I'm currently in the military and am having a hard time staying motivated reading about all the atrocities we've committed. How noble is my cause (I'm a medic). .

49  2017-06-14 by [deleted]



idk to me you, or anyone who joins, just enables the military industrial complex and the war machine that is the us president (any and all not trump specific)

Shut up you conspiracy theory weirdo. It's because of people like the OP that you have the freedom and ability to make a post like that but you take it completely for granted.

Go suck some Alex Jones dick.

i dont know if that was /s but...

i dont like Alex Jones, its just obvious if we didn't have forces to keep invading places we couldn't invade places which means less war which means more peace which means less money for weapons companies wgich leads to less kickbacks

so everyone (incl you here) turns a blind eye so we can have money and manufactured patriotism and indoctrination and xenophobia

My man you're forgetting that these countries have already been invaded and the hatred already created. I agree ideally we wouldn't be at war but we are and you can't just get up and leave or the situation would deteriorate massively!

we can pull all our troops out, give reparation money to communities we have destroyed, and respect other cultures and countries to sort their own mess out. we cant help by staying in despite already creating hatred... the longer we stay, the more we make.

i think staying out of countries civil wars would gain us more favor than not

Help all the people you can, this is never wrong. Do what you were trained to do, save lives.

Good luck and godspeed. You will find your way through the bureaucracy by following your heart.

Stay safe friend. People are depending on you.

This is some major fucking candy coating and omission.

Telling OP he's made an uninformed decision and to get out is not the same as shitting on him. Quite the opposite. You're not helping anyone by someone exposing themselves to the atrocities of the world and then asking "what should I do?", you answer "it's fine"

People talk about change all the time but how the fuck is any change ever going to happen if everyone pussy foots around what needs to be done with this "hang in there!".

Hmm ya the hang in there kills me at times...what about my own loved ones...

No one can answer those questions but you man and you should probably ask people you know in real life who have been there. You don't know who the fuck you are talking to here. Beyond that, war is going to happen, will you make it better or worse? Do you have kids? If not, something to consider. If yes, will they be taken care of? Is anything more important than them? If you stay, can you live with the guilt of knowing you could have saved some lives? Because that can suicide a person. But so can going. As far as enabling the MIC, yes and no, someones gonna do it so until there is a coordinated resistance effort, its gonna happen, take advantage if you can or skip it amd save yourself the heartache. With your training you are good either way, you will save lives as long as you go to work. To be honest, its up to you to keep your head up either way, both paths have their rewards and pitfalls. Whatever you do, if you do go, don't second guess shit while it's happening. Get it the fuck done and figure it out on your downtime. Take care and good luck.

Thank you so much

First off thank you for your service. You are not your masters, you control your life. I was close to enlisting but bailed because of the same mindset you had. You worked through it, no one blames you for what you are doing, we need our military. If I had any advice for you it would be to keep your morals and sanity. Bless you soldier.

They're the good guys. Just been living in the dark like the rest of us. General Mattis is a rock star in my eyes. Hooray, bitches.

My advice is get out right now

Who knows what you will have to see and do over there

Nothing noble will be accomplished by your presence

The troop worship rampant in america is a BAD thing, and should be actively discouraged

The fact that the marines and the like hang around outside high schools saying "ya wanna be a man son" is only true because everyone labours under the illusion that the troops are heroes

If you want to help people how can any form of military be the correct place to be?

yay someone with some sense!

I just figured because that'd be the where the most violence is occurring and I'm Genuinely a kind hearted person...that cares about human life

Then the army sounds like the absolutely worst place to be for you, unless you want to lose that quality

If you want to help there are many other ways of doing so ;)

A medic (doctor) can save people in civilian hospitals, too. Civilian hospitals always need more doctors.

I didn't know about any of the stuff when I was in, but looking back, I wish I could do it all over again. You need to get what YOU can out of the military. They will use you that same as they would use anyone that would fill your place. Get your education, save your money, START AN IRA WHILE YOU ARE YOUNG!!!!

Being a medic is a noble thing for a person to do, and you should be proud of that. Don't mind all the things happening in the big game, because you will never have all of the information on a subject. You can never be certain what the truth is, except for that bleeding man laying in front of you, who needs you right now.

Thank you so much sir

Sorry ... you said it...storm trooper fighting for the empire...

Pulling out and explaining the people the reasons is more help than helping people kill other people

It's as moral as if you were a member of ISIS and working for them as a medic.

Use the military to get ahead like they are using you.Learn what they can teach you about being a medic Focus on helping the human being in front of you. Try not to look at it a serving the military. Youre serving that individual that needs you at that moment

You will make a huge difference to those you save who I'm sure will be appreciative. Be safe.

At this point your cause will never be noble, but you can still be on an individual basis

Remember if you don't keep you fellow soldiers in check you are just ask guilty as they are. Go forth with pure intentions and god will understand and guide u thru it

Look at it this way. You're a medic. I'm guessing medical care of some sort is in your future. You're there to provide help I'm guessing. No one really hates on the individual soldier. We wish you well. We hope you save lives. We hope you enhance your skills and become brave in your field. Be strong and careful.

am I really making a difference

Lol no. Quit and get out while you can.

Or will I seem like a weakling , and abandoning the original reason my me joining , to help people.

You're only helping people fight for no reason whatsoever. Go into nursing or paramedics.

Thank you for your service.

The distilled truth is you're using the military to get ahead in life, to start a career, and they are using you for empire expansion. Nobody blames you but don't drape yourself with the flag. There is nothing noble about your service. War is a racket. Nobody threatens America.

You need to get out ASAP. You're an amazing person and have balls - but you got duped. Get out ASAP. You are supporting the largest conquering regime the face of the planet has ever seen.

Thank you, all of you. Please, keep the insight coming this little bit has helped me so much. Always been a subscriber to this sub and wanted to hear the opinion of you all

Either leave right now while you still can. Your fighting for the interests of elite who rape, murder and eat children and rape countries of resources.

That, or stay and spread truth about pgate and the flat earth.

You're a medic, not a combatant so you won't be committing those atrocities, i imagine but if you go, you better red pill the hell out of your mates and make the most of that opportunity to do the right thing.

I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for because there is no "right" answer to this question. Essentially, the concept of the military in some respect is a double-edged sword.

A nation-state, in order to protect itself and its borders, requires some fashion of militarism. Absent this, in a total "libertarian" utopia, the military would be bought and controlled by the biggest corporations, and would protect their assets at home and abroad. The military could essentially, literally, strongarm their competition in the marketplace. Since we have a nationalized military, the ideal state (in my opinion, and in name) would be for the military to protect the borders and citizens of the nation from foreign invaders and aggression from external enemies.

The military in this country has become entrenched in ways contrary to its original mission. In my opinion, this "tradition" began at the US decision to enter WW1 on the side of the British. At the time, there was no clear interest for the Americans to enter war, and the result of that war was to create such an imbalance of power in Europe, and such a weakened German people, that the pendulum of nationalism swung to such an extreme that Europe's subsequent conflict became almost a certainty. When WW2 broke out for reasons that I won't go into, the US again was faced with the decision of whether to engage in another European conflict where its citizenry had very little interest in the outcome (no, the Germans and the Japs didn't want to "take over" America, that is known as post-war atrocity justification propaganda). Some will disagree, but I believe at this juncture, FDR, whose New Deal had had only limited success in wresting the economy from the Great Depression, wanted to enter that war, with the goal of the Military Industrial complex bringing the economy fully back to speed. It worked. The US dropped tens of thousands of bombs on European cities, destroying historical architecture and artwork, killing men, women, and children indiscriminately, slaughtering hundreds of thousands. It dropped two hydrogen bombs over Japan killing hundreds of thousands more innocents. The infrastructure that supported this slaughter raked in the benefits, and after the war, the US was able to craft the governments of the losing Axis powers to its own benefit in the international marketplace. The side effect of the communist victory in the East was even more beneficial, as it allowed for a continued excuse to increase armaments, without even needing to engage in actual combat.

This model was so successful for the elites and the ruling class that I believe it's been the norm up until this day. Seek out a foreign entanglement. Enable the weaker party, calling the mightier party "evil" or "amoral". Arm the weaker party to create greater unrest. When the stronger party defends itself, label it an authoritarian dictatorship, claim it is engaging in some form of genocide if at all possible. Destroy its central power structure. Install puppet government that will do your bidding and encourage similar unrest in neighboring countries.

This is the model currently being followed by the US military, and while I detest it, I don't think the military personnel simply following orders are enabling it any more than the American VOTERS, swayed easily by simple sentimental ploys, continuing to elect leadership in Congress that engages the US unnecessarily in these foreign wars, complaining about high income tax and then voting in favor of throwing more tax money down the drain for literally no improvement in quality of life at home.

Saving lives is a noble calling. And if you decide to follow it, see if you can convince other servicemen of the truth behind the military industrial complex, is they aren't already aware, because awareness is how this changes. The US military will always find new, young recruits, ignorant of the truth and begging to be part of something "bigger than them."

If you are able to get out you should absolutely do it. It's not going to get any easier once you deploy... If more people like you acted on their conscience the world would be a very different place.

You're just furthering the aims of WAR, INC. (USA) in my opinion.

I think soldiers should be drafted, not Paid, Voluntary with Benefits.

The USA has added to the misery of millions of refugees in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen (etc.) -- and stayed in Iraq/Afghanistan so WAR, INC. (USA) can continue milking the cow that is the US Treasury.

In Iraq, I agree Saddam was not a just leader--but it was also a sovereign nation with a right to be run as the people of Iraq chose. I'd point out there were no terrorist event in Iraq in the year before the US-led invasion (and if there were--certainly nothing like the daily/weekly bombings Iraq has experienced ever since).

Since you mentioned "storm trooper"--I recently saw a quote George Lucas (?) made about Star Wars...the USA is the Empire (as related to Vietnam). https://duckduckgo.com/?q=george+lucas+star+wars+empire+vietnam&t=ffsb&ia=web

Good Luck...Truth & Peace.

being a medic is noble, being in the military however, i don't think so.

why not stay in your country and help those around you that really need it as opposed to prolonging a person and their ability to kill innocents abroad?

why not become a paramedic, or go into nursing, or any medical job around you? why be involved in an institution that also kills (military) as opposed to an institution that aims to save (red cross, hopsitals, etc)?

Definitely more noble than most roles in the military. Do you best to keep people alive and you should be able to rest easy at night. When you get out, go get an education and move on with your life.

Unfortunately still a pawn, but a pawn by choice.

You're an enforcer for an utterly corrupt, oligarchic police state. You patch up other enforcers so that they can go back out and kill more people so that rich men can profit off of wars. When you're no longer useful your government will abandon you.

The most noble thing a human can do is to protect those they care about. Unfortunately TPTSB take this nobility and use it to divide and conquer. I recommend getting out now. There is no reason for you to sacrifice your life for them. We need all the strong men and women of this country to stay here and help educate the masses.

Be like the guy from hacksaw ridge, then get out when your contract is done

Stay in the military while you get your education benefits, once you get a degree, you can leave and setup a private business, then you can help people with disabilities, or with low incomes, that's very noble.

Perfectly fine if you're there to save lives. Good luck.

You're not a weakling. It takes strength to say no to something, even if you want it, but because you know it's wrong.

In my opinion there's no question it's wrong, you can much better serve peope by being a vet, or working in a hospital. And who knows, maybe because you don't go, there are others who decide they won't go.

Go find the FBI vault online, look for the stay behind program.

Can you elaborate


The idea is that if the US government ever fell away from the constitution by way of internal subversion from a foreign or otherwise illegitimate power there would be agents of the people who would stay at their posts (and actually infiltrate other government institutions) and work in secret to repel the subversion from within.

Released the same time that the FBI background check of Trump's father was done.

i.e., if you believe that the government no longer represents the will of the people or upholds the constitution then you should understand that there are agents of the people and constitution who outwardly profess loyalty to those in power.

Also, you guys are getting some incredible tech shortly, medical too.

Make your own decision for your own reasons, but know that there are patriots who are deeply embedded into the deep state and are working in secret to return this nation to the Republic the people deserve.

But speaking from experience, it's not too bad of a life on the civilian side and definitely rewarding. A nice balance between the two worlds as probably 1/4 of EMS are veterans.

Get your EMT/EMT-P national registry asap if you don't already have it.

If I was in your position I'd stay as you will have a hell of a front row seat to some of the biggest events in the history of humanity the next 4.5 years.

Helping of those in pain and injury will always be a noble calling. Be strong .

Thank you so much