what's the real truth behind 9/11?

16  2017-06-08 by [deleted]



Israeli Mossad most likely orchestrated it. Just think about this, what nation had the most to gain from the US invading the Middle East? Fucking Zionist pigs that's who.

But who really did gain the most? Israel is still a shitshow... NSA and TSA fared much better.

The Holy Roman Empire got the most out of it.

Whoever placed the short on stocks of the airlines used in the attacks made a fuckload of cash

Susan Lindauer says it was the CIA shorting stocks... she would know... she used to work on behalf of the CIA.


Involved, but patsies for American intelligence and the British.

Exotic technology turned those buildings into dust.

Satanic/Luciferian/Jesuit/Masonic elements threaded throughout intelligence, military and government organizations of the USA, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK and Pakisatan conspired to create a traumatic video-friendly world-changing event to combat the growing evolutionary leap forward in human awareness, as well as create a rationale to go to war in the Middle East and take the oil, and create a national security surveillance state that would make it easier to shut down dissent against their plans.

What I find strange is the shift over the past few years from the media driven Islamaphobia that led us to war to the media/left now sympathising with Islam.

I think it's part of a plot to take away freedom of religion by making a trojan religion (islam, all their weapons and intel come from the west, Trump saudi deal this week) that infiltrates the west until we cry for laws that take a shotgun to all religions. You can see this already with the atheist right.

It's the Saudis (and others, but mostly the Saudis) sinking huge sums of money into American media and certain politicians to change the narrative.

Cruise missiles hit the towers and pentagon. Controlled demo of WTC 1, 2 & 7 proven by nanothermite found in ash samples analyses by university faculty who were later silenced and forced to resign. Look up Jane Standley and her clip on the BBC announcing the fall of WTC 7 20 mins before it fell. Also, the $10 trillion that Donald Rumsfeld announced was missing from the pentagon the day before 9/11 not to mention it was the accountants who died in the pentagon that day.

Do you really want to know? The truth is very different to what Alex Jones will tell you.

Is that video claiming people didn't die on 9/11?

I think it is claiming that most people accept the official story of 3,000 deaths without actually looking into the evidence for themselves. As in, why would you distrust the 'Osama bin Laden' part of the story, but take the '3,000 dead' part on face value?

Nano thermite, controlled demolitions, with Israel benefiting most and Bush administration directly involved.

America planned it, Saudi funded it, and Israel carried it out.

Please, Please support George Webb, who is trying to unravel the last few decades of American power. Perhaps one of the greatest scandals the world has ever seen!

Bush blew up the towers

all i know is that the official story is bullshit.

The real truth is that Israel knew about it before it happened, but allowed it to happen because it advanced their Zionist political agenda. There is good reason to suspect that Israeli agents also had a hand in the planning and execution of the operation.

The Holy Roman Empire got the most out of it.

Whoever placed the short on stocks of the airlines used in the attacks made a fuckload of cash