This morning is the first in almost a month where the active user are at a normal number.

65  2017-06-09 by GlenCompton

The shills are asleep! Quick, post all those fringe conspiracy topics before we are cornered into arguing about politics again!



They are still hungover after drowning their sorrows last night over Comey.

Well, fuck man, they started drinking in DC bars at 9 in the morning to pre-emptively celebrate yesterday...

Last night was a night I would have liked to go down to that bar with you dude.


Let me know if you come to town and I'll take you to the Engine across the street from shareblue.

Did ya go there last night? Would love to know the mood. I mean, pretty sure at a certain level they knew the narrative was bullshit, but most of the plebes they put on reddit duty are retarded true believers.

Nah, that wouldn't be a scene I would visit for fun.

I'm not sure that the true believers will ever be able to let it go. If they've been able to hold out this far, it's only through sheer determination in the face of logic, so why quit now I guess.

What's a normal number?

1200-1500 daytime, 2000-2300 afternoon evening (ET)

early morning on weekdays WAS under 1700 or so before TD was "shut down".

It has been much higher almost every day since.

Do you think it's an influx from the aforementioned shut down?

I suspect there may be some stragglers left over from that, but also that caused a lot of counter TD users showing up to shout them down and double down on this sub being TD_Lite.

What a time to be alive?

Just wait for it... they are not early risers!

No, it's about double normal for this time of day compared to 1 year ago.

You also have to take into account the slow rise of activity and the effect of the election on validating conspiracies for some.

His name was Seth Rich. Cracks me up when half the US knows washington is more than capable of murder.

400 users was an average not all that long ago unless something got crossposted or hit /r/all.

Haven't we had this discussion before on this sub? You can actually see the analytics of the sub and look back at daily user numbers.

do you have a link for this?

I would like to see the hourly analytics over the last few months...

Yeah let me try to find the link again, one sec


I appreciate the effort. I DID spend some time looking it up and couldn't find anything.

Hopefully it's enabled again soon. It seems like they disabled it because it doesn't account for mobile traffic (which is likely a large portion of overall).

I'm just waiting for the next 'false flag' / terrorist attack. There will be more happening within the next month. Not good.

of course. Ramadan is always like that.

Why none domestic?

Oh wait, Obama is gone.

Shareblue is struggling on how to spin the comey fiasco. Yesterday's foolish attempt to try to claim victory fell flat. Today it will be about releasing tapes or taxes. I'm hoping for some new lies, but I don't think they have come up with anything yet.

This is pure delusion. We have the former Director of the FBI under oath stating that Trump directed him to drop an investigation, and you think that's a fiasco? You know obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense, right?

That is not what he said. He actually said the opposite of that. Yet, that is the CNN headline today. I suggest your read the transcript for yourself.

That's explicitly what he said.

RISCH: He said, “I hope.” Now, like me, you probably did hundreds of cases, maybe thousands of cases charging people with criminal offenses. And, of course, you have knowledge of the thousands of cases out there that — where people have been charged.

Do you know of any case where a person has been charged for obstruction of justice or, for that matter, any other criminal offense, where this — they said, or thought, they hoped for an outcome?

COMEY: I don’t know well enough to answer. And the reason I keep saying his words is I took it as a direction.

Nice cherry picking there bro. He specifically said he didn't just prior to that. That snippet is the biggest stretch ever, in an attempt to mislead about what he said.

Lies. I just posted where he explicitly said it was direction. Feel free to post any part of the transcript that you say is different. Just for shits and giggles though, here is is repeating the fact just minutes later.

FEINSTEIN: OK. Let’s — let’s go to the Flynn issue.

Senator Risch outlined a — “I hope you could see your way (sic) to letting Flynn go. He’s a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

But you also said, in your written remarks, and I quote, that you had “understood the president to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December,” end quote.FEINSTEIN: Please go into that with more detail.

COMEY: Well, the — the context and the president’s words are what led me to that conclusion.

As I said in my statement, I could be wrong, but Flynn had been forced to resign the day before, and — and the controversy around General Flynn at that point in time was centered on whether he had lied to the vice president about the nature of his conversations with the Russians, whether he had been candid with others in the course of that.

And so that happens on the day before. On the 14th, the president makes specific reference to that. And so that’s why I understood him to be saying that what he wanted me to do was drop any investigation connected to Flynn’s account of his conversations with the Russians

Sorry troll, I don't have time to look up quotes. I've see you shitposting anti-Trump and pro-Hillary stuff non stop.

You call everything a lie that doesn't fit your twisted narrative. Must be a /r/politics user's alt account.

Wow, what a load of bullshit. I just provided two separate instances that prove what I said and that's your response? Weak.

You cherry picked something that didn't say what you thought and some weak sauce. Read the whole transcript.

I read the whole transcript and watched the entire testimony. If you had a leg to stand on you'd post the transcript that corrorates what you said, like I just did twice.

Once I get off work, I will post the transcripts you purposely skipped, If I still give a fuck. You know which ones if you watched the testimony and read the transcript as I did.

I won't hold my breath.

I bet you don't. I see you just go around calling people stupid, telling them they are liars, and pushing CNN talking points. Your history is open to everyone.

As hominems because you have nothing. Classic.

I don't give nytimes my clicks, politico has one too

We know you are just trying to spin and frame this. We can see your comment history trolling rConspiracy, constantly bashes Trump and even still recently praises Hillary.

BURR: Director Comey, did the president at any time ask you to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. Elections?

COMEY: Not to my understanding, no.

BURR: Did any individual working for this administration, including the justice department, ask you to stop the Russian investigation?


But we get it, that you are trying to exaggerate what was not actually said about the Flynn investigation, where Comey as a skilled court room testifying by trade, that he didn't think that Trump did anything wrong, but it was "concerning", and he didn't think it was his place to say something, but he went on about his 'feelings' on the matter.

Sorry, that's specifically in reference to the Russian collusion investigation, NOT the Flynn investigation where he explicitly said numerous times that Trump asked him to drop it. But you already knew that didn't you?

I don't care about your ad hominems, they're just pathetic at this point, given you can't back up a single thing you've said.

He actually did not come out and directly say it. Sorry! Your argument MIGHT have had a leg to stand on, as you say, if he weren't actually asked the direct question and had given a direct definitive answer!

BURR: Director Comey, did the president at any time ask you to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. Elections?

COMEY: Not to my understanding, no.

BURR: Did any individual working for this administration, including the justice department, ask you to stop the Russian investigation?


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and if there's one thing EVERY one of us should do, it's question everything. Unfortunately here, you were wrong, and I'd like to ask one more question / make one more point. You started this statement referring to the crime obstruction of justice, did you not?!? Well I agree, it IS in fact a crime and it SHOULD in fact be punished! Unfortunately, that doesn't really apply here. Where it did apply was when the FBI subpoenaed Hillary for her e-mails, and we remember how that went down! What tune were you singing that day!?!? SOOO many people today have fallen victim to the propaganda and their antics / motive. People form such strong allegiances to a single person and their ideologies that they not only lose sight of their own individuality, but their ability to use critical thinking. They're brainwashed into thinking the opposition is fundamentally flawed and uneducated. That's my favorite, when people use the 'I've done so much research and am so passionate about this, you just don't understand!' What they really mean is they play their particular allegiances' news station all day and have been thoroughly brainwashed. BOTH sides are bad right now, an apart from a few ethical issues and fluff arguments, both sides are piece of the same thing. Neither side gives a fuck about you, or anybody else who's not a part of the 0.0001% elites. /u/quillpryde, come on bro, you clearly allocate a lot of time and energy into politics, as evident from your post history, learn to be a part of the solution and separate yourself from them, cause they're not like you, never have been and never will be! I know people hate when this comment is said, and it's regularly mocked, but I feel it's justified here. So /u/quillpryde, are a sheep.

THAT WAS ABOUT THE RUSSIAN COLLUSION INVESTIGATION, NOT THE FLYNN INVESTIGATION. Comey explicitly said Trump asked him to stop investigating Flynn.

This is pure delusion. We have the former Director of the FBI under oath stating that Trump directed him to drop an investigation, and you think that's a fiasco? You know obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense, right?

Link to the transcript or YouTube where comey says what you state?

RISCH: He said, “I hope.” Now, like me, you probably did hundreds of cases, maybe thousands of cases charging people with criminal offenses. And, of course, you have knowledge of the thousands of cases out there that — where people have been charged.

Do you know of any case where a person has been charged for obstruction of justice or, for that matter, any other criminal offense, where this — they said, or thought, they hoped for an outcome?

COMEY: I don’t know well enough to answer. And the reason I keep saying his words is I took it as a direction.

And then minutes later he reiterated the same point again.

FEINSTEIN: OK. Let’s — let’s go to the Flynn issue.

Senator Risch outlined a — “I hope you could see your way (sic) to letting Flynn go. He’s a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

But you also said, in your written remarks, and I quote, that you had “understood the president to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December,” end quote.FEINSTEIN: Please go into that with more detail.

COMEY: Well, the — the context and the president’s words are what led me to that conclusion.

As I said in my statement, I could be wrong, but Flynn had been forced to resign the day before, and — and the controversy around General Flynn at that point in time was centered on whether he had lied to the vice president about the nature of his conversations with the Russians, whether he had been candid with others in the course of that.

And so that happens on the day before. On the 14th, the president makes specific reference to that. And so that’s why I understood him to be saying that what he wanted me to do was drop any investigation connected to Flynn’s account of his conversations with the Russians

So he never said what you claimed he said. Okay, got it.

I literally just posted two separate instances where he specifically does. It baffles me how you can try and lie about it at this point. Are you trying to say the quoted passages are fake? Do you want me to link the video?

He never says that. It's all innuendo, feelings, intuituon, hints, but he doesn't say it. Why is that?

Senator Risch outlined a — “I hope you could see your way (sic) to letting Flynn go. He’s a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

But you also said, in your written remarks, and I quote, that you had “understood the president to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December,”

Lol. This and a genie in a bottle will get you the impeachment you fantasize about.

Comey didn't come right out and say Trump ordered him to stop the investigation because Trump didn't. Inferences and feelings don't carry the weight that is needed. Your frustration is understandable and amusing.

Comey didn't come right out and say Trump ordered him to stop the investigation because Trump didn't.

He came right out and said Trump asked and directed him to stop the investigation, because according to Comey's account of the situation, he definitely did.

If what Comey said is true, it's a textbook case of obstruction, which is an impeachable offense.

Your frustration is understandable and amusing.

Your lame deflection is understandable, given all the losing you've been enduring since the election. When he said you'll get tired of winning, I bet you didn't think he meant on Nov. 9th, huh?

Since you think you are so informed, when will the impeachment proceedings start? If you are right, of course Trump should be impeached, so when?

That depends on when the investigation(s) conclude, and if the Republican-led House is willing to put country before party and listen to whatever Mueller recommends. Given how long these things generally take, there is a possibility that Mueller won't come to a conclusion until after the midterms next year, in which case there's a possibility the Dems will hold the house and won't waste any time drafting the articles of impeachment.

Of course, if Trump does actually testify under oath, this could all happen a lot sooner, as I'm sure he'll perjure himself a half dozen times in his opening statement alone.

The fantasy world revealed. Thank you.

Oh the irony.

He +almost+ said that, but he didn't really say it. It is a clever way for someone skilled at manipulating juries but not committing purgery, as a career, to mislead people.

Exactly. He didn't say it.


Jesus christ, read a fucking book.

I noticed that it quieted down last night and many of the usual suspects were suspiciously absent. Circling the wagons is my guess.

The question remains, are most of them gone, or are they just balls deep in strategizing their next attack on our sub? Is there anything for them to even push anymore now that the russian narrative has vaporized?

Balls deep. They're going to continue pushing a Russia angle, TPTB want their nuclear holocaust. "Why wasn't Trump concerned about Russian hacking, we need his taxes to prove he had business dealings with Russian firms. Russia could be blackmailing him. Oh, Clinton's proven connection to Russian interests? Nice whataboutism."

I dunno, the US might be deep enough in to bombing russian allies that WW3 has a life of its own now. But, I suspect you are right.

I am not getting any lofty hopes about them being gone. This is only a brief reprieve as far as I can tell.

I am starting to see rumblings about them shifting targets away from Trump over to someone like Sessions, but it is going to be a hard sale to make that not simply look like a normal partisan attack

How was anything vaporized? What was stated yesterday is Trump wasn't the target of any investigation but they were hesitant to say that publicly because the nature of their investigation could eventually include him. Comey said that several times. He also never specified that others in Trumps admin weren't under investigation. Give things time to unfold.


Exactly you have no response because its true

No, I do not speak to propaganda. Don't let yourself be any further confused about the nature of the world than you apparently already are.

Another detailed response lol. Oh look, heres his exchange with Rubio where he says it

You won't get anything, this mod is just here to call people a shill in a veiled way and refuse to respond after their bullshit gets called out.

Noticed the same thing. Thought about writing a post about it.

Okay, so, if anyone wants a good channel to watch, I'd highly recomend RichieFromBoston. He's crazy and out there but, he's most definitely fighting the good fight. Also has very informative videos on go-bags and survival and such.

Cool, Thanks for the suggestion!

His name was Seth Rich. Cracks me up when half the US knows washington is more than capable of murder.


I appreciate the effort. I DID spend some time looking it up and couldn't find anything.

400 users was an average not all that long ago unless something got crossposted or hit /r/all.


Sorry troll, I don't have time to look up quotes. I've see you shitposting anti-Trump and pro-Hillary stuff non stop.

You call everything a lie that doesn't fit your twisted narrative. Must be a /r/politics user's alt account.

Wow, what a load of bullshit. I just provided two separate instances that prove what I said and that's your response? Weak.

As hominems because you have nothing. Classic.