Is there any evidence - flat earth is a 'pysop' ?

0  2017-06-06 by 435435435

One hears the phrase 'fe earth is a (CIA? NASA? FBI) psychological operations project to de legitimise 'proper' conspiracy theories ...

Is there any actually evidence of this buzz phrase or is it more just a feeling?

Interesting because it seems apparent to me the aliens thing is a more likely a psyop

  • psyOp, rather

Nb4 flat earth post shit storm! BAM!

Don't worry in sure the globe heads will provide evidence o their claims FE being a CIA psychology operations program

Well, thanks. I was about to give a reasonable reply, but now that I know you're a flathead, I won't waste any "reasoning" on you. Back to YouTube, with you! That's where your psyop started in the summer/(spring?) of '15, after all.

Typical post response #124.

And even after 124,000 explanations, they refuse to listen to any evidence, math, or observation that proves flat Earth false. Weird, huh?

Yeah man. I mean every government organization lied to us about everything, except NASA. Amiright bro?

The nazis are NASA would not lie.

Thank you very much.

What about every other countries space programs?

The Earth has been round for longer than NASA has been lying.

And if you're going to apply logic to this, please tell me just how this works...?

NASA lies about stuff.



Therefore, the Earth is flat!


It looks like an abomination of logic to me, but maybe that's just because I had to take a couple classes on it, years ago...

I'm glad you are open minded enough to ponder about NASA not being up front with the public. Their deceptions using virtual and augmented reality are pretty clever, I must admit.

Globehead is just a word don't be so defensive.

Can you provide proof fe is a psyop ?

Ah the spring of 15.... memories, memories.

People have thought the world was flat for thousands of years. You keep mentioning 2015 yet that's very vague and non proof like

People have also known the world is round for thousands of years. FE is simply one of the stupidest conspiracy theories out there.

Incorrect. Middle age and ancient human civilisations knew the world was flat with very few acceptions

Yet we are straying off track

False, Eratosthenes.

The weird ass Greeks were the aberration

They had other strange ideas too like making love to young children at the gymnasium

OK if Eratosthenes doesn't do it for you, then let's look at a personal favorite of mine, the more modern Léon Foucault who I prefer because of how relatively simple his experiment was.

Foucault Eratosthenes

The only valid explanation for the results of their experiments? How sure are you?

For Foucault 100% sure, Eratosthenes could maybe be explained by some weird spotlight sun thing.

But, Coriolis Forces we observe constantly behave in such a way that can only be explained by the Globe Earth Model.

What if I suggested there are other explanations for the universe in accordance with Focaults pendulum?


Born 1800s so neither ancient or middle age

Furthermore I'm fairly sure he was a member of, or strongly influenced by the society of Jesus that have been spreading the globe/fast moving myths for centuries.

Some example; the big bang inventor was a Jesuit.

China believes the world to be flat until jesuit intervention

Ah yes, Coriolis Forces are clearly just a Jesuit Conspiracy you have clearly opened my eyes to the truth /s.

This is much literature in regard to fe models disproving the coriolis effect.

Im specifically seeking evidence Of fe being a gov. Psychological operations as often claimed here

Ok, then explain how a Foucault Pendulum would work if the Coriolis Effect is bull crap.

In regards to it being a Psyop of some sort, considering that Foucault Pendulums prove the Earth is a spinning ball. People that push FE, are A. ignorant to the facts, B. too stupid to understand them, or C. pushing an obviously false conspiracy to discredit other Conspiracy Theorists (which is where the whole Psyops thing comes into play).

"Weird ass Greeks". With their "weird ass math". n stuff...

Funny, too, how a norotom can provide a specific example off the top of his head, and you... Well, whatever that thing you did there, was. Was that a Dodge? I don't even know what to call it.

The guy in question merely put two sticks in the ground and claimed to know the globe earths size. His calculations were wrong according to mainstream modern science.

I have some Greek background been I feel quite entitled to call them weird.

I don't believe it was a dodge merely highlighting the ancient Greeks oddities. Both in sexual practice and having a different world view (non flat earth) to the rest of the earths cultures.

If you assume the Sun is 150 million kilometers away, the Eratosthenes calculations are essentially correct.

Assumptions, of course, are not proof. The Eratosthenes measurements are equally consistent with a Sun 5,000 km away and a flat Earth.

He was wrong by 3/4%

He was off by 15% or so, If he wasnt using the Egyptian units. We are unsure.

Assume the earths a globe. Which of course it isn't.

The suns a lot smaller and closer than we've been told


Rolls a 1


Facts remain Erato Mathis was wrong. Only the Greeks thought it a globe

No I was just reminiscing w/ the guy above. Summer of 15 was great sent it w/ a blonde named Karen. The Earth might be flat, but her ass was round as fuck!

I am pleased to hear this.

People have thought the world was flat for thousands of years.

We have proof the world is round for thousands of years also.

Here ya go... CIA declared Flat Earth as faker than Bigfoot, UFOs, Atlantis, Loch Ness and the Abominable Snowman during Project Stargate research.

source -

Document Creation Date: November 4, 2016 Document Release Date: May 17, 2000

Lol wut?

Yeah... I feel like the CIA got spanked for not actually releasing files that they were supposed to release... So the release dates are when it was supposed to come out... and the Creation date is when they actually got off their asses and put it on their website... the 2016 date... that's when they dumped like 10 million files to get caught up.

Ahhh gotcha

Hahaha damn them. They got us good!

Where on that CIA page does it mention Flat Earth? Im looking but not seeing it.

CIA has one hell of a search bar... there were only 2 results for "flat earth" and the other one was some 116 page page technical document about the USSR that I don't really think I'm gonna read all the way thru to find out where it is mentioned... but this is the area surrounding the hit "we will restrict ourselves to a flat earth and close to flat- layered ionosphere with permittivity" so it is prolly just in reference to scientific modeling not bothering to take curvature into effect.

Right on. Very interesting thanks for replying.

Or during the Cold War when the US and USSR were working together to try and break through the firmament by launching thousands of nukes at it and faking the space race...

Also while it's a bit interstitial it's not at all proof fe as a psyop

Well, I've seen bigfoot and about 20 UFOs, so...

I always assumed that it would be racist to divide Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman into two different categories... that snowman is just a white bigfoot.

Albino bigfoot genetic anomaly?

More like the difference between polar bears and grizzly bears.

Abominable snowmen are always portrayed as being scary carnivores. The sasquatch I saw looked like Harry from Harry and the Henderson's. No joke

Maybe the one you saw just had a full belly or else he'd be looking to scarf ya down too.

Naw, I had Fuzzy Butt the wonder dog with me for protection. Besides, there are no scary monsters here in the shire...

Too cold here... if I ever bump into something it is gonna be a Wendigo...

I'm pretty sure his contract is up on this

You probably have sasquatch, little people like fairies and leprechauns, and...what is this, flannel wearing goat men?

Everyone wears flannel up here... I blame LL Bean... I have seen a lot of fairy houses but I'm guessing they were made by children cause they were always very poorly designed.

I was hiking on the rimrocks in Billings, MT, near Zimmerman Trail and as we walked out there were little tiny footprints in the dust on the trail that weren't there when we walked in. Like little person footprints about 2" long.

Leprechauns... Chucky? I dunno!

Coulda been Chucky, it was the 90s and it was a bit far from the Emerald Isle

If climate change is real & the earth is flat, the rising sea levels would only be temporary. Once all the ice melted the water would simply run over the side.


Come on. Could be.

Could be not also

Thats why the elites are making such a big deal out of global warming... if the ice ring melts all the water just pours off the side and we are stuck in a crazy Mad Max world.


But by that logic, the 'earth' would disappear under ice and level out with the surrounding ice, and the entire ice mass level would only go Down a few percent.

You godammed right he does!


It could, what would stop it?

That's a shit load of ice. Wouldn't that much frozen material counter act the warmth of the sun & just consume us?

The sun warms/melts the ice. Where the ice is on the outside is frozen because the suns heat can't get that far to melt it. The sun goes around and around it keeps the ice melted. The sun doesn't reach so much to the North Pole that's why its colder and ice there.

To answer your question directly; no because the suns heat can't reach that far.

So if global warming melts the ice would we possibly get more land?

We would probably lose land that goes under water but it really depends what causes global warming? I don't believe in that so idk much about global warming.

Yeah, I don't believe any of this crap. You guys are just more fun.


You do realize, right, that toward the North Pole, during the summer, the sun stays hovering in the sky, and doesn't set for months.

The sun doesn't reach so much to the North Pole that's why its colder and ice there.

So, are you aware of how provably ridiculous this is?

Dude seriously you going to expect me to answer your question when you come at me like this? Fuck off

"Come at you like this"? What you said was absolute nonsense. Considering how amazingly false it was, I thought I was being pretty mellow about it...

"Fuck off".


"The sun doesn't reach so much to the North Pole that's why its colder and ice there."

Is this all we get from flat earthers?

Let me show you something. You are saying shit about the north pole but if you're trying to make that argument you should say the south pole. But you already know everything thing huh?? ?

But by that logic, the 'earth' would disappear under ice and level out with the surrounding ice, and the entire ice mass level would only go Down a few percent.

Do you trust the main people propagating it in the last few years? There is a lot of Adsense money being made. I think once it came at hot meme people tried to milk it for all its worth. There really is no new material coming out now that I think of it most of it is reacting to what the MSM is pumping it out with celebs and atheltes bringing it up. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't morphed into some other fake space meme at this point, I've just seen to many people debunk it where most flat earthers have no counter argument and just basically have to walk away since most are way in over there heads Scientificly. That concave earth guy on YouTube has been going since 2012 was just shutting them down when the live flat earth debates were happening on YouTube. The Google was a big factor in getting flat earth into so many people's faces.

It's quite possible the main people are purposely put forward as spokesman to de legitimise FE.

It's done often in other aspects; shills, disinformation agents, agents provocateurs. Like what happened with other movement like occupy.

I don't trust them know but I don't trust many people.

When was this stuff happening on YouTube, that you're referring to?

The time that I noticed YouTube shoving this crap in my face was late summer of '15, and I've heard a few others say that this was when they noticed the blitz, too. Anytime I'd go on YouTube, if I looked at any conspiracy-like topic, my recommended videos would be spammed with this flat Earth crap. It's mostly better now, but I know that I'm one misclick away from it being back in my recommended garbage. A couple weeks ago, I clicked a hollow earth video, and lo and behold, more "recommended" flatcrap for me to watch. Ugh...

Your last sentence has already been proven false by missions to mars but you think mars is some hologram in the sky so what proof will you accept?

There are no robots on mars

It's done on a island off Canada or something

Proof for your claims please?

In regard to the moon landings being fake an such? Certainly will do after working for my Rothschild dollars

There are no robots on mars

Whats your proof?

Bad news: we didn't go to the moon either

How did I bounce a signal off the reflectors on the moon and used the delay to calculate the moons distance in college?

Just my opinion, but, I think it's there to discourage people from looking into other theories. I fancy a mixture of Expanding and Hollow Earth.

Always value your 2c PLC

unless your defining Fascim of course ;)

No problem. Also, if everyone agreed around here, what fun would that be? Cheers!

As yourself this first. Is there any evidence for a flat earth? Nope, there is none.

Looks flat. (even from the highest bits)

Feel motionless.

Got anything more empirical? That's hardly evidence.

2017 and there's been no scienctifc test proving earths moving as far a I know...

Ockhams razor would lead us to believe its flat and still - the more far fetched claims of the pear / fast multidirectional globe should bare the weight of required evidence


So you have no empirical evidence.

I earth looks and feel flat and still. By definition, that is empirical Evidence

We can calculate that objects should be hidden by the curvature of the earth, yet we can see them

Except the fact video I just posted disproves all of that.

I don't have te opportunity to watch your video currently yet it certainly doesn't disprove the empirical evidence - the earth looks flat as feels still

that is empirical Evidence

Not really.

A pool ball looks and feels round but if you get even a weak microscope you will see its full of imperfections.

We can calculate that objects should be hidden by the curvature of the earth, yet we can see them

I would be curious for an example.

2017 and there's been no scienctifc test proving earths moving as far a I know...

Foucalt's pendulum, 1851

2017 and there's been no scienctifc test proving earths moving as far a I know...

The coriolis effect would not be possible on a FE.

Focaults pendulum would not be possible.

i hear this curvature bullshit all the time, and i will ask for numbers this time

what height does the object need to be? how much of it do you see? how far? what's the curvature and that distance? the height difference? and lastly, in the atmosphere, you know where we has all sorts of breathable gases like oxygen and nitrogen and whatnot and under normal weather conditions .... how far can you see? visibility? how far? and do the comparison for me ... can you even see far enough to see the no curvature ? no? ok.

numbers please.

To answer OP.

There is Evidence that 'Aliens' and 'Space' being a CIA psyop. It's even been said that many of the 'UFOS' are simply military crafts and many of them have been 'used' to specifically create buzz in the people.

To me it's obvious what the Psy-Op really is. In my mind, in any angle possible. The gov, is lying the military is lying.

They are either lying to cover up Aliens, or lying and trying to make People believe in Aliens if they don't exist.

In my books. There is no Possible outcome where Mainstream is not 100% full of shit. Pure lies.

Lying, to make people believe in aliens.

I think

There is Evidence that 'Aliens' and 'Space' being a CIA psyop.

I always recommend the documentary Mirage Men for people on this subject.

Common sense.

It could, what would stop it?

I'm glad you are open minded enough to ponder about NASA not being up front with the public. Their deceptions using virtual and augmented reality are pretty clever, I must admit.