Communism was set up by Zionists to bankrupt the USSR. Who's to say capitalism wasn't set up to bankrupt the US?

5  2017-06-09 by LightBringerFlex

I did a lot of research on modern economic models and found a bold, ambitious economic model called Sacred Economics:

There are 2 main features to this system:

  1. Instead of "ownership", there is "stewardship". What we do in capitalism is become stewards to cash. Nobody really owns money. We just take care of it while it is in our hands and share it among us. We then use that cash to purchase items which we then own and it becomes permanently ours until we sell it or pass away. The only rule is when someone is done using something, they must donate it to people who need it. Ebay would be a great hub for that.

  2. Everything becomes free. We work for free and everyone has to work but everyone gets to pick their job (follow their own passion). With everyone working their passion, life becomes a lot easier and much more productive for everyone. Housekeeper can be a legit job for those with children. The only thing we would need is an online, open source database where we can look up anyone's job. This is so we can see if there are any problems with people trying to abuse the system. For example, we can see a person claiming to work at the market and go to the market and see him working. We basically keep each other honest.

About 30% of America isn't working meaning the other 60% has to work harder, longer, and for less money to upkeep the country. All the while, the elite are vacuuming up as much money as humanly possible leaving us with less and less every year. (ie Samsung makes $6500 a second which is over 500 million per day):

What is Samsung doing that is so great that they should get 500 million per day? They basically sell electronic devices and manufacture them. I'm happy for Samsung but the problem is that they, along with many other elite organizations, are vacuuming up the money so fast, its fucking up the entire world economy severely. This model is doomed to fail and everybody knows it.

The Sacred Economics model does something the 3 major economic models don't which is it doesn't use money at all. It takes the middle man out of the picture. Neither does it use trade at all. People simply take what they need and everyone works (unless they are handicapped beyond usefulness). Instead of working 8 hours a day, we can drop to 5-6 depending on how everything goes so that we can have to maintain our homes (ie cleaning, home repairs) plus we will have more time for other self-maintenance responsibilities.

So basically, we change ownership to stewardship (its your while you are using it. Donate when done), we all work our passions and we cooperate with each other on less desired jobs if they need filling, and we work on building planetary wealth instead of personal wealth.

Also, the secret hoards of technology and resources will make this more than easy. We have enough tech/resources to pull this off without a problem.

Some of the benefits to Sacred Economics, a model that doesn't use money at all, is:

  1. People will work for the sake of the planet instead of lining their profits. This is actually healthy for the mind.

  2. Sinister people will no longer be able to become overpowered and abuse the world since paper money will no longer have any value (ie Rothschild will lose all of his power).

  3. Crime will no longer pay. Nobody can rob a bank since we won't even have banks. Who wants to distribute drugs if there is no profit in it?

  4. We mostly work our passions thereby turning work time into fun time.

  5. Anyone can do great things. For example, a scientist can arrange to do research in Antarctica without needed millions of dollars to fun the project. They simply go and arrange transport and materials for research. A construction worker who sees a need for a skyscraper in a particular location can do so without contracts or money problems at all. He would just work with a team of stewards who run the particular resources they need (ie wood, cement, steel, ect..).

  6. Things would be fair for all. Nobody can complain about unfairness as this system provides a good shot for happiness. All someone would have to do is do what makes them happiest and it is very easy to attain happiness in a system like this. The 3 major economic systems (communism/socialism/capitalism) all use money which greatly limits the citizens because the money system is setup to enslave mankind; not to help us. Basically, we would have no excuse anymore. In a system like this, it is extremely easy to arrange life to fit everyone's custom needs since the individual picks their own path in life.

  7. All the empty homes would be filled. Right now, many are homeless and many homes are vacant. Why waste all that space?

  8. No more bills. No more financial pressure. The only pressure we would have is to get up and go to work but since we get to follow our passions, work time becomes play time and so there is no more hard work except for the heroes who volunteer to do the unwanted jobs for the simple and rewarding reason of serving mankind. A lot of people seek these honorable jobs for the honor alone.

  9. No more banks. No more financial catastrophes. No more suffering associated with finances. No more warring competitors. No more huge companies who swallow up smaller companies. No more of the 1% controlling more than 90% of the wealth. Theft would be greatly reduced. There are an endless amount problems that come with money alone and all of those would be solved.

  10. Neediness would go away. People can go inside and buy a diet coke without worrying about the costs associated. All that is consumed is paid for with work and since most people will strictly follow their passions, we can say that all that is consumed is paid for with play. (People who love their jobs are playing, not working).

  11. No more bought and sold politicians.

  12. No more wars for profit.

  13. No more financing issues (ie the financing of needed schools and hospitals around the world). A lot of people are in need of certain business types but nobody knows how to make it happen because the region is too poor.

  14. Prisons would also be reduced drastically for common sense reasons. People wouldn't be financially desperate to commit crimes. People would be a lot more satisfied overall.

  15. Sacred economics acts like a great lubricant to society allowing all people to follow their dreams. With power like this, the progress of society will accelirate extremely rapidly. I'll be we would have street artists turning our freeways into works of art which would be pleasing to the eyes. Others would develop new technologies without all the hassles of expensive patents and secrecy. We would essentially be like the wise ants and constantly move forward without financial restrictions that come with new and big idea ordinary citizens come up with by the second in this country. Due to the rapid rate of idea implications, we will see our society grow quickly.

  16. No more taxes.

  17. The list goes on and on.

This is a bold and ambitious plan. One thing people have not understood yet is that anything that remains static will eventually die. Only a dynamic approach serves mankind. A dynamic approach means the constant upgrading of systems to meet today's needs. Capitalism was great at first and it helped in mankind's progress through the centuries but it has run its course. We really need to upgrade everything and capitalism is one of those things It is understandable that the deep state would never approve of this but they won't approve of anything to optimize capitalism either (ie they won't legalize marijuana).

One last thing to consider is that it takes bold, courageous and righteous thinking to progress in society. A society with an "every man for himself" mentality might exist because that is what the deep state wants but we can easily turn into a cooperative society especially after we intake a year worth of rewards so that everyone can see with their own eyes that cooperation is the best option.

One has to simply look at what we have now.

Communism - Fail. People in communist countries got a few bucks a day from the government and they didn't work.

Socialism - Fail. Socialism again gives the government too much power and they end up spending oceans of money on bullshit which makes a few people rich and destroys everyone else.

Capitalism - Again fail because money was meant to be shared and yet we have some insanely powerful people who created massive money vacuums that literally removes existing cash from the economy by the second leaving us with less and less every year while the billionaire's, who don't even need it, have more and more.

Sacred Economics - The world works as a team. True freedom can finally be felt. All problems related to money disappear including the problems with the elite abusing us.

This seems optimal. Instead of all of us only worrying about ourselves, we all worry about the whole planet. Everyone puts in a few hours a day and we turn this planet into a wealthy powerhouse. All the hidden technology and resources would have to be released which would further boost us to sky high levels and then we can finally settle down and enjoy life.


To be honest with you on this, your post belies many fundamental misunderstandings of socialism, communism, and capitalism.

you're missing the point: these economic models are stool pigeons to the real objective to bleed-out a nation

the economic models do not do that. Greed does that.

Capitalism is designed to reward the greedy. It pays to be greedy in capitalism.

Planetary "greed" is better. A greedy planet wouldn't tolerate homelessness especially with all these empty homes. A greedy planet wouldn't tolerate people suffering everyday from hunger especially since we throw away 30% off all food every day.

Its ok to want to be wealthy but our best bet to be wealthy is to make a wealthy planet. Right now, we have a few wealthy individuals while the rest suffer. Simply put, it's not working anymore. That's why I said we need to live dynamically because status living kills us. This static economy only helps the elite. We need to constantly upgrade and enhance as we go so it benefits all of us, not just the 1%.

as long as humans are in charge of any economic model, there will be greed and the model will fail. There will be disparity because there is disparity in ability.

You think greed is natural in humanity but I'm sorry to say this is wrong. Greed is a learned habit, not an inborn one. You can clearly see how children share everything. It is because they are innately cooperative with each other. It is our education system and economic model that teaches people to be greedy which is actually not easy, but it is forced on us. It becomes a learned habit and it can be unlearned.

For the most part, sharing is the learned habit in children.

If we were using SE now, and we taught our children to share, they would most probably listen and adjust their behavior to be cooperative.

this is not true. sharing is an inate trait among all primates, but baboons, which are foul, vicious orc like beings, who have more in common with lions and hyenas than they do any other primate, except that lions and hyenas a noble species.

there are three fundanental similarities in all hunter gathering societies, regardless of whether they have had contact with each other or not, and most are 1000s of miles away from each other: offering unsolicited advice is the 3rd greatest transgression, hording, hiding, or refusing to share food is the 2nd, and attempting to impose your will on another is the 1st.

these three things are transgressions in all primate species but chimps and baboons, the two primates that the majority of pimatologists studying them despise as nasty creatures (we are more closely related to peaceful, communal banobos, who look like chimps and were confused with them until DNA tests proved they were different species). this is much like how all cultural anthropologists despise the yannomamo (in fact the yannomamo are so detestable that anthropologists had to create an exception to cultural relativism just for them).

children in non-aquisitive, non-property based cultures are born life long sharers. "enlightented" aquistive, property based cultures give children conflicting signals while the are growing up--they are born into a family were all members have "their" things, but they are told to share...however, only with a limited subset of the population just like themselves. in situations where kids witness one behavior but are told to do another, they do the one they witness.

every kid you have ever met has been born into a property based, capitalist society. don't fool your self into thinking "socialist" europeans are not capitalists. they all have stock exchanges and private property and most still have people with titles, and several, including sweden and denmark still have kings.

The ridiculous notion we have here is that the crafty Jews can mold the nations economy just to the point to do something nefarious but if they have such fine control over everything they could just build a perfect economy where every one prospers, but they wouldn't do that because they are evil conniving Jews right?

Everything becomes free. We work for free and everyone has to work but everyone gets to pick their job (follow their own passion). With everyone working their passion, life becomes a lot easier and much more productive for everyone. Housekeeper can be a legit job for those with children. The only thing we would need is an online, open source database where we can look up anyone's job. This is so we can see if there are any problems with people trying to abuse the system. For example, we can see a person claiming to work at the market and go to the market and see him working. We basically keep each other honest.

congrats, you're a commie!

Communism is where the government owns everything, tell you where to work, and throws a few bucks your way every day for doing it.

Congrats, you are too quick to label everyone a commie!

that's not communism.

i'd recommend reading some communist literature as opposed to anticommunist rhetoric. communists advocate an economy dedicated to serving the workers; pretty much everything you listed in the op.

Doesn't the government own everything in communism? Don't they pick your job?

No. If we are talking about proper communism then there is no government. Also there would be no money

Try having a look at the Wikipedia page for karl marx's views. Or actually read the communist manifesto, it's not very long

no on all three. again, i'd recommend reading about communism from people who are actually communists. you will find yourself agreeing with them on most things.

I'm honestly curious though. Who does these things in the communism you are describing?

  1. Who owns everything?

  2. Does the system you mention use money at all?

  3. If so, who pays the average citizen?

  4. Does the citizen pick his own job or does the government pick it?

bare in mind (western) capital hasn't been overthrown yet so there hasn't ever been communism. there is no real way to know what true communism would look like.

  1. workers will collectively own factories & whatever they produce. of course everybody will still have their own personal possessions
  2. ideally no. some communists suggest "labor vouchers" as proof that you are contributing to society, which can't be traded like currency. but ultimately under communism capital would be abolished.

  3. workers will collectively own the fruits of their labor

  4. people can pick what they want to do. of course there will still be undesirable jobs, but through a combination of automation and cooperation we can work to minimize this.

i am by no means close to an expert but i hope you find this illuminating.

we need to abolish the shareholder class which is essentially a class of parasites that contribute nothing to society and only serve to extract wealth from workers and preserve their shareholder status by any means necessary.

Ah, I do see very distinct differences not only with sacred economics but communism as it was practiced by the various countries like the USSR.

In reality, all systems have similar components. It's like a watch. A watch has to have gears in a particular order for it to work. If one of the gears is misplaced, the whole thing will fail. In my oponion, sacred economics is pretty spot on with its economic layout. It seems like it would work in an experimental setting.

goverment ownership is not a feature of communism. period. after COMMINTERN most socialists/communists, who were the same thing originally, ceded "communism" to lenin because he discusted them and russians had been usi g "communism" not "socialism."

marx never saw lenin and the bolsheviks and revolution in russia as communist--he thought it was absurd to call it that because commuism only exists juxtaposed capitalist in an industrial society were there is already class struggle between workers and their capitalist employers, all of whom are private citizens.

between 1900 and 1950, some still called themselves communists, but most called themselves socialists. the red scare witchhunts of the 1950s deliberately used "communist" to make sure those hauled before the neo-star chamber would be seen by the general public as soviet operatives, not people in unions or FDR dems. socialists weren't seen by the general public as dangerous but as comically nieve idealists.

marx never saw lenin and the bolsheviks and revolution in russia as communist--he thought it was absurd to call it that because commuism only exists juxtaposed capitalist in an industrial society were there is already class struggle between workers and their capitalist employers, all of whom are private citizens.

Marx died in 1883; Engels in 1895

You ought to read Marx and Engels, though. Then read Lenin and Trotsky.

From Lenin I'll suggest "The State and Revolution" and "Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism".

Both can be found on the Marxist Internet Archive, (

no it is not.

communism is where the workers own and manage the means of production (i.e. capital, i.e. money), and retain 100% of the profits their labor produces.

capitalism is where someone other than those whose labor generates the profits owns the means of production (i.e. capital, i.e. money) and 100% of the profits generated thereby, and who dictates the management of how the capital is used.

congrats, you are too quick to speak on matters of which you are ignorant.

state run economies, which you believe are "communist" aren't, they are simply situations where the person or persons who govern, control how the governed participate in and profit from the economy. feudal europe was a state run system (where the states where individual manors). china from 200 BCE to 1900 AD was a state run beaurcratic economy. the soviets were also a state run economy, but they were not commuist an anything but name.

upvoted and saved - great effort

Nah, one day when I grow up a little more... I'm 28 will be 29 soon.

I'm going to write a book called Americommunism. If you steal it... I'll only be angry if you get it wrong.

I believe you can have a full communist/capitalist society with every citizen having a stipend of money that pays for your house and food. You have to work for your T.V and in my case badass hardware for games and such.

Most people don't need much to be happy, they would just rather not feel pressured into losing everything.

Edit: This only applies if we get the technology to produce food with minimal human labor.

Umm... don't know about you, comrade, but I don't want Monsanto's fingerprints all over my dinner table.

Yeah, and I mean, who wants the Obama phone of the Xbox world? Government stipend fun? Sounds made up. Unless you work for said government.

Well if only we could have an outside entity give out corn GMO for free instead of profit.

If you want real organic... be ready for blight.

Guess who they got potatoes from? Natives. Which is why their crops were subject to infection.

Holy duckspeak, Batman

If you look at Adam Smith quote on

They have cropped out the central part of the quote:

Every individual... neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it... he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention.

What is the condition upon which this entire quote rests?

As every individual, therefore, endeavours as much as he can both to employ his capital in the support of domestic industry, and so to direct that industry that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention.

The entire value of the 'invisible hand" was because of "by preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry"

The same globalist who have fucked the world, proceed to rewrite history and discourage support for domestic products.

you lost me with you thread title.

communism predates the 1917 revolution by almost a century. it was an organic counter to industrial capitalism, not agrarian feualism (which characterized pre-WW1 russia) marx himself expressed dismay that lenin was applying commuism to system that didn't even have factories or a bourgeoisie. it had aristocrats and serfs.

fwiw, marx though a jew, he did not invent communism and he opposed usi g commuism in russia. communism was synonmous with socialism until COMINTERN pre-1905 (i can't remeber the exact year it was between 1901 and 1905, and i don't feel like looking it up). the were geographical names for the same thing. americans always preferred "socialism," as did the scotts.

socialism was born in a version of convergent evolution in france, britain, and the US. the communist manifesto is a call for unity and coordination between the various branches of communists/socialists and anarchists. das kapital was a treatise explaining capitalism and class struggle and historical materialism. it didn't invent communism, it explained the consequences and processes of capitalism. it was in some ways an argument with adam smith, who never actually experienced life in a capitalist society.

the soviet union was never "communist," it was more accurately a continuation of feudal russia but with worse taste in architect and clothing. the only difference was that were the aristocrats starved the serfs and appropriate 99% of the friuts of their labor, the soviets spread the fruuts of the workers labor among all. tgere was no homelessness in the USSR, nor did anyone lack housi g, clothing, or food. whate destroyed the soviets was that the arms race bled them dry as an every increasi g percentage of the fruits of the workers' labor was syphoned off to prevent another OPERATION BARBAROSA and 20-40 million dead during the WW2.

thank a russian that you don't speak german. they won WW2 for the world and at a cost that is impossible for americans who do not have any connevtion to the civil war can appreciate.

You really need to start reading the World Socialist Web Site

I want to help get you going (these are actually not WSWS articles, but important nonetheless):

Stalinism and Bolshevism

Karl Marx: A Brief Biographical Sketch with an Exposition of Marxism, by V.I. Lenin

Never go full retard. I'm not sure I'll ever get over the fact that people feel inclined to postulate on subjects learned entirely from YouTube videos.

There is one major flaw in your plan. Nobody would freely choose to do a low minial job. Very few would choose to work 12 hrs a day on a potato farm or cotton field. And nobody would want to work cleaning out shitters.

Nobody would freely choose to do a low minial job.

I disagree.

First, keep in mind that 30% of American aren't working right now right? Imagine if 95% of us were working. We would all have to work about 5 hours a day instead of 8 hours so that's a huge boost.

Secondly, there are 2 types of people who will take minial jobs:

  1. People who simply choose the job due to their education level.

  2. People who pick a minial job for the honor of it. For example, Dallas needs more trash pick up guys which is advertised as such. Honorable men and women who want Dallas to run smoothly will notice that these jobs have been vacant and fill them.

We can do this. Its easy!

Less people would work not more because they would get taken care of anyways. Once people realize they're gonna get paid if they work or not, they will stop working. They will go surfing, swimming, or whatever they enjoy. They will follow their bliss. They will not choose to do back breaking work to receive the same reward as someone who is an artist. And than think of the work it takes just to become a doctor. Whose going to put forth that kind of dedication when you are going to receive no greater benefit than someone who chooses to sit at home and do nothing? Very few, if anyone.

Everyone would have to work. 5 hours a day should be plenty. Anyone going to college would have the job of "student". Education is work too.

We will figure it all our. Honestly, it's not nearly as complicated as it looks. We will always have access to a website showing is needed jobs. We will cooperate and make it happen as long as the cabal is flushed our of our system so we can do it.

If you're forcing everybody to work, isn't what you're doing just slavery with extra steps!

You call a 5 hour a day job where you work your own custom picked passion in exchange for having everything for free slavery? I call it liberation.

If you are forcing people to do it against their will, than, yes, it's slavery. Because not everybody can follow their bliss and have society function. Their are hard disgusting jobs that need to get done for society to function. A society would have to force people against their will to do these jobs. And that is slavery. And I'm not even mentioning the fact that people would only do the bare minimum amount of work necessary. This would lead to shortages in food, in clothing, in everything. Society would never be prepared for any disater. A drought, a plague anything that halts or slows production would lead to mass starvation. Because in good times people are only producing as much as needed. This ultimately is why communism fails. People are unwilling to work overtime for free, and you have to either accept that unpopular jobs won't get done or you have to force people to them. So eventually you end up in a totalitarian society because you have to force people to work against their will for the greater good.

We have insane amounts of hidden technology and oceans of resources that we have already harvested in capatalism but it is being withheld from us for power reasons. We can easily build AI machines to do the strenuous jobs and assist us in our real jobs no problem.

Times have changed. Sacred economics will work but it has to cabal has to be removed from power first.

In other words, magic sci-fi is going to make it happen. You're just going to go down with the ship aren't you?

Not exactly. I have provided a direct path to liberty and freedom like you have never tasted that doesn't favor any group but rather favors all who are willing to participate. Very little is asked and very much is gained.

Remember this post. One day in our lifetimes this will be implemented. When it happens, you will laugh and when you see the results, you will marvel. I assure you, this is the most lavish system humanity will ever have seen to date and one day we will make an ever more lavish system. All it takes is cooperation. Capatalism fosters greed. Sacred economics fosters cooperation.

Yeah, and I mean, who wants the Obama phone of the Xbox world? Government stipend fun? Sounds made up. Unless you work for said government.

Well if only we could have an outside entity give out corn GMO for free instead of profit.

If you want real organic... be ready for blight.

Guess who they got potatoes from? Natives. Which is why their crops were subject to infection.

the economic models do not do that. Greed does that.

The ridiculous notion we have here is that the crafty Jews can mold the nations economy just to the point to do something nefarious but if they have such fine control over everything they could just build a perfect economy where every one prospers, but they wouldn't do that because they are evil conniving Jews right?

If you're forcing everybody to work, isn't what you're doing just slavery with extra steps!