Lynch told Comey to NOT call the Hillary investigation an investigation and instead to call it a "matter".

16  2017-06-08 by LightBringerFlex


We have insane amounts of evidence against many of our sinister rulers. Where are the arrests????? I demand justice be service Trump. Why isn't justice being served?

I'm sick of waiting. I've been waiting since George W Bush for this country to improve but I found out all they were doing was buying time so I pretty much lost 16 years in waiting.

It is 5 months into Trump's presidency. If Trump is serious, we need to release ETI info NOW, our hidden technology NOW, and our hidden resources NOW plus drain the swamp NOW.

One thing we do which is very stupid is wait for the perfect opportunity to MAGA instead of just MAGAing all day every day. If there are any repercussions from MAGAing, we will deal with them as we come and this is much better than sitting around doing nothing.

Let's go Trump. The whole world is in extreme pain and needs you to do what you promised for relief and property.

I know every major circle of power watches these subs so pass on the message. We are ready for truth and progress. We aren't little kids. We don't panic. Just do it already so we can get the fuck on with our lives the way it was supposed to be lived (in a steady pace of progress). Most everything we ate from the last 2 presidents led us to regress and we will no longer stand for slow motion progress as is happenign with marijuana legalization. At this point, full legalization will happen in 75 years from now. That is unacceptable and shouldn't even be counted as progress since its so slow.

Pretty soon we are going to hit the streets. In fact, we should do that right now. We need to blow the fucking roof out of DC (figuratively speaking) by bombarding them with angry citizens 24/7. We should call our rulers (phone numbers on google) 24/7 demanding that they step down. All the pressure has a "cause and effect" pattern and with enough pressure, maybe we might get what we want but if that pressure keeps increasing, we are surely going to get what we want.

So, whoever is reading this board on behalf of Trump, tell him to haul ass before the people lose faith in him. There are 7 billion angry people across the world ready to raise hell. The whole world is dissatisfied and ready to put a boot up all of your asses so you better hurry the fuck up.


So calling it something else changes what they were doing?

In the eyes of the public, absolutely

Wasn't it pointed out directly following that statement that the media reported it as an investigation anyway?

Only to later dismiss it as nothing because the FBI supposedly found no evidence of her intentionally ddoing anything illegal iirc

So they investigated it and came to the collusion that there was nothing criminal about her actions.

Which is why the Clinton Foundation has been reduced to a fraction of what it was, is being legally pursued by multiple parties in Haiti, and has been tied to some of the largest inter-state transfers of US land to a foreign power

Are you talking about a Canadian company that was part owned by a Russian company selling the rest of the company to the Russian company? You do know that she was one of 10 or so members of the committee that reviewed the deal along with the Canadian government and I'm not sure who else?

I know the trump Foundation is unable to close because it is being investigated by the NY AG.

Investigation was going on into the Russian matter at the same time, yet the FBI didn't publicize that at all. Is that also collusion?

Like I said, if collusion exists, it likely exists independent of party lines. This is possible at any point in the chain. People always look at those at the top when it could just as easily be middle management doing most of the leg work.

But as for why they didn't mention it...if you were investigating someone would you tell them? From an intelligence gathering standpoint it doesn't make much sense at all to publicize most investigations into any person or entity.

It makes it sound less criminal.

How is it any different than the supposed Russian influence of fake news. The FBI Director gave a fake description of an investigation into a presidential candidate. How is THAT not interfering in an election?!

What the heck is MAGA or MAGAing?

MAGA stands for Make America Great Again.

Typically it's a phrase used by T_D users.

get ready for KAGA soon

Ah, now I feel like an idiot for not knowing that. I had just ignored it previously.

You shouldn't feel dumb, it took me a while to figure it out the first time I saw it too. Pretty sure I ended up looking it up.

Making america great again.

if you've been waiting for presidents to serve you justice i have some bad news for you

That right there is suspicious

Why did you think Trump could wave a magic wand and save you even as you applauded how Obama was blocked?

While I agree with the sentiment, I can't help but feel we don't know the complete scope of issues that are at hand... It might be a whole lot more complicated than we think

It not! It's very simple. They manipulate you into believing these things so they can get away with doing nothing!

No, no, I mean, I've been following the whole process for a while, many pieces have fallen in place. For example House already passed an amendment for death penalty for human trafficking causing death. Senate will have to pass it now, I'm thinking people are gonna want that... But before Senate gets to that, they need to do the big stuff first but the dems have been slowing the whole thing down sooooo much... Hoq much time did it take to confirm sessions? That should have been a slam dunk. Progress has been slow administratively...

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Trump isn't on our team.

He may have got himself into trouble with his deep state ex-buddies, but he's made it very clear that he will do whatever it takes to continue the Zionist agenda.

And you are all sucking up this dialog control effort and ignoring the not equal and more damning statement that

Trump did request the Flynn investigation be dropped.

The Rock and the Undertaker are going to fight on WWE, I'm sure if the Rock wins, America will start to get good again. /s

Fix your own community and your own life. Stop waiting for some hero to save you. This notion is just another tactic by which you're controlled in to passivity.

We are our own savior but we need a United front and a coordinated approach against the deep state. We have been doing what you recommended for decades now and things get worst by the day. It won't work. We need to push simultaneously.

Also, the days of lone leaders are over. We all need to be leaders now.

No, no, I mean, I've been following the whole process for a while, many pieces have fallen in place. For example House already passed an amendment for death penalty for human trafficking causing death. Senate will have to pass it now, I'm thinking people are gonna want that... But before Senate gets to that, they need to do the big stuff first but the dems have been slowing the whole thing down sooooo much... Hoq much time did it take to confirm sessions? That should have been a slam dunk. Progress has been slow administratively...