Hey, Flat-Earth believers, I found really great subreddit for you. It is called : r/flat_earth. Please go live there.

30  2017-06-21 by blette



I hate the topic flat earth. Oh I know I'll make a post about it.


Step One: Point out their lack of evidence. Step Two: Downvote everything they do Step Three: Ask them to leave. Step Four: Find out who the paid shills and bots are. Step Five: Find out who is really behind Flat-Earth BS.

Find out who is funding them.


Flat Earther: Uhh...Kohl's?

Delusional OP!

Yes, many flat-earthers are normal people getting no funding.

But there are some secret and not-so secret groups with an agenda. Look up the company Shareblue, examine how the Washington Post remains profitable user Jeff Bezos whose Amazon web services arm has a contract to supply the CIA with web-services. The deep state certainly does not want their secrets unveiled. The attack on reddit has begun, r/conspiracy has rules but it is still one of the most freely moderated subreddits.

Hehehe! ;)

Newest Outer Light Video is up on Youtube.

"University forensics report into Seth Rich states it was likely a professional hit."

Very sad for him, his family and our nation.


Good ole Youtube sources. When it isn't 4chan, it's YOutube. LMAO!

there's more flat earth on here than 9/11 stuff.

That's the goal, imo.

It's disinfo.

That said, there are actually some cretinous imbeciles who believe - through an impressive combination of lack of education and lack of critical thinking skills - that it could be true.


Yes, please go. You are hurting us.

No es bueno, I stay

You're not my mommy, you can't tell me what to do

You won't change any minds of anyone who already understands real science and math.

Who is paying you to be so vocal against flat earth?

Finally, it is sad you believe in god

ah, your true motivation reveals itself

Finally, it is sad you believe in a god who could only create one earth, one sun, a moon and some twinkly lights in the sky. The GOD I believe in is much more powerful. He was able to create the entire UNIVERSE and he filled it with energy, light and life. He filled it with billions of other stars and other planets. This is the official position of most modern churches by the way. The Vatican has it own telescope in Arizona for Christ's sake.

Geez you honestly sound so butthurt lol. Why does Flat Earth imply that the christian God is real? It could imply that the Christian God Yahweh, or Yaldabaoth, the false god, or gaud should I say, is in control of this Flat Earth matrix.

Many Flat Earthers believe in the source God you describe. Did all those years of church as a kid lead you up to this post? Lol.

I think Nasa is full of shit on a lot of things, but what about Earth scientists who don't work for NASA.

Oh you mean like the chinese astronauts that have air bubbles coming out of their space helmets? Don't even ask for a link if you're just going to immediately dismiss it.

Flat-Earth is not an actual conspiracy because no one benefits from covering it up

Except Yaldabaoth

There was evidence that maybe one or two bots visited the chat

You are so delusional OP. YOU are literally the only one making flat earth posts as of late lol. You can't stop thinking about it!

This is the official position of most modern churches by the way. The Vatican has it own telescope in Arizona for Christ's sake.

You mean the same Vatican that has TONS of reptilian symbolism?

Flat Earth does not mean that God is a old white man in the sky. It could mean plenty of thing...plenty of things. You sound very close minded. You don't entertain all ideas that come your way, which results in butthurt posts like this. Stop letting it all build up, and take some time to look at opposing viewpoints for once in your life!

My sister is a geologist working for the EPA.

Screw the EPA. Freakingg scumbags I tell you

I think Nasa is full of shit on a lot of things

I still find this to be the funniest sentence

Oh, I forgot, math was given to man by demons.

It very well could have been, well by demons I mean reptilians. You realize that you could start a new planet and give them a bunch of "science" and have the monkeys on your planet believe it? You can literally make up anything, as long as a majority agrees on it, it's "science"

NASA only requires the top 1% to be in the know about thing. The information trickles down. That's like asking why the white house intern doesn't spill the beans about corruption.

Bad post OP!

And P.S. Flat Earth does not mean the Earth has to be in a dome. There are many Flat Earth models. What if this planet is perhaps an infinite flat plane

Really funny... You made my point, there is only ONE GLOBAL EARTH model and it is very effective for predicting events like, night and day, intercontinental plane flight durations, eclipses, the position of stars, comets, etc, etc, etc.

If you want to talk about a holographic universe or spooky action at a distance, fine, that is based on known and unknown science. GLOBE-EARTH theory is based on known-science. There is NO conspiracy. All Earth scientists don't belong to a cult.

I say: I think Nasa is full of shit on a lot of things, but what about Earth scientists who don't work for NASA.

You start talking about "the chinese astronauts that have air bubbles coming out of their space helmets?"

You never answer the original questions, you change the topic with distractions like a bad magician.

It is possible NASA is faking some space shit with models, etc. YES!! I agree. Are the Chinese making underwater promotional film in order to catch up with stunning footage? Maybe you are right!!

OK? I addressed your point. Happy?

OK now answer my question: What about Earth scientists who don't work for NASA?????? Are they stupid or are they liars? How can you mistrust two entire categories of scientists. NASA DOES NOT CONTROL EVERY EARTH SCIENTIST IN THE WORLD BUT ALL EARTH SCIENTISTS WILL TELL YOU THAT THE EARTH IS A GLOBE. YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT, GO AWAY!

I said "My sister is a geologist working for the EPA."

You replied "Screw the EPA. Freakingg scumbags I tell you"

Well you had better hope she does not get frustrated and quit. She is one of the few people left trying to protect and preserve your drinking water. Not everyone in government is evil. Not all of them are lying to you about absolutely everyone. My sister live in a shittyl neighborhood in DC, in a shitty hours working an enormous amount of hours for a government salary to take care of ungrateful you and your family.

All of your recent posts are about flat earth. Feels like you're wasting your time and energy on people who are more than likely not going to change their minds in regards to our cosmology.

Yes, so let's reject them at every turn and ask the to leave.

OP You believe in a round earth because you are fat... Let the skinny people alone fatty!!.

sorry who are you? nobody important? not a mod? why are you telling people which conspiracies not to discuss in r/conspiracy? jog on

They're burying flat earth.

And we need to bury it too. It has a home called r/flat_earth

Go home little birdies. Be happy!!!

When the farm house is on fire, you don't go to milk the cow!!!

Flat earth is not a new idea. It is a very old discredited idea. Rather than flat earth being true, it is much more likely that the powers that be pushed and encouraged the flat earth movement for their own purposes.

I want flat earth to be true, just so people like the OP can choke on their own spit and drop dead.

Exactly, you prefer a lie over the truth because it makes you feel good.

But if you dog is dead, best not to carry him around for weeks claiming that he still lives.

Flat earth theory was disproven 2000 years ago. Then, disproven again by Galileo and Copernicus. Do you know who these scientists are? They are not famous for starting the Globe-Earth conspiracy. Do you understand that they used math to understand and PREDICT the relative movement of the sun, moon and planets? Did you know they made their discoveries before there ever were groups of people called the Illuminati or Masons.

I know that you read that by someone who told you what to think.

If you think I got my words from someone else, please show me who I plagerized. I am a published textbook author and I hate plagerism. When I catch my students doing it, I take a lot of points off. I just pasted the my whole comment into google, no matches came up.

Maybe you are s surprised that a person can have original thoughts. Well the only way to do that is to read a lot of different sources of information. Watching flat-earth YouTube videos all day will not educate you.

Show me all the studies and work you've done to prove the world is a perfectly symmetrical globe.

If, as you claim the earth is a flat disk which is not spinning in space, then why does my 30 year old 6 inch reflecting telescope have an equatorial mount and an electric motor?

Do I look like an expert in telescopes? I guess you are not either. Why not read a book written by Galileo, he invented the telescope I heard.

Also, explain to me why Globe-earth math can be used to predict the dates and locations of solar and lunar eclipses 10 years in advance. Can flat-earth math do that? Is math a curse from the devil?

Hahaha I thought you were a flat earther!! My bad!!

Just to clear the air, the earth is a globe and to answer my question I posed above I case you wish to use it against a real flat earther:

The equatorial mounts compensates for the distance the telescope is located from the equator. This being, north-south on the outside of a sphere. You would not need to adjust this angle otherwise as you move your telescope from one degree of latitude to the next.

The motor allows the telescope to keep the star or object being observed within the field of view as the star is constantly moving away as the earth rotates. The more the telescope is zoomed in, the quicker the star, planet or other object leaves the field of view.

Telescope photography was the reason why equatorial mounts were developed. To compensate for the earth's rotation and the latitude of the telescope along the outside of a sphere.

If the earth was flat and not spinning then no need. Just point at the star and not worry about where you are on the surface or the object leaving the telescope's field of view due to the rotation.

If you don't like ridiculous theories with no evidence supporting them, r/conspiracy may not be the place for you.

Nope, we are at a serious point in history. If we don't start proving conspiracies we will be like sheep led to the slaughter.

Once the rich and powerful have AI, robot manufacturing and robot farming, THEY WON'T NEED 95% of us. We will be eliminated.

How many false flag wars will you let them start. How many 9/11's will you let them pull-off. How many presidents will you let them shoot?

OP is getting that round earth shill money. There is a lot more evidence that the earth is flat than the good you believe in.

What the F--K are you talking about. I am the Original Poster of this posting. You think I get round-earth money? From who? Who pay's round earth money, haha. Please let me know so I can cash in.

Soros, obviously.

Removed Rule 10

The periodicity and recurrence of eclipses is governed by what is known as the "Saros Cycle", a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours).

It was known among the ancient Chaldean, Babylonian, and Persian astrologers as early as 500BC as the period when lunar eclipses seem to repeat themselves and the same cycle is also applicable to solar eclipses as well... deduced and calculated by observing the heavens and having nothing at all to do with the shape of the Earth.

The recently discovered Antikythera mechanism (dated at appx.150 BC) also has the capability to calculate and predict eclipses based the positions of the stars and again, without the creators of users of that device ever needing to know what shape the Earth itself was.

OK so you are saying that rusted out old analogue computer can do it. Great... But can you do it? No, I did not think so. Did someone rebuild this computer? I heard it can predict the frequency of how often someone makes claims on r/conspiracy without providing sources. I don't see any links and I know you don't understand the math. Where is the link to the article you are referring to?

Oh wait, I found it:

"Predicting Lunar and Solar Eclipse using a rebuild Antikythera mechanism" -April 2015, Journal of Flat-Earth Science. Written by Stephan Richter, MIT Professor of Flat Earth Science

Happy reading!!!!

The Antikythera has a 223-lunar month Saros dial. You need only to read-up about the Saros cycle itself and it's history or read any of the readily available information about the decoded and re-constructed Antikythera device from any of the detailed write-ups available on-line if you can ever manage to get your head out of your ass.

If you want to explain the following conspiracies with one master conspiracy it would be helpful. Which master conspiracy theory explains all the others?

List of sub-conspiracies with good sources for our current understanding:

*UFOs and UFO coverup Steven Greer and the Disclosure project.

*Evidence of advanced ancient civilizations Graham Hancock and ancient advanced human civilizations. (Gobekli Teki Founded: about 11,500 years ago full of giant stone architecture and precision engravings describing a global catastrophe.) Strong evidence of machine cutting at the Pyramids, Evidence the Sphinx was built over 10,000 year ago way before anything we define as a civilizations.

Ancient testimony about floods. Testimony about floods is found in many ancient books and oral traditions from various cultures. Scientists are agreeing that there were several periodic floods with some disagreement about specific causes for each (Comet's melting ice caps, Sudden climate change, asteroids, sudden pole shifts, repeated collapse of giant ice dams.)

*JFK Assassination Memo on Marlyn Monroe's threat to disclose president's UFO pillow talk written just before her death from "drug-overdose"

CIA drug smuggling.
History Channel is doing a good series on this now. IT IS HISTORY FOLKS!

*Did the Smithsonian dump the bones of giants into the seas. Testimony about giants found in many ancient books and legends from various cultures. Several accounts found in newspapers of the mid to late 19th century.

The missing link: The weak point of the theory of evolution. Even now, there is little good evidence that can tie modern man to older hominids than Neanderthal. They believe that modern humans and Neanderthal come from a common ancestor, but they can't find it.

"A dental study of 1,200 molars and premolars from 13 hominin species shows that no known species matches the expected profile of the last common ancestor of Homo neanderthalensis and anatomically modern Homo sapiens."


And god created man: Testimony from several ancient books from different cultures explaining in allegorically specific detail about how the gods created man.

Now these are the sub-conspiracies. Which master conspiracy better explains all of these and which one distracts from explaining them.

Flat-Earth GOD created man and man only on earth. No life is possible elsewhere. Other stars are just pretty lights and the recent discovery of several alien planets is another NASA lie.

No aliens? So, they must be demons.

Floods? -God made it rain a lot because he was angry.

UFO's sightings? Demon lights.

CIA drug dealing -Hey lets go pick up some Heroin, it is much cheaper than the prescription pain pills. Party!!!

Ancient civilizations? Nothing happens before 6000 years ago. Dinosaur bones? Devil put them there to fool us.

Flat-Earth discredits all the sub-conspiracies or at least does not support them very well.

-SO, what theory explains all the above sub-theories

GOD created the Universe, fill it with stars, and several planets capable of developing intelligent life that has free will. Other intelligent life get a million year head start on us. Using physics we cannot fathom, they travel long distance to visit us.

Some of them decide to use us to do work for them, so they modify our DNA so we are smart enough to do the work they need done but dumb enough to obey them. Some of these beings may have been giants or they produced giants as workers during the DNA modification process. As humans we see them all as gods as these advances aliens have magical technology. We are seen as safer, cheaper and less dangerous than autonomous artificially intelligent robotic beings. They have figured out how to use safely use AI by not giving it autonomy and freedom of movement and we are part of that solution. While some of us work for them, they teach others to produce and store food for their workers. They teach us some building technologies and maybe we work with them to build some structures.

These god aliens eventually leave (perhaps after a war or family conflict?) and after several major catastrophic floods and freezes over a couple thousand years, we forget a lot about them and most of what they have taught us. Major coastal cities are wiped out and only the inland savages. Some advanced sea-faring people escape the floods and do get around to various ancient civilisations to share some of their technology.

As seen in some classical art and paintings, Alien ships visit us here on earth every few years.

1945, we set off Atomic bombs. Sensors pick up the disruption caused by these bombs. It attract several different groups. Some ships are crashed by accident or on purpose and we start to learn about their tech and copy it. All of this is top-secret compartmentalized need to know basis information. Larges amounts of the US defense budget starts going into black ops. Financial requirements for secret programs are so great that federal agencies like the CIA and Defense start to innovate with new cash flow methods like drug smuggling and human sex trafficking and organ harvesting. Very very profitable, very hard to track the income. (George Webb -Youtube)

So, in the history of conspiracies we are coming to an really important time. But the window of the open internet is closing. Corporations and MSM are using the specter of "FAKE NEWS" to shut down alternative viewpoints (Youtube defunding and sorry but, not everyone who was defunded on Youtube was a Neo-Nazi. If I go on Youtube and talk about convicted sex criminals like Dennis Hastert and Anthony Weiner and Jeffery Epstein, I will be defunded.

The next step is actually blocking "FAKE NEWS". Soon, if I write about the history of Bill Clinton's sexual control problems, I will be blocked out of a Google news search. And if Trump gets his way, if I discuss Trumps history with the Russian mob in the 1990's, I will also be blocked on Google or Bing, etc..

The final step is already happening in some countries such as Sweden and the UK. If I harshly criticize a specific religious group (Muslims, Jews, etc.) or criticize certain countries (Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.) I can be fined and/or arrested.


So, what is my point? Let not waste time discussing time-travel conspiracies or ghosts or flat-earth and let's work on exposing critically important conspiracies, earn respect and help create consensus with the people we know in our lives.

And P.S. Flat Earth does not mean the Earth has to be in a dome. There are many Flat Earth models. What if this planet is perhaps an infinite flat plane

Really funny... You made my point, there is only ONE GLOBAL EARTH model and it is very effective for predicting events like, night and day, intercontinental plane flight durations, eclipses, the position of stars, comets, etc, etc, etc.

If you want to talk about a holographic universe or spooky action at a distance, fine, that is based on known and unknown science. GLOBE-EARTH theory is based on known-science. There is NO conspiracy. All Earth scientists don't belong to a cult.