Fast food and profits in school cafeterias. Dominos pizza every single day. For-profit charters, private companies, and schools making money while consumerism conditioning is taught in preschools.

82  2017-06-15 by 52NUKE

I think a lot of people know just how bad school lunch programs are for children. Not a lot of communities get better options. Type into google "school lunch profits" to get a wider scope. is a great example of whats feels like shopping at the costco food court in schools.

Children are turned into consumerist before they even know what they are doing. Teaching them bad choices of consumerism not good ones.

I won't even go into preschool fundraisers where children learn to beg around their neighborhood trying to sell some gourmet popcorn so they can win a computer the school uses to spy on them with.

A lot of scams revolve around school lunch programs. Many schools outsource their food to private companies like aramark the same company some prisons are kicking out due to multiple unscrupulous reasons.

Some children are still eating "pink slime" . Even BPI an exceptionally scummy company is suing ABC over defamation from the scum they serve children lol.

And of course the good ol' classic "Ketchup as a vegetable" . If you think it's BS and companies don't really believe ketchup is a vegetable, you'd be wrong. Dominos is the leader of fast food in schools. Even this preschool has dominos 18 times in a school year (NOTE: french fries, pickles, and ketchup count as veggies!!). This school has dominos every single day. Trust me when i say the trash cans are filled with "chilled fruit cups" and salads but not a single piece of pizza is thrown away. Plus the nutrition numbers on the side are BS.

I used to work at dominos and delivered school pizzas every week to elementary schools all around the city. Dominos charges the school at $8 a pizza and the school sells the pizza at $3+ per slice to the kids, i don't know where the not for profit part takes place in the system. But the only losers are the children.

I don't know how schools get grants, tax breaks, and tax intensives while running for profit food scams against unknowing children. Why are for-profit charters, private companies, and schools making money while children get early obesity, diabetes, and other general health issues they should never have had.

I'll leave you with a story from 1990.

Domino's Pizza will soon be delivering lunch to students in hundreds of public elementary and high school cafeterias around the country

"Yesterday, a spokeswoman for the National Education Association said the Marriott-Domino's deal runs afoul of an NEA resolution advocating that school lunch programs "be supported by public funds" and not run as commercial, for-profit ventures."

"Ed Cooney, the deputy director of the Food Research and Action Center, a nonprofit group that lobbies on behalf of nutrition programs for children, said the Marriott-Domino's deal "raises a red flag for nutrition advocates. ... I am not anti-business, but I do think you have to ask whether {Marriott and Domino's} are placing the profit motive above nutrition."

Then look at childhood obesity since 1990. By the time the late 90's hit, pizza in schools is in full swing and 10% of children aged 2-5 are now obese from 0% only a few years earlier.


I also delivered for domino's and can confirm. Schools are making a profit off the school lunches. Where the profit goes is a good question I never had a answer to that one.

If the profit was used to pay staff, is that ok in your book?

Not OP, but HELL NO that's not ok.

It'll create an incentive for teachers to become salesmen to young, impressionable and gullible children instead of being teachers.

They do already through the fund raising for incentives programs. But teachers have the ultimate incentive already, the children. Besides the BS nonsense taught in school already. Teachers, subs, nurses, counselors, PE, janitors and other school staff have been caught trafficking, and abusing children. Mismanaged medications. Creepy psychiatry lessons. Selling drugs as well as making children sell drugs. Selling children to organ harvesters. Even Filipino teachers were trafficked into america and taken advantage of. It really is quite the learning experience if you don't come out of it insane.

Lol I'm not saying commission based.

Here's a better way I could word it..


  1. The state has an education budget, it will cost $X.

  2. They've exhausted all grant options.

  3. Budget cuts wouldn't suffice.

  4. The state must generate revenue to cover expenses.

  5. Their options are increasing taxes or finding a way to generate revenue through the schools.

Question: In a situation where the citizens are going to pay for it either way. Do you care if they pay for it through either:

A) profitable lunch programs, which places the burden on citizens currently receiving benefits from the education system?

B) state-wide taxes, which places an equal burden on all citizens?

This is a reasonable post

ok I understand what you are trying to say this is not the first choice for anyone. So we agree it's a less than ideal system we have going. No one is arguing saying pizza is healthy. Or if they could have their choice of system it would be the for profit system we have in place now.

Now I haven't seen this be a major topic of discussion no one is trying anything else. Probably because it's too difficult to make the change at this point. People could risk losing their jobs. I knew the cafeteria ladies at all the schools I delivered to, most of them expressed negative feelings about the for profit situation.

no one stands up for anything the believe in anymore and everyone is ok with it. Its a combination of things, for one, the internet. Makes everyone feel like they are doing something useful but really we are just posting on a website. nothing is going to change from that alone. Real changes come from going to form groups which decide the best form of action. secondly, people can lose their jobs if they speak out. It's a reality of how things are, not everyone can take the risk. But someone has to. third. there is always more than two options you presented. If people in every state started to write their congress person etc who knows what could happen. It just takes people to be focused and dedicated to an issue even though many people will write it off as insignificant. If we are going to have profitable lunch programs. why not just have actual vendors set up shop and cut out the cafeteria completely. Every school parking lot is empty on weekends anyway it could be an actual business paying rent.

There are many solutions you just have to admit it's a very bad thing we got kids eating pizza every day when they are supposed to be eating good food getting that nutrition we all learned about.

not ok in any way shape or form.

Did you see my other response below my original comment? I feel like that first post didn't really explain my question well.

this can all be blamed on budget cuts bye the fed. schools have been forced to take whatever steps to ensure kids get something to eat. they simply do not have the budgets for full time cafeteria staff. states and cities where this is happening much of the time are in districts that are fairly poor with larger amounts of families that cant send lunches with theyre kids. school lunches arts music all get chopped. if it doesnt generate income it goes.

Teacher. Can confirm.

As always this happens in poor schools.

Growing up, we had Pizza twice a week. One was from the district's own kitchen (which kids didn't like as much), and on Fridays we had square pieces that were rumored to be from Pizza Hut or Domino's. I definitely think it can contribute to obesity when it is presented as a 2x a week choice (along with the other junk food offered). Very few kids (if any) picked the single 'healthy' option they would offer (which was usually like 2 things rotated, that no one would want.) I thought that was bad, but...

The link to the christian academy's lunch menu surprised me, though. I totally understood that schools were serving crap, but specifically listing french fries and whipped potatos as "Veg", Lemon Dinos as "Grain", Pork & Beans as "Veg", Croutons as "Grain", Tater Tots as "Veg".... wow, how can someone do that with a straight face.

Don't you remember when they taught you in school how the lemon dinos (from the ancient grains family) where revered by the people who built the great food pyramid? The dinos have been at war with croutons ever since pork decided to leave them for beans and convert to a vegetable.

No but really, do you think that second day of pizza was the same thing as the first just cut differently?

How about fat free milk having more sugar than 2% or regular, plus you get an apple juice and maybe even an orange juice all in one meal. Heaps of sugar. I remember having all three in one meal many times, i didn't know any better. The water fountains were disgusting and only soda was in the vending machines, no bottles of water.

And all the hormonal in the food is making girls start their period earlier. I'm 31 and a lot of middle school girls are much taller and larger than me. It's definitely different compared to when I was in middle school 20 years ago.

Many studies show that pesticides increase the problem of early puberty and weird growth patterns.

Are kids allowed to take their own lunch?

I was going to make a joke on how parents are to busy posting on facebook to remember their children but this is an actual legitimate concern you brought up.

School Tells Parents Sack Lunches Not Allowed, Kids Must Eat What’s Served

More schools moving to ban outside foods

this one

Schools ban homemade foods from classrooms, after-school activities

Is the same tactic they used to put many organic farms out of business.

Just like a tax evading child would be arrested for operating an unlicensed lemon aid stand for unsanitary conditions. Things our country was built on like ingenuity or self reliance are now becoming illegal.

Bummer, this got picked up by automod. I approved it now, but the ship has sailed. Anyhow, great comment.

Let's be real. Kids are picky eaters. If you are unhappy about your schools cafeteria, make them a lunch. However you can't leave it up to the government to solve school lunches. They can't even manage school much less lunch.

Children from "less developed" countries are not picky eaters and that is not because of choices or circumstance. Children from most other countries eat a far vaster array of food than kids from 'merica. Their children or not exposed to ridiculous invasive advertising and programming like children in america. Toddlers watch shows saying how yucky vegetables are then commercials for ice cream appear right after. What do you think that leads to?

What do you do if you are unable to home school your children and the school your kid goes to says you are not allowed to bring food from home? Not everyone can just move to another district easily and some parents fight but it always goes nowhere.

If you are unhappy about your schools cafeteria, make them a lunch.

The problem is, under Michelle Obama's school lunch initiative, the school staff are required to assess that lunch you packed for your child, and to dispose of it if they determine it does not meet the necessary dietary guidelines.

As in, if it fails to check even a single box on their idiotic check lists, it's tossed.

It's a moronic system, but people like the OP of this thread prefer that self-aggrandizing idiocy to a more practical, common sense solution.

I never said i agree with that system.

I grew up poor and ate sweet cakes for .50 cents and used the other .50 for a hi-c. I made out fine. I feel we have other issues like hand outs to people that prevent them from growing up. Just my opinion

You can't pawn your children off to schools and expect them to care? You can't even drink tap water so how do you think schools are going to provide real nutrition to kids? Dependency on the system makes them believe they can do what they want and steal all the money, which they do. News flash the system sucks! So don't depend on it anymore. If you can't afford to feed your child whole real foods then you have no business having children. Our country is run by psychopaths from micro to macro. If you want something done you do it yourself. Off grid is the way to be, independence from the system will be the only way to take back the truth.

This is a reasonable post

ok I understand what you are trying to say this is not the first choice for anyone. So we agree it's a less than ideal system we have going. No one is arguing saying pizza is healthy. Or if they could have their choice of system it would be the for profit system we have in place now.

Now I haven't seen this be a major topic of discussion no one is trying anything else. Probably because it's too difficult to make the change at this point. People could risk losing their jobs. I knew the cafeteria ladies at all the schools I delivered to, most of them expressed negative feelings about the for profit situation.

no one stands up for anything the believe in anymore and everyone is ok with it. Its a combination of things, for one, the internet. Makes everyone feel like they are doing something useful but really we are just posting on a website. nothing is going to change from that alone. Real changes come from going to form groups which decide the best form of action. secondly, people can lose their jobs if they speak out. It's a reality of how things are, not everyone can take the risk. But someone has to. third. there is always more than two options you presented. If people in every state started to write their congress person etc who knows what could happen. It just takes people to be focused and dedicated to an issue even though many people will write it off as insignificant. If we are going to have profitable lunch programs. why not just have actual vendors set up shop and cut out the cafeteria completely. Every school parking lot is empty on weekends anyway it could be an actual business paying rent.

There are many solutions you just have to admit it's a very bad thing we got kids eating pizza every day when they are supposed to be eating good food getting that nutrition we all learned about.