If Reptilians are a CIA psyop, why have these entities appeared in the history of countless civilizations over the course of human history?

59  2017-06-17 by [deleted]


Ive always wondered why Reptilians? If someone is gonna make up something why reptile people? Almost too strange to not be true I guess.

Cool music video and song

I think the idea is lizards came before mammalians on an evolutionary scale. Meaning that if evolution is convergent lizards might have evolved elsewhere in the universe or even on the planet earth and have been intelligent. Humans evolved from ape like creatures which evolved from lizard like creatures. If you look into "Triune Brain Theory." that is where some of these ideas are coming from.

I have never ever heard that.

Cool thanks. I'll check it out.

Obviously people see snakes and have conversations with snakes when they do hallucinogens. That doesn't necessarily mean that trans-dimensional snakes exist. It might mean there is evolutionary advantage to interpreting certain sensory patterns as snake-like threats.


This is what Jordan Peterson thinks.

Perhaps there is something about snake people they throws our subconscious out of whack.

Same with elves. The reoccurring consistent images and archetypes are consistent because human consciousness is consistent. We think we're learning and growing, the information is and always has been available to all, although humans are possessive animals so there is a small percent at the top who've hoarded it.

I've seen an elve, as did 4 other friends of mine. I was on a hallucinogen, they were not and we were in a very remote area. I had trouble believing it was real because I was hallucinating but realized it was real when it came toward us and picked my friend up.

Wait, what are elves? Because I'm picturing a Christmas elf and I know that's not it. Any links to anything I could look at would be appreciated!

Tis the season to be jolly, lmao! 🎄

Those aren't what I'm talking about. The "tykes" are different.

Not even close. Study the mythology. They were conflated with fairies and reduced into a cutesy Keebler form you see now. This was when I was young, before I knew what they were really like. They are tall and have long silver hair with silver eyes. They are also very dangerous. I've encountered them three times. Modern brits have run into them. I read a recent account where some gentry were hunting in the blacklands and came upon dense fog. They wandered into it and met a being as I described. He told them this was not their territory and to turn back. The men were very scared and asked who or what he was and he told them he was one of the old ones. He stated "we hate your kind and if not for the truce would've wiped you all way long ago."

Read more here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aos_S%C3%AD

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aos_S%C3%AD

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Definitely not a psy-op. The Draco are very real. As are several other 'reptilian' races, including positive ones too... They are the basis of all dragon culture in Asia.

In actuality there are humanoid ETs who resemble many animal archetypes, as depicted in many ancient art works. Canine and Lion-headed people from Sirius... And of course the Blue Avians, authors of the Law of One - contacts of Corey Goode.

I have trouble believing this is plausible. Am I missing something?

It's not meant to be easy. If it's all true, it needed to be repressed for some reason.

given enough time, all things are plausible....and we live in an ancient unfathomably large universe

Seems like it's only just started.

We are all slowly become more able to process this concept because of the dissolving of the 'veil', and also out current state of ascension or consciousness awareness.

I would say to keep an open mind, because all of this will make more sense soon.

Exactly. The moment you close your mind off to any possibilities, that is when you stop growing as a conscious being.

Maybe the true identity of the reptilians is what is being covered up.

I've had an encounter and communication with a large snake in another dimension when drinking a cup of Ayahuasca in the Peruvian jungle. Will never forget that amazing experience.

Very interesting. Do you remember what was communicated? Do you mind sharing?

Yes of course. There were no physical words exchanged between the both of us. The snake's face was about 1/2 the size of mine. The snake was mostly sizing me up after I had purged from the plant medicine. I remember inviting the snake to enter inside my mouth into my body but he acknowledged that this was not necessary since I was already on the right path. I felt like a million $s after the ceremony and hallucinations were over.

Did you kick him in the nutz for me for being the bane and suffering of man through mental and trans trans-dimensional fuckery?

Like after everything you hear about them I don't know how you weren't ready to defend yourself let alone invite the emotional leech inside you?

I never felt threatened when I had seen the image of him. Now if I had actually seen this same snake in my physical senses world, I would probably shit myself.

It is know that people see more than snakes when ingesting the Ayahuasca. The next morning our group got together to discus what others had seen. We had people recount images of snakes, jaguars, owls, and even brown bears. Each animal represents a certain characteristic of a human being and there were always messages behind the reason of seeing them. Our Shaman had told us that the snake was the most common seen animal when under the Aya.

My interpretation of the entire experience is this. We are all ONE and all interconnected to one another. G-d-Stars-Earth-Water-Plants-Animals-Humans and everything in between, below and above. There was absolutely nothing wrong with seeing the serpent and receiving any message from him whether it was good or bad. We are all ONE.

The more information you receive from any source the more educated you are in making decisions in your life. The powers at be could have made people believe that serpents aka reptilian's were this nefarious beings. I personally didn't believe this even after my experience and I would say I am good hearted in nature.

Thank you for the response! Yeah, pretty much all information around it's use involves deep healing and how it works. I just had to ask because I really do wonder.

And like you said

The powers at be could have made people believe that serpents aka reptilian's were this nefarious beings.

Certainly has to be taken into account.

Exactly my friend. Always question everything and be open to anything. Use your instincts to make an informed decision with all the information available to you and don't allow anyone to just spoon feed you the information without evidence behind it.

They are just people. There will be good and bad. The Dracos in particular live under a totalitarian dictatorship. Their royalty can do as they please whilst the lower classes are forced to do their bidding.

Essentially, the Draco suffer and their leaders want our future to be the same as the lower classes in their empire.

Fascinating. What path are you on?

The path of greatest happiness. If one path doesn't suit my greatest happiness, I move to the next path in order to achieve the goal.

Aesthetically a beautiful philosophy. However, it wreaks of Lucifer. I believe you interacted with a demonic entity. Do not be deceived my friend. There is only one path to true joy an that is through the salvation of Jesus Christ

I would have to disagree with your statement. Before the ceremony the Shaman had made sure to clear the space of any demonic beings. I'm not Christian or Catholic so the salvation through Jesus Christ is not my way. There is nothing wrong with you following your heart to him but for me my salvation is to the ultimate creator, G-d.

I guess the millions of people who lived before Christianity was invented ~2000 years ago (compared to the minimum of 200k years humans have been around) are all going to hell then since Jesus wasn't around.

Everyone has a human right to believe in what ever religion, new age thinking, atheist, and other point of view. It's not my business to change or be effected by how people feel other people should do according to their religion.

I just feel a religion that dictates that you're either in with us or your as good as dead is where religion fails as a whole.

Jesus brought with him the new covenant which nullified the old covenant. The old covenant was in place before his coming and came with a whole different set of commands

And he reported to have said (hundreds of years after his supposed exsistence) to follow the old book.

I'm sorry I'm not following, what do you mean?

The messiah mentioned in the new testament He said to revere the old books. He was a jew. He followed the old testament. He thinks you should too. So ask yourself... would you like more Leviticus in your daily life.

Yes he did. But he also brought with him the new covenant which nullifies many of the commands of the old covenant including the Jewish law recorded in Leviticus. It's clear to me that your understanding of Biblical text is extremely limited so let me explain. The Bible is comprised of different kinds of texts including historical, doctrinal, metaphorical, parables, and more. Most of what people tend to quote in order to demonize Christianity like you have comes from uncontextualized Old Testament historical record of old covenant Jewish law and goes further to prove or own theological ignorance than your original point. This is not in fact doctrinal Christian teaching. Christians at the most basic level believe the path to salvation lies in Jesus Christ alone, not through works or acts or sacrificial rituals. Christians are called to believe in Christ's death and resurrection, accept his forgiveness, and spread the gospel of the good news to every corner of the Earth.

Christians are the biggest hypocrites out there. Basing anything on the bastardized versions of some bronze age writings they pick and chose from gets us no where.

Wallowing in fantasy is not how modern man should live.

Accept the bible as a book of parables or fables... fine. Think it is the actual word of some supernatural critter... get off my lawn.

I find it hard to believe that adults believe this nonsense. And they get to drive and vote as well is beyond ridiculous.

And you are a jerk. Come across all holier than thou? Pretty sure the fable called Jeebus didn't want you to be an asshole. .. but you defy him, hypocrite.

I apologize if I came across arrogant. Believe what you want, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. But I'm not going to allow you to misrepresent Christian theology which is what you were doing.

I ain't misrepresenting anything. Just pointing out how Christians have pick and chosen the bits they like and dislike since the beginning.

This world doesn't need half the population slowing progress by following bronze aged parables and delving into fantasy at every turn.

Education and religiosity are statistically mutually opposed on this contintent and around the world.

A Christian capitalist is such hypocrisy it is laughable. Future man is atheist and will be "more Christ-like" than any of his present day followers.

I long for the day that religion is outlawed. It has been a hindrance to humanity for millenia.

I thank God we live in a free country where your radicalism can't be imposed on the rights of others to believe what they will

Ha. And if they keep paring down the education system as they have been more people will grow up believing bronze age fantasies are real.

If we make education a basic human right, religion would be out the door.

Look at countries with higher standards for educating their people and what do you see?

The better the education system the lower the levels of religiosity.

Now why would that be?

Your camp is fighting to get creationism taught in science classroom?!?! Noah's ark? Come on. Only a moron or child would think that parable is reality.

Religion is a growing pain of our society. Eventually we will rise up. Every day people lose the shackles of narrow minded view points and ridiculous versions of history.

By the time it is over we won't need to ban anything... numbers so low churches will dry up and blow away in the wind... or get turned in to daycare centers. Or better... schools.

You speak like a religious fanatic, devoid of objectivity and blinded by your own bias. Your atheism has become your faith and you are unable or unwilling to see that your world view requires just as much, if not more faith than my own.

Yeah that's not how this works. Lack if belief in bronze age superstitions is not a faith.

I put my faith in my fellow men.

As religions claws get slowly yanked from every aspect of our lives more and more will see that they do not need to take part in these fantasies. Fantasies that if a child came up with, they would be at a therapist immediately.

The artificially padded numbers of the religious are waning. People dont answer census questions with "Christian. ..I guess" any more. They say none.

My side has nearly every scientist in the world... yours? Ken Ham. A greedy fool who would do anything for a few more dollars. Man walked with dinosaurs... please. I prefered the day when your camp just denied dinosaurs existed.

Noah's ark being taken as a literal tale is so, well... stupid that I can't believe people think it's fact. Massive logic flaws but to point them out gets you sent to a corner in Sunday school.

Enjoy living a fantasy. Enjoy believing you will get your reward when you die.

All a scam to keep you content with your lot in life. And to not try and stop those in power as they will "get judged by god" when they die.


It ain't just your bananas that are toxic.

Keep standing for the Truth Toxic Banana. Most people on the conspiracy forum are deceived, thinking they can choose many paths, but as the bible says " Wide is the path that leads to destruction, but narrow is the path that leads to everlasting life.

Thank you brother. Your encouragement is very timely. Let your shine, the world needs it now more than ever.

A book that you may be interested in is called 'The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge.' It's a really good read and not too long. https://www.amazon.com/Cosmic-Serpent-DNA-Origins-Knowledge/dp/0874779642

I purchased and read that book from Amazon. The book lead me to find that many cultures all over the world for 1000s of years were referring to the serpent connecting to humans through our DNA.

I had a San Pedro ceremony in Peru myself. It was truly enlightening and real noticeable, positive changes have occurred to prompt me on a path of happiness. I will be going back for an ayahuasca ceremony in the near future when the funds are gathered! Another good read is 'The Science Delusion' by Rupert Sheldrake (A sort of counter to Richard Dawkins' God Delusion)

ayahuasca ceremony

How do people set up visits to do this? I take it a normal travel agent doesn't sell ayahuasca tourist packages.

Ayahuasca experience should not be treated as a tourist package. People don't go to AA meetings as a Disney world trip. It's a place you go to for a physical, mental, spiritual healing.

If your interested in finding the right retreat you can visit Ayaadvisors.org. Do your research from there. This website is like the yelp reviews for Ayahuasca. After you find the retreat which you fee comfortable with you will the proceed to purchase airplane and bus/car transportation. You basically piece everything together.

Will definitely check out this book. Thank you for the share.

I never had San Pedro. Wonder how different it is than Ayahuasca.

I believe that ayahuasca is more to do with the 3rd eye chakra whereas San Pedro is more concentrated on the heart chakra. I personally had a very introspective experience where I was able to look deeply within myself and see certain things that I was unaware of before. It also helped to confirm my spiritual beliefs which I had before but sometimes doubted and has given me a deeper connection to the universe. I was able to see the energy flowing around me and this was stronger around living plants etc. As I havent done ayahuasca I couldnt give you a comparison, but that was my experience. This was done with a tobacco healing as well. Someone I met who was an extreme sceptic of anything spiritual has had their view completely changed as well after having San Pedro.

This sounds exactly how my Ayahuasca experience had went. Very introspective while concentrating on my given intention for the ceremony night. The female shamans singing the iquaros songs were walking around us blowing the tobacco onto us while we were journeying. I wasn't able to see the energy flow but was seeing insane psychedelic images due to the DMT in the Ayahuasca brew.

Would I have to go out of states to participate in this type of ritual or practice, if so are there places I can go that let you do this kinda like a tour guide?

I believe there are states such as Colorado, Washington, Oregon, NY, and others that participate in this ritual and able to do it legally as a religious practice. I would do my research via google and asking many questions from owners, past participants, and anyone that can lead you to the closest place to your heart. Safety is obviously very important as well.

Yeah, that's why I was asking for a guide type setting. I'm too old to be reckless with random drugs, but I would like to be under a supervised trip. Also, thanks.

Good luck and much love with your journey!

I'm wanting to do this so bad. Honestly, I think everyone should do ayahuasca at least once in their life.

If you don't mind me asking - what retreat did you go to and would you go again? Seems like there's quite a few on TripAdvisor.

The name of the retreat is Tierra Mitica. (www.tierramitica.com). The retreat is not for the faint of heart. It's considered one of the hardest retreats to complete. The program I went through was called the Mythical Voyage. It was a 10 day super intensive retreat. Each single day of work at the retreat was the equivalent of one year of psychotherapy. The owner and Shaman of the retreat is like a psychological brain surgeon. He was able to go deep into your conscious mind and dissect the causes you were having to go there to begin with. He was using the Ayahuasca as a tool to help as a secondary measure.

Sounds amazing. You're very lucky to have gone through that journey. I'm beyond ready and open for the same.

Thanks FYS5! I wish you find a place where you can journey as well. Good luck!

I used to think reptilians was bs. not so much anymore.

Who claims they're a psyop

Plenty of people


People in this sub for example, read some comments about threads that bring this up.

It is one of Christopher Booker’s basic plots that’s of most interest to us. He called it overcoming the monster. Every overcoming-the-monster story, Booker explains, unfolds essentially as follows. The story begins with a peaceful community learning of some menacing threat. A hero is called upon to battle the forces of evil. As the hero comes face to face with the evil, it seems that the evil is much more powerful than the hero. The hero may fall into the monster’s clutches. But the monster has one fatal weakness. Just when it seems that all hope is lost, the hero is able to exploit that weakness and vanquish the monster. The shadow is lifted, and peace returns to the community.

We’ve already seen this pattern played out in Gilgamesh, Beowulf, Jaws, and Bond. And we saw it at the very beginning of the chapter, in David Icke’s conspiracy theory of reality. Icke’s grand conspiracy theory is a classic overcoming-the-monster story; it traces every twist and turn, from the peaceful golden age of humanity and the looming shadow of evil, to the climactic final confrontation and the promise of a return to peace. It’s a dramatic, ongoing saga, and it casts us all in the starring role. And Icke is not unique. All conspiracy thinking plays on archetypes of good overcoming evil.

The best conspiracy theories have all the trappings of a classic underdog story. The enemy is formidable. From the Elders of Zion to the New World Order, from the weapons-industrial complex to Big Pharma, the names given to the conspirators often play up their allegedly overwhelming power and influence. Like every villain, however, the conspiracy has one fatal weakness; if only their schemes can be exposed to the light, the enemy becomes powerless.

And the motive for the fight is noble. Christopher Booker notes that archetypal heroes act not to further their own interests, but on behalf of others. “David challenges Goliath because the giant is threatening his country, Israel; James Bond’s villains are threatening England, the West, all mankind; Darth Vader, in Star Wars, is threatening to impose his tyranny over the entire universe.” And according to conspiracy theories, the conspiracy is a threat to the freedom, liberty, and well-being of all mankind.

At first blush, it seems odd that someone would embrace a position of disadvantage. But as we’ve seen, there are upsides to being an underdog. Without conspiracy theories, people like Wakefield, Duesberg, Jones, and Garrison are just wrong. If there is an ongoing campaign to smear their reputations and discredit their findings, however, they become courageous heroes pushing the frontiers of science by selflessly battling a powerful, sinister foe on behalf of the unsuspecting public. Even more than making heroes out of a few renegades, though, conspiracy theories offer to make heroic underdogs of us all. A conspiracy theory is an invitation to join an enlightened but embattled minority—an elect few who bravely, selflessly speak truth to power.

As Joseph Vandello notes, our understanding of underdogs is “shaped by inspirational archetypal stories of odds overcome.” In the real world, underdogs are, by definition, unlikely to prevail. In the stories we tell, however, the underdog always wins; good always triumphs over evil.

Not that I disagree in general with the instinctual fear concept. It's a bit difficult to see how the snake or perhaps an Alligator translates into a fire spewing walking/talking large Dinosaur like creature through imagination.

If we look at spiders who are surely an instinctual feared species like snakes there's no imagined transformed spider like creature at least I am aware of.

Dragons might not be real, but Zionism, Big Pharma, and the NWO are all well-documented conspiracies.

Okay, so I see this conspiracy pop up all the time here, but I don't even know where to start with trying to wrap my head around it. And links for beginners like me who want to try this red pill for the first time?

pretty sure David Icke is the go to guy for this subject

Jeffrey Daugherty was a Protestant minister for 20 years. He has over 100,000 hours of biblical study. 10,000 hours is considered to be expert level. Jeffrey Daugherty now makes videos about how Yahweh is a reptilian. He needs more support. Hope you enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W32f9aUcQ-k

Someone explain dinosaurs to OP.

They're saying persons who use or are in positions where they use the Reptilian part of the brain. Basic instincts, consumption, reproduction, violence.

You're going on the assumption that the CIA "created" them, when in fact, it's the other way around.

Icke just stole the plot of the sci-fi show V.

Reptile-like entities appear in mythology because they are based on reptiles, which are abundant o Earth.

Where do you tjinl they got tje inspiration from?


Yes of course. There were no physical words exchanged between the both of us. The snake's face was about 1/2 the size of mine. The snake was mostly sizing me up after I had purged from the plant medicine. I remember inviting the snake to enter inside my mouth into my body but he acknowledged that this was not necessary since I was already on the right path. I felt like a million $s after the ceremony and hallucinations were over.

I've seen an elve, as did 4 other friends of mine. I was on a hallucinogen, they were not and we were in a very remote area. I had trouble believing it was real because I was hallucinating but realized it was real when it came toward us and picked my friend up.

Seems like it's only just started.

Christians are the biggest hypocrites out there. Basing anything on the bastardized versions of some bronze age writings they pick and chose from gets us no where.

Wallowing in fantasy is not how modern man should live.

Accept the bible as a book of parables or fables... fine. Think it is the actual word of some supernatural critter... get off my lawn.

I find it hard to believe that adults believe this nonsense. And they get to drive and vote as well is beyond ridiculous.

And you are a jerk. Come across all holier than thou? Pretty sure the fable called Jeebus didn't want you to be an asshole. .. but you defy him, hypocrite.