The fact that Comey talked a lot about the Clinton emails investigation, and basically redpilled everyone by saying that most of MSM is FAKE news during his hearing tells me one thing: he's not bought out by the cabal. Trump is in deep shit.

0  2017-06-09 by LiveAbc

That's all I'm saying. Say what you want about Comey but that dude is legit.

A fucking true patriot.


Lmao. Sure thing 7 dayer.

So you've been around nearly 4 months. Eventually this person will be, too. Maybe not everyone is a shill, they just have a different view than you do.

Yes. But u/putinlovescats.

Who would like cats more than Karl Marx? A weirdo. That's who.

Ahhhhh I hurt your feelings in the other thread cause I said lmao? Do u feel vindicated now big guy?

Why would you hurt my feelings by laughing at a corny joke?

I'm saying to you, that your account isn't all that old. It's pretty new actually. And you have several comments a day calling out users about their account age.

Lmfao I just seen you're a 2 dayer!

Are you really laughing hard or are you overusing an overused internet expression?

No dude I'm laughing hard.

You must laugh easily. Your sense of humor is either top notch or has a low bar.



You give up to easily

The truth hurts Bud

Doesnt hurt me bud.


Lying tard.

Well id love to stick around and see your worthless replies but its late here, time to get some sleep. What time is it over there in Israel right now anyway? Morning I would assume.

Seems like you know more about what time its in Israel. I knew you were a jew!

Which truth?

The truth that Trump is a fraud, and Comey is legit.

You raged quit because users were down voting you. lol.

And you're a what? I guess I can say the same about you as you are about him, given I have been here a lot longer than you :)

You just don't get it do you?

Oh, I get it. Some people will work overtime here to protect those in power against criticisms.

Wonder why?

Ok, weird post. How does that show he isn't bought by cabal?

Now THIS I agree with you on!

Comey is only for Comey. He now has a place in history as one of the worst FBI directors ever.

The same guy who protected Hilary is "legit"? good joke lol 10/10

People don't like reality being posted. The anger is palpable. The pathetic deflection is visible.

Nah mang Comey is thicc as thieves. He compromised got collard buy the Clintons.

Let's go thru his cv courtesy of wikipedia.

Prosecuted Gambino crime family.
Whitewater council (that went far eh?).
Khobar Tower bombing in Saudi (ff?)
Investigated Marc Rich pardon (to no effect)
Prosecuted Martha Stewart (remember that hit job?).
Endorsed waterboarding (yay torture!)

He might be a totes legit dude. But he seems to have also had roles where he could have influenced outcomes and not in a good way for the public interest, whatever that even means. He seems very establishment. And his failure to get his own people on the Hillary email server indicates his diligence to find the truth in things was less than it could have been, on an issue that should have been properly investigated.

If you want to know how broken Hero systems work, and who is put on Hero Ledges, he's a great example. His cv is stacked, but to what effect, eh?

His CV just proves he's great man, compare that to Trump's lol. Trump's a FRAUD

His CV just proves he's great man, compare that to Trump's lol. Trump's a FRAUD

Loud assertions absent explanation are great indicators of agenda. It's a good way to filter out noise. You'll have to work harder next time. :)

I'll agree with this much - Comey is a more complex actor than people give him credit for. Its pretty obvious that Hillary is evil and her actions are predictable - Trump is a bit of a wild card; definitely bred from the establishment, but a wild card raging bull nonetheless, causing a bit of trouble for all sides.

Comey, though, is just like.. confusing. One side, or both sides, always hate him at any given time. He has a shady past, but he is constantly undermining establishment figures in small or big ways.

I saw the Russia narrative as great cover to do whatever they wanted and keep people emotional; as well as a fun little game that Trump was playing along with to deceive the public - but Comey basically trashed that.

Theres something about Comey that I like - I don't necessarily think he is a good guy; but he is complex.

When I get high and read any conspiracy stuff related to Comey, I get weird vibes from him - on one hand, I get a hypnotic vibe (almost like somebody was shooting a brain washing weapon at my head) - but on the other hand, I get the 'soldier of Christ' vibe from him too, like he is secretly a hardcore warrior of consciousness and vindication - very interesting character

Comey was also involved in the HSBC cartel money laundering case...