Beggining to think it would take a reality tv star to out troll the media and the politicians.

21  2017-06-09 by rockytimber

Disclosure: I voted for Jill. But really, I have never seen the DC and NY criminal bureaucrats and politicians this exposed, and its no secret how bad they were, but now, its a daily outing of scum like Comey, Lynch, Hillary, even Obama. Wow!

No, I am not starting to like Trump, but if Julian helped Trump win, I am starting to see the wisdom in it compared to if we had Hillary in there. Its a deep state frenzy now. Obama was so comfortable for the old status quo, compared to this. Amazing.



The popcorn is buttery, and I love me some buttery popcorn.

Gulag humor, my friend, does not come with pop corn, let alone buttery popcorn. We are heading towards even toilet paper shortages. So, indeed, smile, but when this ends in tears for most, don't say I didn't warn you.

Grow Lamb's Ear (nature's TP).

No, I am not starting to like Trump

You sure sound like him. Or at least like John Miller.

John Miller

I would like to know what he said to make you think that? Or is he a friend of Trump and fan of "professional" fake wrestling?

oh, I remember now. trump's history is sprinkled with tons of stuff like this. Can you believe people were rationalizing supporting him and overlooking all this crap? But here we are, and it is Trump who eventually graduated into reality tv, the modern american gladiator show, a public spectacle that celebrates degradation. Trump also seemed to thrive on Howard Stern. Its that bad. But that is what it takes to match how bad the political arena has become. Only the political arena has been hiding behind a narrative that many americans were all to happy to believe, a pile of suggestions and lies that is rapidly falling apart, to where our military recruits now know what they are signing up for, mercenary servitude to wall street, and when things go bad for them they commit suicide. wow.

trump sits on top of this heap, but the pile is made of worms that make him largely impotent. The worms are stinging each other to death, and so far trump survives better than most would! his whole life seems to have been preparation for attack and evasion, grandstanding and siphoning off money for his group of mafia types that are only a smaller version of the games played by wall street the republican party and the democratic party, but its evolved with trump, he is better designed than they are to thrive on being hated on the margins. He doesn't need any respect or decorum or protocols. So he's a guerilla politician while the rest of them are playing an older party game.

Two party system. You voted another = you voted for Trump. Be real ffs for once in your life.*VICEgqCvnfGxFZCQaHb6PA.jpeg

Downvote Jillery Greenton all you want.

I voted against Trump and I voted against Hillary. Was I supposed to vote for one of the two turds?

And by the way, that meeting, where Putin briefly sat at a table with no translator is very well documented. And by the way further, I would expect any leader to also have been to dinners in China, Argentina, where ever. You know Bush Jr used to openly share his love of Putin, right? Or that Clinton helped Putin come to power right? Who did you vote for?

Believe the no translator talk. It's easier to believe she was paid to create chaos and steal votes as a green party candidate. How many parties do you think are liberal?

Hmmm.. maybe all but the GOP?

You might not read this but had Hillary Clinton been in that seat we'd have a much different conversation.

Tell me about it. Business for air raid shelters and nuclear winter supplies would be thriving.

Did you hear there was a translator at the table and that Flynn, Putin, and Jill and the others are lying?

You know American presidents, presidents everywhere have a lot of functions where foreigners are expected to attend.

As far as Jill being paid to run, I think the funding would have included an arrangement to give her a little media time. I mean, she got 100 times more media after the election than before, as well as more funding after the election.

Is corporate welfare liberal or right wing? Is bailing out wall street liberal or right wing? Who hasn't made government both bigger and crumbier lately?

Who did you vote for?

I don't buy Putin don't know English.

I wanted Bernie. I voted for Clinton. I'm piggybacking off the democrat party who actually have seats in congress to get my agenda done. Bitch at me for selling out all you want. Bernie endorsed Clinton in the end. America is entirely too focused on right wing to care about it's citizens.

Hillary knows that the Russia scare America is in the grip of is fabricated, based on Putin's obstruction of our plans for Ukraine and Syria etc.

"My agenda" I am assuming is a few progressive bread crumbs that were ever so slightly more likely under the corrupt Democrats than under the corrupt Republicans. I have never voted Republican in my life and remain a registered Democrat at this moment, teetering very very close to going independent, except then I throw away my vote in the primaries, and I did also vote Bernie in the primaries, and was absolutely shocked and appalled that he backed Hillary rather than fight the DNC tooth and nail and even join Jill when Jill offered him her place as head of the Greens. But Bernie is an old time politician, from another generation, and I can slightly understand his caving, maybe I understand, but maybe he is just corrupt or was threatened in a very personal way. At this point, I am afraid the progressive side of the Democrats cannot recover.

But really it is the international genocide on Hitler proportions that is the last straw for me. There is no plan for single payer health care, there is no plan to end the war on drugs, there is no likely change in policy that will end the prison industrial complex, so what "my agenda" is left, more stuff for minorities or identity groups which have gotten stupid anyway? No, the elephant in the room is a million dead since 9/11, much of it on Obama/Hillary/Kerry 's watch. No. No. No. Its too brain dead for me to be associated with. 30 suicides a day of returning vets. This is so over the top that there is no agenda to have. There is only a horrified scream of when the chickens finally come home to roost and expose us all as Good Germans.

This is why we continue to have a bipartisan system. If third parties got votes instead of people telling people who vote third party not to, we wouldn't have a two party system.

Republicans vote 60 million strong every election. That's 25% of the voter population.

And? That's still leaves plenty to vote third party. I don't see what point you're trying to make.

Well they didn't vote did they.

They probably would if people didn't tell them their pick is wrong and shove it down their throats.

If a third party were to get 5% of the popular vote it would end the two party system. Gary Johnson came close. We need more people voting third party. Besides, anything to keep a Clinton out of the white house.

Hillary would've put the country to war with Russia

actually I would agree

America still exist, that's pretty good actually.

We are still shaping up to a war with Russia. I am starting to think this was planned a long time ago though, there is a weight of inevitability about it. I hope if trump does nothing else, he keeps us out of that.

If anything this election made the democrats warmongers. Now all of the sudden they would be in favor of going to war.

I think they are just revealed for what they always were. Which is to say, exactly the same as their opposition.

But haven't you seen all of their altruistic votes?!



No, they have been war mongers for Obama's eight years, but people do not realize how bad it was. Sad.

George Bush Jr. and Bill Clinton had once had a lot of love for Yeltsin and Putin. That only changed when Obama was outmaneuvered by Putin in Ukraine and Syria. Obama was a damn war president and part of US over-reach. Pathetic democrats were blind to it.

George Bush Jr. and Bill Clinton had once had a lot of love for Yeltsin and Putin. That only changed when Obama was outmaneuvered by Putin in Ukraine and Syria. Obama was a damn war president and part of US over-reach. Pathetic democrats were blind to it.

I'm really enjoying it