Time to learn about the Federal Reserve. Recommendations?

29  2017-06-09 by Oof_too_Humid

OK, economics, finance, all of that is sooooo boring. But obviously, if I really want to understand how things work, I need to learn about the Federal Reserve.
Any good recommendations?


Jekyll island and the 1914 federal reserve act are two good places to start.

Spoiler alert: there're scamming us.

I don't think there'll be any spoiler here. I already figured that their scamming us - I just want to know how, and why we let them do it. Thanks for the recommendations.

The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin.

Exactly. After that, Gold Wars by Ferdinand Lips.

That looks good too. I don't know much about the gold standard so I will read that one next. When I was looking into Ferdinand Lips, I saw that he wrote a later book (in 2003) called "Die Gold Verschwörung" (The Gold Conspiracy). But I don't find any English translations.

You've got a lot of nerve recommending an actual book! An entire book!
I have grudgingly ordered it and I will grudgingly edumacate myself.
(Thanks for the recommendation.)

The style in which it is written makes it a page turner. You might be surprised at how quickly you go through a 700 page book.

This is a long read, but it has a lot of information about the family that controls the Federal Reserve, and basically every other country's central banking system.

The History of the House of Rothschild http://rense.com/general88/hist.htm

Yes, long read. Halfway done, will continue.

Start with the sinking of the Olympia on 14–15 April 1912, who died on board and who magically cancelled their tickets.

You mean the Titanic right? I see that J.P. Morgan cancelled. Who died on board who is connected to the Federal Reserve?

I can't believe I'd never heard anything about that!
Thanks for the links - very interesting stuff.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Titanic_alternative_theories#section_3

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9 Trillion or 9,000,000,000,000 Missing from FEDERAL RESERVE -- SHOCKING VIDEO. https://youtu.be/q9pnc7IXpC0

This will make your skin crawl

What the fuck.


That woman is very good at not answering questions.

The money masters documentary film

The video no longer exists. :(

My first red pill.

The best instruction on the Federal Reserve around is this technical video. Money Masters is good, but there are inaccuracies in it.


I see this is a new edition. I have not watched this yet, but if it's like the old one, it should be spot on.

Do you want strictly conspiratorial/anti-Fed stuff, or pro- stuff as well?

I'm open for the 'pro stuff' and debunking links you have

I'm woefully ignorant on the subject. So I'd take both.

Videos linked by /u/monkey-see-doggy-do:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
The American Dream Film-Full Length amy2x 2011-01-06 0:30:34 33,561+ (96%) 2,224,250
Top Documentary Films - Woody Harrelson ETHOS Time To Unslave Humanity Top Documentary Films 2016-05-23 1:02:20 297+ (98%) 17,218

Info | /u/monkey-see-doggy-do can delete | v1.1.1b

Two of my favorites

G. Edward Griffin is the authority on this topic, imho.

Learn about monetary policy.

Beat me to it. Some of the most unbiased journalistic work being done on the face of the earth.

I'm basically a Corbett shill at this point, lol. One of the best researchers I've come across, I subscribed to him too.

OK, I'm halfway through this video but I have to go to work. It is soooooo good. Should be required viewing. Thanks so much for recommending.

(It's kind of mind blowing that in my original post I say how boring economics is, and the video starts out noting that economics is boring on purpose!)

I had already watched "Four Horsemen". (Really good documentary)
I'll watch your other recommendations as well. Thanks for the links.

I took a Macroeconomics class, and in the text book they talk all about the Fed, and openly teach how it's independent from the U.S. government. They make it sound like they're independent by the grace of our elected officials and that there's debate as to whether independent or non-independent central banks are good or bad for us

It's all spin, half-truths. The Fed was illegally signed into law by Woodrow Wilson, and it was all settled before he even won the election, and us not having financial sovereignty is never a good thing. Research "the monster from Jekyll island" It's the meeting place, off the Georgia coast where the Georgia guide stones would eventually be erected, where TPTB planned out their hostile takeover of the USA

I wish I had taken macroeconomics.
(That's interesting that Jekyll Island has those two things in common: birthplace of the fed, and the location of the Georgia guide stones.)

That looks good too. I don't know much about the gold standard so I will read that one next. When I was looking into Ferdinand Lips, I saw that he wrote a later book (in 2003) called "Die Gold Verschwörung" (The Gold Conspiracy). But I don't find any English translations.