Not a conspiracy really, but I don't where else to post this. Why do so many poor people seem to blindly support crony capitalism even though it's the reason they're a wage slave with no life?

52  2017-06-16 by [deleted]

Is the entire country temporarily embarrassed millionaires?

Do most people truly believe if they just "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" and "work hard" they will one day be rich too lol?



This. The education system is set up to crush free thinking and indoctrinate corporate values.

Because people are stupid willfully ignorant in the information age. I highly doubt most people ponder what forces are against them in their every day lives, and are instead easily manipulated and entertained.

cognitive dissonace



and ignorance

most have never heard of wage slavery and most who do refuse to believe wage slavery is real.

it is a conspiracy. anything with propaganda and dogma attached to it is a conspiracy.

To be fair it is extremely depressing to consider the fact that nearly everything around you has been set up to condition you to willingly become and continue to be a wage slave.

Poverty trains you to jealously guard your self-interest and treat the world as a hostile entity. It skews your view of human nature. Highfalutin ideals are not a path out of poverty.

Manufactured consent.

It is literally a cycle of systematic abuse the elites have created.

Hey! I just added you earlier!

How do I add back?

The poor will shit on the destitute before they ever shit on the rich.

Kanye's take on Steinbeck:

Claiming money is the key, so keep on dreamin

And put them lottery tickets just to tease us

And put them lottery tickets just to tease us

The new American dream; get rich, quick.

Can substitute professional athlete or entertainer in lieu of "lottery tickets." These require more effort, but offer equally long-shot odds of success.

LBJ explained it: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Because communist states and dictatorships have failed in the past, at the expense of their peoples' suffering. This is used as propaganda to force us to use capitalism, instead of other experimental economic systems that have worked in the past. Everything in the country is structured around capitalism and materialistic goods. If there weren't so many fucking trees in the world, then people would try and make you pay for the air you breathe too.

It'll take something traumatic to crash this. Another economic crash, one serious enough to disrupt the political process and governmental functions. And with the student loan debt bubble, the housing market, and other issues like medical insurance, it's bound to happen. And when it does, it's going to happen big. Think post-USSR destabilized Russia big.

Crony Capitalism aka Socialism

You mean Corporatism.

You mean Corporatism.

Same thing.

I'm stealing someone else's comment I saw yesterday or something, but I liked how they put it.
A guy starting a body shop repairing cars is capitalism.

Comcast lobbying successfully to get rid of net neutrality is corporatism.

It's obviously not a literal definition, but via example they're translated over the essential difference bedwetting the two. I feel like corporatism is when capitalism gets into government. Which is just a symptom itself I guess of capitalism being poorly implemented late-stage.

The economy is based on a scarcity model. The idea is that resources even time is limited so everyone in the system scrounges for scraps. The whole system is rigged. Unless you over turn the system there really isn't much anyone can do. You are poor with communism and you are poor with capitalism. As newton said: it's better to make the rules than to follow them. Elites made these rules long ago and humanity unfortunately is very naive and has perpetuated a system that does not benefit anyone except a few evil people at the top.

Why do so many poor people seem to blindly support crony capitalism even though it's the reason they're a wage slave with no life?

So many more don't. The tides are turning. Hopefully people like Rand Paul will make more and more of a difference going forward.

Do most people truly believe if they just "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" and "work hard" they will one day be rich too lol?

Regardless, there is honor in hard work. Whether it enables you to fulfill your hearts desires or not is another thing.

Our work ethic has gone to shit, entitlement is rampant.

Dems are convinced that they can't get a leg up because of corrupt big business stealing profits from hardworking americans, downsizing, and globalizing. The answer to them is to vote democrat.

Reps are convinced that they can't get a leg up because of bloated government regulations and high taxes cause too much of a burden on corporations incentivising them to cut wages, move jobs overseas, and downsize. Their answer is to vote republican.

What the average person doesn't see is that central banking controls both government and corporation, to maintain total global dominance and control over the 99.9999% of the people. If people switched to crypto to avoid taxes and bypass banks, the entire power structure would crumble overnight.

If people switched to crypto to avoid taxes

what would happen to infrastructure, schooling, healthcare if no one pays tax?

The system isnt holding poor people back. Poor people are holding poor people back. If you want something in this life you have to work for it. I dint mean work towards a that full time minimum wage job. I meam work towards independence and financial freedom. Until you are in charge of your financial freedom you are never truely free.

Because the education system that they are subjected to while helplessly young insists upon it.

Hey! I just added you earlier!