I've never seen such a determined and organized effort to destroy a person like there is right now to destroy trump.

1061  2017-06-12 by herpidyderping


So you haven't been paying attention to politics the last 8 years?

Implying Obama ever took any heat from the MSM?

I get a real kick out of right-wingers defining MSM as "only those outlets I don't like" and conveniently forgetting conservative MSM.

"conservative" and "liberal" media are controlled by the same 6 zionist corporations. dont act dumb, even if you really are.

That's a strange way to try to change the subject. Unless you believe Fox and CNN report on exactly the same things in exactly the same way, but certainly you're not that dumb.

theres no changing the subject, you brought up the media. if you dont like facts, thats not my problem in the least, but seriously, dont act stupid or obtuse here, you will get eaten and crapped out.

I'm not playing your distraction game kiddo, I'm just going to tag your obvious behavior and move on.

El oh el. you brought up media collusion and you got called out on it. you should check out this website, it may have benefit for you www.desitin.com they make the best ointment for diaper rash, it might soothe your obvious butthurt.

Fake news. Boudreaux's Butt Paste is much better. It's All natural

Id have reccomended Gold Bond Jock Itch Ointment, but it became bleedingly obvious the guy I responded to had no jock.

Removed. Rule 4.

that shouldnt have been removed. you are acting a tad overzealous.

So you're agreeing with modstrumpbootlicker then? If the media are all controlled by the same companies, and some of those outlets talked shit about Obama, then you just proved his point that MS did talk shit about Obama. Congrats I guess?

Why did your comment get removed when this dudes obviously trolling you?

Exactly, there is no liberal media.

there is only ZIONIST media

Jimmy Dore on YouTube

"youtube." and I have never heard of him so he must not have much influence. Is he one of those third way fake liberals?

I suggest you check him out for yourself. He supported Bernie and then Jill.

Who is a liberal? I guess Howard Zinn or Gore Vidal. The people in the democratic party aren't. The Berkely crybabies who would rather have Pence aren't. Liberalism has been destroyed, there is no such thing anymore.

I think maybe someone who lived in Switzerland or Norway might be able to say what liberal is today. But its dead in the US.

Howard Zinn was a socialist, Gore Vidal a third way Democrat.

Berkeley has not been very political since the 70s. The conservatives just keep whining about them.

Berkeley has not been very political since the 70s

Till now. Berkeley and everywhere else where the "resistance" is taking hold is quite political.

Yeah, for a while Sanders did us a favor, but then he let us down.

I don't think he let is down, he is trying to unify us he can't attack Hillary without offending her voters, do you understand why he has to abandon that as a tool?

he is trying to unify us he can't attack Hillary without offending her voters, do you understand why he has to abandon that as a tool?

I am pretty sure that is exactly what Jimmy Dore is saying.

At this point I am just as interested in Tulsi Gabbard.

I think a plurality of Hillary voters will jump anyway and the ones who refuse are more like old time 50s era Republican, nose up against the working class.

But Ok, I will check him out. However I don't agree with many talkers they have to appeal to an audience b road enough for a following and that usually turns me into a drop out.

Jill Stein literally ate dinner with Putin and Flynn, she was clearly a spoiler pushing extremist positions. Anyone who honestly supported Jill is too ignorant for my tastes.

"Zionist"? Really? It's about the money. Not about who's a Jew or who's a Christian. Sounds like another version of the "persecuted Christian" in modern America. Give me a fucking break. You're not the persecuted minority. And the people who indeed control a consolidated media don't give a fuck about Zionism any further than doing so increases their incomes.

It's ALWAYS about the money.

to learn who rulea over you, find who you cant criticize....no one bitches about someone complaining about money, only zionists....

Religion is just a way to control the masses. Why control? To stay in power and keep taking the money from us.

heres where you are wrong, friendo, jews make up less than one half of one percent of the total planets population...the religious control you speak of is a dirty hebrew trick, the same trick that got them expelled 109 times from 84 nations.

If you asked "zionists" sitting at the heads of these corporations if they'd rather have Israel, but be broke as fuck or have all their billions, but no Israel, it would be an obvious choice to take the money and forget the "homeland". If they thought otherwise, they wouldn't be where they are. It's a self-selecting psychology.

blah blah blah. now tell me about Hamas and how tbey do stuff. oh and remind me Iran is only 6 months away from a nuclear bomb. wouldnt hurt to yell 'MUH SIX MILLION' a few times too, for old times sake

Religion gets bent to the whims of warlords. Warlords, gangsters, CEOs, politicians, chiefs. The smart manipulators among us use whatever means they can to get large groups of people to do their bidding. And there's no shortage of idiots willing to believe some bunk shit just to feel like they're part of an exclusive group. Like chocolate and peanut butter.

But you think it's all about the "zionists". Well if that makes you feel better. It doesn't actually clarify anything about financial relationships or people occupying positions of power or why decisions get made beyond considerations of national borders. It underdetermines what you're looking for.

blah blah blah.

I realize you don't give a shit about logic, but the truth is you're never going to get a better understanding of geopolitical relationships until you can separate the people controlling the groups from the groups themselves.

Conservative MSM, more like controlled opposition Shabbos MSM.

They did their damnedest, with chewing gum, some small-time real estate deal he did, having known William Ayers, being part of Reverend Wright's congregation, the "terrorist fist bump" with his wife, the tan suit, the birth certificate nonsense, the "secret Muslim" nonsense, and about 844 other attempts to attack and besmirch him. Do you seriously not remember the last 8 years? When did you start paying attention? January?

It's never been so targeted or persistent. Usually the opposition dies down after the election. We have the "honeymoon period" at the beginning of the term. I think this is the first time I've seen no honeymoon. Calls for impeachment so soon are highly unusual.

Calls for impeachment so soon are highly unusual.

So are multiple members of an administration resigning or being fired for hiding ties to foreign governments, and no there wasn't a honeymoon with Obama, Fox and the republicans went on the offensive immediately.

The difference is that before it was just Fox. This time it's everyone.

Maybe because before it was "fake birth certificate sekrit muslin" nonsense, and this time multiple members of the administration have resigned or been fired for hiding ties to foreign governments.

I'm pretty sure Obama was impeached because he likes Dijon mustard.

Don't forget the Dijon mustard incident. It's a wonder we as a nation were able to recover after that.

lol Flynn was fired for failing to declare his lobbying for the Turkish government while working for OBAMA, not Trump.


Trump hired him though, so... what's your point?

My point is that Flynn was not fired due to "Russia collusion" as the media often reports. He was fired for lying about a situation that occurred while he was working for Obama.

But the Trump administration knew it and hired him anyway. Obama himself told Trump not to hire Flynn and Trump did it anyway.

Flynn seems to be a very capable and intelligent tactical guy behind the scenes. He is just bad with people and lies about dumb things he doesn't have to lie about.

Flynn fell on the sword to help expose the Obama leakers like Rice and Comey. The swamp is getting drained. Watch how things are unfolding :)

What fucking planet do you live on? Flynn was taking money from the Turkish government and using his position to try and get a political opponent of Erdogan extradited to Turkey. And then lied about secret meetings with Russians. It's not a case of "oh shucks he's so capable and intelligent he just put his foot in his mouth for no reason." The guy was sevretly working as an agent for foreign governments. Wtf.

I see you are a full subscriber to the CNN narrative.

In the face of facts, Trump/Flynn defenders turn a blind eye.

"CNN narrative"

Everything I said is factually true. Even without the Russia stuff, Flynn's work for the Turkish government makes him a sack of shit. Why bother defending this guy? You can't ignore objective reality.

I'm not even defending Flynn. You're obsessed with him for some reason.


Flynn seems to be a very capable and intelligent tactical guy behind the scenes. He is just bad with people and lies about dumb things he doesn't have to lie about.

Flynn fell on the sword to help expose the Obama leakers like Rice and Comey. The swamp is getting drained. Watch how things are unfolding :)

I'm not even defending Flynn. You're obsessed with him for some reason.



I am still not defending Flynn. You are obsessed.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who do you think I'm trying to fool?

Fuck off troll

There is no need to be so hostile and angry. What triggered you?

Gotta keep that troll train chuggin along


It's never been so targeted or persistent.

Bullshit. Here is how Fox News and Co "reported" and the first 100 days of Obama:


You have everything. From calling Obama a fascist, socialist, communist, Manchurian candidate, atheist and secret Muslim who was born in Kenya and will destroy the US and turn it to the USSR, deathcamps for the elder, FEMA camps for conservatives. Impeachment calls a month in .... everything. And at that time Fox News already had a market share of almost 50%.

Did they say that he should be impeached? Did they acknowledge that he was competent despite his socialist views? There is a level of criticism that is respectful like with Obama. And then there is the level we see today essentially saying that the crisis is how do we remove the clown. Even fox held back on the birther thing. They may have entertained the arguments but not called for impeachment over it. All I'm saying is that it's moved to a new level. And not just Fox. Fox is the only one supporting him and even they are grudgingly supporters.

Did they say that he should be impeached?




Did they acknowledge that he was competent despite his socialist views?


There is a level of criticism that is respectful like with Obama.

Bullshit. Watch the videos above. How is "Obama is a secret Muslim from Kenya" respectful?

Even fox held back on the birther thing.

Is this a joke? Fox News live streamed the Arpaio conference with the "proof" that the Obama birth certificate was a fraud.

All I'm saying is that it's moved to a new level.

It's not new, unless you're in your early twenties and didn't pay attention how Fox News reported on Obama. Bush and Clinton before went through the same cycle. Nothing changed.

And not just Fox.

And? If you combine CNN, MSNBC, CBS and ABC you're still not as large as Fox News.


Video proof of US government collusion with Russia

i still haven't seen anyone debunk that Arpaio thing (besides how could anyone believe that?? which isn't an argument)

his socialist views

Obama isn't a fucking socialist. Anybody who thinks a socialist and a neoliberal are even remotely similar has no idea what either of those terms mean.

Just commenting on the news coverage where they were using that label.

You're acting like they are in any way comparable as human beings and as presidents. So disingenuous lol.

Fox and a few other outlets always do it, but the big three usually tone it down

Explain then the calls to impeach Obama before he even took office?

I don't think there will be a time when there isn't a call for a president to be impeached, but the magnitude of this call is so much larger than it has been in the past

No it isn't even close. You have already forgotten the promise Darrell Issa made to impeach Obama with his made up IRS scandal and that along with the Snowden disclosures and those calls for impeachment.

the difference is the media acted like impeaching Obama was stupid. the media now has people believing any of this russia stuff has any evidence when there isn't

No the media gave full credibility to all of it, IRS, Benghazi, the community organizer weak president. The MSM trotted out every attack as legitimate.

willful denial of reality. only conservative sources of which there are fewer.

Start with calls to impeach Obama before he was sworn in, then the calls to impeach him because the stimulus would bankrupt the nation then the calls to impeach him because the health care act was going to kill grannie then the calls to impeach him because he started 50 dozen wars then the calls to blame the Bush Adms. Domestic spy expansion in 2007/08 on him then

There was a constant and never ending call to remove Obama from office and the only news is conservative owned and controlled.

There hasn't been anything liberal since the cuts to NPR and PBS in the late 80s when those organizations became tax supported conservative propaganda NPR is now the voice of the KOCH and PBS is the voice of Corporate globalists.

the two largest us newspapers (NYT and WaPo) are liberal, so are two of the main three cable news networks (MSNBC and CNN)

PBS is the voice of Corporate globalists.

aka liberals

No there is no liberal media, take that from someone who has gone back and read and listened to old liberal media offerings.

I would venture to guess you don't know what a liberal talk or written message would look like but someone told you those two very old time establishment organizations, NY Times, long called "the old grey lady," and the Washington Post even more conservative and now owned by Jeff Bezos with a Reagan man as Publisher are not and never have been liberal.

The new York Times was forced into an ownership reorganization during 2011 that made it not only more conservative but expanded the libertarian Tea Party voice. That is the same year of the forced sale of Washington post to libertarian Jeff Bezos.

Just because you have been told they are liberal doesn't mean they are.

pretty sure you are the one conflating liberal with progressive. you'd have to be nuts to say the nyt and post aren't liberal

I say the NY times is not only conservative that during 2011 some tea party libertarians forced an ownership change that made it not only conservative, but heavily libertarian. Libertarian being the harshest form of conservatism, for confirmation, see today's Russia.

the nyt times hasn't endorsed a republican presidential candidate since what, 1960?

That doesn't mean they didn't have attack articles everyday.

attacking Trump? like you'd expect from a liberal paper?

I fixed it. NYTimes and WaPo had anti-Obama articles everyday somewhere in their publications. So did everyone, AP used to run 2 to 6 per day.

so all you do is post about how trump is bad in /conspiracy huh that's not at all odd

I don't think I spend that much time attacking Trump, I am more focused on comments about the propaganda and the actual conspiracies against us, like wage suppression, loss of individual rights, selling us out to the internet for profit data collectors and that kind of wonky stuff but yes now and then I join the fun.

I'm getting the feeling you don't like liberals.

would you make the argument "they're not nazis, you're thinking of neo-nazis by the way" cause that's what you're doing

Not even close, but nice try.

then what's the substantive difference between liberals and neoliberals

Neoliberalism tends to favor free-market capitalism

right and so does classical liberalism. starting to see my point?

In a modern American political context the term "liberal" is often used as a synonym for progressive or left-wing. If you want to get explicit then you should strive to clarify whether you're using liberal in the classical sense from the 17th century, or whether you're referring to modern liberals in America, or if you're targeting the progressive versus the neoliberal wing of the Democratic party.

You don't have to, but it would certainly make things a lot clearer. Usually people who say things like "the MSM is liberal" lump everything together and don't give two shits about classical liberalism versus modern progressives.

In a modern American political context the term "liberal" is often used as a synonym for progressive or left-wing.

yes used incorrectly


Usually the opposition dies down after the election

Uh... no. No it doesnt. Is this your first election?

Republicans were ranting about obama wanting to take their guns the entire 8 years he was in office.

Democrats were still rambling about Bush IIs 2008 win not being legitimate after his second, inarguably decisive win.

Republicans LITERALLY IMPEACHED CLINTON over a blowjob that no one at the time cared about, and his approval rating went UP.

Oh god, if Bush won in 2008... (I think you mean 2000).

Yes I meant 2000. Fixed. Thanks.

Just to point out, it wasnt the blowjob that got Clinton impeached, it was lying about it to the nation, under oath.

He technically didn't lie, which is why charges were only brought against him. He wasn't successfully prosecuted because the federal legal definition of "sexual relations" specifically referred to only vaginal sex, which he did not have with Lewinsky. What he did with Lewinsky was legally defined as sodomy.

When a truly shitty person is elected president, yeah, the opposition isn't going to die down. This is because of who Trump is, it wouldn't have happened if Rubio, Bush, or the others had won.

As Obama was being sworn in for the first time in 2008, the GOP had a meeting where they decided that they would do everything in their power to "make Obama a failed president."

Tell me more about this "sunshine period" that Obama never had please.

The Republicans opposed him just like any party on the other side does. But this time it's more venal and not much support from his own party as well. But I'm talking about the media treatment which creates public perception. It's markedly different. Shows like SNL and the tonight show have always critized the sitting president. But usually mixed in with other stuff.

The Republicans opposed him just like any party on the other side does.

No, that's not at all "just like any party on the other side does." You literally said Obama had a "sunshine period" which describes the exact opposite of what you're now saying. Do you even understand your own argument?

But this time it's more venal and not much support from his own party as well. But I'm talking about the media treatment which creates public perception.

It isn't the media treatment that has created the public perception of Trump, I hate to break this to you. Trump's own home state hates him and voted overwhelmingly against him, and you can't blame that on "the media."

Shows like SNL and the tonight show have always critized the sitting president. But usually mixed in with other stuff.

Shows like that have always done what they are doing. Trump is just giving them too much to work with. No other president has done horribly embarrassing shit like Trump does on a weekly basis.

At this point for Obama they were calling him a "rich elite" who isn't "one of you" on Fox News because he got fucking Dijon mustard with his cheeseburger.

At this point there were people like Glenn Beck and Donald Trump saying Obama wasn't even a citizen.

You can't be serious with all this.

Well, he is unusually incompetent.

What I find so suspicious is that I have never seen the mainstream media against a president. Don't get me wrong, I despise Trump but I do not for a second believe that fox, cnn, npr or the like have our best interests in mind. Trump has the establishment up in arms and I think that is intriquing.

They only want to impeach him because they don't like him, which you can't actually do. At this time there's no solid evidence of anything. Plus, Mike pence would take over and I don't think they really want that either.

Calls for impeachment don't mean anything. Actual impeachment is what matters. As long as people are talking about Trump, he is winning.

Clinton was impeached. Didn't change a thing.

The honeymoon period that for Obama consisted of the entire Republican leadership on the steps of the U.S. Capital declaring they will stop the newly elected government from governing at all and did just all with the full backing of that very not liberal MSM?

There was not even a whisper from the allegedly MSM about how outrageous that was.

Then how do you know about it?

The MSM reported it as showing how wonderful the Republicans were.

Sounds like a whisper.

There is in fact a determined and organized effort to destroy Trump- by Trump. Considering his behavior, it becomes clear that the opposite is happening and he is being propped up and covered up for by the partisan GOP goons in Congress.

Well if he'd stop doing stupid shit he wouldn't be so focused on.

You've got me there. I think it's all intentional. As long as we're debating the meaning of covfee we're not debating anything real.

Your name is an intentional violation of rule 10. What were you expecting?

Man. That's fucking booty. Peace, god. Fight the fight. Keep the vibe strong.

Fairly sure you got banned for rule 10 fam. I mean, regardless of the shill accusations in your history you break that rule just with your username.

Usernames can break rules?

Maybe you forgot about the Obama years and the hundreds of books that came out about how Obama was ruining America. And the non stop attacks from fox news and talk radio for 8 years.

they literally killed JFK...

If they were shooting to discredit him, they totally missed.

I'm not proud of myself, but dammit have an upvote.

Whats funny is I didn't realize what I had done until I reread what I wrote and realized I had misunderstood the op.

Ooh...shots fired

They? You mean the lone gunmen?

JFK was killed because he was dangerous to the establishment. Johnson was a good little puppet like they always want, Kennedy proved to be too volatile.

They didn't discredit him, but they preserved the regime and people forgot about what he stood for, which was their goal the whole time.

The ideals survived, but so did the power structure that just steamrolls ideals. Kind of a wash, I guess.

You think anybody at the top has 'ideals' like you do?

Chris Hedges was right. Long before the election, he was asked on the "Democracy Now!" daily news program, which candidate would be better for the people of the world: CIA-supporting Hillary Clinton (who, for example, supported the CIA's desire for a "No-Fly-Zone" in Syria and supported an expansion of NATO arms sales to new markets) or CIA-criticizing and NATO-wary candidate Donald Trump? When Chris Hedges was asked who would be better for the world, Hedges said it won't matter. Neither candidate would be able to alter the course of the Deep State, and of course, Hillary openly supported the CIA / Deep State.

Trump tried bucking the CIA and Deep State at first, but they bent him to their will. Not that I'm a fan of Trump. Only the Green Party's candidate would have been honest enough, clean enough, and determined enough to take back our country from the CIA / Deep State's henchmen.

What's aleppo tho

Thats the inappropriate blue jeans man your talking about. The commenter was referring to recount plant lady.

Fucking blue jeans gary?

At this point, what difference does it make?

I think he trying to relate to the "common" man. Non-partisan voters don't give a shit what you wear.

We have to stop electing people from/who fit into the system.

The system of govt. needs to be changed. Not trying to find the "right" insider to change things from within.

"The system of govt. needs to be changed."

I disagree with this point...BTW the guy you responded to was making a joke by quoting Hillary Clinton. You took him literally.


The system is inherently corrupt and actually helps corruption along. I respectfully disagree with you,sir.

Quickest end to a Presidential run I have ever seen.

"And then we're gonna take the whitehouse! Biyahh"

That was the 2nd shortest. That one was 45 second speech of disaster. Gary Johnson was destroyed in 7 seconds.

Reminds me of when Christine O Donnell and how fast her bid tanked when they played the tape of her saying she dabbled in witchcraft.

That was Gary Johnson from the Libertarian Party, not Jill Stein from the Green Party

Jill stein of the "no refund" recount fame.

That was the Libertarian candidate who said that, the Green candidate was Jill Stein

Makes no difference at this point, both equally losers luls

DR Jill Stein.

Fraudster Jill Stein.

Jill Stein supported the paris deal. She is deep state

That was Gary Johnson, the Libertarian.

Shittiest dog food ever?

lol Trump's not perfect but does appear to still be fighting the deep state. I believe only time will give us a definitive answer on him.

Jill Stein would have folded like a house of cards. Frankly I believe she did, hence her vote audit in the 3 states Trump won with the tightest margin.

Yep, I was like, what the fuck? Did everyone forget that shit she pulled, trying to get recounts in the states the Trump won?

The only candidate that wasn't compromised AT ALL during the 2016 election was Vermin Supreme. Everyone else was just a pawn. I guess the world isn't ready for a campaign platform like that.

Let's hope that Vermin Supreme runs and is elected in 2018. I want a free pony. We could establish suburban gardens and crop fields, which are fertilized and regulated by the free ponies he wants to give us.

really? a green party candidate is the silver bullet?

please fuck right off.

Removed. Rule 4.

Trump literally enacted that no fly zone and then bombed a Syrian air Base

That's what Assad gets for being a dick

Trump tried bucking the CIA and Deep State at first, but they bent him to their will.

Please defend this statement. In what way has he been bent?

It would be great if the candidate makes the party....instead we have the party making the candidate.

Ralph Nader was a good candidate, Stein was a clueless hippy.

JFK was killed because he pissed off George Bush Sr who was running the whole Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by CIA backed "rebels" (he even named one of the landing ships the "barbara"). JFK cancelled their air support for the beach landing on the day of the action, and the CIA's pets all got killed and/or arrested by the cubans. the CIA wanted revenge.

this is why George Bush was in Dallas that day. he says he wasn't, but there are pictures....

E Howard Hunt was a CIA pal of GWB Sr. and was one of the operatives who worked with him handling the cuban "rebels" during the Bay of Pigs action. he was also one of the "tramps" arrested in dallas that morning (the other was Frank Sturgis). he was ALSO one of the guys who broke into the Watergate hotel, supposedly to plant wires, but some say it was because there was proof there that placed him at dallas when JFK was killed and threatened to blow it all up.

in the "smoking gun" Nixon tape (talking about the watergate break in), Nixon says "Hunt knows too much...it's likely to blow the whole Bay of Pigs thing which we think would be very unfortunate for CIA and the country at this time, and for American foreign policy."

Oswald was CIA (see this FBI Memo): "Oswald subject was trained by this agency, under cover of the Office of Naval Intelligence, for Soviet assignments"

Hunt confessed to all of this on his deathbed, and was recorded by his son.

Marita Lorenz testified under oath that she met Oswald in the fall of 1963 at an Operation 40 safe house in the Little Havana section of Miami. According to Lorenz, she met him again before the Kennedy assassination in 1963 in the house of Orlando Bosch, with Frank Sturgis, Pedro Luis Díaz Lanz, and two other Cubans present. She said the men studied Dallas street maps and that she suspected that they were planning on raiding an arsenal. Lorenz stated that she joined the men traveling to Dallas in two cars and carrying "rifles and scopes", but flew back to Miami the day after they arrived.

her testimony was deemed "unreliable" by the House Select Committee on the assassination.

Kennedy died because he pissed of George Bush, Sr.

George Bush Sr. was at the center of all the shady bullshit going on in the US for the last half of the 20th century. from CIA operative, to CIA Director, to the Man Behind the Throne during the Reagan administration, to his own presidency. had ties to the Clintons because they covered for the Iran-Contra drug running BS through the Mena, AR airport while they were in power there...then Back to controlling the white house through his boy Jr.

IMO, he is/was the most dangerous person in the western hemisphere.

Realy great info. Thank you very much. I especially enjoyed reading CIA Director McCone's memo to the Secret Service about how Oswald had been trained by and worked for the CIA as early as the 1950s.

I had read Hoover's 1950s or early 1960s FBI memo about "George Bush of the CIA," but this is the first I've seen of the CIA memo about Oswald. In the book "A Heritage of Stone," Jim Garrison connects Oswald to the intelligence community, but that memo must have been still secret at the time. Do you know when the McCone CIA memo was declassified and released? I'm guessing it was part of the trove of documents declassified in the 1990s under the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB)?

the earliest i saw it was 2004ish. i'm not sure when it was released.

Thanks again.

Remarkable contribution! Thank you.

Wasn't there a documentary on this?

Might have been a docuseries, but I'll give this one a watch.

There was an Israeli nuke angle as well with a MAFIA angle regarding his assassination

Mena brings up Tom Cruise's new flick, "American Made", where he plays Barry Seal, who flew with David Ferry (Joe Pesci in the flick JFK) and was probably in the cockpit as a get away pilot for the JFK assassination, as well as running both drugs and guns for CIA/DEA.

yeah there is LOTS of good info available on Barry Seal

Just wondering, but if Bush Sr was tied to the Kennedy assassination then wouldn't he have wanted distance from it? I don't see what he had to gain by being in Dallas. Why not play it safe?

back then he was a field agent who ran the operations. you had to have a handler when you used "hired help" from outside the organization. he was the handler. he ran the op.

he didn't become one of the Masters of Reality until later, and THEN he did start to distance himself from Dallas by telling people he wasn't in the area, etc.

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I agree with everything in this post. Good work!!

Harrelson and Hemmings.

Since this is open discussion, I'm just asking to learn - does anyone else find the picture of the man in Dallas to be questionable? The array of pictures alone doesn't convince me that's Bush. I'd have to believe the CIA would be wiser than to have a figure like Bush there at the scene trying to blend in, just to observe.

George Bush Sr had nothing to do with the Bay of Pigs, they cancelled the air strikes to naively keep the operation covert after the first strike failed to get all of cubas planes. Further Bay of pigs was two and half years before Kennedy got killed, of all things they would have killed him for (Vietnam, budget cuts, power limits) it wasnt that.

Did Executive Order 11110 have anything to do with it, or is that just something floating about the web?

Is there connections with the hotel breakin and Trumps tower wiretaps? Are they at least similar?

Good info. Why would Bush be in Dallas if he coordinated it? I would think not being there would make more sense if he didn't have a direct role in the field on the day of the assassination. By being there without a planned engagement would draw suspicion.

This is a fantastic comment. A+

There are some other reasons, but substantially you have it correct.

Also of note is Kennedy signing Executive Order 11110 curtailing the power of the Rothschild's from their private ownership of the Federal Reserve and issuing real money from the US Treasury. His nosing into Dimona Nuke facility in Israel, and promising to "Break up the CIA into 1,000 pieces and scatter it to the wind".

That's not him in the middle picture. that man has a full head of hair while Bush has a wicked receding temple.

he says he wasn't, but there are pictures....

That doesn't look like Bush. Hairline receding but not in the same way.

Don't forget that GHWB called the FBI the day Kennedy was shot to give an "anonymous tip" that he had overheard some guy talking about shooting JFK. His real reason for calling the FBI was so that the false location, which he made sure the FBI tip-line operator wrote on the paper, would be filed away. Just him establishing a fake paper trail just in case he was ever accused of being in Dallas that day at the scene overseeing his operation.

GHWB ran the whole show.

Johnson was at the very root of that entire assassination. While there are a few Intel agencies along with the mafia and other assorted characters, Johnson stood to gain the most and was at the helm of the operation, at the very least after the assassination was done he was at the top of the pyramid when it comes to the orchestration of the cover up.

The word puppet in this context is now synonymous to Trudeau and Macron.

He was kicked because he wanted to destroy the CIA, who was importing drugs, among other things. Basically a mafia hit.

This is the simplest explanation I've heard yet.

Or! Here me out!

He was killed by a communist, makes sense to me

Johnson a puppet? That..... that's like saying Gordon Ramsay is a timid coward.

Johnson was a master manipulator, he was legendary for getting the things we wanted get done.

Remember that the civil rights acts didn't past under Kennedy, it passed under Johnson.

Read Johnson's autobiography by legendary writer Robert Caro, and you'll how ridiculous it is to call him a puppet.


You can be an intelligent, willing puppet. It just requires you let someone else pull your strings. Obama was a willing puppet of the neoliberal elite, but that doesn't make him an idiot.

Still doesn't fit in with Johnson's personality and history. If there were puppets involved then Johnson was the puppet master.

What an organic post.

I think it just hit /all.

In that short of time? How???

I was about to say early fast voting, but then I saw what you meant. Activity isn't usually very aggressive at 5am my time. That is 9am EST I think? What groups are coming on the job at that time?

Major damage control day. Biggest I've seen, actually. Something must be brewing.

Isn't Sessions testifying today? I am failing to see what would have them all mobilized.

I don't know, either. Weird, though.

I think it's I saw that it's happening tomorrow. Let's see what Sessions is all about in this weeks televised mess.

I've posted at 6am and made it to front page by noon on this sub. It isn't all that uncommon if you stay engaged with your post.

Calm down man. People use Reddit while they are at work, pooping, eating, and jerking off too.

I'm looking through your submissions and I'm not seeing evidence of that. Can you show me the post you made that you are talking about?

Sure, it's the one about infighting getting worse. I posted at 6am before work and just sat and discussed it throughout the day and it was on the conspiracy front page before noon.

Dude, that isn't comparable to what happened here.

You can always lead a horse, but you can't force it.

If you're jerking off to this sub you might need to seek help.

Yeah this is total manipulation.

Also, a quick browse shows that OP is possibly a flat earther so who knows

As I noted yesterday:

It happens on both sides. They are tricky, too. Often they post something that glorifies the other side, but from a particularly dodgy source just to give themselves and their coworkers and their alt accounts a forum to ridicule the glorification.

Yeah, there's so much manipulation going on. It shouldn't be so difficult for people to observe the world around them without being manipulated by this website or that comment

And yet...

I'm still not sold. I think Trump is a puppet too. Just trying to distract the masses into thinking we have a completely rogue/independent candidate.

Very possible. I still don't think they planned on him winning, but that doesn't mean they were unable to acquire control of him after the fact.

I'm pretty sure that he was Clinton's controlled opposition from the gate. Every time another Clinton scandal dropped Trump would go and say something insanely outrageous to distract from it, lie about 50 times about super well known things, and then say factual things about Clinton, thus discrediting the Clinton scandals simply because it is known that anything Trump says is the sort of lie to expect from a SAG card holder.

Clinton even said so, clinton is the one that got trump to run in the first place, clinton called him the "pied-piper" candidate, but nobody wants to admit they were lied to by a stupid buffoon and they easily believed it.

She wanted him to run because she thought she'd have a guaranteed victory with him on the other ticket, not because she thought he'd be copacetic with the deep state or the bush/clinton connections.

His loyalty to the deep state was never in question.

that's interesting, can you expand on that?

the only theme i've seen concerning the deep state and trump online is that they are in the process of utterly destroying him for Breaking The Game, so would be interested in the opposing view

Clintons had so many past issues. Im not sure if theyre talked about on here but there was a big one called whitewater at one point and I forgot the other. Sometimes I search "conspiracy" and set a date filter way back and find some not common things this way. One I saw was that a 1993 cereal box had a map of the US split into 10 or 11 sections and people said it resembled "The new world order" map

You think they have literally no say over the electoral college?

Yes and no. I think in the past, the electoral college has not been as scrutinized as this one was. Shoot, the whole voting process, I am pretty sure we would have Clinton for president if so many people hadn't been expecting them to rig the machines.

I agree, they probably thought Hilary would win by a landslide, but tptb didn't care either way. They control the shadow government and it doesn't matter what puppet is in place.

Didn't plan on him winning? Man, that's an understatement, they shit all over him and relentlessly trashed him six ways from Sunday, and a character like Trump simply doesn't sit still for that. If he had I, then I would have said he was a puppet. No Trump is Trump is and has stayed true to his character, such as it is. He's always had an enormous ego and has always been an outspoken critic of virtually all of the US presidents or government polices at one time or another. Of course everyone has ideas about what would and could make things better but the reality is that it's a huge and unwieldy bureaucratic monstrosity that is directed and controlled by competing interests that are all chasing after as much money as they can get and if they don't actually have any real reasons they'll work and connive to create some that will warrant giving them more.

Selling all those arms to the Saudis wasn't really true to his character, as he said while running that they were basically complicit in 9/11. TPTB got to him.

Doesn't that have to wait until a budget? Though it may be a treaty, only congress can deal in $$$, and his agreement can sit and rot if it is snipped out of the next budget/CR.

It sure seems that way. The CIA are arms dealers, along with being drug dealers/traffickers. I read or heard somewhere that the CIA gets kickbacks everytime arms sales are made to the Saudis and other nations. So the CIA loves dealing in arms. They're in every horrible business we can think of I guess: arms dealing, drug dealing, corporate espionage, etc.

I don't think they have and I don't think they fully can. He is too unpredictable. That is why they are trying to go through Jared.

Does anyone see the possibility that the whole Russia thing might have centered around Russian intelligence finding some sort of smoking gun plan of Hillary's and the "collusion" is more about preventing war that would be detrimental to both the USA and Russia than about some sort of hacking and "control" thing?

Could be that is why the actual evidence of whatever went on keeps being lost, buried or destroyed and why both sides keep making bold claims and threats that never materialize.

I can't say for sure. But I would like it if the president was uncontrollable for a bit. Just to see if chaos might throw us a bone.

Yep, if everyone remembered all the 2-party hatred that was brewing, there was all this talk about forming new parties. The tea party sort of tried that and got put in its place real quick (IRSgate and all that). There were people standing out on freeways trying to organize to get Obama impeached for that (and other things) and those got shut down real quickly.

Then Donald Trump and Hillary happened, and Bernie Sanders thrown in too. With all that drama and vitriol and bile, and division, we all picked a side and hated everyone else on the other side. It sort of filled everyone's minds and we all conveniently forgot about how much we hate Democrats and Republicans, and here we are, in the same old shit we always end up in.

When will we ever learn?

Right on!! I voted constitutional party. But that obviously didn't pan out. You and I may learn, but it's impossible getting everyone else to jump on board.

The Tea Party was astroturfing.

Lol ok. Like the Democratic party and the Republican party don't astroturf. You really think that a true grassroots group is going to make it into the white house? Keep dreaming.

Even if the tea party was astroturf, it was still some less corrupt group of people stealing votes away from two majorly corrupt political groups. Which is better than what we've currently got.

The purpose of the tea party was to push the gop further in line with the mega rich. It was not fueled by the common man.

Come to think of it, this exact reasoning would explain Donald Trump perfectly. Did we just fall for the same trick used only six years ago?

Don't drink the media coolaid. I think the anti tea party bias was second only to Trump.

I see it as even less than puppet. Or an even sadder puppet, where he's a puppet in that when they need a distraction they give him access to his phone, but so oblivious to his role that he actually thinks he runs the country.

When I wonder about this, I feel like it wouldnt be necessary for them to rig Bernie out of it.

Washington Post is just a CIA rag.

I think they wanted him to win to show how bad the "fringe" candidates will be if they come into office. It makes future anti-establishment candidates look much less appealing.

It could be a "man who knew too little" situation. Not an actual puppet, but a candidate chosen to be super easy to manipulate and control.

They waited until he and Bobby were both dead before they rolled out the character assassination program. At that point no one in the Kennedy family, knowing what they were up against, could risk attempting to answer all the rumours and innuendo that has been continuously spread about them ever since.

As for either man's "sexploits" they were both charming, handsome, intelligent, and very sophisticated men and even without the political power and fame all kinds of women including a lots of highly attractive ones were always interested in them. If they yielded to temptation you'd have to admit they had far more than their share of such temptations especially in the sexually charged and liberated 60's.

It would have been relatively easily to smear him. He did have relations with other weomen and other immoral acts. They did impeach Clinton for simular reasons.

Wrong. They impeached Clinton for lying under oath (see Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions) about his relations with other weomen and other immoral acts (See blowjob).

Close enough, it was because he lyed about the acts, although i think it was more about republicans wanting to discredit clinon and drag him threw the dirt to give themselves better chance in the next election.

Is that somehow different than what I said? We said the same thing, using different words. He was impeached for lying under oath = it was because he lyed about the acts (under oath implied).

He's doing that all in his own.

Kennedy is dead dude, he aint doing anything.

CIA has changed alot since then. with the spread of information today you can't go around kiling everyone. you have to kill their credibility/reputation.

"Back and To The Left"

that was grassy knoll, this is grassroots.

astroturf really, but if you don't look too closely it looks just as real

/u/conradsymes said:

astroturf really, but if you don't look too closely it looks just as real

I don't believe what we're seeing about Trump in the national media is a giant astroturfing campaign. That would be a small group of people trying to get out a propagandist message that appears to originate in grassroots outrage or response. But business is not going on as usual, Trump's administration is bizarre and dysfunctional in ways not seen for a very long time.

black magic voodoo it all may as well be




LBJ n the Bush CIA Corporation.

The people who fired the bullets and the people who made sure they were there to do so.

I saw a Netflix documentary that claimed it was an accidental shooting from the secret service, and it was surprisingly convincing.

But that dealt nothing with oswold and Jack Ruby...

What's it called?

Can't remember

Damn, sounds good.

It was about JFK's memory loss shortly after being shot in the head.

“JFK: The Smoking Gun”

No contact high?

I saw one on tv with Oswald having fired the first two and then the ss agent accidentally discharging his rifle for the third, which ultimately killed him.

Yeah that's the one

The investigator seemed legit

That's one of my favorite conspiracy theories, because it has that perfect mixture of incompetence and bad luck.

As the kill shot hit Kennedy, the driver recoils in the opposite direction from the President and Connolly. This is on the Zapruder film and is clear as day to see.

The number of discrepancies is enormous, not the least of which is a presidential assassin having no getaway vehicle ready.

I'm sure you meant a "mockumentary", didn't you?

I would think the first thing you learn as a Secret Service sniper would be to NOT aim your rifle at the president

That's why they covered it up. So embarrassing.

Basically the idea is the guy in the car behind was in the process of standing up and turning his gun from his seat to up and then behind him to return fire, driver slammed on the gas and the shooter fell back and accidentally shot

Not a sniper, one of the guys who was on the limo. Accidental discharge in response to Oswald's shots. The coverup is responsible for all the anomalies that fuel the conspiracy industry, e.g. magic bullet.

I encountered the theory back in '92 when it was published in a book by the Dallas coroner.

That makes a lot more sense

I heard this theory but it wasn't accidental, the guy who delivered the fatal shot was the secret service agent in the front right seat and it was convincing to me too but NO way that was an 'accident' no way in seven hells.

If the guy in front fired a bullet then it was intentional

Pulp Fiction has me convinced that someone in the front seat could accidentally shoot someone in the back seat. I dont think John Travolta purposely shot Marvin.

Ask him.

Honestly, it required advance planning. They couldn't cover such a thing up on the fly.

I can't even see why they would cover it up in such a situation.

It's the on-the-fly aspect that produced all the discrepancies. And you can't see why they would cover up the accidental killing of the President by one of the people who was supposed to protect him? For one thing, if they let it out, Oswald could only have been charged with attempted murder.

There's the thing about a massive shot being fired from inside the vehicle, which was the kill shot.

There were as many as a dozen CIA assassins in place, and many are holding "kill shot still needed" accouterments, such as a guy with an open umbrella as Kennedy rides past.

Youtube obv has the video, and it's very convincing.

Wait why not? I mean maybe they knew about oswold, but maybe not?

Why is it impossible the secret service on the fly just took the bodies, covered it all up, hired Jack Ruby so that oswold can't say he only shot twice?

even if it happened you think it's accidental?

I don't think the CIA had it in for him, after all, he gave them one of their best tools, the Peace Corps.

J Edgar Hoover had a ton of dirt on him, so the FBI is out.

The Mafia is a bunch of crooks...they could be useful tools, but conspiracy? They rat each other out all the time.

Secret Service itself? What motive?

Sometimes shit just happens.

I think Bobby would have been a more credible target, because he was already starting to drift to the left of his brother.

What were they shooting at if not kennedy? Or did they intend to only injure him?

Watch "Dark Legacy" on YouTube if you want to really dive deep and hear some compelling info.

It probably didnt deal with the fact that the secret service agents that ran alingside the car where called off

As unsexy as this theory is, it makes a hell of a lot of sense. It would account for the gunfire sound and smell of gunpowder that people reported near the motorcade, the unlikely trajectory of the bullet, the suspicious actions following the assassination (military guys in the autopsy, removal of the body from Texas, etc.) It's definitely the Occam's Razor theory of choice in my mind.

For anyone not aware of this theory, it proposes that Oswald actually did shoot from the book depository and in the commotion a Secret Service agent riding on the car accidentally discharged his weapon inadvertently killing the President, and that the Secret Service conspired to cover up the blunder after the fact.

Yeah did it not claim the agents were blind drunk the night before then one of them accidentally fired while sweating the booze out and trying to keep upright or something.

I liked that theory actually, it cracked me up. The reason it was covered up was because god forbid the rest of the world's government's see that the CIA were so incompetent that a hungover agent accidentally killed the president.

it all started with Operation 40 and the 5412 committee.

  • MLK Jr.

Rev. Dr. MLK Jr.

Don't be such a boot lick.

Maybe you should learn to have some respect for the man who fought and died for what he believed in despite knowing full well the lethal danger he faced.

Thats cool. But the asshole above me doesnt need to list all of MLK prefixes, as to make a point. We get it. He was a respectable member of society, no need to shove your respect of him in other people's faces.

I wasn't making a point. I just like how it looks and sounds with all the prefixes.

Alot of trump supporters see Trump as another mlk.teehee.

And Malcolm X.

A much smaller group of people.

The destroyed his body, but he was still beloved by the masses.

He did only say "I've" ever seen. JFK was before a lot of us were born.

i took "i've ever seen" to include history class and the internet, but fair enough.

Witnesses were killed as well.


karate chop to the throat

Did someone fucking Bruce Lee him or what?!

Bruce Lee taught the CIA that move.

Thats why Bruce had to die.

I LOL at the karate chop part.

Ted Cruz's father?

The best evidence yet that proves exactly how they did it..


Thank god this isn't the 60. Back then the WW2 generation were running things. All the people in the government had real life experience in how guns solve problems.

Believe me, JFK was never murdered. Ask anyone. Just more spread by fake news. /s

Do you think Ozymandias cared about a little death?

And MLK. People who actually for human rights. Trump is only standing up for him and his rich friends (aka the republican congressmen). People talk about the media being dishonest, all you need to do is read Trumps own words to understand who he is. He tweets lies and contradictions everyday. Its not the media making him look bad its his own damn self.

Comparing Trump to JFK. This sub switches from brilliance to horse dung really fast.

Yeah CNN saying "Trump said nuke! It's literally end times!" Is totally the same thing /s

There's a difference between simply one-offing a person with a bullet versus discrediting and slandering someone in every facet of life - news, media, entertainment, politics, family.

you're right, it's much better to be murdered than to endure media criticism

Trump's a pos,and so are his fans.

That was staged to prove that you have no power. Same thing will happen to Trump if too many people believe in him.

Well yea, but we're still talking about it and aware of the motivating behind it. Discrediting someone through the media is cleaner and harder to trace.

Yeah. Shitposting 101.

Came here to say exactly this. This sub has such a boner for one of the worst and most underhanded businessmen in American history and I'll never understand why. Trump is running the country like any number of his failed business ventures. Yes he was a better choice than Hillary, but south park predicted this elections and most others. Please choose between August douche and a turd sandwich. We picked turd sandwich this time is all. I honestly don't think they needed to fake anything to discredit him is all, this is business as usual for Trump. Argue all you want that they are faking this shot to smear him, but we're talking about Amman who supported Hillary for years before the election and right up until he announced his run. He's just the other side of the same coin so I don't care how bad he looks and for how long.

Why do you suppose a NY property magnet had to cosy up to the NY political scene? The answer is obvious, so much so that acting like it is some significant data point to decoding Trump's character or motivations is asinine.

what's happening to Trump now is more analogous to what happened to Nixon than JFK.

Yeah but the media wasn't as biased back then than it is now

The irony in President JFK dying is that the people that wanted him dead did succeed in killing him but it's like he's not dead at all. He's immortal in a sense. Thank you JFK. Didn't take shit off of nobody!

He is deserving of all the criticism he gets. Very dangerous man. Scares the heck out of me. I have always been a moderate conservative but his brand of leadership offends my sensibilities. Not a good example of what America is supposed to stand for. Convinced he is a total con man & not to be trusted. The entire world can't be wrong. No integrity.

trump isnt a conservative, he's a power hungry dictator

(Dialed the 7 digits, called up Bridget?)

I think that these guys like it. They need to be ruled

The last eight years all I kept hearing was how Obama was going to change the laws and make himself dictator for life. I don't know where the hell they came up with that BS line, it's not like Obama ever did anything that would remotely suggest he would make a play for that kind of power, but I guess it just shows the level of paranoia invoked by someone who actually made a difference for some people.

On the other hand... Trump is so self-righteous and has such a fragile ego that I really can see him changing the law in December 2020 if he is beat by a significant margin. And that really does scare me.

it's almost like a constituency was brainwashed into thinking their supposed enemy next door to them was planning that all along but the real kicker was it was being a bred mentality from within for when their own base went for the totalitarian rule and by then you'd already be conditioned to think it's a good idea since it's your guy calling for that control...

at what point do people stop treating politics like sports teams and realize everyone is getting hurt in the long run when we hate our neighbors so vehemently over ridiculously polarizing issues that will never be passed unless totalitarian rule takes over.

and if it comes to that then what are you defending? because it won't be the constitution built to guide us as leaders of the free world, it'll be a regime...

You know you're screwed when you are looking towards the EU to put your country in check

You sound like Trump. Very dangerous man. No integrity.

Nice non-arguments.

Not like the guy said crazy and stupid shit or anything

Like, I dunno, saying he wants to bomb civilians (which is war crime).

OP laid out so many arguments as well

The entire world can't be wrong.

argumentum ad populum

incidentally, kudos to you on the masterful replication of the president's rhetorical style. i laughed.

The entire world thought the Earth was flat. They were wrong. Some still do, unfortunately.

No they didn't

Actually, a lot did. Whether they all did is irrelevant to my point. My point is that consensus doesn't determine factuality.

This is probably the most classically characterized 'limited hangout' comment I've read in awhile

Really? AFAIK Trump wasn't the one who fucked up the middle east by invading sovereign countries.

The middle east has been fucked up literally since the dawn of civilization.

You cant blame that on any modern person.

Except for the long ass period where the middle east WAS civilization.

Umayyad bro?

Yes. It was also pretty much constantly at war even then.

So was the Roman Empire. So was the British empire. So are we.

Your argument in no way falsifies the original point you're rebutting.

The fact is, the dude who replied to you is right and you're wrong, like it or not.

He is bombing the hell out of civilians pretty consistently over there. Check out the numbers if you haven't kept up.

It's almost as if the military continues its set missions when a new president comes in. Crazy!

No, Trump stepped it up by a factor of five from Obama's leveol.

Obama destroyed an entire country - Libya. Trump has yet to do that


Are you seriously trying to take responsibility off Trump, like he's not the one in charge of whether or not missions take place?

Remember that one mission that Michael Flynn called off, which the Obama admin set up, because Turkey didn't want the Kurds to gain any territory and Flynn was being bribed by the Turkish government.

So Flynn and the Trump admin called off the attack and handed Erdogan, a Turkish dictator now, a win over the US supported rebels.

But yeah, go ahead and try to tell me how Trump isn't directly responsible for the military and hiring people like Flynn. I won't hold my breath.

That's how it works. Bad things under a Republican are due to the previous Democrat, good things under a Democrat are due to the previous Republican, no matter what the time lapse is. It's just simple logic.

Obama inherits all of Bush's problems, and all of Trump's! But Trump is being treated so unfairly!

No, no, you shill, it's obvious to anyone who pays attention that Obama is responsible for all of Bush's troubles, and Trump's as well. It's just a good thing Trump is such a business genius and fixed the unemployment rate during his first month in office.

I knew this was sarcasm but I could actually see a Trump supporter saying that. Poe's Law dominates this timeline.

by US supported rebels you mean ISIS? then thank fuck that mission was called off.

Don't think there are a lot of Kurds in ISIS.

The president is in charge of the military. Obama personally signed off on every drone strike. Trump could stop them if he wanted.

Its almost as if we have to take ISIS the fuck out of Syria, Iraq and Libya.

Thanks Obama!

No that was the Turks, followed by the British. The us got involved after that. But it is crazy that we have been fighting over there with no end in sight for over 50 years.

I buy about 66% of the stuff I hear about him. St It is my opinion however that those who think he is here to be the heir to JFK or the destroyer of the deep state are delusional.

He is business as usual without the polish of Obama or the "charm" of W. Other than that he is a rich man trying to enrich his own, everyone else be damned.

The rest of the establishment politicians seem to do it without pissing off the entire global community...

I am writing this from my slave labor camp

Am I rite?

The entire world can be wrong... and often. It's called religion.

That said- I agree with you, however look at who the alternative candidate was...


I'm like literally shaking right now!

and by "entire world" you mean the entire media, staffed by graduates of globalist indoctrination schools and owned by globalists

What countries have populations that like Trump?

half of the US voted for him for one thing, and that was under full talmudvision barrage

half of the US voted for him for one thing, and that was under full talmudvision barrage

Actually less than half of eligible American Voters voted for him.

Gallup lists his approval rating at 38%: http://www.gallup.com/poll/201617/gallup-daily-trump-job-approval.aspx

Even a majority of American's don't like him.

lets see the outcome of the DOJ investigation into voter fraud and how many millions of those were dead democrats and mexican nationals

So your whole argument than is that millions of fake votes were cast by Democrats? How did they lose the election in swing states then? Why not cast some fake votes in Wisconsin or Florida instead of states like California and New York?

there's a limit to how much fraud you can get away with

And they only chose to commit fraud - which you have no evidence for - in states that always vote Democrat? Surely you must realize this is ridiculous.

there is a federal investigation into voter fraud going on right now

check this space in six months to a year

the places that vote democrat are also the ones with no voter ID requirements. what a coincidence

Are you really arguing that 0 evidence of election fraud and a non-sensical plan of attack by democrats adds up to Trump winning the popular vote? Feels over reals I guess.

voter fraud is a democrat party tradition. see this new york democrat speaking frankly about how they bus around dems to vote multiple times on election day:


they have been getting away with it for so long, they don't even fear prosecution. that's about to change

..... so this is all the evidence you have of this conspiracy?

.01 shekel has been added to your shareblue account

Removed. Rule 10.

Lol, you mean the Republican pushed investigation so they can justify even more voting restrictions? It's sad the only way they can stay in power is by not allowing certain people to vote and redrawing the district lines every so often. You can't be this dense

Everyone should take note at these types of responses. There is a clear attempt to shift the focus of the previous post. It is designed to elicit an emotional response to an entirely different subject. The goal is to steer the conversation and take control of people's attention. A quick look through this users history will show a pattern of doing this. It is likely this person/account is a paid poster. Do not allow yourself to be caught up with this type of distraction. Do not give them control over you. Downvote, ignore, and move on. Remain vigilant at all times.

hmm yes citizenship is a pretty strict requirement in this globalized world

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_suppression_in_the_United_States#/editor/13

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 79285

No helper bot, I fucked up the link!

they be standing with the burning hoods at the polling stations, massa

Right because there is no such thing as a fraudulent poll. Who owns Gallup? Is it a nonprofit with no political or monetary affiliations?

(No really, I don't know for sure. But I am always dubious about poll companies and fact checkers. "Trust us, this guy is bad news - these ones are A-OK though!")

Show me one poll, one, that shows Trump with more than 50% of American's liking him.

No they didn't lol

Not even half of the country voted period.... and of that group, not even half voted for him then.

And his popularity has only sunk further since then.

"scares me" - lol

There are a lot of countries and leaders who like Trump though. Just look at the press conference with the President of Romania last week.

Well my mind is made up, lol!

In addition, I am thoroughly amazed at the correlation between Trump's behavior and actions and that of Adolph Hitler in the 1930's. It is nothing short of amazing. So many decent German people thought Hitler was the answer to all their problems just like we are seeing with Trump's die hard supporters now.

Remember how Hitler hired his jew son in law, remember how Hitlers daughter converted to jew? Remember how Hitlers sons both married jews? Neither does Pepperidge Farms.

You're getting too hung up on Jews, friend. Here's a hint- it doesn't have to be the same ethnic minority targeted each time an authoritarian tries to ride the wave to power.

"DAE Trump is literally Hitler! Well ok he's not really anything like Hitler but let me explain and do some mental gymnastics to make a faint comparison!"

Is that what you call mental gymnastics?

hmm, it was 109 times in 84 nations previous.

exploding muslims are a much more valid reason for an authoritarian leader than shekel hoarding jews. complete false equivalence.

Wait, they have Pepperidge Farms in Deutschland?

snickerdoodle swastikas.

We've been closely mimicking the 20s and 30s since before the recession. I remember thinking about similarities to the 20s even before the crash. Everything since has been surprisingly textbook. A long, slow recovery bringing out the worst natures of people, leading to a rash of populist right-wing leaders blaming a marginalized group. All against a backdrop of rapid technological change and spreading drought/climate worries.

I hope we can avoid the World War before the reforms begin.

You ever hear of Barrack Obama? And as the other poster said, JFK took one in the brain.

And Bill Clinton

Dare I say Hillbot as well?

I use my real name and have a multi-decade online trail of opposing both Clintons, both Bush's, Obama, and Trump. Just pointing out that Bill Clinton, Obama, and Trump have been about equally under fire - I don't care, just an observation.

I don't disagree. I think they all take a lot of fire and rightfully so. However, it seems to be partisan bullshit most of the time.

It certainly has the appearance of being partisan. However, it seems sometimes the partisan goals coincide with globalist goals - e.g. perhaps the globalists felt Bill Clinton was too hard to control.

Id argue W took his fair share of flak too. I fundamentally disagree with everything he stood for and did in office, but Id say he had just as much nonsense criticisims as obama did (with the exception of the birther thing)

GWB was a "war president" and was fairly immune until his Great Recession.

I mean. The 4th best selling album of 2005 was about how dumb he was. His approval rating was sub 50 most of his second term, and the recession didn't hit til near the end of it.

I would be happy to have the hillbot at this point. Gorsuch was the biggest loss this country will feel until the next supreme justice dies.

Man, me too. I hate her guys, but it would be a circus. Hopefully that idiot "god emperor" burns this shit to the ground so these fascists never get government jobs again.

He's a crook and deserves it all.

Wow a lot of dedication here, must be like a full-time job!

6 shekels have been deposited in your account.

Too bad almost all of your sources were in bed with the Clinton campaign or openly pro Clinton, so their credibility is extremely low. They could be telling 100% the truth, but after how they fucked up during the election, not many people will believe them. I know I don't.

Must be nice to live in a world where literally anything you don't like, even with proof attached, can be safely ignored. You realize Trump is the establishment now, right?

And the media were part of the establishment well before Trump ran and went after him the hardest. What does that tell you?

Question is, where from? Perhaps a PDF?

A Jew and shill joke all rolled into one. You must not get invited to many social gatherings.

Social gatherings are Zionist psyops designed to increase enjoyment of life and discredit independent journalism.

You must not get invited to many social gatherings.

Oh no, you got me there. Shit. Gonna kms now.

So you dont get paid per post, but per line. Or is it link?

That's a lot of unsubstantiated claims in one post.

Some of this is good, but the claims of Russians hacking the DNC for example, is based on absolutely laughable evidence

reported for spam

I'll reported you for harassment then.

Removed. Rule 2.

All mainstream media links. Color me shocked. Can you squeeze in a few more Washington Post links?

You do realize your sources are as liberal as they come with an absolute agenda to make trump look bad by any means necessary (even publishing fake news and opinion pieces daily). I see Chicago tribune and washington post and ny times all over your post.

Attacking the political leanings of the sources, not the actual claims. Classic.

The claims are not even legit most of the time. I'm totally on board if a claim is legit to see them through. Most of what I read are not even true news. They're nothing more than an opinion piece by one of their journalists. How is that even worthy of reading? Its no different than me giving you my opinion based on how I feel. I could go and refute claims with at least one source of my choosing. It is the sad state of fake news today on both sides. Someone can post an article about russian whores and piss and we should believe it with no evidence? As long as there are no consequences it wont change. A week later they just retract it or delete the article.


Mods deleted it, what was the comment?

Haha there's no bias here. Fart noise.

He's a crook and deserves it all.

The liberals should be targeting Citizens United instead. This obsession of theirs is unhealthy, what do they want, Pence?

You can dislike Citizens United and dislike Trump at the same time believe it or not, and I'm assuming most liberals would prefer Pence just because he wouldn't have the cult of personality that Trump has

I'm assuming most liberals would prefer Pence just because he wouldn't have the cult of personality that Trump has

in your interpretation, is the 'liberal' objection to cults of personality as such or to the fact that president trump has one?

is the 'liberal' objection to cults of personality

We had Obama for 8 years, they must not hate the COP too much.

Obama was well liked by liberals but not nearly to the extent that die hard Trump supporters worship Trump if that's what you're trying to get at

Die hard Trump supporters are a rabid minority of virtual neo Nazis. Most Trump supporters would have voted for any Republican, and a whole lot of them would have voted for Bernie!

Die hard Trump supporters are a rabid minority of virtual neo Nazis. Most Trump supporters would have voted for any Republican, and a whole lot of them would have voted for Bernie!

They sure as fuck didn't/still don't mind Obama's.

Yup, and I do dislike Trump and Citizens United both, but the democrat liberals who voted for Hllary don't just dislike Trump, they obsess and are rabid. And they are willing to put up with Citizens United and a Democratic Party that is totally in bed with Wall Street!

We should be building a new party at this point, both existing parties are totally hopeless.

I mean you could say the same for republicans when Obama took office, and it's not like Trump has been controversy free since he's been POTUS

And dems have very little power right now, while republicans control just about every branch of government, so of course it's understandable they're going to focus on that and criticize Trump

And Pence doesn't have the political capital that Trump has

Its very possible that Trump will be replaced by Pence. Pence has more insider political capital than Trump does, played a huge role under Cheney during the post 9/11 build up for war.

We should all be targeting Citizens United, as it upsets everyone's say in gov't (not that they'd listen anyway).

The irony of you saying this is that Citizens United is the result of Hillary Clinton trying to silence free speech. You might want to read what the case actually was about before you talk about it.

I'm not sure what irony you're accusing me of. I didn't say anything about HRC, I want Citizens United gone.

You didn't mention anything about HRC because you don't really know what Citizens United is about. This sub pretty vehemently hates Clinton. Citizens United created a documentary aimed at then Senator Clinton during the 2008 race, and ran ads to urge others to order it on-demand to watch.

The outcome of the case after reaching the Supreme Court was that the Government may not suppress political speech on the basis of the speaker’s corporate identity. Banning all corporations from political speech is too broad anyway, and the reasoning for the ban, that 'corporations are good at making money so lets not let them use it' is insufficient reasoning.

PS. Media outlets are corporations too... So all these media outlets, newspapers, etc. etc. would be banned from running ads or publishing content, for example, of speaking out against a candidate during election time. I sure do bet Hillary wished Citizens United was gone too, because she would've won the damned Presidency.

Yeah it's not like Trump is an idiot or is doing stupid shit.

*Climate change

*Indirectly hyping racists

*Making his swamp team pay less taxes.

*Muslim ban (didn't ban the Saudis that were the majority in the 911 attacks)

*Pushing tougher drug laws

*Killing net neutrality

Pence or the other Republicans wouldn't have done that stuff? Hillary would not have stopped the drug war and would probably have sold the internet down the river, and pushed fracking like crazy. Its not about Trump. We need to dump the Democrats and the Republicans.

Third party 👊🏼

To bad it's a long process

Cool hit piece talking points. You definitely aren't molding a narrative. /s

which of those things is incorrect?

At this stage "hit piece" and "talking points" are talking points. Every time anyone criticizes Trump someone says they're reiterating talking points handed to them by ThemTM. Not long ago I was accused of making a "hit piece" by linking to Trump's twitter.

Now add gay conversion therapy and you've got Pence.

Congrats, you just played yourself.


Uhh you just contradicted yourself. I'm pretty sure the Saudis are Muslim.

Then why didn't Donald ban the Saudis?


Because it wasn't a Muslim ban at all, it was a temporary ban on travel from countries whose governments were so broken that you could literally get a complete untraceable fake identity for $80, and moreover, it wasn't actually a ban on travel because you could still travel to the US if you visited a US consulate for additional vetting of your identity.

But yeah, keep on telling us about this Muslim ban.

Partisan thinking like this is part of the problem. As long as you think Citizen United is only a problem for liberals,you're missing the big picture. Citizen United legalized corporate bribery which is how the bankers and corporatists control our politicians.

I was speaking in terms of the liberals who have trump derangement syndrome, that instead of focusing on trump, they would be better off targeting citizens united.

the effort to take down trump of course comes from more than liberals.

the partisan wars need so much money to wage that both parties must have corporate money, so neither party will tackle citizens united.

Well he doesn't appear to be particularly well organized but he does seem to be doing a good job of destroying himself.

Trump himself, spent 8 years trying to prove that Obama wasn't a US citizen. Fuck him, and his fucking kids too.

That's not a nice thing to say about Sasha and Malia.

Ah the ole reddit Obama-roo.

No link because mobile

Not really his fault the certificate was forged lol

not sure why the downvotes when an investigation proved this.

I don't think it's common knowledge, MSM completely ignored the press conference of the findings of 8 (?) points of forgery lol

Because it was bullshit. The birth certificate was layered using the default OCR functions of adobe acrobat's "optimize pdf". People here paid attention, but it was easily debunked.

Because there are tons of bots in this thread. Just look at the top level comments and their scores compared to those of the replies.

Its true I don't recall seeing other posts in this sub with the same amount of votes for a single comment.

There never were that many votes and I found that different opinions would rise to the top more frequently.

Cuz shills

It'd get upvoted more if a source was linked I imagine

Also the birth announcements in the local newspapers. Total forgeries!

This guy knows better than multiple independent forensic researchers who concluded its inauthenticity.

Fuck him, and his fucking kids too.

You're a partisan hack.

This guy knows better than multiple independent forensic researchers who concluded its inauthenticity.

LOL what forensic researchers? Orly Taitz?

You mean the sheriff known for his racism, abuse of power, and misuse of funds? The sheriff who the us department of Justice e found oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling in history? That's the guy I trust to tell me the truth about our first black presidents birth certificate.


so you're STILL saying obama was a kenyan?

you know his presidency is over, right? and that you're insane, right?

I'm not saying anything other than there's legitimate proof that it's fake. You mad?

I'm not saying anything other than there's legitimate proof that it's fake. You mad?

right, i get what you're saying, but you're not getting what i'm saying: your proof isn't legitimate.

not today, not any day. no legitimate document you can introduce here will show that barack obama was born in kenya.

i'm just disappointed.

Never mentioned Kenya. Literally only talking about the birth cert.

it doesnt make a whit of difference. you haven't proven anything. you haven't showed any real sources. you need to ditch this incorrect thought stat


Seriously though, what his kids do? They are constantly getting blamed for shit they didn't do.

His kids helped him get elected, work in the White House and act as his surrogates. They work for him. They share the blame.


Hmm maybe because Obama's birth certificate was a proven fraud

Hmmm, and again, saying it over and over again, doesn't make it true.

The investigators proved the birth certificate was forged. Have you watched the video where they go through all the evidence?

This isn't one of those things, that if you just keep repeating the same illogical bullshit over and over again, it magically becomes true.

You mean like MSM does with this Russia lie? A lot of idiots believe that now

No, that is not even remotely what I mean. There is an active, I repeat ACTIVE, meaning ongoing, continuing, not closed, not resolved, investigation into whatever the fuck it was that Russia was up to. Pull your fucking head out of your ass.

Yes, but that's completely unrelated to Trump. There is no current investigation into Trump. Per Comey testimony.

No need to get all pissy

Yo, deputy dumbass, where the fuck did I mention Trump?

Cry more baby

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Wait, you mean how "russia" (Seth Rich) leaked Hillarys emails that caused her to lose the election? How dare they! Let's focus on Russia and not the content of the emails themselves

Looks like r/The_Donald is missing an idiot.

Watch the fucking testimony if you don't believe me

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

What was that about evidence?

Stalking my account now, huh? Sad.

The hour-long video of the official investigators presenting all the points of forgery on the certificate is accessible for all to see, the first step is looking for it. I could link it to you if you can't be bothered Googling ~10 words, but we both know you wouldn't watch that.

It seems to me you're stalking my account now because you're frustrated that I exposed your bullshit and you couldn't back up your claims. An understandable response, albeit childish. Have fun!

How many times have you commented on others histories?

If it's sad for me its sad for you bud

Did you want to watch the video evidence, or remain an ignorant child? You can't seem to follow a conversation for more than 2 minutes.


I can actually provide links, but lemme guess snopes is a bad word, even though they source and link their claims that debunk your nonsense

The March “Cold Case Posse” investigation of Barack Obama’s birth certificate conducted by Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio produced no new evidence demonstrating that document to be a forgery; that entity’s report by Mara Zebest simply recycled old arguments that had long since been thoroughly debunked in detail. Likewise, a July 2012 announcement from Sheriff Arpaio repeated more rumors that had already been debunked.

That's all they've written in response to the investigators video and points of evidence. They provide no examples, no external sources. You're simply taking their word without even watching the sheriff's video in the first place.

they source and link their claims that debunk your nonsense

No, they didn't. A single paragraph of writing on the matter is not "sourcing and linking"

I don't think you even read the Snopes article.

I see you ignored a whole lot from what they said

And you still haven't actually provided anything for anyone to directly refute. Cause you know you're a liar just like trump and his claims. That's why he doesn't talk about the birth certificate, did you forget he went on tv and said he believes he was born in Hawaii?

Did he lie then or originally?

His dumbass is destroying himself.

He really is his own worst enemy. He goes on those Twitter tirades to the extent that Spicer said they are official statements. So now his 6AM random tweets that he clearly hasn't out a lot of thought into ARE official records - referenced in senate hearings and that most recent Supreme Court ruling on the travel ban.

Were you asleep during the Obama Presidency when there were calls for revolution by Rep Steven King and Senator Ted Cruz and the birth of the Tea Party Revolutionaries

Have you forgotten all those radio talkers, like Limbaugh, Levin and others urging them to, "do something," to remove Obama?

lol u cannot compare how obama was treated to how trump is treated. Can u imagine if the things that the MSM says about Trump today were said about obama? Literally not even a comparison.

You are correct, there was never a single article or opinion editorial that didn't attack Obama. It was constant and unremitting including ridiculous things like his bowing to leaders, how his first trip overseas cost $100 zillion dollars and the entire pacific fleet to accompany him and the White house was full of Muslim terrorists.

Don't forget birtherism!

Alternatively, can you imagine what they would do if Obama had acted like Trump? Or shared his history of three ex wives with a string of kids and a tendency to not pay his bills?

Jesus Christ he wore mom jeans, bowed to the Japanese prime minister, and tried to expand healthcare, and he was called the worst most horrible things.

He didn't do SHIT compared to Trump as far as corruption and abuse of power.

The fuck is wrong with /r/conspiracy? Obama's war on journalists, secret drone wars, and [expansion of the unconstitutional survillence programs](nothingburger? ) is a nothingburger now? Our govt has been co-opted by neoliberals/neoconservatives hell bent on destroying our constitution and engaging in endless wars our entire lifetimes...

Oh no those are real.

But media coverage of him compared to Trump? Like the media is unfair to Trump somehow? That was the argument

Any of those things are 1000x worse than anything Trump has done yet but still got less MSM coverage than Ivanka using a line from Michelle Obama speech. Why hasn't the media covered the end of the TPP? I hate trump's personality and vernaical style but that single thing is the biggest win for average everyday Americans in possibly my entire lifetime and I would say 99% of people aren't even aware that it's happened.

I find it difficult to think of a way in which the media is fair to him in any respect whatsoever. Could you name one?

There's narrative forming going on, sit back and watch.

For real! Like that time he didn't sell guns to Mexican cartels and that time he didn't use federal law enforcement agencies and the IRS to attack political opponents and didn't have his AG lie about it under oath, and that time he didn't run weapons against international law through an embassy in Libya and how when that embassy got attacked he didn't lie to the whole world about what was going on there, and the whole thing was just a few good non-terrorist Muslims upset about a YouTube video. Glad nine of those things happened!

1) Fast and Furious was fucked, never said it wasn't, nice straw man though 2) Benghazi was bullshit. 3) never said he was perfect or great, but most the shit people complained about was FUCKING STUPID.

he ran an anti-war campaign and drone bombed ppl every single day of his presidency. He also sold arms to Saudi just as we are doing now.

Actually, it's worse than that. The $110 billion dollar deal we have all heard about was an absolutely fake story designed to convince supporters that he is going back on his word. The only deals that may eventually go to the Senate for approval were deals initiated by the Obama administration.

As someone who was fooled by Obamas progressive rhetoric he did MANY terrible things. Don't pretend he was some innocent little angel who didn't dirty his hands. There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of Obama.

Expanded 2 wars to 7, bailed out the Bankers while jailing none(now he gets 400k speech bribes from them), Fast and Furious scandal, Dropping thousands of bombs in the poorest countries in the world, continuing the immoral "War on Drugs", didn't investigate the Bush administration on Iraq War lies, protected Drug and Health Insurance companies profits by passing the Republicans Health Care plan from the 90s instead of pushing for Single Payer(Cause profits matter more than lives), Guantanamo is still open, Pushed fracking around the world, Opened up offshore drilling.

You want more ? I can go all day listing off his failures but I'm sure you have an excuse for all of them, huh? He was only a tiny improvement from George Bush and company, but that's mostly because he put a prettier face and smoother voice on the terrible shit they were doing.

You show your lack of knowledge (or is it your narrative?) with posts like yours.

Educate yourself!

Obama: A legacy of ashes

Alternatively, can you imagine what they would have done if Obama had acted like Trump?

That's the idiocy of OP's logic in this post. Why should we expect equivalency in the response to Trump and Obama when they couldn't be less alike? Trump is opposed to this extent because he is a joke.

They've gone far beyond attacking him for the stuff he's done though.

Comey acknowledged under oath that the NYT published a completely fabricated story about Trump/Russia. Considering the world-wide credibility that the NYT carries, that should greatly concern everyone.

Either the NYT made up the story to attack Trump, or the intelligence community leaked false information to a journalist to mislead them. But, considering they said multiple sources confirmed it, it seems likely that it's some combination of the two. Whether you like Trump or not, we should be really leary of cheering on an intelligence apparatus that is lying to undermine an elected president.

which story was it?


and the story comey was specifically talking about:


and NY Times says they stand behind their reporting at the time as multiple sources confirmed it.

So either

  • Comey is lying about it being false
  • NYT is lying about sources telling them the information was true, and/or multiple sources confirming it
  • The sources that told them it were lying

I don't know if there's another alternative that I'm not considering..

The thing is, he's not a joke at all. He is perfectly serious, in a very powerful position, able to do a lot of harm (or good) in the world.

If he were a joke, then none of this would matter. But he's not a joke, and it does matter.

How is he not a joke? He has zero integrity and talks like he forgot to take his adderall

Neither of those elements you describe have anything to do with whether he is a joke or not. The fact that America actually elected him might seem like a colossal practical joke on the rest of the world, but that's as far as it goes. The man himself is no joke at all.

I'm really failing to see your point of view. The man goes on Twitter rants in the middle of the night and stops to applaud himself in the middle of his own speeches. How is he not a joke?

These things mean absolutely nothing. You are utterly distracted by trinkets. It's pure show, empty of form and substance. Meanwhile, what is Trump actually doing as President of a planetary superpower? Plenty, and it's not a joke.

Ahh I didn't realize we were talking semantics. OK well when I say joke I actually mean "moronic puppet"

Well, let's see, there's Obama's slush fund, the hot mic russia quote, or any of these amusing gaffes, my favorite being the '57 states' one.

I think it's more a matter of people closing their eyes to the misdeeds of people on their side. I know I tend to be guilty of this.

Ever see the video of how chicken McNuggets were made? Trump calls it chicken at the end of it and the rest of us are fairly certain it's a byproduct. Trump can't understand the difference.

Alternatively, can you imagine what they would have done if Obama had acted like Trump? Nepotism, violating emoluments, the Russia stuff, the gaffes. Or even if he had just shared Trump's history of three ex wives with a string of kids and a tendency to not pay his bills?

Is this ironic, or is conspiracy actually just another shill hive? I mean look at /u/Maedb's history ffs. No interest in actual conspiracies, just an obsession with posting anti-Trump talking points.

Obama did do all that and more. He's on a hot mic colluding with Russia. Trump didn't collude at all according to FBI.

Nepotism like giving Biden's son a ton of Ukraine contracts.

Pretty sure every President has violated emoluments by the degree you can argue Trump has.

The gaffes "if if if if if if they cling to their guns and religion"

Ex wives vs being a pot smoking hippy. About equal there with past baggage.

So he did act like Trump. A lot of people actually think there is an irony in that Obama paved the way for Trump with his identity politics.

I mean.... Obama also didnt DO the stupid things trump does that allow those to be said... Can you imagine if Obama tweeted this?


or this

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/871328428963901440 (Imagine if Tony Blair criticized Guilani after 9/11)

Or how about said this about his opponent 9 months after winning?


Now consider the fact that I only had to go back through his twitter TWO WEEKS.

Or how about the more basic stuff like confusing counsel and council? His tweets consistently display improper word usage and basic spelling errors. He consistently demonstrates a gross level of incompetence that would get a newly minted 22 year old professional quickly fired from their job. I mean, simply the fact that fucking twitter is his primary means of communication to the electorate...

He legit didn't talk like this that long ago.

It's a fairly reasonable theory that he's going senile.

Come back to me when it's "totally normal and accepted" to say that obama sucks israel's dick. Because anybody who said that would have gotten their show canceled and blacklisted from the media.

And yet Colbert is still proudly on the air for saying the same thing about trump and putin.

But for the fact that his mouth IS putin's cock holster.

our countrys intel agencies confirmed that russia meddled and he still cant say a negative word about putin. Colbert was right.

Which ones, and how? I've literally seen no proof other than wild allegations


youll be sad to hear they didnt release their classified raw info or assets or sources. This is far from a wild allegation, though

So, this document states that Russian agencies employed paid online trolls. And has been recanted by both agencies since its publication.

Hardly "election hacking"

is this strawman election hacking your using?

define the term

No, instead they resorted to attacking him for wearing tan suits and calling him president poupon for asking for spicy mustard.

Yeah, can you imagine if Trump had his birth and nationality questioned, his wife a transgender, him a gay man that murdered someone, congressman sending "Barack the magic negro", signs outside the Whitehouse showing him as an African tribal leader eating watermelon, news mad he salutes with coffee, mad he wears mom jeans, mad his wife gardens, mad he bows to Japanese, called him a Marxist terrorist socialist muslim...





yeah like how he's going to be impeached because russia stuff

Absolutely, If the MSM had been all over Bengazhi the way they have been "Fake News" and the Russia conspiracy, Obama would have been unable to beat Romney. Bengazhi and the order to "stand down" happened on the anniversary of 9/11 which was practically 2 months before the election. The MSM worked hand in hand with the Obama Administration to push the YouTube video as fact when they knew it was a lie. They went so far as Cathy Crowley correcting Romney in the middle of a televised debate. Where were the CIA and FBI sources then (the same sources sworn to secrecy) who go out of their way to leak unsubstantiated innuendo and rumors and the MSM print as fact.

"had his birth and nationality questioned, his wife a transgender, him a gay man that murdered someone, congressman sending "Barack the magic negro", signs outside the Whitehouse showing him as an African tribal leader eating watermelon, news mad he salutes with coffee, mad he wears mom jeans, mad his wife gardens, mad he bows to Japanese, called him a Marxist terrorist socialist muslim..."

The difference is in the MSM . These allegations were made for sure (by FOX) but the rest of main stream Media defended each and every one of these things. They countered them and painted them to be the smear campaign they were. They also whitewash and ignore certain stories favoring this ongoing tit-for-tat infighting between the 2 parties. In other words, they refuse to cover other candidates and promote only the 2 party leaders. Seems they only cover other party's candidates when the public forces them to.

Also see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZVv2AOCnaA

How much of the FNC stuff was filling the 24 hour news cycle? We know crazies are out there and I remember FNC looking hard for what controversy they could. I recall a bit about the Japanese but the bowing to the Saudi King set that meme off. Since 11/08/16 it has looked, to me anyway, more like a concerted effort to delegitimize the current Administration. It didn't take long for "not my President" to show up or for hidden forces to orchestrate the women's march on the same day as the inauguration. And on and on (it took less than eight months to write, fund, cast and rehearse a play which depicts Trumps assassination? Come on.

In my little mind I see this as an all out war being waged by and the coordination funded by one person, George Soros. He has the where with all, he has the desire and we can damn well bet that no one in the MSM will either investigate or report on any activities perpetrated by this man. They pretty well took care of accusations of his organizing the disruptions at Trump rallies with the whole "fake news" canard.

I do think that President Trump comes off as unhinged and overly sensitive at times. I do wish he would stop with the Twitter rants (though I can understand his believing that that is the only way he can get his message out to the people) because the whole Twitter thing comes off as incoherent and sad, imho. (oh, and I agree with Conan)

yeh, I got a big ole eye opener when I listened to a YT expose abt the white helmets. The involvement of NGO's and the way they are funded. The sheer numbers of these orgs. USAID is the one who "assisted" in Haiti while the Clinton's gave contracts to their buddies. They built very few homes and many of the ppl there still don't have running water or toilets, living in squalor after the world donated millions(maybe billions) of dollars. Hillary's brother is in charge of a gold mine tho. SOROS has his finger in all these pies it seems.

You must not have watched Fox News just about ever during the Obama years.

or, he thought the obama criticism was reasonable.

No shit. Obama wore a tan suit, and what did the MSM say? Nothing! Complete free pass! The double standard is so obvious!


Did anyone ever take them seriously? No

Should they have? Probably

Were those calls constant on all MSM during six months, cause I can't seem to remember it?

Maybe because you never looked at it I am certain a day never passed that Fox didn't spend all day harping about how that KenyanMuslimCommieMarxistSocialist was the greatest dictator ever.

And I suppose you have forgotten entirely how during 2012, Donald Trump spent the entire year, "proving," Obama's birth certificate was forged. /lol

The level of hatred is not even close to the same. I'm very neutral politically and I was during Obama's campaigns and terms. From a neutrals viewpoint it's literally day and night difference. The few people that went against Obama were shut down totally in the press. The press is leading the charge against Trump with lies and manipulation every single day since he started running and 100 times worse once Trump got into office. If you can't see it take off your Trump hating goggles for a minute.

"few" people /lol

I think you were asleep then, because it was impossible to read anything that didn't include a few attacks on Obama and you have forgotten Trump's own year long Birther campaign in 2012.

You bring up 2 points that were constantly being belitttled and shut down in rhe press the moment they showed up. Take a moment and turn on ABC, CBS, NBC, bbq, sky news, or any msm... And time how long before the spin shows up against Trump. I promise if we did the same experiment 8 yrs ago it would be eye opening to you.

Again, im neutral so I see the deception on both sides since im not being dragged along by my own biases.

Sorry, no thanks I don't watch or listen to any of that bull shit and haven't for years.

If that's true then it speaks volumes about your lack of context. Which speaks volumes about your having no idea what you're talking about.

There are always text versions, and your own boy lead the 2012 Birther attack.

Good thing he said lead the movement and not started it.

Then don't argue a point about what was or wasn't said by the media

I do read the text versions.

This is insane. You were asleep most of Obama's presidency. It's the only way to explain your level if delusion.

If you turned on Fox, sure, plenty of anti-Obama rhetoric. Name one other channel. Meanwhile, literally every channel is running anti-Trump material, and even Fox is majority anti-Trump.

But don't take my fucking word for it. Harvard did the research. Harvard ain't exactly conservative.

AM radio....

Now there's a fringe sector. Who listens to AM radio any more? Or even 10 years ago?

Uhhh.... millions of Americans. Where do you think Alex Jones became popular? Have you ever heard of Rush Limbaugh?

Are you kidding me or being purposefully obtuse?

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the only tool left to the loser.

I'm sure that applies to something. Maybe not here but i'm sure that applies somewhere.

Oh, no, it does. See, bro made a claim, and other bro contradicted it with evidence and made his own claim, then you came and were like "you must have been asleep. It's the only way to explain your delusion". Unless, if you're unclear, we could go for a quick google, maybe find the definition of slander, see if it applies here. What do you say?

I think you should bone up one what slander means

Let's do it together! One of us is bound to learn something.


Now let's apply that understanding to your comment, what do you say?

: to utter slander against : defame

Saying someone was probably asleep is defaming them now?


That's certainly one way to admit something, yes.

It seems as though you agreed with the heart of the quotation I posted, but said that you did not slander, and now you seem to admit to slandering but do not place that perception beside your original impression of "when the debate is lost, slander becomes the only tool left to the loser". That is disingenuous, and I pray you won't force us to define that word. Feel the value you place on integrity, and stand true! :)

Being neutral as you say you are, insert the name of any of the Republicans who ran in the primaries, would you say people are being too hard them? What if Jeb Bush won and he did everything that Trump has done, do you think the MSM would be spreading lies or would it be exposing the deep state?

I think this is a Trump defense and has nothing to do with political parties. Trump has convinced a certain part of the population that he is not a politician and he only has their interests in mind for all of his policies. If this same narrative surrounded any other "politician" they would be skewered by both sides.

The difference is competency. Being English and having lived in the US for the last 12 years, so I hope to add a different perspective.

It's clear the Right were clutching at any straw they could use to make Obama look bad, mostly in an ad hominem manner. This is expected with any leader who has opposition with far leaning opponents.

The BBC, for very explicit example, has reported on what President Trump has done with a sense of utter bewilderment, because most of what Mr Trump is doing is honestly bewildering to those of us on the outside looking, be it the national or international community. He mischaracterises just about everything he has done in international politics to the point where there is no factual information to suggest that he knows what the Paris Accord is or exactly how NATO works.

Now, Mr Trump has also suffered ad hominem attacks, but not just from the left and aside from the surface stuff (Mr Orange etc) that one would expect of any leader, it is mostly attacking the way he is trying to run the country and how it reflects on the international community. One that I actually found amusing was the report that he needs his name included in just about every paragraph of security notes to keep him interested. Unfortunately, once the incredulity settles down, this is as terrifying as it is scary.

So while there is more attacks on Mr Trump, I think it is justified, especially on a satirical level, given what the majority of them are based on.

The few people that went against Obama were shut down totally in the press

lol ok

Its what i saw...

Trump himself was one of those people, leading the Birther movement. He was not exactly "shut down". In fact he received disproportionate media coverage.

All of you keep bringing up the birth certificate issue(which anyone can admit looks shady when you dig into it). Give me a few more things the press was ripping on Obama about, oh wait! the press didn't latch on to that they only brought it up to make the person saying it look like an idiot and racist.

Again I'm not a Trump fan. He needs to reign himself in and stick to his promises... I'm only pointing out the VERY obvious disproportionate amount of attacking that's been going on since Trump showed up.

Which "press"? the MSM Fox News, Talk radio with it's millions of daily listeners? The press which quoted at length the oppositional congress Obama had most his tenure? The birther shit was the nuttiest fringe of the criticism. But from prior to him talking office there was talk of him "palling around with terrorists", being effet and foreign, destroying America, Death Panels etc etc.

Did you forget the Tea Party? That began as 100% MSM astrotruf when, at the beheat of the Koch brothers financed "Americans For Prosperity", Rick Santelli called for its formation on CNBC, Fox immediately took up breathless coverage of the few dozen protestors that showed up to the first events and it snowballed from there.

Talk radio with it's millions of daily listeners?

RADIO was the number one source of information for some 70 years. It has only recently been passed by the internet. TV has never been close. Now here's the thing:


Which really breaks the entire narrative about MSM being against Donald Trump, doesn't it? :)

Shut down so hard he's the President! Now that's an epic smackdown!

Who cares? If someone in the Clinton camp starting that whisper campaign is bad, Trump loudly and repeatedly championing it is much much worse. Seriously, what ever happened to those investigators he sent to Hawaii and the "incredible things" they were finding?

Remember this the next time you use the word "delusional".

The press is leading the charge against Trump with lies and manipulation

Which lies?

what he means is he's in denial and would kill to suck trumps cock

Actually, like I said 3 times already im politically neutral and always have been. Ive never voted in my 45 yrs and never will. Imperfect man can not govern themselves perfectly. And government needs to be perfect.

Ive never voted in my 45 yrs and never will.

Say no more.

Yet my main point follows that sentence. It explains my entire nuetrality stance and why I haven't voted. So why are you dismissing my points? Because I choose not to add to a broken system that can never repair itself.

You dismissal of me is very telling. Enough said...

Yet my main point follows that sentence. It explains my entire nuetrality stance and why I haven't voted. So why are you dismissing my points? Because I choose not to add to a broken system that can never repair itself.

Your dismissive attitude is typical.

Three words was enough to deduce all that? Impressive. Anyways those who don't go out in vote are largely to blame for allowing this farce to continue so long unabated.

If the other half of the eligible voters actually voted we would have much more success with 3rd party candidates and get rid of the whole choosing the lesser evil excuse.

Anyone who does not exercise their right to vote is a part of the problem and not the solution.

And yet i knew exactly what you were intending.... go figure. So you want me to vote for someone i do not agree with at all? See... my... name.

And yet i knew exactly what you were intending.... go figure. So you want me to vote for someone i do not agree with at all? See... my... name.

In 28 or so years there has never been any candidates worth voting for? Like at all? Even locally? What exactly are for and against that no candidate ever has ran on?

This has nothing to do with your thoughts/points. You're the one who is silencing yourself by not voting for anyone, not me.

Anyways thanks for the answer and have a goodnight.

I edited my previous coment for clarification.

Now to address yours: No because there are no perfect candidates. All governments are thwarted by one main point. Man cannot govern themselves. That's the point your missing in my message. I will only back a govt governed by God not man.

I edited my previous coment for clarification.

Now to address yours: No because there are no perfect candidates. All governments are thwarted by one main point. Man cannot govern themselves. That's the point your missing in my message. I will only back a govt governed by God not man.

That turned out well for the Middle East. I don't think modern society could function without a government, rulers or taxes.

Its the tip of the iceberg regarding my beliefs. If you showed one iota of interest in them I would share more.

So be it.

Have you met putin yet? He has some interesting ideas also.

Putin is owned by the Orthodox church... aka evil.

Unless you mean /u/putin_loves_cats then yes he's awesome =)

Putin is owned by the Orthodox church... aka evil.

Unless you mean /u/putin_loves_cats then yes he's awesome =)

Yes i meant the user. He/She definitely has some interesting theories/ideas.

Thanks for that. Have good night!

Media: Only CNN is able to read leaked Podesta emails!!!

Liberals: What lies doe?!

So "media" is leading a charge of lies against Trump through a single commentator, Coumo, once on CNN who wasn't even talking about Trump?

Have you never heard of an example? It was one example of lying -.-

But its a bad example, because its not a lie about Trump or a story that ran anywhere in the press.

Lol are you serious?! Did you just say the Podesta leaks weren't a story run by the press?! It was simply an example of the media lying, and you moved the goalposts

Um, no. I said the example of

Only CNN is able to read leaked Podesta emails!!

was not a story run by the press, rather the utterance of one guy on CNN regarding a topic unrelated to Trump.

Whatever dude. It was a single example. There are plenty out there. Deny and move goalposts, but it's a lie.

give the other examples then.

Well don't you think the difference is one was obviously fake and falsified (birth thing) while the whole Russia story has been reinforced by our intelligence agencies?

I'm mainly talking about the hatred and derision being shown by almost every talk show host, news person, or anyone else part of the msm. They latch onto every story that makes him look bad then they quietly put out a retraction on Twitter a week later.

If you can't see this them I'm blown away. Its sooo bad every time I look at the news.

I do, but I had to sit thru my dad listening to rush limbaugh, and Sean Hannity, and Glenn beck, and now Alex Jones. And for years, all they did was not talk about his policy, but why he as a person was a terrible president. To me, it feels more like a retaliatory wave. Not right, but seems like payback


Retraction on twitter? Are you insane or being paid?

And there we go with the shill accusations. Do your self a favor, grow up and learn how to research. If I'm a shill then I'm a really bad one since I don't follow any agenda I've ever seen.

Well I'm glad to hear that. If anyone would know whether you're a shill, it would have to be you.

So you're saying you're insane?

Why can't people have civil conversations here?

I refuse to engage negative people like yourself... You destroy and tear down without and desire to converse or be constructive.


Damm you love Trump,he tricked you bra.

BZZZZZZ Try again.

Removed. Rule 10. 2nd warning.

It's true. I mean Sally John even had that famous monologue when his election was official.


Yet people act like this makes sense. The man hadn't even DONE anything yet. It's insane how much hate he gets. People even seem to like him after talking to him, even if they didn't before.

It hasn't been reinforced by the intelligence agency... You're reading literal fake news. The NYT report that fueled most of this was total bullshit according to Comey.

The few people that went against Obama were shut down totally in the press.

We literally elected a guy who was against Obama and he got interviews and air time every time he claimed he was getting new proof about Obama's birth certificate from his detectives he paid and sent over to Hawaii.

The guy brings it on himself though. Attacking a Gold Star Family on national television, making fun of the disabled, talking shit about his own Intel agencies, shoving the PM of another country, ranting on Twitter like a high school girl, refusing to ever admit he's wrong when he's busted lying, etc. I agree he gets attacked a lot more in the press but he has himself to blame for it.

I agree with you 100%. Hes been catered to his entire life. Hes been able to speak whatever he wants with no repercussions. That mentality is hurting him a lot, now. I cringe at him just as much as the next guy. He needs a filter badly. Again, just like you said, this is about his being attacked way more then Obama was in the msm.

"Yeah ok I'm a bully, I admit it, but he deserves it". Better ways to be, man. Always better ways to be. Especially keep that in mind whenever you stop and think "yeah this hate is ok".

Are you actually accusing this guy of bullying the President?

I mean if the shoe fits. lol What's your issue with the word?

Glen Beck called him the Manchurian Candidate designed to bring down america. and now Beck is giving dire warnings agaiat trump

Glen Beck called Obama a lot worse than that even cried over the tragedy and I believe something he said about Obama was so bad even Fox had to fire him.

So it's not forged?

Do you think it is? The Gov. of Hawaii said it was authentic.

Because this sub is all about believing the gov, right?

Because this site has spent an enormous amount of time on political attacks, not how government has been taken over by those who want to harm us.

Like that long running attack on public funded education which included the cuts that stopped the no and low tuition state colleges from providing college education for the working classes and led to the harm to K-12 schools by handing school funds to charter schools many that while not providing an improved education are providing tax money for private profit. Including a few states who allow vouchers to be used for part of the tuition at very expensive and exclusive private schools, one of the things Betsy DeVos wants to make nationwide.

Oh, the memory hole, so deep and dark it holds every inconvenient truth that might disturb you.

I don't remover there being multiple threads on the front page of reddit every day for 6 months solid, constant coverage from the media and so many rumours/lies being reported as fact by "reputable" news outlets.

And that Tea Party Revolution never happened. /s

The tea party was coopted so fast.

You are going to have to explain that, It was a creation of the Koch network, who co-opted it?

I agree. However there were others who were not aware of that and actually were attempting to do grass roots political work through the venue.

I remember doing a lot of tracking on this movement, there were literally thousands of tea party sites,

all with the same design, and even those local efforts seemed to be receiving support, if not in money via hosting the local websites.

Each one of those sites also included offers for instructions on how to take over their local Republican Party organizations, and how to take over school boards and local governments. It was a huge well financed effort and very controlled even when it looked local.

My neighbors were into it for a time and many of the early meetings were about how they were going to resist being co-opted.

It doesn't really matter though, any movement can be co-opted.

I believe that many who signed on were sincerely grass roots but the evidence seems to indicate it was a Koch-Network production from the beginning. I remember all the conservative sites, like Heritage and Eagle Forum had links to the same sites to get more information.

Rather slickly done.

Probably because they weren't foreign plants that won an election illegally?

Wait, are you still on that Russia shit??

Yeah.... It's clear as day.

Holy fuck, even people in this sub. This is utterly surreal.

Not really. Anybody with eyes can tell that there's at least something there.

are you not worried that obama is a kenyan plant? here to ruin the country with single payer healthcare?

constant coverage from the media and so many rumors/lies being reported as fact by "reputable" news outlets

Yeah, it was just Fox and the far right sources when Obama was in office. Remember all those times they called him a secret Kenyan Muslim and said that Hillary had blood on her hands for Benghazi in an almost literal sense? Then there were "death panels," the Tea Party and their awful plan to never support anything if it raised taxes or supported Obama, Republicans saying that their number one goal after 2008 was to make Obama a one-term president, etc etc. Oh, they also manage do to do what the left has done very effectively now: make the simple addition of the president's name to something turn it instantly toxic. It's essentially Pavlovian in how quickly libs turn on something when Trump's name is attached to it, just like how reps turned sour on anything at all with Obama's name on it. There's no critical thinking anymore.

What you're seeing now is the other side of the coin my friend. Reddit will be like this for 4 years. However, the algorithm very recently got changed and now I only see the occasional political post on /r/all compared to a month ago, which is wonderful news to me.

constant coverage from the media and so many rumors/lies being reported as fact by "reputable" news outlets

Yeah, it was just Fox and the far right sources when Obama was in office. Remember all those times they called him a secret Kenyan Muslim and said that Hillary had blood on her hands for Benghazi in an almost literal sense? Then there were "death panels," the Tea Party and their awful plan to never support anything if it raised taxes or supported Obama, Republicans saying that their number one goal after 2008 was to make Obama a one-term president, etc etc. Oh, they also manage do to do what the left has done very effectively now: make the simple addition of the president's name to something turn it instantly toxic. It's essentially Pavlovian in how quickly libs turn on something when Trump's name is attached to it, just like how reps turned sour on anything at all with Obama's name on it. There's no critical thinking anymore.

What you're seeing now is the other side of the coin my friend. Reddit will be like this for 4 years. However, the algorithm very recently got changed and now I only see the occasional political post on /r/all compared to a month ago, which is wonderful news to me.

Conservatives were expecting CNN go go full Fox News on everyone.

They weren't expecting literally every other media outlet to throw their credibility out the window as well.

But what do you expect them to do? Not report on trump's various firings, gaffes, and intelligence leaks? Stories like birtherism & Benghazi died because there just wasn't any evidence to keep them in the news cycle. However, the Russia investigation, while not bearing any tangible fruit of direct collusion, has its fires stoked 3x a week with new evidence, new testimony, or more Trump gaffes when he speaks about it. The president himself even seems to revel in keeping people waiting with bated breath about it. Why else would he do things like tell reporters that they'll expect an answer on WH wiretaps "in the very near future" instead of telling them outright? The Russian collusion conspiracy will continue until Trump decides to both stop making a total fool out of himself with regards to the investigatory process and when he stops demonizing the intelligence community.

Throwing there credibility out by investigating facts? The reason Trump gets a daily kicking is because of his own incompetence, pretending it's partisan heckling doesn't fool most people.

By reporting on rumors sources by anonymous sources. Rumors that are proven false time and time again.

Rumours like he leaked intelligence to the Russians, demanded loyalty from the FBI, doesn't pay his workers, likes to grab girls by the pussy if they can't stop him, alienates long standing US allies, praises dictators, denounces the conclusions of the entire intellegence field as fake news, has done nothing to investigate the hostile actions taken against the us by Russia.

He's a weasel, an incompetent weasel.

Many of those things are very stupid accusations. How can the president leak intelligence? He is the ultimate authority on what is classified to begin with.

Also the "demanding loyalty" claim was just a wild rumor that was debunked by Comeys own testimony.

It isn't illegal for the president to leak intelligence, it is just irresponsible and damaging. I'm not sure how you can claim Comey debunked anything when he confirmed the narrative completely. If you don't already, you should work for fox news, you've got the talking points all lined up.

You just said it in you own comment, it wasn't illegal for the president to disseminate classified information.(not a trump voter)

What's legality got to do with it? If i was trying to use that to impeach him that might be relevant. I was pointing out one of the many basic blunders that outline his incompetence for the job.

If they tried to impeach him over that the democrats will literally be destroyed by their own incompetence

Yeah, so they wont. They will use one of his much more serious and actually illegal moments of buffoonery.

Rumors that are proven false time and time again.

If this is true then I'm sure that you can provide a long list of times that MSM has said one thing about Trump that turned out to be false.

Yep. You are exactly right

Which in today's climate means your exactly wrong. <sigh>

Shining light on trumps buffoon actions isn't throwing credibility out the window. He's brought this on himself from day fucking one.

Yep. Liberals always have trouble with facts

FYI not all anti trump people are liberals. Toughest fact for his admin to believe. He wants powers above what the office grants him. I think any American regardless of party should be extremely concerned.

You don't have to be a liberal to look at Trump and see a blabbering jackass.

Got a source on literally any of that besides what opinion talking heads said? If you really can't see the difference between opinion heads and legitimate news sources that pretend to be unbiased like CNN...

I mean I could take 20 minutes to link articles to Fox saying all of these things, but where would I have heard them from otherwise?? I'm basically summarizing the anti-Obama talking points that've gotten widespread attention over the last 8 years, which have now evolved into a full-scale hatred of just the name Obama, much like the left has managed to do with Trump in just the last year.

Also, on a given day I get my news from at least 5 different sources so that I don't buy into any particular narrative. I'm always switching between Fox, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and good old Reddit.

Link me hard news guys calling Obama a Kenyan Marxist. Not political operatives or opinion heads.

And where else would you have heard it? From the echo chamber of second hand accounts claiming they heard it somewhere. Or more likely, from Reddit.

Do words straight from the president's mouth count? How does one define "hard news" in America when every piece of news you hear on national MSM programming is told to you by a talking head that's telling you what to think about it?

Here's a series of tweets from a GOP congressman calling Obama a secret Muslim.

Here's a transcript of Fox giving a platform to a racist talking head trying to make people believe that Obama is a secret Muslim.

A party founded on the principles of me me me. I'd take any secret Muslim over this chaos president.

You just listed politicians. How on Earth is that comparable to what CNN is doing under the guise of unbiased journalism?

Because the platforms whose air time they're using to spread their hate all claim to be unbiased just like CNN. But I really feel like nothing I give will satisfy you because you've already made up your mind. "Hard news" in America has talking heads at its front and center because that's where opinions and talking points are given to the masses.

If that's your criteria then how can you compare one network bashing Obama to the around the clock Trump Hate on multiple networks, magazine, print, etc?

Because they're still appealing to the same voter bases regardless of how many networks represent the left/right dichotomy of the MSM. What we're seeing now is the left whining and starting witch hunts surrounded by a liberal media circus. It was the right doing it for the last 8 years with Fox. Same whiny bullshit, different day (albeit less outright racism, so I'll take that as a plus). There was Obama hate round the clock on Fox for 8 years, so expect round the clock Trump hate on MSNBC and its ilk until at least 2020.

At what point can you report news without it being called bashing? Trump has made the tentpole of his campaign and presidency to be at the focal point of all headlines. Regardless of what he has to do or say to achieve it. Eventually he must be held accountable.

Yes, let's continue to fill 24 news cycles with Russian collusion hoaxes, Spicer hiding in the bushes, and the removal of MLKJr art pieces from the White House. All of which have been thoroughly debunked.

It was also MSM. People forget, but the same companies that run Big TV also run Republican Radio.

It's essentially Pavlovian in how quickly libs turn on something when Trump's name is attached to it, just like how reps turned sour on anything at all with Obama's name on it. There's no critical thinking anymore.

Well, but in all fairness: 99% of als libs would prefer a president which biggest scandal after 100 days was eating burgers with Dijon mustard as compared to.. where-do-i-even-start?

Bingo. Any aware person realizes this and frees themself from the first level of the matrix. Those who can't grasp this realization are, for now at least, very lost causes.

Fox news and the other right wing media constantly pushed the birther thing and called him a communist, socialist, gay, Muslim for his entire presidency.

And Reddit leans young and liberal

I am now 100 percent positive you don't know what "proven" means.

Sheriff Joe arpaio and the 9 points of forgery is what I remember. Obama's and another woman's birth certificate from Hawaii around the time he was born have multiple stamp marks that line up in the exact same configuration, among other weirdness.

Is that site your evidence?

I feel that this is part of the problem these days.... one look at A SINGLE website is used as proof of everything...

scientific evidence


Yeah, but the difference now is that the legacy media is united against him rather than just half like usual.

right wing media still supports him plenty, not really a surprise that a right wing president that says a lotta dumb shit that hates the media is also disliked by the media

He's partially supported by Fox. He's got a few people like Tucker Carlson but then again Megyn Kelley slammed him for a while before the election and then eventually left Fox probably as a result. And now that O'Reilly is gone fox is waning pretty hard anyway. But Fox definitely shills for Republicans in general, though Trump still gets hit pretty hard from some of the Republican never-Trumpers like McCain and Paul Ryan, etc.

He obviously gets full support from Brietbart but I'm not sure if they count as MSM yet? Maybe. But other than those two, who is actually supporting him from the legacy media?

And Reddit leans young and liberal

Understatement of the year.

It's still not super liberal, people hating on SJWs and feminsists are still popular, it varies. But most aren't hard conservative at all

There's two Reddits. There's​ r/kotakuinaction and all those subs which get you autobanned from subs like r/me_irl. Then there's the subs like r/politics which spam anti-Trump shit onto r/popular. Each side thinks that "Reddit" is the other side and as such hates Reddit.

At least you won't get banned from /r/meirl which is the good one.

I'm nearly has 100k and the other 3.3 million.

Reddit leans anti-establishment and progressive, not pro-establishment and neoliberal.

Most of the political subs that reach the front page are astroturfed and manufactured.

As long as I've been here the majority of Reddit I'm presidential elections supported the more liberal candidate, Romney had barely any support and Ron Paul had a decent following on here but when it was just Romney and Obama they leaned Obama pretty hard

You seem to be conflating anti establishmentism and liberalism.

There is a ton of support for progressive candidates (i.e., Obama and Sanders; Obama ran a progressive campaign but didn't turn out to be that progressive in the end). And at the same time, there has also been a ton of support for candidates seen as anti-establishment (Ron Paul, Trump, Bernie).

Historically, there has been very little support for liberal establishment candidates (Hillary Clinton).

Obama in 2012 wasn't much of a progressive candidate, at that point he was as much as an establishment liberal as Hillary. HRC just did not have the charisma that Obama had at all, and didn't capture any of the excitement that Obama's/Bernies/Trump had.

I think a lot of people saw Obama as progressive, or were at least hopeful that he would be.

Either way, as we've demonstrated, to say Reddit leans liberal is overly simplistic.

Not nearly as much by 2012. And they still lean left, that's not really changed by what you've said so far. Trump is pretty unpopular on here and so are most right wing politicians

Trump was/is wildly popular on Reddit as well. Matter of factly, much of the opposition to Trump is manufactured and inorganic. That's not to say it doesn't exist, of course people don't like Trump, but they get a ton of help from political astroturfing on Reddit.

You can claim it's artificial all you want but it's not a surprise that the only big sub with Trump supporters is T_D and they have to ban anyone that disagrees with them

In other political subs you will get banned for being a Trump supporter or downvoted to oblivion and personally attacked.

And considering shills have taken over almost all of the political subs, I understand why TD bans people.

Maybe...just maybe Trump supporters get downvoted in a lot of subs because he's not that popular, imagine that? And what political subs automatically ban You?

It's not just being pro-Trump that gets you downvoted; almost anything anti-establishment will get you downvoted too. That's was never the case before.

Almost all anti-Trump subs will ban you if you go against their narrative.

That's blatantly not true, Bernie is still very very popular on Reddit, and I see comments that go against the main narrative on politics, marchagainttrump, etc. They get downvoted but most of the time they're circlejerk shit like "wow dae not like drumpf xd", I've seen plenty of comments from Trump supporters on those subs that actually state their opinion coherently not get downvoted, nonetheless banned.

Obama ran a progressive campaign but didn't turn out to be that progressive in the end


He's understood to be a Manchurian candidate. His list of crimes that fit a progressives wet dreams would take days to expound out. His Mom was a CIA asset involved in the same CIA-ran child-abduction and sex-slavery operation as Nicole Kidman's dad. He never held a job in his life, he was president of the Harvard Law Review while never having published anything and none of the members of the pre-law clun ever met him, inc all the officers, who you would think would know the president of the paper they publish. he has no record from Occidental or any of the other schools he supposedly attended... then there's [this].(http://www.wnd.com/files/2012/05/120518obamKenyafull.jpg)

He ran for senator from Illinois, while not living there, and was obv chosen by dem higher-ups, since even Hillary, birthplace Schaumberg, Illinois who had the goods on every Chicago mobster there is, was told to take a hike and had to run for senator from NY, a state she wasn't living in, and had to kill JFK, Jr to get him out of the Dem primary.

I was describing how voters perceived him. Do you think the average voter knew that?

Most people today know he was born in Kenya. His Dad's history, his Mom's life story, and the fact His own life is a complete fabrication, and that he worked as a gay male prostitute in Hawai'i and Chicago, while also trading drugs for sex with men, no.

The thing is you don't have to be young or liberal to have justifiable criticism toward trump. Even trump can't grasp this.

Reddit leans crazy and deluded with a very slight fetishization of doomsday scenarios.

I've seen people post over sensationalized comments on every corner of Reddit, that's more of a human thing than anything

Don't forget how they started referring to Hawaii as Kenya, also.

Fox News is owned by the Murdoch family, who I can assure you are as anti-American and left as possible. A wife of one of Murdochs sons is one of Chelsea Clinton's best friends.

Doesn't mean Fox isn't right wing, check their website/Facebook/News show for like 5 seconds and you can clearly see that

While I agree president Trump takes A LOT of heat, more than I've ever seen in my 40 years, Reddit leans heavily liberal, which would explain some of the front page stuff. However, I've never seen such organized rebellion against a president. There are well funded groups out here whose sole job is to hate on Trump. The Obama hate seemed a bit tamer in comparison. I don't recall massive, often violent protests, and I don't recall people being afraid to say they support Obama.

What was on the front page of Reddit 8 years ago?

Looks pretty dead comparatively.

and unsurprisingly, zero anti Obama articles

Trump hadn't discovered the joy of twitter at that time.

did obama have the cloud of foreign interference hanging over his head? did he lie about the size of his inauguration crowd? did he lie about the margin of his electoral college victory?

"Ok it's totally swayed against Trump moreso than Obama, but I'm not going to admit that, I'm just going to start an entirely new argument".

did Obama have the cloud of foreign interference

FUD lead by the MSM

did he lie about the size of his inauguration crowd?

How did he lie?

did he lie about the margin of his electoral college victory?

what lie, he stomped the electoral college votes

Oh... threads on Reddit. Well then. That is most definitely worse!

Try reading the entire sentence next time.

It's a news aggregate, meaning tons of news agencys are constantly putting out disparaging stories on Trump. These aren't user blog posts we're discussing here.

You mean Trump is constantly putting out disparaging material about Trump.

Just want to plug /r/trumpcriticizestrump

I mean choose your source and let's go dig, shall we? Put our money where our mouths are?

What'cha say?

What's the wager? That "people are being mean to muh Trump!"?

I don't doubt that they are. "Oh no! People are constantly making posts critical of my hero!" Get over it. EVERY politician undergoes this same exact thing. Stop throwing a tantrum over it.

Is the wager that Obama was treated similarly or worse? If so, there's ample evidence for that because, unlike for Trump, much of the criticism against Obama was COMPLETE bullshit (ie, birth certificates, kenyan ancestry, "secret muslim" etc).

Much of the negative coverage surrounding Trump is very real and of his own doing. Did anyone FORCE him to leak news to Russians? No.

Did anyone FORCE Trump to fire Comey? No

Did anyone force Trump to hold a secret closed door meeting with the FBI director? No

Did anyone force trump to mock the disabled? No

Did anyone force trump to lie about his crowd sizes? No

Did anyone force trump to campaign on "drain the swamp" yet, once elected, proceed to fill his cabinet with a completely pay-for-play roster? No

Did anyone force Trump to hire Flynn? No

Did anyone force Trump to hire Manafort? No

Did anyone force Trump to hire Carter Page? No

Did anyone force Trump to make that "grab them by the pussy" comment? No

Did anyone force Trump to call it a Muslim ban? No

Did anyone force Trump to promise us all a "big beautiful wall that Mexico would pay for"? No

Did anyone force Trump to cozy up with the Saudis despite him and his minions trashing people who did? No

Did anyone force Trump to call global warming a "chinese manufactured conspiracy"? No

Did anyone force Trump to hire Betsy Devos? No

Did anyone force Trump to bomb innocent people and American citizens in Yemen? No

Did anyone force Trump to call NATO "obsolete"? No

Did anyone force Trump to make a complete fool of himself in Europe? No

Did anyone force Trump to tweet ANYTHING? No

Did anyone force Trump to hire Jeff Sessions? No

Did anyone force Trump to defraud thousands (maybe millions) of people in his Trump University? No

Did anyone force Trump to be close friends with established party-planning pedophiles? No

Did anyone force Trump to sexually assault dozens of women? No

Did anyone force Trump to promise everyone he would "lock her up"? No

Did anyone force Trump to make an enemy of the free press? No

Did anyone force Trump to tweet about the possibility of White House tapes?

Did anyone force Trump to push for dismantling the EPA? National Parks? No

Did anyone force Trump to make ANY of the bad decisions he's made or continues to make or will make in the future? No

I'm sorry your feelings are hurt that people are talking poorly about your hero. I really am. But it's bot undeserved and it CERTAINLY isn't "the worse" treatment a president has ever received. Not even close. So stop bitching and throwing a tantrum because YOUR guy can't seem to stop making a complete ass out of himself, and, by extension, all of us.

See, we were talking about comparisons, and once you saw that that is an untenable argument, you proceeded to make a list. Did you wanna go with your original argument, or are we cool with moving forward in the knowledge you lost it? I mean I'm down to make lists; I copy paste so good you don't even know. I think we should finish what you started, first, though.

I asked you a question you haven't answered. What is it you want to argue? Lol simple question

No, you lost an argument, and made a new one as if it were corollary to your original one. We could talk about in detail, but no one enjoys catching eels by hand, so how about taking this up to the human level? Do you agree that there is far more negative coverage of Trump, or are we going to pretend that that didn't happen.

I'm willing to start a new argument with you, but I think that good men finish what they started, don't you?

Simple question. Lol i'm not going to get into the wiggle weeds with you. If you can't answer a simple question, i'm not going to waste my time.

You have been very untoward today. I hope that you will use this to reflect upon at a later time. I will. I have failed you and freely admit to that.

I don't remember something, so it didn't happen

Provide evidence of it happening then smartass. (Hint: it didn't).

You want to see manipulation. Search youtube or Google for any hot issue right now and be barraged by links to conspiracy sites, Alex Jones, Breitbart. Check out the day old accounts leaving "fake news" comments on the NYT or WaPo videos.

It's almost like you forgot about CTR and Shareblue XD

A bunch of powerless losers from flyover territory is not even the same league as powerful unelected career bureaucrats. "This is like a spy novel."

I would suggest that many members of the establishment have, in addition, something very personal to fear from the Trump administration: For it would appear that some of America’s most powerful people have been involved in activities which if brought into the public forum would utterly destroy them, not only professionally, but also personally.


Trump is so hated he turned reddit into a supporter for corporations and the military industrial complex. Michael Moore went from accusing the deep state of complicity in 9/11 to openly rooting for the deep state to overthrow the democratically elected President of the United States.

Trump wasn't "democratically elected." He was only elected because the Koch organizations, led by the king of voter suppression, Kris Kobach removed 20 to 30 million voters, blocked more with the voter ID laws, reduced polling places and voting times and a host of other very undemocratic acts.

No they don't that is a lie. Without Trump even their voter removal wouldn't have gotten them this all Republican government..

He is their partner, and Bannon's job and most of Trump's cabinet are Koch buddies.

Most of all that is who Trump worked for with his 2012 Birther campaign and it is they who are intent on selling out your nation to the Russians and dumping that, to them commie EU.

Yeah, I don't think Mother Jones and Huffpo are lying when they report anti-Trump news. Choose one: Trump is Incompetent. Trump ran a conspiracy with the Russians so deep that even a year of investigation by every US intelligence agency couldn't find a single piece of evidence.

Yeah, voter suppression! lol

Maybe the minority vote just didn't show up to vote for an old white hag. They didn't care enough about the "Trump is the biggest racist ever!" crap in the news 24/7 to actually show up. They only showed up because Obama is black. (at least partially) Let's be honest.

You got Trump because Romney couldn't turn out the moron voters.

Or, he tricked a lot of conspiracy nuts into thinking that a billionaire silver spooned man child who made a fortune off exploiting the same tides that have destroyed the economy and livelihoods of millions multiple times (and did it poorly, he would have been richer with his inheritance in mutual funds) into thinking he was "anti-establishment" who then just coincidentally made his entire cabinet and administration the CEOs, board members, major investors, or simply bought positions from him of the elite business circles he has lived his whole life among.

Yes. This one.

into thinking he was "anti-establishment"

He is. Why else did the entire establishment drop its quarrels and line up against him?

the average US citizen is brainwashed

Gosh, I can't imagine why US citizens would take advice about what's good for us from someone like you who clearly hates our guts.

He is. Why else did the entire establishment drop its quarrels and line up against him?

Probably because that's entirely made up and basically a flat out lie?

We were told that if Trump was elected America would be either a smouldering crater or a goose-stepping fascist dystopia where Muslims are kept in concentration camps by now, and yet seven months later the US is still pretty much the same everyday corporatist bullshit factory Obama left it. We’re all still praying for a miracle to save us from the destructive, America-despising trajectory our unelected power establishment has had our nation on, but at least we’re still in the fight. That is likely a lot more than you‘d have been able to say for a war-loving, Russia-hating strategical imbecile with no sense of responsibility for her own behavior.

The mass media machine is trying to force Americans to swallow the belief that they made the wrong choice in November, and that next time they’d better be more obedient and listen to the talking heads on TV. These people are lying, and they are wrong. There is no longer any valid reason to continue settling for this nation-killing oligarchic trajectory any longer. Keeping Hillary out of the White House was a good first step, but it was only a first step, the first of many necessary steps we’ll need to take to turn this thing around.

The establishment that was always right had spoken. Yet it kept on being embarrassingly wrong. Over and over again.

I can't believe he saved us from the hamstrings that were TPP and Paris climate accord, those deals were custom made to fuck up America and establish world govt. He's already a legend and when your enemies are scum of the earth pedophiles, doesn't that make you the good guy? Hmm


The Paris according is non binding and there isn't even a penalty if a country fails to do what it promised to. That really would have fucked up America.

Nicely spoken, let the sock puppets spin!

curious- what can the populace do about lack of a viable candidate? I really am asking bc it seems like the whole 2 party system is held in place to offer a false choice. Basically it's one party when it comes to pay to play. People always advocate not voting but I don't see what this accomplishes.
I always hold out hope for libertarian party bc it seems like a third rail but I'm skeptical.

If your election system uses first past the post, it will devolve into two similar parties

The actual answer is to get rid of the first past the post election system, and there are several strategies you could use.

(more than what Grey mentions, just hes a great jumping off point)

So the populace should be working to replace unrepresentative unfair and undemocratic electorate systems built around first past the post or winner take all with representative ones.

In the US, the following positions are (almost universally, with some exceptions) done in first past the post / winner take all style, and are thus ripe for reform:

  • Mayor
  • City Council
  • Municipal Judges
  • Representatives (state or federal, house or senate)
  • President

Progress is made if any of these elections become more representative by adopting alternative voting systems.

Of course, the chicken and egg problem - constitutions and charters all specify the election protocols, and to change them you need the currently elected rulers to make those changes. And those elected officials got into power through the current undemocratic systems. Figuring out a reliable way to change those documents for the better without a violent revolution while against the interests of those in power is an unsolved mystery of the universe.

ranked choice voting! no more voting for someone you hate

Wait where are you getting that Hillary has Parkinson's?

Out of his ass

Hillary Clinton is wearing anti-seizure Zeiss Z1 Sunglasses

This is an illustration of the dramatic effect these glasses can have on sufferers. Watch the man in the chair walk to the X and back, and then watch him do it with the glasses on. Night and day.

or maybe she has blue sunglasses.

Hillary Clinton is wearing anti-seizure Zeiss Z1 Sunglasses

This is an illustration of the dramatic effect these glasses can have on sufferers. Watch the man in the chair walk to the X and back, and then watch him do it with the glasses on. Night and day.

You realize that Parkinson's and photosensitive epilepsy are completely different things, right?

It was people on Parkinson's forums that spotted that she was wearing the Zeiss glasses. If she doesn't have Parkinson's, then what does she have? Obviously something, but what? The Zeiss Z1 is not sold in North America.

There are other videos showing her very strange behavior. Coughing, tongue ulcer, the famous collapse where she was thrown into the van toes-down, she's got something wrong. The fact that she tried to hide it makes us suspect the worst.

Well, those people are mindlessly speculating just like you are. Clinton spent a year on the campaign trail staring into flashing cameras, the idea that she could possibly have epilepsy to the point of needing special glasses is just laughably stupid.

Well, if Hillary had released her medical records then we wouldn't be having this conversation. Nothing adds up. You don't wear a medical appliance like Zeiss Z1 glasses unless there's something wrong with you. But what?

Dude, she's not wearing a medical appliance. They're blue sunglasses.

I hate them both. Equally. But right now Hillary is of little importance for my hate because Trump is POTUS. To me, it's more important of whoever is sitting in the chair than who didn't get the chair.

I still hate Hillary, but I'm more concerned at the moment with the man-child in office.

Poor little hateful redditer, don't have a tantrum, Gary Johnson will show up next election cycle, lol!


Continue your meat spinning, it amuses me!

I'm lost. What are you getting at?

Trump 2020!

Ah I see now. My suspicions were confirmed. Good day.

Your face will melt 2018 as well!

Or, he tricked a lot of conspiracy nuts into thinking that a billionaire silver spooned man child who made a fortune off exploiting the same tides that have destroyed the economy and livelihoods of millions multiple times (and did it poorly, he would have been richer with his inheritance in mutual funds) into thinking he was "anti-establishment" who then just coincidentally made his entire cabinet and administration the CEOs, board members, major investors, or those who bought their way in from the elite business circles he has lived his whole life among.

This. This is what I find so hypocritical. How can you think that this billionaire is going to work for the people? How do people become billionaires? By cheating, manipulating and exploiting anyone and anything in order to line their pockets.

Their reasoning is that because Trump was born into wealth and because nothing he did substantially affected his net worth (like I said, he would be worth as much as he does now by just dumping his fathers fortune in mutual funds) that he was outside the establishment elite.

They fail to recognize he could have just been a random fucker born into money who was an idiot and wasn't actually business savvy. That doesn't mean he didn't learn from firsthand experience how to be a ruthless unemphatic oompa loompa, it just means hes not smart enough to exploit people as effectively as other billionaires.

He's also not smart enough to have learn how to read...

I had some real trouble learning how to read as a kid (a struggle that I have worked really hard to fix) And I can tell you....this is exactly how I would have acted if I was confronted with reading in out loud. I would make excuses like "Too small to read" all the time, and I would stare blankly at a the material, pretending to read, when really I was just too ashamed to ask for help. Luckily I eventually asked for help and pushed through my struggle....I think Trump never asked for help...and now he's too old to ask for help.

Example: https://youtu.be/WfaXILOSEf0?t=58

It's more believable than Hitlery's side of anything that falls out of her mouth. But keep crying about it.

King and Cruz and Limbaugh were the far right at the time.

Now the Russians are our far right.

No. Now the "center left" are doing what used to be considered fringe.

What is a "center left," name some?

Pelosi. Feinstein. Like that. Actually, I guess those are rightist-lefts.

I keep it simple and call them corporate conservatives. Feinstein a lot more than Pelosi, but both were first elected after the take over of the Democratic Party by conservatives and when a Democratic couldn't run for office or get elected without being, "good for business," and "tough on crime."

Ideas that I still find revolting and I have always been a good little law abiding capitalist.

But know those slogans were both anti-African American and anti-labor.

Actually, I consider Pelosi and Feinstein, and all ranking members of the Democratic establishment to be corporatists; and many of them are neoliberal. I used the term "center left" to contrast with the fringe. (I can't actually name any center left politicians at the moment.)

Good for business is by definition bad for labor, IMO. And of course being tough on crime would hit black and brown communities harder, since they perpetrate more crimes! /s

Trump even tried to call for revolution on his twitter after the 2012 election

This is a fantastic effort to rewrite history.

They have packed this sub to carry that ridiculous message.

Poor pitiful Trump is getting picked on.

He can take it

No, he cannot.

He used wall street lawyer (Marc E. Kasowitz) to issue lies in a press conference for him after the James Comey testimony.

he's the biggest pussy of all presidents I've ever witnessed in my life.

He looks weak to everybody on the planet aside from his supporters who defend actions they would blast any other president for doing so.

he shames this country and de-legitimizes the office he holds.

I think the years of droning, covering up torture, selling weapons and providing diplomatic cover for to brutal and totalitarian regimes, and generally pissing on the Bill of Rights shames the country and de-legitimizes the office. Also using the office to lead the country into war on a pack of lies is pretty de-legitimizing in my opinion. Hillary or whoever else won't make it any more legitimate.

Yeah but Trump is the president now. And he has been bad at it.

So you would rather have Mike Pence? Or Paul Ryan as president? Because that's who comes after Trump if he is forced from office. I'd rather have nothing getting done and American foreign policy failing (especially the imperialistic, free trade bullshit) rather than having the evil of Pence or Ryan as President.

but we are trying to deflect here with hypothetical situation! /s

You're talking about okie dokie bowing Obama, not Trump.

Who upheld the red line in Syria? Remind us please. That pussy Obama sure as shit didn't.

You mean for the gas attack that never happened, and the missiles fired at an airport that didn't disable anything?

So Obama lied about the gas attack too in your imagination. Didn't disable anything? You're calling Mattis a liar?

You mean how Obama through the UN negotiated for Russia to take control of the weapons so it couldnt happen again and then the Russian lied and didnt do shit about them thus leading to Trump having to bomb a chemical site at an airfield?

That's one way of looking at it.

Its the Truth. Obama didnt go to war over the red line but found a diplomatic solution that failed in the end.

The truth is Obama set a red line. Assad crossed it. While Obama and crew was doing nothing. Putin saw an opportunity for some good PR. Obama was forced to accept it. As we see it did nothing.

I think he also stole barrons phone to tweet!

I just scanned the google headline offerings, and there was Ivanka sobbing about how mean the attacks are.

Remember her daddy, the Prez led the birther attacks for an entire year. But that isn't mean, right?

You mean just because Obama's book cover, school records and family accounts said he was born in Kenya and him spending his youth outside of the US and then refusing to release his BC until finally he released a photoshopped one, people actually questioned his birthplace?

I guess by that standard, Trump should just splice together a recording and you'll be happy to accept it.

You didn't mention anything about the current First Lady not being US born.

Neither does the constitution.

But it does mention foreign and domestic emoluments, something Trump is violating right now. But unless we are talking about the second amendment, republicans couldn't care.

Yes, I know that is off topic.

Headline: Trump's xenophobic hotel policies deemed unconstitutional.


Headline: Trump receiving foreign money at his hotels unconstitutional.

Damm Trump is garbage don't you agree?

literally none of this is true at all. Jesus I wasn't aware this bullshit was still believed by anyone.

It's okay, he's only 14 and will probably grow out of it one day

That is definitely true. Probably 4-8 years, when he finally wakes up that nobody is on his side.

your name is perfectly fitting because all this info you're trying to present is very citation dependent.

If you didn't take note of it over the last 9 years, then I'm pretty sure you aren't going to start now.

That is a cop out answer and I have been keeping up for years. I was a regular on GLP for years before they went off the deep end.

So, then you have seen the book cover, family quotes, school records and photoshopped BC and you asked for what reason?

Honestly because all my own research has lead me in a different direction than what your conclusion seems to be so I wanted to see what your sources actually are.

All that research and you couldn't even find his book cover or photoshopped BC?


his campaign sold "Hillary for Prison" gear. shes complaining politics is ugly?

You obviously forgot the /s

His hair can't

No, no he can't.

That's the best part.

I am not going to click that, if you want to tell me something, do so.

Well, enjoy your denial I guess

"My denial?" /lol

Yes sick of your Reich wing nonsense also.

What does that men, are you saying liberals are Hitler? Really?

Some pretty hefty conclusions you jumped to there bud.

That user literally seems to post a new comment every 30 seconds on this sub and has been for a good while (meaning they are a very active member) and from having conversations on this sub, everyone has had months of drawing a conclusion of them.

That user has been a super active member of this sub for a good while and posts in almost every large thread, people have had months of "drawing conclusions" for what they are like. Not just from the above comments.

"Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) More votes equals a loss...revolution! 11:31pm 6 Nov 12" There. I told you something

Is that what that link says?

Word for word

Thanks, I didn't click because in the past I clicked some really filthy stuff posted instead of a reply.

I understand that. It is just sad how conspiracy sites I've been a member of for years have gone off the deep end one way or another and don't have actual discussion going on anymore. Just ad hominem attacks and source-less information

Could be photoshop

It doesn't matter I didn't click on it.

More votes equals a loss...revolution!

Shame he deleted his tweet. Here's some others from that night. You can still see the text of the deleted ones.


Most people on this sub don't like Trump, but there's no reason to overlook abuse of our systems just because you don't like the person being targeted.

People noticing that there is a huge effort to get Trump impeached is not the same as people sticking up for him.

Considering this sub was co-opted by rDonald that makes me laugh.

Fucking read his twitter you idiot

What does his twitter say?

Because trump was right, Obama was a terrible president

Republican or democrat they are literally two sides of the same worthless wooden nickel. It is an illusion of choice. They all serve the same set of corporate governors. Their constituents are NOT who we think they are. All of the bullshit propagated by both sides is there to defer your attention on things that don't matter. The system is broken.

That is one more pile of bs. If both sides are the same what side are the people promoting that lie on? Do they have a new side, called open dictatorship?

Open dictatorship? Interesting but completely off topic. What I'm referring to is the concept of democracy and how we believe (the average American) it functions versus how it actually does function. I believe that our government functions for the few rather than the whole. This is not conspiratorial, it's simply how our government has evolved. It is the only job in the world where you are paid roughly $140,000 per year and at the end of your 4 or 6 year term you're a multi-millionaire with a pension and health care benefits for life. Where does all that wealth come from? They are ALL there for themselves or those that paid millions to get them elected. The idea of civil service, depending on your population base, typically ends at the city or state level. America is an amazing country full of amazing people that are run by less than desirable individuals. Besides, you've proven my point precisely. You're so wound up in the bullshit fed to us by any media source that you've failed to form an opinion of your own. Instead you rail against the democrats or republicans as if that is the problem with our country. Im guessing you focus on the news service that matches your viewpoints most closely and pay little attention to anything else or entertain an original thought. You consume that which you already believe to help strengthen a belief based on fallacies. You are helping to build and feed the system that has cut middle americas pay in half, inflation adjusted, since the 70's. Where has all that wealth gone? You don't care because you're too concerned with a game of "us against them" that has been created to occupy your valuable time. The two parties are two sides of the same worthless wooden nickel. We believe the nickel is valuable because of all the strife and angst we are inundated with. It's a game, a theatrical presentation that occupies far too much of everyone's time.

I have no idea what your point is. But you didn't tell me what that "one side fits all is."

There isn't a one size fits all, nor did I say that. I simply want my elected officials, our civil servants, to serve us. I do not want them serving corporations or special interest groups to the detriment of our quality of life, the environment, or my children's future.

Well then you are in a sorry spot since the entire current government; the Supreme Court, Presidency, House and Senate have one goal, Serve the billionaires and their corporations.

EXACTLY MY POINT!!! The system is broken.

And you don't seem to understand those are the folks who are pushing the "both sides are the same lie."

And who are these folks?

The Tea Party network.

The Tea Party network.

Both want to take your money and freedom and perpetuate war. They are owned by all the same businesses.

Well then you are in a sorry spot since the entire current government; the Supreme Court, Presidency, House and Senate have one goal, Serve the billionaires and their corporations.

This is every government not just the current one. Whoever or whatever you are reading or listening to. Stop. You're in too deep.

That was grassroots, coming from the people and some of their representatives. This is top down, coming from the establishment.

Top down, like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell? I haven't seen any attacks from them. and I don't remember a single day right up until his last day that WaPo and NYTimes didn't have Obama attack articles.

And at what time did the Republican Congress not attack Obama? or Fox News? or any of the others.

And what was not from the top in the Obama attacks?

We're talking about the main stream media here, not fringe elements of the right wing. Never has the MSM gone after a President like this, ever. To even try and compare it to the laughable criticism Obama received is ridiculous, even more so that this somehow has 100 upvotes in a conspiracy subreddit.

Sorry, I consider that to be entirely delusional.

Welcome to /r/conspiracy, where we typically discuss conspiracy theories and don't parrot the MSM's narrative.

One thing rarely seen here is discussions of the real conspiracies against you.

Every president will have people like that. I think the point is that basically any MSM has been non-stop Trump news. I don't remember anything like that with Obama. Now the coverage could be justified or it could not be, that's what you have to decide for yourself

I think your memory editor is working overtime.

Obama received an extreme level of hate almost instantly and anyone stating otherwise is completely ignorant(and likely one of the haters), Mitch McConnell stated it before he was even inaugurated.

The Trump hate(however deserved it may be) is taking Obamas to the next level though. You have mainstream media outlets saying and defending things said about Trump on air/print that only the far-right fringe did to Obama. A good portion of Trumps own party is even joining in against him, which didn't happen to Obama.

I say this as someone who disagrees with Trump on almost every issue. I only wish the media treated EVERY politician in the same manner, the singling out of one person while giving the rest a pass should make everyone suspicious.

I disagree with your assessment and it is especially disingenuous considering Trump spent a full year on his Birther campaign.

Obama didn't have a unified main stream media attacking him though. He had all of the liberal news agencies defending him. Republicans attacking Obama is expected and racist nutjobs don't have nearly the same weight, nobody really listens to them even though the edit likes to amplify them for rhetorical reasons.

A unified legacy media against trump appears to be a new kind of propaganda machine.

Blame Trump for giving the whole planet enough ammo to roast him for the rest of his life. He's making himself look like a joke, not the media.

I disagree to some extent.

I believe the legacy media intentionally publishes propaganda in an attempt to manufacture consent for an unelected power structure.

Much of the outrage and disdain directed at him comes consistently and directly from several highly biased and highly dishonest main stream media corporations. I believe that many of the attacks from the legacy media tend to be lying more than Trump does on average.

Maybe you're not seeing the other side of the story, which is the fact that they are deliberately pushing bullshit stories, lies, distortions and program propaganda meant to make him look bad specifically for the purpose of de-legitimizing him to the public. Maybe you don't see it, but for anybody who's been studying the media as long as I have since Bush got in and how they reacted towards both him and Obama, but the media push against Trump is completely unprecedented in scope. Nobody can be honest and say that Clinton, Bush or Obama ever got publicly excoriated by both sides like he is. It's blatant and obvious.

is trump not making it easy? compare the scandals surrounding obama and trumps first 100 days

He makes it easy for the MSM and deep state to hate him sure. But the only scandals I see surrounding Trump are essentially fake Russian bullshit.

The fact that he tweets directly to people is kind of incredible really. How long have we been having to read what presidents say filtered through layers of opinion, sound bites and straight up lies of biased media corporations? Kind of makes you wonder how much of what other presidents have done has been hampered by having to placate these unelected power structures...

Have you read his tweets? He needs a pr guy more than anybody, covfefe

Yeah, a typo turns into a multi day MSM orgy. It was a number one trend on twitter, people were nonstop talking about it and making jokes, what is the problem again?

Yes he did, they seemed to all be under orders to always include a dig at Obama even if they were talking about donuts.

People forget Trump was hated by everyone before running. The guy has been a terrible person for decades and the second he becomes a Republican suddenly people are "out to get him"

The one being disingenuous here is you by equating one persons Twitter rants to every mainstream media outlet blasting the same biased coverage and talking points.

They're pushing made up fanfic stories like the the "Golden Shower" idiocy as though it's fact, open your eyes a little please.

I never said Trump doesn't deserve criticism, he does just like every politician. The issue here is that valid policy criticisms are being ignored while they spout straight up propaganda.

You're only strengthening his supporters and lowering trust in media when you constantly push obvious lies.


Seriously it's like they don't even realize that these petty attacks and falsifications just make them lose more credibility to the public. That's why trust in the mainstream media is at 6% and why the liberal-left is hated even more than Donald Trump in America.

The Trump hate(however deserved it may be) is taking Obamas to the next level though.

Not really though. You just feel that way as now it's your guy, you didn't care about how a president was treated before or weren't old enough to pay attention to it.

You have mainstream media outlets saying and defending things said about Trump on air/print that only the far-right fringe did to Obama.

Fox News has been the biggest cable news channel for a long time. And they were the ones pushing ridiculous stories like the "terrorist fist jab" and "president poupon" nonsense.

When Obama was elected the right was pushing the narrative that he was a secret Kenyan Muslim out to take all of our guns, overthrow the government and claim himself emperor and declare sharia law. And yes, that was on mainstream conservative news as well.

A good portion of Trumps own party is even joining in against him, which didn't happen to Obama.

Which goes to show you that this is Trumps own fault. This wouldn't happen with a Pence or even a Jeb because they know how to shut the fuck up and just sign the laws.

only wish the media treated EVERY politician in the same manner, the singling out of one person while giving the rest a pass should make everyone suspicious.

What you're asking for is akin to journalistic communism. Everyone gets equal praise and condemnation even if one person is a truly horrible president and the other is pretty good.

Maybe start to realize that Trump gets more criticism because he does more stupid shit in 10 days than most presidents do in a whole term.

Not really though. You just feel that way as now it's your guy

My "Guy" is Bernie Sanders actually, so nice Talking Point you have there. Shows you ignored the part of my comment where I said "as someone who disagrees with Trump on almost every issue."

Fox News

So you reference the one Mainstream source that was clearly anti-Obama yet ignore how Trump is treated in the exact same manner by ALL Mainstream sources including plenty of Fox News shows. You're just proving my point for me.

What you're asking for is akin to journalistic communism.

No, what I'm asking for is journalist integrity instead of the propaganda you love pushing as facts.

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so if everyone agrees hes an asshole we're supposed to believe hes not? fox and msnbc/cnn dont agree on much

It's not about him being an asshole which I absolutely agree on, it's how the media as a whole is making conspiracy claims as though they are facts and continually pushing them even when disproven.

You won't see me defending Trumps antics, but I will call out the same media who used these propaganda tactics on both Bernie and Ron Paul.

making conspiracy claims as though they are facts and continually pushing them even when disproven.

Lmao do you even hear yourself? These "conspiracy claims" you're talking about are being covered on every media outlet because it's a literal fucking conspiracy between America's largest geopolitical rival and the current President of the United States, and it's people like Jim Comey making the claims not some asshat on 4chan who "disproved" the Steele Dossier.

America's largest geopolitical rival

I remember when Obama laughed at Romney for saying that ;)

Nice deflection. Want to add on some stuff about Hillary just cuz?

Guess they've assigned you guys to this thread now, huh?

All I can hope is people are reporting rule breakers and mods are doing their job :)

If someone like you is still here they obviously aren't. Where did I reference Hillary at all? Sorry you misused that talking point, must be new huh?

Deleted your previous comment before it could be removed? Slick move ;)

Also if you read the comment it's quite clear that you did not mention Hillary - I was asking if you wanted to throw any "But Hillary!" comments in just for good measure because that's how you guys usually like to deflect

I was asking if you wanted to throw any "But Hillary!"

Nah you just wanted to reuse your tired, pathetic talking points and have your buddies circlejerk while upvoting them.

Prove it.

how the hell is that a deflection

Because what does Obama's opinion a decade ago matter to the conversation that was taking place? It was a lame strawman attempt to change the subject

A decade ago? It was the last general election campaign. It's relevant to the conversation when the last president could say thathat and get away with it but now you cant.

He "got away" with it because the political climate was entirely different. Whether or not Romney was right and Obama looks silly in hindsight, it's irrelevant to this thread

And see, now we are talking about an old election, far removed from the topic of the post. Deflection "successful"

My "Guy" is Bernie Sanders actually, so nice Talking Point you have there. Shows you ignored the part of my comment where I said "as someone who disagrees with Trump on almost every issue."

Settle down sweetheart.

The other point stands, you simply weren't paying attention. As I, and several others, in this thread have nicely detailed for you.

So please, tell me how Trump is being treated worse than a guy who was called a secret Kenyan Muslim terrorist bent on sharia law.

And yes, the lengths you're going to in order to defend Trump from being called out on his bullshit makes him your guy.

So you reference the one Mainstream source that was clearly anti-Obama

You seem to have weirdly deleted that point about it being by far the most popular cable news network. Funny how you don't want to acknowledge that.

Or how about talk radio being all far right wing too?

Or shit like Drudge Report, etc which still gets millions of views.

yet ignore how Trump is treated in the exact same manner by ALL Mainstream sources including plenty of Fox News shows. You're just proving my point for me.

Hahaha, the ONLY Fox News show which is even timidly critical is Shep Smith. "Plenty" is a laughable statement.

And Obama also got shit from the major news networks, he just wasn't rage tweeting at news programs and attacking FBI directors and foreign mayors every other day.

Again, it's just showing what you want is for people to ignore Trumps shit. Because HOW DARE WE acknowledge the stupid things he says and does every day. We should all just kneel down at his feet am I right?!

No, what I'm asking for is journalist integrity instead of the propaganda you love pushing as facts.

Journalist integrity is reporting the facts.

The fact is that Trump is a dumpster fire right now. He's gotten no major legislation passed with all 3 branches on his side and instead he's rage tweeting and impeding investigations.

As for you claiming to be liberal, great work on torpedoing climate change protections, Wall Street reforms, and civil liberties though. BUT HER EMAILLSSSSSSS. You sure showed everyone!

tell me how Trump is being treated worse than a guy who was called a secret Kenyan Muslim terrorist bent on sharia law.

You're obviously having a hard time following Honey, how about reading the title of this post once more. It's about the entire media not just right wing fringe nut jobs.

Now count to 10 and repeat after me "Bernie would have won."

You're obviously having a hard time following Honey, how about reading the title of this post once more. It's about the entire media not just right wing fringe nut jobs.

Mainstream Republicans were pushing those same lies.

Trump, your best friend, was pushing them for years too!

You know why Trump is criticized so much? Because he's a colossal fuck up. Get over it.

Now count to 10 and repeat after me "Bernie would have won."

I voted for him you.

And he didn't win. But hey, I'm sure mumbling to yourself will change the damage Trump is doing to climate protections, Wall Street reform, the millions who look like they'll lose insurance, etc.

You are clearly a disingenuous person to keep pushing bullshit after he's already corrected you. Pointing out the very obvious anti Trump bias in the establishment does not in any way mean you support him, it means you're actually looking at things from a balanced perspective and not buying into either side of the political Kool-Aid troughs that people like you lap up gladly because it conforms to your own biases. You can be a liberal and acknowledge the fact that the media and establishment hate Donald Trump with a passion never seen for any other President, yes, even George W. Bush, who is demonstrably worse on many levels but yet shockingly gets a pass from the media and even a lot of liberals just because he's anti-Trump.

Holy shit, you're literally stalking comments a year old.

I tagged you when it happened actual, reddit noob.

You still had to go back to a thread a year old all because you got triggered.

And you were still clearly wrong.

This is truly pathetic dude.

because you got triggered.

You mean because I showed yet again how wrong you are ;)

So you choose a post where it's clear that I was correct?

Bold move, Cotton.

You meant he sub where no negative Hillary stuff was allowed after the Dem Convention? Nah you were wrong buddy.

It was absolutely allowed. And it still is.

Do I need to really explain how Reddit works? Post a story here that's critical of Trump, and it will get far less votes than something critical of democrats. Because the user base here right now skews right.

The politics user base skews left. Thus it was pro Bernie until he lost and then it went for the next most left candidate.

As I said, you're literally posting something that's been PROVEN wrong several times.

Seriously, give it up dude.

Hillary is skewed to the right, so great job, again, disproving yourself. The mods at /r/politics were almost entirely switched out in the past 2 years.

The votes are bots, just like the ones used on T_D, great job strawmanning everything you want to argue against though.

Hillary is skewed to the right so great job, again, disproving yourself.

Relative to Trump? Come on already.

The mods at /r/politics were almost entirely switched out in the past 2 years.

Which doesn't mean foul play. And there have been anti Hillary stories make it to the front since, especially ones about how she fucked up her campaign by ignoring the rust belt.

The votes are bots, just like the ones currently in this thread and used on T_D and, great job strawmanning everything you want to argue against though.

Now you're making statements you can't back up.

Seriously, are you done with this yet?

you can't back up.

Reddits voting algorithm already proves it, unless you somehow think Trump is the most popular person on reddit due to all of T_Ds posts getting thousands of upvotes.

Reddits voting algorithm already proves it,

No it doesn't. That statement doesn't even make sense.

unless you somehow think Trump is the most popular person on reddit due to all of T_Ds posts getting thousands of upvotes.

It's because they took what SandersforPres figured out and took it to its logical and horrible extreme.

The old algorithm was heavily dependent on how many votes a post got quickly. So if you sat on new and a post quickly got 500 upvotes it would rocket to the front page. They would immediately sticky new posts to the top to abuse that.

Back back to t_d.

7 month old account that only talks about Trump, you're a broken record and I'm not a T_D user sorry to break your ignorance bubble.

Don't know why you are down voted so much. I agree with a lot of what you said. I wish the media were this hard on Bush when he was taking us to war on a lie rather than covering for him. I wish they held Obama to the same scrutiny for his term. They just havent. I say this as someone that very much dislikes Trump. The coverage has not been the same. They were infinitely easier n the last two presidents.

Funny part was how I started off with +15 karma then refresh the page and instantly I'm negative while his blatant lies and strawman arguing went from negative to +50.

It's obvious to anyone paying attention for the past two years what is going on, and truly sad how mods and admins protect them from criticism.

Yup. It's becoming a disease here and a real problem. It's one thing to happen in r/politics. But it would be nice if we could be free from the establishment propaganda in this sub. It's so out of place here and at the same time it's in every thread. Tiresome.

Maybe start to realize that Trump gets more criticism because he does more stupid shit in 10 days than most presidents do in a whole term.

The height of this is his comment if letting Comey go for "the Russia thing." His people worked out a way to fire Comey with less political fallout, and he couldn't keep quiet for a week! HOW HARD IS IT!?!?

Hell, he is so desperate for attention he couldn't let anyone think he didn't make the decision and then went so far as to admit it was based on the Russia investigation.

But if we talk about that then we're not being "fair" 😂

Not really though. You just feel that way as now it's your guy, you didn't care about how a president was treated before or weren't old enough to pay attention to it.

Your post history leads me to believe that your bias could be seen in the same light. There were no protests, riots, etc after Obama. No meltdowns, not death threats, not mass crying for attention; people seethed for 8 years. You were clearly the one not paying attention.

When Obama was elected the right was pushing the narrative that he was a secret Kenyan Muslim out to take all of our guns, overthrow the government and claim himself emperor and declare sharia law. And yes, that was on mainstream conservative news as well.

Most conservatives either didn't really press this and when they did, didn't let it consume their lives.

Which goes to show you that this is Trumps own fault. This wouldn't happen with a Pence or even a Jeb because they know how to shut the fuck up and just sign the laws.

LOL, another one that still doesn't realize the reasons Trump was appealing and won the presidency

What you're asking for is akin to journalistic communism. Everyone gets equal praise and condemnation even if one person is a truly horrible president and the other is pretty good.

He is saying that every President should be held accountable. I'm not sure if you just felt like you needed to refute every one of his points, but c'mon now...

Not really though. You just feel that way as now it's your guy, you didn't care about how a president was treated before or weren't old enough to pay attention to it.

Harvard actually proved it in a study. Trump is treated far worse in the media, and it's not close.

That study actually said this:

Republican voices accounted for 80 percent of what newsmakers said about the Trump presidency, compared to only 6 percent for Democrats and 3 percent for those involved in anti-Trump protests

So it was negative even from Republican voices.

That shows you that it isn't some media fabrication, Trump has just been an awful president.

That shows you that it isn't some media fabrication, Trump has just been an awful president.

That's not really what it shows you. Globalist republicans like McCain oppose Trump at all costs as well.

I like how he attacked the media and didn't expect them to fight back.

Look, Trump ain't my guy, but he's getting shit on much harder than Obama ever did. And it's mostly just stupid shit that doesn't really seem to matter. It's all just red scare propaganda.

(the right was pushing the narrative that he was a secret Kenyan Muslim)


How dare you bring facts up. This was the past. Trump is the first president to ever receive friction from their opposition party.

Just trying to inject reason into this conversation, lord knows it could use some as it seems both sides thinks they're the only victim.

Once you realize there are no sides, shit will run down your leg.

There are plenty who identify as having a side though, even when both parties work for the same donors.

They are referred to as useful idiots, and this sub is full of them.

Obama put his head down and did his best to run the country, never once stooping down to the level of his attackers.

Trump on the other hand was attacking people before he was in the running, during his campaign, and after taking office. He was relentless in his attacks and a lot of them were unwarranted. We're not even talking well planned out strategic attacks, we're talking playground insults, cheap threats, and starting blatant untruthful rumours.

Obama's haters hated him either because he was a democrat, what he stood for, or his race, Trump's haters hate him because he's a nasty person, period. That's why even his own corner are finding it hard to stomach him.

Trump has reduced the White House to laughing stock, he goes on a state visit and plays nice then comes back and talks shit about that same country, he says something one day then changes his mind the next, he criticises his predecessor for playing golf on the job and then does the same several fold, criticises his predecessor for taking too many vacations and then takes one nearly every week in his own hotel (and makes the secret service PAY to stay in his hotel to protect him). He's even admitted that a lot of the bullshit he told his supporters was only said because he thought that's what they wanted to hear.

The list is never ending, Obama never had a single scandal. Even foreign countries have been reduced to going around him and dealing with states directly because he's so incompetent.

I'm all for fair play but in my opinion he's not getting enough flak. If he actually starts taking his job seriously instead of treating it like a giant publicity stunt/game show, then I think the American people should cut him some slack for the sake of the county, until then America's future is uncertain.

The sad thing is, you actually believe all this to be fact lol. You really think people disliked Obama just because of his race and bc he's a Democrat?

Hi! I'm Earth. Have we met?

Conveniently missed out the third reason I mentioned lol.

Also, that list is laughable,

Falsely said that Fast and Furious was started when Bush was President.

Complained to YouTube about an anti-Muslim video.

Waited until after the 2012 election to release unpopular Obamacare rules.

Most of these are nitpicking at best - the kind of stuff that Trump does publicly every day and no one cares.

Trump fired the FBI director, brazenly tried to pass the blame onto his subordinates who refused to take it, then finally went on TV and admitted that it was because the FBI director was actually doing his job and investigating him - and you're here trying to compare that with Obama getting a movie release date wrong? The guy bragged to Russian officials that he fired Comey ffs.

And when will you get it into your heads that Russia is a hostile enemy? Russia has made no secret that it wants to take down America and only started playing innocent when, to the surprise of Putin, Trump supporters gave Russia the benefit of a doubt.

Every branch of national security implicates Russia, every allied foreign government has come to the same conclusion, even Trump's own government has come to the same conclusion... yet you choose believe Trump's word without a shred of evidence, someone who's been known to lie over the most petty of things.

This is why people laugh at Trump supporters, what crazy world do you live in?

The worst thing about all of this is that he's also screwing his supporters, but you all see this as a them vs us game, so you just blindly follow him and ignore his transgressions.


Obama received a lot of hate from republicans, not from the establishment media

Exactly, and that same establishment media still shields him from criticism to this day.

They're also handing him giant piles of cash for a job well done through his book deals and "speeches".

Yup have done the same with Bush too..trying to normalize him and trot him out when in reality they should be speaking up about war crimes and international court.

TIL Fox News is not the establishment

Except Fox news of course. but let's be honest, fox news is not like most other media. They are extremely biased republican propaganda

Republicans are coming out against Trump because he makes the party look bad. They want to distance themselves whenever bad stuff drops, like the pussy grabbing video.

Not from the establishment. Not from the media. Not from his own White House and IC.

Yea it's because Trump is a fucking idiot who can't even tie his own shoes.

But at that time the media was split. A few nutjobs on the radio is one thing, but now it appears the entire establishment and main stream media is united.

  1. The establishment includes all of the Republicans who support Trump. (The GOP controls all Congress and the Presidency.)

  2. Not all presidents are deserving of the same scrutiny. Trump gets criticized more, but that's because he makes a fuckton of mistakes.

  3. The unfair criticism of Obama was not just a "few nutjobs on the radiio." And that also undersells how influential radio is on many voters.

  1. Yes I agree. He didn't win the presidency by making friends with these people. Several of the biggest swamp monsters are never-Trump Republicans too.

  2. I disagree here, presidents are worthy of a lot of scrutiny. Obama for example appears to have needed quite a bit more. Why should he get away with this NSA spying bullshit? I could go on but to your other point: I'm not going to say he doesn't make mistakes but I don't think that is why he gets criticized more; I think he gets criticized more because the MSM is being directed and paid to do it.

  3. Fair enough but maybe it would be more balanced for me to say that while that was going on Obama had all of the liberal media on his side, at least half of the MSM. Its mostly a controlled opposition they put up for show for establishment candidates. That what is different now is a nearly unified MSM against together against a non-establishment president.

Believe me you could spend all day any day perusing the news feeds and not find anything favorable about Obama for the first 6.5 years of his Presidency.

That doesn't mean they didn't attack him daily.

Fox did for sure, no question.

I don't recall the entire mainstream media and leakers within our own government working to take down Obama.

I don't recall it because it didn't happen.

What we are seeing now in unprecedented.

No it isn't and it isn't even as harsh as the shitstorm that was deployed against Obama.

You don't remember Bradley Manning and Edward Snowdon? Seriously?

Those were not leaked for the purpose of bashing Obama himself. If I remember right the Manning leak video was during the Bush time anyway.

Those were not leaked for the purpose of bashing Obama himself. If I remember right the Manning leak video was during the Bush time anyway.

No manning was definitely during obama and leaked to wikileaks because of how the war was been handled by Obama. It was used to create distrust and uncertainty in select politicians like Hillary

Then you have the Snowdon leaks that really made Obama look bad for allowing spying on us citizens among other terrible things.

There was also a Top Secret slide leaked that detailed the drone kill chain and how it went all the way up to Obama. Who was already getting bad press for droning the shit out of people.

These are the kind of things that Russia would do to try and divide America and sow distrust in its leaders. Which I'm not claiming at all as there's no proof but i did entertain the idea when Snowdon was granted asylum.

There were a SHITLOAD of people acting like they were going to form militias.

The difference now being that Trump is actually a disgrace to the country and should be removed before he causes more damage than he already has.

When Obama was prez it was just Fox vs Obama. Now it's CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes, Time, WaPo, NPR, ABC, NBC vs Trump. Prob eight times as much negative coverage.

I disagree. It was everyone and especially NPR and why I stopped listening to them every day was bash Obama day.

Especially NPR? NPR is worse than Limbaugh in bashing Obama? What timeline are you living in?

You must not be an NPR listener. All they ever did was wag on how awful he was.

I listen and read all news sources. Claiming Limbaugh, a right wing conservative, is less nasty towards Obama than National Public Radio (a left leaning taxpayer funded station) means you must live in a reverse Universe. You should try and open a wormhole and head back.

One is a memory of people screaming, who were made fun of by society at large, the other, what we see now, is the entirety of our media establishment conspiring, in a very literal way, to in any way possible destroy the appearance of Trump.

Man you always say stuff like this.. Like you're a smart girl, you can see that what I wrote is fair. Why do you abide biases with your level of intelligence? I can't understand it.. I respect you, don't get me wrong, it's just that two contrary essences cannot have the same source, so I'm thoroughly confused.

I also saw the entire media attack Obama every day and that included allegedly liberal forms like Democratic Underground, and allegedly liberal sites like Think Progresss, and others especially Democracy Now who were always raging about Obama.

NPR of course is now nothing but conservative controlled and that is where I heard the vilest attack against Obama ever. It was back in 2011 when Congress and the MIC were trying to bully him into attacking Iran.

Right? Shit is straight fucked up. I think we need to lay down our hatred of personalities and focus on those that try to control them for their own means, using us. Falling for the created hatred makes fools of us all.

Certainly, all of this repetition of the question "who had it worse?" would definitely have an answer, but it's not as important as keeping in mind that when elected officials try to go against the already lain plans, they are attacked.

The manipulators have been exceedingly successful in keeping us divided. It is beyond sad it is a disaster.

I whole heartedly agree. For what it's worth, even if you and I disagree from time to time, I get the sense that we both fight for good, and so at the very least, I respect you.

I hope to one day fight beside you, no matter what our views on that day might be!

And I respect that you don't resort to personal insults for responses. And we probably agree on more than we disagree over.

Yep yep. :)

Not even close to what the MSM is doing now.

I think you have edited your memories.

Were you asleep during the Obama Presidency when there were calls for revolution by Rep Steven King and Senator Ted Cruz and the birth of the Tea Party Revolutionaries

There is actually proof that the media treats Trump far worse than they did Obama.

No I think there was proof that Hillary's emails got more coverage than Trumps shit act did during the campaign.

But if there is such proof, show us.

No I think there was proof that Hillary's emails got more coverage than Trumps shit act did during the campaign.

I don't have proof, but I doubt you do and I absolutely don't believe that without proof.

That link was literally proof for what I said.

I disagree because the conservative media still supports Trump, and with Obama all the media attacked every day.

That report focused only on the MSM. So no deal. And Fox News still acts like Trump just needs a little more experience or something.

I disagree because the conservative media still supports Trump, and with Obama all the media attacked every day.

The link debunks this claim specifically. Obama was actually the best treated by the media. By a lot.

That report focused only on the MSM. So no deal. And Fox News still acts like Trump just needs a little more exper

That was the point. Yours only talks about MSM as well.

I disagree because the conservative media still supports Trump, and with Obama all the media attacked every day.

The link debunks this claim specifically. Obama was actually the best treated by the media. By a lot.

That report focused only on the MSM. So no deal. And Fox News still acts like Trump just needs a little more exper

That was the point. Yours only talks about MSM as well.

I don't think you will find any conservative sites attacking Trump.

In that study there was plenty of conservatives included in the coverage.

Here is the list of news providers they used only Fox and WSJ are considered to be conservative:

CNN, NBC, CBS, NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Fox,

And 3 European news providers, and we know Europe hates Trump.

Eu sites, ARD, Financial Times, BBC.

So that looks like a cooked report to me.

The study says the vast majority of reporters in the study were conservative.

There is no liberal mediia, there is full out right wing media and corporate conservative media.

There is no one pushing to save Social Security or Medicare,

or a higher minimum wage

Or affordable health care for

Or improving education, (Betsy DeVos intends to drive a stake in the heart of it.)

So No, there is no liberal media except for tiny sites no one has ever heard of.

There is no liberal media, there is full out right wing media and corporate conservative media.

If you mean liberal as in progressive, sure. If you mean liberal as in leftist, this is a ridiculous statement. The media is ridiculously liberal (leftist). I think you mean progressive though so fair.

Or improving education, (Betsy DeVos intends to drive a stake in the heart of it.)

Being against government education isn't the same as being against improving education.

I just listed some of the liberal ideas, none of those ideas are pushed by any mainstream news service. Oh and I will include voting rights and affordable housing

and repeat the others,

Social Security/Medicare

Public funded education, (once available tuition free or very low

tuition at state colleges and universities).

Affordable health care for all

A livable minimum wage

I just listed some of the liberal ideas, none of those ideas are pushed by any mainstream news service

And I told you there are two interpretations of the word liberal.

I consider those people calling themselves progressive to be corporate conservatives. The generally hate liberals.

I consider those people calling themselves progressive to be corporate conservatives.

That makes no sense. At all.

Then please tell me what a progressive is in your dictionary?

Bernie Sanders basically.

No Bernie Sanders is a liberal, who correctly identified the U.S. version of liberal as democratic socialist. Hillary Clinton is a corporate conservative progressive. They talk about liberal ideas but like her husband, Bill governs, business friendly(anti-labor) and are tough on crime.

I disagree. And I think most people would as well. At least when it comes to US definitions.

Well you are conservative so you think we are all bunch of socialists anyway. :::laughs bye, it was fun.

I dont remember being bombarded with it to the point of it almost being state sanctioned social conditioning the level at which its occuring on reddit though. In fact id say 99% of regular people never so much as heard or saw any of the things youre talking about. The difference is you are poitning to like 3 or 4 people where as in this scenario entire platforms and even mediums are being dominated by this narrative. Reddit, majority of news coprorations, streaming services, hollywood, etc... Its way more widespread than saying limbaugh is saying something. To draw that comparison alone is fucking retarded

They did forget. That's why this is posted here

If you're trying to compare that to the onslaught of fake news and biased reporting seen today directed at Trump you're gonna need more. Every major news channel(except one) and every newspaper fawned at Obama at his every step. Trump can't get a single positive news story.

Show me a MSM publication fawning over Obama in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013.

Yep. There's been plenty of determined and organize efforts to destroy other politicians before. It's just that when it comes from republicans, nobody takes them seriously so they don't get as much traction.

With Trump, everybody can join in on the fun of mocking a diaper-wearing moron.

Both Obama and trump ain't shit either

I respect Obama for a lot of reasons, and can't find any reasons to respect Trump, and never have but I seem to have a natural allergy to con men.

Obama is no different than trump if they're both puppets for the elite

Comparing Limbaugh to the mainstream CIA media lol you didn't see late night comedy shows going after Obama. You didn't see twitter and facebook going after Obama. You didn't seen youtube trending anti-Obama videos everyday. You didn't Hollywood coming out against obama

Not just Limbaugh, over a period of several weeks I sampled radio shows from coast to coast and border to border. It was not possible to turn on a radio and not hear smarmy nasty stuff about Obama.

You have to admit, Obama didn't give them a much to work with as Trump does, but when he did, they gleefully jumped on it.

Nothing in comparison to what they are doing to Trump

Sorry I do disagree. For example the conservative media supports Trump, No one supported Obama. Not even allegedly liberal sites like Democracy Now, they were always bitching about him. Same with Think Progress for most of his Presidency.

For example the conservative media supports Trump

By that, do you mean Fox?

No one supported Obama. Not even allegedly liberal sites like Democracy Now, they were always bitching about him

Were you living underground for the last 8 years?

Fox is only the most famous, Here is a list of some others.


Gee, that's funny. This Harvard study shows that Fox coverage was 52% negative of Trump, whereas CNN was 93% negative. Where did all that extra negative coverage come from? Could it be that Fox is actually fair and balanced?


Your criteria for media that "supports" Trump is if they aren't overwhelmingly negative about him. Is that alarming to you? Is a news network that provides 50/50 positive/negative coverage biased?

Could it be that deck was stacked to deliver a desired outcome,
Why 3 European sources?

Lol, calling into question the validity of a Harvard study simply because it goes against your beliefs?

We didn't need a harvard study to prove this. It was and is obvious to anyone truly paying attention.

They didn't any of the special conservative news providers, it looks and smells fishy to me.

They didn't any of the special conservative news providers but did include 3 European news sources

Who cares about small conservative news outlets? Of course they'd be more positive to Trump. The study is about comparing the big mainstream outlets. Do you actually think that including BBC, Financial Times in the study is "fishy"?

Are you saying the study should have included InfoWars and left out BBC and Financial Times? Don't be ridiculous. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now?

it looks and smells fishy to me.

Feelings > facts for you

I already told you, none of the conservative providers are anti-Trump. All MSM and conservative sites attacked Obama and Fox and the special conservative sites everyday for all 8 years and are still at it.

one of the conservative providers are anti-Trump

The harvard study says Fox was 53% negative of Trump. Oh but that goes against your opinions, so therefore the harvard study must be invalid/fishy. Gotcha, I understand now.

They didn't include InfoWars but did include BBC and Financial Times, it looks and smells fishy to me.

Now do you see how ridiculous you look?

If you say so but I have no confidence in a report that included 3 European sources when we know they would be negative. I call that a stacked deck.

If you say so but I have no confidence in a report that included 3 European sources when we know they would be negative. I call that a stacked deck.

You can keep saying "European sources", when actually it's BBC, Financial Times. They're practically world news outlets. If they didn't include non-US sources you would have said that was fishy and a "stacked deck".

How is that a "stacked deck"? How does including BBC and FT at all affect the statistics for the other outlets? It doesn't. You're just grasping at straws, trying to de-legitimize a harvard study any way you can because your brain is cooked.

I actually can't believe you believe this. I feel so sorry for you.

Please, if you will, elaborate on how including those Euro sources make the study a "stacked deck". I look forward to reading your ridiculous, illogical explanation.

So you've given up then? You realized how ridiculous your argument was and ran away like a coward?

Please, if you will, elaborate on how including those Euro sources make the study a "stacked deck". I look forward to reading your ridiculous, illogical explanation.

I was going to say, the right's (Fox New's) attempts to destroy Obama were far more severe and dangerous than anything since.

I agree and they never let up for the entire 8 years.

Lol .. says who?

So there's Fox News which is clearly right leaning or more fair than the Liberal Media. Just going off recent poll numbers of negative coverage of Trump since preseidency. Fox %50 and CNN %95 negative..

What other channels/ networks do conservatives have on Tv?

The Left has PBS, CNN, NBC, MNBC, ESPN, ABC, Hollywood, College Cult Culture etc etc .. it's not even debatable on the amount of Leftist propaganda being pushed on Tv and your cell phones

Sorry, but MSNBC is the only truly left wing channel. The rest you named are very centrist. Historical progress has a Liberal bias amigo. Intelligence will reside amongst that progress.

Lol I was too busy watching 95% of the liberal media, Hollywood, TV, education, etc etc .. carrying water for the Democrat party and covering up their crimes and ineptness.

So no, I wasn't asleep. Nobody gave a fck while precious Obama was in office. Now it's Trumps turn to make up for lost time by the Left and their media I guess.

Yea me either but I'm starting to think he really might be as shitty as the they say or world leaders are using him as a scapegoat to denounce America and weaken it's image.

As someone who doesn't much like the Dems either, he really is that shitty. Watch everything he does with the mindset that he's a relatively ignorant man with narcissistic traits and a rich daddy. Watch how quickly the pieces click together. And if you're uncomfortable with it, you can go right back to imagining him as a brave and selfless leader standing against the shadowy bad guys, or whatever the narrative is.

The left isn't out to get him because we're afraid of his abilities, we simply know not to give a two-year old the shotgun.

I thought he was shit from the beginning, I was just being sort of tactful in that last comment.

He does it to himself with his creating drama and scandal on Twitter instead of actually getting on with the job of being president.

I think the TPTB have figured out that he's easily distracted, and will keep him in this constant state of defending himself for the next 3.5 years.

His party controls three branches of government. He fired the director of the FBI. The fact that TPTB aren't him is a testament to his ineptitude.

Thank you! What other President has picked fights on this scale before? Who can be surprised the media is against him when he calls them all fake news and personally attacks the ones that report things he doesn't like?

I have never seen such a determined effort by supporters to stand behind this man by any means necessary.

At this stage in his presidency if you are still supporting him today your awareness of what's going on the world will be questioned. It's not because muh deep state it's because we have record upon record of his incompetence and you think it's because he is the one that will bring the Canal down or drain the swamp. For cucks sake do you buy everything that's sold to you. You are the perfect consumer.

Muh deep state

Here is Everything is a Rich Man's Trick: JFK to 911


Yea seen. That whoever did the research had a big obsession with JFK and I got a lot of good info that I never heard of. But they spent majority of the documentary about JFK and spent very little time on 9/11 missing alot of persuadable key points.

I think JFK assassination has a lot more easily traceable info to the perps. 9/11, all you need is a basic understanding in physics to know controlled demolition was used.

As long as your team is winning who cares about the negative impact it has on the 99%!

It's not about supporting him, it's about being against the other side which is more negative. Same reason (educated) people voted for Trump... lesser of two evils.

C'mon, man. You gotta prepare people before you say that shit. I had coffee in my mouth.


Your comment was so stupid that's it's funny.

I guess the shills are out in full force today.

i'm so smart and awesome, you'd have to be paid to disagree with me!

ad hominem. what you do when you can't win an argument.

calling people shills doesn't deserve a real comment

But I won.

Nice try, crooked asshole.

ad hominem. what you do when you can't win an argument.

But I won. Going to cry that reality smacked you in the face? Go ahead and delete more comments, like a loser.

once again, ad hominem is all you can resort to. admitting your defeat in argument.

Yeah they are, that's how you got 5 upvotes in the first place, and how this thread ended up on the front page.

Grow up.

It's funny you are the one laughing thinking what I said was dumb, when you are the one who doesn't know what parentheses mean. You misinterpreted my statement :)



You are factually incorrect. Trump did not get the majority of educated voters, that would be Clinton.

You misinterpreted my syntax. I put that word in parentheses to signify that many trump voters voted for him for instrinsic reasons, but the educated ones who voted for him did it recognizing he was the lesser of two evils.

That has nothing to do with my misunderstanding anything and everything to do with you intentionally misrepresenting it.

You specifically worded it to sound like something that is factually not true.

The truth is that the majority of educated voters voted for Clinton as "the lesser of two evils." Your entire post is factually incorrect and misleading.

If I said "same reason people voted for trump" that would be factually incorrect because many people voted for him for his own reasons and were really excited about it. So I added in the educated to specify. I can see how my comment is misleading though, like its referring to the overall pool of voters.

Trump also scooped up the majority of successful voters. Lets not play daft and pretend that college degrees haven't been watered down; and those freshly degree'd gender studies baristas were Clinton's bread and butter. It's hard to pretend college diplomas are any real indicator of intellect. Clinton received the majority of low-income voters, so what good is an education if it doesn't get you far in life?

You specifically worded it to sound like something that is factually not true.

I honestly think you might be giving him too much credit, not all idiots are doing it maliciously

Hanlon's Razor.

If you live in the US you are the one percent.

A homeless person in the US can make more money in 30 minutes of pan handling than a poor person in Africa can make all week digging diamonds out of the dirt.

The fact that a mentally ill person can live on the streets without being accused of being demon possessed and killed by a mob should demonstrate that we are privileged even in our lowest form here.

Oh, that makes it ok then. Carry on.

Why is it that everywhere the 99% takes over, immediately goes to shit, nationalizes resources and fucks the whole economy up to the point where people starve to death?

Does that make it okay?

You're right. Let's exalt a demagogue and give all the dough to his friends.

Honestly, I didn't notice it was you and would prefer not being banned for having a dissenting opinion. You're absolute correct. I should be happier. I'll work on that.

oh lawd.

Dissenting opinions are fine as long as you aren't calling people cucks or nazis or whatever hyperventilating nonsense people are calling each other today.

Oh, man, I've been called a cuck and a shill so many times over the last five days. So those are bannable offenses?

I'm sorry, I really don't feel comfortable conversing with you. No offense intended at all, I just don't want to say the wrong thing and get banned. I feel I'm well received here and add a good balance of joking/seriousness to the discussion, both of which are needed.

I wasn't trying to attack you, fam, nor your message.

Why would you get banned for having a dissenting opinion here? As long as you don't resort to personal attacks you'll be good. The mods have to wade through a lot of shit here and do a good job imo.

Also you had a good reply regarding his comment but the off handed mod comments come off as an underhanded attempt to discredit him. Wether you intended that or not.

I just see a lot questionable interactions. Even the other day after having 10 or so users call me a shill, I reported it and the mod left all the comments and kind of shit talked me. Not this mod either. A different one. However, I think the rules are enforced on a partisan basis and after I saw my witty quip went towards a mod, I got a little nervous because I like posting here and having been a lurker for a long time, I've seen some shit.

Anyway, no need for my excuses. Sorry if I came across as discrediting. That wasn't my intention.

Are the comments still up? There is definitely a lot of reports to sift through daily. I have noticed quite a few shill accusations that haven't been removed but they seemed about equal amount on both sides.

Perhaps i should keep track of each one and see what the true % is. I think their mod logs are public but I'm not sure if that's just for post removals or comments too. I'll check it out.

Also i have seen an uptick in new accounts baiting long time posters into breaking the rules and trying to get them banned. Don't fall for that shit. It's obvious to everyone that they're trying to distract from your message and attack you directly when that happens. Can't let them takeover this sub without a damn fight and it's a uphill battle.

Like, I agree, but how does that relate to supporting Trump?

Do you not understand that the world is not entirely the poorest areas of Africa and the US?

The fact that a mentally ill person can live on the streets without being accused of being demon possessed and killed by a mob should demonstrate that we are privileged even in our lowest form here.

The US is FAR from the only country where this is true. In fact, there are a lot of countries where people who are mentally ill have better protections, so less of them have to resort to living on the street. NOT TO MENTION the US is hardly known for their protection of mentally ill homeless people - they are some of the most common victims of violence, a large chunk of people killed by the state via the death penalty, victimised by individuals and the state alike.

Yes, people in the US are, by and large, privileged in many ways. But: a) that has nothing to do with Trump, b) it is far, far less black and white than you've painted it here, and c) the bar you've set is horrifying low.

By that logic, we should be thrilled with Trump because he's not Kim Jong-Un.

This ^

What has he don't that's so much different than what his predecessors did? So far, it looks like we could swap out "Obama" or "Bush", and we'd have the same exact shit show. So really, what has he done that is so much worse than the others'? If it has anything to do with "muhtha russha", then I'm sorry to say, you've been duped. I can't stand Trump either, but it's because he continues the same exact policies that his predecessors did. Not because he's some new and different form of Hitler, becaus that's what CNN tells me. Our entire government is the face of evil, in the world, and has been, for several decades.

He's been throwing around conspiracy allegations about how Obama wiretapped him and firing people in high places because they go against the grain or won't help him get the Russia investigation dropped. He also won't stop making an idiot of all of us on his twitter. Also, pulling out of the Paris agreement for purely economic reasons so that he could avoid having to say whether or not he still thinks climate change is a hoax by the Chinese. His health care reform plan will also result in the loss of coverage for millions of Americans should it pass the senate.

And pulling out of the Paris agreement is insane, because we get to *set our own goals and terms. *

I think we're on the same page as to economic reasons for pulling out. What I'm harping on is that the president pulled out of the largest climate change accord in the last decade without ever once acknowedging the existence of artificial climate change. That's very, very alarming.

Can you actually define a concrete benefit for you or your country by joining in this political Paris charade which looks like political agenda theatre to me.

The official acknowledgment that climate change is a real thing and has to be stopped?

Everyone knows climate change is a real thing. Nobody "knows" that it's caused by humans, nor that it can be "stopped". It's a natural course of the planet and happens regardles of the presence of humans.

Yes, we very much do know it is caused by humans. Climate scientists are absolutely in agreement. We know what caused the massive rise in CO2, the effect it has on our planet, and constant research into this has proven fruitful. The science is well known, only the misinformation campaigns by Oil-backed Republicans in congress challenge it with hostile retort.

Here is a well-sourced YouTube playlist regarding the science behind human induced climate change and the disinformation surrounding it by political forces: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL82yk73N8eoX-Xobr_TfHsWPfAIyI7VAP

Yes, we very much do know it is caused by humans.

No, we don't.

Climate scientists are absolutely in agreement.

First, no they are not. Second, it doesn't matter. Science is not 'what some scientists agree about'. Third, climate science is an oxymoron. It does not involve the scientific method and claims such as ACC cannot be falsified or verified.

We know what caused the massive rise in CO2, the effect it has on our planet,

We don't know the effect it has on our planet. CO2 levels have been much higher during much colder periods.

and constant research into this has proven fruitful.

No it hasn't.

The science is well known,

It's not science.

only the misinformation campaigns by Oil-backed Republicans in congress challenge it with hostile retort.

Only peple with critical thinking skills question the shaky "science" of anthropogenic climate change. Your attempts to discredit anyone who does so by their virtue of doing so are pathetic.

Here is a well-sourced YouTube playlist

So? There are also well sourced youtube videos, scientific papers, and websites that question ACC. Anyone who acts like ACC is unquestionable is a fucking idiot.

First, no they are not. Second, it doesn't matter. Science is not 'what some scientists agree about'. Third, climate science is an oxymoron. It does not involve the scientific method, and claims such as ACC cannot be falsified or verified using it.

This is basic misunderstanding of what "scientific consensus" means as well as what makes a climate scientist. Climate scientists include atmospheric and related scientists who study Climatology, or the study of Earth's climate conditions. Studies have shown that the vast majority of scientific papers relating to climate studies agree on the basis of human-induced climate change. Here are a few links to that:

We don't know the effect it has on our planet. CO2 levels have been much higher during much colder periods.

We do know. You can enjoy the videos for a short explanation of what the "greenhouse effect" is and how CO2 absorbs sunlight reflected by the Earth and re-emits it back into the atmosphere, trapping these gases. And we can do measurements in controlled settings to figure out how strong this force is.

CO2 has been higher in colder periods, yes. This leads many people to a trap in which they believe people are telling them that CO2 is the ONLY factor in evaluating the overall climate when it's not. The Earth in those periods was colder DESPITE the CO2 in the atmosphere. Occurrences such as sun dimness are factors in our planets heating and cooling. In the recent decades, the sun has been stable in output, thus leading to the conclusion it isn't a factor in our current warming rate. There are also the cases of super-volcanoes erupting and altering the atmosphere. The video series covers similar points and talks about specific cases. I'd highly suggest a watch, at least for curiosities sake so you can have a better understanding of where the science is at.

So? There are also well sourced youtube videos, scientific papers, and websites that question ACC or the severity of ACC. Anyone who acts like ACC is unquestionable is a fucking idiot.

While I do agree there are a lot of youtube videos and websites that spread lies, I'd really be interested if you could post the scientific papers you're talking about. Not all scientific articles are perfectly correct in a vacuum, some may conclude points incorrectly or use misleading methods to pursue an outcome. If you post specific examples I can take a look at them and maybe we can discuss where you're getting your sources.

This was probably the part where you attempted to find my T_D post history and discovered nothing.

My apologies if you felt personally attacked by my comments towards Republicans. I never checked your post history, but the main political driving forces in congress against climate change reform are Republican elected officials who receive money from Oil company lobbyists.

This website recieves its information from the Federal Election Commission and has been updated for May 2017.

This is basic misunderstanding of what "scientific consensus" means as well as what makes a climate scientist. Climate scientists include atmospheric and related scientists who study Climatology, or the study of Earth's climate conditions.

I think you might be misunderstanding what i'm trying to say. There is no such thing as a climate scientist. Anyone claiming to be one is a pseudoscientist. Even real scientists in fields that can be explored with the scientific method do not think their models are the 100% unquesitonable truth (relativity, etc).

Climate scientists include atmospheric and related scientists who study Climatology, or the study of Earth's climate conditions.

A scientist is also not 'someone who studies something'.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of scientific papers relating to climate studies agree on the basis of human-induced climate change. Here are a few links to that: •http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/11/4/048002http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024024

I reccommend reading the things you post before talking about them:

We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming.

Around 70% have no position on ACC, and only about 30% endorse it. The 97.1 number is a percentage of a subset, not a percentage of the entire scientific community.

This leads many people to a trap in which they believe people are telling them that CO2 is the ONLY factor in evaluating the overall climate when it's not.

I'm not in a trap. That's in fact the entire point. The planet and its conditions are under far too many variables and feedback loops for any manmade model to accurately predict with anything approaching real scientific precision.

I'd really be interested if you could post the scientific papers you're talking about. Not all scientific articles are perfectly correct in a vacuum, some may conclude points incorrectly or use misleading methods to pursue an outcome. If you post specific examples I can take a look at them and maybe we can discuss where you're getting your sources.


That shitty old source, the American Physical Society...

I think you might be misunderstanding what i'm trying to say. There is no such thing as a climate scientist. Anyone claiming to be one is a pseudoscientist. Even real scientists in fields that can be explored with the scientific method do not think their models are the 100% unquesitonable truth (relativity, etc).

I'm not sure what you're trying to say, honestly. Are you claiming there are literally zero scientists who studied Climatology? That scientific papers that provide methodologies and data are on a large-scale fabricated and the people behind them are actors? This seems like a strange claim to make.

Maybe the problem lies with the distinction between the political term 'climatologist' vs a climate scientist. Al Gore is not a climate scientist. He is a political advocate and can be wrong about many things. Climate scientists are not infallible as well. They make mistakes and produce models that need tuning and changing. Where is this assumption that climate scientists say they can't be wrong? Scientists have only been able to use our mass data collections in recent decades to produce models which are being corrected and tuned all the time and largely enjoy success in those models.

The planet and its conditions are under far too many variables and feedback loops for any manmade model to accurately predict with anything approaching real scientific precision.

This is just reaching for 'complexity.' Yes, climate is complex, that's why we study it and create models to discover its true nature. That's what these scientists are doing on a daily basis, discovering the mechanisms of climate. The scientists have studied climate patterns and looked for large scale shifts in climate for guidance, among other occurrences. They have weighed the variables and determined the greenhouse gases, including CO2, have a very strong heating effect on our environment.

We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming. Around 70% have no position on ACC, and only about 30% endorse it. The 97.1 number is a percentage of a subset, not a percentage of the entire scientific community.

Exactly, the 97% comes from those exact figures you just stated. The scientific papers that GIVE an opinion on AGW have a 97% acceptance of AGW. 32.6/(32.6+.7+.3) * 100% = 97% There is nothing misleading about it.

The entire point of that study is to look at those numbers. The scientists who studied the CAUSES of climate change are in agreement. They found that 2% of the scientists who study climate change disagree within their studies, less are uncertain, while 97% of those who do study the causes of climate change are in agreement that it is humans that are responsible.

Scientists who do not study Climatology are not experts on climate change. They aren't anymore qualified to speak on the causes of climate change than the average person. The research is what matters. So it only makes sense to study the people who are studying the origin of climate change.


This is a very classic example of Christopher Monckton's work. It may enlighten you to learn that this article was not peer-reviewed by the American Physical Society, but was rather included in its letter.

APS even goes as far to say this before its article on its website:

The following article has not undergone any scientific peer review. Its conclusions are in disagreement with the overwhelming opinion of the world scientific community. The Council of the American Physical Society disagrees with this article’s conclusions.

Here is a website which discusses the massive amounts of issues regarding that paper, among them include Cherrypicking data, outright lies, and non sequitur conclusions.

That scientific papers that provide methodologies and data are on a large-scale fabricated and the people behind them are actors?

The methodology that makes one a scientist is absent: the scientific method.

The scientists have studied climate patterns and looked for large scale shifts in climate for guidance, among other occurrences. They have weighed the variables and determined the greenhouse gases, including CO2, have a very strong heating effect on our environment.

Except for that funny period from 1997-2007 when there was almost no warming at all, which has not been sufficiently explaind nor was predicted by any of these supposedly accurate climate models.

Exactly, the 97% comes from those exact figures you just stated. The scientific papers that GIVE an opinion on AGW have a 97% acceptance of AGW. 32.6/(32.6+.7+.3) * 100% = 97% There is nothing misleading about it.

Yeah, it's not misleading. All you have to do is ignore the majority of climate papers that do not attribute climate change to humans.

The scientists who studied the CAUSES of climate change are in agreement. They found that 2% of the scientists who study climate change disagree within their studies, less are uncertain, while 97% of those who do study the causes of climate change are in agreement that it is humans that are responsible.

Scientists who do not study Climatology are not experts on climate change. They aren't anymore qualified to speak on the causes of climate change than the average person.

You seem to be making distinctions that are not specified in the papers. Nowhere are the separate numbers qualified with "climate scientists" versus "non climate scientists". It's simply a meta analysis of 11,000 peer reviewed papers about climate change:

We analyze the evolution of the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming (AGW) in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, examining 11 944 climate abstracts from 1991–2011 matching the topics 'global climate change' or 'global warming'.

In fact i'm not sure how you come up with the notion that people publishing peer reveiwed papers on climate change are not "climate scientists". I'd like to see the mental gymnasitcs on that one.

This is a very classic example of Christopher Monckton's work. It may enlighten you to learn that this article was not peer-reviewed by the American Physical Society, but was rather included in its letter.

Yeah, a typical example of the inherent bias of the 'scientific community'. They wouldn't pass it and officially publish it anyway, because they have their agenda (so called consensus) to promote.

Here is a website which discusses the massive amounts of issues regarding that paper, among them include Cherrypicking data, outright lies, and non sequitur conclusions.

That's not a peer reviewed critique either. But Monckton himself and another climate scientist did issue rebuttals anyway:


Summed up pretty succinctly in the following statement:

I retired four years ago, and at the time of my retirement I was well convinced, as were most technically trained people, that the IPCC's case for Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is very tight. However, upon taking the time to get into the details of the science, I was appalled at how flimsy the case really is. I was also appalled at the behavior of many of those who helped produce the IPCC reports and by many of those who promote it. In particular I am referring to the arrogance; the activities aimed at shutting down debate; the outright fabrications; the mindless defense of bogus science, and the politicization of the IPCC process and the science process itself.

Not allowing China and France to take up the mantle of Green Energy engineering?

As if you need to sign something to develop "green" technology whatsoever.

You are a moron.

But he did try to cut green energy programs.

Doesn't stop from company from developing competitive green solutions.

It would also help looking into the effect of subventioning of solar/wind energy in other countries. It's not just sunshine&roses. The power prices went through the roof in my country as the masses have to pay the promised profits for a "certain" middle class which installed the solar panels and subventioning the low energy prices for the industry.

In a way it's just redistribution income from the population to a profiting class in reality, client politics in essence.

Doesn't stop from company from developing competitive green solutions.

Your right, other Republican states are doing what they can to stall alternative energies.

The power prices went through the roof in my country as the masses have to pay the promised profits for a "certain" middle class which installed the solar panels and subventioning the low energy prices for the industry.

In a way it's just redistribution income from the population to a profiting class in reality, client politics in essence.

I got a little lost here, what are you referring to?

That's how solar/wind energy was pushed in my country. They promises subventions for wind and solar energy put back into the grid and for the installations. That had the consequences I outlined above.

What country is that?


I see. Well in the USA green energy companies where getting tax breaks, grants, and other assistance to help develop newer tech. But now Trump and the Republicans are killing those assistance programs. I always supported those programs since they would keep the USA on top of green energy technology.

He's been throwing around conspiracy allegations about how Obama wiretapped him

Well someone did. If Obama didn't authorize it then are you saying that intel communities are working without anyone to answer to? Either way it should worry you but I forgot that /r/conspiracy is pro CIA, FBI, etc now...

Person B is being recorded. Person A calls Person B. Now Person B is part of a recording for Person A.

Do you not understand how that works?

That is not how it works though. They are only allowed to collect very specific conversations related to person A's warrant and not just any random person person A talks to.

Got a source for that? Pretty sure if you call someone who is being recorded by the FBI they don't scrub your recording. Also, that means that person B could have been saying something important.

You described what you think are the procedures for surveillance, where is your source?

Any article ever written about the matter.


This is what the OP is talking about. This type or sheer ignorance.

Are you not getting it? If, within the course of normal intelligence gathering, person A wanders into the scene on his own and starts mentioning and saying things of questionable legality, that information is never magically destroyed or discarded.

Holy shit. Why are you on this sub

No, someone wiretapped foreign agents and they were found to be calling people associated with the Trump campaign.

Yeah, sure they did. Like I said /r/conspiracy loves the dishonest US three letter agencies now with the shill infestation.

ALMOST as much as they love the billionaire oligarch in the white house who hired exxon and goldman sachs to run the swamp. Weird huh

Removed. Rule 1.

So, I see the Paris Agreement withdrawal as the only particular thing, then. He withdrew from an inept, sybolic agreement with other countries, which forced no changes, had us footing the bill for over a decade, so that other countries could not do anything about climate change. Sounds pretty... greivous...

Complaining about wiretapping, when Obama and the IC showed that they "wiretap" everybody seems normal. Firing an FBI director who actively leaked their conversations to the press? Seems normal. Making an idiot of us on Twitter? Ok. Bush was the most inept speaker I've ever seen, for a world stage politician. (Fool me twice... I won't be fooled again). Still looks like more of the same.

The medical issue is bad, too, sure. Just about as bad as Obama's, which started out with some nice ideas, but quickly turned into a brazen scam in favor of the insurance companies, who wrote it, and are now even more entrenched in our beyond-corrupt medical industry.

Still seems like more of the same to me. I don't like Trump one bit, but this overwhelming campaign against him, personally, is a media creation.

Comedy "leaked" memos that were accessible by a FOIA request after Trump tried to discredit and attack one of the least political operatives in DC. Also, you're making it seem like Comey was fired for this made up "leak"; he wasn't. Also, you've picked the worst quote to try and make Trump seem smarter than Bush. W knew what the sound byte would be if he correctly finished the phrase and thought before he spoke; I've never seen evidence that Trumps brain is at all connected to his mouth.

Obamacare was derailed by Lieberman. It was Lieberman the one who tweaked Obamacare on the insurance side. And Obama did want to go back to fix it but he was then stopped by Mcconnell and his Republicans.

So we're just gonna pretend that Muslim ban didn't happen?

Well it kinda didnt

Well it kind of did

My source says that the Muslim bans were both blocked almost immediately. Where is my error?


I think he is saying that it kind of did happen because there were a few people who were temporarily affected while the ban was shut down. So even though the bans were never fully implemented, a few travelers were still affected by it.

What muslim ban? The one where the USA kills 4 million of them in a few decades?

Travel ban*

How do you feel about the fact that at this point in his fort term, Obama was being called an elitist for ordering mustard on his burger while Trump strolls up and down his various gold resorts and there's not a peep from his supoorters?

Obama uses dijon mustard on a burger! Heathen!!

Trump tells Russia that Israel had successfully hacked an ISIS machine. So much fake news!!

Didn't you hear? Trump is new to this. He shouldn't be held to the same standards as his predecessors.

TIL I can get away with breaking the law as long as I use the excuse "I'm new at this."

Handing a bank teller a note asking for $200,000 in a bag shouldn't land you in jail, because "you're new at this."

As soon as you turn 21, if you purchase alcohol for an entire school of minors you shouldn't have to worry about jail or fines, "you're new at this."

When you first get your driver's license, you should have a learning curve time frame where you're allowed to drive on sidewalks and through people's property. "You're just new at this, you aren't steeped in the proper protocols between the steering wheel, tires, pavement, and common sense. You're just new at this."

"It's my first day." -Homer Simpson

The best part of him saying that is that Trump campaigned on that very fact, that "Bill even talking Lorreta Lynch was inappropriate", but yeah, he had no idea that secret closed door meetings with the head of the FBI and no one else is totally fine.

Israel and Russia both say it's fake news. It's like not believing muslims when they say why they are blowing people up.

They literally ran a story about ice cream scoops for weeks.

about who, Obama or Trump? I literally have never heard anything about this

So that's what t_d was referring to.

Hm, I must have totally missed this. Explains the T_D memes I guess.

Despite being a relatively pointless "scoop," at least they didn't attempt to psychoanalyze or demonize the event haha

I heard more about two scoops from T_D than I did waaaay more than any where else

Trump had TWO SCOOPS! Or did you forget already?


I will never forget, "terrorist fist jab".

Well Trump was criticized for getting two scoops of ice cream while everyone else got one about a month ago. So its basically the same stupid stuff, just from people who pretended they were above it when it was their president.

You saw the article being spammed around reddit too?

I feel he had it lucky compared to the fake media witch hunt conspiracy that Trump has to deal with.

If it has anything to do with "muhtha russha", then I'm sorry to say, you've been duped

Duped by whom?

The intelligence agencies/banking mafia, otherwise known as "deep state", and their mockingbird front companies, with CNN, WaPo, and NYT being the most obvious examples. Almost all of our politicians are directly funded by the deep state, so they're playing their parts too.

Much russhins! started out as a pathetic DNC deflection talking point, to muddy up their leaks last year, and once some chumps gobbled it up, they started using it as a weapon to attack anything with. Didn't you see? Evil russhin hackers started the Qatar crisis, too! Dey ereywere!!

Or ykno, Russia is engaging in cyber warfare.

I'm sure they do, just like literally every government on the planet.

But here's some info about our intelligence budget. Keep in mind that this is only the budget we admit, and doesn't include other financial resources, like the reinvigorated Afghan heroin trade, or Mexican/south American drug running.

Our intelligence budget dwarfs everything else on the planet. We have essentially unlimited computing power, hacks for everything that plugs into an outlet, and we meddle overtly in the affairs of every government on Earth. It's pretty clear who the real enemy is. If our ridiculously overfunded intelligence agencies can't stop some evil russhin hackers, then what are they doing with their absurd amount of money?

Don't confuse my belief that Russia is making moves with me supporting the US Government. And the US Government didn't get hacked as far as I know, it was the DNC which probably doesn't have access to top-secret defense tech. Why is it so wildly unbelievable to some people that Russia would attempt to influence our election through cyberwarfare?

"Influencing" our election is vague to the point of being meaningless. Did they have any significant impact on our election? Certainly not, and not even the lying intelligence agencies and politicians can point to an example of where they did impact it.

And I'm not here to convince anyone to like Trump. My issue, is that the media and their IC backers want us to hate him for all the wrong reasons. Our entire government is corrupted, and Trump is just another lying politician, in a sea of lying politicians.

You're dismissing the DNC hacks as insignificant when they very much were a part of why people chose Trump last November. Were they the only factor? No of course not, but influential nonetheless. I agree with you that the US government is corrupt tho.

They weren't hacks. They were leaked. The motive for calling them Russian hacks was to gloss over the contents of the emails, which were damning and verifiable, and to pin the "crime" on a foreign bogeyman.

The DNC paid crowdstrike to say it was hacksors. No federal investigative agencies we're allowed to look at it. All the media and IC sources have been regurgitating and parroting the same crowdstrike report, which is, literally, nothing more than paid propaganda.

ur arguing with a known shill. save ur breath he will never try to understand

I had some spare breath today, so I don't mind :)

First time being called a known shill, I'm really pumped.

Removed. Rule 10.

So how do you explain all of Trumps cohorts connections to Russia and why are they lying about it? How come high level Trump cabinet members have admitted Russia sought to influence our election? The amount of observable evidence is absurd.

Everybody who's anybody in the international/political/financial scene has certainly had dealings with Russia. Hillary, Podesta, Obama, McCain, etc. They're all in it for their own financial and power interests, so fingering out Trump, whose connections are even smaller and more obscure than his peers' is sensationalist.

Why are they constantly lying about their ties to Russia if it's so commonplace as you argue?

That's a good question. You should investigate that further.

If only there was some sort of Government agency with an apolitical leader who could investigate these claims...

What about the Russian meddling in other countries? Is that a US media conspiracy too?

does the dnc run the DNI?

Did Obama or Bush own a gold plated country club where they spent most weekends, doubled membership fees and charged the tax payers for their own lodging there while giving access to anybody who ponied up $200k? That alone is a scandal. Throw in the history of insanely hypocritical tweets and his current off the cuff and incoherent communication and you get a package that will turn off a lot of people.

Are we back on the golf carts that cost every man, woman and child literally $0.00005? That argument isn't worth the electrons it takes to post it on the internet. Just typing it out probably cost you more in terms of keyboard wear.

But what a fine example of exactly what OP is talking about.

If this is not a scandal for Trump then I'm sure that you can agree that Obama's travel expenses for 8 years was also a hit piece by Fox News right?

Yes, of course it was. Fox news was clearly conservative at the time.

Was? Fox News is still conservative.

Also the reason that people are freaking out about Trump's travel expenses is because Trump could save a lot of the programs that he wants to cut by taking less vacations. And Trump also continually criticized Obama for golfing so now the media is calling it Trump on his hypocrisy.

This is so on point it's not even funny. I literally loathe Trump. If he is "draining the swamp" then 1) he's not doing a very good job and 2) whatever govt he wants to replace beyond our current one isn't going to be pretty. But he's also being demonised for literally everything he says and does. Nothing like we've seen with any president in the past if they were doing exactly what he's doing. My theory is Trump is trying to replace the current establishment with his own rich + influential friends and the current people in power don't like that or he may actually go after the pedos that exist in the shadow govt and they're scared he might try to ruin them.

Look at his Twitter. A 10 year old would act with more dignity and class than he does. He is an absolute embarrassment.

You can't just say that. Look at it right now. It's essentially the same as Obama's.

You think Trump couldn't hire a PR person like Obama and Clinton did? Why would prefer not to hear straight from the politician?

I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or just stupid.

You prefer having someone fake and scripted lead the country?

No, I'd prefer to not have a retarded president that can't spell, fact check, or complete a coherent thought. I find it absolutely hilarious (and a little sad) that you think Trump is giving it to you straight. I know there's a lot of stupid people in America, but for half the country to get fooled by the literal definition of a conman is very very unsettling. I can't imagine the damage someone with actual intelligence and foresight could cause.

Chill bud. You guys have so much hate and anger. I think even you know it's fake outrage though.

Obama dropped more bombs and deported more illegals than any other president, and look at how well the media treats him.

The only time MSM supported Trump was when he bombed Syria. They showed their true colors.

He tried a travel ban and failed.


  1. the quality or condition of being incompetent; lack of ability.
  2. Law. the condition of lacking power to act with legal effectiveness.

Bush and Obama had a travel ban correct?

Would you say they were competent enough to enact such a travel ban with out a big fuss because they didnt tweet every thought that came to mind?

lol you're such a never Trumper .. if any one is blinded by their bias it's you

Take some of your own advice

" For cucks sake do you buy everything that's sold to you."

The irony is my phone auto corrected to that. It fits perfect.

"Hold on, got to ask my wife's boyfriend on his opinion first!"

I don't know about you but I'm #StillWithHer plus I miss Obama very much

Obama was a crooked shill of the establishment. He talked big on the campaign trail and unceremoniously bent over for power the day he assumed office. He made token gestures for 8 years, got passed the most undesirable healthcare law that could still produce positive outcomes to make his supporters think he actually accomplished something major, and didn't rock the boat - which meant more military industrial complex, more global economic imperialism, more human rights erosion, now with a heaping serving of drone strikes killing tens of thousands of civilians.

The problem is that we have only had crooked shills of the establishment for the past ~50 years. Maybe not Carter? JFK was the last one to rock the boat of neoliberalism by simply giving lip service to it and got murdered for it.

The people of the US are suffering stockholm syndrome, and when a less bad abuser comes along like Obama after 8 years of extraordinary battery by Bush and Cheney they welcome it with open arms while not questioning the rampant police brutality, civil asset forfeiture, exploitation of prisoners as slave labor, indefinite detainment in military prisons, and trillion dollar check to the donor class, all while doing bulk data collection and spying on eveyone, all while eroding liberties annually in every NDAA bill, all while continuing provably bad policies like NCLB, the unconstitutional Patriot Act, and keeping the damn Department of Homeland Security around.

It is why the democrats lost. Hillary couldn't lie as well as Obama because people have known her too long and she didn't even try. She demonstrably and repeatedly attempted to and succeeded in rigging multiple primaries against Bernie, showing what a sham US "democracy" is under the two party cartel system. It turns out if you can't put on a good show and trick people well enough that "not as bad as the other guy but still pretty bad" isn't getting anyone excited.

Funny, but fuck her. For all the fuck shit that gets tied to Presidents because we don't fully know the culprits pulling every string Obama's persona and correspondent dinners were enjoyable as entertainment.

Even if your claim of incompetence would be true why would that be bad? I only see a win/win here. His so called "incompetence" allowed everybody to see behind the curtain with Comey.

I say, give us more...

Yes, give us more lobbyists, more corporate CEO's in government, and less regulations on the banks that are plunging us into repeated recessions.... It's ok to look on the bright side, but that doesn't mean you can pretend the dark side doesn't exist

I'm sure we've all seen what the dark side has produced for decades by the hands of Bush,Clinton,Bush and Obama. The house's roof is already burning as the servant class ruined the state, the thiefdom of the oligarchy.

We will now see how the national oligarchy class itself will manage the crisis. I don't really see the huge tragedy here the so called "left" establishment is panicking about. They should have panicked a long time before. Now they are all chased by the circumstances.


P.S. It's time to read Spengler "The Decline of the West".

Yea in the end this may be the era that people are even more aggressive about the truth. But the reality is everybody is living their own reality through their own perceptions. Even though everyone is adding 1+1 the values those digits represent are different from person to person.

I say more of the behind the scenes action as well.

I have never seen such a determined effort by supporters to stand behind this man by any means necessary.

Says one of the many, many, many people determined to destroy Trump.

I'm not a Trump supporter. I think he's a disaster. But the "concerted effort" is, in part, being sold to people like you because of a collaboration by the media. And the party insiders. And TPTB.

Nope I'm not determined to destroy Trump. He has lived 70 years and his impact is done. All I want is people to untie their ego from this but again I believe people want to be right more than they want to be correct.

his impact is done.

Then why do so many people pay so much attention to him?

Did you just ask why do so many people pay so much attention to the POTUS? You fucking me right?

No I didn't say that.

You said that he has no impact. If that's the case, then why are so many people paying attention to him?


No you are misinterpreting what my reply to you said. You asked why I am trying to destroy Trump and I said he is 70 years old the impact his life has had on people and becoming President is done. So I'm not trying to destroy him. The point was to untie your ego from the situation take another look.

No misinterpretation. You clearly said:

Nope I'm not determined to destroy Trump. He has lived 70 years and his impact is done. All I want is people to untie their ego from this but again I believe people want to be right more than they want to be correct.

So again I ask, if his impact is done why are so many people watching him so closely?

You have a ball that is being throw in the water. Trump is the ball. What you think I'm saying is Trump has hit the water and everybody has already got splashed, wet, and dried off. You asked why am trying to destroy Trump which would be me trying bust ball before it hits the water. What I am acknowledging is Trump has already got the water let's take a step back to realize why everyone is wet.

Yes, but that's not the point you conveyed in what you typed.

Trumps been the center of attention ever since he decided to run for the presidency..

I want to defend him because he's being lied about and shit on unfairly, but I also want to shit on him myself for things he's actually doing.

It's conflicting.


I agree. Trump as a president is a joke. Sure, the guy knows business, but he has no fucking idea how to keep his mouth shut, or how to relate to many different cultures.

This is a driving point. A thief is a thief but some are way more cunning than others.

What about those of us that don't support him, but see through all the bullshit and wonder why in the world the MSM is constantly attacking a sitting President as if to try and remove him from office?

To me it looks like a in progress coup led by the MSM against a democratically elected President, which is incredibly frightening.

But he lost the popular vote.

Case in point. Democrats praised the electoral college when Obama won despite losing the popular. The moment Trump won the same way there was an effort to sway public opinion to have it removed.

I see through the bullshit, but that doesn't make me a Trump supporter.

Obama never lost the popular vote.

DNC primary. Check it out.

That's not the electoral college.

Neither is a popular vote of any kind.

In a contest where the goal is to win the EC. If the end goal was the popular vote then both candidates would of campaigned differently.

Do you not think Trump and co are attempting a coup?

By getting elected President by the American people? That's quite a interesting definition of "coup" you have there. I see the deep state coordinating the MSM to try and remove a sitting President, which is much closer to my definition of the word.

No - by colluding with Russia to eventually turn America into a democracy free near police state. His steps being taken so far are par for the course in the journey to fascism.

But you know, MAGA..

No - by colluding with Russia to eventually turn America into a democracy free near police state.

So you're just ignoring the Comey testimony and reality in general? Got it.

But you know, MAGA..

I don't support Trump, just critical thinking which the "Anti Trump Hysteria" sufferers seem to have little of these days.

Ignoring which part?

I think one of the big problems is, that people keep forgetting he is the president of the U of A...

Several of the arguments I read being made in his favour focus on him being a really good business man. Accuracy of those arguments aside, that is not the quality needed in his current position.
It is a country, not a busniess venture.
The necessary mindset is completely different!

It is perfectly normal for competing businesses to intimidate and threaten each other, totally normal to weed out the weak employees, totally normal to maximize profits, make outrageous claims for future forecasts, and/or ignore memos, and whatever corporate behaviour you can think of.

States, especially big and influential ones, should be run differently.

Well, his trip to the Middle East was basically a business deal, and by all accounts he successfully closed the deal. So there's that. And more guns in the Middle East.

Gotta keep arming ISIS somehow.

and being the consummate businessman, asked our american companies to give our close friends the saudis a better deal. Thanks donald!

How do you figure? You do know that the $110 billion dollar deal that we keep hearing about is a fake propaganda story, right? The only deals that may eventually go to the Senate for approval were deals initiated under the Obama administration.

disagree. he got us out of TPP and paris accord.. those are 2 legendary moves that alone shit on anything positive obama/bush/clinton ever did .. what did they do exactly anyways? besides all the illegal wars lol

I agree with one point:
Getting out of the Paris agreement was "legendary"...
Like "full speed ahead" on the Titanic,
Like "those blankets look fine, thanks for the gifts",
Like "let's do some tests" in Chernobyl,
Like "nothing to see here, let her land" on the discovery...

so u support the pope and george soros over your american president? interesting ideals comrade

Not your comrade.


The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Maxims of a successful pirate

Lol gtfo of here with that cult mentality bullshit

How much debt were we in when Clinton left office?

Clinton was a lot more fiscal than those preceding and following him.

Yeah i know. Just wanted to see what spin they would use. Thanks for the link though.

No. I think what you're missing is that the majority of Trump supporters want America to be run like a business. It means more money for them and less for those below them. A CEO will find the lowest possible amount to pay an employee, and now if a CEO is running the US that means he'll keep minimum wage low and protect business owners. I don't think it necessarily works like that but I've dealt with a lot of Trump supporters (living in a suburb in the bible belt) and the common denominator is always money.

I don't think you're aware that Hillary actually won rich voters, and also got significantly more donations from wealthy people.

Affluent voters -- those making $100,000 and above -- seem to have tilted over to the Democrats this year. This is the first time the “rich” have gone against the GOP since the 1964 Goldwater debacle.

I don't see how that negates their point. He's right, most people that voted for him did it because they think he'll create jobs and help with the federal debt level because he's a business man

Trump didnt get the poor vote either. He got the voters in the middle that are doing alright.

I don't see how that negates the point...? Nobody mentioned social class

That the rich nor poor voted for him says a lot about his policies.

It means more money for them and less for those below them.

He assumed that Trump voters are at the top and don't want more money going to those below them, whereas they were actually on average poorer than Clinton voters.

He didn't assume that though. He wasn't talking about their financial standing, he was talking about their perception of what trump will do for them

The perception of his incompetence is being sold to you by the mass media. The perception of lying and manipulation by our corporate overlords is more sinister and outweighs anything I've seen Trump do so far.

I'd love to criticize him on legitimate differences I have with him, I'm not a conservative, a christian or even a capitalist, yet I don't think we've even really gotten to those issues yet and where we have he appears to be about the same as any recent previous president at worst.

Instead all I see are a bunch of people lying about fascism and nazis and racism and all kinds of other -isms. Just non stop lying and exaggeration and getting caught doing it. Totally shameless hypocrisy and deceit and enormous amounts of money an faux outrage. All from pro establishment, heavily biased, bought media rackets.

Pardon me, but it appears you are the one buying what's being marketed to you.

The perception of lying

Wow. Un-fucking-believable. Trump is the epitome of

Who are you going to believe? Me? or your lying eyes?

If you do not believe Trump is a habitual liar then there's literally no point in discussing any of this with you because we're living in two completely different worlds with completely different narratives and completely different (alternative) facts.


Trump is like a sports team or religion at this point. There's no reasoning with his "fans" who have been totally duped to think this asshole is the next JFK (he's not) who will save this country (he won't)

He is grossly incompetent with zero base understanding of politics and a 7th grade level (generous) understanding of government.

Ah the 3 week old account lecture.

This doesn't get old at all.

You got me! I'm working with Schumer, Soros and the rest of the globalists. They hire me for tons of money to go on fringe Reddit threads and denounce Trump. One day this will all pay off!

Thanks for proving you're a loser with nothing to do.

Is the audit complete? I haven't heard. There also actually were people celebrating, that was confirmed. Less than Trump implied and more than the MSM pretended. Truth being a little close to Trump. That's a common theme, as much as he is wrong the MSM actually is worse and their disingenutity harms whatever case you're trying to make right now. Especially when you use such bad examples.

Remember when Rachel Maddox got his tax returns for one year and the numbers were pretty high and now nobody cares anymore? It's pretty funny to see people fall for this one over and over.

What about all the internal inconsistencies between what he says and what he does? Are those also created for consumption by the MSM? Is Trump a deep state actor too? Because just following his own speech, actions, and admissions is enough to make me want him out of office.

I'm not going to claim that he is perfectly consistent by any means, but yeah many of the inconsistencies people perceive are reported by the MSM as such and they are quite often wrong, exaggerating or using weasel words to intentionally misrepresent. This is classic MSM tactics, the only thing new here is essentially that unification of the establishment against Trump. Also the completely overt and heavy handedness of it. It really seems like more people than ever are being popped out of their bubbles as it becomes too obvious to ignore.

Again, I didn't vote for him I don't even particularly like the guy but it is abundantly clear to me that the MSM is actually representing an unelected power structure which is far more sinister and corrupt then Trump can even come close to.

And no I don't think he is a deep state actor, he is a populist (for better or worse) real-estate mogul who is just trying to do what he thinks is best for America. I don't agree with his flavor of capitalism and conservativism but I completely agree with him that there exists a foul swamp in DC and it needs draining in a bad way. So long as he's focused on that I will be behind him. The monsters in that swamp are far worse than Trump.

You seem like a smart internet rando.

Who exactly should I have voted for, Captain Planet? Maybe The Rock will run in 2020!!!!111

Maybe Bernie can still win!

if i could give you gold sir, i would

I don't support him at all, I never did. But I share the same view as OP. Immediately post election there was this bloodthirst that just never ended.

Chris Christie shut down a bridge out of spite and killed people. Where were the pitchforks then? Anything negative that you can say about Trump has a pretty good chance of applying there as well, but no one seems to care.

Yeah, my neighborhood mailman keeps mixing up the mail, opening some letters, and just kicked the dog for barking at him.

There is SUCH a hit job to get this guy fired! I've never seen anything like it!

I bet that shepherds are just ecstatic to see their herd this year. So many new additions! But that's neither here nor there.

You people are nothing short of amazing. How I know you're all full of shit is knowing that I'm not a paid shill - so most of your belief system is rooted in paranoid delusion.

Let's play this out. What evidence do you have on your mailman that can prove he did this? Just your word, ie an "anonymous source"? There has been zero evidence of wrong doing presented yet we are supposed to just jump to he is guilty and we should not support him any longer?

My mailman admitted to it in many town meetings with the neighborhood. He said that he could do anything and we'd still keep him on. He bragged about assaulting neighbors sexually. The only difference is that my mailman would get fired over this. I could go on.

Ok let's bring this back to the real world. What did the President admit to? If you think making a crude absurd joke is sexual assault then most of Hollywood is fucked.

you think it's because he is the one that will bring the Cabal down or drain the swamp. For cucks sake do you buy everything that's sold to you. You are the perfect consumer.

how many ceos and Goldman Sachs people that make up his cabinet? like almost 90% of them are wallstreet people. hell george soros himself can sit at a table at the white house advising trump.

You're making the mistake of thinking it's either one or the other; you can be against Trump's policies and also realize that there's a determined effort to destroy him.

Bush lied about 9/11 and got us into endless wars and even he didn't face this much opposition. Makes you wonder why...

you can be against Trump's policies and also realize that there's a determined effort to destroy him.

But this man contradicts himself almost on a weekly basis, he always does some stupid shit or says something bizarre/dumb on his twitter, he's also not shy about being a hypocrite.

Is the media supposed to not pay attention? Should they just move on because they have covered him too much?

In the past, if the president was following their corporatist agenda, then media corporations would very much cover for the president.

For example, most people don't know that Obama deported more people than any president ever; almost twice as much as Bush. People don't know that because it wasn't widely reported. It wasn't covered because the media liked Obama

I'm pretty damn sure I saw that headline in the new york times more than once, so I'm not willing to believe you on this one.

Was it blasted all over mainstream media?

Regardless, that was only one example

I wouldn't really know, but google helps a ton.

Doing a custom search for similar headlines from 2008 to 2016 you can find that even god damn CNN reported the discontent people had with the obama administration over that.

It's hilarious that I can even find clinton practically shit talking obama over it, fucking clinton lol.

Yeah, I don't believe you at all.

Lol you used a search engine and got the results you were looking for. Imagine that. Of course if you look for it you'll find it but the point is that Obama was largely protected by the media.

Even Bush, who lied about 9/11 and WMDs in Iraq never received this much concerted criticism. But that's probably because he started so many wars. The media looves war.

In fact, the only time they praise Trump is when he meets their agenda of war. https://theintercept.com/2017/04/07/the-spoils-of-war-trump-lavished-with-media-and-bipartisan-praise-for-bombing-syria/

the point is that Obama was largely protected by the media.

And that's why you need a better example. I was hoping to find it reported by a bunch of right leaning media almost exclusively based on what you were telling me.

The media looves war.

That's a whole different animal, one I can 100% agree with.

In fact, the only time they praise Trump is when he meets their agenda of war.

Yup, it's bullshit, and this solidifies my belief that there is not an intentional effort to shit on trump, they're just doing what's best for the ratings, it just so happens that shitting on trump brings in the money and trump makes it so god damn easy for them to criticize him.

It's all about the money, it has always been.

There's lots of examples: his deportation policy, ramping up wars in the Middle East which have been responsible for countless deaths, his handling of the recession and the ensuing bailout.

Again, he was largely protected by the media.

this solidifies my belief that there is not an intentional effort to shit on trump


they're just doing what's best for the ratings

That is an intentional effort. Regardless, Trump does seem to be an obstacle to their geopolitical plans. Trump wants peace with Russia in Syria and doesn't want to overthrow Assad, while the media and the deep state want the opposite. That's one reason why he's catching so much shit

It's an intentional effort to enrich themselves, not an intentional effort just because it's trump, that's what I mean, I just think it makes much more sense.

I can't fault you for having a conspiracy theory about it tho, given the sub we're in right now.

And I can't fault you are conspiracy theory either; both are likely true

Yeah, that right-wing media sure does love Obama - they called him the Deporter-in-Chief, a great title, and threw immigrant-free parades in his honor. It's a good thing they have the same incentives as all other media in reporting on Obama. /s

I'm not understanding your point

You're treating the media as monolithic. Right-wing media had its own separate reasons for ignoring Obama's deportations; it played against their narratives.

That's my point: the mainstream media is agenda driven. If you meet their agenda they won't attack you. And often their agenda is war

Bush didn't have Twitter and post every stupid thought that came to his mind or parrot what Fox News just said.

So you don't think the president should be posting on twitter? Or you don't think the president should be posting things you disagree with?

I think the president should have a filter. His Twitter account is out of control. It needs to be taken away from him. It would help him out a lot.

There should be a determined effort to destroy Trump. He is as un-American as it gets. It is refreshing to see so many people stepping up the pressure on him because they realize we're in grave danger with this fuckwit in the oval office.

Yes his policies are terrible, but so are a lot of presidents' policies.


Wait, so we are lowering the bar then?

Do you not see the millions of Trump supporters who drink the kool aid simply because they voted for him?

Yes, and I see millions of Trump opposers who drink the kool aid simply because they voted against him.


Seems the fallback answer to any criticism is, "fake news".

There is a ton of fake news in mainstream media. And Trump is terrible. Both are true

Fake News was a term coined by CNN and Clinton to ban certain alt-right websites from showing up on Google results etc., why are you acting as if Trump is st00pid for using the term to insult the coiners of the phrase?

He destroys himself. No one needs to do shit. He is the swamp.

He's terrible, but I'm not sure he's much worse than other presidents

You're making the mistake of thinking it's either one or the other; you can be against Trump's policies and also realize that there's a determined effort

Exactly. This is the position I would have expected this sub to take...instead the comments are just DNC talking points spammed all over the thread.

The media didn't just fail to scrutinize Bush's Iraq claims, they actually actively helped him peddle his warmongering bulshit. They also failed to scrutinize almost anything involving 9/11

I'm glad they've learned a teeny tiny bit from their mistakes.

Not likely. Probably have gotten worse.

That's the worst part.

I am more liberal but I can admit that Obama had many things that were fucking terrible.

It's shocking to me coming to a sub like this and seeing people still essentially arguing that Trump is infallible.

People need to fucking accept that politicians are going to fuck up a lot, that's what they do. But we shouldn't ignore the bad shit because we like a couple of the good things.

To be fair a majority of these Trump supports just started flooding this sub. I'm hoping it will be over soon and we can get back to hating all politicians.

This. We should be skeptical of everything. But to be fair to OP I am suspect of the amount of negative press he has got.

What exactly would you expect given his behavior?

That's the kind of low-effort, dismissive, knee jerk reaction that has me more and more convinced that he could be the real deal.

What EXACTLY is so terrible about his behavior?

He's not as handsome as previous presidents so women do not excuse his faults because "he's sooo dreamy teehee". And men feel threatened and jealous of his rich lives-in-a-golden-mansion image a fucking REALITY TV SHOW made up to make his show more entertaining. Everyone thinks they know him personally despite him being a complete stranger to most people.

Even his so-called "dumb twitter writing style" is just normal Twittering because Twitter has a 140 character limit. Can't exactly be eloquent when you can barely write two sentences per tweet. It's all unfair bullshit and this is coming from a european with no interest in US politics.

Number 1 on my list is the fact that he lies, verifiably, all the time. For every day he has been office he has told at least one lie or exaggerated information in his favor. Here's a running list being compiled by the Toronto Star. This isn't even a matter of policy or political leanings. From an objective standpoint he cannot be trusted and in my opinion that should be enough for anyone to scrutinize his behavior.

Obviously I think the media is overly critical of him. So I would expect less, but as a conspirator I think the media plays an unspoken role in driving public opinion to align with an agenda

Conversations like the one you and /u/pinkindabrain are having give me hope.

Yeah, they flooded here to continue their circle jerk and get shit on the front page. Even though every subscriber here is completely against this nonsense. Trumpets upvote and gild the posts, but all the upvoted and gilded comments are in complete opposition to the OPs.

This should be on the front page. "Conspiracy theory" was a term created by the CIA to denounce any truth that wasn't theirs.

We need to get rid of the lies hijacking real concerns because of politics. The fact is- we are and have been at war. We need the liberty to say the truth without oppression. Today it's Obama (sorry, not the greatest Prez who ever lived) but tomorrow- who? Fuck this shit.

Obviously you weren't here when this subreddit was all about Ron Paul. If he had won in '08 or '12, how do you think people in this subreddit would have viewed his administration?

The difference with the current situation is a matter of speculation, because we really don't know what is happening behind the scenes and what is to come. Furthermore, the level of propaganda in mainstream and social media to target his administration is so severe that I have to question almost everything I read about him. Some of the things that people attack him over are completely insane and not even true.

There aren't any Trump supporters flooding the sub

His ideas flooded this sub because they are good for America. Simpler logic for simpler minds.

As someone who voted for Trump, I've been opposed to plenty of what he's done (like bombing Syria or supporting the Ryan healthcare plan), but the media and reddit spend most of their time attacking him for the stupidest, made-up stuff like the Russia fear-mongering. So I end up defending him a lot because the constant attacks are nonsense. Ironically, the only time the MSM praised him during his entire presidency was when he bombed Syria, which shows what sort of priorities they have.

Man, you have to be asleep to label the Russia stuff simply as fear mongering. How on earth are there so many undisclosed meetings between Trump surrogates and Russian actors?

Seriously? Members of his transition team met with people from many countries, including Russia, as transition teams always do. Normal. Jeff Sessions met with a Russian ambassador along with many other ambassadors as part of his regular duties as a senator. Normal. It wasn't undisclosed, and was in his senate records, but the media tried to make it into a big deal because he was asked if he met any Russians while acting as a surrogate for Trump, and he said no, because he wasn't acting as a Trump surrogate when he met the ambassador.

It's all totally innocuous, and the alternative is to believe that Trump and his associates are secretly trying to commit treason by working with the Russians, of which there is zero proof, motive or even signs that Trump has benefited Russia in any way. It's McCarthyism, pure and simple. In the 50s, people lost their minds thinking everyone was a secret Russian spy, and in retrospect it was a dark period in U.S. history. You can continue to think that Trump is a traitor, but I'm sure if you had to put money on it you wouldn't be so confident, and if you are, how can I take that bet against you? I'd love to make money off of someone's irrational fears.

Seriously? Members of his transition team met with people from many countries, including Russia, as transition teams always do.

And then lied about it, repeatedly.

Okay, so Jeff said these were listed on his Senate records then why in his hearing did he deny meeting any Russians. Why was Mike Flynn denying conversations and lying in his FBI interview? Why did Jared Kushner lie on his clearance form? If these meetings are all above board then why are we hearing about them in media reports after they have been omitted from clearance forms and denied continuously until they are co fronted with irrefutable evidence that they occurred? Why was Kushner attempting to set up a channel with Russia using Russian equipment?

I wouldn't have any problems with meeting with Russians, if they were so bloody keen on lying about them.

As I said, in the hearing he was asked if he met with Russians as a surrogate for Trump, which he did not. Flynn didn't lie in his FBI interview, and as it came out later he never even lied to Pence. That whole scandal was nonsense. Kushner resubmitted his form almost immediately with corrections, as is normal. That happens all the time with nominees, and doesn't mean he is a secret Russian spy. The MSM has tried to make all this into a big deal because they're trying to create the impression that Trump is compromised by Russia, in spite of no evidence. You're either too stupid to realize you're falling for McCarthyite hysteria over nothing, or too angry to care. As I offered, if you want to take bets on whether any of this leads to anything I'd gladly take money from you.

Yes calling me stupid is clearly the most convincing way to win anyone over to your way of thinking. Why are the WH kite flying the idea of firing Mueller then? Wouldn't it be in Trump's best interest to make the investigation as open as possible to allow these investigations to find him innocent? Why did he fire Comey, Yates, Bharara when they were asking questions or investigating him?

You are here peddling misinformation. Sessions was asked did he have any contact with Russians and he flat out said no. Then he had that one but he was doing it as a senator. No biggie. Then he resubmitted but he omitted a second meeting with Kislyak. Then he corrected a second time. Now it is apparent that he had a third meeting with Kislyak. Kushner tried to set up a back channel with Russia using their equipment? The man should be fired. Session was supposed to recuse himself but didn't.

There are reams of proof that at the very least an extensive investigation is needed. If they were innocent, they would welcome investigations.

Sessions was asked did he have any contact with Russians and he flat out said no.

Here is his actual answer:

"I never met with any Russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign," Sessions said.

Unless you can show that his public meeting with a Russian ambassador at a Senate function was to discuss issues of the Trump campaign, he didn't lie, no matter how much you want him to have. Do you seriously think Jeff Sessions is a Russian spy? I mean, think about what you're saying for a second. A guy who's been a politician from Alabama for 40 years suddenly defects to the Russians? What crazy spy novel are you living in?

Relying on speculative stories that Trump will fire Mueller is pretty lame. I can't refute something that is made up. As for the others, they were all Obama appointees who Trump fired just as Obama fired most Bush's appointees. That's not a scandal. That's normal politics.

Look, maybe, I am completely wrong and this is all one big misunderstanding and that Trump and all his surrogates have been caught up in coincidence after coincidence.

Maybe Russia interfered purposefully to put Trump in the WH but they have no connection other than that. Trump, as commander-in-chief, should want to know what happened and how to best defend the nation from future attacks. The fact that he never asked Comey about that is suspicious. Again maybe I am a "stupid", as you previously said. However, this is a conspiracy subreddit. I've seen people seriously debate lizard people here. Yet, this is story and anything connecting to it is down voted continuously to the point where legitimate discussion is impossible in this sub. Why is this story, which has far more supporting evidence than lizard people, effectively blacklisted here?

Here is a comment that outlines many different aspects of the conspiracy. These are facts. OK, adding it to the list.

Russian Ambassador told Moscow that kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/world/national-security/russian-ambassador-told-moscow-that-kushner-wanted-secret-communications-channel-with-kremlin/2017/05/26/520a14b4-422d-11e7-9869-bac8b446820a_story.html

Florida Republican admits to having worked with Russian Intelligence connected hacker Guccifer 2.0 to skew the election. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/05/florida-gop-consultant-admits-he-worked-with-guccifer-2-0-analyzing-hacked-data/

Attorney General Sessions met with Russians three times, then lied about it to Congress https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/sessions-spoke-twice-with-russian-ambassador-during-trumps-presidential-campaign-justice-officials-say/2017/03/01/77205eda-feac-11e6-99b4-9e613afeb09f_story.html

Attorney General Sessions failed to disclose Russian contacts on his security clearance http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sessions-disclose-meetings-russian-ambassador-security-clearance-forms/story?id=47623316

Russians hack Clinton campaign servers, then release propaganda to manipulate the election. They Release fake news, they give US fake intel that influences Comey’s announcement decision, and buy ads promoting fake news on sites like FaaceBook, Google, etc. http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/03/30/russian-interference-went-far-beyond-dnc-hack-senate-panel-hears/

Eric Prince goes to the Seychelles to set up a Trump / Putin Backchannel https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/blackwater-founder-held-secret-seychelles-meeting-to-establish-trump-putin-back-channel/2017/04/03/95908a08-1648-11e7-ada0-1489b735b3a3_story.html

Michael Flynn fails to disclose payments from Russia http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-flynn-russia-payments-20170425-story.html

Michael Flynn calls Russian ambassador numerous times on the day that Obama enacts sanctions on Russia to discuss said sanctions despite denials https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/national-security-adviser-flynn-discussed-sanctions-with-russian-ambassador-despite-denials-officials-say/2017/02/09/f85b29d6-ee11-11e6-b4ff-ac2cf509efe5_story.html

Flynn, in Russia to celebrate an RT event, starts a standing ovation for Putin at a dinner where he was seated at Putin’s table. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696

Michael Flynn lies to pentagon about trips to Russia he took https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/22/us/politics/michael-flynn-fifth-amendment-russia-senate.html?_r=0

Jared Kushner meets with Russian Ambassador in Trump tower with Flynn. This is the only ambassador from any country that Kushner meets with, and he meets with him multiple times. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/02/us/politics/kushner-flynn-sessions-russia.html

Jared Kushner meets with the FSB trained head of a sanctioned russian bank Sergey Gorkov http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/29/politics/kushner-meeting-russian-bank/

Jared Kushner lies about Both meetings on his security clearance. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/327753-kushner-didnt-disclose-meetings-with-russians-on-security-clearance

Sergey Gorkov is found to have been a financier for Trump Tower Ontario http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-vnesheconombank-trump-toronto-hotel-2017-5

Carter Page gets approval from Trump campaign (lewandowski) to go to Russia http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/carter-page-russia-trip-trump-corey-lewandowski-235784

Carter Page takes illegal payments while in Russia, fails to disclose them https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/19/us/politics/carter-page-russia-trump.html

Carter Page meets with Russian Ambassador Kislyak at GOP convention along with Sessions and J.D. Gordon. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/03/02/exclusive-two-other-trump-advisers-also-spoke-russian-envoy-during-gop-convention/98648190/

J.D. Gordon adds Russia/Crimea/Ukrain issue to GOP platform after meeting. Changes his story a few times when pressed on it. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/jd-gordon-change-story-gop-platform-ukraine-amendment

Russian Intelligence members meet with Carter Page and target him for intel, attempts to recruit him, later calls him an “idiot”. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/04/us/politics/carter-page-trump-russia.html

Paul Manafort illegally funnels 2 million of pro-Russian cash into US lobbies http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/291680-report-manafort-helped-ukraine-party-pay-us-lobbyists

Paul Manafort spends a couple years buying up New York real-estate, including a hotel venture with Russian Oligarch. https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-05-14/manafort-s-real-estate-deals-said-to-be-probed-by-n-y-s-top-cop

Manafort's name is listed in a handwritten ledger of secret payments made by pro-Russian concerns in the Ukraine https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/15/us/politics/paul-manafort-ukraine-donald-trump.html

Manafort Gets in trouble for lobbying on behalf of foreign governments without disclosing it to the Justice Department https://apnews.com/c01989a47ee5421593ba1b301ec07813/ap-sources-manafort-tied-undisclosed-foreign-lobbying

Devin Nunes, leading the investigation of Trump/Russia collusion, disappears to the White House to brief Trump administration on his investigation. When caught, he doesn’t recuse himself for over a week. He is found to have significant financial involvement with Russian winery and distributors. https://www.wired.com/2017/04/devin-nunes-white-house-trump-surveillance/

Roger Stone has multiple public interactions with known Russian Hacker entity Guccifer 2.0, makes prescient claims about leaks that eventually manifest. http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/20/politics/kfile-roger-stone-wikileaks-claims/

Russian-born American real estate developer Felix Sater and Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Artemenko create a “peace plan” for Ukraine, pushing pro-Russian approach, then work with Trump attorney Roger Cohen to deliver it Michael Flynn. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/19/us/politics/donald-trump-ukraine-russia.html?mtrref=www.google.com&amp;gwh=B2A13FFEE853F37B98DC924256B3F857&amp;gwt=pay

Russia commits espionage to hack the 2016 Presidential election. All 17 Intelligence agencies confirm it. Majority of GOP continue to deny. https://www.dhs.gov/news/2016/10/07/joint-statement-department-homeland-security-and-office-director-national

Trump claims to have had “zero contact with Russia”, though is shown to have had multiple financial dealings with them throughout the years. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/05/trump-lawyers-up-conflicts-of-interest/526185/

Trump sells a house he bought for $40million for almost $100million to a Russian Oligarch who then starts popping up at the same airports as Trump while on the campaign trail. http://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/why-did-a-russian-pay-95m-to-buy-trumps-palm-beach-mansion/

Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, said they would be “rewarded”. Then he said he was just kidding. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/trump-putin-no-relationship-226282

Trump appoints Exxon CEO and Russian Order of Friendship recipient Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. Tillerson boasts personal relationships with Igor Sechin and Putin himself. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/12/13/what-is-the-russian-order-of-friendship-and-why-does-trumps-pick-for-secretary-of-state-have-one/?utm_term=.970b3afe76be

Russian-born Felix Sater (with suspected deep ties to Russian Mafia) boasts of personal relationships with Trump, a claim that Trump passively denies. https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2017/03/20/inside-trumps-russia-connections-the-felon-and-the-pop-star/#1bd49bb83a47

Trump Pressures the head of the FBI to drop Flynn/Russia Investigation https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/us/politics/james-comey-trump-flynn-russia-investigation.html?mtrref=www.google.com&amp;gwh=F7603E013969C3170C8774E795C2E3D5&amp;gwt=pay

Trump fires Comey for not dropping the Russia Investigation https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/19/us/politics/trump-russia-comey.html

Trump asks ODNI director to publicly claim no evidence to support Investigation http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-intelligence-idUSKBN18I2QH

Trump asks NSA director to publicly claim no evidence to support Investigation http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-intelligence-idUSKBN18I2QH

Trump attempts to launch four real estate ventures in Russia through Russian mafia-connected Bayrock Associates - Bayrock had partnered with Trump on at least four major but failed American projects: the Fort Lauderdale Trump Tower, the Trump Ocean Club in Fort Lauderdale, the SoHo condominium-hotel in New York, and a resort in Phoenix. http://fortune.com/2017/05/17/donald-trump-russia-2/

And you want to tell me that there is nothing there?

Trump, as commander-in-chief, should want to know what happened and how to best defend the nation from future attacks. The fact that he never asked Comey about that is suspicious.

Uh, did you even watch Comey's testimony where he said Trump was eager to find out if anyone working for him was compromised by Russia? The rest of your comment is garbage copypasta. You can't take 100 nothings or mischaracterizations and add them up into something, unless your standard for evidence is that of pizzagate investigators.

Okay man, you didn't read any of them. There is probably no way that I can educate you or convince you to drop your support for a third-rate wannabe dictator with tiny hands.

Then how about you educate me. Send me some sources that will educate me. Illustrate your thoughts to me with some supporting articles. I've sent plenty of legitimate sources to you detailing my argument. You are dismissing it as a copy pasta. If I'm so stupid educate me, we are pretty far down the comment chain here but for anyone else reading - only one of us is even attempting to make a legitimate argument.

Obama and Hillary were never liberal. Neoliberals are not comparable.

Trump hasn't really done anything that bad. And his supporters agree with his ideals. Why would they treat him with disdain?

There is a concerted and extraordinary effort to discredit Trump. Harvard did the research. Trump may be a silver spoon dickwad but between him vs the media....I voted for Trump and I'd vote for him tomorrow no problem.

Maybe he's a deep state puppet after all, but he has done more in a few months to dissemble the deep state and media apparatus that runs this country than I could ever have imagined. Maybe by accident, but the man is a fucking wrecking ball in a glass house.

I dont think Trump has done what he has done to attack the Deep State. He does thing so that people will praise him...simple as that. I can't even believe the guy when he says he has accomplished something as POTUS, because he always says that its "The greatest there has ever been in history"...which true or not, I dont think he actually read anything that backs that up...he just says "Im the greatest!" so that people praise him for doing a good job....which he really isnt.

Maybe it's all by accident, but "deep state" has become an everyday term. People are aware of it in a way they never were before. Trump's direct actions have done nothing to weaken either the media or the "deep state" but the indirect effects of his presidency have done damage to both.

I would agree. The "deep state" deals in controllable chaos. Trump is a loose goose. But its become one of those everyday words where nobody really knows who or what it is, or what it means in general. My conceptualization of "deep state" is a complex web of politicians and policy makers, working for similar personal interests without actually colluding together very much (and if/when they do its would probably be secretive and vague) Which it is why it's difficult to really know how its functioning...I don't think "deep state" is an organization or secret society, but instead, an array corrupt people contributing to corruption for personal gain at different times.

What has he done to disassemble "the deep state"?

Directly? Nothing.

The damage due to indirect effects is quite significant. Hell, just the term, "Deep State" is now an everyday dinner table term. People are aware that there are multiple facades of government vying for power, and we do not have the representative democracy we were taught.

Sorta like how Obama's rhetoric was so anti-gun that he single-handedly rebooted the entire gun industry for past decade. Despite doing absolutely nothing at all to actually implement restrictions on guns or gun ownership, and despite an overall relaxing of gun rules on both Federal and State levels under his administration. Nevertheless, on the power of rhetoric alone, over 100 million firearms were sold (in a country of 320 million people).

All i see Trump doing so far is making a huge weapons deal with Saudi Arabia who he said were terrorist funders during the campaign (they are). He also stacked his campaign with Goldman employees after attacking Ted Cruz for being connected to them. He atacked Syria, after saying numerous times we should stay away from Syria and then he ramped up Nato event though its a waste of money for American taxpayers.. All I see is him carrying out the establishments plans and goals. If anything he is empowering the so called deep state...

If anything he is a massive hypocrite and liar as well as open to being bribed by anybody that can enrich him like Saudi Arabia, no matter the damage and cost to Americans. He is out for himself, his business, his legacy and the best way to do that is to give in to the establishment.

He also pulled out of the TPP and the Paris Climate Change Agreement, both were HUGE lynchpins for the globalist regime. He's snubbed Germany, France and most of NATO to the point where Merkel essentially has written off the US, he's helped to engender (wittingly or unwittingly) massive populist uprisings and movements all around the world against the status quo, and has reduced the media to quivering hysterical idiots that now regularly expose their dishonesty for everyone to see. He put the Bush-Clinton-Rockefeller factions of the Cabal on their asses and out of power for the first time since JFK. Yes, he's a douchebag and born with a silver spoon and not a savior or hero in his own regard, but as a tool for change and a useful idiot to be the catalyst for mass Awakening, he's been marvelous.

I agree with you in part. Only in part because I have no real story as to what Trump is doing and what his options are.

Regardless of Trumps own internal position - his external one is clear - he wont do shit. He either can't or we wont, and regardless it is up to us the people to make the changes we need.

Personally I think we need far less bureaucracy and useless parasitic human beings weaseling into systems of control and then reinforcing their positions. Power needs to be with the people. If a representative suggest they are trying to take power away from the people they need to be removed - by force.

They clearly don't give a fuck if you ask them to stop.

I don't defend him because I support him. I defend him as you would a racist on trial for allegedly killing a black man but with no evidence against him.

I voted for Bernie so I could give two shits about butthurt Hillary imbeciles. Nobody likes Hillary.

Don't conveniently brand all people who demand actual evidence of Trump's wrongdoing as peckerwood rank and file Trump supporters.

The same people do this while chastising you for treating politics like a team sport.

I haven't gone looking through your post history to see how you go about defending Trump, so here's a fairly generic response:

Unnamed sources are pretty common in investigative journalism, especially when leaking this information can cause some type of harm to come to the source.

Don't get me wrong, I applaud and support any critical thinking, because we should take all the news with a grain of salt. I think it's important to look at the news and try to verify things for yourself.

But at the same time, it's important to encourage investigations into wrongdoing, especially at the level of US President. Too many people have knee-jerk reactions on both sides, and in the pro-Trump camp it's too common to see people saying to shut this down because there's nothing here.

But there IS something worth investigating here. Personally, I don't think Trump himself has knowingly done anything illegal with regards to Russia. But there is so much from his administration pointing to gross negligence/incompetence at best, and downright collusion at worst. As a country, we are obligated to see that this is investigated thoroughly. And arguing against people who are calling for MORE INFORMATION would definitely not be the right way to get it. Let's get the information first, then worry about the conclusions everyone has already drawn.

I'm so sick of this neocon agenda

For me, and Im sure a lot of people...its not about what he has done that's illegal....its about how he has proven his incompetence time and time again. Like his lack of knowledge in terms of his job (POTUS) and politics in general (if you are going to "Drain the swamp" you better know, extensively, how that swamp functions)

This is not a logical argument. You haven't actually explained anything. You have just stated your empty opinion that you think he doesn't know what he is doing.

How exactly has he proven his incompetence time and time again? Can we review the evidence in detail? Because this looks like another case of knee-jerk reaction to a complex issue.

Trumps incompetence is not a complex issue. Nothing about Trump is complex. There is nothing complex about incompetence. This sounds like another knee-jerk reaction to someone's confirmation-bias-delusions.

Okay, so then it should be pretty pretty easy for somebody to explain why they think he is so incompetent, or how somebody who is so incompetent could become president when nearly the entire political and media establishment backed his opponent.

Spell it out for me.

The Comey memos were from unnamed sources until his hearing where he verified them. We know that multiple members of Trump's team have lied about their contacts with Russia because they've admitted to it. That along with all of the other shady Russian shit that surrounds Trump isn't "rumormongering".

You're doing that same shit again, twisting the truth. Trump warned Putin of a potential terror attack and nothing was illegal about that. Obama said "I'll be much more flexible once I'm in office, relay that to Vladimir" to Putin's messenger in 2012 before starting his second run. Hillary sold weapons to Russia. Trump's administration has had the least verified contact with Russia in decades. All the other claims have been "anonymous sources who know Comey's friends that are familiar with Comey's line of thinking speculated that maybe Trump is a poopoo-head".

"muh deep state" wow that says everything. mocking the idea of a deep state in a conspiracy sub... just wow

What incompetence exactly are you referring too? Just because his administrations policies are not u/snakeaway would do doesn't make his admin. incompetent. So far he has been doing exactly what he campaigned on. Getting tougher on the border and illegal criminals, removing us from bad trade deals, removing regulations that harm the economy and average workers, picked a Justice in the vein of Justice Scalia. All these things he said he would do and he is either already has or is trying to implement. A witch hunt led by losers who can't accept America isn't the leftist "utopia" they all thought it was is not his admins. doing.

They don't normally post here. They saw this post front page and came running to defend their agenda.

Kinda like what you're doing?

Nope I comment a lot on conspiracy and am subscribed.

What the fuck are you going on about? Like what are you even upset about with Trump?

Terrible take. Trying to shame supporters of Trump to make your point, and then gold yourself for it. This is why reddit gets worse by the day. People assume gold means its a good opinion or simply fact.

I have never seen such a determined effort by supporters to stand behind this man by any means necessary.

There was a more recent episode of the Simpsons where Marge was friends with Smithers, and she said something to him like "do you think the reason were so loyal to these men others see as awful is because we just can't admit we were wrong?"

I think that may be a big part of it. Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable state to be in, so people have a tendency to stick to their publicized opinions.

You say you have record of his incompetence. Show them. Just because you disagree with his decisions doesn't mean it equals incompetence.

Incompetence is someone like you who makes positions without dispositions. All you're doing is emotionally whining and complaining about Trump without giving reasons why you have your position. Your hate for trump is strictly emotional not rational. You are the incompetent one here.

Show them.

Here is one at least, can't be bothered to link more.

That wasn't a shove. That was a man hug from behind. It has been debunked by body language experts when they noticed the man embrace him back by the waist while smiling at him.

Even if it was a shove, how does that make him incompetent? You're the incompetent one believing what you read on CNN. So what if he shoved someone out of the way to get attention? That's not incompetent nor nefarious. You sound like a little pussy ass bitch complaining about that.

You can't be bothered to link more because you're too dumb and there isn't anything out there of him doing anything incompetent or nefarious. You hate him because he is better than you in every way and he makes you feel likt the low self-esteem loser you are.

It has been debunked

By who? All the conservative newspapers in the US?

Haha damn, I really don't see any reason to discuss anything with you. The first time thing you do is just calling me a "little pussy ass bitch". This is the first time i open up CNN in my life, I'm not even from the US.

He is a disrespectful little cunt, shoving another prime minister like that. Absolutely pathetic. Trump is not only incredibly narcissistic, he also seem to be a bit sociopathic and schizophrenic, cause he cannot remember things he have said earlier - and changes his view on different topics.

Have you fucking seen his Twitter? He is an incompetent leader of the US just by looking at that.

I'm too dumb? You seem to get very triggered, do you need a trigger warning next time? Fuck off to your safe space at the_d instead.

Removed. Rule 4.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Mine got removed for rule 4, but his comment got removed for rule 10?

I "attacked" him the same way he attacked me.

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

I mean, when Republican reps have to say, Well, what he did is ok "He's just new at this" exemplifies his incompetence. This is the president of the US. If Trump was really serious about being president, he should have realized that he needed to do some incredibly extensive research before hand. He didn't. He is incompetent. If I advertise myself as a electrician but have no background in the subject...im going to be incompetent at that job until I educate myself. that doesn't mean that I should keep trying to be an electrician and keep taking in clients, so that eventually I will have the appropriate knowledge....no, because I probably cause electrical fires in 30 homes before I even realized what I had done wrong.

Yea but you haven't proven that Trump is causing electrical fires in homes. In other words, you haven't rationally demonstrated his incompetence. All you've done is label him incompetent based on your emotions because you don't like the guy.

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Where are these records? Plz show me. People talk a lot but never provide evidence.

I am trying to consider every view point. So what exactly do you mean by "record upon record of his incompetence"? Provide actual specific points and evidence not generalized and vague ramblings.

So brave. Give this man gold!

r/esist is leaking.

Found the mad side beef voter

What is that?

Edit: HOLY SHIT GOLD 2x..........my inbox ain't even that bad.

I don't care for Trump or his domestic policies, only his foreign policies and so far I don't like what I see.

However I do support his presidency, the rule of law, democracy and fair elections. First I watched the DNC cheat Sanders and now we are watching an incredible and sustained effort to either impeach Trump or at least obstruct to the point of making it nearly impossible to govern. The US is walking down a dangerous path by supporting these efforts and/or allowing it to happen. If the Deep State is allowed to go forward with this 'soft coup', imagine how the US society as a whole will feel when they realize they have zero power left.

If Trump is unable to do anything with his policies, he will at least go down in history for exposing the partisan corruption/collusion with the MSM, the power the Deep State really has and the almost complete destruction of democracy and the rule of law.

The funniest thing is that Trump wouldn't have deliberately done it, only his presence has forced it all into the open and people are beginning to wake up and see it on a massive scale.

Already, this accidental president's greatest legacy will be lifting the veil and accidentally exposing just how corrupt the US government really is.

For those of you who hate Trump and are hell bent on getting him impeached or at least destroying his chance to govern, will be your greatest mistake. You are in effect, already turning him into a martyr.

we have record upon record of his incompetence

Oh, you do? I'd love to see these extensive records.

Removed. Rule 10.

I did not attack and specific user, mod, sub, nor did I accuse anyone of being a troll or a shill.

Telling people to go fuck themselves was unwarranted and was reported as such.

I think we are seeing conflict within the elite at the CIA/CFR/ZionAxis...Trump has an elite faction behind him, which is why is not dead yet...he is treading a razor edge.

I assume it's the Zionist one

Trump has surrounded himself with Chabad house zionists like gary cohn and jared kushner. It is a puzzle. Trump learned politics and realestate investment at the feet of roy cohn, the jewish master of NYC..and also the prosecutor of communists with McCarthy and the prosecutor of jewish spies ethel and louis Rosenberg. if you understand this, please let me know.

I'm aware that he's a Zionist

I think I understand

It's all theater.

No offence or anything, but the majority of the US is against trump, why are you so surprised?

that is objectively not accurate

Please post your "objective" source, since it obviously isn't based on polls

Be searched deep in his heart and realized most people are just like him, or cucks.

We all remember how accurate those polls turned out to be last November!

Seeing as they predict the popular vote, they were fairly accurate

His approval ratings are about 36%. Apparently the other 64% are globalist shills.

Maybe MSM influences public opinion? Almost all MSM is overwhelmingly negative to Trump, except Fox at 52% negative coverage. Trump wasn't the one organizing private parties for journalists/media, that was Hillary/The left

Are you that new and naive to all this?

The brigading is real folks. Look at all these comments. OP is 100% correct. There has never been this level of confirmation bias against a president. The Clinton Foundation's prosecution would lead to the exposure of the Illuminati global crime ring. Trump has some shady dealings but NOTHING compared to the Clinton mafia.

Trump is near the top of the global illuminati crime ring

In what way is this confirmation bias? The man consistently acts stupid to the point that his own supporters have had to theorize that he's doing it on purpose.

It's n-dimensional connect 4.

confirmation bias

that's not what that means.

Look at all the insults of your intelligence if you support Trump

yeah, that's because there's nowhere to hide. it's not possible to rationally argue that trump is a president that mostly has his shit together and is doing good things for the country.

as unfortunate as the reality is, trump supporters can't accept blatant realities and tend to double down into ever-more-deluded justifications of trump's actions. they're not smart. smart people jumped that ship long ago. what's left are the hangers on who are too emotionally invested to admit they were duped by empty rhetoric and hope or galled by overt racism.

i don't even blame them any more. i just laugh.

Well articulated.

Clintons have been lying so well for two decades that no one has found anything! If that doesn't prove a coverup, I don't know what does.

That's been the message all along-- That the american public has been controlled and subdued for so long and much of it by the same families over and over. It's as if to say "We hate you so much that we would vote for an embicile like DT before we sign up for one.more round of you corrupt, lying, self serving, overlords."

All this talk about DT bc he is transparent about his disdain and moronic plans. Other politicians are just as evil but they feed us a big heaping pile of FU while smiling and being charming while doing it. It's as if Americans only care that their politicians are polite and warm. It doesn't matter what they actually do as long as they pretend to your face, control the media narrative and maintain the status quo. I support DT simply bc he is momentarily upset their apple cart. I laugh at how indignant all of them are when they have knowingly been signing off on outsourcing, insourcing, arms deals, Oil subsidies, signing free trade deals, NOT arresting bankster criminals. Sggning their buddies up for military contracts, handing away our freedoms via the patriot act and the NDAA. Toppling dictators/democratically elected govts like Libya, Ukraine, now syria. Using our military to guard opium fields in Afghanistan in obvious collusion to support the opiate scourge. The list goes on and on and on. Nearly all of our congress and senate vote in lockstep on these kinds of issues and we are worried bc of mean tweets? This problem runs way deeper than a jacka** like DT. He's just a blip on the radar and I'm sure he'll be go down like a blip. They have it on lock.

Confirmation bias is the natural inclination to accept as truth evidence that agrees with what you already believe in, and reject evidence that doesn't. For example, if a guy says "I regularly grab women in the pussy" and "I go into female dressing rooms" and you think he's like a nice guy because you don't like Hillary, you have severe confirmation bias. Or if he writes about 5 tweets a day without showing anything that resembles knowledge or vision or understanding how things work or intelligence, and you still think he's not a moron because you don't want him to be one, then you have confirmation bias.

But racism, islamophobia and misogyny!!!!!1!

What about those facts shitlord?

Literally every president in history had an organized effort to destroy them. This is just ridiculous and why is this one sentence long shit post on the hot page?

Divide and Conquer, still one of the easiest tricks in the book

Yeah? Because he's a damn stupid evil bastard turd and so are his few remaining followers.

Something my last LSD trip taught me, was that the only way we could possibly understand what a stupid evil bastard turd looked like, was if we actually have direct experience of being a stupid evil bastard turd ourselves. This is because that is the only way to obtain knowledge of what the characteristics of a stupid evil bastard turd is.

I therefore decided that it might be a good idea to try and stop thinking of other people as stupid evil bastard turds, because every time I do, I re-affirm my own level of intimacy with what being a stupid evil bastard turd feels like. It's not a feeling I enjoy.

Coincidentally, I may be getting LSD today :D

it sure would be a shame if your acid turned out to be misdosed 25i and you died convulsing having torturous nightmarish hallucinations as your muscles contorted and seized for what feels like an eternity, until you die.

The guy said it was real L. You'd be able to taste the fake stuff.

dom,doi,doc, or 2-cb bromo-dragonfly

We'll see.

test ur drugs man wouldnt want you to die

You don't remember the anti-W. cartoons and agit-prop stuff that would appear at rallies, in graffiti, and among the young left?

Reverse psychology to market Trump as "anti establishment". It's being done to let him get away with everything. His job is ultimately to dismantle the old world order to pave the way for the new one. Bannon even admits this explicitly.

To be honest, I have never seen a more determined and organized effort by anyone to destroy themselves like I have seen over the last year from Trump.

If he stopped tweeting and saying stupid shit he would greatly help his own cause, but he can't shut up in order to save himself even.

It is mind-blowing.

There was a Guardian article that openly discussed how major US and UK news were joining together to bring him down.

idk how you can't see that coming when he is blasting MSM as "fake news" every time it doesn't agree with his narrative.

he took on the integrity of all journalists in doing so. when all news is being blasted as fake well then what is real? what do we use to gauge real news?

is it just stuff that confirms our biases or is it stuff that cites their sources and uses reliable sources?

idk too much but I went to a public high school in Kentucky and learned how to properly cite sources and to look for proper sources so that my arguments held water. or is that something we don't concern ourselves with anymore and if it doesn't fit our narrative we want to push we just call it fake as soon as it does? fake news has no credible sources, period. if you scroll to the bottom of a article and all they cite as their sources is other journalists talking then its FAKE NEWS. it's a editorial at best. real news can be wrong, that happens but it doesn't mean the whole institution is fake, but real news cites experts, real news sites credible sources.

fake news is bold big time headlines that claim something extreme and then the article is fluff to back up that one thesis in the title but the sources to back up that thesis are two pundits talking to each other on a television screen... that is fake news people.

No shit, maybe don't attack the press.

Now wait a moment. Small radio talk show hosts bashed Obama too! It is totally the same thing as all these major TV networks and newspapers colluding to influence public opinion.

Also Operation Mockingbird is a conspiracy theory and I totally belong in this sub because I only believe the mainstream story on current events. Everything else is just crazy stories made by people with tinfoil hats.

Ha, he's destroying himself.

He never should have been president, he didn't even really want it, but hey now he's got it.

Fuck me don't defend him he's a rich stooge out to help himself an his rich buddies and fuck everyone else.

I don't even care if there IS a deep state trying to take him down, that sounds like checks and balances about now.

The man can't even put a coherent sentence together, and he's for EVERYTHING this sub claims to be against. He's a globalist, a rich corrupt corporate globalist that doesn't care about the Constitution or the common person, he cheats everyone in business, is a pathological liar, sold MORE weapons to Saudi Arabia than any other president, will cut takes for the rich while cutting benefits for you.


He really did want it. For a while, I thought he was either was playing a prank or working for Hillary.

But if you look at what he and his team were doing, it is clear he wanted it bad. The clearest evidence is their contracting of Cambridge Analytica. You do not hire that crazy-ass, near-psychic data company if you're just messing around.

That's terrifying

Fantastic points here. Bottom line: Donald Trump is and always was a fraud outsider.

He is actually the next move to gain power so that Republicans -- heavily discredited by GWB and the internet - could play propaganda against their own team to put one of their own in there.

They got a little more than they bargained for with Donald Trump -- not on the policy side but rather on the ego side. Let's face it. Republicans love Donald Trump. They support all of his policies (you know, the ones that weren't flip flopped after the election).

Republicans and MSM set this whole election up for Donald Trump.

Republicans placed him in with a huge crowd of the usual suspects -- assuring that he would win the primaries -- all the while grumbling.

Then, some of the most vile Republicans backed HRC -- giving her the kiss of establishment death.

Finally, MSM gave Donald Trump unprecedented coverage.

No one was a better ally than the msm for him. They pushed his rhetoric to no end. People have it so backwards. Great post.

I'm really not convinced that he and the Republicans planned this all from the beginning. I'm sure he's no "outsider" to corruption, but I don't see a whole lot of evidence that shows he was a Republican "insider" from the start.

Number one, they fought him pretty hard in the primaries, but couldn't super-delegate him to death like they did with Bernie. Number two, his campaign and presidency really did not do the Republicans any favors ... at least in terms of winning over future undecided voters. Case in point of number two: Trump brought Alex Jones and all the Sandy-Hook business into the Republican party ... I do not believe they wanted that or calculated that it will help in future elections.


I agree that he has a target on his back.

Unfortunately HE is the one that put it there.

I have never seen someone with less decorum... such a glowing example of a statesman and a world leader (*insert sarcasm) ... the man tweets like a Millennial who has doubled up on his Adderall and, on a daily basis, sometimes hourly, he puts his foot in his mouth and makes the United States look more and more like a sinking ship of a country.

PLEASE impeach the man and get someone in there that at LEAST SEEMS like they care about the country more than if they "one-up" someone like a little boy losing a passing match with the wind.

He is incompetent and an idiot.

Protect our state secrets and IMPEACH HIM NOW .

Lol so this sub is now officially the_donald 2.0? SAD

I guess they can have 2 subs. /r/polishit took over all the other subs.

This is something that happens to lots of politicians, such as Obama. Definitely not a conspiracy.

he threatens to delay the one world state schedule

do you even realize how many shekels are at stake here

all of them goy.

I would invite all of you smart intellectual people on this sub to read

"Praktischer Idealismus" by Count Coudenhove Kalergi.

I love reading texts written in that era and it has a great style. It is also interesting to learn about 19th - 20th century German thought.

Plus the man is the ideological founder of the EU. What more do you want?

If people hate trump so much then why doesnt anyone just go and assassinate him? Im sure if all the trump haters were determined they could go fly to washington dc and storm the white house and kill all the ghards and secret service agents and kill trump. Inb4 "youre on a list now" xddddd

every minority and liberal would be exterminated in the resulting cleansing

Good, liberals dont deserve to live

Why not?

actually im pretty sure one of this sub's admins edited my text. They first changed it to "liberals dont deserve to die." then i edited my comment and moments later they changed it ti "liberals deserve to live" xd

Not that I agree with those things, but how is what Trump is doing to the country better than either of those things?

GDI /u/spez still editing comments.

Anywaaaaaay.... You say that as if liberals are a monolith. And even if they were, neither of those things are worthy of death. Also, Finland isn't socialist. They're a Parliamentary Republic and are just part of the Nordic Welfare nations, with a mixed free market economy.

Removed. Rule 4.

Fucking nigger go drink bleach

Removed, violation of rule 1, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Look into Nixon. The WaPo's VERY cozy relationship with the CIA, the DC prostitute ring being operated out of the Watergate hotel, Nixon warning the CIA he was going to shine light on the JFK assassination...

I thought Nixon was only being held up as a hero by Trump supporters implicitly. This is the first explicit one I've seen. Tremendous. What a role model.

Are you fucking illiterate? Nowhere in my did I hold Nixon up as a role model or make a statement in support of Trump.

Are you fucking illiterate?

You are too sweet.

Nowhere in my post did I hold Nixon up as a role model or make a statement in support of Trump.

You were making a comparison between Trump and Nixon in response to a post sympathetic to Trump. Your post just said "look into..." without saying what you were trying to say, so anyone reading it would have to make some assumption about what you were actually trying to say.

So yes, you're illiterate.

I feel pity towards Trump, his ego and misplaced pride made him step into this steaming pile of shit that is politics, when he could have spent his golden years doing whatever he hell he enjoyed.

Why do you pity a billionaire that literally wants to make your life harder?

Every person who has a below average intelligence deserves pity, don't you think? He was never above average in his best times, and now, the age and the vanity are showing. He was definitely not presidential material, but I believe he was encouraged by the entourage, and people who wanted to lead from the shadows (Bannon and co.). And if it wasn't this idiot, it would have been another.

So you pity him even though he's lived a life full of fucking people over and being a greedy scumbag? I mean the man literally opened a fake college that scammed students out of their money.....

He destroys himself.

This thread is being shilled out by multiple sides.

I think that is what is called an argument

This legit made me laugh.

Hey I gladly accept my $3.50 from George Soros to shill about the "round" earth. Heil Hydra! So speak for yourself. /s

It is very funny though..

instead of hearing actual talking points and discussions to further society lets just stick to 180 character limit WWE style promo's... /s

Ya, it's totally organic to see conspiracy posters cheering on the corporate media and CIA.

9 months ago, these Trump supporters that you see so rabidly hating the media and the FBI/CIA today were cheering on the corporate media and the FBI when it was all about Hillary Clinton's impending doom.

People cheer on the demise of people they dislike. Newsflash: the vast majority of people in this country and, most likely, on Earth dislike Donald Trump.

Either way, to say that corporate media is being "cheered on" in this sub is downright delusional. You're most likely just mad that people are citing major outlets that are reporting things you don't want people talking about....

9 months ago conspiracy posters were able to post in this sub about how we hate the media and CIA without being labeled Trump supporters.

Suddenly team Shareblue showed up and said anyone who disagrees with the media's views on Trump is a Trump apologist.

Before Trump supporters, you used to be able to call the president a stooge and criticize his cabinet and their decisions without being called "a shill".

(Also, if anyone is around who is still supporting or defending Donald Trump despite EVERYTHING he's done, well shit, they're most likely Trump supporters/apologists. I mean, c'mon, it's not like he's a good president. He's corrupt as all fuck. This sub is the LAST place he should be getting support from.)

Shareblue is winning

I don't think it's Trump supporters doing the downvoting, it's all of the Trump hating subs here. There must be at least 6 now.

Or maybe people see this post as bullshit whining "cuz ppl are being so mean to muh trump"?

Could it be that?

I was looking through the comments and you can easily tell when each "side" showed up to the discussion.


believe it or not, people feel strongly about a broadly divisive and controversial president.

and it only takes one look at /r/AskTrumpSupporters to see how "rabid" both sides can be

Can you name a positive thing he has done as president?

Killed TPP.


And the Paris deal was bullshit & everyone on reddit cries about that still.

The Paris agreement isn't a deal. Who told you it's a deal?

arguing semantics..

But think of the polar bears and Mt. Kilimanjaro. We should totally transfer $100 billion a year, totally.

Meanwhile kids are getting pneumonia from small particulate matter in the countries where global manufacturing is being outsourced, not a word from globalists.

Meanwhile virtue signalling CEOs try to shame average citizens to pay the $100 billion a year but their companies are masters at dodging taxes. Oh those great 'prostesting' CEOs.

But don't you dare object because muh 97% consensus.

Planet before country.

That aside, he could have reopened negotiations. He instead proved he misunderstood the whole thing and announced he was "pulling out".

Such little proof you go off of to make your assumptions.

You believe there is insufficient proof of climate change to act on it?

I believe that your average citizen has no say in the matter & corporations in the processing/factory have more of a foot print & should be scrutinized more. Carbon taxing everybody is not the way to go.

That died way before. The DNC announced it wouldn't support it either.

I still think the TPP was a good thing for America, but whatever.

I really don't like him but he did pull out of the trans Atlantic trade deal.

Killed TPP.

Got celtics to the first seed spot, helped labor get gains in the recent UK election, got my shitty manager fired, and trump is ending the shitty Israel us alliance.

I don't think you can count accidental gains due to incompetence...

I mean... you can.

What makes you think hes ending the israel alliance? If he truly is, that would explain the hate he is receiving. No one is allowed to be mean to israel or stand up to their terrorism. Why? They have blackmail on everyone.

But you agree he helped get celtics the first seed spot? I think the real question is why he didn't help them win the finals

stopped ww3 with Russia


Trump is destroying himself, the man is a complete fucking idiot.

When someone speaks the way that he does, with limited vocabulary and poor grammar, it means that he thinks just as simply.

Trump has poor comprehension of cause-and-effect, especially when it comes to government. He barely seems to understand how the U.S. political system even works; his comments about how the Constitution were "outdated" and "just getting in the way" tells you what this man thinks, how much he knows, and what he expected of the office. Obviously this is a recipe for failure.

He has appointed probably the worst cabinet of any presidency in history. Literally every appointee is out to erode civil rights or the environment. That is not a mark of a man that stands for progress.

Good leaders command respect, loyalty, and discreetness. Trump is none of those to anyone, not even himself. It's no wonder so many leaks have occurred under him. The only people willing to ally with him are out for greedy agendas and are so overtly corrupt it's almost laughable if it weren't so serious; see: Ajit Pai.

you're probably not looking hard enough bro

said about every president ever

They are giving him the Gadaffi treatment.

Yea whoever is in charge of trumps twitter account seems intent on undermining him and making him look like a fool. Its unprecedented.

Ironically the comments in this thread basically confirm the title.

I was thinking the same thing. Hundreds of upvotes for anti-trump comments here.

Never seen this kind of vitriol before. Where was the media and these people during the last two Presidents? Reminds me of 1984 and the "two minutes of hate".

Complaining about his choice of mustard and making fun of a few malapropisms respectively.

Trump gets hate because trump invites hate. He calls his opponents "enemies" and uses the same language to describe critics
that he uses to describe terrorists. He regularly attacks the media and journalists, even when they're reporting the truth.

A lot of people don't trust the MSM, but Trump's method of outmaneuvering the media started by deliberately making an enemy of them. That's what he does, and that's why he's seeing this vitriol.

Yeah Hannity is a partisan pundit. Give me a NYT link spreading fake news about about Obama to the level of that "Russian back channel" bs story.

Never seen this kind of vitriol before. Where was the media and these people during the last two Presidents?

I answered your question already. I can give plenty of more examples of hatred towards Obama by the media if you like.

That's not the NYT, AP, MSNBC. You're linking to some random blog. Do you not see the difference?

It's a New Yorker cover. It doesn't get more MSM than them.

Never seen this kind of vitriol before. Where was the media and these people during the last two Presidents?

They were here

There was a ton of vitriol for both Obama and Bush, what are you talking about

Because the anti-trump comments actually have basis in fact while everyone who likes trump doesn't remember how to develop a coherent argument from circlejerking all over the_donald for the past year.

Sure man, keep telling yourself that. Never mind that everyone in the media is aligned on this. That Comey said that NYT collusion article was almost all false. That Trump was never under investigation. That him sharing Intel with Russia that could save lies is now considered "treason". I'm not saying you gotta love Trump or agree with his policies, but if you don't see what's going on in terms of a coordinated and relentless establishment attack on him, I don't know what to say.

The media reports on all the dumb shit he does. He and his supporters loved that during the primaries. Now it's all a conspiracy against him. Maybe he should try going a day or two without fucking something up.

They report on shit that didn't even happen. What does that tell you?

Outside of CNN, Fox News and outlets that are better referred to as blogs, I don't see evidence of this happening. I don't get my news from any of these.

Proved my point. To most of the country, CNN, Fox News and NYT are the "media".

The point was, everyone is covering Trump's failures, not just the outlets you don't like.

Yeah, no. They're also making things up. If he's so incompetent, why do they feel the need to lie? Shouldn't there be enough valid material?

Because they get better ratings when they lie? There's plenty of evidence pointing to his incompetence. CNN lying about one or two things doesn't magically prove he's a great leader.

You're all over this thread saying how confusing it is for you, but it's pretty straightforward why all this is happening.

  1. American media gravitates towards tabloid/sensationalist style news, and has a heavy bias towards whatever is most interesting.

  2. Obama/Bush/Clinton's media strategy was ignoring ridiculous shit and giving seriously-worded responses when they could spin things. Trump's strategy is directly calling journalists liars, sometimes by name, and discrediting them in the eyes of his supporters.

I would believe that there was a media conspiracy against Trump if I saw evidence of it. But because of his tactics, a constant stream of negative coverage isn't really evidence, it's expected.

So the DNC head emailing the head of MSNBC to tell Morning Joe to STFU about her says nothing? Is it that far of a reach for you to imagine that the media getting marching orders from them didn't stop after the election?

No, it just says next to nothing.

Letters to the editor are not automatically "marching orders". And while a lot of journalists report from a liberal perspective, MSNBC in particular has a marked bias in addition to that.

Even if you accept the entire MSM as colluding with the DNC, the actual complaints, when compared to the right-wing media's complaints about Obama, and his response to that, Trump's still got a lot to answer for.

Why don't you tell us what you don't like about Trump?

In your opinion what are his worst actions?

I'm not fond of his decisions to escalate the middle eastern conflict (including his snap decision to attack Syria based on dubious intelligence).

Pulling out of the Paris accord was a major blow to international PR with negligible benefits. Overall his environmental record is abysmally substandard compared to Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, and Carter. He's emphasizing coal mining, an obsolete billion dollar industry at the expense of both green energy industries and more efficient fossil fuel industries like natural gas.

He fired the director of the FBI for dubious reasons, and didn't even have a replacement nominated for a full month, which means the FBI has even less oversight and direction than it normally does.

He openly opposes the first amendment. He praises regimes that disallow free speech, and openly refuses to go places where he might be protested. He regularly attacks his critics using the same language that he uses with regards to terrorists, and encourages violence against protesters and critics.

And overall, he just doesn't hold himself to the standard of dignity that I would expect of a President of the United States. You're talking about a guy who's tweeting at the TV every day and throws public tantrums about celebrities at 3:00am in the morning.

It's pretty clear overall he has no idea what he's doing. Even with federal appointments: Obama's appointees were often blocked by a hostile congress, but Trump's executive branch is empty too because he hasn't even bothered to suggest anybody for those positions. Meanwhile he's taking a full blown million dollar vacation to a golf resort every single weekend.

There were a handful of things I appreciated about his platform (like the anti-lobbying, which he shirked away from with waivers; and reforming the VA, which he hasn't even started on). But he's not getting anything accomplished at all except blustering. He's more likely to go on twitter and say "somebody should do something". He's the president and his party has control of all three branches of government and he's still blustering and useless, and blaming everybody else for his failure. It's an embarassment to the nation.

The worst thing isn't any particular action, it's the general hypocrisy. He said he would "drain the swamp" and then stuffed his cabinet with millionaire banking executives and CEO's. He created these restrictive anti-lobbying rules, one of the few points I agreed with him on, and then signed a waiver to anybody who even hinted they were planning on selling out. He's such a hypocrite that posting his tweets in response to his actions has become an international meme. People just don't respect the US like they did before.


Yeah sure and Obama is a muslim born in Kenya right?

Didn't see NYT or CNN pushing that BS story. Didn't see McCarthyist style rabid freakouts.

Seems pretty equal on both sides in terms of lack of coherent arguments.

Most of the anti trump side seems to claim everything they say is embedded by facts while not really bringing any info at all besides saying he's a rich idiot. Seriously, ctrl f the words "stupid" "moron" "idiot" and you'll see that's what most of these peoples arguments are.

The pro trump side just says that it's insane how much negative media is being spewed out daily towards the guy.

Not that I'm crazy for Trump or anything, but it really is bizarre how much vigor is going into hating the dude. I've never seen it before, not even towards known murderers, rapists or terrorists. People foam at the mouth every time he says anything, stupid or not. To deny it is kind of unreasonable and to claim some blanket statement like "he's an idiot" does nothing but prove the OPs point.

I understand "both sides" have done it, in terms of conservative media towards Obama and liberal towards Trump. But never before has so many different media outlets run hit after hit. Not to mention the turfing (and creation) of whole subreddits basically dedicated to hating the guy.

I get that he's unpopular, but the amount of self destructive violent hatred towards him and his supporters is pretty worrying. Divide and conquer, and all that. Never seen it so black and white before.

wtf, i love and trust the government now....

wtf i love the mainstream media and liberal/communist narrative now


Lmao, if you think any of the big media members of liberal politicians are actual communists then you have no idea what communism is

spoken like a true 'Rules For Radicals'-trained pinko commie.

Lol keep calling people that aren't communists commies bud, I'm sure that makes you right

Communists are basically the puritans of that religion. They call the other guys out for not 'reading Marx as well' and they derive a weird sense of justification in saying "that's not true communism".

Yeah there's infighting among the different schools of communism but they will all agree that non of the major media or parties in the US are even close to being communist. The only people that peddle that are far right wingers that think the government doing anything is straight Marxism

I hate and distrust the government now is why we elected someone that will protect the constitution from deluded statists as well as our 1st and 2nd amendments.

Dur dur wtf?

This used to be very rare. Upvotes are numbering in the hundreds and the opinions are all the same towards the top.

its very noticeable

I noticed it hit r/all with an inflammatory title

Sure is man. Makes you think about the measurable impact you would expect if somehow ShariaBlue's operations were shutdown for a week. As is a reduction in sight visits, comments, upvotes.

It's called confiramtion bias.

That's how this type of mentality works.

Trump supporter - "Everyone is out to get Trump"

Everyone - "Yeah, he's pretty terrible."

Trump supporter - "See!"

Did you expect all of the comments to be in support of OP? Maybe some of the people here who aren't in on some globalist conspiracy to take Trump down, don't lack the common sense necessary to navigate the world of politics.

I think that just means that very many people think he's a terrible President.

I've been subbed to this place for a while and it has definetly changed for the worse.

Most comments below are cancer and non-objective. Avoid to maintain your sanity.

Unnecessary use of the word "below"

^ Proof above

Let's be honest, he brings it on himself. The guys a crack pot.

JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, etc.

If the media is so determined to destroy Donald Trump, why did the Jews who own every most outlets in U.S. and big banks donated to the Trump campaign?


It's all a rich man's act.

I have never seen such a determined effort by one man to discredit and destroy the country like Trump.

The sooner he's destroyed the better! The American electorate, with the unwelcome help of our "good friends" the Russians, have made such a serious mistake in selection of its leadership.

He is orange Hillary Clinton

I'll agree to an extent, however, he's perfected greed to a national art form. Clinton's are total amateurs at his level of theft!

Clinton's are total amateurs at his level of theft!


It sounds like you've never heard of Haiti.

The "best" thing the Clinton's managed to do over there was build a super-duper facility (in a region not as affected by the earthquake.). After that, they were kind enough to campaign against minimum wage laws in Haiti, to improve their quality of life.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I'd this satire?

Bush and Clinton before went through the same exact policies that his predecessors.

Can you squeeze in a conspiracy subreddit.

If Trump is so stupid and such an idiot then where does that put you on the graph? He has 4 billion and you have accumulated what? His dad loaned him a million, anyone want to do the math? He has payed back the loan and increased it 4,000 times and it's still growing. If I gave you $100 could you turn it into $400,000, because that's what Trump did. Sounds like the same trolls that would tell me how much Michael Jordan sucked but yet couldn't dribble a ball the length of the court.

ah, the classic 'wealth=goodness' argument

why is someone's bank account more representative of their character than their words and actions?

Nice try with the wealth = goodness red herring. The correlation was wealth to smarts. He apparently is smart enough to take a million and parlay that into 4 billion. Character has nothing to do smarts.

lol, my bad

My argument still stands. Being born rich doesn't make you smart, Trumps own words should prove that fact alone. But ya know, 'climate change is a Chinese hoax' and 'Obama is a Kenyan Muslim socialist who founded Isis', these are rational beliefs to hold as long as you're rich.

Your inability to stay on topic and meander off into other arguments just proves you are motivated by hate.

Where did I go off topic? You claimed that he was smart because he's rich, I provided two supremely idiotic statements that Trump has publicly defended, refuting your claim that wealth=intelligence, but I'm off topic?

Can you defend why you think he's so smart without referring to his inherited wealth?

You went off topic with the first sentence you typed. You tried to frame my statement with wealth=goodness. I was implying that he took a sum of money and increased it 4,000 times which needs some smarts to do. You can not "prove" someone is an idiot unless they would submit to an I.Q. test. You can have an opinion, you can theorize but you can not prove anything.

Alright, dawg. You can hold on to the semantics of this conversation or focus on the content of what we're speaking about. But you know Trump is indefensible outside of his bank account, bc if he was, you would've provided some actual reasons for why you believe what you believe.

Btw, IQ tests are not a reliable test for intelligence, as no such test exists. There is no concrete, easily-definable range of what 'intelligence' is, so we go off what people say and do. Crazy, right?

You couldn't be more wrong, no really you couldn't. You really have to try and suspend all cognitive thought in order to be so wrong. There are IQ tests, and that can not be refuted. When some criminal commits a crime that might send him to the electric chair what does his lawyer do? He has an IQ test administered to show that his defendant falls in to the retarded zone. This would allow any judge to dismiss the death sentence as a possible sentence. IQ tests have been supported by science, but fell out of PC favor back in the sixties when they proved on average, that certain races were consistently on the bottom rung of intelligence. Please don't be a science denier.

Dude, IQ tests are heavily refuted by people who spend their entire lives studying this stuff that are smarter than both of us. They fell out of "PC" favor because IQ tests don't account for many different variables and generally work off the assumption that intelligence can be reduced to a quantifiable number, is static throughout your life, and isn't influenced by environment, culture, wealth, etc.

But yeah, whatever plays into your conspiracy theory on how PC culture is taking over everything. Very Trump-ian of you

Sorry bro, but our government and our court systems accept them, maybe you should too. Say whatever you want to say to make you feel better about variables, environment and culture but it's a mirror that maybe you don't want to look into.

Dude, go back to Breitbart

Funny how you accused me of going off topic... we still haven't gotten to the bottom of why you think Trump is smart

Please don't confuse your inability to comprehend (hence the mirror comment) with me stating over and over that he parlayed a million dollars into 4 billion. That would need a degree of smarts. Besides he graduated Wharton, not really an easy college to graduate from. As far as your racism comment goes, it's just your paranoia that see's racism when it doesn't exist.

So, what, exactly, did you mean by the mirror comment then? I have trouble comprehending, could you assist me? It might be my low IQ but I really don't get it.

Also, I guess your opinion is rich=smart. Alright.

What I EXACTLY meant about the mirror comment was I thought your comprehension skills were weak to suspect at best. Yes my opinion is that if you are rich, you are somehow smart, maybe not Stephen Hawking smart but smart nonetheless. Isn't it time for some Mortal Combat or Call of Duty?

Damn, you can say and do all kinds of idiotic things but as long as you're rich, there's no way you couldn't be smart, I guess.

btw its Kombat

and I'm more of an Overwatch guy

BTW, can you define what you mean, exactly, by the "mirror" comment? I don't know what you mean and I don't wanna put words in your mouth

Is pushing for unconstitutional policies also ok as long as you're a billionaire? Maybe we should have a minimum wealth requirement for government in the future. since the richest people are the smartest, then they are also the best at governing, right?

Well to be fair, it's documented that Trump screwed over virtually everyone he's dealt with to make money while not paying valid debts...also he's been involved in 4,000 lawsuits for fraud, usury, etc. Know of anyone else who was sued that many times for shady biz dealings? He is NOT someone who was smart enough to parlay his initial $ into more in an honest way....he is a pathological liar and crook. Period.

He gets away with it because he always keeps enough money in reserve to buy the lawyers he needs to get him out of the next financial shitstorm he creates. He walks away unscathed and even richer, while his creditors bite the bullet. If you call that 'smart' then fine. It's smart for a business mogul who wheels and deals. It is NOT fine for a President.

I guess you didn't get the memo that he no longer runs the day to day activities of his companies.

No, sadly he's now doing the same thing to the country instead.

If I gave you $100 could you turn it into $400,000, because that's what Trump did.

Ha, this is absurd. Try starting a business with $100. It's not going to work. It's easy to compound your wealth when you start off ahead of everyone else.

Trump has destroyed himself. I bet you if he knew he would be president 20 years or so ago, he wouldn't have said half the shit he has. right now it major damage control for him.

It goes to show how serious they are about installing a global government of billionaires.

Like Trump you mean?

Nah, he isnt part of the club. In fact, I strongly suspect he isnt even a billionaire. Do you really think a billionaire would do reality teevee?

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If the billionaire is also a giant narcissist, yes.

Sure and lots of billionaires go on pro wrestling, too.

Mark Cuban and Chris Sacca are both millionaire who've done reality tv... I'm sure there's more.

Millionaires aren't billionaires. Your first clue is that they are spelled differently.

Oops. good point. I'll fix that. Point still stands. They are all three billionaires.

And they have appeared as characters on WWE wrestling?

And they have appeared as characters on WWE wrestling?

Does that really matter?

Does it count as a conspiracy if he's the one doing the conspiring? The guy is doing everything in his power to get booted out of office.

One time I was asked to present our software to another company who wanted to integrate it. I did not want that integration to happen, because I knew that other company and what a nightmare that would be. So I spent the entire presentation focusing on everything I knew they'd dislike about our product (but in a, hey look at this feature! sort of way). Never heard back from them.

I sometimes wonder if it's remotely possible for Trump to be playing a similar game? Probably not.

He's absolutely Mr Garrison. South Park nailed it.

I haven't met a single Trump supporter who was able to give even a remotely reasonable justification for Trump's firing of Comey. Not one. The Trump team tried to say it was because Comey was unfair to Clinton (lmao) and then Trump goes on TV a day later and says it was because of the investigation. He literally admitted on national TV that he fired the director of the FBI because the FBI was investigating his campaign team, and that his team gave a bullshit reason. It's absurd.

I haven't met a single Trump supporter who was able to give even a remotely reasonable justification for Trump's firing of Comey. Not one.

This is super easy.

  • Comey botched the Hillary email server job. Dems and Repubs called for him to be fired.
  • Comey admitted he was pressured by Lynch to not call call hillarys thing an INVESTIGATION but to call it a "matter"
  • Comey was anti-trump (as proved by his memos and leaks)
  • Comey himself admits "I serve at the pleasure of the president. he can fire me for any reason, or no reason at all"
  • Comey is a self admitted leaker (we know of 1 case, maybe there was more)

During his interview comey said "I read in the media about this russia stuff and i was confused and concerned because we were not seeing anything like that on our end. So I asked around the FBI to see if someone else knew something. We had no evidence. So I went to members of congress and said 'hey, I dont know where this stuff is coming from but its not true'".

All weak points. I guess since you used bullets I'll refute them individually.

Comey botched the Hillary email server job. Dems and Repubs called for him to be fired. Hillary was undeniably guilty of several very serious crimes.

Three issues with this. Firstly, republicans, especially Trump, praised Comey when he reopened the investigation a week before the election. The idea that he was fired because he hurt Hillary in the election is laughable. Secondly, the timing makes no sense. If this was really the reason Comey was fired then it would have happened earlier in Trump's presidency and not right around the time that Flynn, Manafort and others were being subpoenaed by the FBI. And thirdly, and most importantly, Trump literally said it was because of Russia. Regardless of whether or not Trump is guilty, firing someone because you are being investigated makes you look guilty. Not to mention how inappropriate it is.

Comey admitted he was pressured by Lynch to not call call hillarys thing an INVESTIGATION but to call it a "matter" (political move to help hillarys prez run)

You're completely changing your reasoning for why Comey was fired now. The fact that you can't stick to a specific reason makes it clear you're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. This reason in particular makes no sense because nobody knew about this until the Comey hearing. He also continued to refer to it as an investigation regardless so it makes even less sense as a reason.

Comey was anti-trump (as proved by his memos and leaks)

He was made uneasy by the fact the Trump continually called him and arranged meetings with him. In the eight years of Obama there were only two times Comey and Obama spoke: at the beginning of his presidency and at the end. Regardless, this is no reason to fire an FBI director. The decision to leak information that could be destroyed by Trump after the Comey firing should be praised by this subreddit. If you support Assange and oppose Comey on this then you are a hypocrite.

Comey himself admits "I serve at the pleasure of the president. he can fire me for any reason, or no reason at all"

Whether something is legally acceptable and whether it is morally acceptable are two different things. Time will tell whether the firing legally fits the definition of obstruction of justice but I am arguing that it is wrong from a moral standpoint right now.

Comey is a self admitted leaker (we know of 1 case, maybe there was more)

Yes, after he was fired. So it makes no sense that this is why he was fired.

Comey admitted he is a coward to the whole world. Is that the type of person you want running the FBI?

My opinion on Comey is irrelevent. I'm not saying whether he should have the job or not; I'm saying the reason why he was fired is completely inappropriate.

No it isn't. Not sure if you ever held a job before... But your boss can fire you whenever the fuck they feel like it.

Okay first of all what you just said is so incredibly false. There are absolutely reasons for firing someone that are illegal in the United States. Have you ever held a job before?

Second of all, whether the Comey firing was morally acceptable and legally acceptable are two completely different things. Whether or not the COmey firing qualifies as obstruction of justice is an issue that I am not qualified to discuss, and if you didn't know that you can't fire someone for any reason, then I am certain you are in the same boat as me in terms of knowledge of the law. I am argunig that what Trump did is unacceptable from a moral standpoint, not a legal one.


Now let's see you try to claim you're smarter than Alan Dershowitz.

First of all I can't watch it right now because I'm at work.

Second of all, are you kidding me? I have been repeating over and over that I don't know enough about the law to determine whether Trump obstructed justice, and that I am arguing that Trump is wrong from a moral standpoint, not a legal one. And your repsonse is to link a video about whether or not Trump broke the law? Are you really that dimwitted?

Thanks for admitting you know nothing about you're talking about.

Watch the video to learn what an actual expert has to say.

Okay you have to be trolling me at this point.

I don't think he's trolling I just think he's incredibly dense.

Like what?

Seriously? If you don't know then you're just conciously ignorant, in which case I'm not going to debate you.

Lol because you can't state anything.

I assume you mean the Comey shit? But only fake news would leave you to believe Trump was under investigation or couldn't fire him anytime he wants.

"fake news" is all I needed to hear. No, that's not the only thing.

  1. Firing the FBI director who is investigating your campaign is at worst illegal, at best stupid.
  2. Diarrhea​ of the mouth. Too many stupid tweets to recount. Tweets which work against him and his policy initiatives more often than not. Again, stupid.
  3. Travel ban and ensuing dumb tweets about it as his lawyers argue in court that it's not a ban.
  4. Awful, awful staffing of important positions at nearly every level.
  5. Leaking intelligence to the Russians. Twice.
  6. Recent policy change re oversight requests. May not even be constutional.
  7. Idiotic comments like "who knew this (health care) was hard?"

I could go on. Your guy puts his foot into his stupid fat mouth on a daily basis. But oh, right; "fake news". Nevermind, none of that really happened, right?

Notice how you already moved the goal posts... From booted out of office too... he puts his foot in his mouth?

  1. https://youtu.be/MJ15ymETv-s this explains it.

  2. Seeing as how twitter played a big role in him winning the election why would he drop that now. It's an extremely powerful tool. He gets to bypass the media and have the media talk about whatever he wants with a tweet. Maybe some are stupid I guarantee you don't realize how those "stupid" tweets are changing your framing and the global narrative though.

  3. His tweets should have 0 effect on law. Any legitimate scholar would tell you that. Otherwise the Judicial branch can usurp the executive and legislative branch by just claiming they can mind read what they meant with every law. The only thing the judges should be assessing is the law.

  4. You're just saying this because you heard it as an argument before. Obviously that staff isn't needed if everything is going fine without them. It's only been 6 months anyway and Trump is busy fighting off 24/7 anti-trump media.

  5. It's not leaking when he is the one who decides what is and isn't classified.

  6. Sounds like fake news. Haven't heard about it yet.

  7. You don't like what he says 😭. It's not idiotic. It's changing the frame, it might make him look a lil ignorant but subconsciously you will give him a lot more credit for doing it right. Or he just actually realized it was harder than he thought... who cares.

Please don't move the goal posts again. I'm not arguing that Trump doesn't put his foot in his mouth occasionally. Maybe edit your original comment to that?

Still don't know the definition of a conspiracy? More than 1! Keep shillin on with your non-point arguments!

It's only different now because he's in politics, before he was a shady business man, a reality tv star, and a man who made ludicrous statements about the previous president. There's no conspiracy, he's just not a good person to be president. We need someone who knows about leadership (without firing everyone), who knows how to speak in a way that inspires the rest of us and builds confidence in him, who knows when to to speak (or tweet) especially when it comes to state secrets and military movements, someone who isn't using the country to make his own company profit, someone who isn't a hypocrite.

Bill Clinton Witch hunts.

What about Hitler? Or MLK? Or anyone who has been assassinated? Considering Trump's still prez despite all the yelling I'd say no ones really bothering to walk the walk.

I've never seen a more reckless and self destructive world leader, so...

There's an eminem diss-track against some other rapper that goes

'its all a plan devised by the man, its a conspiracy!
Against fake shit,
and anybody who can't make hits, or ain't dope lyrically'

It get in my head every time I hear this 'deep state' bullshit. People are overwhelmingly against him because he's a fucking putz, and the overwhelming likelihood for the reason all the 'intelligentsia' disagrees with you is because you are a putz too.

Are you including historical leaders? Id consider the internment of Japanese Americans back in the day pretty reckless. And in historical terms, that is pretty recent.

I honestly don't know enough about world history to include most historical leaders, but I was speaking mostly from the perspective of modern politics, diplomacy and int'l relations. Japanese Internment was one of the darkest moments in our country's history and I don't want to minimize that at all but I find it hard to believe that FDR was as purposefully inflammatory, ignorant, and combative as a world leader as Trump is. We have a president that lies without second thought, refuses to consult scientific experts on global issues, weakens the 'sovereignty' of america on the world stage, and cyberbullies private citizens and foreign politicians alike. Its just recklessness on a base level, imo.

Also, I would probably argue that with our knowledge of the mistakes made in the past like Japanese internment, it's even more reckless to try to bring that type of rhetoric back into our 21st century politics (ie, Muslim ban)

Thank you. I get that Trump wasn't the establishment's candidate, but that doesn't automatically make him good for the people.

Has he upset the status quo? Sure, but not in a good way. He's reinstituting the formerly fledgling war on drugs and he's just as much of a war hawk as an establishment president would be. He's incredibly pro business and continues to de regulate the financial industry.

Plutocracy and the imperialistic war machine are our greatest enemies, and Trump is a strong proponent of each.

Can someone please explain to me this sub's support of Trump? The way I see it, the establishment is pissed off because Trump is LOUDLY and brashly taking actions that they would prefer to be done covertly and with a bunch of lip service to the American people

There's a botnet that reposts threads from r/T_D and then heavily upvotes them. I'd say the mods don't care, but they're flagging pro-Trump posts as "ignore reports", so at the very least, they're aware of it and allowing it. More than likely, they're a part of it.

They are using drug laws to fight mexican gangs that are taking over in certain cities.

Umm by "drug laws" do you mean methods proven to reduce organized drug crime such as decriminalization and legalization? Or do you mean throwing ppl in prison to rot due to self-medication, mental health issues, poverty, racism, etc.


No conversation to be had here, good luck to ya'.

No connection between institutional racism and the war on drugs? Crack cocaine epidemic, Gary Webb, CIA drug smuggling operations...

I know this is r/conspiracy, but "Institutional Racism" and "forced drug epidemics" are insane.

Is Meth forced on rural white people by institutional anti-white racism?!?

Self-medication isn't unique to any one racial group or geographic area. When certain ppl encounter repeated trauma or struggles, they often use drugs as a way to escape those pains. So when you flood a poor community with hard drugs, esp a cheap one like crack, certain people will use that as an outlet. There's nothing "forced" about it

So criminals bear no responsibility. Got it.

these are garbage comments.. we had nonstop bush clinton obama wars that illegally killed millions... yet trump is reckless lolol

Constructive comment

how old are u ? u said trump is the most reckless uve seen, yet i just owned u with facts of previous administrations illegal wars. no comeback? typical

take that, liberals

why no thoughtful response? you are replying like a bot tbh. reporting u

because I don't have to entertain every idiot that replies to all of my comments online?


Right back atcha, buddy 👈👈

Give it time, we're only 1/8 of the way in.

sorry but youre then making outlandish statements and assumptions based on hypotheticals. judge him on how he is now, not what cnn tells u to fear. right now, trump is nowhere near "worst president ever" or any other bullshit fearmongering MSM tells u

Yeeesss...? Anyone making any prediction is doing so based on assumptions. You are also making an assumption by thinking this may not be the case. There's nothing wrong with that (unless you're going to act/effect others based on these assumptions).

To clarify, I mean that the last 3 presidencies have had a lot more time to rack up the destruction you're talking about. 8 years vs 6 months. You really gotta wait until Trumps presidency is over to compare them on overall destructiveness.

ps, nobody above me in this thread said the "worst ever," just most reckless and destructive. So idk what you're quoting but it's not the person you responded to.

He doesn't give a fuck. Unemployment is at a 10-year low. Obamas first year dropped the stock market by 50%. With trump it's +15%. Get over yourself, he's straight up killing it. Also, the only and I mean one and only time in the United States history that our credit rating was downgraded happened during the Obama administration.


It's just to stir everyone up. Divide and rule. Realise that we have a common enemy here.

Funny you say that OP, while at the same time they got Trump elected


Look what they've done to Hitler

Stay woke

Mandela, Ghandi, JFK...

I mean...

Hey now, Mr Trump is way less racist than Ghandi was.


You can see it in this thread too. The more they try to destroy Trump, the more it makes me like him.

Why? If a lot of people have a problem with someone why not try to see their point of view the instead of writing them off as wrong without having any idea if they are not.

Oh, believe me....if there were PROOF of something, I would be glad to hear it. It just gets tiresome to have non-stop anti-Trump propaganda every fucking place you go. Have a great day!

Kinda like when Trump insisted that Obama wasn't a US citizen even though he never presented any proof?

Yes, he certainly did do that. I don't think he will be impeached for that though. What exactly is your point?

My point is that you're defending Trump against things that he himself was just doing a few years back.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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I've never seen such a determined and organized effort to destroy a country like there is right now to destroy the United States. FTFY. And this is why this country needs trump out of office.

You mean by Trump himself?

I know. Trump is trying so hard to destroy Trump that you would think Trump is out to get Trump for no other reason than Trump being Trump

And because it uses the word trump so much!

Reminds me of:

Homer: "Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night. They just plain sucked. I've seen teams suck before but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked."

Like the submit, purposely placed as a sticky, 90% of the comments continue the Trump POS MSM, while trying to come off as an organic well grounded based discussion, give me a break. Most CT's know he is just a front person, and that any policy that he or any other actor elected person puts in place comes down from the TPTB. It's all just an act before the boom is lowered, we are knee deep in NWO, and if you don't like this version, wait for version 2.0, because this is nothing. Crying over a leader to make the boo_boo better is a joke, best be getting your "ducks in a row" instead of what kind of fearless leader you have, gut feeling ain't much time left for this current lie.

I don't know. I was pretty young when Bill Clinton took office, but to me the Republican witch hunt of him seemed just as bad as this feels currently.

What smells like potatoes in this thread?

is this the new way to break rule 10 without really saying it?

Wait, where were you during Obama's time as president?

Yep, that's how we know he's not part of the PTB (well, not the primary faction anyway; the CIA/MSM faction).
Notice how much they stopped trying to destroy him the moment he fired missiles at Syria.
That's what all this shit is about. They're trying to pressure him to do what he's being 'advised' to do.

Its civil war between the oligarchs. Nationalists vs Globalists.

Reddit is overwhelmingly pro globalist, even here now if you believe that these are organic posters and not shills.

We are all shills on this blessed day.

Honest question, people with dissenting views are constantly called shills on /r/conspiracy. When you say shill, do you mean dissenters, or do you mean plants who are literally paid to post what they do on here?

Shills can be lots of things.

Shill - a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

to advertise or promote (a product) as or in the manner of a huckster; hustle:

I mean plants paid to post, Shareblue is very open about this. There's one thing having a dissenting view, there's another all together when you're parroting the MSM's narrative verbatim on /r/conpsiracy, something that before Trump took office would be considered laughable and downvoted/hidden.

Now we have "organic" posters here chiming in with such hits like "check out this WaPo article" and "Hillary wouldn't of been that bad of a President". I've even seen posters claiming anti Clinton conspiracy articles are a "vast right wing conspiracy", a word for word talking point out of the Clinton campaign upvoted on this very sub! It'd be hard for them to make it anymore obvious honestly.


Wants to build walls, keep us out of war, build relationships, and stimulate the economy with new trade and new jobs. Total fucking globalist.

"Cant u see he's da same as evry1 else!!!1"

Hmm tough to build relationships with walls.

Really? Because a shit load of other countries do it.

Nationalist or globalist agendas don't really matter to the super rich. They view other oligarchs as peers not citizens of nation states or egalitarian idealists.

Someone please explain to me how globalism is inherently bad.

On Memorial Day, I asked people why patriotism was so important. They treated my question as an insult, as if I didn't understand that patriotism is essentially the bedrock of our country.

But why do so many statists act like America owns the rights to patriotism?

Globalism in of itself isn't bad. People are. People are corrupt and design corrupt systems. Globalism is one system with no competition. It will swiftly degenerate into a system where a minuscule few gets 90% of the worlds resources. Its what people do. There is no limit on greed, people want infinite power and infinite resources, no matter what.

America is too big as well, we waste so much, and murder,, rob, and extort so much from the rest of the world. The average population of the world is 6.6 million. Maybe there should be a maximum national of that. When a nation exceeds that it has to break up within 20 years.

Those arnt the only 2 choices and it's ignorant as fuck to frame it that way.

You don't think he brings it upon himself?

For me, the first time I heard Trump speak, I realized he is inadequate at the very least. No intelligent healthy person will talk like that. Not to mention the number of times he contradicted himself and flat out lied. Over and over and over. It wasn't the msm talking, not Pence or Ivanka or Obama, it was his own face making those stupid nonsensical sentences. Dude, are you sure your brain is plugged in? That stuff Alex Jones is selling isn't doing you any favors.

this isn't a conspiracy. this is you completely ignoring legitimate points to make it fit your narrative

They lost so they are now trying to destroy him. Just like they did with Obama. But this time, the media hates Trump and that's why you see so much more of it all the time.

Ha. You could be talking about Trump himself, posting from his twitter account.

I feel like there is enough hatred being supported (as opposed to condemned) by the Left from the Left that someone is going to attempt to harm the man. For some groups, it needs to happen at the right time to start a civil war and justify destroying our freedoms incrementally.

So you haven't been paying attention. Obama was treated more unfair and Trump even deserves the critizism.

Go back to t_d cuck

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

It's so organized, Trump is even in on it!

Ive never seen a determined and organized effort to destroy a person like there is right now for Obama

Ive never seen a determined and organized effort to destroy a person like there is right now for Bush

Ive never seen a determined and organized effort to destroy a person like there is right now for Clinton

Ive never seen a determined and organized effort to destroy a person like there is right now for Reagan

oh boo hoo, welcome to politics. your boy Trump is nobody special when it comes to being disliked. Especially when he purposely goes out of his way to ruin relationships with allies and pander to the billionaire elite.

Trump is a fucking moron, you (I assume) and everyone who voted for him are misguided fuckwits and fell for a lie that anyone with half a brain could see.

Fuck you.

Username checks out.

Fuck you for being an asshole to OP.

Removed, violation of rule 10.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

why is this sub Trump central?

why are there conspiracies in politics?

When reddit bans sexist and racist subs, the former posters get displaced and reform under subs like this one, /r/uncensorednews, etc.

Because the right feed on conspiracies and anything that's the "exception" so they gravitate here.

I miss some of the pre-emails discussion that sometimes happened here.

But that has been completely replaced with deep-state pizza pedo emails trumpettes

Right, like where my flat earth and moon landing people at?

Did you mean to post this in /r/politics or /r/worldnews?


Same goes for LeBron James.

Well that's funny, cause I've never seen so much denial. We have a 'President,' who is clearly unfit to lead the free world and being continually propped up/defended minute but minute, hour by hour, day by day throughout his complete incompetence! You spout; "He's new to this..." or "He's an outsider..." ...these are elementary arguments. There's no excuse for it.

Anyone who still supports this man just wants to watch the world burn. Plain and simple.

Even Trump is in on it!

But seriously, child, were you not around in the '90s for Clinton?

This is Reddit, like 80% of the people on the site weren't around (or at least not aware) at that point.

I feel most users being under 30 can't remember the Clinton shenanigans, myself included. Top that up with the fact that probably half of our user base was born after 2000

Yeah, which is probably like 80% of the userbase.

OP might as well have said "DAE remember the racial tensions before the outbreak of WW2?? Guys this is nothing new, c'mon!"

I think it's a big problem with young liberals and young conservatives these days. They've never lived under right wingers and seem to think the world is ending (in the libs case) or the country is going to be a right wing wonderland.

I've been lied to, as well as financially and morally screwed by both conservatives and liberal politicians and people for that matter. Fuck all of them.. it is what it is and no idealism is going to change reality.

Right? Some of us are old enough to have been screwed by both parties, and more than once.

I was. Feels more.. Bitey, these days, like they're going for vitals, whereas with Clinton, it was stuff like him on Simpson's going "hey, well I'm a pretty lousy president", and a bunch of stuff about he was impeached then was like "psh, so?", and how he was a womanizer, but if the shoe were really on the other foot, every single MSM publication would have been frothing at the mouth screaming "How can we let a rapist sit the throne!?", or "This man won't leave office after being impeached? Is this a call for revolution in the streets??", but with more insults about appearance thrown in.

The Whitewater bullshit started almost immediately after the inauguration. Accusations that he murdered Vince Foster. Arkanicide list. Mena Airport accusations. You don't think that was bitey?

MUCH more substantial in terms of the weight of the evidence, and still the outcry by the MSM was not unanimous. Plus, in terms of like open hostility, all that combined is not even close to 1/10 of 1% what Trump would get. They'd be calling for open revolution in the streets from every tv set and on the front of every paper.

This stuff doesn't heal, man. I don't even like Trump, I actually kind of dislike him as a dude, but damn.. At first I was like "they are going to need to apologize to us", then I was like "we're going to do something about this insanity..", then I was like "please.. please just stop.... I won't even ever talk about it and you all can pretend like it never happened, just please give us back our media..", now I'm like "let's burn it all down". lol

$79 million couldn't find any evidence about Clinton. Trump spews evidence against himself almost every day.

If the media weren't reporting it, they wouldn't be doing their job.

That is certainly one way to look at it.

No. He clearly wasn't.

$79 million spent trying to find anything at all.


Yeah, no shit. Bill Clinton got impeached for lying about a blow job, lol.

He got impeached for not embarrassing his wife in front of the whole country.

What a hero, lied under oath about receiving a blowjob from an intern to "not embarrass his wife".

He got impeached for not embarrassing his wife in front of the whole country.

That went well!

*laugh track*

You're a fucking idiot. You trump clowns don't run this sub anymore. Kill yourself

I wish it was better organized and more determined. We have a moron with a poor vocabulary pushing horrible policies . Healthcare, budget , education , environmental policies all terrible . All of his appointments are shit and remind me of the legion of doom . Pence for VP? Betsy Devos education ? Jeff sessions attorney general? Steve Bannon chief of staff. Horrible excuses for human beings.

The constant amateurish lying even when the opposing truth was said by him on camera ? Then trying to pretend he's not credible then Comey? Pushing away and pissing off all of our Europe allies and even making Israel made by braffing about secrets . The icing on the cake and worst part isn't even wether or not he actually colluded with Russia which I doubt he has the brains for since he doesn't even consult his staff about anything including his moronic tweets that damage him more than anyone else could . No the final transgression is pretending the Russia interference was fake news while every single intelligence agency agrees and has finally admitted that it really happened . Removing all the sanctions missing their ass and then trying to obstructing the investigation not necessarily because he's involved but just because it's bad pr? Want a piece of shit who cares 0% about protecting America and 100% about covering how own ass. He's sloppy not even a smooth criminal I can respect .

Fuck him straight up his old ass . The effort isn't strong enough . The whole country ends to band together and take this human garbage out of power. Take this whiny bullhshit back to The Donald where you can all circle jerk each other that your own personal L Ron Hubbard is being picked on .

This right here is why he won

I don't follow ?

Pointing out all of the reasons why this moron is unqualified, and spreading the message that people should unite in one voice to get rid of him got him the win?

Poor vocabulary? Pshaw...

'I Know Words, I Have The Best Words'

Trump is a moron, anyone who voted for him fell for lies that anyone with half a brain is smart enough to see.

This sub is a bit less pro-Trump than r/the_Donald and a bit more pro-Trump than r/conservative

Hell even /r/conservative only likes their brand on conservative, which is to be 100% opposed to any govt regulation at all costs.

Fucking /r/libertarian is probably more accepting.

This isn't some mystical organized effort. Trump's a dumbass. Was before the election and still is.

"Billionaire dumb-ass"

Only a true dumb-ass would believe that.

Yes only smart people have money.

Welcome to the last 8 years of every democrats life. Enjoy it.

You mean effort by Trump and his administration. I mean, they tried to impeach Clinton for lying about a blowjob, not to mention all the investigations into land deals, illegitimate children, assassinations, etc.

Trump has actually done much of the stuff being reported and it's likely he's done all of it.

You mentioned what we know about Clinton but what exactly don't you like about Trump?

So, like... Lincoln, Garfield, McKinnley, JFK, Nixon, Clinton... Hell, remember the way the media jumped on Obama for what he wanted on a sandwich, but Trump is "targeted" for incompetence and corruption?

Ok, buddy.

Hundreds of billions of dollars in government contracts are up for grabs. They're not leaving anything to chance! They want another corporate stooges like the Clintons or Bushes or Obama running things.

The antichrist is somewhere there, just muddled in between everything.

Then you haven't seen very much

Motherfucker this sub is really becoming the_delusion with these shit posts

Removed. Rule 10.

I think he is doing pretty good at discrediting himself

It's not exactly hard for people to criticize Trump. He makes it ridiculously easy with his statements and actions.

He makes it ridiculously easy with his statements and actions.

Like eating his steak well-done?

Probably one of the worst things he's done tbh

I dunno, NOT receiving the debate questions beforehand was a real dick move on his part.

This right here is a huge problem I have with Trump supporters. I didn't want Clinton in the White House (voted Bernie in the primaries), but literally every time I can recall someone talking bad about Trump, whether it's here or Facebook or some other website, there's always a Trump supporter who is quick to point out shit Hillary (supposedly) did. It's ridiculous.

People are allowed to criticize Trump without it being compared to Hillary. He won the election, they aren't joined at the hip.

Hillary is irrelevant now, waaaaaahhhh

Yeah, because that's what I said. If you have nothing useful to add, or even a halfway decent rebuttal, then just stop.

Maybe it's because liberal retards went on about Hillary for an entire month after the election about how she was the "rightful president"?

...and what the hell does that have to do with shit that Donald Trump does/says 7 months later?

Don't waste your time with this adolescent keyboard warrior. This guy is pure human toxic waste, constantly putting any and everyone down while spouting nonsense and patting himself on the back for it. He exists only to spread misery, confusion, and misinformation.

Are you talking about Hearthstone or Trump?


LOL. Nice....

nah this is pretty much business as usual

Honestly if he would got behind a common goal like this we could solve anything but not we just want to rid ourselves of someone who makes us feel uncomfortable.

Oh please. After decades of oligarchy and bribery this is what you're worried about? The most bribed oligarch of them all is disliked for being a buffoon that makes the whole world cringe?

The most bizarre thing is that Trump is leading the charge.

6/10 times i feel the same way. It's too much.

Then i see Trump tweet something, or do something really fucking stupid then i feel like there is not enough hate or opposition.

I read tweets from the far-left people on Trump and i think they are cringy as fuck.

Then i stumble upon 4chan/alt-right idiots on the internet and i hope Trump gets impeached.

To me, the MSM going nuclear shows they know the real number of Americans who support what Trump stands for and it is MUCH larger than portrayed.

Either that or covering the daily drama of an egocentric idiot abroad make for some fanfuckingtastic ratings, which it does.

Yeah. Poor Trump, it's almost like he's had it coming...

It's not like he's good, but how anybody could think he's anything more than the paper representative of something much more sinister and um...smarter. You couldn't hope for a worse idiot to divide people and then throw under the bus. And then it just goes back and forth between D and R for eternity. Riling people up a little bit is good for politics--enough to cause chaos within local tribal groups but not nation-level tribal groups. They know that the low level chaos barely affects them but for people who aren't rich and connected it causes real harm and they need someone to blame. The kicker of course is that oh those dwindling finances that causes the whole mess, yeah they pocketed that money. And of double course, the entire structure is designed to vampirize your labor.

They push the myth of financial competition. What really produces innovation is INTELLECTUAL competition, which people love to partake in even when money isn't involved. And it makes sense that intellectual competition produces intellectual progress, by a selection process. What FINANCIAL COMPETITION does is select for the best ways to...make money. Of course money can incentivize things. But in a perfect happy world it would be more like a contest maybe. Not run by the government, not run by corporations, run by aggregates of futuristic family units living in creative habitats, trading their own unique goods, etc. But of course there are a lot of obstacles to that. And one of them is the idea that financial competition is good for everybody, when its benefit is not even claimed to be about progressing and helping humanity but explicitly about making money. And of course as you all know the governments, banks, and corporations steal your labor and shackle you in debt, without even using the money for much more than graft, guns, jails, and cops. The financial competition concept is a circle jerk. Except the people in the circle jerk have two cocks--one that's nice and pretty that they put in the cicle, and one that's like a mutated dead dragon's cock and leaking polonium-210-riddled pus, and all those android lich cocks or whatever are jerking off DEBT SLAVERY onto everyone in the middle of the circle.

The best part is President Tweets himself enabled this to happen. Think of how much less ammunition his critics would have if he had just turned over his social media accounts to a White House administrator once he was inaugurated.

I've never seen such a negative concerted effort or emphasis before on another human-being or group besides actual heinous criminals/groups like the KKK, Westboro Baptist Church, Nazis, etc.

That being said, in my lifespan of only four presidents (Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump) they all have been publicly humiliated for different reasons, Obama ironically being the least harshly impacted.

  • Clinton has a scandal despite what seems like a phenomenal achievement(left office with a surplus, no budget deficit)
  • Bush started an unpopular war/lie(s), and grew the deficit more than any president in history
  • Obama actually did nothing wrong imo, he came into office in the middle of the housing crisis, and it was solved before his first term ended. I agree there was probably some inherent prejudice brought to the surface within our collective unconscious as a result(nothing horrible imo).
  • Trump has treated people like an absolute dick, that's it. No proven sexual allegations, but clearly a person whose lack of experience in submissive positions in life has led him to be overbearing in satisfying his wants/desires. His experience with Comey and everyone else is just that - he's used to a lifestyle where people always do exactly what he wants. He's probably done some immoral stuff in office so far, but nothing in the name of doing America wrong unless one legitimately thinks he's working for the Russians...

Is there a "Deep State?" Literally speaking, idk, maybe, I'm not ruling it out. Is there one metaphorically(not imaginary) in the sense that, systematically, the society shifts, and through social norms, legislation, new power-relations established in political+non-political offices, and our collective unconscious begins to reinforce a new status quo from the tip-toes of society all the way to the head? Yeah, thats definitely a Deep(rooted) State without question.

So deeply engrained that any opposing force will hit a wall constantly if they continue to go against it. Trump has a shit ton of walls in his way because he is totally opposite of what so much of the Western World represents now. There is an effort to destroy him, doesn't matter whether it's overt or covert.

This is 65 years of assholery coming home to roost. I'm giving him a pass till kindergarten, but he's a pretty awful human and has been for a long time. Put yourself out like that you should expect it.

Holding someone to their promises and making them responsible for their actions / inactions can be by no measure equated to destroying them.

I'm sorry but what's happening to trump isn't even much of an effort it's more of a reaction to his own actions. Seriously Bush Clinton and Reagan all had it worse.

Clearly you've not been paying attention. Sadly, the politics of personal destruction is now the status quo.

Oh shut up its perfectly understandable and none of it is to "destroy" him, literally just to get his braindead ass out of the Whitehouse.

You know I was thinking the same thing aboit Jeffery Dahmer.

look i know this will go over like a lead balloon in this sub, and i am not picking sides here but seriously?

I've never seen such a determined and organized effort to destroy a person like there is right now to destroy trump.

really? hmm what about Hillary Clinton, apparently she is the blood thirsty god father of a underground child sex slave ring, and the organizer of nearly every false flag cover up? i don't really care who likes who but come on....

but trump is being picked on and we should all stop because it's not nice.....wtf ever

You simply can not compare Trump to Hillary. That's a giant stretch.

If you can't recognize the difference between a concerted effort by the MSM vs. some fringe elements online you're too far gone to have a discussion with.

He's not helping himself.

How do we know? I guess we could just trust the Liberal media and take their word for it

Oh yes those aren't his tweets it's a deep state bot.

Can we agree that the man can't string a sentence of a thought together, in writing or in speech, and continue from there?

Have you ever seen a Presidents child say that democrats (or republicans) weren't human beings before?

I remember rush limbaugh calling 11yr old chelsea clinton a dog. Does that count?

I'm not much older than Chelsea, but I remember that comment making the media rounds. And that's the day I decided I wouldn't piss on Rush if he were ever on fire. Fuck him.

If you have been paying attention to the things some of them are doing, you'd think they weren't human either.

You mean the portland stabbing? oh wait he likes trump and hates liberals. You mean the guy in Cali who stabbed the guy to death after getting in a fight on a bus? oh wait also a trump supporter. You mean the guy who stabbed the black college graduate future military serviceman to death? Another trumper. The Toronto mosque shooter? The guy who attacked students on campus with a machete for being liberal?


5 random low-life citizens that just happened to support Trump. Not people in the media, not democrats, not celebrities, not comedians who pose for photos holding Trump's bloody head.


We're all nobodies, except the somebodies.

Ted nugent was invited to the white house after saying he wanted to stick his machine gun in Hillary's vagina. He said he wanted Obama dead. That got him invited to the state of the union

He also raped underage girls and sang about it, no surprise trump loves him

But please tell me how Kathy Griffin is a bigger deal than actual murderers hearing trumps words and attacking liberals

He said he wanted Obama dead. That got him invited to the state of the union

I swear it's getting easier every day to spot the idiots on the Internet

Which of those things do you think didn't occur?

That saying he wanted Obama dead is the reason he was invited to the state of the union.

Also, how is "saying he wanted Obama dead" worse than actually doing a photoshoot depicting yourself holding Trump's bloody decapitated head and having that go viral?

And if he raped underage girls, wouldn't he have been convicted and jailed? Are you spreading MSM lies again without realizing?

Stockman said in a Monday news release, “I am excited to have a patriot like Ted Nugent joining me in the House Chamber to hear from President Obama.”

Stockman added of the “Cat Scratch Fever” rocker and ardent gun-rights supporter, “after the address I’m sure Ted will have plenty to say."

It's quite clear he liked teds previous words about Obama and wanted more

You haven't heard his song about jailbait?

Or the 13 year old he had blow him?

Or the 17 year old he married so he could fuck her legally?

This the guy the president brought to the white house with palin

It's quite clear he liked teds previous words about Obama and wanted more

Is it clear that "saying he wanted Obama dead is the reason he was invited to the state of the union"? Doesn't seem clear at all to me even after what you just said. You're grasping at straws in an effort to not admit that you're spreading falsehoods/full of shit.

You haven't heard his song about jailbait?

Oh he wrote a song? Therefore he is a child rapist? Are you kidding me?

Or the 13 year old he had blow him?

Doesn't sound like rape. Source for that?

Or the 17 year old he married so he could fuck her legally?

Doesn't sound like rape. Source for that?

Where are the rape charges? Was he convicted of rape? If not, you can't "child rapist" as fact.

Admit you're a liar, it's easier.

The fuck? Statutory rape isn't rape?

Not surprised you'd say that actually. Have fun

Perhaps you could show me a source that confirms that?

No need to get pissy, darling

"Before we kicked her ass royal," he opined. "Her entire campaign was attacking and lying about me, calling me a draft dodger. I'm not. Calling me a racist. I'm not. Calling me a pedophile, Ed. I'm not."

The "pedophile" charge was most likely referring to a 1998 VH1 documentary where Nugent said that he had a history with young girls.

“I was addicted to girls. It was hopeless. It was beautiful,” Nugent said at the time. “I got the stamp of approval of their parents… I guess they figured better Ted Nugent than some drug-infested punk in high school.”

In the song "Jailbait," Nugent sang about his affection for young girls: "Well, I don't care if you're just 13 / You look too good to be true."


Plenty more too

Great guy conservatives love him for his family values

she made the shocking allegation that one of the first times she had oral sex was with Ted Nugent.

Sorry, where's the source that says he is a child girl rapist, as you've stated? I've asked several times now, so guessing you couldn't find that in your searches but settled for some more irrelevant information that you'd hoped I would accept.

Were you lying when you said that? I don't expect that you'll answer this, you'll probably just post some more irrelevant information that doesn't answer the question.

Great guy conservatives love him for his family values

I don't love the guy, I don't know the guy. The point is, you called him a child girl rapist but can't back up that claim with facts. I'm just here to expose your bullshit.

Are you going to post facts this time, or just some more feelings?

Oh right. It's a feeling that a woman said he did it, that he himself said he liked them young and got their parents to go along with it and wrote a song about it and married an underage woman

Im sorry you feel the need to ignore all that. And you ignore all the women our president molested.

Wait, so convicted child girl rapist or not? If I remember correctly having consensual sex with your wife is not "rape".

Woman's allegations != confirmed child rapist. I could easily allege that you raped me, does that make you guilty?

Married underage woman != confirmed child rapist

Do you understand yet? I think that's 3 times I've requested proof and you still can't provide. Just admit it, you are a deranged liar.

And you ignore all the women our president molested.

HAHA! You couldn't even provide evidence for your last bullshit claim and you've already moved onto the next. I'd love to see the evidence you have of that, but it's becoming increasingly obvious that you don't care about facts at all, that your only intent here is to spread bullshit you can't back up and whine like a little baby. No matter how many times I expose your lies and delusions, you'll continue to live in your little world.

You're a lost cause.

You chose to say convicted

You support trump.

Did you mind when he claimed Obama wasn't born here ? Did you mind when he sent investigators to Hawaii and claimed they found things but never speaks of it now?

Do you mind that he was friends with Epstein and knew he liked underage girls and said he was fond of them? Or that he said on tape how he moves on women like bitches and gets to do it cause of who he is.

Or when he claimed hillary was many things she certainly hasn't been convicted of

But those are all fine, cause he's totally anti establishment with that cabinet of establishment folks, and he's definitely working for you, not himself.

You chose to say "child girl rapist", but can't back that up with facts. Now you're upset and having a tantrum. End of story.

I'm not reading or responding to the rest of your comment because it's irrelevant, and I've obviously upset you because you're now stalking my account.

You couldn't back up your claim, so you stalked my account, I BTFO you on your stalking comment as well, so here you are trying to change the subject.

I think you need a girlfriend, or a hobby.

Is your memory as short term as the presidents?

You have a few comments a day where you say youre "stalking" people's accounts to make fun of them


You're also responding quite often and defending a child rapist who threatens presidents and called one of them a subhuman mongrel. If I need a hobby or gf it sounds like you're projecting

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You have a few comments a day where you say youre "stalking" people's accounts to make fun of them

No one is talking about that except you.

You're also responding quite often and defending a child rapist who threatens presidents and called one of them a subhuman mongrel. If I need a hobby or gf it sounds like you're projecting

There you go again, calling someone a child rapist even though we've already established you can't back up that claim.

and called one of them a subhuman mongrel


I do have a gf, you know this, you've stalked my profile.

I'm no longer responding to you, you're obviously still upset since October, suffering from TDS, and have nothing better to do than spread lies and avoid questions. Goodbye child

He's his own worst enemy.

At this time in the presidency, the right wing media was trying to smear Obama for eating Dijon mustard on his hamburger. They didn't have anything actual on him, so they were trying to criticize his fucking food.

I see you are very easily manipulated.

No, that would be the OP in this thread.

No that would be the people pissed at a president for eating Dijon mustard.

I can add you to the list of the easily manipulated as well, I see.

So do you get off on being condescending or is it, like, a quirk?

As if the posts I'm responding to aren't attempting to be condescending. Interesting viewpoint, but wrong.


People make fun of Trump liking his steaks well done because it fit him perfectly. People were and are offended that Obama had Dijon mustard .

It would be quite the conspiracy if the man wasn't a total moron with no idea what he is doing.

I guess you have not seen much..

I've never seen so much whining from a President. He deserves all this and more if he can't hack the position.

“We're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning.”

Any chance it's just his accent, and he was actually saying "whining"?

Trump brought this on himself through his own destructive behaviour. He is a narcissist who is stuck in his own world and he cannot see the wood for the trees.

Gilding: The surest possible sign that there's shillery afoot. Maybe some day, we'll be able to have unshilled discussions of a topic. Some day... But not today.

fully expected it and it should be no surprise to anyone else.

We all have known there was a shadow government running things.

We've all known that Democrats and Republicans really aren't different parties.

We've all known that the Establishment's only interest is taking power/control/money away from the individual and putting it into the hands of "Big Brother" government politicians and bureaucrats.

AND we've all pretty much known that the day we get someone in the White House that isn't a member of these groups, it would cause them to come out of the shadows and hiding and do everything they can to fight us.


Really you fucking moron? Remember all you buttfucking hicks trying for 8 years to destroy President Obama? And now that an actual CRIMINAL is in power, you have a problem? Idiot.

Woah, woah, easy there.

Go fuck yourself retard, Trump is being attacked more in less than one year than Obama was attacked in his entire 8 years.

He destroyed countries, killed jobs and the press never gave him shit.

Yeah oh, boohoo, your President lies as much as he farts and everyone is supposed to be cool with it? Dude I'm not even American and we laugh about how you elected an orange Bill Cosby for your president. Lulz

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Obama is a war criminal who made lies about qaddafi to destroy libya


Except he isn't, but nice try

That's the point.

"I support Trump, and no matter what evidence I am presented, I will call it fake news because I'm incapable of being critical of him."

Parroting that line doesn't make you a genius, nor does it make you non-biased. You're just a programmed tool.

Please, feel free to explain how Trump is an ACTUAL CRIMINAL at any point. I'll just wait here.

His fraud university for one. His bribing of Pam Bondi over it for 2

I would sing his praises if I actually thought he embodied the qualities of, let's say, President Eisenhower.

Found alex jones.

Found the account stalker who claims Trump is an "actual criminal" and then avoids requests for evidence that backs that claim.

Feelings are more important than facts to you.

Who doesnt like a good satisfying pop. Maybe not weird conspiracy nutjobs that think Trump is an honest fucking guy. Weird Alex Jones type conspiracy weirdo.

Who doesnt like a good satisfying pop

Any normal person.

It's okay, I'm sure whatever has got you depressed will eventually resolve. Hang in there

We'll see about that LOL

We'll see about that LOL

Wait, so you actually don't know? On one hand you say he's an "actual criminal", and on the other you say "we'll see"?

Are you lying? Explain yourself.

No problem. People with special needs frequently need help with this sort of elaborate thinking.

As a non american, i can say that it is embarassing and tragic to watch the greatest country on earth (or so i used to believe) stoop to a level so low. I'm not even talking about your crazy "wall" to Mexico, or your insane goading of your closest allies. I'm talking about ceding control of the globe to some IDIOT, who makes your once glorious country look like a fucking JOKE, and letting China and Russia run your show. The trump voters always say they want to make America great again, but they are too fucking stupid to realize that they have made everything worse. And if you disagree, then read a fucking book for once in your life.

Wait, that's not evidence, or an explanation. You're just ranting (and salty).

If you don't explain how Trump is an "actual CRIMINAL", in reply to this comment, then you concede that you are a liar and a coward.

You may have missed my question, or may not be able to read English, so I'll repost it below for your convenience.

Wait, so you actually don't know? On one hand you say he's an "actual criminal", and on the other you say "we'll see"?

Are you lying? Explain yourself.

Ok go.

First off, are you tacitly acknowledging that his conduct is unbecoming of the office of president of the USA? Or do you feel comfortable with being represented by a mealy mouthed liar, and suspected sex felon? That's what you feel comfortable with America being represented as at the global level? You go from Ww2 glory to some fat butterball speaking for all of you? Its ridiculous.

Secondly, nobody even knows if he's lying or not because he is so fucking shady that he wont even PROVE it you fucking idiot. Like, doesn't this seem at all inappropriate or weird? Im glad that not all Americans are as slow as you, otherwise we would all be speaking russian.

Still provided no evidence.


Reported me? Oh god no! Unlike you, trolling late night Reddit is not my life. If getting banned for 7 days is worth me letting you know that you have borderline downs sydrome, then so be it lol. Youre a dumb fucking retard that will never be sucessful and will always need the government tou hate so much to bail your pathetic ass out. Do everyone a favour and die in a car fire. Byeeee

I hope life improves for you soon

I know for a fact that your's will not. Have fun working against yourself your whole life, dummy. Maybe when you die penniless and alone you will realize then that you have wasted your life because your cro-magnon brain couldn't even recognize when it was being coerced and manipulated. Hopefully no woman is foolish enough to procreate with you, but in your trailer park, im sure you will come up with something.

24, own a house, gf for 6 years, double degree, job where I work from home, new puppy, soon to get engaged.

Guessing that Trumps you ;)

Removed. Rule 4.

I guess we should make that a permaban then.

Removed. Rule 10.

OP is not wrong. It's especially unusual that Trump himself seems to leading the charge.

Asinine propaganda.

The Antichrist, downtown NY, munching a hot dog:

Fuck, man, I was going to start a plague today, but who the fuck would care?

That's funny. I've never seen such a determined and disorganized effort by a president to destroy his own nation before, so I suppose it all evens out in the end.

The eight years of never-ending GOP obstructionism to destroy Obama comes to mind. Or have we conveniently forgotten about that? At least we were told the game plan on day one. Trump is destroying himself just fine, doesn't need anyone to help him, he screws up one way or another daily. Question is, had he even done (or not done) the thing that will lead to his final undoing?

I'm with you. It's gonna be hard to change anyone's mind on here. I've gotten a lot of negativity on here for humanizing Pres. Trump too. Don't take it personally - and don't exhaust yourself with responding to everyone's negative and demeaning comments/messages - it won't make a difference.

Have a good week

Poor billionaire. He's just trying to personally profit from the Office of the Presidency. Awe... give the poor victim some leeway to conduct some uninhibited profiteering.

Shut up you fucking pussy.

Easy, big guy

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Led by Trump, himself!

I've never in my life seen a person more intent on destroying themselves when they step into public.

If anything he's a Manchurian candidate who was intended to self destruct.

I get attacking his stance on foreign policy, I get attacking him on his tax breaks for the rich, I get attacking him on his climate change policies, I get attacking him for anything political. That is 100% fair game.

What I don't get are the personal attacks, like why should I care how small his hands are? Why should I care that someone thinks he's a bigot and he's racist? Really don't give a damn about those things, I already don't like the man and I'm far from alone there. I don't need to be constantly reminded and I doubt those attacks are changing anyones minds.

The most common argument I ever see is that he is racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, chauvinist, he insults people etc, etc.

Rarely is it any criticism based on actual events.

The left has abused these terms to the point where they are meaningless and are just plain funny now when it is obvious that everyday people aren't out looking for microaggressions at every single interaction.

Honestly I think what the left hates the most is that through his campaign he has popularized the notion that extreme identity politics and self hate are ridiculous meanwhile he has strengthened the voices of people who watched popular culture evolve under Obama and kept thinking wtf?

Because memes and people are too dumb to understand why he's so bad from a policy perspective.

I get attacking him on his tax breaks for the rich

Care to explain further?

There are a ton of articles slamming his tax reform. A quick search yelds many results.


Of course there is, but that doesn't make it true. If you believe something because all of MSM says so, you're part of the problem

Where did I say it's true? I'm a bit puzzled by this response. My point was it's fair game to criticize his policies and shouldn't be fair game to criticize his character.

You asked for a further explanation on the MSM reporting on his tax reform which is being labelled as a tax break for the rich. I provided one of many sources out there for you and then you personally attack me, calling me part of a problem. Why?

I have a feeling you thought I was giving an opinion of Trump's tax reform. I in fact have not.

Yeah, you've just given someone else's opinion. Much better

You think the MSM should be able to attack Trump's character? You think the MSM shouldn't be able to report on Trump's policies? I'm struggling here to figure out what you are arguing about.

I made my opinion known that I think the MSM reporting on his policies is fair game and gave examples of their criticism. I also said character attacks shouldn't be fair game. I didn't present that article because I agree with it, I didn't post that to show everyone CNBC's opinion. You asked for a further explanation on the MSM reporting on his tax reform, I provided just one of many examples. If you didn't ask, I would never have posted that. So you see how this looks to me like you are trying to have an argument about my views on his tax reform and I'm not biting, because this topic isn't about that. It's about the crazy amount of hate being slung at Trump.

trump is his own worst enemy.

It is very simple. An outsider who wasn't supposed to win, won.

TPTB are pissed.

It's almost like his thinly veiled bullshitartistry is only fooling the dumbest quarter of our population and his corruption and ineptitude are blatantly obvious to everyone outside his cult of incels and hicks.

You got that right. That's the fucking swamp kicking and screaming. Trump's going to drain the swamp. And if not, bloody fucking revolution.

Yep. the status quo is super pissed.

But have you ever seen this kind of incompetence?

I'm not seeing incompetence.
I'm seeing tiny little nothings dressed up and spun like they're huge.

I'm seeing collusion between a political party and the media on a scale never before imagined too.

At worst he's got some unprofessionalism for a president.
But that's kinda why he got elected.

You say 'he's not a politician!' as an insult.
The right says 'he's not a politician!' as a compliment.

is...is this a joke? he doesn't need anyone to destroy him, he's doing it by himself just fine

I'm just enjoying it all at this point.

Every time the man has a mild bowel movement this entire website starts shrieking in unison.

How anyone can come here on a daily basis and not find it hilarious is a mystery to me. I don't regret my vote a single bit, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat, because the left have learned absolutely nothing. I can only pray they keep losing until they realize how deeply out of touch they are.

I misread this as r/showerthoughts. Was surprised that something not extremely anti trump could have made it, but alas, no surprise

I hope that one day you realize the irony of your words.

I guess the reason it because he, and you and the rest of his followers are viewed as retarded or at least really fucking stupid

The same agenda under Obama and Bush is continuing under Trump. The US president doesn't run the world. Every president is a puppet of Israel.

The sad part is how poorly it's working given all that effort.

He did it himself by being a senile, narcissistic, incompetent buffoon. The republican party should be ashamed of themselves for allowing their party to be so compromised.

This sub is bullshit now.

Blame the shills

I blame the TD takeover. Shills have always been here, but pro-gov shills that mass manipulate conversations and voting really took off with Trump's campaign.

I'd stay away from partisanship, you can't make progress if you blame one party but defend the other.

Oh, I equally hate both parties. Not talking them, talking about the cult-like Trump supporters who have taken over this place.

I still think it was hillarys fault that trump won rather than trumps campaign

It's the DNC's fault for nominating someone so disliked.

Lotta people just read this title and didn't dig into the comments it seems.

I was having a rough day but then glanced at a Trump thread that got hijacked into a JFK thread. Thanks, y'all.

maybe because he's the biggest piece of shit i can think of ever actually witnessing

It's all part of the distraction. They bring in what appears to be a nationalist and sick their liberal terrorist groups after him to create the chaos they need to be able to run away with the loot. Trump is passing some shady agendas and the tax-payers are footing the bill. He is doing just enough good things to get away with the rest. There is still a conservative group of people in the US big enough to pit against the left. And vise versa. This is what they want. The problem with this is that eventually all the effort and money put towards the left will create an imbalance and the nation will implode. But right now, they are reaping the benefits of a scattered, diversified, multicultural workforce.

Hillary is going to try to get the Dems to run her again. She is using her media connections to keep up the onslaught on Trump so that even she will look good compared to him.

The truth is that she would actually be a lot worse than Trump. Trump is not a good president at all but he is still not as bad as Hillary or George W. Bush who was the worst president of all time hands down. In fact, I wonder if Bush is in on the media hype against Trump too because he doesn't want to be known as the wrost president of all time.

Oh for fucks sake. I have no interest or ties to any of those freak shows . I'm talking about following the trail of money and bullshit. It is my opinion based on the conclusions I have come to.

hyperbole much?

Sadly, in today's world and with all the idiots inhabiting the country, this will happen to every president, any party, for the rest of our lifetimes. They have succeeded in pitting right vs left.

It's because a lot of people really dislike Trump, because of the way he acts. He is not a very likable guy. A loudmouth and very self absorbed person.

Yeah, it's called an international disdain for the pumpkin shitfuck.

No amount of Media can woe us into thinking he's one thing or another. He's a 10 pound shit in a 5 pound Oval Office.

When you're entire campaign was based on being a dick to just about everybody, you don't win the popular vote, and your management style can best be described as "scuttle everything," don't be surprised you're not getting your way and people don't like you.

Trump might be different, but his foreign policy is the same as his predecessors.

Hum... Lincoln?

You know, he endured a civil war and personal attacks as a president. Literally half of the country fought him and some people still raise the confederate flag 150 years later?

Also, he was shot.

No need to destroy idiots, just sit back, buy a six pack and watch them imploded under their own stupidity

The only reason I peruse r/politics anymore.

Destroying trump? He's one their puppets.

it reminds me of the witch trials and the ironic thing is that those people were poisoned by ergot. today people are poisoned by fear

It's sad that people are acting this way, they need to just accept and go along with our leader or we will literally go nowhere

Who was it that said their only goal as a party was to ensure Trump was a one term President? Oh yea that was Mitch McConnell talking about Obama.

It's the Americans, they are used to going on at their parents when young until they give in. I think they think it works the same way with politics, If you go on about the same thing over and over again I think they think Trump will give in, personally I think doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is lunacy,but hey what do I know.

I'm definitely thinking trump was put in just to be impeached thus making the people believe they made a difference. Hence the fabricated outrage over everything trump from every angle.

That's the stupidest theory I've ever heard that didn't involve gold, lizards, or pizza.


US and foreign, the 'Five Eyes' UK MSM were in on the hate fest before and after the election.

zero legitimate reason for UK MSM to hate on Trump. except orders and Clinton cabal bribe monies.

The crazy thing is that Trump seems to be in on it. Like, his Tweets alone would be such an easy thing to stop and get credit for his restraint but he just can't.

Fuck donald trump, he's wrecking this country.

uh huh .. such a difference

How has your life changed since the election?

I'm a white man from a solidly middle class family with a good future, so hardly at all. Generally national level politics don't affect people like me. I'm not gonna argue with you, because we all know there's something very fucky happening with this administration, and the GOP in general.

I don't think it's much of a conspiracy. The man is not liked. Not only by the majority of Americans but by the people he's working for and around. He doesn't do his job, he's egotistical, arrogant, self absorbed... he doesn't want to know how states are run he just does shit to line his (or his cronies) pockets.

Get back to basics....the man is destroying himself with his daily stupid, transparent lies. No conspiracy or major partisan effort is needed to humiliate the Cheeto...he does a great job of it all by himself. For all his bluster and brag about how smart he is, the truth is obvious to anyone with common sense -- this guy is not much smarter than a box of hair.

His greed and sense of absolute entitlement will drag him to the bottom of the swamp. And we all better hope it happens before he impulsively starts a fucking world war.

but WHY. hes doing everything the Zionists want of him. he was always a close family friend of the Clintons and used to call himself a democrat. hes done a complete 180 on everything he ran with. imo its all a show for cold war 2.0

controlled opposition .. "they" want you to think they dont want him in power so you feel hes an outside and any policy gets swept through

and people turn a blind eye because they voted for him. i would of voted for him too. Hillary is a career criminal and those leaks made sure she would lose

You clearly haven't lived long enough to witness anything.

Reddit gold? Come on now.

lol at the gilding this to give it credibility.

lol at the gilding this to give it credibility.

Fox news gave obama endless shit just for eating dijon mustard. Trump has commited obstruction of justoce and is believed to be colluding with an enemy of the state. To not be questioning him is willfull ignorance or to be complicit with treason.

You're the like 10th moron I've seen make that comparison. How can you even compare Dijon mustard to collusion with another country? At least there was proof Obama ate mustard....

I think dijon is the comparison because it happened like last week in obama's term, so it's easy to say " 8 years ago fox news was covering the mustardgate scandal and today we're having senate hearings where the fbi director trump fired calls him a liar"

Agreed, still absolutely no proof of collusion with Russia, there is however proof comey lied under oath during his testimony. If the DNC servers were really hacked why didn't they let the FBI investigate them? That would have solved the problem there, if they really believed it was Russia that is how you would prove it. The DNC has now also admitted they cheated the primaries and fucked over Bernie Sanders, they shit on democracy. Even if you don't like Trump these are facts that can't be swept under the rug.

Because at this time in obamas presidency the only "scandal" about the presidency was that mustard bullshit. Obviously Trumps presidency is a disaster in comparison.

Trump has commited obstruction of justoce

How has he? (Hint: he hasn't, you're just parroting bullshit from MSM)

No evidence.

Your cognitive dissonance prevents you from seeing whats all around you. The fbi, cia, nsa have all concluded that russian hacking was real and multiple intelligence agencies from multiple 1st world nations can corroborate this as well. France just endured russian based propaganda in their election and so have britain in their brexit vote. The world disagrees with you except for russia and your going to tell me that lie is dead.

Your a fucking clown.

Here, watch this:


Then this:

"Leading Democrat Senator Feinstein says there is no evidence of Russian collusion with Trump" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdnyIElKwto

Except I know you won't watch them, because doing so would cause you to suffer from "cognitive dissonance", because your feeble mind can't even process any opinion or idea that you don't already agree with.

The fbi, cia, nsa have all concluded that russian hacking was real and multiple intelligence agencies from multiple 1st world nations can corroborate this as well.

believed to be colluding with an enemy of the state

Russian hacking IS NOT the same as "colluding with Trump". You seem to have gotten the two mixed up, probably because you hate Trump so much. You know who else is hacking? Practically all 1st world countries, all the time. Hacking is nothing new. You also still haven't provided ANY evidence. There is none. Even the DNC refused to let the FBI look at their "hacked" server. There is zero evidence Russia "hacked" the election. Obama said that was impossible anyway.

You think you're smart because you drop the "cognitive dissonance" catchphrase every chance you get. Truth is, you're not smart. You're just a fool.

By the way, it's you're not your

Removed. Rule 10.

Previous violations/warnings have resulted in a ban.

What about two attorneys general suing him for being a businessman? Washington DC: Professional politicians only! Just what Jefferson had in mind.

He is destroying himself, he has no desire to be in the job forever , is that not obvious to you? This was done to prove a point.

He has no political accumen or diplomacy about him , if that is not obvious to you which it probably isn't judging by the title then you're part of the problem.

All this is to help his business empire. Once he feels he has removed all obstacles to achieve those then he is done.

Within a couple of years he will be out of here and Pence will take over the role.

Very true. While Trump is an absolutely terrible piece of shit he isn't any worse than your average politician in the federal government, and in no way worse than Hillary Clinton.

I disagree.

That's what I've been trying to tell people. When they ask how I could possibly support him. I ask them that exact question.

All of the powers that be are focused on stopping him. All of them. There HAS to be a reason. Forget his policies. Forget left vs. right bullshit.

Unless he was really coming for the necks of the NWO/Illuminati/PedoGate WHATEVER you wanna call all of it, WHY would it be this coordinated across all avenues??

Because he's incompetent.

sometimes the simplest answer is the right one.

Either the global shadow government is manipulating everyone to be against trump, or he is bad at his job.

He beat Hilldog! & you will always have to deal w/ that!

Jimmy Carter won an election too... Doesn't make him any less incompetent.

Youtube "Jimmy Carter says yes" best propaganda this county ever came up with!

Trumps entire campaign was the bastard child of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Regean.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_America_Great_Again

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Agree. It's a little annoying, because now I'm known as the guy who loves Trump. I don't. But even when he did things well, he'd get killed by the media. He's more liberal than Bill or Hillary Clinton, yet this portrayal as some kind of evil racist leads these sheep.

I hope it's CTR here, because if you are legitimately here in conspiracy and can't see the full blown conspiracy against Trump...well then you should go back to sleep knowing that Lee Harvey Oswald is an amazing shot, and those 19 hijackers sure piloted the hell out of those planes.

Well said.

This is exactly my point. I don't love Trump for his policies. I don't forgive him for not being able to stop saying stupid shit that makes him look bad.

I DO love him with all my heart for fighting the corrupt media and "swamp" and talking shit the whole time and trolling everyone. I love him to death for that. But people can't separate the two. Apparently I'm a deplorable racist bigot.......

Oh shut up. Is he such a weak and precious flower that he needs his supporters constant protection?

I am now reading a plot to kill King It's been happening for a while folks. Things were just much easier to hush hush without the internet back then.

I've never seen such a blatant abuse of Power from our POTUS like there is happening with DumpTrump.


You asking for examples is a good start. Lol why acting oblivious on Reddit......What next my examples are fake news? Holy shit there's plenty examples.

Then give them, hell I'm not even asking for sources. Give me your litany of griefacences.


That's a new one for me.

break a lot of laws and constitutional clauses, that's what happens in a civilized society. You want no checks and balances, move to Russia.

I feel like most of the comments in here are from people from Correct the Record blowing smoke up each others ass. That's just the vibe I'm getting.

You're exactly right. All these comments are share blue/CTR talking to each other on sock puppet accounts. Pathetic.


The Trump presidency is a fucking joke! I hope all his supporters see the light.... Soon!

Promise not trolling or being a dick, what has effected you since Jan 21st?

Defunding national parks, healthcare for the poor and elderly, planned Parenthood to start off with. Denial of climate change, defunding the EPA, and also his gop buddies rolling back fcc rules on net neutrality. All these policies effects every single American. I love my country but don't like what is going on.

I dunno. He's doing an excellent job destroying himself tbh.

He discredits himself. Just look up 'Trump Flipflops'. Dude says anything and doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. Fuck him.

The mastermind behind these efforts? Donald J. Trump.

You haven't been paying attention

Why does everyone associate the need to be likeable with a great leader? A lot of great leaders thoughout history did not win any popularity contests. For example most people thought Abraham Lincoln was a mubling moron when he was president and how his face carved is into a fucking mountain. By contrast Hitler was endorsed 9 to 1 by Germany when he was in power and led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people. It doesn't matter if Trump is likeable or what you think of his hair or how left wing media portrays him. What is important is that he protects the lives, values and finacial security of the citizens of the USA, when he fails to do that in a significant way then I will have an opinion.

Yeah it's insane

He's an idiot, can you blame anyone? He's a disgrace to your country. The world thought George Bush Jnr was bad. Trump makes Bush look like Albert Fucking Einstein.

Further more, Trump probably isn't half as retarded as he appears, which just adds to the confusion and frustration. Your house is a mess.

Donald Trump manned a determined effort to destroy Obama for years.

There is an obvious effort to take him down by the left, but he's not helping himself really. If he would stop all the Tweeting and calm down his demeanor, he wouldn't be adding fuel to the fire. If you're gonna tweet, do it when absolutely necessary and in a professional manor. Leave the biased media alone, they're not going anywhere. Stay cool and be poignant... don't give them something to talk about.

Lol guilded... and my answer would actually be Christopher Dorner.

no one is doing more harm to the trump presidency than trump and his family, but keep following that cult

Everyone should read and understand this book titled

"Who is ESAU-EDOM"

It is then you'll understand what's going on in the world


They did the same with Reagan dont forget this.

It's a sickness. Fight him on his policies, not on made-up lies.

Are you fucking kidding me?

No one forced them to lie about their contacts with Russia over and over again. No once forced Trump to fire Comey. No forced Trump to give classified intel to Russia. No one forced Trump to ignore and downplay every report of Russian interference.

If there's a conspiracy to make Trump look guilty then he's in on it.

I'm surprised they're having such a hard time succeeding.

For such an unkempt, silver-spoon, dumbass, he must be squeaky fucking clean.

I remember thinking before the election that, if this is the best dirt Hillary's campaign can dig up, Trump might just be our least corrupt (if least competent) president in modern years.

Are you fucking serious? Were you literally born in November or are you just willfully ignorant? This might take the cake for stupidest post ever on this sub

I mean, most of the bad press he gets is self inflicted. He constantly attacked the press during his campaign and has done it during his presidency, of course they're going to go after him. He has also made some really stupid moves that give the press an easy target. Contradicting his advisors on the Muslim ban and Comey's firing are two that come to mind.

Trump's humanity amuses me. It's a weakness that some of his followers go to great lengths to appear to lack.

Globalists hate Trump. It is simple as that.

You must not have been watching when Newt Gingrich and Ken Starr did Bill Clinton.

OP thinks the Earth is flat, makes sense he'd be a Trump apologist

You go digging into his past, because I don't see where OP said that at all with this post. And he is right it's quite a thing to want to destroy a man while he is running your country. I mean a lot of folks said he was so unstable he'd nuke North Korea over a twitter fight, now those are the same people pushing his buttons all day long. Are they hoping he'll start a nuclear war just so they can feel vindicated? I can just see the SNL skit now, "Trump did it, he finally nuked N. Korea cause someone on Twitter pissed him off!". Bahdumdum. Cue laugh track.

I digger up his past, all the way back to 3 weeks ago when he said the Earth is flat. People want to destroy Trump's political career, and if you don't see why (Muslim ban, stripping millions of people of healthcare, Russia collusion, etc.), you should look into what he's done since he took office.

Karma can be a bitch sometimes.

Don't worry. It's not going to work.

Are all these comments share blue? Jesus Christ hard to read.

He's doing a good job of it on his own...

Neither can I:

Impeach Nixon

Impeach Clinton

Impeach Obama


Never mind, you either have not been at this very long, or only notice when your team is the on the receiving end.

This... Pay attention to history we are watching​ Nixon 2.0

Eat shit, Kremlin troll.

Your username should be KoolAidGulper

Hey, remember when everyone shit on Trump for sayong the fix was in with the election? Remember when Obama and company said the U.S. electoral process was solid? I think It was back before Google changed their search algorithm, so you might have a hard time finding it if you can't remember.

Looks like the Reddit Left found this sub again...

lol someone should tell trump to stop destroying himself. He'll be out of office before the statute of limitations expires, it's just a matter of time before he answers for his crimes.

It's deserved, even if you're right, he's not a politician, he doesn't know what he's talking about on most things, and the majority of Americans don't like him.

The sad thing is that the next president after Trump will be a Democrat and if anyone that doesnt support them so much as sneezes wrong, their gonna flip the fuck out.

He makes it really easy though. Accomplished nothing of value, neizher tried to, yet fucking things up left and right. Not much of a conspiracy here, hes just the least qualified person for the jpb he os doing and it os the peoples responsibilty to get rid of him

I'm not sure, but I think there is a chance in his mind he feels he's trying to do the right thing. Remember, everything changes for the president after he is elected. What if some big wigs pulled him into a classified meeting and convinced him the end was near? Whether they told him ISIS is nuclear capable or there's a comet on the way or whatever? It could be enough to make even someone with the best of intentions think that hording resource is essential to the survival of the human race.

I think Trump might have gotten taken for the rids of the century. Think about it, all the people he surrounds himself with know him better than could possibly know all those people. Im not sure how bad I feel for him or not, but I do think he's mostly a product of his environment.

Fuck Trump. That MIC stooge can go fuck a cattle prod.

Well, that's because he's a wanker.

Just let the idiot have his 4 years in the sand box and get on with life. Like they think the president actually has power to do something and is not controlled by a shadow government. The last Presidents were all Aholes no worse than him doing exactly the same things. Each could be tried for war crimes killing innocent civilians with countries we have not declared war with. YIKES!!

The one thing I really like about r/p0lotics is using it to get rid of my Karma. Hate things that class people. I was trying to find a way to erase them or gift them without creating a new account. I just go there and post a few pro Trump comments and instant help from them. The only problem is getting banned once in a while slows me down but there are other subs to do this in now as the world's biggest, greatest, most massive, unbelievable, gigantic group or sore losers is creating others.

That's why I support him.

Psst. I like candidates that upset you snowflakes, but I feel as though I've said too much. Keep up the salt!

Then you haven't been paying attention.

I'm pretty sure that's called a Democracy where a majority rules, but whatever...

Mmm/I'm mmm/ mill mmm limo

astroturf really, but if you don't look too closely it looks just as real

Maybe because you never looked at it I am certain a day never passed that Fox didn't spend all day harping about how that KenyanMuslimCommieMarxistSocialist was the greatest dictator ever.

And I suppose you have forgotten entirely how during 2012, Donald Trump spent the entire year, "proving," Obama's birth certificate was forged. /lol

Maybe because before it was "fake birth certificate sekrit muslin" nonsense, and this time multiple members of the administration have resigned or been fired for hiding ties to foreign governments.

Its what i saw...

Attacking the political leanings of the sources, not the actual claims. Classic.

If that's true then it speaks volumes about your lack of context. Which speaks volumes about your having no idea what you're talking about.

Then don't argue a point about what was or wasn't said by the media

"DAE Trump is literally Hitler! Well ok he's not really anything like Hitler but let me explain and do some mental gymnastics to make a faint comparison!"

Damn, sounds good.

Yes. This one.

into thinking he was "anti-establishment"

He is. Why else did the entire establishment drop its quarrels and line up against him?

the average US citizen is brainwashed

Gosh, I can't imagine why US citizens would take advice about what's good for us from someone like you who clearly hates our guts.

there's a limit to how much fraud you can get away with

I'm sure they do, just like literally every government on the planet.

But here's some info about our intelligence budget. Keep in mind that this is only the budget we admit, and doesn't include other financial resources, like the reinvigorated Afghan heroin trade, or Mexican/south American drug running.

Our intelligence budget dwarfs everything else on the planet. We have essentially unlimited computing power, hacks for everything that plugs into an outlet, and we meddle overtly in the affairs of every government on Earth. It's pretty clear who the real enemy is. If our ridiculously overfunded intelligence agencies can't stop some evil russhin hackers, then what are they doing with their absurd amount of money?

what he means is he's in denial and would kill to suck trumps cock

hmm, it was 109 times in 84 nations previous.

exploding muslims are a much more valid reason for an authoritarian leader than shekel hoarding jews. complete false equivalence.

As if you need to sign something to develop "green" technology whatsoever.

Rumours like he leaked intelligence to the Russians, demanded loyalty from the FBI, doesn't pay his workers, likes to grab girls by the pussy if they can't stop him, alienates long standing US allies, praises dictators, denounces the conclusions of the entire intellegence field as fake news, has done nothing to investigate the hostile actions taken against the us by Russia.

He's a weasel, an incompetent weasel.

curious- what can the populace do about lack of a viable candidate? I really am asking bc it seems like the whole 2 party system is held in place to offer a false choice. Basically it's one party when it comes to pay to play. People always advocate not voting but I don't see what this accomplishes.
I always hold out hope for libertarian party bc it seems like a third rail but I'm skeptical.

C'mon, man. You gotta prepare people before you say that shit. I had coffee in my mouth.




You are factually incorrect. Trump did not get the majority of educated voters, that would be Clinton.

Yeah, but the difference now is that the legacy media is united against him rather than just half like usual.

Hey I gladly accept my $3.50 from George Soros to shill about the "round" earth. Heil Hydra! So speak for yourself. /s

It is very funny though..

Oh, the memory hole, so deep and dark it holds every inconvenient truth that might disturb you.

And Reddit leans young and liberal

Understatement of the year.

It's funny you are the one laughing thinking what I said was dumb, when you are the one who doesn't know what parentheses mean. You misinterpreted my statement :)

instead of hearing actual talking points and discussions to further society lets just stick to 180 character limit WWE style promo's... /s

That's not the electoral college.

Reddit leans anti-establishment and progressive, not pro-establishment and neoliberal.

Most of the political subs that reach the front page are astroturfed and manufactured.

The point was, everyone is covering Trump's failures, not just the outlets you don't like.

idk how you can't see that coming when he is blasting MSM as "fake news" every time it doesn't agree with his narrative.

he took on the integrity of all journalists in doing so. when all news is being blasted as fake well then what is real? what do we use to gauge real news?

is it just stuff that confirms our biases or is it stuff that cites their sources and uses reliable sources?

idk too much but I went to a public high school in Kentucky and learned how to properly cite sources and to look for proper sources so that my arguments held water. or is that something we don't concern ourselves with anymore and if it doesn't fit our narrative we want to push we just call it fake as soon as it does? fake news has no credible sources, period. if you scroll to the bottom of a article and all they cite as their sources is other journalists talking then its FAKE NEWS. it's a editorial at best. real news can be wrong, that happens but it doesn't mean the whole institution is fake, but real news cites experts, real news sites credible sources.

fake news is bold big time headlines that claim something extreme and then the article is fluff to back up that one thesis in the title but the sources to back up that thesis are two pundits talking to each other on a television screen... that is fake news people.

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The thing is you don't have to be young or liberal to have justifiable criticism toward trump. Even trump can't grasp this.

so if everyone agrees hes an asshole we're supposed to believe hes not? fox and msnbc/cnn dont agree on much

Wait where are you getting that Hillary has Parkinson's?

My "Guy" is Bernie Sanders actually, so nice Talking Point you have there. Shows you ignored the part of my comment where I said "as someone who disagrees with Trump on almost every issue."

Settle down sweetheart.

The other point stands, you simply weren't paying attention. As I, and several others, in this thread have nicely detailed for you.

So please, tell me how Trump is being treated worse than a guy who was called a secret Kenyan Muslim terrorist bent on sharia law.

And yes, the lengths you're going to in order to defend Trump from being called out on his bullshit makes him your guy.

So you reference the one Mainstream source that was clearly anti-Obama

You seem to have weirdly deleted that point about it being by far the most popular cable news network. Funny how you don't want to acknowledge that.

Or how about talk radio being all far right wing too?

Or shit like Drudge Report, etc which still gets millions of views.

yet ignore how Trump is treated in the exact same manner by ALL Mainstream sources including plenty of Fox News shows. You're just proving my point for me.

Hahaha, the ONLY Fox News show which is even timidly critical is Shep Smith. "Plenty" is a laughable statement.

And Obama also got shit from the major news networks, he just wasn't rage tweeting at news programs and attacking FBI directors and foreign mayors every other day.

Again, it's just showing what you want is for people to ignore Trumps shit. Because HOW DARE WE acknowledge the stupid things he says and does every day. We should all just kneel down at his feet am I right?!

No, what I'm asking for is journalist integrity instead of the propaganda you love pushing as facts.

Journalist integrity is reporting the facts.

The fact is that Trump is a dumpster fire right now. He's gotten no major legislation passed with all 3 branches on his side and instead he's rage tweeting and impeding investigations.

As for you claiming to be liberal, great work on torpedoing climate change protections, Wall Street reforms, and civil liberties though. BUT HER EMAILLSSSSSSS. You sure showed everyone!

This is basic misunderstanding of what "scientific consensus" means as well as what makes a climate scientist. Climate scientists include atmospheric and related scientists who study Climatology, or the study of Earth's climate conditions.

I think you might be misunderstanding what i'm trying to say. There is no such thing as a climate scientist. Anyone claiming to be one is a pseudoscientist. Even real scientists in fields that can be explored with the scientific method do not think their models are the 100% unquesitonable truth (relativity, etc).

Climate scientists include atmospheric and related scientists who study Climatology, or the study of Earth's climate conditions.

A scientist is also not 'someone who studies something'.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of scientific papers relating to climate studies agree on the basis of human-induced climate change. Here are a few links to that: •http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/11/4/048002http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024024

I reccommend reading the things you post before talking about them:

We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming.

Around 70% have no position on ACC, and only about 30% endorse it. The 97.1 number is a percentage of a subset, not a percentage of the entire scientific community.

This leads many people to a trap in which they believe people are telling them that CO2 is the ONLY factor in evaluating the overall climate when it's not.

I'm not in a trap. That's in fact the entire point. The planet and its conditions are under far too many variables and feedback loops for any manmade model to accurately predict with anything approaching real scientific precision.

I'd really be interested if you could post the scientific papers you're talking about. Not all scientific articles are perfectly correct in a vacuum, some may conclude points incorrectly or use misleading methods to pursue an outcome. If you post specific examples I can take a look at them and maybe we can discuss where you're getting your sources.


That shitty old source, the American Physical Society...

Holy shit, you're literally stalking comments a year old.

No shit, maybe don't attack the press.

making conspiracy claims as though they are facts and continually pushing them even when disproven.

Lmao do you even hear yourself? These "conspiracy claims" you're talking about are being covered on every media outlet because it's a literal fucking conspiracy between America's largest geopolitical rival and the current President of the United States, and it's people like Jim Comey making the claims not some asshat on 4chan who "disproved" the Steele Dossier.

Reddit leans crazy and deluded with a very slight fetishization of doomsday scenarios.

Dude, go back to Breitbart

Funny how you accused me of going off topic... we still haven't gotten to the bottom of why you think Trump is smart

Rumors that are proven false time and time again.

If this is true then I'm sure that you can provide a long list of times that MSM has said one thing about Trump that turned out to be false.

BTW, can you define what you mean, exactly, by the "mirror" comment? I don't know what you mean and I don't wanna put words in your mouth

I hate them both. Equally. But right now Hillary is of little importance for my hate because Trump is POTUS. To me, it's more important of whoever is sitting in the chair than who didn't get the chair.

I still hate Hillary, but I'm more concerned at the moment with the man-child in office.

So, what, exactly, did you mean by the mirror comment then? I have trouble comprehending, could you assist me? It might be my low IQ but I really don't get it.

Also, I guess your opinion is rich=smart. Alright.

Media: Only CNN is able to read leaked Podesta emails!!!

Liberals: What lies doe?!

The tea party was coopted so fast.

I think you should bone up one what slander means

I asked you a question you haven't answered. What is it you want to argue? Lol simple question

Back back to t_d.

is this the new way to break rule 10 without really saying it?

would you make the argument "they're not nazis, you're thinking of neo-nazis by the way" cause that's what you're doing

Not your comrade.


The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Maxims of a successful pirate

I also saw the entire media attack Obama every day and that included allegedly liberal forms like Democratic Underground, and allegedly liberal sites like Think Progresss, and others especially Democracy Now who were always raging about Obama.

NPR of course is now nothing but conservative controlled and that is where I heard the vilest attack against Obama ever. It was back in 2011 when Congress and the MIC were trying to bully him into attacking Iran.

is this strawman election hacking your using?

define the term

yeah there is LOTS of good info available on Barry Seal

Wrong. They impeached Clinton for lying under oath (see Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions) about his relations with other weomen and other immoral acts (See blowjob).

Is that what that link says?

Don't forget how they started referring to Hawaii as Kenya, also.

You people are nothing short of amazing. How I know you're all full of shit is knowing that I'm not a paid shill - so most of your belief system is rooted in paranoid delusion.

Or, he tricked a lot of conspiracy nuts into thinking that a billionaire silver spooned man child who made a fortune off exploiting the same tides that have destroyed the economy and livelihoods of millions multiple times (and did it poorly, he would have been richer with his inheritance in mutual funds) into thinking he was "anti-establishment" who then just coincidentally made his entire cabinet and administration the CEOs, board members, major investors, or those who bought their way in from the elite business circles he has lived his whole life among.

This. This is what I find so hypocritical. How can you think that this billionaire is going to work for the people? How do people become billionaires? By cheating, manipulating and exploiting anyone and anything in order to line their pockets.

I think the president should have a filter. His Twitter account is out of control. It needs to be taken away from him. It would help him out a lot.

Maybe...just maybe Trump supporters get downvoted in a lot of subs because he's not that popular, imagine that? And what political subs automatically ban You?

Don't know why you are down voted so much. I agree with a lot of what you said. I wish the media were this hard on Bush when he was taking us to war on a lie rather than covering for him. I wish they held Obama to the same scrutiny for his term. They just havent. I say this as someone that very much dislikes Trump. The coverage has not been the same. They were infinitely easier n the last two presidents.

Because what does Obama's opinion a decade ago matter to the conversation that was taking place? It was a lame strawman attempt to change the subject

Because it was bullshit. The birth certificate was layered using the default OCR functions of adobe acrobat's "optimize pdf". People here paid attention, but it was easily debunked.

This is a driving point. A thief is a thief but some are way more cunning than others.

Whatever dude. It was a single example. There are plenty out there. Deny and move goalposts, but it's a lie.

Now wait a moment. Small radio talk show hosts bashed Obama too! It is totally the same thing as all these major TV networks and newspapers colluding to influence public opinion.

Also Operation Mockingbird is a conspiracy theory and I totally belong in this sub because I only believe the mainstream story on current events. Everything else is just crazy stories made by people with tinfoil hats.

Lol gtfo of here with that cult mentality bullshit

I can't say for sure. But I would like it if the president was uncontrollable for a bit. Just to see if chaos might throw us a bone.

"fake news" is all I needed to hear. No, that's not the only thing.

  1. Firing the FBI director who is investigating your campaign is at worst illegal, at best stupid.
  2. Diarrhea​ of the mouth. Too many stupid tweets to recount. Tweets which work against him and his policy initiatives more often than not. Again, stupid.
  3. Travel ban and ensuing dumb tweets about it as his lawyers argue in court that it's not a ban.
  4. Awful, awful staffing of important positions at nearly every level.
  5. Leaking intelligence to the Russians. Twice.
  6. Recent policy change re oversight requests. May not even be constutional.
  7. Idiotic comments like "who knew this (health care) was hard?"

I could go on. Your guy puts his foot into his stupid fat mouth on a daily basis. But oh, right; "fake news". Nevermind, none of that really happened, right?

Might have been a docuseries, but I'll give this one a watch.

So do you get off on being condescending or is it, like, a quirk?

Seriously? Members of his transition team met with people from many countries, including Russia, as transition teams always do.

And then lied about it, repeatedly.

Did you just ask why do so many people pay so much attention to the POTUS? You fucking me right?

Okay, so Jeff said these were listed on his Senate records then why in his hearing did he deny meeting any Russians. Why was Mike Flynn denying conversations and lying in his FBI interview? Why did Jared Kushner lie on his clearance form? If these meetings are all above board then why are we hearing about them in media reports after they have been omitted from clearance forms and denied continuously until they are co fronted with irrefutable evidence that they occurred? Why was Kushner attempting to set up a channel with Russia using Russian equipment?

I wouldn't have any problems with meeting with Russians, if they were so bloody keen on lying about them.

I'm a white man from a solidly middle class family with a good future, so hardly at all. Generally national level politics don't affect people like me. I'm not gonna argue with you, because we all know there's something very fucky happening with this administration, and the GOP in general.

ad hominem. what you do when you can't win an argument.

Have you met putin yet? He has some interesting ideas also.

Sorry I do disagree. For example the conservative media supports Trump, No one supported Obama. Not even allegedly liberal sites like Democracy Now, they were always bitching about him. Same with Think Progress for most of his Presidency.

For example the conservative media supports Trump

By that, do you mean Fox?

No one supported Obama. Not even allegedly liberal sites like Democracy Now, they were always bitching about him

Were you living underground for the last 8 years?

What a hero, lied under oath about receiving a blowjob from an intern to "not embarrass his wife".

He's not as handsome as previous presidents so women do not excuse his faults because "he's sooo dreamy teehee". And men feel threatened and jealous of his rich lives-in-a-golden-mansion image a fucking REALITY TV SHOW made up to make his show more entertaining. Everyone thinks they know him personally despite him being a complete stranger to most people.

Even his so-called "dumb twitter writing style" is just normal Twittering because Twitter has a 140 character limit. Can't exactly be eloquent when you can barely write two sentences per tweet. It's all unfair bullshit and this is coming from a european with no interest in US politics.

Sorry, but MSNBC is the only truly left wing channel. The rest you named are very centrist. Historical progress has a Liberal bias amigo. Intelligence will reside amongst that progress.

He got impeached for not embarrassing his wife in front of the whole country.

That went well!

*laugh track*

Yeah oh, boohoo, your President lies as much as he farts and everyone is supposed to be cool with it? Dude I'm not even American and we laugh about how you elected an orange Bill Cosby for your president. Lulz

I hope life improves for you soon

Removed. Rule 4.

I guess we should make that a permaban then.

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Fox News is owned by the Murdoch family, who I can assure you are as anti-American and left as possible. A wife of one of Murdochs sons is one of Chelsea Clinton's best friends.

Telling people to go fuck themselves was unwarranted and was reported as such.

Number 1 on my list is the fact that he lies, verifiably, all the time. For every day he has been office he has told at least one lie or exaggerated information in his favor. Here's a running list being compiled by the Toronto Star. This isn't even a matter of policy or political leanings. From an objective standpoint he cannot be trusted and in my opinion that should be enough for anyone to scrutinize his behavior.

Yes, but that's not the point you conveyed in what you typed.

It's quite clear he liked teds previous words about Obama and wanted more

Is it clear that "saying he wanted Obama dead is the reason he was invited to the state of the union"? Doesn't seem clear at all to me even after what you just said. You're grasping at straws in an effort to not admit that you're spreading falsehoods/full of shit.

You haven't heard his song about jailbait?

Oh he wrote a song? Therefore he is a child rapist? Are you kidding me?

Or the 13 year old he had blow him?

Doesn't sound like rape. Source for that?

Or the 17 year old he married so he could fuck her legally?

Doesn't sound like rape. Source for that?

Where are the rape charges? Was he convicted of rape? If not, you can't "child rapist" as fact.

Admit you're a liar, it's easier.