How about this - this sub is full of people with various ideologies. It's not a cult. Don't expect everyone in this sub to agree with you. Stop your snowflake nonsense.

2  2017-06-16 by [deleted]



this could be a good discussion starter but the all caps will get it taken down. maybe repost

I agree. But it feels.good man

You are doing "Primal Scream Therapy" with CAPS, and it works? :-D
Cool :)

Whats with all these posts by people who's never commented or posted here before? They all seem to be coming from The_Donald.

I think you are trying to drive my point home aren't you.

Congrats your first post here and now your first comment here. Now if you could just figure out what a conspiracy theory is you might fight right in here.

Def not my first post here, but nice try

Your right you had two 6 months ago

And that means.... What? Do you have a rational point to make?

Yeah just like I said in my first comment.

Repeat question

No thanks.

Boo hoo mommy those other people.from.the Donald come and post stuff... Reeeeeee

Came here to say the exact same thing. Its always interesting when we see a new trend like this. What are they trying to accomplish? More division? More angst?

I know the obvious fake concern is what bothers me the most.

This is how I see it - this sub seems to be the only other sub that has posts that are also found on T_D because of the conspiracy angle (Seth Rich, pizzagate, DNC/election favoritism, Clinton emails, etc). Because of that, there ends up being a lot of overflow of other T_D posts that really don't fit here - and that a lot of people don't like as being so pro- a certain administration doesn't fit with a lot of conspiracy theorists.

/r/conspiracy's very own battle!

Is that any different from normal life? People tell others what they can or can't believe or do?

P. S. You are doing the exact same thing as you are telling others not to.

Not really... but again, nice try

So you didn't tell people what to think and that they are week and hive minded if they don't agree with you.

My bad.

Your logic is poor, sorry for your feelings

That seems to be the feeling of the hive minded people like you.


Sounds like a tweet from trump.

Shut up Meg!

this is a version of the insensitive conspiracy theorist

Hey pal, did you just call me a snowflake?

Fuck your feelings.

Trump supporters are spamming this sub hard right now.

You guys are too transparent.

Are the mods asleep right now?

Yeah just like I said in my first comment.

That seems to be the feeling of the hive minded people like you.