Otto's family rejected an autopsy

77  2017-06-20 by TJG01

This whole thing stinks


of course they did

Surprise surprise. Are they just going to toss his body in the ocean?

No way. Seriously!?

Wow. Why would they chose not to do one? That's crazy

Pressure from national security officials.

pressure for what? not to implicate north korea further?

regardless he still died at their hands essentially

What does that even mean? The USA regularly murders ordinary people minding their own business in their own countries.

jesus, again not every single event in the world is a conspiracy. You think that this one guy can be used to justify an entire war with north korea? it could have already been done for just him being captive if they wanted to.

You think that this one guy can be used to justify an entire war with north korea?

What? That's what I thought you were doing. You keep repeating that he "died by their hands" and such.

in the sense of an autopsy isn't needed. He wouldn't have been a vegitable in the first place if he wasn't stuck in north korean labor camp for over a year. Where's the mystery that needs to be found is my point?


Must be a full moon or something.

or you can't comprehend anything. stop at one sentence you can't understand and don't even address the point i've repeated for you multiple times.

Yes. You have repeatedly attempted to make some sort of point bearing absolutely no relation to what I originally asked. Good for you, ya weirdo.

autopsy not needed, not a conspiracy, not everything in the world is a conspiracy. Cased closed - have fun looking for the real assange.

I never mentioned a fucking autopsy! What the fuck is the matter with you?!

What difference, at this point, does it make?

i duno hillary, you tell me

Germany used one guy to invade Poland.

They murdered Franciszek Honiok, a 43-year-old unmarried German Silesian Catholic farmer known for sympathizing with the Poles. He had been arrested the previous day by the Gestapo. He was dressed to look like a saboteur, then killed by lethal injection, given gunshot wounds, and left dead at the scene so that he appeared to have been killed while attacking the station. His corpse was subsequently presented to the police and press as proof of the attack.


LOL. okay keep making the German-Nazi esc comparisons hahaha. no need to comment further

You too. Esc... lol did you mean nazi escape?

You said as if they could make a case for war with one guy. I showed a version from history where this exact same thing was done..

I could do my diatribe on how the 911 attacks were America's Reichstag fire if you like.

No need to reply further though... lolo

NEVER chase a bitch

i mean i think it's pretty much clear what happened. it's not like he was kidnapped and recently found all of the sudden at random in a forest with a coma

i mean i think it's pretty much clear what happened.

Care to explain?

Everything about this story has to be assumed... Cuz worst korea

refer to other replies

Guess some three letter agency called dibs.

This seems most plausible. The results of the autopsy, that some three letter agency does can remain outside the public domain.

Who's running the Robo-Warmbler project? I forgot.

Speaking as a parent this makes no sense. Your kid dies from some unknown source and you don't want to know why? This only makes sense if they're trying to cover something up. Is there any possibility the injury was self inflicted, would that make you want to avoid a public inquiry? Too many questions now.

I heard that he was put on a breathing tube when he didn't need one, and then the family had it turned off, effectively suffocating him.

This was just something I read on 4chan, and it was claimed to come from a nurse at the hospital where it happened, but take it with a grain of salt.

Regardless it that is true though, his death SURE is being pushed by the media pretty hard, to the point where it feels like they are setting up some context which will be cashed in on soon.

Haha 4chan. A grain? I'd take it with the entire factory where that package that shit. Christ

Right, but the last bit of my post I felt was the most important part.

Yeah, your boy Trump is about to go to war.

pretty sure that was inevtible before the otto incident. It was pretty clear they were trying to pressure NK and see if China would do it's part to lead that push. A few things did happen, but I think anyone could tell you that NK would need to be dealt with at somepoint. they're getting new tech every week and still testing missles

I agree. I don't think that Otto has anything to do with what is going to happen. Another trillion dollar war. This shit is going to be so desert storm.

could be, but i think china wouldn't interviene / would silentely or openely endorse the US efforts. South Korea would also comply, so it would really only be nuetrilizing kim and his close circle with a few precision strikes in all reality.

I just mean wasted time.

Here's a couple of articles that might interest you.

why do North Koreans hate us

trump and duterte

I'd be more worried about the citizens of North Korea than any other country

thx will check em out real quick. Before doing so, I'd just like to say that many of the citzens of north korea would not react in backlash in my opinion. I've heard many journlist that go there explain that they are not as brainwashed as the media would like you to percieve them. They act a certain way/don't speak up/rat on ppl in order to survive due to it being required under current leadership.

What would an autopsy do to encourage war with them? isn't the fact that he died because of his captivity there enough to push a war narrative if they wanted to use just that?

What is he would have survived without some sort of "intervention" after returning to the United States, and covering that intervention up was the reason to forego an autopsy?

Just a thought.

i think trump said today that china tried with NK but failed. it sounds like it could be something he would say before he has to take on NK himself. as if to say "well i tried everything else."

he did tweet that and he's been saying that / that china should help before he gets involved for some time before this indecent. This is nothing new and he's made it clear he's not going to dick around his whole presidency while NK skates by like they've done in the past


LMAO! You aren't here to push an agenda, are you?

Do you wedge Trump into flat earth topics as well?

dude wtf did i just read? " I heard somewhere on 4chan he was put on a breathing tube, but didn't need one" then his family turns it off to suffocate him - again, when he apparently didn't need one in the first place according to your "i heard" story?

It was just some shit I read. I literally told you the source to let you judge the lack credibility of the story for yourself.

It seemed on topic with the speculative nature of OP's post.

I personally don't think it matters how he died, but what is important is what his death will be used for.

will be used for it any case is my point. just the fact that he died. they don't need to create a conspiracy for that. He was already gone.

taking all sides into account - what really is the point of doing one. Bottom line is he was in a horrible place, mis-treated, and died because of it. whether it's really aided from bautilism or straight tortue is a pretty moot point, especially if the family has been dealing with this tragedy for an extended period of time .

I think it would be good to know if he was sent home carrying a super bug of some sort. It would also be helpful to know what kind of internal damage took place.

super bug....? don't think that's the point of any autopsy. And from the way you propose it, that's more of the State making a decision on the behalf of the family

Have you been paying attention to North Korea?

Philippine leader says North Korea's Kim "wants to end the world". Just on top of all the other things he's said about eliminating the west.

I wouldn't put it past North Korea to put some sort of super bug on him before they sent him back.


to war lol

"Super bugs" aren't identified on autopsy.

They culture all the time to find cause of death.

Not everyone wants their beloved family member dissected by the state.

so true

When you take college level A&P, you see a real autopsy, at least I did at my college. I won't get too graphic, but your entire body is cut open and examined. Like you mentioned, it won't bring him back. I've also read that autopsies vary widely on how well they are done. Personally, I've instructed my family not to allow one to be performed on me in the event of my death. I don't want the state invading my privacy one last time. Some religious people even have a law against it. It's up to the family ultimately, and people should respect what they want.

agree. my point is similiar. Rejecting an autopsy doesn't really prove a conspiracy to me. The point is he died at their hands, it's obvious, and if they want to use that for some big conspiracy for pushing war, it can already be used regardless of what the autopsy report would be. It's not like this guy was randomly found in the woods and they need to figure out how he died.

I agree. Most will not see this logic though and will knee-jerk react without considering how they would feel if it were their loved one.

I mean, do you really have to put this reply on every single comment in here?

i count 3 replys from you in like 10 minutes? do you really have to tell people what they should and shouldn't do?

EDIT: 4 replys***

I mean, neither do you, that's the entire intent of my comment. Also, you were in here first all over the comments.

Yeah that's my point im using your logic. in reality i could give a fuck what / how many times you write something and wouldn't feel the need to bring it up had you not said something

My grandpa didn't come back from being imprisoned in North Korea comatose, only to suddenly die days later despite having access to the best hospitals in the world.

it's called pulling the life support plug and not letting your family member live as a vegitable for their entire life due to brainscans that show his tissue is fucked.

And why would they really need one?

If this results in war, you will have your answer, I suppose.

autopsy wouldnt push that case one way or the other, that's the only problem .

It's botulism.

thx reddit spellchk

You are welcome. I thought it would be useful to have the correct spelling of something you are trying to act like an authority on.

on something*

Unless he was killed after he got back to America. A corpse looks a lot worse than a vegetable.

US government brought him back to kill 1 22 yr old that the entire MSM already wrote off as dumb white frat boy in order to start an entire war with north korea, even tho they already had him captive and had a motive to for more than a year. yeah Okay. Assange is still dead too.

I'd say discounting the possibility of foul play out of hand and based on zero evidence is at least as bad as assuming foul play with as much evidence.

foul dude go look for the real julian assange

No, I'm suggesting the autopsy could reveal that foul play occurred on top of what happened in NK. It could be used as a public relations campaign for justice, and a corpse is a more effective martyr than a vegetable.

I agree pretty clear. Still possible.

The man was a C.I.A. spy

they must recruit young now

Pretty sure it is very much a family thing in many cases, and they are groomed way young.

wambiers have been generational CIA spooks. Little known fact, Bush Sr. last name was actually Warmbier before WWII

It always comes back to bloodlines, doesn't it? Weird, they have erased their apparent importance, making them all the more important.

true that. I didn't even drop the real knowledge. the pure warmbier bloodline ties back to actually the Soros family who bare the same blood receptors as the rothschilds and rockafellers. ITS ALL THE SAME GOD DAMN FAMILY PPL! TOTAL TAKEOVER

I call takebacksies!

Seriously, didn't know that. Got anything for me to read on it please?

entire towns are setup it goes way deeper than most can think.

They can ship you off to Iraq with a gun at 18 after basic training

basic training is for pussies

What exactly is his motive supposed to have been? In his confession he said someone at his church offered him a used car if he got the poster, and $200,000 to his family if he got caught. WTF?

That could be something the North Koreans made up, but as usual the media haven't followed up on that suspicious detail, as far as I've seen.

And all those captured pilots in Vietnam really were being treated nicely like they said in those videos the North Vietnamese made.

What the fuck is the sarcasm for?

Because a confession made under duress is meaningless. Decorated officers were broken by torture. This kid never stood a chance. He would have said anything and everything.

Yes, I made room for that in my original post. Seriously, what the fuck is going on in this thread?

What evidence do you have to know that that story is false, and what evidence do you have for whichever motive you ascribe to Warmbier?

Yes, I made room for that in my original post. Seriously, what the fuck is going on in this thread?

What evidence do you have to know that that story is false, and what evidence do you have for whichever motive you ascribe to Warmbier?

I have a hard time accepting the credibility of an official statement from North Korea (they've told some whoppers in the past).

Yes, that's why I fucking said in my original post "the North Koreans could have made it up"!

Thanks, that was one of the most retarded Reddit conversations I've ever had. You deserve a medal.

Secret message? $200K means X, $300K means Y, $400K means Z. Innocuous info that can send info back to CIA.

That's an interesting take, thank you! The story seems too strange, uncreative and unrelated to any conceivable propaganda use to convince me fully that it was given to him to read. But none of the sources I've found that mention it bother to question whether it's actually true or not.

I also have trouble believing he was just that idiotic to travel to North Korea of all places and do something like that just for kicks. Then the tape of his public confession....It's just so weird, like it's obvious he's acting, but for whom?

We can safely assume he was pumped full of truth serum. I lean toward believing a lot of what he said.

What was interesting to me is he noted that the particular propaganda he stole was made of aluminum, which is used in missiles. It's also just text propaganda, I assumed it would be a kitschy image, why would you steal a long text banner as a souvenier?

Also his background: smart, intelligent, charistmatic. Studies economics (global sustainability) in Virginia, goes to London School of Economics, then Hong Kong, then North Korea? sounds spooky to me.

Yeah, his public appearance was super odd. He was obviously coached by the North Koreans, but I think he was also transmitting information, akin to the Vietnam POW who blinked "Torture" in morse code while reading the official thing. Why do I think this? The way he misspoke the name of his father's company. I think he was giving a code there and almost gave the wrong code. There were other addresses he gave out. Then saying a particular Google term he used. Because we know the NSA could backtrack and find where exactly in Virginia that was coming from.

Basically he said what the North Koreans wanted him to say, but interjected code words in the form of addresses, the way companies were named, etc..

That guy was very charismatic and media ready. Being charismatic like that is key to being a good CIA agent. Knowing your PR, staying on message, having good production values, etc..

Same reason I always wonder about Snowden (look at how he acts in media vs other whistleblowers.)

Also, I should note: smart, charismatic, and intelligent. Majoring in Economics in Virginia. Then sent to London School of Economics, followed by Hong Kong, and then North Korea.

Sounds like CIA to me.

I wonder the purpose of the sign though. It was always partially censored in pictures I saw. It's huge so hard to carry. When I first heard sign, I assumed kitschy visual image. This was all text. He also said it was made of Aluminum. I wonder if it was something regarding metals NK might have. Aluminum is used in missiles.

OR! and this is basically the same thing, but I'm currently reading "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" - and he sounds like a FANTASTIC candidate for someone to go in and assess NK for it's future development potential after we~~ invade~~ bring democracy!

Well, what does stealing a sign have to do with that?

South Korea and North Korea already have a cooperative factory in North Korea. North Korea has other trade partners we could get info from.

I dunno. Is the sign story necessarily accurate? It was just an idea.

That's what NK claims with video evidence.

He was a kid who was murdered for nothing

He died like you and most of us, for nothing, accomplishing nothing

exactly they faked his death so they could debrief him and then put him back into rotation.

So what conspiracy is to be had with this? What is being pushed with Otto's death?

All American kid killed by evil regime. Justification for attacking North Korea I guess. I'd guess Isis/AlQueda recruiters use the same approach for all the people held and tortured in Gitmo. Our all Muslim hero's tortured by an evil regime. It works both ways

What are the theories on his injuries? Was Otto tortured and his brain manipulated? Was Otto just an experimental being and had tests ran on him?

What kind of coma was he in? Was he in a legit coma or a self induced stupor as defense mechanism from torture?

I was going to post a thread asking if we thought this death was legit. Im not convinced.

I agree he was CIA, but North Korea as a country is fishy too. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it really was a CIA theme park. A propped up boogeyman.

I was thinking about this earlier. Chances are the family already has a good idea how he died (broken bones, evidence of brain trauma, etc).

I'm willing to bet he attempted suicide while being held in North Korea. It's almost unheard of for Americans to be tortured or beaten while in custody there and I find it hard to believe they treated him any differently. I would imagine this very real possibility is one of the reasons why they refused an autopsy. They certainly would not want this information released if it is true.

why would they not want it released if otto tried to commit suicide?

and who wouldn't consider killing themselves when facing 15 years of hard labor in north korea? and possible beatings/torture?

people can spiral quickly. and i imagine that situation would be just about as extreme as anything anyone could imagine.

Now why wouldn't his parents want to know? Or considering the international implications or that his death may have been due to something other than natural causes of some kind, wouldn't the US government step-in and insist on one so that no one jumps to any conclusions about whether or not the North Koreans are implicated or not in whatever actually caused his death?

You're right OP it certainly doesn't pass the sniff test.

yeah, i'm guessing they euthanized him and are keeping it quiet at the request of 'national security' to help keep pressure on NK should we decide to attack.

call me not surprised the terri schiavo people are not beating down the doors...

interesting to know they can keep the coroner and hospital staff and euthanasia officials and others quiet.

Haha 4chan. A grain? I'd take it with the entire factory where that package that shit. Christ

thx reddit spellchk

thx will check em out real quick. Before doing so, I'd just like to say that many of the citzens of north korea would not react in backlash in my opinion. I've heard many journlist that go there explain that they are not as brainwashed as the media would like you to percieve them. They act a certain way/don't speak up/rat on ppl in order to survive due to it being required under current leadership.

dude wtf did i just read? " I heard somewhere on 4chan he was put on a breathing tube, but didn't need one" then his family turns it off to suffocate him - again, when he apparently didn't need one in the first place according to your "i heard" story?

will be used for it any case is my point. just the fact that he died. they don't need to create a conspiracy for that. He was already gone.

he did tweet that and he's been saying that / that china should help before he gets involved for some time before this indecent. This is nothing new and he's made it clear he's not going to dick around his whole presidency while NK skates by like they've done in the past

All American kid killed by evil regime. Justification for attacking North Korea I guess. I'd guess Isis/AlQueda recruiters use the same approach for all the people held and tortured in Gitmo. Our all Muslim hero's tortured by an evil regime. It works both ways