We can pay protestors to march on DC but it would cost about $10,000 a day to do it.

3  2017-06-16 by LightBringerFlex

This would eliminate the problem with people being to busy to protest since their job would be to protest.

We would be able to run 100 protestors every day for about $10,000 a day if we pay them $11 - $12 an hour. This includes money for water, food, and signs.

We can easily afford this if many people donate to a central fund to get this going. GoFundMe is a massive fundraising source for the public at:


This would cost $300,000 a month so we would need to raise about a million to keep the protest going for at least 3 months. We can also continue to fund raise during these 3 months for the 4th month and on.

The 100 protestors would be the nucleus of our march on DC. This nucleus of paid protestors will attract many more free protestors who want to join the cause simply for the cause itself. Our 100 paid protestors will not only jump start the march, but it will also prevent the march from dying out in its early phases when it is most vulnerable.

1 million may sound like a lot of money but its doable and it would buy us our first 3 months. This will give us enough time to strategize for long term goals as we see the progress we make with this strategy.

All we need is 1 hero with enough time to dedicate themselves to this project. This will start a domino effect that will lead us into a new planet of peace. Times have changed because the world woke up a year ago. A serious march on DC will be seen in all 4 corners of the world and it would trigger insane amounts of motivation to all the frustrated citizens of the world. That motivation will lead to positive actions randomly across the world which would further the cause.

All this attention we draw by marching on DC will set off the next domino and the rest of the dominoes will pretty much take care of themselves and we would win.

Human beings have done many amazing things including sending people to the moon, building freeways across the world, ect... I'm sure we can manage to raise a million for a march.


Paid protests ruin the point of protesting imo

Ya but what choice do we have? People need money to survive otherwise we would have protestors in DC right now.

But think about it, 12 an hour is more than a lot of people (including myself) get paid. I'd rather have protesters that are driven by emotion and genuinely believe in the cause than paid protesters who may not care what the message is as long as they get a paycheck. I just feel like protesters being paid takes away from the legitimacy.

The problem is we need both but it's easy to find. We need real concerned citizens who have to get paid to stay afloat and pay rent. We can also take in volunteers but the 100 core protesters has to stay put. We give them a paycheck to help cover expenses they could have are from regular work.

I get it the purity of volunteers but in today's world, if you don't pay your rent, you get kicked to the curb. We want our nucleus of protestors to stay put or else the whole thing can fall apart.

How can I help?

Can you run the fund raising at gofundme.com? That is our starting point.

I don't know anything about it but I am willing to learn.i can work on it tomorrow.

Great. Keep us updated. We will be your support.

White/Asian lives matter idk?

So you want to be George Soros and fund you own Colour Revolution?

That moron Soros is trying to start a civil war. I'm talking about a peaceful but very assertive march.

No I DO believe you have noble intentions, but history remembers actions, not motivations.

If this worked, someone with more resources would ruin everything you worked for using your own methods against you.

Soros is already doing that now. However, We are doing nothing. This needs to change asap.

Except it's on behalf of the people, not the banking class.

So you are doing this for the proletariats?

I don't hate your thinking. It does lack a natural feel because they are being paid but you could always "hire" people via an actual interview process that verifies that they truly care about the cause.

It may sound fucked up but the stoner without a job who simply holds a sign saying he wants no government is not going to be taken as serious as a well dressed person making $20 an hour and can actually finish a correct sentence.

I'd say it less about appearance and more about delivery. It's how we protest that matters. At this point, anything I say better than nothing though.

What happens if after 3 months nothing has changed?

It wouldn't be imposisble for nothing to change. Thing if it like filling a tank of gas. When the tank is full, we win. 3 months of peotesting and broadcasting the protest would fill up a lot of gas in the tank.

It all adds up but we can take this thing into hyperdrive which is in all of our best interests. The faster the tank fills, the faster we attain freedom. These protests help the process move faster.

How about instead of protesting D.C., even though it would be nice... instead we could be protesting in front of banks and the federal reserve, or the BIS or the IMF. If we managed to cut off their money supply for even one day, it would be catastrophic for the elites. Clearly the root of all problems isn't government as much as the people who are paying the politicians to do their bidding.

Those who control the money, control the world.

So what signs would we hold in front of banks? Shutdown federal reserve? Banks would be much easier though since they are local.

More or less crowding around the banks to limit the daily amount of currency going in and out. Also makes the employees nervous to go to work. No employees, cash transactions or important paperwork to be done. Just a though, might be a little over the top but I mean, you wouldn't cut the snakes tail off to kill it right? Gotta go right for the head.

Protest against what? Or are you just floating a concept? If you can raise a million for a march you might be better suited to hire lobbyists for your cause.

Protest against the deep state.

Humans have done many amazing things such as sending people to the moon


You may be on the wrong subreddit.

How can I help?

I don't know anything about it but I am willing to learn.i can work on it tomorrow.