can we talk about the moon or ancient human civilization for a while??

153  2017-06-15 by felixlivesagain

just getting a bit desensitized from all the American political posts sessions this trump that. I mean a lot of it is valid stuff but I miss some good old giant time traveling alien humanoid bigfoot moon base creatures stuff. not trying to stir up any bad press but I need to hear about something different for a while.


sure, i am personally very interested in the thought that perhaps humans originated on Mars and were forced to leave for different reasons. what about the moon ? fake landings?

I don't think the moon has any kind of structure on it at all, but I'll talk about the Apollo hoax anytime.

Anxiously awaiting the 50 year anniversary in a couple years and really curious to see how it will be treated.

Gotta say...I'm intrigued by your bigfoot moon creature theory. Makes sense to me. Low gravity, so able to grow much taller. It's cold as shit up there, so gotta grow lots of fur.

What else could explain it?

secret genetics experiments on human subjects bruh.

I have a new caveat. If there are thousands of years of a story and it is told by different cultures across the globe, I am taking that story above any Western scientist.

Especially when I see new theories rejected by scientists reminding me of the days of Copernicus or Newton where new ideas where heresy.

I calculated from the evolution of our current existence that about 10 periods exist in the span of the age of the earth.

Bottom line - Im positive that 'man' existed in a more technologically advanced status than we are today.

For one we repeatedly destroy all knowledge. Library of Alexandria etc. Every invasion is a destruction of knowledge.

I put 'man' in quotes for a reason. Chimera is forbidden in science. However we could f with dna and create combinations of man.

Who is to say that the hieroglyphics on the pyramids are made up or mythical?

Do I have proof? Yea the hieroglyphics. Do we have proof its untrue? No. Is it possible? Even by our remedial technological status? Yes.

Especially when in the past decade we are finding that life can exist on the bottom of the ocean, life can exist in lava etc etc.

In other words we dont know jack. So if some theory is a millennium old and told across many cultures. That story is worthy of a presumption of truth.

Imagine if we all died right now.

Would medieval men who had to recreate the wheel believe smart phones, flying, robot prosthesis? No. They would laugh at anyone who did.

Finally w t f Mr. Pope. You sit on a mass wealth of knowledge and youre hiding it? That is wrong. Like a massive human rights violation.

:Steps off soapbox: :back to work:

No dispute but an fyi:

Chimera are acknowledged by science but refer to people with 2 different sets of dna....

Like if the egg was fertilized by 2 sperm and going to split to form twins but never does and becomes one person with 2 sets of dna that don't match up. This has been causing problems when establishing paternity or guilt in some cases. IIRC, they found this when they went to perform a transplant between mother and daughter and the mothers dna came back as her aunt or something and so multiple test were run... interesting stuff.

Thats wild.

Reminds me, The stuff about rh blood is similar. If a mother gets pregnant by someone with rh blood the mother's body will attack the fetus. They have to do procedures to prevent that.

But why would a mother's body ever attack a fetus because of its blood type? That's where the theories of hybrids comes from, I think. That somehow there was an introduction of alien blood type into human genetics.

Thee was an original CSI episode about this stuff.

A really good one too. I think the guy even knew what spots of his body to draw blood from when they were taking DNA samples in one scene.

People always go on about how things are being suppressed but I think that it is just more of a violent opposition to change. look at some of the changes we have had to go through even in recent history. no one wants to change the way things are working until they have no choice. some things have enough power behind the opposition to outright reject it. science is one of them. there is a rule and a way of science that must be followed and then someone comes along and tries to challenge it and they are put through the ringer.

Scientist need to be comfortable with change. They feel change will cause damage to scientific credibility. It won't. Trust and openness grows credibility.

and grows more science. (creating competition)

Scientific credibility. Watch Brian Foerster video about a cataclysm in tanis Egypt. At the 13 minute mark he shows where they are cementing over areas of a slab of concrete. He walks around and shows an area they hadn't got to yet and the slab has rusty fossilized steel rebar sticking out of it. That means they were built with cement, not quarried and dragged miles to their location.

Egyptian antiquities is a disgrace to science and a detriment to our consciousness. Watch how they Cover Up Eqypt to make it fit their paradigm.

Lol what a bunch of delusional baloney

Thats fair. Pier reviewed and criticized is fine. Its when a scientist without testing debunks a theory just b/c .. just bc.

Comes to mind is that kid in the UK who aligned the pyramids with stars. Then according to his grid/map there should be another pyramid in an approximate location.

Some archaeologist cuts the theory/kid to shreds without factual refutation.

Thats the mindset Im getting at.

well we know x cannot be true because we already know about the laws of a and b which directly contradict your theory of x... later we learn that a and b are in fact only possible because of x.

just one of those things. we know this isn't possible until we find out not only is it possible it is actually happening right now!

just, curious, do you have any examples of that?

no not per say but just look at theoretical physics there is stuff we are learning constantly that defies what we thought was even in the realm of possibility.

as it turns out on the subject they found a buried site in the exact location of the map. they missed it for so long because they were looking for a pyramid. brian forester covers that in a couple of his vids. on how they depict both orion and cygnus.

Really. Cool. Didn't know there was another chapter.

Regarding invasions and destruction of knowledge ... every dictionary is a history of warfare.

Because of the different sources of each word? Represents a clash of people/language?

Yeah, exactly. Example being in the English language, animals in the field are based on an English word, while animals on the table are based on a French word. You see both a separation of classes during a time of warfare and what was important to them, and how it reflected upon the language later.

Very interesting observation. I like it.

I don't believe we've ever been more advanced then we are now.

The Earth would have been littered with mega structures and hyper durable materials. We have glass objects that basically don't degrade. Imagine what we'll have on the moon in 100 years.

Short of some god-like entity erasing all evidence previous modern human civilizations make little sense outside of writing and creative exercises.

What about the earths plates shifting over top of everything? What about an earth liquifying meteor or super massive volcano?

If they were more than 100 years or so ahead of us they'd be multi-planetary.

So again, what happened to the cities on the moon? Where are all the satellites?

There would be concrete remains under the oceans.

There would be old satellites in the "garbage patch" Lagrange points, ancient tech isolated from any geological activity. Same is true on the moon. Things don't rust or degrade much on the moon besides bleaching.

The ice caps would have trace deposists of industrial chemicals in the atmosphere 10's of thousands of years ago that suddenly cut off.

It's not possible, you could say God did it but without some kind of magic wand it doesn't make sense.

At that point, without evidence you're reasoning backwards: trying to invent an explanation for an idea that sounds cool instead of using reason to justify observed behavior or facts.

To address a few of your points about Mega Steuctures: Some theorize that the pyramids are thousands of years older than origionally believed, more to the tune of like 8-10k years. The legend of Atlantis and Mer-people lend a small credence to the theories of underwater cities.

Finally, you should really look up the giant Pyramid on Mars. I know there are a few other structures including a Monstrous Humanoid sculpture head.

Well the good news is at this rate private companies will send civilians to mars before a government does.

We'll have actual colonists there within 20 years.

You make complete sense. If humans have previously existed at an advanced technological age then it would be logical to find giant skyscrapers, vehicles, houses, even trash heaps belonging to them. Sure we find some things that stand out but they are so few. When one item is found that people claim is from a previously advanced civilization they cling to that one item when there should be many discovered items. Even if there was a catastrophic event there would still be thousands of items we would be able to find and trace back to a previous civilization.

Even more so, why would these alleged civilization-destroying natural disasters leave behind simple, in tact firepits that we know exist?

Yes a major act of God that burns and drowns people and objects. And kills off species like dinosaurs and...ancient species similar to man.

An astronomer told Noah to build the ark.

Cultures report flying machines.

We're finding objects millions of years old.

More importantly our finds are barely beneath surface.

A society millions of years old may be buried miles down assuming no catastrophe.

We know of at least one catastrophe. There must be more.

Societies across the world report that we came from the skies from another planet.

We're finding objects millions of years old.

I don't believe we have, can you provide examples?

One of my favorites is the axe in stone.

Another are these little perfectly shaped balls that have odd characteristics.

Dude, that wasn't even the question.

Humans could have existed way longer than we thought in primitive form.

The topic was if societies more advanced than us existed. I pointed out sevreal reasons why a society even a 100 years ahead of us in tech would have left countless signs behind, even ones that outlast floods and planet-boiling meteors.

Humans have had myths of flying dragons that breath fire for ages too, yet there's no evidence of that. Myth is just that... myth. Part of the collective social experience of mankind.

Flying dragons? 100% existed. Pterodactyl. Just b/c we have a spooky name for something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Chupacabra. ooohhh myth. No its a species of coyote. Still the chucabra.

100% dont agree. Look at our advanced society. The only buildings which would last are some of our old gothic stone buildings and for how long?

After a very very short period of time nature takes its course. As I said were finding artifacts which could be a million years old at nearly the surface. What is a mile down?

If we all dissapeared right now. Please tell me what would survive?

Like idiots we are digitizing masses of information making it susceptible to disappearing and difficult to read.

To survive millions of years? Pyramid megaliths with massive stones. How many modern tech megaliths do we have?

No we are as fragile as a small meteor.

A very very advanced society could have existed.

LOL the pterodactyl didn't breath fire and is completely different than a mythical dragon.

Now you're just trolling.

We have satellites in orbits that don't meaningfully decay for millions of years.

You're not that bright are you?

No not at all.

See you have to take off your 'scary monster hat'.

Oddly when we name and describe a monster it becomes not a monster.

Think the first person to be eaten by a crocodile thought it was a monster?

Thats what my chupacabra reference was about.

Dragon = lizard? or dinosaur? Sure not at all very different.

Kimoda Dragon = monster?! No.

Pterodactyl and other flying lizards were monsters. Until we name them and give them a special name. That demystifies them. Makes them less scary. Its all in your head mind you. All in our head.

I take great umbrage with the idea that anyone could say that a flying lizard couldnt breathe fire.

A tiny crab shoots bullets of air.

A slithery worm like creature can shock you.

Now lets say fire was misinterpreted and the komodo dragon had a flying relative.

One bite by the komodo dragon and the venom/poison it leaves in your would might feel like fire.

Or maybe it spit acid like venom like some lizards do.

I suggest you (all of us) get off our high horse b/c we dont know jack about our planet RIGHT now!! We still in the past decade discovery life exists bottom of the ocean. Life exists in lava.

We now believe there may be non carbon based life - silicon based life.

This has been a journey and though youre kind of a rude myopic individual Ill share a story.

When I was about 10 I was looking at a globe and there was a giant octopus depicted. I argued with the teacher forever that maybe they was a giant octopus there and they were just depicting it as thats where it was seen. She viewed me as not very bright.

Another occasion I came across a giant snake drawing and the same argument ensued. The teacher sure as can be that no giant snakes exists and thats its all a myth and they are not large enough to eat people.

Well lo and behold 20 years later and boom giant octopus (squid? I forget) discovered to actually exist.

Same with the snake.

Now granted a lot of teachers are not very bright nor much of visionaries.

Point is we dont know much at all.

Ah the satellite. Very interesting point.

The black satellite is orbiting the earth and it would escape the violent decay of the earth. And it is believed to still be there.

So you can resort to name calling etc Idc. Ive read tons and watched hours about these issues and am grossly confident that we dont know very much at all.

Absolutely! I would rather read about this stuff anyways.

When you watch history being written in real time, and get everything SO WRONG, it leads me to wonder about the rest of history that I have only read about. How much of our current understanding of human history is merely the lies that could be gotten away with for political expedience in their own times?

Current generations pretend like our ancestors were no more knowledgable than primates with a better master of tools. It reminds me of how a teenager pretend their parents are stupid and don't understand anything. Humanity does that with our entire knowledge of history.

Then people find shit like this thet defies our understanding and assumptions about ancient civilizations and most tend to ignore it or make excuses to down play its signifigance.

How many times has our knowledge of human history been wiped?

As Napoleon said...history is a lied agreed to

Investigations by Freeth and Jones reveal that their simulated mechanism is not particularly accurate, the Mars pointer being up to 38° off at times. This is not due to inaccuracies in gearing ratios in the mechanism, but rather to inadequacies in the Greek theory. The accuracy could not have been improved until first Ptolemy put forth his Planetary Hypotheses in the second half of the second century AD and then the introduction of Kepler's Second Law in the early 17th century.

In addition to theoretical accuracy, there is the matter of mechanical accuracy. Freeth and Jones note that the inevitable "looseness" in the mechanism due to the hand-built gears, with their triangular teeth and the frictions between gears, and in bearing surfaces, probably would have swamped the finer solar and lunar correction mechanisms built into it:

That is from your link.

The quality and complexity of the mechanism's manufacture suggest that it has undiscovered predecessors made during the Hellenistic period.

After the knowledge of this technology was lost at some point in antiquity, technological works approaching its complexity and workmanship did not appear again until the development of mechanical astronomical clocks in Europe in the fourteenth century.

That was also from that link. I didn't suggest it was more advanced than today's technology or knowledge.

Isn't there a "dark side of the moon" where aliens live? what is going on there? Stupid me just found out recently that there is a side of the moon we NEVER see. strange!

According to HP Lovecraft's "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath", cats are not bound by natural laws and can slip through space and inhabit the darkside of the moon.

Haha so thats where Charlie Kelly gets it from in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia when he says "cats do not abide by the laws of nature." Its a scene where a cat somehow got stuck in Dee's wall and he's trying to explain how it got in haha

Weird, I swear sometimes my cat will walk through walls because its inside but I only let it outside so how the fuck did it get back in.

I think there needs to be some sort of filter or new sub. r/highstrangness doesn't get that much activity. This is sub is basically r/politics now.

100% agree. I've even started sorting by "Controversial".

No matter how large or small the crater, they all end at the same depth and keep the curve of the moon. As if there is a barrier under the surface that is extremely difficult to dent.

interesting. in all the pictures I have seen of the moon it looks like almost everything is entirely covered in dust. and there are no sharp angles or edges to anything. where is the dust coming from and what would cause erosion if there is no weather?

solar wind and micro collisions with space debri

Do Oxygen molecules have gravity? Are there just giant pockets of air floating around out there? I mean if they do have gravity then they could all stick together somewhere right?

Eveything with mass, even as miniscule as a molecule of oxygen has gravity. the gas giant planets like Jupiter have solid cores but the gas is what gives the planet its size and gravitational strength.

and your idea of pockets of oxygen forming clouds is not crazy, there is a giant "ort cloud" out there made up of gas so I don't see why what you proposed couldn't be a thing; however, the oxygen would probably be accompanied by other poisonus gases...also space is a vacuum so you need enough gas in one area tightly packed enough to be able to breath....our own atmosphere on earth is just that btw

Still pretty close.

The scale is from +10760 meter to -9150 meters a range of more than 20,000 meters / 65615 feet / 12.42 miles.

That isn't even remotely close.

the moon was all filmed at the top secret lookout mountain movie studio on top of laurel canyon, in the hollywood hills, while military brats decended on laurel canyon to distract in plain view.

every major "counter culture" rock hero from 1966 to 1970 were military brats, whose parents were all either top brass, like jim morrison, whose admiral dad completely made up the gulf of tonkin incident; or they were employed in top secret military instalations, like zappas's dad who worked on the atlas missile project creating our first intercontinental ballistic missles; or they themselves had military ties like john "mamas and pappas" phillips, who was appointed to the annapolis naval academy, and whose first wife and mother worked at the pentagon all their lives, or richie furay who worked for pratt & whitney before showing up in laurel canyon.

neither the byrds (except stills) nor the doors nor the mammas and the pappas and pretty much everyone else could play instruments. none of the byrds could sing but stills. the only reason any of the bands sounded good is because of extensive overdubing. all of their albums were recodrded by the session band the wrecking crew. when the byrds morphed into crobsy, stills, nash (and young), stills wrote all the songs, sang everything, played all of the instruments. buffalo springfield had to mime playing their instruments on tv.

all of theses closet military brats, many of whom went to school with each other on military bases, though they pretended to publically have met for the first time in laurel canyon, showed up simultaneously despite there being no rock clubs and no record companies in LA, esp laurel canyon.

also, they all showed up with enough songs to fill their first LP or did covers (like the byrds). they never reproduced the output or quality again, and most didn't seem to care at all because they were trust fund babies, which is how they could all afford masions in laurel canyon with having to work.

the made the whole focus on laurel canyon on them, and most chose to live in the lower canyon, not up top where the views are. so people looking at laurel canyon didn't even realize there was a top to it. everyone who came to the canyon was kept high on acid (this where the beatles first got introduced to it). the young actors who lived there were also kept dosed up. anyone who went there had drugs and 12 year old girls thrown their way.

even if someone did notice the studio on look out mountain or heard anything about the moon, everyone would assume they were high or delusional. if they persisted, they'd just be added to the enormous laurel canyon questionable suicide or theirvhouse would be burnt down with them in it (lots of burnt down houses. bands even loved to feature the remains of these hiuses on their album covers).

sharon tate probably was blabbing about moon movies...

for what it's worth, i think brian wilson wrote all of the first sets of songs, it would explain their commercial appeal and how people who were neither singers nor songwriters nor muscians could all produce such perfect 3 part harmony songs, brian wilson's rare talent....mammas and pappas clearly didn't write their stuff. they were in the USVI when the songs were written according to themselves...hardly the place to be inspired by dreams of CA to escape the cold and grey. none of them had even been to CA at that point.

brian wilson had handlers and minders for most of his life starting 1966, he also had fugue states and dissociative disorder...UCLA was an easy jaunt...

nice do you have any sources for any of this information?

I just did a search..... here you go .... Interesting stuff, have never heard about any of this

The Buffalo Springfield/CSNY part is bullshit, Neil Young is one of the most talented musicians and songwriters ever. Listen to his solo stuff, he's an incredible performer.

Did you read that book posted a few weeks ago aswell? I enjoyed that, shame the author died before finishing it.

Lennon and Harrison were the first Beatles introduced to LSD by their dentist in London in 1965.

It's a well known story.

The first time they knowingly/purposely took it was in California while having a break during one of their tours. Paul didn't take it but the others did.

Pauls' first time was, I believe, with Tara Browne in 1966.

.every major "counter culture" rock hero from 1966 to 1970 were military brats

Sure bud.

The n post something bro

I did... you just commented on my post. it has sparked some discussions. hopefully it inspires more people to post some stuff other than politico mumbo jumbo. we all need a break right?

here read this stuff. it is at least interesting and not polical stuff

your comment by the way brings absolutely nothing to the table. I mean my post might not have much substance initially but look at the comments there are interested people here talking about things.

You came because you are getting sick of seeing Trump getting brought into everything and then immediately brought Trump into it and offered NOTHING of substance to stimulate conversation. There are plenty of people willing to discuss this stuff here. Just go for it and don't worry about sharing the front page with other topics.

This is community driven. If you are not posting the kinds of things you would want to talk about, why do you think anybody else is going to do it for you?

Sure let's talk about the moon. Did you know that with an IR, contactless, thermometer, you can tell that an object half in the shade and half in direct sunlight is hotter on the side in the light? Yes, of course, but that's the sun. Did you know that if you do the same thing with direct moonlight, it's the opposite? The side in the shade will be warmer, because moonlight lowers temperatures; the moon's light is unique by all accounts. We're all taught that the moon is a sphere, which yes it sure looks like one, but we're also taught that moonlight is reflected sun light. Spheres make very poor reflectors, and the moon emits light evenly across the entire face that's lit. We're taught that the moon has no transparency, but we see the blue/black of the day/night sky behind it every day and night. Rarely (once in a blue moon if I can make a bad joke), a star can be seen through the transparent side of the moon, which is the inspiration for the Islamic flag. We're told that her apparent, once-a-day rotation around us, is an illusion caused by the world spinning, but really the moon, like the sun and stars, takes about 24hrs to go around the dome. Moonlight reflects on water, much the same way as the sun, which demonstartes their self-illuminacity and closeness. We're also taught that the sun is about 400x bigger and about 400x further away than the moon, which is why they appear the same size, particularly in eclipses. Things in the sky sure add-up and work together in strange ways for having all been made by an accidental, random, explosion.

The sun and moon are two opposite, but equally designed, yin yang-y, orbs of awesome.

The moon appears transparent (blue) because the atmosphere is between it and our eyes. The sky is blue is because of the way our atmosphere filters sunlight.

You provided a very interesting read, but do you have any evidence of a star appearing in front of the moon?

Even if you had "proof" any picture can be photoshopped so everyone would call it a fake, youwould have to see it with your own eyes.

Sure, but everyone sees the same moon, so there would likely be multiple independent sources of that type of imagery.

I was just a cursory search, but I couldn't find any images or videos online that weren't easily explainable.

One thing that no one talks about regarding the yin-yang nature of the Sun and Moon (interesting shape- their path over the earth?), is that if the Sun is light and obviously brings and represents life, what does that tell you about the Moon? The Moon may represent death. Life comes from the Sun, so maybe life goes to the Moon, as in, the Moon could be a soul vault to go where we die, only to be recycled at the next eclipse. Lunacy, perhaps, just a thought.



If you think about it in terms of hot and cold, heat takes life and the cold preserves it. For instance, if you leave meat out in the sun it'll rot, but if you leave it out on a cold night or in snow it will remain 'fresh' for longer.

That's a good point. People have been measuring moonlight with ir and finding it cold, which makes sense. I had a dream that the Moon collects our life force/spirit after death. What it does with the souls would obviously remain a mystery, but like you said, there is a coldness in the Moon which could preserve them like a freezer. I don't believe the Sun and Moon being the same size in the sky is an accident. One is the opposite of the other, and only one gives life. Just like in the rest of existence, there is balance with these brightest of objects in the sky, yin and yang.

. People have been measuring moonlight with ir and finding it cold, which makes sense.

No they haven't.

Yes they have. Okay, now your turn.

because moonlight lowers temperatures; the moon's light is unique by all accounts.

No it doesn't. No it isn't.

.Did you know that with an IR, contactless, thermometer, you can tell that an object half in the shade and half in direct sunlight is hotter on the side in the light

Of course, using kindergarten level experimental design.

.The side in the shade will be warmer, because moonlight lowers temperatures

Literally laughing out loud at this.

.> taught that the moon has no transparency, but we see the blue/black of the day/night sky behind it every day and night.

LOL another knee slapper.

No we don't.

Rarely (once in a blue moon if I can make a bad joke), a star can be seen through the transparent side of the moon, which is the inspiration for the Islamic flag.

Wrong again.

Yes please.

This should be a huge focus of discussion all the time. Whether it's a breakaway civilization, ancient technology, aliens on Earth, aliens in general or whatever, that is the root to a lot of the activity of the MIT and the elite. Antarctica and gobekli tepi are the most intriguing that most people are dismissive of.

You mean something like the X-37 that they say orbited for a year or so, but could really be resupplying a moon base that's buried on the opposite side. After all they already have satellites that can see a bar of soap from space. No info is ever given about these missions and each one carries some kind of payload that is unknown.

You mean something like the X-37 that they say orbited for a year or so, but could really be resupplying a moon base that's buried on the opposite side.

It is physically too small to do as you suggest.

lol, giants, time travelling, alien humanoid bigfoot moon base creatures.....

This is a conspiracy sub, not a supernatural/paranormal sub. There's a big difference. The meaning of conspiracy is two or more people planning something in secret. We are here to track conspiracies, lies and narratives created by men to further their own agenda. We should also have a paranormal/fantasy sub for the bigfoot timetravelling spaghetti monster stuff, too, though.

There could be conspiracies involving all of those, including political conspiracies.

Yes! In the current sticky we've announced a new weekly discussion feature that will be distinctly apolitical in nature.

Each week will focus on a different topic, with an emphasis on the highly fringe and esoteric.

I guarantee that both the moon and the obfuscation of human history will be mentioned!


Just out of curiosity, what aspect of the "moon" are you referring to?

Moon landing conspiracies are fun, but I'm much more fascinated by the discrepancies of the origin of the moon itself.

Years ago I got my hands on a rare book by Don Wilson called "Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon" that was an absolutely riveting read, even if it's entirely in the realm of science fiction.

I think a "moon anomaly" thread would be really fun.

I like structures on the moon. there are pictures of things that definitely don't look natural. the moon is just so damn magical the amount of mystery around it tickles my curiosity. I got a telescope last Christmas and that is the only thing in the sky I care to look at. a mod commented to me in this thread about a weekly stickied thread about just this type of thing so we will hopefully see those kicking of soon.

Moon was placed there around 15'000 years ago. Space isn't quite what we have been indoctrinated to believe. The moon is a type of craft that is within the plasma level. The level between our atmosphere and outer space. This is a highly pressurized and charged area. As it separates our dense physical plane from the the lighter astral densities.

You may not believe a word of this but the Sun is also in the plasma. It's not a million miles away, or whatever. Both sun and moon are within the electromagnetic plasma.

How is that for fringe?

You are a flat earther aren't you?

No. I'm if anything a Torus earther. It's a mix of flat and sphere.

Thank the gods.

I have a feeling mods will continue to suppress discussion about the shape of the earth, no? Anything fringe and esoteric but that, am I right? Talk about obfuscation.

It's pearl shaped right? Or maybe grape shaped.

I think Neil Tyson called it apple bottom, or pear shaped or some ridiculous thing. I think it's funny I see people here saying how they believe we're in the Matrix, this is a simulation, or it's all an illusion, but no the earf can't be flat! 😁 Peer pressure (pear pressure?) and shills keep people from touchng that one, no matter what other theories they entertain.

Is it possible that these people have looked into this before and come to the conclusion its bs themselves?

Oh oh pick me. I heard the flat earth theory and at first I was like whaaaa these are some fucking whakados. Then I listened to some stuff read some stuff watched some videos and chatted with real life flat earthers when I came to the conclusion on my own. These are some fuckin whackados. The erf ain't flat yo it just ain't. And I don't mean like it ain't flat because it's got mountains and I mean it ain't flat like it is a 3D ball floating in the vast emptiness of space get over it. Right?

There is clearly an ongoing and vigorous discussion on it. Of course some think it is bs and move on when they see it, same with any topic such as aliens or politics. But others are interested in investigating and debating further so there is no reason to deliberately suppress it. Many flat earth posts get hundreds or even thousands of comments, yet all flat earth posts instantly get sent to "controversial." That can only be done by mods. What is there to hide?

Here's one. I believe there is a terran "secret space program" but it is not what people believe.

There are clandestine military space assets and maybe even bases on various moons, and they may have varying degrees of space tech, but this is not the "secret space program."

You see, I believe we actually make it this time around and prosper as a civilization for a long while. Which means eventually we master very important tech, anti-gravity, time tech, speed of light, warp drives, dematerialization tech (which I think goes hand in hand with warp tech and true gravity independent movement), and massive energy generation.

Then we start building massive space fleets. You see, if you have those components, all you really have to do is quarry a massive vein of metal and cut out your spaceships like obelisks (solid blocks of metal), tunnel out living and machining quarters, install the above equipment, and voila you have a space ship.

You can tunnel undergound into massive veins of metal and cut out a 4x4x10km dreadnought made of pure kilometer thick metal, equip it, and phase/dematerialize it out of the ground.

Space fleets, with time travel.

It's very likely that at some very high level of our current reality the militaries of our world have contact with the future Earth Defense Forces.

So that's what I believe the secret space program really is. The future, protecting the past.

We are talking about flying mountain ranges by the way. This is the scope.

Lot's of ufo videos that you see, you seem to believe there are a few ufos equidistant from each other, and they pop on and off, appearing in different locations... those are massive space cruisers that are actually mostly phased out and translucent. They are blinking and modulating various surface lights on it's exterior hull.

Why are they appearing? You never know. For example, they might have detected an incoming threat coming to Earth at that time-space point and warp in a massive dreadnought to ward off any potential situations or penetrations to Earth. Or they may be on a simple tour of duty, jumping around space time testing how humans are evolving and reacting to our future presence.

Could also be the lizard people we use to hear about in the skins of the world leaders... (sigh) kinda miss reading about the lizard people talk.

Only got to see half of this earlier, but I'm pretty sure this dude (director of District 9) knows whats up. Lizard people I'm sure are for real.

I literally have this open in another tab waiting to be watched.

I think reptilian civilizations exist and we've been to war with them and we will war again in the future. I think our problem with current leaders in the world is a demonic infestation bred from our lack of morality and compassion. I think we need to eliminate the demons and vampires of the human race and continue to progress unhindered by the chains of evil forces.

At some point the growth and change towards the positive becomes exponential. If we're being suppressed to not achieve a reality like the above then the future cannot help us because it does not exist. At some point though, we create enough of a possibility that we do continue to evolve that the future can reach back and pull us exponentially forward.

Yes and I do mean materially and physically pull us forward.

You can talk about whatever you want. Make a post with some good info and see where it goes.

I hate these whiny type posts.

I dunno man, this might just be a simulation. Really, how could we ever be sure it isn't? Just have to get on with it, you know that song about being meant for so much more than this? It seems so wasteful, that can happen easily when value is unknown. Smh

be the change you want to see in the world. try submitting a post about the moon or ancient civs, except this time, just make it about that and dont bring up politics at all.

This thread is doing good on its own. Started a few conversations in itself. I was at work on a break when I posted it so I didn't really look up anything special to talk about but now I have plenty of good reading material. Thanks for the suggestion though

How about some international conspiracy stuff? I don't hear much out of Europe or Asian, but you guys must have something?

Literally all the answers



nice do you have any sources for any of this information?

no not per say but just look at theoretical physics there is stuff we are learning constantly that defies what we thought was even in the realm of possibility.

The Buffalo Springfield/CSNY part is bullshit, Neil Young is one of the most talented musicians and songwriters ever. Listen to his solo stuff, he's an incredible performer.

Eveything with mass, even as miniscule as a molecule of oxygen has gravity. the gas giant planets like Jupiter have solid cores but the gas is what gives the planet its size and gravitational strength.

and your idea of pockets of oxygen forming clouds is not crazy, there is a giant "ort cloud" out there made up of gas so I don't see why what you proposed couldn't be a thing; however, the oxygen would probably be accompanied by other poisonus gases...also space is a vacuum so you need enough gas in one area tightly packed enough to be able to breath....our own atmosphere on earth is just that btw

Sure, but everyone sees the same moon, so there would likely be multiple independent sources of that type of imagery.

I was just a cursory search, but I couldn't find any images or videos online that weren't easily explainable.

Did you read that book posted a few weeks ago aswell? I enjoyed that, shame the author died before finishing it.

Lennon and Harrison were the first Beatles introduced to LSD by their dentist in London in 1965.

It's a well known story.

The first time they knowingly/purposely took it was in California while having a break during one of their tours. Paul didn't take it but the others did.

Pauls' first time was, I believe, with Tara Browne in 1966.

.every major "counter culture" rock hero from 1966 to 1970 were military brats

Sure bud.

secret genetics experiments on human subjects bruh.