I don't eat Pork and it's not because of a Religon. Swine and Primates are more genetically similar to Humans than any other Animals on Earth.

16  2017-06-11 by useyourimagination1

Scientists have begun Genetically Modifying Pigs under the guise that the modifications will make their meat more "Healthy" for human consumption.

To a degree Human and Pigs already have anatomy that is interchangeable. Pig heart valves can be used to replace a Human heart valve. There has been talk in medical industry that one day Pigs will be bred so they can one-day be harvested for their organ.

People eating Primates is what many believe lead to such diseases as HIV, and Ebola.

Eating Pork has been proven to be addictive and so is cannibalism.


BLT's are soo good though.

That's exactly what Jeffrey Dahmer said about Eating Gay guys from Wisconsin.

are you Jeffrey Dahmer?

If you're eating Pork I think you have more in common with him than me...

you have never eaten pork?

Haven't had any Pork in over 3 Years.

oh so 3 years is long enough to preach to others the errors of their ways about pork? okay.

well I haven't watched WWE in.. forever, and I can tell you that shit is evil and promotes worshipping false idols as well as it being fake.

so you should stop watching that shit or you know you're like Charles Manson.

Whose preaching? I'm posting in a Reddit sub for Conspiracy Theories.

I wouldn't speak negatively about WWE unless you want the Undertaker to haunt your dreams. It's a real thing not a Conspiracy.

Was Charles Manson really a Wrestling fan?

This might be worse than talking to a vegan. That said, I'm actually a fan of the theory that we are pig/ape chimeras and the prohibition was put in our religion by our creators. I kinda want to write a novel around this framework haha.

Pork tastes like human meat apparently

I can't attest for the taste but I can say the smell of pork cooking and burning flesh is very very similar. 15 years working in a kitchen. Cooking any kind of pig makes me gag now.

Wat? Ancient laws come from refrigeration and the ability if birds passing disease onto pigs, which humans then ate... Swine flu->pigs->humans... Superstition, albeit a decent one...

That's why my post says it's NOT because of Religion but because eating Pork is like eating Human.

That's on you bruh. If you think eating pork bacon is the same as eating humans, you may want to get your head checked..

I'm not doing taste tests. Do just a little research it's clear Human and Pigs are very similar animals.

Yeah.. Yuz just full of shit... Admit it..

I believe it's true man. It does taste really good. Bacon is amazing but I really don't think we should be eating Pigs.

Why not? Pigs are not as "dirty" as people think. They roll around in mud to protect their skin from sun burn :(. They get a bad wrap. They can pass on disease, but that's because people are ignorant. Keep your piggies away, and do shit where they eat...

They eat whatever you throw in front of them. Dead bodies, shit, bones, anything....

So would a cat? Doesn't stop Asians....

Thats's great for asians and but I am talking about pigs. eating cats is fucked up as well.

Why? They are both edible?

Anything is edible. And if you don't care what you're ingesting by all means eat those animals because that means you two are very close as they don't care what they eat either.

I'll continue eating animals, thanks... If we want to go by the saying: "You are what you eat".... You should eat humans ;). I heavily condemn this, but yea... Just saying for argument points/sake....

That's maybe the dumbest thing I seen you type up. But cool, i guess. Keep eating animals. Makes you very docile and enjoyable...

I've type dumber things than your OP, thank ya very much. Have a lovely morning...

You mean OC as it was a comment not a post. And, typed. So maybe this was a dumber thing.

It's not at all because of how dirty they are or anything like that. Pigs are actually smart and can be trained similar to a dog. Not like German Shepard but people do have them as pets. The only reason I won't eat pork is because I believe they are too closely related to humans. Mad Cow Disease is from Cows eating Cow meat that ends up in Cow Feed. Then they can pass it from Cow to Cow through the air and fluids. Mad Cow Disease rots their brains.

Humans have no lineage with pigs, lol...

Says who? "They"... Oh yeah, great, and don't worry about that tap water in your faucet have a nice tall glass. Definitely only "acceptable" levels of lead in there so totally good for you be drinking and bathing in it.

lol.... I'm done here... Carry on.

This is a conspiracy subreddit dude. Probably best to carry on if you dont agree.

Because the majority of farmers can't be trusted with animal welfare.

I mean, I'll eat some bacon all day. Great farm near here I get mine from. That said, he isn't full of shit. Humans and pigs have a lot of similarities.

Also, seeing as how I'm a chef, I can vouch for your prior statement Putes, if you're eating pig from a grocery store, you're doing it wrong. Seek local farms. Organic, antibiotic-free, free range farms. Your body will thank you for it later folks.

Many individuals already know that pigs and humans share certain physiological and anatomical similarities when it comes to certain organs such as skin, the brain and also the heart

Another source

Human/Pig Genome Comparison

Orwell thought so as well

And I mean c'mon, even Kramer had firsthand knowledge.

Despite most people on this site believing themselves intellectually superior, read8ng comprehension seems to be lacking. It's what after 6 years on this site, I mostly lurk.

What do you think abour oral sex?

You probably love a mouth full of cum...

Why do you say that?

You seem like the type. Too each their own..

Why do you say that?

idk, you just seem like the "type". Always licking authorities bawls. You know. The "type"... Hey man, if you like a mouth full of cum, more power to you... Just don't spit that shit here... Nah mean?

Tbh it sounds like you're subconsciously describing yourself.

You're just lying now. Weird....

You put so much detail into your comment.

"Licking authorities balls for a reward"

"Mouth full of cum"

"Spit that shit"

Very descriptive language.

I've read a lot of your comments ;)

I only had to read that one.


Your real self is showing.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Not really, but your mouth is overflowing.... Get a napkin.

You spend a lot of time thinking about this stuff.

Lots of free time to waste...

Get a room you two ;)

What about just that pigs are filthy animals that feed on faeces among other things? Is that reason enough?

I guess that part is pretty gross but it never made me stop eating pork.

The future is humans eating humans. Nothing you can do about it.

Does he tell them?

Chuck Heston dies or get hauled of to the Hospital and the guy who he's yelling that to doesn't believe him. So probably not.

I seldomly eat pork save for bacon.

There's an interesting theory that humans are actually pig-chimpanzee hybrids. The guy who came up with the theory has a Ph.D. in genetics, and has a site http://www.macroevolution.net/human-origins.html.

I don't know how much stock I put in it, but it's certainly worth a look. The anatomical features that only humans and pigs have, but no other primates have is his main evidence. If true, it could give some plausibility to the ancient aliens theories.

This could be tested if there is a consensus sequence available for pigs. Basically: align human and pig genomes (or, to be more specific, look for matching sequences above a certain length), do the same with other species that are assumed to be phylogenetically closer but not in the clade Euarchontoglires (primates). (Exclusion of primates is necessary because there will already be a high matching rate for obvious reasons.) If the matching rate is (statistically) significantly higher in pigs than in "closer" species ... then, well....

So, I have read through much of Eugene McCarthy's site, and I have found it to be fairly interesting. I also followed up by reading some of the criticisms of his work. Most of them are the usual hit-pieces one can expect from the likes of P Z Meyers et al., but I do agree with the critique that McCarthy does not provide any genomic evidence for his claim. McCarthy does argue for why genomic comparison may be complicated by substantial loss of signal in back-cross, but I still do think there would be genomic evidence, if done in sufficiently fine detail. I have some detailed ideas about how that could be done, and all the intellectual resources are public-domain (though the computational resources would be more than I currently have available to me).

ITT: People that love bacon more than facts. World-views, or mental safety blankets, are not easily modified, especially when it comes to BLT's.

I don't eat meat.

But they taste good

Why do you say that?

Your real self is showing.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Not really, but your mouth is overflowing.... Get a napkin.