The Conspiracy We're All Participating In Right Now

41  2017-06-20 by [deleted]



We'll just make our own internet. With blackjack, and hookers.

What if, and I'm just spitballing here, we just played cards with and had sex with actual people?

Lunatic get out!!! /s

The mentality that lead you through making that comment, not just the physical act, but the content itself, somewhat proves the point of your post.

You've been conditioned into spouting memes instead of original thoughts. Be more cautious.


We're going to live many meme's, better to midfully choose them and experience in fullness than to have them given to you and never considered.

What memes do you live by?

my nama jeff

Online, infinite loops. Offline, so many glorious indescribables!

Is he not allowed to reciprocate the joke?

Am I not allowed to describe my observations?

You can, doesn't make it accurate

It always is.

how bout zeronet?

The revolution of a decentralized network reflective of the infinite diversity of humanity.

The end is near for totalitarian state control system.

What if the totalitarian state control system is just a manifestation of our collective neurosis?

Could very well be possible. The end of it is still near.

You have much faith that social constructs and the animalistic hierarchy nature of ours will transcend with technology instead of reinforce it

You're making an assumption that rigid hierarchy is in our "animalistic" DNA, inevitable, sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcula sæculorum.

I don't think technology means automatic liberation. And I agree, the technology in use can certainly be used to reinforce the current system of power and control. The Basilisk is trying to be born.

However, it is not predestined to be so. Oh no. Certainly not.

Wisdom, willpower and compassion... these aspects of our human nature will be what liberates us. The technology that is here are just the tools we will use.

Get creative.

I'll leave the rest to Whitman.

Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring, Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill’d with the foolish, Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?) Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renew’d, Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me, Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined, The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?


That you are here—that life exists and identity, That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.

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You're right on the old money

LARP so hard

Lightning bolt!

Lightning bolt!

Where do you go from here?

straight to the bottle

If you feel like keeping GovCorp involved with that...

Hive mind cybord implant chips that deactovate and send you to the outcast waste where your digital credits wont scan from your deactive chip.

Do not cross the hive mind

We already have that, it's just analog and the "wastes" are everywhere

Just a reminder that the "fake news" scare is entirely because of the horrifying elite pedophilia revelations in mid-to-late 2016-2017. Anyone that does not acknowledge this basic fact is either misinformed or acting as a misinfo agent.

'Fake news' is a result of all news being 'fake news'. Narrative is not capable of containing truth, news has always been a psyop.

Anyone that does not acknowledge this basic fact is either misinformed or acting as a misinfo agent.

news has always been a psyop


But the meme of "fake news" which steals elections is a creation of the last year or so, clearly meant to detract from the revolting things we learned about human trafficking, elite pedophilia, and general media corruption.

Stop using the "fake news" meme.

clearly meant to detract from the revolting things we learned about human trafficking, elite pedophilia, and general media corruption.

You clearly haven't read the foundational literature on democracy and it's function. The occlusion around these subjects is quite recent and only functions for those uninterested in how things work.

Certainly, fake is redundant in 'fake news' but if the collective consciousness cries out for a reminder give it in spades

You clearly haven't read the ...

I'll just move past this portion and assume you're not good at parties.

Certainly, fake is redundant in 'fake news' but if the collective consciousness cries out for a reminder give it in spades

Sure, why not, I was just reminding everyone (in spades) to stop repeating the "fake news" meme / nomenclature by pointing out that it was a verbal tic pushed around October 2016 by the very news you purport to mistrust.

Just reminding everyone in spades that a significant portion of world elites engage in pedophilia, murder and cannibalism and we found on through WL.

What are your thoughts on reading WL or about the Satanic pedophilia and murder that was revealed in late 2016?

If you want to know how the powerful abuse the power they've accumulated there are far less occluded sources than wikileaks. Just read works on the habits of leaders of the first democracies.

That's the beautiful thing about fake news, in an attempt to salvage their credibility the words were fielded which immediately neuter all "news" agencies

I'm directing this at any possible readers of our exchange:

Notice anything? Misdirection? Why is he referring to leaked first-hand email conversations (that none of the involved parties deny) as "occluded"? What gives?

And now back to the fine gentlesir/woman I was conversing with:

What are your thoughts on reading WL or about the Satanic pedophilia and murder that was revealed in late 2016?

Got an axe to grind eh?

They're occluded because everything I saw in the emails didn't actually expose anything.

If they left actual incriminating conversations on email servers they'd be pretty stupid elite satanic pedophile cannibals, wouldn't they?

Do powerful people practice the kind of activities you're referring to? Yes.

Do you have to go back to before the invention of the printing press to find these people actually publically admitting to it? Yes.

Why is that do you think?

So again for the general audience, it should be clear what he's doing. Everyone go home nothing to see here, fake new fake new fake news.

Read the WL, look at the online communities that found far more evidence, and please stop listening to misinfo.

Back to the gentlesir:

Didn't actually expose anything

... ding ding ding here's your sign burn the account dumbass.

Burn what account?

Please provide links to something that actually proves something and isn't simply fear porn? I read the wikileaks emails, is there another source that's got a smoking gun?

For dear reader:

Ask yourself, why isn't this commenter capable of actually engaging in authentic conversation or willing to provide sources for their claims?

Why do they engage in theatrical tricks instead of trying to actually have a meaningful exchange?

Is it possible they're a bot, or an actual human employed by Peter Scheil or Shareblue to push an agenda?

I personally wouldn't accuse them of that. But it's an interesting thought to consider, isn't it?

"Why do they engage in theatrical tricks instead trying to actually have a meaningful exchange?"

Projection much? And a marked change of tone. Algorithm, or boss standing over your shoulder?

In case your account is manned by a person and not a bot, what I mean is delete this account it's pretty obvious you're an astroturf poster.

But I'll play. What is your innocent explanation of the pedo language in the emails, or any of the stuff surrounding James Alefantis? Why is this supposedly humble pizza shop owner calling little girls #hotard on social media? Why is his entire IG pedophilic with IG friends obsessed with child coffins and female child dolls? Do you think it's normal for an adult gay childless man tied up in a political/social circle of a Satanic banking dynasty heiress to have unidentified children taped to ping pong tables? Is it normal when said children have bags under their eyes and look dazed? Wouldn't parents of said children find this creepy, and if not, why would they just not come out and say "Oh yeah we know James you guys are nuts piss off."?

You're deflecting. You can't mention anything but generalities because it's not in your code book. Let's gab about specifics of these emails? Nah. Cause I know what you are. And I assure it's time to burn this account it's no good anymore. Also please consider hanging yourself, pedo apologist scumbag.

None of these questions have good answers. Assuming you're not a bot

Have I said these people aren't pieces of shit? Have they actually admitted to anything or do you have only circumstantial and stretches?

Is this because they're not doing the things you accuse them off? Not necessarily. More likely that they're just not the stupidest ones in their group of sickos.

I'm not defending anyone.

I'm just telling you that you seem to be a moron who thinks they're going to find TRUTH and not FAKE NEWS on the internet.

I'm just telling you that you seem to be a moron who thinks they're going to find TRUTH and not FAKE NEWS on the internet.

Again, this is a wonky fun house mirror way of thought. You insisted on using the term "fake news" but say that sometimes we have to trumpet the truth to the masses because they yearn for it. You did this... on the internet. Wut?

Going back and forth between grandiose language about the masses and then saying first-hand leaked emails are occluded, but again refusing to get down to specifics?

Which people are you referring to? Do you mean James Alefantis and John Podesta or did you mean it as a generic "these people" so that you again don't have to mention which specifics are unconvincing to you?

You're all over the fucking place.

#hotard ? Can I at least get you to admit that James Alefantis shouldn't have posted that on a child's photo and that he and his pedophilic IG circle should be investigated (fairly), but investigated?

Just stahp. Stop the shucking and jiving shit is offensive and transparent.


Best of luck to you, if you're real and not a bot you need help.

Removed. Rule 10.

What if we are just the worker bees that create the computer hive-mind network little by little.

That just may be in fact what we are.

A part of me thinks so

Can the "hive mind" come in different flavors? Can there be a version which optimizes free human autonomy? Is that a contradiction or a paradox?

clearly meant to detract from the revolting things we learned about human trafficking, elite pedophilia, and general media corruption.

You clearly haven't read the foundational literature on democracy and it's function. The occlusion around these subjects is quite recent and only functions for those uninterested in how things work.

Certainly, fake is redundant in 'fake news' but if the collective consciousness cries out for a reminder give it in spades


Best of luck to you, if you're real and not a bot you need help.