Back to good old Conspiracy stuff: A Theory, including reincarnation, souls, dimensions, astral projection, and Jesus, come join the fun folks.

61  2017-06-21 by Plz_Pm_Me_Cute_Fish

Reincarnation. The stumper.

If souls exist, why does reincarnation exist? Technically, if souls exist, reincarnation cannot exist, you would just transition from one plane of existence, to the next, if this is so, why is there a step back?

Many people have lived on Earth, and although we live in fancy times now, many people still suffer daily, and have for all of existence.

Honestly, would you want to come back to this plane of existence if you passed onto a new one with new opportunities? I am going to venture a guess and say you wouldn't want to come back, so why do people come back?

Some can say some have experienced great things and long to relive those moments, but the idea of going to a new plane, would also mean everyone else goes there, all you would have to do is wait.

Why the jump back?

My theory, I hate this theory, because it sounds insane, but for those who has read up on as much random shit as I have will understand:

It is likely that our souls are used as an energy source for something trapped, where it is trapped, probably in the dimension right above us, it is likely that it also requires something if it is not further capable of evolving, meaning it would deteriorate, in some incomprehensible way. It is likely we are used as an energy source, because we can create something or do something, something about us is desirable.

I believe afterdeath, or the next plane of existence, is more hostile than this one, but after that one, it is bliss. It is likely that we are capable of something great, but keeping us here is beneficial in some fashion.

I have read up a lot on Jesus, and there is only two things I will say:

He is written about in multiple Semitic Religions, and even if they are all a rip-off from egypt, it is likely a lot of this warfare, battling, between "gods" where just beings of a higher dimension that transitioned here. The thing that is weird, is that Jesus was always written about being ascended, and Holy, always, he also died and came back, which is resurrection, but I can tell you for a fact, tons of these people/kids who come back saying they were fighter pilots and war heros and surgeons/etc, actually all of them, never stated anything about faith, religious ideologies, etc.

This tells me that a lot of what is written is about action in our solar system, seen through astral projection, that is why they knew shit was there, they didn't need a telescope. Jesus likely ascended beyond whatever we are imprisoned in, the idea of the Da Vinci code (never actually seen it, lol) and other shit referring to jesus having kids and etc, is likely all just to mislead people.

Jesus was likely a person birthed by a virgin, but conceived through astral projection/sex, and due to this, was able to ascend upon death, into the 5th dimension, and being in bliss, was able to return, and have power, and try to lead people to the 5th dimension, or to try to teach people to astral project to make a bunch of astral babies.

The theory folks.


Reincarnation is not natural. It is a massive limitation created by the Archons. Death is not our natural way. It was programmed into this Simulated Universe. We were meant to expand as ourselves into eternity. Creating and projecting infinite worlds of free thought. earth is not a "school". It is a prison. "Reincarnation" and "Memory Erase" are the WORST things you can do. It guarantees you remain a SLAVE...


you would be shock at how many pm i get saying "this is a school" or "we are here for lessons" or "our higher self wants us to suffer to grow". this is ALL complete B.S. This reality is an econonmic and energetic farm. it is controlled by Aliens who have advanced tech. we are SLAVES. the only way to end this is to wake up and push aside all this absurd new age propanganda. it is time to break off these chains...

Yea the reality is this realm has been hijacked and "they" hate human life and possibly life in general and want to keep everyone as slaves.

What if we used hamsters to turn advanced generators as an energy source? I doubt charged and invested emotions like hate are behind this. The strong use the weak at countless levels. Is an antfarm evil? Perspective people.

you are exactly correct my friend.

Where did you get your information from? And is the information you provide reliable?

Whenever someone claims to know what is really going in on a macro level, they are full of shit.

i have heard it from numerous other researchers. i have also been to the astral afterlife many times and have spoken with the deceased.

What are your thoughts on cancelling soul contracts? Apparently in a free-will universe, you cannot be forced to exist in a prison without consent. Apparently we have consented in one form or another.

yes. we are tricked into consent. the archons and their human representatives are very cunning and the masters of deception. blatant lies are being used to trick humans into the very false concepts that earth is a "school" and people are here for "lessons". above all humans are duped into acceptance of "karmic debt" (which does not exist). these extremely important 2 articles by Cameron day tell you exactly how to "cancel soul contracts":

and here is part 2 of this incredible information:

I was told from an entity I at the time viewed as death. I was told that we are here to develop as well. I was told this is the only plane we have the ability to actuate, move, or create anything. That is why I could only observe the huge black void I was in and do nothing else. And that if one does not develop properly once you break from the plane and attenuate to the others you will be stuck in that void. However depending on how you developed you could pass more freely, and have power to create and move within the other planes.

This is all after I was pulled into a black orb surrounded by white light and told that same entity I did not care if I died. And after she proceeded to force me to experience resisting and getting pulled into the orb, and sitting in that void what felt like hundreds of times.

Does that hold up with anything you know? That was my death experience I had after experimenting with cough syrup. I think I had a dopamine purge and went into some sort k-hole type thing. My babysitter said that he almost called on me because I stopped breathing allegedly went into respiratory depression and breathed like 4 times a minute for a good bit. So perhaps truly did have near death experience. Regardless it had a dramatic effect on me. I took and measured out the amount I should take for my weight that I could find from googling and I want for a lowish dose. But after a bit, and the goofiness, calmness past, my senses literal crashed - no more feeling or sight. Got those nice 2-d spirals and eventually passed out only to be talking death and apparently slowly losing control of my diaphragm.

very interesting experience. my opinion is that the void is also part of the simulation. the Archon Hierachy are the masters of deception and will do anything to keep their slaves from escaping. the void is being used to scare people into the limiting belief that this is all there is.

Thanks for the links. I can't help but feel the idea behind polarity (positive / negative) is actually the same thing as a battery. By creating a positive and negative polarity, and controlling both - they create energy potential.

This is exactly how a battery functions. As above, so below?

yes. you are correct. listen to this fantastic and very important interview that goes into exactly what you are saying:

Reminds me of this great clip.

TV often puts the truth right in front of you if you know what to look for. The "Eye of Sauron" and Saturn symbolism...idk, I'm high right now. But its fucking crazy dude, we actually live in a fucking simulation.

That's the 2nd time I've been directed to this clip. It's so interesting. I'm glad u posted the link.

He's promising bliss. Is that the heaven/equivalent trap?

yes, we are in a simulation. the good news is nothing is real as we thought it to be. matter does not exist. everything around you is a holographic projection that can be changed.

that great clip is exactly our situation. it should be seen and understood by everyone...

That basically summed up all that you've been saying. Amazing to see it so 'out there' and 'blatant'. I wonder if Trekkies ever get wise to how much truthful symbolism they see and hear.

Yep. Agreed 100% reincarnation is Hell. It's the fire the we go through.

Ok this is a whole new rabbit hole for me.

it is the biggest and most important of them all...

It's probably the deepest hole I've seen alright, not sure I concur with it though.

do more research and believe me, you will...

You have my attention.

YouTube recs, etc?

what is a rec?


Last I saw you in a thread you inspired me to look up the archons and I've come out the other end of a paradigm shift. Do you have any thoughts on the inner earth societies and the concept of hell and our existence as a prison planet? Are our souls in some way trapped by the civilizations inside the Earth upon our expiration rather than leaving and expanding as they should? Particularly The Vril sound very fishy to me and as I read about them the concept of vril energy sounded like soul energy

Hi. Hell is the lower astral. It is where nightmares occur and it is a real area. I have been there. It is like waking up inside a horror movie times 10. The Archons are originally from the lower astral. This is not a school it is sadly a prison planet. Interesting you say that about the vril. It has been thought that the inner earth is at least partially in the astral dimension. I met a group of aryan type people in a Lucid Dream and they confirmed this to me. The vril people are very fishy. Cameron Day feels they pretend to be the good guys when actually they are part of the Archon Hierachy. So yes, they may have a role in the enslavement of humans in this matrix.

All makes sense to me. Keep rockin on brotha!

You've been to hell? Thats a pretty bold claim. Do you think heaven is real? Have you been there? What sends a person to heaven or hell? Are those the only options?

I'm just curious as to exactly what you believe?

many other people can project into these areas. heaven and hell type areas exist, but not like the propaganda that religions have told you. hell is really the lower astral dimension. it is like being in an extreme horror movie. murderers, molesters and violent people who are deceased hang out that area. they like to scare and torment those who may wander into the area. the "heaven" is the opposite, it is the high astral dimension. it is very peaceful and beautiful in appearance. but the so called angels, guides, and masters that hang out there are fakes who cannot be trusted.

Reincarnation or re-incarceration

I c wut u did there

Spell-ing is no joke.

...Reincarnation comes from having children. Try it

So if we don't have children, then we don't reincarnate?

indeed, genetics possibly explains how this idea forms. In the sense that you don't need to die to conceptualize yourself reborn.

Jesus was born of a virgin because the Holy Spirit of God impregnated her, there was no sex involved, the Holy Spirit fertilized Mary's egg.

Now Jesus died on the cross, so that we can have forgiveness for our sins, because only life can pay for death, just as the death of a animal for food extends our life. We deserve death for our sins, but Jesus didn't deserve death, because He committed no sin, which made Jesus a perfect sacrifice for dying for our sins, so the innocent death of sinless Jesus completely washed away our sins, for whoever believes in Him and repents.

The reason why Jesus was able to be resurrected from the dead, was because He is God and He has power over death. By Jesus conquering death, He proved that He was God and that anybody who believed in Him will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement to live with Him on the new earth.

How is it realistic? As far as historical and eye witness testimony, the Bible is one of the most manipulated books of all time. The elite use it to control people into thinking that someone will save them, instead of doing the actual work to save themselves. Who decided what books were put in the Bible? Why were all the Gnostic books left out? I've got nothing against people who believe in Jesus, but don't think for one second you're on the only path to God. God is infinite and unfathomable. As a human it is impossible for you to understand what is happening. The Jesus story is just another story, like aliens and archons etc.

I don't know if it's all fake though. I've read time and time again "they" have to let us know what they're up to. It's why they put so many messages and images in movies, music etc. It's part of free will, which is a law of the universe. By behaving and thinking in certain ways that go against "universal laws" for lack of a better term, we're giving our consent to be trapped in this prison reality. The Jesus figure, whether he was real or not, tells us how to escape it. They have to let us know our out, that way if we choose not to do the actions and behaviors to escape, we're giving our permission to be trapped.

Brainwashed af

You were deceived to believe a false gospel.

You forgot Amen-Ra

Why do souls negate the existence of reincarnation? I personally believe in both: that everything from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy, has an inherent soul, and when it is destroyed or passes away, the soul energy floats through the world, looking for something else to attach to.

I actually feel really stupid typing this out, haha.

A theory, or idea, or hypothesis, needs to be tested to have any value or authority. How do you test and measure such a theory? Are you willing
or motivated to spend all your energy falsifying your own hypothesis or ideas or beliefs for the sake of Truth and progress? Most people would say no. No one knows what happens after death, so we try the next best thing and look at the data...none exists. My Down Syndrome extremly retarded nephew would argue (if he could) against dualism, the existance of a soul or personality seperate from a physical brain.

I would use discernment concerning the RA papers. It's what I would call the arcon's law of one.

I think is down the rabbit hole to transhumanism and the singularity. See Wes Penre's ebook.

In Buddhism you can ascend upon the moment of death via spontaneous realization. Failing this, however, you will descend back into some reincarnation. Now, this connects with what you mention because people are overwhelmingly likely to descend back into the Earth plane. This I've read is due to the chimera group's "false vacuum" that they have set up

Anyway, IDK if the whole chimera / archon thing is true but I sort of had a logical explanation without invoking aliens. Our material existence has many layers of illusion built on itself brought about through our evolution from stars to planets to bacteria and so forth. These illusions maintain our perceived separateness, and karmically this entails a great deal of unsatisfied desires that we carry with us. Without resolutionf of these desires through self reflection and realization of our inherent unity with creation, we will feel them upon death which will pull our soul back into another creation cycle upon Earth or some Earth-like planet.

Jesus had mastered the lesson of love, and thus did not carry with him the same karmic baggage that most humans do. Perhaps this was a result of his pure conception as you mention. Because his existence would have been free of such illusions, the transition upon death for him would have been seamless into whatever aspect he wished - choosing to remain as a teacher as he did for some time.

Yes, Tethys and Minas are pacman, they eat the ghosts.

I really enjoy reading all the perspectives. For me I agree who would want to come back? I think there is a matrix of sorts that we are enslaved by. We can break free through knowledge and awareness or enlightenment as some call it. I have been studying our institutions, such as our financial and religious institutions and most here would agree that they are twisted and evil. Definitely they do not serve the interests of the common good. So how are they allowed to continue through out history? I think these institutions enslave by manipulating humanity to be consumed by insatiable greed, pride, false information, toxins in our water and food. It is complicated but through knowledge and exposure people can break free and evolve. This theory for me is still a work in progress, but I sense that time is linear and reincarnation is necessary to perpetuate that. As we break free we can transcend time and it becomes fluid rather than linear. Anyways rant over.

I believe that "reincarnation" is normal, whatever energy signature our souls are become recycled/repurposed by some yet-unknown mechanism. Our thoughts and memories while we are alive are processed and stored by our brain, which is left behind when our body dies.

Love one another. Die to self. Lose the ego, see that everything is illusion and become one with ALL. Fear is something we project on others that is really within you, it's the biggest trap, we are basically in a hamster cage. We are all Universes of Mind, and you are part of mine as your own Universe, together as a multiverse. Is this easy, heck no. But we can try to love that which comes before you in the NOW, yourself included.

Jesus ( Michael of Nebadon ) is the Creator Son and Sovereign of our Local Universe Nebadon. He chose our planet for his final bestowal, appearing in the flesh. There are approx. 700,000 local Universes. ( 700,000 Michael Creator Sons )

Souls/Personalities enter a body in the flesh, and through many or few lifetimes, eventually obtain a level of spiritual growth in which they are able to pass through death, and enter the next phase of Universe progression: the Mansion worlds. If we do not obtain the level of growth required, we enter a deep sleep so to speak, and re-emerge during the next Epoch to try again. BUT if we willfully reject the way of our Universal Father, and refuse time after time to accept his loving mercy and ministry, then our energies are utterly destroyed and recycled back into the Grand Universe. The Urantia Book describes this in more detail, but that's the best I can describe, off the top of my head.

I do not subscribe to mainstream religion, however, I fully believe in Jesus and our Universal Father.

Mansion Worlds


Reminds me of this great clip.

TV often puts the truth right in front of you if you know what to look for. The "Eye of Sauron" and Saturn symbolism...idk, I'm high right now. But its fucking crazy dude, we actually live in a fucking simulation.

Yep. Agreed 100% reincarnation is Hell. It's the fire the we go through.

Ok this is a whole new rabbit hole for me.

You have my attention.

YouTube recs, etc?

That's the 2nd time I've been directed to this clip. It's so interesting. I'm glad u posted the link.

He's promising bliss. Is that the heaven/equivalent trap?

Last I saw you in a thread you inspired me to look up the archons and I've come out the other end of a paradigm shift. Do you have any thoughts on the inner earth societies and the concept of hell and our existence as a prison planet? Are our souls in some way trapped by the civilizations inside the Earth upon our expiration rather than leaving and expanding as they should? Particularly The Vril sound very fishy to me and as I read about them the concept of vril energy sounded like soul energy

yes, we are in a simulation. the good news is nothing is real as we thought it to be. matter does not exist. everything around you is a holographic projection that can be changed.

that great clip is exactly our situation. it should be seen and understood by everyone...