What do you guys think about schizophrenia?

8  2017-06-10 by [deleted]



I've been told I'm a schizo because I'm a conspiracy theorist. It's hilarious because I think everyone around me is schizophrenic.

Well I believe it was Putin who just said that the US is experiencing some form of Schizophrenia.

Yeah the sheeps

I think Putin is a good guy. Him and Trump will save us all. Even the sheep. :)

True schizophrenics I believe can see into other realms (ie into the beyond), which is why they were praised in shamanistic cultures. They have to be trained to use their abilities though, through various rituals, ceremonies, etc etc.

Anyone who's ever met God could tell you they've seen into the beyond! It's socially acceptable to say you talk to God, but if coffee cup starts talking to you, well thats a problem.

Not really, and it's all subjective.

I'd like to think that you are right, maybe it is possible for humans to achieve higher awareness and states of being, however I don't think our current environment is conducive to this. We as a species need to radically alter our way of living to a more natural way.

Hence why I said Shamanistic cultures (ie. societies). Away from the modern world, and more in tune with the cosmos and nature. This sub really lacks and open mind these days (not saying you, specifically, just saying from all the other comments). So is life.

No, I totally understand. It's part of a greater conspiracy.

Hay stranger. Welcome back. 💋


What are the chances of you and I?

One in a million.

YES!! I have a chance.

Love it


Probably a good portion of patients in mental institutes are having a shamanic experience that is neither managed well nor understood at all by current day medical practitioners.

I'd agree. I actually have kind of a pet theory that this may be a trait/ability passed down from far older human civilizations (pre-Deluge). Yes, uncontrolled an "evil" entity can make you do bad things in schizophrenics, but properly learning how to deal and interact with them may be key into discover the "light" entities, and the various dimensions we all inhabit.

Absolutely there are hyperdimensional entities of the 'evil' variety that attach onto humans. You might find Bernhard Guenther's website interesting. Not sure if you've ever looked into Montalk either... Both really resonate with me!

What A Shaman Sees In A Mental Hospital http://www.jbbardot.com/shaman-mental-hospital/

Its a fantastic cover for electronic harassment or voice to skull/voice of God type weapons, and of course the old LSD in the coffee pot trick if you wanna go old school.

Yes, theres that Toronto professor who created the god helm, using magnets he can alter the brains electromagnetic chemistry and people perceive religious experiences and such. Another fascinating condition that has similar effects is called Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, they figure that many historical figures had it, and there seems to be a correlation between having it and having genius.

Everyone knows about emf control...no?

It's pretty interesting.

I think schizophrenia is a serious disease and a real mental disorder.

I think encouraging people to believe it's a superpower can be incredibly detrimental.

A prime function of the mind is to filter out input that we would otherwise perceive. Sometimes this filtering mechanism gets broke and people 'hear voices' and other stuff. Sometimes its really hard for people with this to fit in with 'normal' society who then brand them as 'mad'. The voices (and other phenomena) sometimes do not seem to be merely fabrications of a disordered mind, but something received on a wavelength most of us have tuned out.

Schizophrenia is a label for something we hardly understand at all, and no doubt there are occasions when its diagnosis is misused for nefarious ends. We are probably all guilty of putting barriers between ourselves and those to who we feel different. I like the term 'neurological diversity'

It is one of the oldest recognized mental illnesses so no I don't think it is manufactured.

I do not think it's manufactured. I think there are documented cases throughout history. Delusions of grandeur are a hallmark of the disorder.

I believe anyone who has ever claimed a god has spoken to them is either lying or is having symptoms of a larger problem. If there are extraterrestrial beings nearby with the power to do that, they could be responsible.

Otherwise I think it should be looked into for exactly what this thread will be discussing.

Well saying that anyone who has ever claimed to have spoken to god is lying or has a problem, is ignoring that some psychopathic people claim they have a direct link to the divine to influence others and manipulate them. Look at how many pedophiles claim to speak to god, work in the church, and get away with their crimes.

Christians be like...reveal thyself...rise again....



My aunt is a Psychiatrist. Let me be very clear that many people are extremely disturbed. That being said; my aunt told me that some "schizophrenics" are actually experiencing "bleed throughs" from other dimensions.

I agree, and also can confirm. A friend is schizophrenic and has turrets. It's actually one of the most interesting multi dimensional experiences I have witnessed.

I imagined your friend as part Optimus Prime and part M1 Abrams.

I'm not sure who M1 Abrams is. But...I can tell you that he is breathtakingly handsome, kind, and totally out of control most of the time. Extremely bright...so much so I had to level up to keep the pace.....eh, rare... But he is certainly a gem. It is another level of conscious for sure. I have been known to transcend, but with control, by choice. So, it was an intense experience.

Wtf. Not turrets. Idk how to spell it.

I've thought the people who believed they were abducted by aliens, probed etc. were intentionally labelled paranoid delusionals by implicit doctors to inhibit further investigation and that they were subject to government experiments or rituals.

Mhmm, I can see this being true. I mean look at how much money and energy goes into educating people about mental illnesses and depression and how much money the pharmaceutical companies make off of drugs. It could very well be possible that this money is going towards black projects, and then the mental illnesses are being used to not only cover them up, but generate profits. Or these group have learned how to create them, in order to delete peoples memories while working on government projects too.

They probably have, MKultra looked into datura as a mind control drug, Jim Morrison said it was the only thing that permanently changed him, check out the trip reports on erowid, I watched a documentary about its use in Columbia for organ harvesting

Very real and very tragic.

I'm in two minds about it.

What do you think about Jaymes Joyce's Bicarmeral Mind theory?

It isn't split personality you donut

If you had met someone with clinical schizophrenia, then you'd know it's not a pleasant position to be in.

Right. I had no idea until I witnessed it.

How can they be the future of human evolution if their condition renders them incapable of properly looking after themselves?

Schizophrenia isn't multiple personality disorder. It's defined by continual paranoid delusions like believing the CIA will come into your house and unplug your refrigerator whenever you go shopping for groceries.

I have schizophrenia and I'm heavily medicated in order to function on a somewhat normal level.

When I believed in God and demons and the super natural it was much harder to stay grounded. It was much hard to differentiate between real and not. Now that I firmly do not believe in any of the above, I can better observe my hallucinations and call them what they are. Hallucinations.

Unfortunately, even medicated I have days where I will fall into a delusion. Recently, my local grocery store did some remodeling. It's the only store that I can grocery shop at by myself. I walked to find them halfway through remodeling and my mind twisted itself into thinking that they had rewired the entire store to watch me like the Truman show and I almost started raging at the customer service desk. Thankfully my husband was there to talk me through it and the manager knew me since childhood (I've had schizophrenia since 6 years old and the store hadn't been remodeled since it had been built in 1989 and this happened a month ago) and she came and talked with me about the remodeling and why it needed to be done and was very patient with me.

Schizophrenia is very real and is not a manufactured diagnosis. Coherently, I do not believe I can speak with another dimension or with souls or I'm possessed or any of those things. To believe in those things would cause me to be less grounded and more susceptible to other illogical delusions. My day is spent playing a logic game. Does this make sense? Could this happen? What is the likely hood of this happening? Is anyone else seeing this? Etc.

Im very curious about schizophrenia, since a few years ago I was heavily addicted to crystal meth and had very vivid hallucinations and paranoid delusions. I managed to escape that life, however people say once you have been in that state it is much easier to re-enter it, and the damage caused by the drugs, malnutrition, etc are sure to leave permanent effects on me. I would say it is easy for me to think people are out to make fun of me, or take advantage of me at times, since I am a pretty meek person, but I think I am very lucky that I have not returned to that full blown state yet, although at times I did enjoy the craziness.

I've never tried meth or know anyone who's tried meth, but my Pdoc made a comment one time that meth is a drug that can put you in permanent psychosis even after cleaning up.

Not true.

My psychiatrist worked at a recovery center. I'm inclined to believe her, but what makes you say it's not true?

I've heard the same myth for every drug out there.

If you do LSD you might not come out of it etc...My best friends aunt knew a girl who turned into a banana and never left the house again because she was worried someone might peel her.

But she has a point, meth isn't anything to mess with.

Ps. Why do americans call their psychiatrists a Pdoc? I've read it heaps and never understood it

I can't speak for anyone else, but when I'm talking to my parents or friends and I say, "I have a doctor's appointment." They usually respond, why do you need to go to the doctor or what's wrong?

When I say Pdoc they know exactly what I'm talking about. I could just say psychiatrist.... But pdoc is less of a mouthful.

I was just wondering how the word came about that's all.

My brother is schizophrenic, and he was diagnosed at the age of five, which is very young to be given that diagnosis.

I saw a psychic once who (without me mentioning anything about my brother's illness) got in contact with my spirit guide. According to my spirit guide via the psychic, my guide wanted to tell me something "interesting" about my brother. She said that in a past life, my brother died very traumatically and violently in a war-like situation. She said his violent death "splintered" him, and he was essentially born with PTSD. So in this life, his "psychic openings" are so extreme and violent, that it basically manifested in what doctors called schizophrenia.

I don't really know what to make of it. But I've always wondered how my brother's life could be different if his illness was treated differently. He has only been medicated and shuffled in and out of mental hospitals his whole life. My family offered him no spiritual or non-medical treatment options whatsoever. And I'm not in anyway making a blanket statement about medication vs spiritual care. I just wonder how things could have gone for my brother if my parents had approached this in a more holistic way.

Anyone who's ever met God could tell you they've seen into the beyond! It's socially acceptable to say you talk to God, but if coffee cup starts talking to you, well thats a problem.

Probably a good portion of patients in mental institutes are having a shamanic experience that is neither managed well nor understood at all by current day medical practitioners.

What A Shaman Sees In A Mental Hospital http://www.jbbardot.com/shaman-mental-hospital/

It's pretty interesting.

I've never tried meth or know anyone who's tried meth, but my Pdoc made a comment one time that meth is a drug that can put you in permanent psychosis even after cleaning up.

I can't speak for anyone else, but when I'm talking to my parents or friends and I say, "I have a doctor's appointment." They usually respond, why do you need to go to the doctor or what's wrong?

When I say Pdoc they know exactly what I'm talking about. I could just say psychiatrist.... But pdoc is less of a mouthful.