Sites like Infowars take valid grievences about America and ties them into insane beliefs, thus delegitimizing valid criticisms

118  2017-06-12 by [deleted]



Then he started going on these insane conspiracy theories

Such as? They're probably true. Expand your mind

Kennedy assassination shit, 911 truther shit. Whether any of that is true or not, it's weird how valid social criticsm gets tied into stuff like that.

What's even weirder is that these style of sites are the only ones that regularly publish articles on the actual bad shit going on here. Mainstream media talks about this stuff so rarely it never pops up on Google. Makes u think.

I think you just want to protect yourself from the insanity that is the world.

911 truther shit

Oh sweet summer child

He'll get there, don't worry.

No he won't, you'd be surprised

I'm hopeful.

Kennedy assassination shit? 911 truther shit? Bro, you're on the wrong sub lol everyone on this sub is a 911 and jfk truther

whoops, looks like you don't have any good criticisms of AJ

he actually exists to taint the valid info he occasionally sprinkles around in his rants

Kennedy assassination shit,


911 truther shit.


Whether any of that is true or not

Yup, the MSM speaking through the population right there.

Alien shadow wars for control of our planet..

The thing is how people sway on things.

There are legit issues to look into but all too often people are too lazy to look for core reasons. It is easier to believe there is a giant plot and to just theorize.

That is to say that there aren't conspiracies (hell yes there are, from lobbyists conspiring to everything else). The problem comes in when we don't have real journalists and investigators working to find the truth behind things (which can often have many heads - from religion to money to power in general).

People like Jones find a niche to make money in. You don't have to look for truth, you just have to claim to either have it or ask 'questions'.

It's probably just about money, on both sides. Pretty depressing.

The reasonable top level comment gets downvoted here. So here, you're back to +1. :-)

You gave no examples. What is insane about infowars? You're on a conspiracy sub calling infowars insane

Alex Jones believes fish people live in jars in government labs. His site is also one of the only ones that publishes articles regularly about the actual, real, proven effects of income inequality in the US, thus equating the two.

Economic injustice and fish people, the same thing, first results on Google.

Alex Jones said he was told about the fish hybrids from a source. Alex Jones does have pretty good sources since a source told him that Hilary was collapsing before footage emerged of her collapsing. Also, Are you saying human-animal chimeras are impossible?

That's just what they revealed publicly, now imagine the top secret programs going on involving fish-human hybrids. You act like there's 0% chance of it going on.

There's 0% chance of it going on. A nonhuman mammal with human cells is one thing; creating a viable fish-mammal hybrid is bonkers. It's not the kind of technology that could be created and developed in secret. It's like saying the government is secretly terraforming Venus.

And if Jones can't tell the difference between good sources and bad (my favorite was the anonymous guy who told him the Air Force has antimatter bombs capable of destroying the sun, whom Jones took totally seriously) then he's hardly a credible source himself.

How would you know if it's not the kind of technology that can be developed in secret? You don't know, so you can't 100% say it's not possible. I suggest you look into the secret space program and the evidence of that, then you will see the top secret technology that they keep secret from the public

Fair enough. It's not 100% impossible, just as it's not 100% impossible that I'm you from the future, using time travel technology developed by secret federal bureaucrats.

Haha got cha ya time travelling shill basterd.

How about mermaids?! Answer that one!!! /s

Trick question. Mermaids are insects that mimic mammalian characteristics, like cats.

Damn, you got me there. I better brush up on my taxonomy.

creating a viable fish-mammal hybrid is bonkers

I can think of half a dozen things which you could refer to as a "fish person" which are totally plausible.

You're really overstating the unlikelyhood, by assuming a particular approach (a genetic hybrid of literal fish and human?), but there's really no way of knowing what exactly fish people is referring to, unless I'm missing something.

But I do think Alex Jones is likely to be either a disinfo agent or someone who has been cultivated into an unwitting disinfo agent, and I agree with the basic point. When somebody with a platform like his starts an argument by calling out the elite, and ends it by asserting that they are psychic vampires from space, the overall effect is counterproductive.

Fish-human hybrids sound like something the DOD would be interested in too! Swim into the enemy sub pen and attach this listening device/bomb and swim out again.

It may not be technically zero, but I think it's fair to say that the odds that Jones was relating a true event are as close to zero as these things get. I appreciate your point, though.

So we take sides on this?

Doesn't matter if they are rational or not, provide evidence etc, they are of the conspiracy type and against the msm and the establishment, one of us!

Some people like him, some don't. Some like CNN, some don't. Some like drudge, some don't.

If you dislike infowars, might I suggest you don't watch it?

Yes, people don't take kindly to people impugning the credibility of information sources in this sub.

No, I think if someone doesn't like a source that others do, just don't use it. We should all be critical of all sources.

FYI, I do not use infowars. But as I said, some people I respect do.

His behavior at this protest makes me think that he's either a narcissistic douchebag, controlled opposition, or both. Not a fan of the guy.

He's definitely a narcissistic douche. If any "Conspiracy theorist" was a charismatic level headed person that was amassing an enormous following I believe they would slow kill them with some type of chemical agent. They wouldn't flat out assasinate them because that would make people pay attention and it would legitimatize them.

Think about how easy it is to hire a few clowns to pollute a community. Think about how easily people dismiss a community based on a few clowns within it. Why wouldn't the powers that be engage in something of such high utility?

Anyone who thinks Jones is anything but a plant is insane. Your observation is spot on.

Jones is a Zionist plant meant to play pied piper for the "conspiracy-minded" Americans, making them out to be kooks, all while taking pressure off of the Jewish supremacist state of Israel.

It's working.

Check Alex Jones' myspace friend list to see who his friends are.

I don't know much about InforWars, but I came across this video a while ago, and I would like someone to explain what insane beliefs are in it:

A Vote For Hillary is a Vote For World War 3

Personally I think the MSM has gone totally insane. They might as well be reporting the news from a parallel universe.

Really tho? Do you even watch MSNBC/NBC/BBC/CNN/Fox? That seems a bit excessive. Sure they run asinine stories from time to time (cough cough CNN), but that is far from "reporting news from a parallel universe" (unless the universe is identical...)

The political bias is extreme.

I agree with the "parallel universe" comparison. Just sayin'

I do too

Like half of MSNBC's anchors are Republicans/from Fox news.

Alex Jones doesn't talk about israel. This should be a dead giveaway. And if you hear some of his stuff you will see that he said: "Israel did nothing wrong" and "My parents survived the holocaust". Plus he's jumped on the Trump con man train.

Don't forget who invented the term "conspiracy theory" and why...

Zero Hedge is a fine source of info

Exactly, by pushing the arguments to their extreme left or right they subvert and control the narrative, prevent any actual discourse.

I don't even know why you'd come here.

The stuff I've seen on this subreddit is more out there than Alex Jones' stuff. All the corrupt powers would have to do is send people here to get people to turn away from conspiracy theories.

Alex Jones is legitimately entertaining in my opinion. He'd be the worst person to get people to stop believing in conspiracy theories. That guy only opens up people to more stuff.

He's definitely entertaining--he's a genius communicator, although with some serious limitations.

I'm not sure that he's persuasive in the sense of opening people up, though. His style is so bombastic and unrestrained that I think he is most effective as a kind of cheerleader. He gets people who are already in his camp, or close to it, fired up and excited and a bit more radical. Not in the sense of grabbing a gun, but in the sense of being willing to accept more outlandish versions of the things they already believe. Going from "GMOs are bad" to "GMO scientists have made fish-human hybrids for the sex trade."

And the result, I think, is that his advocacy both spreads and limits conspiracy theories. It spreads them among listeners who were predisposed to them, and limits them in the mainstream. If the first time someone hears about the Sandy Hook theories it's in the context of "Alex Jones says...", then most people will roll their eyes and assign those theories to their mental garbage can (correctly, in my opinion). But if someone's already into conspiracy theories, and thinks Jones is a pioneer with some cool stuff to say, they're much less likely to put on the skeptic hat and look for flaws in the theory.

Since the mainstream is wider than Jones's affinity pool, I think the result is probably to shrink the pool but deepen it. This is purely speculation, and I can't even speculate whether the shrinking or deepening is the more significant effect.

It's a fair assessment but you still wouldn't want to promote him through the media if you were conducting conspiracies, and you didn't want people to know about them.

Yes, good point.

Another day, another attack on Alex Jones and Infowars. I have been following him for 15 years. I can tell you 90% of the allegations leveled against him are false. Look at you dismissing things as INSANE. Spend some time READING BOOKS. You'll get to the point where you can entertain all sorts of CRAZY things. Infowars became popular because MSM omits so much. Now Infowars is just a lot of lefty bashing. Can't say I blame them considering how INSANE the left is acting right now. Lapping up MSM conspiracy theories because...Watergate? LMAO!

The political bias is extreme.

It's working.