Let's talk about food.

153  2017-06-21 by Demty

Added white trash sugar and high fructose corn syrup causes diabetes. White processed flour causes inflammation, diabetes, and cancer. What's left? Fresh veggies and fruit. Monkeys do pretty well with mainly fruit. I heard recently 80 percent fruit, 20 percent veg is our ideal diet. What about protein? Can the human body create protein without directly eating nuts and meat? I'm sick of being sick and tired and waking up with diarrhea. When I fast I feel amazing then go back to eating grains and meat and feel like crap. The food industry pushes terrible food that causes sickness and the answer is blood pressure and acid reflux pills? If this isn't a conspiracy I don't know what is.

Thank you everyone. Never had so many up votes on a post. Love everyone on this sub!


A raw food diet is ideal with occasional steamed / boiled proteins (legumes, meats, insects, eggs). All processed foods will fuck you up.

Nice answer. Tell me about your go to juices. I do kale/spinach, banana, apple, strawberry, and coconut milk in the blender.

Thanks buddy. I usually stick to apple carrot beetroot kale ginger. Although nothing beats an actual fresh squeezed dozen oranges.

Beets or Watermelon with Cucumbers or Celery with Spinach or Kale with Lemon or Lime, Hemp Seeds, Coconut Oil, Flax seeds, Spirulina and/or Chlorella with Apples (3-4), and few other combinations.

Typical berry/fruit shakes too like Strawberry + Banana or Mango + Pom etc

Where do beans sit? High sources of protein or no?

Juice is horribly unhealthy. Kale and all those fruits are very healthy, but when you juice them, they digest too quickly and your body doesn't get any nutrients. Juice is just empty calories and sugar for the most part.

In an ideal world water should be the only thing you drink.

Ideal world without coffee and liquor? Hah

health wise at least. I think liquor in moderation is fine, as is coffee as long as you aren't filling it with GMO milk and sugar.

I like my coffee black, and only drink local brews

Beer companies don't pump the chemical in the beer, the beer is made from hops that naturally contain phytoestrogens. The hoppier the beer, the more estrogen.

they add chemicals that increase the estrogen-on top of the hops.

Also the GMO wheat they use produces more estrogen.

Yeah you're gonna have to source that.

Guessing a talking frog told him he became gay?

Alex Jones was wrong about that. The frogs aren't turning gay. They're becoming hermaphrodites.



Lots and lots of research from various sites. Look it up yourself.

You aren't a paid Monsanto shill are you?

beer bellies and man tits are not natural. If the beer mainstream America drank was not pumped so full of estrogen, there would be less man tits and beer bellies.

They aren't adding estrogen to beer. Its alcohol itself that boosts the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen.

Does aluminum used in beer cans have nothing to do with it?

Cans have an epoxy liner to prevent the metal from coming in contact with the beer.

Goody! More chemicals and plastics in contact with our foods! Aluminum will still contaminate the beer, even if it never physically comes in to contact with it.

Similar to how proximity to lead poisons us, even if we don't ever directly touch it.

The liner isn't BPA free which is the biggest concern. The aluminum though does not contaminate the beer or else breweries would just bottle and keg.

Good point! Why anyone would downvote????? Hmmmm.

I did my own research. And I couldn't find anything, other than the phytoestrogens in hops. Google, scientific journals, nothing. So if there's lots and lots of research from various sites you're going to have to cite that for me cause I can't find it for the life of me.

Mainstream science has become a politicized cult at this point.

Neat. I tend to agree in a lot of ways. Now source your fucking claim.

Have you never posted on this subreddit before? I can't just give you one link. Clickbait headlines and articles with spoon fed information are designed to make us stupid. Do your own research. Come to your own conclusions. I don't feel a need to force you to agree with me. i don't care.

I've been on this subreddit long enough to know when someone is talking out of their ass.

I don't care. Believe what ever you want to. It's your life :)

It's not phytoestrogens it's psuedoestrogens.

No, it's phytoestrogens. Plant derived estrogens.

Removed. Rule 10.

He is right, gmo wheat is coated with roundup which is perceived by the body as a pseudo estrogen. Which is why it grows tumors in rats. Look it up and educate yourself. It's easily found.

could be the bpa in the aluminum cans?

Ug, that's very likely.

This yes!

Even moderate alcohol consumption can cause brain damage.

but isn't red wine supposedly healthy in moderation? Also, is 100% agave tequila so bad?

Did you even read any of those articles or just the headlines?

From the USA Today link that came up first.

There is not much evidence [light to moderate] alcohol use damages the brain directly

The articles are literally about how these studies generate a lot of buzz because of headlines, but then can't be replicated in follow up studies. I'm not advocating for alcohol in any way, personally I don't drink as it's one of the most harmful drugs out there. I just don't appreciate the spread of misinformation.

I did not know that but suspected that the other day when I felt awful after drinking a beer.

I believe you're supposed to juice your veggies and eat your fruits.

I have never heard anything about juicing veggies. It sounds like fake news. The people in the ancient days were not likely juicing their veggies.

Slow cooking is one of the best ways to cook them though.

The idea behind juicing a ton of veggies is that you get their 'essence' (vitamins and things), and you can consume way more veggies by juicing them than you could if you were endeavoring to eat all of them.

I think the best way is to eat it with as little cooking and close to its natural state. it's ancient tao wisdom

I juice garlic and ginger and cucumber juice and parsley and lime. It is not a great tasting concoction but it wards off colds and such. Also I feel very healthy.

Not true at all.

Do some research on juice fasting.

That is just a caloric starvation fad diet.

Also not true. You seem to be ignoring the vital role that phytonutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals have on overall health and metabolism. /r/juicing

Juicing is fake bro science. Diets promoted in the mainstream as trends and fads are generally bad for us.

See also soy and atkins.

Not true at all.

Literally hundreds of videos explaining why fresh juice is medicine.


I will look in to this and am open to be proven wrong, but there are also hundreds of videos telling us that coconut oil and soy are healthy for us, even though they aren't.

There are also hundreds of videos and websites telling us there's nothing wrong with eating GMOs.

Yeah but the results in the videos speak for themselves. Glad you at least have an open mind.

Not really. Everything in those videos can easily be staged. You can attribute the weight loss to juice, or to simply the fact that they had massive unhealthy caloric deficit for awhile and exercised a lot. There are videos where they say coconut oil is healthy and then show people thinner after they use coconut oil for a certain amount of time. Same with other fad diet videos of diets that turned out to be unhealthy.

I've never seen mainstream promote fasting of any kind, let alone juice fasting. They always promote the "everything in moderation" food pyramid bullshit as you say.

Look at celebs promoting juicing and juice cleanses like Angelina Jolie and others in her circle. Juice fasting was a massive trend with Hollywood celebrities before the normies started following them.

You have to research for yourself, your health is your own responsibility. No one can tell you what is right. You research and literally follow your gut instinct. It works.

good advice.

Unless your gut is telling you to eat pizza hut and mcdonalds!

When you discover how good fresh nutrient rich food is, in the sense I mean how good it can make you feel....it becomes addicting. I ate a tumeric concoction the other day. Did not taste great honestly. But wow what an amazing sense of wellbeing and health did it give me. I am always on the hunt to find foods that create that wellbeing sense. Wellbeing vitality is addicting! In a good way. I still LOVE pizza I just make my own. It's so easy and way more delicious that way. Some supermarkets sell the dough. Try it out you will be shocked at how easy it is.

Tumeric, garlic and mustard are all extremely healthy for you. And yes making pizza is easy and enjoyable! Great post! I know exactly what you mean. Turmeric does not taste great but it makes you feel amazing. I put turmeric, garlic and mustard seed and powder in to as many foods as I can.

I just discovered much of this through this site inspiring me to research. It's been so much fun! I will try mustard next!

Just as a spice, like pepper or chili. I use it in beans or as seasoning on meat or fish.

Think of it like this. In asia, Chili pepper is a medicine plant. The European version is mustard.

You have no idea what juicing is I am sorry. You are misinformed. Atkins is a great diet but I believe it works partly because you are eliminating gluten. Unfortunately meat is very contaminated with antibiotics and hormones that fatten you. I used to use the Atkins diet but eventually it stopped working because of the toxic chemicals I was injesting. Paleo for me and medicinal juices works really well. For you if Atkins works great! But I found it lost effectiveness over the years.

It is possible to find meat that isn't contaminated with GMOs and antibiotics. I eat it all the time. Go to farmers markets and you can find what you're looking for.

Yes you are right about that. I have to tell you I have been researching this a bit, around 2008 the food industry was deregulated somewhat. I am still researching it, but my feeling is they started adding more antibiotics and hormones to meat products. I am an Atkins proponent for along time, but it stopped working also I did not feel too well on it. It's not the diet itself in my opinion it is the quality of the food. Farmers market are the way to go!

They still have non-GMO meat raised without anti-biotics, it just costs a bit more and is harder to find. Farmers markets and places like Sprouts are your best bet. Whole Foods can no longer be trusted since they've been purchased by Bezos and Amazon.

I could not agree more. !!!

I am a meat eater, I cannot be vegetarian I tried it out. Got very weak and unhealthy. I stick with eggs and fish now and oacassionaly beef and chicken. It works for me. Along with vegetables.

Health is an individual process everyone is different. There is no one sized fits all approach. If it makes you feel healthy you do it. A one sized fits all approach never works. Clearly juicing does not work for you. That's ok. It works for me sometimes I use it medicinally. Maybe you take blood pressure meds, I take natural meds and I am healthy. Your concept of health might be to take a doctors orders? Mine is to find my own healing and I am healthier than ever and I take no prescription medicines.

I never tried juicing. In my nutrition research I have always read it is not the best option.

I am healthy and exercise a lot and don't really ascribe to fad diets or trends. Anything started and promoted by Hollywood celebrities like Madonna and Angelina Jolie and Ashton Kutcher I am very skeptical of.

I agree, juices full of sugar are not the best choices. I recently made a carrot, ginger juice. After drinking it a little while later I walked by a mirror, my skin was glowing. I was taken aback. I need all the whole food vitamins I can get. I was not in good health before. Some people need extra vitamins and minerals. It's healthier to extract it naturally than to get it as a pill supplement. One is still living with enzymes. The other has been freezedried.

Been making fresh squeezed vegetable and fruit juice for years, and I am very healthy. I have great skin, my libido is off the charts, I have more energy than the people around me, and my mind is sharp.

Store bought juice is garbage. Fresh squeezed juice is manna from heaven. The whole point of it is to make the nutrients MORE digestible by discarding the cellulose (undigestible) mechanically. Contrary to popular belief plenty of soluble fiber ends up in the juice, not to mention most of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients.

"they digest too quickly and your body doesn't get any nutrients." This statement contradicts itself. When I drink a big old glass of juice I don't run straight to the toilet and poop it out!

That's fine. No matter if your juice is fresh or not, by drinking juice you are gaining mostly energy from the sugar. Your body is not digesting the nutrients in the fruit properly when you drink juice instead of eat fruit.

It's just how our physiologies work. Research how your digestion system works. Or don't. Keep drinking juice, I'm sure the stuff you make is very tasty. It doesn't bother me either way.

Where do all the nutrients go? My body magically knows to not absorb nutrition if it goes down my gullet in the form of juice?

You piss them out rather than digest them.

If that's true, and say I drink beet juice, should my piss be beet red? Cuz it's just as clear as if I'm only drinking water.

It's not like you don't get ANY of the nutrients. You just aren't getting the maxed out amount you would get if you just ate fruit and veg and let your stomach digest them fully.

It's almost as if there's a bunch of bored and mostly unemployed people on the internet who just want to fervently disagree with anything anyone else says, and they want to do it all from memory and opinion.

Drink juice if you want. I don't care lol

If you don't care, then in the future how about you crawl back into your cave and stop telling people things that you don't have any real knowledge about? How about you go get a job or a hobby rather than spout lies and ignorance at strangers on the internet?

How about you get fucked?

You seem desperate to discredit me and very angry for some reason. Sad.

You actually get a concentrated dose of nutrients that is more bio available then simply eating a beet. It is no different than taking a supplement or a prescription pill. It is a concentrated dose of nutrients, that is better than a vitamin pill. Because it is fresh, as opposed to something sitting in a bottle for an indefinite amount of time.

If you're poopin juice, you have a problem.

I'm not juicing. I'm blending with all the fiber included. Smoothie not juice. For clarification.

You still piss out most of the nutrients in a smoothie. It's better to just eat the fruit so it digests properly and you get the full nutritional benefits.

Juice is also dangerous, unless you are very careful with your servings, sugar content in juice is usually very high.

Lol, you really have no idea what you are talking about. I agree that fads are pushed to sell products. Juicing is a method to extract and isolate nutrients. It's a method to prepare foods just like making a tea is a different method to extract nutrients. You really seem to think that what works for you works for everyone? Sad. There are many different modalities and you seem very closed minded and ignorant:

you are an idiot.

Great argument bro!

Removed. Rule 4.

It depends some people are simply so malnourished that a concentrate juice chock ful of vitamins and minerals will do them a world of good. In a clean world that does not have the chemicles we are exposed to on a daily basis no one needs a juice. But I have found when I make a fresh juice with ginger, and garlic and celery etc. it does me a world of good.

I will be open minded to the health benefits of juice. I never denied that I love the taste. I just don't see it as healthy. I am open to the fact that I may be wrong. I will do more research.

Stay away from Juices IMO. They are a form of processing which makes it much easier to digest, raising blood sugar. Basically doing the digestion work in the blender.

Careful with raw greens like kale/spinach, you can develop kidney stones over time

That sounds amazing.

In what world is juice not processed? Do you even know what a process is?

Insects come in processed food. But so does rat shit.

This needs to be pointed out a lot more often.

Source on insects?

What in the fuck

When I fast I feel amazing then go back to eating grains and meat and feel like crap

I am not a doctor, I am a random user in a - more or less - anonymous internet forum...
That said: did you ever check for Celiac Disease?
I know it is a recent fad to go w/o Gluten for no good reason, but it can't hurt to check?

And just to prove I am really an anonymous internet troll you shouldn't trust with medical advice:

Monkeys do pretty well with mainly fruit.

Flies to pretty well with mainly shit.


But flies don't share 99% of dna with us.

96%/they're apes/omnivorous, not monkeys/frugivorous, but that's still a fallacy anyway. We also share 90% of our genome with domesticated cats.

go w/o Gluten for no good reason

Some people seem to have reactions not to the gluten, but to the glyphosate that is sprayed on wheat to help dry it out when it is harvested. They spray a lot of different grains when they harvest so even if you think you are avoiding glyphosate by avoiding GMOs, its still on/in a lot of different things. ....soft kill

and gluten-free food helps you avoid that how exactly?
unless you eat completely grain-free, which is a different idea alltogether.

Some people also have reactions to certain foods that are considered high in FODMAPS. It's an acronym for the different types of sugars in some foods:

  • Fermentable
  • Oligosaccharides
  • Di-saccharides
  • Monosaccharides
  • Polyols

Wheat is heavy in the FODMAPs category, so it may not be gluten for a lot of people, they may just be having a hard time digesting the particular carb-sugar structure in wheat.

Wheat species have also been modified and they do not naturally occur in nature. Although they may be drought resistant they are more difficult to digest for some people leading to serious reactions. Add in the glysophate to a new species that was selected not for its food grade quality but for its drought resistance and you have a disease producing food item.

Science has lied about food, for money... For best part 100 years

Edward Bernays is the guy who pioneered the corruption of science and medicine, working for tobacco companies.

If he is alive he should be tried for crimes against humanity!

You've got the ratio right but the formula wrong. It should be around 80% vegetables and 20% meat.

The best book I've read on this and recommend is Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman.

Add a lot more vegetables to your diet and see how your diarrhea goes away from the fiber.

Thanks, Im going to snag that one.

Np, check it out and give it a go. If you're having health problems then strictly following his advice could reverse a lot of those problems. If you do try it, I'd be curious to hear about your results.

How Not to Die is another excellent source of information. It has great discussions of how specific foods as well as overall diet patterns can be used to treat a wide range of diseases either without drugs or minimizing drugs.

That one looks good. Adding it to my to-read list.

I started substituting spaghetti squash (http://steamykitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/baked-spaghetti-squash-garlic-butter-4574.jpg) for pasta (starch spaghetti) and I've never looked back. Highly recommend to everybody.

Oh that's so cool. I've seen zucchini pasta before but was never too interested because how little calories zucchini has. Thanks for posting this!

I buy a pasta that's made out of black beans, stuff is awesome! Tastes damn close to pasta (I'm Italian, can confirm)... looks like squid ink pasta though. Easy for me to get over, not easy for some.

It's just been reprinted and is at Costco.

Or try Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson.

He has an episode on JRE about it if you're into that show.

Hell yes I will DL it. Love JRE

80% of what? Food weight? Calories? It's borderline impossible to get 80% of calories from vegetables

Calories. It's true that vegetables are low in calories but most of them are densely packed with nutrients per calorie when compared to other foods. Add in lean meat and nuts for fat and protein, some fruit for carbs and you can get all the calories you need.

The bonus for eating more fresh vegetables than other foods is you can eat a whole lot and still lose/maintain your weight all while getting the nutrients. The fiber from the vegetables will keep you feeling full and curb your hunger.

That's almost exactly what I do - on weekdays - I eat almost exclusively fruits and veggies and nuts. A lot of trail mix/cashews almonds, sunflower seeds, etc.

I have slipped up and eaten a pork chop on a Tuesday. Or a cheeseburger on a Thursday - but for the most part - I am able to avoid meat and most processed foods on weekdays.

How can you say that?

If you said on weekdays - I will only eat fruits and vegetables. only raw unprocessed fruits and vegetables - and nothing else.

Maybe i throw in some coffee and water and tea.

BOOM - on Monday thru Friday - I am getting almost 100% of my calories from fruits and vegetables.

If on the weekends i splurge and eat meat or eggs or waffles - then that is splurging and provides some protein and carbs i don't really need - but that could account for 20% of my weekly food intake - and before you know it - I have a much healthier diet because 5 days a week I am getting almost 100% of my diet from fruits and veggies.

Yeah you can eat on a full vegetable diet.. if you never do anything physical good luck hitting 3k calories with that.

Why on Earth would you need 3k calories? We're not all fat as white trash working construction.

The black male needs less calories because his body processes them more efficiently. Black power

Or maybe I train intensively.

This book is at Costco now FYI folks.

As a relatively healthy person. I need carbs. Give me pasta, rice, whole grain breads, etc.

Ahh lucky you. Pasta is delicious but too much of it makes me bloated, same with breads. Everyone has different needs I guess. I read that book last summer and followed his advice strictly. The little bit of fat I had melted off fast and I was ripped. I use what I learned from it as a rough guide now.

Lately I've been reading up on gut bacteria and how much of it effects us. It's a fascinating topic but not an agreed on science so far.

I don't have diahrhea....

Maybe you have a food allergy?

I definitely think 90% of the food supply is tainted - even fruits & vegetables that aren't organic and they are sprayed with chemicals.

But I have to remember that being crazy/anal about it will probably do more harm than good as well. With that said - everything in moderation is my motto.

Food allergy is possible. More likely an infection of some sort in the gut. I'd see a naturopath and ask about a stool test. Your md could do one, but they probably won't take you seriously, whereas a naturopath will.

Oh, and you may want to do a candida test to tonight just to rule out the possibility. Put a glass of water next to your bed before you go to sleep. When you wake up, first thing spit into the cup. If your spit float, no cadida. If it sinks, you have candida. Btw, candida is a yeast infection in the tummy. Its treated with a no sugar/no mold diet for a month or so.

Interesting about the spit test. Might just try that for fun tomorrow morning lol.

question for you (kind of unrelated) - can naturopaths prescribe medication? and is a naturopath the same thing as a "holistic doctor"?

I believe holistic doctor is a vague, generic term. Naturopath is a medical degree (NP), from a naturopathic school. Naturopaths use supplements and natural techniques to heal. They cannot prescribe drugs. If they discover an infection that requires an antibiotic or other pharmaceutical, they will give you the test to take to your MD, and your MD will prescribe the drug. The AMA is about 10 - 15 years behind research, and Naturopaths tend to be up with the times. Often, your MD will refuse to test for this or that because its not an AMA approved illness/procedure for said illness, but if you bring a test that the naturopath did, the MD will usually respect it. That said, NDs don't know everything and just as with an MD, you need to be your own advocate for care.

To answer your protein question, yes, your body can absolutely create protein without nuts or meat. The only thing that matters is that you eat the essential amino acids that humans have lost the ability to synthesize due to the fact that we ate them for so many years. In fact, every time you eat protein your body breaks down the polypeptide into individual amino acids that it uses to make its own useful proteins. So the key is getting enough amino acids, it's just easier through nuts and meats.

To build on this... animal proteins, ie dairy, fish, red meat, poultry, etc. have all 32 amino acids in them, so you get all the building blocks you need with very little protein intake. However, vegan proteins tend to only have a few types of amino acids, so you need to eat a wide variety of vegan proteins to get all the building block amino acids that you need. But vegan protein tends to be high in toxins, and it is a lot of work for your body to process. Also, most animal products are full of toxins due to factory farming, so you need to buy the high end stuff.

stop eating GMOs. Stop eating processed food. Stop overeating. Stop eating anything with unfermented soy in it.

You will do all right.

Fuck off with that "stop eating GMOs" bullshit.

GMOs are better versions of the shitty s nature provides.

Disagree? Have a banana. No, wait, that's GMO.

research dwarf wheat. Without that, 10% of the planet starves to death. GMOs can save lives.

GMOs just make animal feed cheaper and making unhealthy meat cheaper as well. I like meat but I don't think it's healthy to eat it in ''supersize me" proportions

No you're right fam, since you obviously researched it like he asked, you'd know dwarf wheat saved millions in India and Pakistan where they eat so much meat /s

The suicide rate in India farmers is through the roof because of the terrible diseases that gmos have caused on their children.

Any evidence at all for that?

I think pesticides are to blame. Pesticides are nerve agents and are just a lite version of VX. For example, nerve agents work by attacking the nervous systems of insects.

It's a terrible poison to put into the food supply the children of these farmers have less tolerant to the poison. Like a canary in the coal mine. Very sad.

GMOs just make animal feed cheaper

uh, no. If you've ever had a banana, you've had a GMO. Most GMO food is designed to resist diseases. Dwarf wheat specifically was designed to survive harsh weather. Animals don't eat wheat, generally. People do, though.

Liar: Gmos are pesticide laced foods. Hybridized foods where two plants are cross pollinized is a natural occurrence that can be used to improve a crop. Coating a seed with a cancerous agent is not the same thing. Liar you do nothing but spread misinformation and try to mislabel the process to trick people.

What do you think GMO stands for?

I believe you're thinking of organic.

The franken foods industry has created that label to confuse and mislead. A hybrid variety is not the same as a gmo regulated product. A hybrid has been selectively bred as occurs naturally through cross pollination in nature. Inbedding roundup in a plants DNA is not hybridization. You will not come on this forum and trick people with your double speak. Gmos equal poison. Hybrid plants are not regulated like gmos are for a reason!

Are you arguing with someone else? I didn't say any of the things you think I said.

GMO Bananas are not selectively bread. They were bread with a portion of a fungus that was destroying banana crops. This banana is now resistant to that fungus. Please explain what roundup has to do with any of this.

I am sorry if I said it to the wrong person. Please accept my apologies. I have a few window opened up.

Most bananas and wheat varieties are from hybridization, not GMOs. Most GMOs are created for the purpose to be 'roundup ready' and to reduce pesticide use. But GMOs actually increase pesticide in these new varieties. It's a scam.

Yeah, you'd be right. It's still your responsibility to eat well. Don't get a hamburger just because it's convenient.

Gmos increase profits for board members. No one wants it. They are fighting labeling the garbage tooth and nail. They know it produces tumors and causes terrible neurological and digestive issues. It is linked to autism and gluten intolerance. Gmos are poisoned food.

I'm pretty sure that it's traditional hybridization, not GMOs. Those two aren't the same.

You guys keep spelling "selective breeding" with the wrong letters. There's no point arguing about food crops as they appear in more optimal forms as the result of cultivation for centuries. When people grouse about GMO, they're typically talking about food crops that have been manipulated at the genetic and molecular level to tolerate defoliants and prevent self-seeding.


tolerate defoliants and prevent self-seeding.


Seriously how much does monsanto pay you to shill? This is some fuckin class A shilling.

Like that first brilliant legendary real estate agent that sold the first shack by calling it 'homey'.

It's "cozy"

No bro, it's not pesticides designed to melt the organs of carbon based life that you're eating - it's just a food crop that can tolerate defoliants.

Oh and it's sterile too. That's muuuuch better than like, not buying our seeds every time you need seeds.

Nah fuck the way shit's been done on this planet for billions of years, thats dumb. Sterile is better.

Removed. Rule 10. First warning.

I agree with you, and I also think that genetic modification of crops has a huge potential to help out the planet. The problem is that by and large, it's not used in a way that helps everybody out.

Right because science has really made the world a much better place with their plastics and mmr vaccines, and wonderful glysohated crops. That's why the elites all eat gmo's? They love gmos so much that the obamas grew gmos in the White House garden? Not ! No one wants that shit. No one deserves to be fed pesticides and heavy metals such as mercury and flouride!

Just because something is used in a way that is harmful shouldn't detract from it's potential benefits. And if you can't see past the way these things are used to manipulate and generate profit to the way that they could be used to benefit humanity as a whole, then you're being a negative person imo and are too emotional about the topic to have a productive conversation with.

Not sure what potential benefits embedding poison in our food supply but ok 👌 I know that rich people buy organic food and I personally believe that everyone should have access to clean water without poisonous additives and clean food without roundup embedded in it. I myself like honey bees and I think that they are essential to our ecosystem. But Monsanto is more concerned about pushing their patents on an unsuspecting population to enrich themselves. Monsanto are also the creators of agent orange and it makes perfect sense that they should be responsible for our food supply.....NOT!

Yeah that's my point exactly. There is literally no benefit to poisoning our crops, but that isn't what a GMO is. That's just how one company uses genetic modification. Granted that the majority of GMO food comes from Monsanto seeds, that still doesn't take away from what we could be doing with GMOs. We could be making food healthier, making crops hardier without pesticides, making them easier to grow instead of making it so you have to buy Monsanto seeds every year. We could be using genetic modification to make cannabis strains that are geared towards certain diseases. I mean c'mon dude, stop perpetuating ignorance.

I am not perpetuating ignorance. I am being specific with a label. You are referring to a hybrid. Hybrid plants are made either by splicing or by cross pollinating. Gmos are regulated to certain crops because they are round up imbedded. That is not a hybrid. A dog is a hybrid animal that was selectively bred. Just like a hybrid plant. A gmo is a plant embedded with round up. That is the government definition and the label Monsanto is required to use. It is purposely labeled that way to confuse the consumer. You my friend are trying to blur the differences. Monsanto is nothing like an heirloom tomatoe. So don't use the same gmo regulated label.

Sorry but you're wrong. That's not what a GMO is. The governments definition? You're going to have to cite that. A GMO is any organism that has had its DNA modified using genetic engineering. Has nothing to do with round up and by saying that, yes you are perpetuating ignorance. The technical legal term is any living modified organism, again having nothing to do with round up. Here's some further reading.




Even the non GMO project disagreed with your definition of what constitutes a GMO.

I'm not saying that we should be eating Monsanto products that are genetically modified to include carcinogenic pesticides, I'm just saying there are a multitude of uses for genetically engineered organisms and they aren't all bad.

Check out this pdf on some potential uses of genetic modification.


They problem is right now only Monsanto has the means and they don't have humanities best interest anywhere on their radar

Agreed 100%.

And actually, I agree with you too! And your Username is the best. Triple numbers all day around here.

Right on! Love triple numbers, I see em all day too.

You try using them on purpose yet?

What do you mean exactly?

The most common GMO is Monsanto's patented Roundup Ready corn™. Its corn that's meant to have round up poured on it with no effect. So roundup gets in our water supply through runoff and of course it ends up in our food.

Oh and no one can use it without giving profit to Monsanto of course. And Monsanto makes up 80% of corn grown in the US. and corn meal, high fructose corn syrup, etc are in most processed foods.

That's a problem with the corn lobby, not with GMO crops. GMO isn't some magic fucking boogeyman; it's just an industrial version of breeding your crops to grow faster, have higher yields, and be more resistant to disease and parasites.

Kill the corn lobby, not the fucking product that works.

Yea I'm not saying GMO's in alone are bad. But with the intimidation, pollution, corruption, rent seeking, etc that go along with the vast majority of GMO's produced, the way they're being used is pretty bad. Look up some Monsanto history, it's pretty crazy.

And corn that allows us to drench it in RoundUp, literally poison, is a product that poisons us all for profit. Yea it increases yeilds but the environmental and public health damage isn't worth it in my opinion. and if it wasn't clear, Monsanto is the maker of Roundup too.

Why do they fight labeling the garbage. No one wants it.

Because there is nothing to label. Do you want to see labels on bananas "Warning: designed by man"?

No, because it's stupid. You should want labels for chemicals and pesticides used, sure, but. GMO literally just means "we took the seeds to a lab and altered the genes to do something useful better".

It's like labeling water with "warning: contains di-hydrogen monoxide". A worthless label that'll scare idiots and frustrate the educated.

The only ones who are scared of labels are Monsanto stock holders that stand to lose profits from poisoning the food supply of poor people. Eat what you want. How you support tricking unsuspecting population to eat roundup as food is a crime against humanity. There will one day be a reckoning for what you support. Karma is a butch.

The only ones who are scared of labels are Monsanto stock holders that stand to lose profits from poisoning the food supply of poor people.

Agreed. The labeling needs to be specific though. Something that has pesticides bred into it should be labeled as such. If it has a potential to harm the consumer, it should be labeled. But like Arizth said up there, just blindly labeling anything that is genetically modified as GMO is frustrating and misleading because most people associate GMO with "literal poison", when that's really not the case.

Gmo label is specifically for plants that are regulated by the FDA. You are confusing hybrid crosspolinated plants with GMOs they are not the same thing. Gmos are patents that are produced in a lab. Hybrids are simply either spliced plants or hybrids that are created simply by cross pollination. Do not confuse the two. Gmos is specifically for a toxic laboratory product. Not an heirloom tomato, that has been bred for taste by a gardener.

Like I already said to you in another comment with sources, this is not the case. No one is saying that a plant that has been bred over generations naturally is a GMO.

You are a shill. Likely paid by a David Brock associated organization.

GMOs are horrible for their health, and they are cross pollenating with and destroying non-GMO species.

YIU are a shill for the organic industry!

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Right, theres nothing wrong inherently with GMOs.. It's what certain companies like Monsanto does with them, like making pesticides a part of the plant, and creating versions of crops that don't reproduce on their own so that farmers have to buy seeds year after year, that gives GMOs a bad name in the public eye. Not to mention the fact that they essentially have the FDA in their pocket.

I think that GMOs have the potential to be extremely beneficial for humanity. Hopefully these profit-driven Monsanto franken-GMOs won't scare people away from the idea.

Weren't regular people really malnourished? Like they were only given calorie dense food from productive plants (to minimize the cost of keeping them fed). As a result they were nutrient deficient.

No. Regular people were really healthy. Not obese and not overfed.

....that's why so many slaves died during the building process....

Fake history. Slaves did not build the pyramids. Stop spreading fake history memes.


We now now that it was considered an honor to work on the pyramids. The most highly skilled laborers in Egypt volunteered to work on them, and they were fed the finest beef in Egypt every meal. They were not slaves. They were paid volunteers who were kept healthy. Starving slaves would not have the strength required for a construction project like this. Use your brain.

On the other hand, the most devoted slaves are the ones who feel "honored" to be slaves and it would also make sense for the government to reward them by calling them "skilled" and whatnot.

Just thinking aloud..

Just attempting to discredit archaeological opinion due to your subjective conjecture based on your emotions and fake history that was engrained in to you early on.

So basically they found a dozen skeletons and concluded these were the builders of the pyramids, based on signs of wear on the bones?

Weren't there supposed to be around 10,000 workers per pyramid according to the article?

Also, when I use the word "slave", I don't necessarily mean it in the Hollywood sense. I consider myself and most people these days slaves too, although that's not something that is true by official language.

Unless they found a bit more than those skeletons (they also write in the first linked article that they had poor health btw) I think that archeological opinion contains a lot of conjecture too.

And attempting to contradict psychology because you're convinced already.

Ancients were hella short tho. I like being tall

that's fair. HGH is for you!

Ok, but if I eat all this GMO fiod, and now I'm tall, theres a high risk ill mate. Will my offspring be GMO?

Your offspring might be brain damaged. Who knows? Do what feels good to you

Do what feels good to you

Forming more offspring

get it done. I am already tall and did not realize you shorties had it that rough

you shorties

Lol wut

Out of curiosity do you eat similar diets to the ancient Romans? Also what is your weight and height?

I am 6'2 and 185. I eat junk occasionally, but yes my diet is pretty close to the ancient mediterranean people. I eat lots of barley, fresh fruit and veg, and organic oats with nuts seeds and berries for breakfast. Eggs and (allegedly) non GMO chicken or fresh caught albacore or shrimp.

I also exercise and stretch a lot. I personally feel great since I started doing this.

... so add some lean free-range meat/fish to the menu.

Yeah that has nothing to do with nutrition and everything to do with genetics.

📈🔊🔊🔊GMO PEOEPLE 🔊🔊🔊📈

Fish and fish sauce for the Romans.

That was when they became corrupted and decadent. And their tastebuds were destroyed by lead piping in their aqueducts.

Have a source for that information? Would like to read about it.

Absolute bullshit. The average peasant in Medieval France, for example, lived on 1,500 calories of gruel per day. They basically only ate simple gruel or bread, and for that reason, had constant deficiencies of essential nutrients. They suffered from a number of ailments (e.g. scurvy), weakened immunity, and died early. Mass industrial food production, the green revolution, and food processing is the reason for our vastly better nutrition and hence life expectancy.

I said ancient Roman and ancient Egyptian. I am not talking about medieval French peasants in the 1500s.

"The builders of the pyramids"

Yo, there's no way it was built by us. Just sayin. If it was it was an advanced race and to speculate on their food group is pretty naive.

Yes. Eating like people from ancient civilizations did is a great way to die in your thirties.

Death came from disease, not malnutrition. Combine their diets with today's medical knowledge and you get a winning combination.

This guy is clueless.

No need to be a dick about it, especially when you're wrong.



I would like to see one valid peer reviewed source that backs up this guy's claims that the diets of ancient people's were better suited to feeding the population and keeping them healthy than what we have today.

I'll wait.

well what do we have today?

over processed stored food, frozen cheeseburgers and soda pop?

If you want to see proof that that diet is not good for you - watch a documentary called super size me.

>peer-reviewed source

>super size me

So that's a "no" on the valid study, then?

Not only that, he purposely cherry picked known junk-foods.

We also have all kinds of fish, poultry, eggs, long grains, fruits, vegetables, all of these may be (likely are) GMO's and are perfectly fine

Well, the average person eating the standard American diet lives past thirty, so I'd say we're much better off now. It's not good for you, but it's way better than what people starved on before humans developed agriculture.

Eat rich, complex plant-based carbohydrates like whole grains


Eat large portions vegetables and fruits.


Eat lots of foods rich in fiber, like split peas, lentils, and artichokes.


Eat plenty of healthy, monounsaturated fats like olive oil.


Eat lots of nuts and legumes.


Eat eggs and dairy fat in smaller portions.


Avoid red meat in favor of plant proteins, fish, and the occasional poultry meat.


Lol good luck eating anything.

Lol good luck eating anything.

This article didn't press for GMOs either, it just mentions foods. Apparently you are against all foods.

You misunderstood me. I'm perfectly comfortable with eating GMO's. I have zero qualms about them.

Give me a Monsanto frozen pizza any day.

Disease and malnutrition are intricately linked. Your body when given the proper nutrients has all it needs to fight most disease.

So a healthy diet will prevent small pox?

Will greatly decrease the mortality chance, yes.

We just domesticated all this livestock to not eat it and waste our resources caring for it because we're not actually supposed to eat meat. We just invented agriculture and animal husbandry thousands of years ago because Monsanto is actually thousands of years old.


Yeah because eating grain, fruit and vegetables is so terrible for you.

You realize that even 2,000 years ago those products were already undergoing genetic modifications right?

Selectively breeding broccoli for it's florets or kale for it's leaves is far different than what Monsanto does to it's corn and soy. The differences are incomparable.

Please explain with sources.

How about you explain, with sources, why the things Monsanto is doing are exactly the same as what was done over thousands of years.

I've noticed you keep asking others to "provide sources" while you don't enjoy doing the same.

We were debating on whether or not the GMO done by Monsanto is the same as the selective breeding that was done over thousands of years. You've just started a whole new argument and provided sources to support your new argument. Are you even engaged in this discussion or do you just have talking points you refer to, like a politician?

and they know it .. i swear its the same person changing SNs

That's obviously what is happening here. It isn't possible that there could be more than one person on this subreddit that thinks all you anti-gmo people are ceazy

not by monsanto

So is a fucking child from it's parents. Parents look for attractive spouses.

Genetic Mutation.

Way fucking different than franken-splicing genes that haven't had a chance to properly get into homeostasis with their environment and fit harmonically in the food chain - which only happens through natural selection.

I think you mean eating starvation levels of gruel.

Dont forget beer.

The people who built the pyramids were paid in beer. Not necessarily the shit you and I are used to but low alcohol content beer that had quite a few vitamins and minerals in it.

What group of doctors came out with the theory that we need 2000 calorie food intake each day?

I recently read about breatharianism(sp?) these people eat 3 days a week - one piece of fruit or bottle of juice. and they look pretty healthy actually - not saying i want to go that extreme - but I can certainly see the benefits of a lower calorie diet.

I guarantee that will kill you.

Anyone who claims to not need food, and that they survive in energy and air is a crack-pot. If you believe that you deserve your fate

yeah i thought it was interesting and funny. Not really thinking about trying it until I have suicidal thoughts lol

I saw a documentary or something where the lady tried to do it but it ended very quick when she was extremely lethargic. We need food and water to survive. Just so easy to eat to excess.

stop eating GMOs

Everything we eat has been genetically modified. GMO's have been great for our society as well as health.

Not true. It is possible to avoid GMOs if you try hard enough. Maybe everything you eat has been genetically modified.

Stop eating processed foods. Stop drinking soda. Stop eating GMOs. Your life will improve dramatically.

I don't think you understand what being genetically modified entails. Corn as we know it today wouldn't exist if not for genetic modification. There is no "GMO free" corn as corn itself is a GMO. Many many other vegetables are like this.

Yeh. And corn is incredibly bad for you. Stop eating it. Stop eating high fructose corn syrup. These GMO foods are extremely detrimental towards your health and wellbeing.

Corn=/=HFCS though.

If I can't eat GMOs then what can I eat, pray tell?

non-GMO foods.

Corn is bad for you. Your health will improve dramatically if you completely cut it out of your diet.

Again, 99% of GMO's were created through cross breading and thousand of years of selective breeding. Every farm animal has been GMOd, every fruit has been GMO'd as well as every vegetable. Organic does not mean no GMO.

I am talking about GMOs where the DNA has been physically altered.

For example-spider goats.

Again, it has the same results. We just do not have to wait thousands of years. GMO's have been proven safe.

You are arguing in an irritatingly egotistical way that is too arrogant for what appears to be your lack of knowledge about the real problem of GMOs. While you were being pedantic, you forgot about all the RoundUp and other herbicides and pesticides that they spray on food that causes the real issues. Derp.

The fact that you included "roundup" and "herbicides" in our discussion about GMO's is hilarious lol

GMO vs Non-GMO has nothing to do with pesticides....

Please don't perpetuate such ignorance. GMO's are designed with pesticides and herbicides as complimentary to their survival, and sometimes even necessary additions to the farmers toolset in order to maximize yield. In some cases seeds won't grow properly without the chemical additions.

Genetically modified organisms are being specifically modified to work well with RoundUp and other herbicides and pesticides. Some GMOs are also having genes inserted so that the Corn et al can produce their own pesticides and herbicides.

You might scoff, laugh, mock me.. but be warned that when you make false and misleading statements to people, god is watching.

GMOs have never been proven safe. Stop spreading Monsanto and FDA propaganda.

Waiting for study citations that prove that GMO's are unsafe...lol

Still waiting on all those studies that prove GMO's are unsafe.......lol

Keep eating GMOs dude. Keep blindly believing what Monsanto and the FDA tell you to believe. I genuinely don't care either way.

I do not eat sugar, corn or anything processed. GMO's are delicious. Seriously, I am waiting on those studies....can you even find one...? lol

Good for you. Enjoy your life!


I can give you at-least 15 studies supporting the safety of GMO's and all you can give me is a propaganda website that is paid for by the companies it advertises for.


None of those studies successfully link causation.

Use common sense. Do your own research. Think for yourself. Stop blindly trusting in the "experts on TV."

glad you feel that way /thanks

Breeding a crop for traits is way different than franken-splicing genes that haven't had a chance to properly get into homeostasis with their environment and fit harmonically in the food chain. It only happens through natural selection. Don't believe me? Try to plant Monsanto Corn (TM) in the wild and see how long that particular strain lasts. Wait, you can't - because they are self terminating due to patent laws. Woops. But it would have been a fun experiment. Hint: It wouldn't have lasted. If you breed a bad crop of corn due to selection, it died. It wasn't kept artificially alive with roundup glysphosate and whatever the fuck else we need to grow our frankencrops with.

Don't eat spider-goats. Got it.


That is not what gmo means. That means we edited it's genes outside of breeding

Wait how exactly is corn bad for you, GMO or not?

Also all you keep doing is listing that same site to uphold your argument. Did you just selectively agree with everything it has to say while ignoring all the other sites that counter its claims? How many more sources have you explored that also support or counter your current understanding of the subject?

Nutritionally, it is not the healthiest vegetable you could be eating.

Can you give me an example of a food that is not a GMO?

food that has the non-GMO project label on it.

Non-GMO meat that was raised without antibiotics or HGH and was fed non-GMO food its entire life.

What kind of meat are we talking about? In implying, say, a beef cattle is non GMO, you're saying that that species of cattle has gone unchanged throughout the entirety of its existence. That when life first sprang forward from the primordial ooze, it was simple, single-celled organisms and a cow.

No, I am not saying that any cattle has gone unchanged through its existence. Cattle has been selectively bred for thousands of years.

Humans splicing genes and modifying DNA in a lab is when things go wrong.

Except they haven't. Can you point me to one documented case of some sort of lab made mutant cow causing damage?

You reply very very quickly to everything I post. It almost seems automated-though of course I know that isn't the case.

It's very strange.

Believe what ever you want to bro. Eat what you want.

I only reply quickly because I'm at work on break and the notification pops on my phone.

Or I'm a bot sent here by Monsanto to stir dissent in any thread regarding GMOs..

Your call.

thats not what he means and you know it .. ill have my food without poison spliced into it thanks

Hah! Didn't expect to see you here :-)

I love a good conspiracy theory every now and then. Sometimes it gets out of hand though ;)

Agreed. I just lurk, but I decided to comment this time since I recognized your name haha

Corn is embedded with glysophate/ roundup. This causes terrible digestive problems and even tumors. That is not a natural bred hybrid corn which is what you are referring to. Be careful how you lump a chemically altered vegetable/plant with a poisonous compound with a hybrid plant such as an heirloom tomatoe, you are misleading with your explanation.

A big thank you!! It's always the same no matter the subreddit, whenever someone wants to discuss the dangers of GMO's, or the evil practices of the GMO companies, there's ALWAYS someone coming with a really benign example that has nothing to do with the discussion.

Their goal is to mislead with a benign label. They want to simply say it is a naturally occurring genetic mutation when in fact it is a poison laced plant with pesticide embedded in its DNA. I consider the lack of labeling on their end very telling! They even mislabel bottled water. FYI: it must say no flouride added or it has flouride added even to spring water.

Corn is embedded with glysophate/ roundup.

Can you site some on this? Not to call you wrong or to argue I just am unable to find any information on it.

Oh gosh I learned it on one of the pats someone made and I read the links they posted. Sure I will check and try to find it. Give me a little bit:

Breeding a crop for traits is way different than franken-splicing genes that haven't had a chance to properly get into homeostasis with their environment and fit harmonically in the food chain - which only happens through natural selection.

If you breed a bad crop of corn due to selection, it died. It wasn't kept artificially alive with roundup glysphosate and whatever the fuck else we need to grow our frankencrops with.

Please show me examples or non-gmo fruit, vegetables and meats. I will be waiting.

All of the foods they list have been genetically modified lol

Not really. There is a different between selective breeding over thousands of years and modifying an organism's DNA in a lab and artificially cross breeding and gene splicing it with other species.

The same end, different means.

When is that ever the case in biology...?

Not at all. When have we ever used selective breeding to make spider webbing come out of goats milk? Is it even possible naturally without gene splicing?

When have we ever used selective breeding to make spider webbing come out of goats milk?

There's a Charlotte's Web joke in there somewhere...

But what makes one more harmful than another? Like if it happens naturally vs artificially. In both cases, at the simplest, genes are being altered. Why does it matter how that occurs?

Breeding over generations is natural. Gene splicing a goat so that spider webbing comes out of its milk for example is unnatural.

We used to think asbestos and lead were harmless too. We believed it for decades. Even in the 70s they were teaching agriculture students the dangers of GMOs.

Obviously if you take the extremes of something, its not going to sound very appealing.

What is so dangerous about mixing two tomato breeds in the lab, because one is resistant to a particular diseases, and that will help the crop flourish over all? That would be GMO. Not all GMO is not on the spider goat level. Some of it is pretty mundane and simple for disease resistance.

We have no idea what spliced genes in food we eat does to our bodies. Just like we had no idea what lead and asbestos did to our bodies.

Just like we used to give cocaine to children as a medicine.

The "mundane" GMOs go in to nature and then cross pollenate with regular plants. They are very damaging to the environment.

Having no idea what it does to our bodies is not the same thing as being bad for you. That would mean you need to stay away from most things in life, because there are a lot of things out there in the world that we don't understand how it works or what it does to us.

Also, if the current GMOs are cross pollinating with regular plants, again, how can you know what you are eating is truly Non-GMO. What if it was grown as such and then got cross pollinated? You would never know...

Also, if the current GMOs are cross pollinating with regular plants, again, how can you know what you are eating is truly Non-GMO. What if it was grown as such and then got cross pollinated? You would never know...


So this goes again to what the other Redditer said, show me a fruit/veg that you eat that you are certain is not GMO?

I cannot be certain that anything I eat is non-GMO. You're right. I am aware of this. All of the non-GMO products I buy can very well be full of GMOs. This is definitely possible.

Stuff like that seems really benign, yeah. But that is not the stuff people usually think about when talking about the harm GMO''s do.

Just stop referring to things that we breed as gmo. That's not what it means.

We genetically modify things to absorb more roundup. -Which is incredibly carcinogenic.

You can't just breed a plant to be more resistant to poison overnight. Are you starting to see the difference?

And these gmo products are patent-protected by our worthless government. That means that farmers aren't allowed to re plant the seeds that their own crops produce.

Monsanto wants a monopoly on all the world's crops and they're well on their way with this pro-gmo push. Monsatano has the power and means to protect their reputation and has painted anyone who is anti gmo as anti science.

It's ludicrous, Monsanto is the only one that benefits from increased gmo usage. Not only that but we're killing the honeybees with this shit too.

I am not talking about breeding. Scientist splice different tomato plants all the time in the lab. That way they can have exact control over the inheritance factors, rather than just hoping that the two plants crossbreeding produces the effects they are looking for.

And glyphosate has been ruled unlikely as a carcinogen (see my other reply to you citing a WHO published paper in 2016. It is bad with direct exposure, but not via a healthy diet. Just like Mercury is horrible for you. Yeah, there are low level of it in Tuna, and it has been rising. But it will only have very small measurable effect on you if you eat tuna every day over years.

No. I simply am well researched in history, have a strong understanding of human nature, and know how to think for myself. Believe whatever you want to believe.

Saying that something is inherently better because it's natural is the definition of the Appeal to Nature fallacy.

It doesn't mean your wrong, it just means you've come to your conclusions without using good logical reasoning. Which is an understatement.

I will believe what I want to believe. You're not changing my beliefs, and if you're not willing to engage in discussion about your own beliefs why are you here, engaging in discussion?

It took years of research and study and logical thinking and logical discussion with agriculturalists more informed and experienced than me, as well as personal research and experience before I came to these conclusions.

That's all well and good, but if you're backing up your beliefs here by saying, "It's better because it's natural," then you're not presenting any of these logical steps that have led you to your conclusion.

Because you're as dense as a god damn rock.

So you belittle me rather than make a logical argument or explanation as to how altered genes, whether done artificially or naturally, can be worse off than the other.

My guess is that you haven't really did the research to support such an explanation or argument, but since I am questioning your world view, you just tried to belittle me.

And by research, I don't mean link a couple of fringe sites that you read that simply conform to your world view without actually checking out its primary sources.

I gave you an in depth response. Stop trying to equate selective breeding with gene splicing

I just replied to it. I wasn't talking about selective breeding. Why go through he trouble of waiting for it to happen via selective breeding through cross pollination when you can do it with 100% certainty in the lab?

The burden of proof is on you buddy.

There is a major difference between selective farming what mankind has been doing for thousands of years making better quality food and messing with genetics inside a lab splicing genes from crops with god knows what.

You cannot say both completely different methodes have the same adverse effects so to simply say everything is genetically modified is short sighted

what adverse affects?


Your being intentionally obtuse and pedantic.

You know that when someone says GMO, they are talking about using techniques to directly alter the DNA of the subject.-not breeding.

techniques to directly alter the DNA of the subject

Which is the same thing as breeding. We just do not have to wait thousands of years.

Splicing pesticides directly into the DNA is totally the same thing!


Where are all these studies that say it is unsafe? There should be dozens, correct?

Can't even tell if you're trolling at this point or not...

....waiting for that link to the study...

Then keep waiting if you want, but I'm not banking on Monsanto coming out and admitting anything until there's a problem already so bad that they'll have to.

Enjoy your GMOs, sir. I sure hope you're right, but I'm not willing to take that chance.

I don't even like wearing my Apple Watch anymore due to the unknown potential future side-effects! Good luck finding a link to a study about that though...

Did you just compare the Apple Watch to GMO technique that has been around for 30+ years....lol?

Yea, because the GMOs of today are 100% the same as the stuff they were doing 30 years ago, and they aren't experimenting with new techniques at all...

Thanks for at least letting me know that you're trolling (and if not, then too dense to converse with), now I can stop wasting my time.

The process and the end result are the same. Techniques have changed.

i dont need a study to tell me eating poison is bad

You eat salt yes? But not chlorine. That is basically why what you are saying is stupid without genuine study. Being bad in one state doesn't make it bad in another.

okay but thats not what were talking about .. in what "state" is glyphosate good? also relation because salt and chlorine? ( i eat pink himayalan sea salt )

The point is that chemicals are not unequivocally bad for you if handled safely. You should know that salt is sodium chloride.

i didnt say chemicals i said poisons

poisons are collection of chemicals.

yes i get it ... but not all chemicals are poisons so what is your point

The point is that chemicals are not unequivocally bad for you if handled safely.

which in the point of GMOs, theyre not .. but again were not just talking about chemicals

what do you mean GMO's aren't handled safely. give me some cases and i'll listen.

So basically you've just decided for yourself what is healthy or not with literally zero backing? That's what I just read.

I didn't read the chain but holy fuck this really speaks to the level of your intelligence.


Guess what THEY WONT COME OUT!! holy fuck how hard is that

There are actually a few out there done by independent scientists and researchers, just none that were conclusive. Calm down kid. Usually insulting someone's intelligence is a good sign they are not intelligent...

Bullshit. You can't breed a strawberry with a fish.

no but over time you can breed a fish to have a more strawberry like taste.

It's really not at all. You can insert a gene from elsewhere. You

Which is stupid, as waiting and testing for thousands of years have resulted in proven-safe strains to consume.

Pushing modern GMOs to fruition in mere weeks and months leads to all kinds of bad effects. Like an uptick in cancer.

To be more accurate use the term genetic engineering.

All GMO crops are sprayed with herbicides, usually Round Up, which is literal poison. Maybe GMO crops on their own are okay (I don't know), but when doused with glyphosate....I'll pass.

Could not agree more.

you dont believe this and if you do youre retarded

There's absolutely nothing wrong with GMOs. I lump you people in with the flat Earth people.


Absolutely everything is wrong with GMOs. I lump you in with the other useful idiots.


better yet, stop eating

Research what the ancients ate. Not the decadent royals and elites. The regular people. The diet of the ancient Romans and Egyptians are good places to look for inspiration on ingredients to use and meals to cook.

Because back then, average life-expectancy was way higher than it is today! /s

Due to things like high death during birth, and war and plague. Not diet.

Alright, I'll bite. Now, show me them sources/evidence.

History. Just research real actual history and erase all the memes from the history channel you have engrained in your mind.

Dude, I've studied near eastern archaeology, I know the history. I asked you to back up your claim, and you couldn't/didn't. If you can, please do

Saying that Ancient Egyptian or Imperial Roman food standards were better, simply because they didn't use GMO's and sugars, is a load of bull****.

There are so many variables to take into consideration that just saying ''back then, food was better''. And the fact that you point to ''the regular people''? You mean the malnourished masses, living off bread, dried meat and water?

Again, if you have sources, show them.

Their dietary standards were definitely better. This is demonstrated by the obesity epidemic today that didn't plague the ancient Romans or Egyptians.

I think you have been studying fake history mate.

Obesity isn't a problem caused by low quality food it's a probables caused by overconsumption of ANY food, it just so happens to disproportionally effect the less educated who tend to eat more unhealthy food.

Processed foods and GMOs and sugar and high fructose corn syrup and other concentrated vegetable oils.

They told us that margarine and canola oil were healthy to us for years. Yeah right.

That doesn't address my point, you can live off of cookie dough and multi vitamins and still have a thin physique.

But you won't be healthy.

But your original point was about an obesity epidemic. I merely pointed out that this wasn't the fault of GMOs, which have in fact massively improved the ability to feed people in the global south.

GMOs and processed goods and concentrated vegetable oils definitely contribute to the obesity epidemic. The ancients did not have these things in their diets (apart from oil, which they did not consume much of) and they were much healthier and physically fit than the average westerner today.

The ancients didn't have access to abundance in the same manner we did. They contribute to obesity only in that it is now possible for anyone to be a glutton, whereas in the past only the wealthy could.

Why do so many of you blindly put all faith in politicized studies funded by Monsanto and the FDA?

Because random people on the internet who provide no evidence are less trustworthy than actual academics? Plenty of studies aren't funded by either body.

Modern academia has been corrupted and subverted by cultural marxists. It's sad that you blindly trust "the experts" on the idiot box.

Ahahahhahahhahah. I don't blindly trust experts, I want a study so I can fucking read it. You've provided literally no evidence. What the fuck do you even mean by 'cultural marxism'?

What the fuck do you even mean by 'cultural marxism'?

You can do your own research and find this out for yourself.

I also advise you to do your own studies on nutrition and GMOs and come to your own conclusions based on your own ideas.

What a fucking cop out.

They also led a much less sedentary lifestyle. Which is at least as large a part of your overall health and physique as diet it. If you eat nothing but healthy foods in large quantities and sit on your ass, you can still be unhealthy and out of shape.

Health is about more than just diet.

Not true. Eating poison pushes your body away from homeostasis. I knife damn well you'll get diabetes quicker on a diet of crap. Once your body forms a chronic disorder it isn't using it's tools right anymore. It's chemistry. You literally are what you eat.

Obesity is just as much from inflammation as it is from excess fat storage.

No it isn't.

The abstract doesn't support your hypothesis.

Inability of adipose tissue development to engulf incoming fat leads to deposition in other organs, mainly in the liver, with consequences on insulin resistance.

The point of this is that inflammation is an aggravating factor, and leads to obesity being more dangerous in its health impacts as it is stored around organs rather than, say, the belly. This study is arguing that inflammation is an effect not a cause of obesity.

It has become evident that the inflammatory condition that is associated with obesity and overweight plays an important part in the aetiology of the metabolic syndrome and largely contributes to the related pathological outcomes.

I think you have been studying fake history mate.

I'm starting to think I'm debating with an idiot.

Whoever taught you history was not teaching you about accurate history. You are overcomplicating things. Overcomplicating things does not make you intelligent. You aren't impressing anyone here with your supposed "credentials" in archaeology.

Well, you certainly impressed me by your level of stupidity. No wonder you're spouting that kind of b/s. You should pick up a book on ancient egypt if it interests you; you might actually learn something.

Though you don't strike me as the reading type.

you're an idiot, you're stupid, you're spouting BS, go read a book.

This does not sound like an intelligent rebuttal to his point.

If you're so invested in this argument start sourcing your claims.

Lots of brigading happening right now. Weird.

Yeah bc you're talking out of your ass.

You don't independently get to rewrite history bc you have a hunch and no proof. It's not us ganging up on you. It's us pointing out that you need to source your argument.

Such a concentrated effort to brigade the info I'm sharing. I've never experienced this before. Someone must not want this information to get out to the public methinks.

Source: https://www.livescience.com/10569-human-lifespans-constant-2-000-years.html

Sorry but if you had actually studied history, you would know this, it's literally discussed in the nost basic history classes. Lifespans haven't actually changed at all, but fewer women die in childbirth and infant morality rates are lower, which skewes raw data. Context is key in history.

I can think of one off the top of my head. Pompeii. All the skeletons supposedly had near perfect dental health which means that their diets didn't cause plaque buildup

Why don't you search yourself. Because he's right.

In other words, you don't have one you're just speculating and when you googled it and found the actual reliable sources disagrees with your claim? We've all been there.

Why are you all so desperately trying to bait me? This brigading is very strange.

Because you're making really bold claims with exactly zero sources.

So wtf am I going to live off of?

Where the fuck am I going to get the money to buy this organic food?

I dunno. Either get money or don't. You can grow your own organic veg and it's pretty cheap. It's even cheap to get chickens so you have a constant supply of fresh organic eggs.

When I didn't have money, I wasn't eating healthy. That's why I worked hard to get money. Now that I have money, I eat whatever I want.

You can eat organically for cheap by growing your own food. It just requires work and effort on your part.

There is nothing inherently wrong with GMOs. The issues come from consuming residual herbicides.

Avoid carbohydrates completely, this includes fruit. You should do the Atkins diet. My father has crohn's disease and ever since he does this diet his health improved, no longer suffers from the symptoms, and lost a lot of weight. The biggest conspiracy is that your body needs carbs, no you don't need carbs at all.

/r/keto has worked wonders for me and millions of others. It's Atkins on steroids. Not literally.

ABSOLUTELY LOVE DOING KETO‼️Although off it right now BUT I feel AMAZING when eating less than 20 grams of carbs....ugh! Time for an egg fast!
https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/2ajxbc/5_day_egg_fast_menu_plan_and_faqs/ WARNING‼️DONT DO KETOSIS IF YOU ARE TYPE 1 DIABETIC!!!!!

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It has so many benefits. Few know that doing part time keto aka "occasional keto" can keep them from developing blood born cancers. Blood born cancers can not survive when ketones are present in the blood. Keto never ceases to amaze me!

As a skinny person, I would die. Carbs are necessary energy for a person like myself.

The point of keto is that you train your body to get energy from fat instead of carbs. It's amazing how much better and how much more energy you would have if you did keto

Shit I'll spark up the BBQ tonight!

If you're serious, read the faq on /r/keto

Carbs are not neccessary for anyone.

This makes me very sad.

What if you're skinny and need to gain weight?

There is a great documentary that recently came out called "What The Health" (on Netflix) which talks about a lot of what you are asking, plus gives you a lot of insight into the meat industry in whole. I always do my own research after watching a documentary (most are very one sided), and encourage you to visit the website after watching if you want more info or sources! I hope this helps.

There are a couple good ones on Netflix right now.

"That Sugar Film", super size me type documentary where the guy eats eats a high sugar diet for 6 weeks.

"What's With Wheat?" is another one, focuses on wheat and how it's grown.

"What the Health" is now on my list to check out as well.

I really enjoyed that one as well. Some really solid offerings in this area on Netflix lately

I no longer tolerate grains or seeds, myself. I deal best with animal protein and fat and fresh fruit and vegetables. In spite of all the "meat is bad" stuff you hear, if you can find clean (no drugs and hormones) meat from grassfed animals it's far better than trying to subsist on plant protein which comes most often in the form of legumes. Plant proteins and fat are harder to digest and legumes contain a good amount of estrogens (something else we don't need to overdo).

Yes! I'm all about that Weston A Price life!

Ditto! Highly recommend Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig to anyone concerned about nutrition.

Absolutely!! The spicy meat loaf recipe is the bomb!! The Nourishing Broth book is also great as well. We raise our own grass fed beef now so we always have a freezer full of meat and bones to make something good.

Nice! I get mine from a farmer who is also into WAPF, as well as my raw milk and dairy products. If memory serves, and it's been over a decade and a half, I think it was "my" farmer who introduced me to that book in the first place. Also found out about Joel Salatin from him. Since you farm, you might want to check out Everything I Want to Do is Illegal by Salatin if you haven't already.

OMG I loveeeee Joel Salatin. He is the man. He also hosts an internship program for young people who want to get into farming. I think he has a curriculum or some kind of online tutorials as well.

Enlighten me. I actually don't know who that is..i just found the ideal diet for myself through research, trial and error to be honest.

Weston A Price was a dentist who traveled the world and studied the mouths of healthy people in traditional cultures. He wanted to learn why some people had perfect dental arches and zero cavities while other cultures were riddled with dental maladies. It came down to diet. The healthiest people ate lots of animal products, specifically grass fed meat and dairy, bone broths, and organ meats, liver especially. He wrote a book and published his research at a time when nutrition wasn't as politicized as it is today. The Weston Price organization continues to provide lots of nutritional information today.

The "Nourishing Traditions" cookbooks are a great starting place too. https://www.westonaprice.org/

Ah, thanks, i'll look at that. Bone broth is great stuff, particularly for teeth, bones and connective tissues...even good for healing the gut. Modern society is accustomed to throwing away some of the most nutritious parts.

I have experienced the same.

Check out r/Keto

I think what's going on is you have SIBO and when you fast your bacteria (in the small intestine where they shouldn't be) are starving and when you eat grains they are having a party. Maybe try something like this: https://www.nemechekconsultativemedicine.com/blog/reversing-autism-2017/

Check out liferegenerator on YouTube. He will drop some fuggin' knowledge for you and get you excited and on the right path.

If you are constantly sick and tired and waking up with diarrhea there might be other issues at hand than 'big-food'.

We are meant to eat high protein diets with plenty of fats and cholesterol. As far as modern fruit goes, most have been selectively engineered by humans very recently (speaking in an evolutionary sense). Berries are mostly unchanged. But our ancestors didn't have anything like modern bananas, oranges, apples, etc

Yes, we need more plant matter in our diets, this is the food for the bacteria that sustain our health. Plant matter is also friendly on our digestive systems in the sense that if we are purely carnivorous diets (like a cat) our digestion would get dangerously clogged up (what happened to Brock lesnar).

Steve jobs ate a diet rich in fruits, nuts and seeds, and died of pancreatic cancer. When Ashton kutcher was preparing to play jobs, he emulated jobs' diet until he was admitted to the ER with pancreas issues.

Animal products are critical to the human diet because they contain cholesterol and vitamin B12, neither of which are found in plant foods. The same goes for certain fatty acids (although many may be found in plants, they are only 10-20% as bioavailable).

Dietary cholesterol does not affect blood cholesterol levels, but cholesterol is a precursor to every male sex hormone. Another critical nutrient for proper endocrine function is fats, specifically the right kinds of saturated fats. A lot of nutrition experts argue that if you were stranded on a desert island, the number one most nutritiously complete food would be eggs. Another contender is fresh kefir.

Speaking of gut bacteria and kefir, fermented foods in general have probably played a critical role in the development of human digestion up until this point.

Besides all that, we are pretty deficient in organ meat in the US, which contains a lot of micronutrients that aren't found in other foods.

What's wrong with nuts? They are really healthy!

I had the runs for a looong time. Saw some blood one day- went to the Dr., had a colonoscopy and found out I had Stage 3B colon cancer! Get checked!!!!!

How old?

surgery was 1 day after my 49th birthday

Ketogenic diet is human ideal. Sugars are only necessary for sports that require short burst energy like sprinting. Vegetables are healthy fruit should be limited

Didn't Steve Jobs die from a diet of nuts and fruit? It's not hat bad to mix it up once in a while. Sure avoid some things. But the body likes many different nutrients

I do not think it is an intentional conspiracy, but there sure are a lot of pockets being filled by treating food as a machine to generate suffering, then medicine to turn misery into money.

The first step in being healthy is to avoid getting sick. It turns out that most of the big ticket items that kill people off prematurely are caused by lifestyle choices. Good food and regular exercise will keep most people out of the hospital for most of their lives. Oh and don't fucking smoke for god's sake.

The people working to generate local food sustainability are probably on the right track here. Eat food grown and raised by people you actually see.

What you are suggesting with local foods is the opposite of globalism. Interesting isn't it?

The food in America isn't healthy, but if you're waking up with stomach pains every day you might have a gastro-intestinal issue. Maybe IBS or Crohn's. I'd go to a doctor and see what they say.

I strongly recommend the book "The Perfect Health Diet" by Paul Jaminet. I have a rare kidney disease. When I was diagnosed, I was literally on the verge of kidney failure. The treatment the doctors wanted to put me on would have guaranteed that I was chronically ill for the rest of my life with some debilitating diseases. I opted for holistic healing, and this book was critical for me understanding how food -- and the way we eat food -- affects health. I have to run out now, but I have A LOT to say on this topic and may add some more comments when I have more time.


Please do!

You've inspired me to pick up the book.

I wrote a little blurb about why the book is a worthy read in a thread below. I am on my phone now, so I don't know how to copy/paste it here.

Make a post! Would love to know your perspective and whether picking up that book would be an investment.

I would recommend everyone read the book. There were so many things about my body that I didn't understand until this book explained it. Like what cholesterol actually does in your body and why a high or low number is a sign of a problem, and some possible potential causes. Right now, if your cholesterol is low, the AMA will tell you are healthy when you aren't. If your cholesterol is high, they mask the problem with a statin and never fix the root cause, ensuring chronic health problems from the root cause and problems from side effects of the statins. Did you know 2/3 of men with erectile dysfunction are on statins?

It gets into vitamins and minerals and what they do for your body and how they work together. Statistically, people who take multi-vitamins are worse off because the multis are usually not properly balanced for a western diet. For example, most Americans get enough calcium from food, and the multis have more calcium. Too much calcium intake ='hardening of soft tissues and arteries. Hardening of arteries ='heart disease.

Believe me, after reading this book, there will be no doubt in your mind that the AMA is deliberately giving bad nutritional advice in order to ensure that you develop a chronic disease that requires monthly visits to their doctors.

Oh, shit. Thanks for the summary. I typically only take half a multi every couple of days, but I'll have to look into this.

I just got a book gift card for my birthday and I will definanetly buy this!

Thank you and congrats!!

We are being fed glyphosate. Any of the food crops gmo'ed to be "round up ready," means the food crop is sprayed and the food plant takes up the glyphosate and we are eating weed killer.

Corn, soy, wheat, rice sugar beets, and those foods are added to nearly every processed food including alfalfa, which is fed to food animals.

Awesome Veggie Protein Shake. I have been able to work out 5 days a week without recovery. I have doubled my lifting capacity with this over the last 2 months.

Nutrasuma Fermented Pea Protein (sounds gross, but its good, no soy and no dairy) 2 scoops for 40G protein per serving

1 Table spoon raw cacoa 1 Table spoon Coconut Sugar (optional) 1 Table spoon pribiotic fiber 14 OZ of coconut milk unsweetened.

3 shakes a day will keep a 200 lb man going well along with 2 medium complete meals.


I hunt. So a lot of my protein comes animals that have lived a natural life. I process it myself, although I do add some beef fat to the burger. The rest of it is very lean. It's mostly white tail deer and if I'm lucky the occasional elk.

Glad to see more people on reddit questioning the food system. It's totally fucked, but even before "Green Revolution" industrial agriculture, we were degrading our crops.

Nutrient Density is not often talked about around these parts. It means nutrients(Carbs, Fats, Protein, Minerals, Vitamins, Trace Elements, + ???)/mass. USDA defines it as nutrients/calories, which is cheating- think of an apple, hardly anything but water in there.

The issue is with agricultural breeding that humans have been doing for 10,000 years. Our ancestors used to eat wild foods across many kingdoms of life. The rich diversity of foods we ate connected us more deeply to the ecosystem, and acted as a chemical buffer for our bodies against changing ecosystems/climates. How? Plants use chemical defenses that we call phytonutrients, which are things like flavonoids, phenols, carotenoids, etc.. Usually bitter compounds that are very healthy for us. When plants are subjected to stress and disturbance, they produce more or different concoctions as defenses, which make them more nutrient dense. So think about that next time you're at the store and you put that blemished vegetable down, herbivory can increase nutrition.

So for thousands of years humans have primarily selected crops for taste, sweetness over bitterness. So we bred out many plants' ancestral defenses and replaced those phytonutrients with our management and labor. Most common vegetables and fruit in the grocery store would not be worth much at all if people cared about this issue.

There are still a ton of wild plants that are edible and have retained high nutrient density. Some are being cultivated like dandelion greens and burdock root. It's not the cultivation and breeding that is the problem, it's the direction we shift the genetics and nutrient density by selecting for sweetness, and also by replacing pest/disease pressure with our chemicals and techniques. We trade one disturbance for another to improve caloric yield, but spend a lot more time, money and energy and we sacrifice nutrient yield.

Enter Agroecology. Silvopasture. Holistic Management. Zero Budget Natural Farming. Nutrition/acre. Permaculture.

Would that I had more than one upvote to give.

Great comment.

Very informative thank you.

There have been so many differing diets throughout human history, that I think it's fool-hardy to try and say there is one diet to rule them all.

Some people do well with raw, others with a more cooked diet.

I think the overall moral of the story though, is to get back to fresh ingredients. Real food, prepared by human hands, and not a factory machine.

As for meat, maybe your body doesn't do well with it, but I would venture to guess that it's the grains that are affecting you poorly. Have you tried cutting out all grains to see how you feel?

I haven't watched it yet but have been told Food, Inc. is a great documentary.

The problem is two fold: big companies make food that makes you hungry/crave it more so you buy more and sell it in larger quantities.
The other problem is making food deliberately unhealthy in order to work with big pharma to sell people "fat" pills, diabetic medical products, etc. They market big name brand food and "health" products with the largest profit using celebrities and excessive advertising.

"Would you like a five gallon drum of Coke with that? It's only 3 more cents." - Underwear, Lazy Bones

"No consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitamin water was a healthy beverage." - Coke https://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/4a7eck/til_coke_was_sued_for_the_unwarranted_health/

Part of the Standard American Diet (SAD) that people don't talk about much is freshness. Much like the American government, the American food supply is on a larger than functional scale. When you exceed appropriate scale in a food system, you sacrifice nutrients.

I was outside, picking sun-warmed raspberries for breakfast, after perusing this thread. Your post inspired the thought that maybe it's less about the ideal balance of carbs-protein-fat (though in all things, moderation) and more about nutrient density and availability.

I agree with you. In the American diet we have a lot of filler food items. Such as flour products that have no nutritional benefit really. Bread simply fills you up but it's lacking in actual nutrition. I make my own bread now with non bromate flour. It is simply a treat, it does not comprise part of a meal. Veggies and protein are how I feel healthiest. A sweet potatoe is my oaccasional carb. Fish, eggs, hummus, olives, nuts, cheeses. I vary my food and follow my instincts.

Oh! the smell of freshly baked bread is something missing from most people's lives nowadays! I also make my own bread, doughs, and sourdough sponge. Freshly-ground flour does have more nutrients than store-bought. And soaking grains opens up a whole different nutritional profile.

I did not know this. Can we grind our own flour? Wow! And soaking grains ? I have so much to learn what a pleasant hobby to make and grow our own food!

Learn to discern the quality of meats, vegetables, fruits, grains, etc; cook your own food. It's fun to learn and it will help in your portion control and what is going into your body.

It doesn't hurt to know how to plant your own vegetables and fruits depending on where you live; you can grow "anything" "anywhere".

A matter of knowledge, effort, and your own discernment of what you think is good for your diet is what is going to make your body and life change.

Organic. Check for intolerances. Only old world grains and limit them. Mostly vegetables and fat, some meat and fruit.

Don't forget the flouride and family harmaceuticals in water. Flour is bromided these ingredients attack your glandular system. Eating organic is not enough. Iodine is an essential ingredient, which we are lacking in America. This is because flouride and bromide are halogens and compete with the iodine molecules in our glandular system. Health is a journey. There are many medicinal foods that are delicious and healing.

My dad always says in 100 years this time will be known as the time of the food maffia.

Eat fresh ecologically grown food and try a vegetarian or vegan diet for a while for your own and everthing else's sake.

I agree! People thought I was nuts to do it and I had to drink TONS OF SALT. I have high blood pressure but when I do KETO and eat all the salt(5-7tsps......YES TEASPOONS!) my blood pressure went to NORMAL! I was a lot calmer, my head and thoughts clearer and had so much darn energy and only was eating around 800-1800 cals a day depending on how far I would walk that day. (Up to 15-20 miles a day😁)

himalayan pink sea salt?

Exactly 👍

Man I crave salt and my blood pressure is normally low or perfect. What's this about downing spoons of salt?

When doing ketosis, you naturally don't eat a lot of processed foods, so your body needs extra salt for electrolytes or you get low blood pressure episodes and could pass out 😳Here's some info about it...... https://ketodietapp.com/Blog/post/2013/04/16/Keto-flu-and-Sufficient-Intake-of-Electrolytes

whole grains are ok for me. Rice is good. Fuckin 37 billion people in Asia eat rice every day have been for 70 0000 years.
Too much fruit has a lot of sugar. You don't need all that. You need green veggies. Raw vegetables are healthy. What's wrong with nuts? Local cheese. Zero sugar water. Just plain water, and tons of it. Fish is good, (local fresh water?)
It's tough. My weakness is processed sugar. That shit is in everything.
Keep it simple. No white breads. No soda pop. No Candy. No chips. No deep fried anything. Local and in season produce of any kind!
Kimchi. Seriously amazing. Rice and Kimchi.

I changed my diet awhile back because I also had stomach issues. I learned that even a small amount of processed food (mainly chips and other snacks) were the main culprits for my problems, especially when I ate them before going to bed. Now I don't eat them anymore, I take a few fiber pills every day, and I mostly eat rice and potatoes for carbs along with plenty of fruit, veggies, and meat once a day at most. I feel so much better!

How to burn a hole in your pocket while increasing your carbon footprint: follow a Ketogenic, Atkins, Fruitarian, Raw-Food or Low-Carb diet plan.


Try to consume only LOCALLY-SOURCED food products. BEETS, TURNIPS, RADISHES, and all types of BEANS, PEAS, PEANUTS and other LEGUMES are the most environmentally friendly foods to grow & eat. When you eat LOCALLY-SOURCED LEGUMES & ROOTS you are doing God's work.

Flour, rice and corn are inexpensive only because of subsidies, mega-farms, industrialization and gasoline.

Beautifully put. Going to check this site out and hit my local farm.

Best thing you can probably do, since lies are everywhere, is determine what humans appear to be biologically built to eat, and, imo, that appears to be plant produce; especially sweet & fatty fruits, with nuts/legumes/seeds coming in at a close second.

I made a post about this topic the other day based on a video I saw... https://youtu.be/zpIN-8Q9Ahw

This graph shows the nutrient depletion of foods over time... it's real bad news... http://i.magaimg.net/img/sr3.jpg

Eat extra virgin olive oil from middle East as much as possible for your fats

Eat More nuts and raw veggies

Try out a ketogenic diet.

Dude there is literally protein in everything. Lots of veggies have high amounts of protein. Like, iceberg lettuce is 17% protein or some surprising shit.

You don't have to eat meat or nuts. Eat legumes. And take a look at hemp hearts - 1/3 protein and 1/3 good fat.

Where do I buy hemp hearts? I tried finding hemp milk but can't at least in my closest mega food stores.

I buy these: https://manitobaharvest.com/products/

They are available in some food stores here but you can also get them online

Okay, when someone claims a specific diet is the "ideal human diet" please consider that there is NOT an "ideal" diet for people. Humans are omnivores, and we're still trying to work out is best for us dietary-wise. We know that we need specific macro- and micro-nutrients, but diet is much more than that.

An 80/20 diet may not good for some, but may work for others.

Learn what works for you. And always eat whole foods.

Avoid Gmo corn and soy containing products. Stay away from toxic additives like Sodium chloride flouride bromide ect. Exercise. Water filter.

I think the food corps got people hooked on sugar, then came GMO's. What better way to push money to pharms; foods grown have less nutrients (the soil has been depleted), food not healthy means unhealthy body.

Avoid fad diets. GMOs aren't bad by themselves. A genetically modified banana is good for you, but no matter how many organic superfood labels you put on deep fried chocolate covered bacon, it's not going to do you any good.

My advice is to cook your own food, mostly, so you know what's in it, and to avoid frozen food or pre-made stuff that come in an aluminum bag. Go simple. Eggs and vegetables, rice and chicken, that kind of stuff.

The food industry can sell whatever it wants to, and you can buy healthy food regardless.

Good info. I think coffee has water in it ;-)

If you drink like a big bottle of coke every day or something, that alone can explain why you feel bad.

My guilty pleasure is junk food like corn chips. If I eat more than a serving I wake up on the toilet. Not diarrhea just loose poo. I don't touch sugary drinks. Drink my coffee black. But when I splurge on junk it's hell to pay in the morning.

1) get more fiber 2)take a multivitamin of some sort if you are going meat-free. there are things you cannot get adequate quantities of from fruit/veggies alone. 3) no you cannot synthesize protein from nothing. Eat brocolli if you need protein. stacked with nutrients. 4)just fruit and veggies will make you shit your fucking pants for a week or two when you switch FYI. 5)stop eating processed food 6)eat probiotic yogurt or take probiotic pills

an important thing to keep in mind is that you very much need to feed both yourself AND your gut microflora (the bacteria in your poop). While you can breakdown and assimilate the majority of the macromolecules and nutrients required for life, most bacteria cannot do this, and must work in conjuction with yourself and eachother to meet their metabolic requirements. The best way to help them do this is to maintain a balanced diet, with emphasis on low carbohydrates but an adequate amount of fiber.

If nothing has been working for a while, I highly suggest you go see a doctor of some sort. You may have an inflammatory bowel disease of some sort, a chronic infection, or an undiagnosed allergy/sensitivity.

best of luck.

As a simplified rule for everyone: don't eat anything that your grand-grandmother would not have eaten when she was young (this will eliminate processed foods, GMOs, food additives etc). A diet consisting of 80% fruit is just going to wreck your pancreas, among other things. No, the human body cannot synthesize protein. Waking up with diarrhea ? Go see a doctor ! Feeling fine when fasting but feeling crappy when eating ? Red flag: food intolerance. Again: go see a doctor ! You will undergo breath tests for lactose / fructose intolerance and then be put on an elimination diet to see if there is anything that does not agree with you and if yes: what it is exactly that makes you feel unwell. Don't think of food intolerance as a classic food allergy. There are more possible issues than that. Disclaimer: this is not medical advice.

My rule is pretty simple: if it doesn't come from the earth, I don't put it in my body.

As for meat, you want to only eat organic meats that are free from antibiotics, hormone, and ideally don't eat GMOs (which isn't easy).

The body needs amino acids and there are plenty of food pairs that are considered perfect proteins such as beans and rice (although I don't really recommend legumes if you have digestive issues).

If you're waking up with diarrhea every morning you are likely suffering from some form of dysbiosis. Your gut flora is messed up, which can be the result of intestinal lining issues from eating too many GMOs, too much sugar, and infections such as candida and parasites. An easy way to kill all of the above and reset your gut flora is to consume iodine, garlic, and biofilm disrupters such as haritaki powder (a potent digestive bitter). You also might need to rebuild your intestinal lining by consuming organic bone broths - look into the GAPS diet or specific carb diet for recipes.

I don't eat sugars much anymore, not even from fruit. Occasionally I'll have some berries. But fruit really isn't even necessary for a healthy diet, and contains a lot of sugar. Veggies should actually consist of the majority of your diet.

You can also research r/paleo and r/keto for more info on different diets.

I power my body of fats and proteins and limit carbs and sugars considerably with a lot of veggies, salads, sprouts, nuts, and seeds.

Basically OP is saying Vegan is the way to go when Vegan isn't healthy in the slightest. Learn proper nutrition and this wouldn't be a problem. Ofcourse there's lots of processed food. But to claim meat is unhealthy is just stupid. There's pretty scary studies on how going without some meat has drastic negative effects on the human brain. Its not hard to get good quality white meat. Just stay away from the bagged shit in grocery stores and most red meats.

paleo and intermittent fasting

Beans beans and more beans for protein!

This is just one conspiracy I can't get on board with. Meat and processed foods are over pushed but I really don't think our food supply is poisoned. At least not to the degree you are claiming.

Yes I am paranoid but I think its possible they put Alien trash and poo in our food... Likely they put other bad stuff too.

A seed has no nutrition, it's just a blueprint for how it should grow, and it only has nutrition until after it's mixed with water and sunlight, and that's it. They say we are what we eat, so does that mean we're just water and sunlight? Maybe this belongs in /r/trees but damn, everything is water and sunlight. Except aspertaine and shit like that, but ideally our systems are water and converted sunlight. Eat a steak, that cow ate grass, grass is sunlight.

they add chemicals that increase the estrogen-on top of the hops.

Also the GMO wheat they use produces more estrogen.

That one looks good. Adding it to my to-read list.

Also not true. You seem to be ignoring the vital role that phytonutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals have on overall health and metabolism. /r/juicing

Health is an individual process everyone is different. There is no one sized fits all approach. If it makes you feel healthy you do it. A one sized fits all approach never works. Clearly juicing does not work for you. That's ok. It works for me sometimes I use it medicinally. Maybe you take blood pressure meds, I take natural meds and I am healthy. Your concept of health might be to take a doctors orders? Mine is to find my own healing and I am healthier than ever and I take no prescription medicines.

Goody! More chemicals and plastics in contact with our foods! Aluminum will still contaminate the beer, even if it never physically comes in to contact with it.

Similar to how proximity to lead poisons us, even if we don't ever directly touch it.

I never tried juicing. In my nutrition research I have always read it is not the best option.

I am healthy and exercise a lot and don't really ascribe to fad diets or trends. Anything started and promoted by Hollywood celebrities like Madonna and Angelina Jolie and Ashton Kutcher I am very skeptical of.

Not really. There is a different between selective breeding over thousands of years and modifying an organism's DNA in a lab and artificially cross breeding and gene splicing it with other species.

When is that ever the case in biology...?

Shit I'll spark up the BBQ tonight!

Did you just compare the Apple Watch to GMO technique that has been around for 30+ years....lol?

I just discovered much of this through this site inspiring me to research. It's been so much fun! I will try mustard next!

Selectively breeding broccoli for it's florets or kale for it's leaves is far different than what Monsanto does to it's corn and soy. The differences are incomparable.

not by monsanto

Where do I buy hemp hearts? I tried finding hemp milk but can't at least in my closest mega food stores.

I dunno. Either get money or don't. You can grow your own organic veg and it's pretty cheap. It's even cheap to get chickens so you have a constant supply of fresh organic eggs.

When I didn't have money, I wasn't eating healthy. That's why I worked hard to get money. Now that I have money, I eat whatever I want.

You can eat organically for cheap by growing your own food. It just requires work and effort on your part.

Your offspring might be brain damaged. Who knows? Do what feels good to you

Sorry but you're wrong. That's not what a GMO is. The governments definition? You're going to have to cite that. A GMO is any organism that has had its DNA modified using genetic engineering. Has nothing to do with round up and by saying that, yes you are perpetuating ignorance. The technical legal term is any living modified organism, again having nothing to do with round up. Here's some further reading.




Even the non GMO project disagreed with your definition of what constitutes a GMO.

I'm not saying that we should be eating Monsanto products that are genetically modified to include carcinogenic pesticides, I'm just saying there are a multitude of uses for genetically engineered organisms and they aren't all bad.

Check out this pdf on some potential uses of genetic modification.


So basically they found a dozen skeletons and concluded these were the builders of the pyramids, based on signs of wear on the bones?

Weren't there supposed to be around 10,000 workers per pyramid according to the article?

Also, when I use the word "slave", I don't necessarily mean it in the Hollywood sense. I consider myself and most people these days slaves too, although that's not something that is true by official language.

Unless they found a bit more than those skeletons (they also write in the first linked article that they had poor health btw) I think that archeological opinion contains a lot of conjecture too.

Yeah you can eat on a full vegetable diet.. if you never do anything physical good luck hitting 3k calories with that.

So is a fucking child from it's parents. Parents look for attractive spouses.

Genetic Mutation.

Way fucking different than franken-splicing genes that haven't had a chance to properly get into homeostasis with their environment and fit harmonically in the food chain - which only happens through natural selection.

And attempting to contradict psychology because you're convinced already.

yes i get it ... but not all chemicals are poisons so what is your point