go but, you can pick and choose what info you believe but if you question something, hit me up I'll try to find the ressources back...

Questions to address:

  1. What is with the supposed connections between members of Trump's team and certain Russians? Moreover, why have people resigned over this controversy? (You can also add Kushner's backchannels to this list)
  2. Why does Trump seem conciliatory to the Russians, such as offering to end sanctions?
  3. Why is the media so biased in their reporting of these topics?
  4. Why isn't Trump more proactive in dismissing the claims levied against him? He seems to be more on the defensive, rather than the offensive.
  5. What is behind the firing of Comey and the apparent wavering of certain politicians regarding Trump's collusion?
  6. What's with the new leak by Reality Winner?
  7. And perhaps most importantly, why does the intelligence community seem so certain of Russian interference/collusion, while simultaneously being so reluctant to release the evidence?

So who's Team Light? Right now, from my point of view, I see: Trump, Putin, Duterte, Assad. Those I'm pretty sure, I think China and some others might be in too but if anything they don't really manifest themselves so I don't know.

That leaves Team Dark: Clintons, Bushes, Rockerfeller, Rotshchild, UK Monarchy and those that do their bidding. So basically, a lot of the world right now, they control most our tech, our resources, our media etc, etc, you know the drill. TPTB or were.

  1. Collusion with the Russians, I believe, if it happened, was to prevent us from basically going into WWIII and furthering at a very accelerated rate the police state and reduction of states etc etc, globalist plan. I think we can all agree on this. I'm not sure for the resignations, Flynn was definitely a good guy. Why a resignation instead of a firing? Well, kinda hard to come back to your old job after getting fired lol, maybe we'll see a comeback some day... It was a blow to the progress of all of this, he was a fierce PGATE advocate at least on twitter lol or was that his son? Regardless, moot details..

  2. Alright here's where it gets crazy I guess... Trump and Putin want to completely annihilate the current system to build upon a good system. The Dark team are the ones currently enslaving us through this economic system which we can never seem to get ahead of.. Or worse depending on your location etc. Now what would a good system look like? Probably something we'd call an utopia, especially if we compare to now but I think we can do it.

One of the things we have to understand is that these bloodlines of families that have ruled the world over centuries, know about some pretty nifty stuff in terms of technology. I mean, SR-71s in 1964, TR-3Bs are pretty much confirmed at this point, supposed to have come out in the 80s. What else do they have??? So, I think it's safe to assume they have zero point energy or some other form of clean/free energy. Tengri137 even gave us plans for something that seems like it could work but would require cooperation of pretty much any country near the equator so we ain't there yet.

So in that refactor of the system I could see us having our basic needs taken care of, we have the resources to do it, just throw greed out the window, we have a lot of relearning around that haha Tengri's manifesto is a vision I can see us going towards, incrementally of course, can't do that in a day.

  1. Media is owned by TPTB for the most part, the others get the fake news treatment.

  2. Indeed he is, it's probably much more complicated than we can imagine but Robert David Steele said he should be more on the offsensive in his latest interview

  3. I'm not sure why Comey was firing, I heard for his involvement in providing the report for the iraq wmds that was false in the end. Not sure we can verify at this point. Why are some politicians clearly panicking? Well I'll let Hillary answer that one: "If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!" cough McCain cough He likes to go in Syria before gas attacks happen for some reason... Both democrat and repubs are top tier shit, both side of the same coin, Trump is an outsider in this though I' still waiting to see what's his real stance on Israel, like yeah, he wore a hat and kissed a wall and "talks highly" of Netnyahu but he hasn't done shit though. I always say to judge what Trump says, and what Trump does as separate. He's quite a sneaky bastard. Like he says he's gonna move the embassy to jerusalem, but I don't see him doing that anytime soon haha

  4. Like I said up there, I think it's too fresh. Reality Leigh Winner is an anagram for Wiener in. Get Hillary, but it's probably nothing.

  5. I think they don't have actual evidence, or if they have, maybe the subjects are too sensitive for the public.. ETIs for example

Alright so I guess that pretty much empty my thoughts at the moment, hit me up with follow ups haha

Man, what a reply. You're the type of person I want to grab a beer with. I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I'll try to contribute just a little bit more.

She worked for CNN up until nov 15 2016, now she's cia contractor turned leaker?

I thought she was in the Air Force until January of this year. But regardless, it does seem weird that she would risk everything to release a document that doesn't say much.

Let's split people into 2 teams for now, Team Dark, Team Light, and a no team category (just in case, not sure how far I'm going with this)

This is how the optimist in me wants to view things (along with my overall theory in the OP). And even though I lean in this direction, I'm still open to the idea that this is all a show (it's ALL Team Dark), or that there are two or more dark teams combating each other. I will continue to be patient throughout Trump's first year to see if he can deliver, but my patience won't last his full term. Thank you taking the time to write up such a great response!

No problem man. I think there's multiple factions of dark teams or we could call them sub teams if we want, but clinton's team is dead, but in theory that should bring down the rest, unless they manage to burn the bridges. But imagine they do, they're either gonna have to go full blown cover and try to install an authoritarian state... eyes UK

Or they're gonna have to fall in line behind the light and join or they get obliterated.

The CNN stuff comes from wikileaks twitter but I didn't look much into it tbh

My friend thinks I'm way too optimistic at the moment, but from my point of view, it's conclusions I gather from lots of data research, keeping up with the news, alt stuff, rumors, comments, analyzing the narratives being pushed etc, the shills what they say and all that jazz, then pair that with some instinct and intuition and you get guided to the answers. What's scary (at first) is to realize it makes sense.

I think we'll see some action way before his first year ends, but then again I might be putting my foot in my mouth because they like slowing things down but there's other constraints that makes me believe we'll see stuff throughout summer onto September.

If you can believe it, all the metaphysical stuff (soul, astral projection, remote viewing (declassified), meditation and third eye all that jazz) and ayylmaos all fit into this story of course... The reptilian stuff is actually no joke imo, but they've been here forever, they're pretty good with their morph or however they do..

But they all ain't bad... Who you think is backing Trump and Putin?

I think there's multiple factions of dark teams or we could call them sub teams if we want, but clinton's team is dead, but in theory that should bring down the rest, unless they manage to burn the bridges. But imagine they do, they're either gonna have to go full blown cover and try to install an authoritarian state... eyes UK

Exactly, I think we've reached the point of no return. I first got into conspiracies heavily in 2003, and back then it felt like all hope was lost. It was almost impossible to have a deep conversation with someone without them completely shutting off. Things are very different now. Sure, there are still a lot of people caught up in the illusion, but even they can sense that something isn't quite right. People are waking up at an exponential rate. Things might go to shit in the near future, but I think a big shift is on the horizon, and it'll lead to a much better world.

Who you think is backing Trump and Putin?

Man, I really have no idea. But honestly, I don't think it really matters. Whether light or dark forces are backing them, I believe in a brighter future because of the reasons listed above.

Man, what a reply. You're the type of person I want to grab a beer with.

My feelings towards pretty much everyone in this thread right now.

I completely agree. I'm thankful for you all who came here and contributed

Wasn't there a story last fall about the Clinton Foundation moving a billion + USD to the bank of Qatar?

Maybe this is why Qatar is everyone's enemy all of a sudden.

I vaguely remember something like that, maybe you're onto something I have no idea haha

The Qatar situation is gonna be hard to follow I think but fun, we're getting 2 messages from the white house haha, tillerson is a bitch though

So I'm not going crazy? Fantastic post OP.

Spread the word. I would send the link to any users that you think would appreciate it. This deserves more attention.

I also haven't been sure what to make of this whole situation, but that sounds about as plausible as any of the other theories that have been pushed on the topic.

If there was some sort of 'white hat' relationship I'd be interested to know whether it was individual reaching out to make the connections through existing channels (more of a grassroots effort) or if there is a larger clandestine group within the global halls of power who are attempting to facilitate movements away from the current control system.

I think they would have to be a larger and more organized clandestine group in order to pull it off. Of course that raises questions about their intentions, though. Are they acting for the greater good, or is it simply a power grab by another competing faction? I guess only time will tell, but I'm trying to remain optimistic

Everyone has already beautifully shared my own thoughts on the matter, except perhaps two things:

1) There are Russians who probably tried to interfere in the election, but it's a Russian/Ukrainian who runs FBI's crowdstrike (Alperovich). People should be catching up on Webb because he reveals how the black hats are using this group to cover up all sorts of election fraud: spoofing Bernie sites that are actually send donations to Clinton, taking credit for the "hacks" when really they were Seth Rich's leaks, descending on any leaker like a plague to try and discredit the story line, etc. Clinton has a bad habit of accusing others of what she herself is doing, so when she says "Russians" I do in fact think she was using her own.

2) The recent Summer Winner leak got cleaned up quickly for one reason that I haven't heard anyone else saying: apparently there are IP addresses on there that lead back to the DoD (or was it DHS?). Ie, the Dept of Defense were the ones that were trying to spoof election commissions. I have to look into this more but it wouldn't surprise me.

VOTL is dropping some crazy bombs about Winners being an operative of a Georgian senator so the ride just got a little more wild. Even Webb said, "some Georgian NSA worker? Yeah no."

Anyway, I firmly believe Trump has the public's best interest... but the swamp is dark and full of terror, so I don't know if he won't get swallowed up here.

I don't think the Trump administration colluded with Russia since WikiLeaks has mentioned that the Clinton camp hatched the idea of blaming Russia and in that leaked David Brock memo on defeating Trump, it admits they lost the election due to being beaten in the grassroots movements of the internet. It's funny how in the memo intended only for their group, it never once blames Russia.
WikiLeaks also unveiled CIA programs that can make it appear as if hacks were from specific areas such as Russia, which Vladimir Putin mentioned recently (how many specialists can do that now ). It's also pretty well-known that John Brennan, appointed by Barack Obama, does not like Trump. It makes more sense that under Brennan and Obama, the CIA and its programs were politicized to delegitimize Trump as many have suggested in the intelligence community to simply make it appear as if it were Russia when it was most likely a leaker, such as Seth Rich, who was mysteriously murdered and was Bernie Sanders supporter who had nothing to do with Russia. Assange has also stated the opposition of Trump and claims of Russian interference were to delegitimize him.

However, I've thought about this, too. It's possible but I won't buy it until I see some real evidence for it. Trump has also made moves that aren't in favor of Russia and the sanctions have not been removed, so it's hard to speculate regarding the sanctions. It seems more likely that Trump is softer on Russia in certain aspects simply because it is more strategic to avoid a second Cold War when he's already facing internal threats from the deep state and from Clinton's cronies. Adding Russia to that list wouldn't help. Putin has wanted peace with the U.S. for a while, and I think he sees this as an opportunity to do so, but it's hard to conclude that they worked together. Thus far, all of the supposed "ties to Russia" are very superficial and aren't blatantly indictive of conspiracy, as many business leaders and politicians have front/back door dealings with various businesses and individuals from Russia.

Here's my counter theory:

It became obvious with people's support of the Sanders and Trump narratives of overthrowing the establishment that people we not going to continue to sleep on the plutocracy's rule over us anymore.

Enough people became disillusioned with our democracy. The fact that we are being ruled by an oligarchy became too apparent over the election.

So they pushed the emergency button. They propped up an external enemy for people to focus their opposition upon.

With Russia they are getting us to focus on one hand in a bit of slight-of-hand, all the while acting like that hand is not a part of the same whole. As if national borders are limits (like they are for the rest of us) rather than a tool, of the plutocracy.

These imagined separations might be fun to imagine as just figments of our imagination to us poor folk, but to the wealthy they are definitely play things.

They tell us things about the boundaries in order to get us to stay an hour later at work where there is copper, or to return to work quickly after pregnancy where there services to be rendered for them.

It's a puppet show. One puppet takes away something while the other puppet says, "We just didn't have the votes to stop it." And the next year the other puppet does something that they audience doesn't want and the other says the same thing.

Russia is just them bringing in a third sock puppet because we became aware of the man holding the two US puppets.

And we are yet to become disillusioned because we can't imagine how a puppeteer can work more than two puppets.

Interesting, but I believe the simpler explanation is that there's really nothing there, which is why there still isn't any actual evidence of criminality or collusion after close to a year of investigations.

The Russia narrative was created, IMO, to serve a few purposes: It gave Hillary a face-saving excuse for how she lost to Trump, it gave the media something to repeatedly bash Trump with in order to drive down his approval numbers, and it made it politically impossible for there to be any real rapprochement between the US and Russia. The Dems love it, the Left loves it, the media loves it, and the Deep State loves it.

But now that there's a special counsel, it will hamper Trump for as long as he's in office. It doesn't even matter if he's clean as a whistle; there will be someone, somewhere, somehow connected to him, that they will manage to indict on some technicality.

Thanks for reading and commenting. I have generally shared the same viewpoint as what you just mentioned, but I feel it still doesn't answer some important questions. For example, why did Flynn resign (or why would he have lied in the first place)? And why isn't Trump more aggressive in combating the allegations? Perhaps there are mundane answers for these questions, but they were still bothering me. My theory could be way off the mark, but it's the first thing I've seen that answers all of the questions

So many great responses here, everyone seems to have already said anything I could add.

One thing I haven't seen though is people making the connection to which groups would benefit from improved relations with Russia, and which groups would suffer.

It would make sense for people like Trump (and his many friends in the private sector, mainly real estate) to be in favor of doing business with Russia, as there are probably MANY mutually beneficial business deals (real estate, resources, cooperation in other areas, etc.) that can be made between our countries.

On the other hand, you have TPTB, who are mainly motivated by the control of fossil fuel markets (and maintaining the strength of the petrodollar), and the Military-Industrial Complex. Both of these would face a serious potential threat if Russia and America were able to finally put the Cold War to an end (because, apparently, it's very much still going on). Not to mention, it would lessen tensions with pretty much every other "enemy" CNN tells us we have, since most of them are just proxy enemies, except maybe North Korea (why do we still hate Cuba again?)

Personally, I don't think Russia meddled in this election any more than they have for the last 15 elections. The Russian theory being concocted to justify the Dems' loss and delegitimization Trump's win seems like a much more plausible idea. Did Russia support Trump? Yea, probably. But only because he knew Hillary and her group (and I don't mean democrats) had raging war boners for Russia, and we're beating that drum before the election even started.

Idk, just some of my thoughts. Didn't do too much thinking m, so if anyone sees something they don't agree with, please let me know.

Great post OP, really wish posts like this didn't get buried. Especially compared to all the absolute bull shit that rises to the top here.

I've researched the guy quite a bit, and I do have questions about him. However, he has other videos where he calls out the Bushes, 9/11, etc. I wouldn't dismiss him so quickly, but it's still good to approach him cautiously